Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 07, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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    iSVAJ UL 11 IL II I lOfl ' Ml fOr HBB
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VOL. v
may rotnln
Its youthful color,
fullness, and beauty,
dress It dally
Ayer's Hair Vigor
It cleanses the
scalp, cures humors,
and stimulates a
new growth
of hair
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
ITELlj DIGGING Kit Davidson in
If prep red to do wall dinging Is
HJSit o!ss style, promptly, and will g uar
rtrrtoa bis work.
. vuuaiauMK 01 iu acres or .ess r,f land
ou mile north of Albany. Land well im
proYOd. For partionlam Inxuire of
W II Waknek
That Your
Julius GradwoU's Bazaar
7he very latest Jnews is that you can buy at JULIUS
m ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound
lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25
Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00
5 Gallons Good firm 1.10
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90
1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40
I wlii conduct a strict cash (tore, and all goods will be sold for net cash frim 10
s0.?per Tnt less than regular price. My stock of Chinaware, fanoy (cootfe, niC
iiru desirable syles of dishes, as well as a eaueral assorttnnnt of srrooeries. Krcirj.
erylainpsnd fixtures isicomplete. 1
MAmg powder, and always please my customers,
Agent for several responsible insurance
for Infants
:ns iria la bo well adapted to children that
oonuncnd ItM superior to any prescription
own to me," II. A. Archer, M. D.,
IU So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
'"'i" use of 'Castoria' Is so universal nnd
M m.-rits so well known that ft seems a work
jf Rupererop-;lion toendorse it. Few arothe
-ilellipeot Artmilies who tio not keep Castoria
vithir ia.y reuch."
Cahlos Marttn. T.1)..
.New York City.
ln.'r Ta&tor XJ.jointp"la'o Kefn rmed Church.
Tna Cfntauii
J. JOSEPH, Proprietor,
Only White Labor Employed,
The circulation of Titc
Eleven Serial Stories. C6.5C0 Trlzo Ctorlca,
Over too lUrce Pajea, tZO Ctorics cf AivcntcK.
rcarly 1,000 mnstraaona. Konlily Uarilo liLxfcas.
The Ecst Sicrt Stories. CharmL:- Cldlircs'a Taje.
8 w,. 8
Tlio S. B. Headache and Liver Cure
ItK .V
I taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis
faction or refund your money,
50 cents per bottle, by
Druggists and Bookseller s
Apeiitsfor John B, A Id en 'a publication,
wmon we sen a puuastter'i pnoM wi.j
make a specialty of ttue taAi, ooQsss iuTt
Julias firadtrohl.
and Children.
Ctuitortk enres Colic, ConsHpatlon,
6our btouiach, Tiarrhrpa. Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes Ci.
pest Ion,
Without injurious medication.
" For several years I have recommended
your Castoria, ' aud shall always continue tr
do so as it has invariably produced benefleia
EnwiN F. PinDBS. M. D.,
Tho Winthrop,, 16th Street and 7th Ave.,
New York Citj
Company, 77 Murhat Strebt, Nkw York,
Comet Lvery Wtdt finely Iiiu$traicd Only fl.TJ a l'ear.J
Companion Is K0.00O copies weekly. Send for
Features f:r 1S93.
Yo Xcw hubjttribf io who will cut cut cm! t-cii t'-t
this rlip with narao. address nuJ 61. 5 vro
send The Comiiuiilnn Free to Jim, 1, G3 nn-l f.r
a full yeir from liiat date, ir.clmUnn ihn Poublo
Holiday Numbers li C'uristmcs cij New Year.
ccr.t on rcsc'pt of
t. or riz in any
"I regard the Royal
best manufactured and in
Do Not Re Wtcclvedi
Psreons with weak luns t!ino wio
constantly catching cold sbcuM wran
AUcock'a Porous Plaetir over tho thit and
another between the fhoultter hUd s during
oold weather. Remember ihy Always
strengthen and rrvr Wfalien the art to
which they are Applied. Do nit he deceived
by Imagining any il -T plaster like them
they ar" not :ny ioou it, hut too- s deceive.
Insist always On hmiug AUcock's, the ocly
reliable pUbtM ever produced.
r Fo your pchot.l khoea e;o to Klpin Bros -is
thty repair them free of oare if they rip,
run oyer orthe F-oles come loose.
The usfeiMt'(Mil('theroft$ V"i'r
tvltfycr s.
IPs an insult
to your intelligonoe, but some un
scrupulous dealers try it. For in
stance : you're suffering from some
Skin, Scalp or Scrofulous affection,
or are feeling " run - down " and
"used-up." There's a torpid liver,
impure blood, and all that may come
from it. You've decided, wisely,
that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery is the medicino to help
you. You know that it's guaran
teed to do so, as no other blood
purifier is.
If it doesn't benefit or cure, you
get your money back.
But what is best for you to tako
isn't always best for tho dealer
to sell. Ho offers something elso
that's " just as good." Is it likely ?
If tbo makers of a medicine can't
trust it, can you ?
One of two things has to happen.
You'ro cured of Catarrh, or you'ro
paid $500 cash. That's what is
promised by the proprietors of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh liemody. By its
mild, soothing, cleansing, and heal
ing properties, it cures the worst
Spcciuiun Coilca nn J I
TM9 YvtVj Cifr
arret of f J t-:-''i
one to rjatii U -j-'::
7ull ADnouncemcjit r.Cv:. j
Baking Powder as the
the market."
of "Common Sense in (he Household,"
Talker tints, grocers,
P. M. Frenoh keeps railroad timb.
Buy your arooeritis of Parker Bros
Fiae groceries at Conn & lleDdricsou's.
Latest sheet muRic at Will & Link's,
i.'dw oreatn cheese just received at Conrad
P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Rlnclt, does
lirst claes work.
Smoke the celebrated HavHna filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Or M II Rllh, nhysioian anJ surgoon
Albany, Orajii. .011 -nil It city or
With h!i n lVory o .in! M iy
ble to nffd', .1 1 an I mw a nvunira ir
thing tirntclaas in baked gnndj.
Permanent Branch Laundry. A
brand) office of the Sale, Steam laun
dry lias been established in Albany. All
work will be collected and the laundried
articles delivered at Salem prices. No
other expense All work guaranteed.
Orders may be left with Osborn Davy,
p?rmanent agent and solicitor for Albany
A hrgo stock of pruning shears nd prun
ng h-os the best made, (Just received at
Stewart & Sox's. Now is the time to use
Ueinemher that F L Dtimont does guar
antee fit, and sews possible coming rips in
clothing bought of his store. Overaoats sold
at 10 per lent discount
Call and new fall dress goods at W
F Read's.
The hnest line of pocket knives in tae
city at Stewart & Sox's
Abhhv fc Care, .1, SDJ Wash
nap on Street, FV tland, Or.
Then flaiiy vas Elol, m t tier Castons.
v'hrn '.'! was ft C'nil-I.eiit cried for Caslorl
Vhwi -li- (i.'cn iic Jlisn. "I""!? to I'SKtorls
.: a. Ci,'.! llw.-J-' i; lvm '.'astoru.
Stew. & S x s;ll t.14 very boi'. '.t4
he-ri " 1 1 6cis-iorB.
M Jitllui Gratlwohl i:ifrm? t .e peroral
public that he Ins rc2t ived advices from San
Fra ' i co ttiitt suar I. as declined hlf a cent
iif-T -u i'l nail grados and ceffee has ad
vanced. Nnwisthe tm huy suar.
3rgiius at Read's.
Farmrrs S Jf. Steolo &. Co.are now pre
pared to m.ire 'nans frrm 1 to 5 years in
amountt. from 200 to $10,000. Call on, or
w.ite lhm i-t Albany, Ore.J
We art e"in to fm, ftC prices down to
cash and sll f r ca-' only, Allen Bros
K e 11 !iros e-.-li no si oldy stuff, but solj
1 oots ai.d rh'ie-mnle t f 1 oat her.
Improper and d.-t'cintJoare of the tclp
mil i'duw i.rj.ynei of the hairj.ind baldness,
F'ocat e both by the uie of thnt reliable
ipecilic Ildll'd liatr Hent wr.
Thero Ifl more Catanh In this section of the
country than ail oiii'-r J:.vaes put tp''ther,
and until Hie last f iiv yettrH .uh Kiii0!st'il to tn
incurable, I-'or a t,'rt t many yrtvn itic(r pro
nounced it a iocul din-iiKc. ar.d prf-R'.-ribfd local
rcmediuM, and by rnn .(mi! 1 y fa it 11 to ctre w ii h
local treatment , pnnm;ir.': d it Iih -j . alile. Sci
ence has proven cat an ii t be a c riml h-ii!
diseaflo, and, thert1"r. x - s r-in-' ! ; '. onal
treatment. Hull's f'i.ia-'li ::'. sn -t t it : d
by K. J. Chw-yftC't, ,';'.)-, ..( :), i-: n" .i;!y
constitutional rme rMi j!-" r ,.( t if trki-u
internally in dost from )' .1:' . n n-
fill. It acts ilinvf'.v on t:.- ; 1 un-i rctifoiis
surfaces of the sy-trn-, : : '- io lmndn-d
dollars for nny it f -t' v n-.. 8t-iid for
Circulars and K T) !' -. ,'
V. j. . !-.. k v ;...., Toledo, O.
j-Bold by brufis'EJ.
Darkness anil Dayllfthi. or luhu and
aliadawa of New York!
Ail entirely new, important and origi
nal pictorial wi,rk. A woman's narra
tive of niiEaion workiu tough places, Willi
thrilling personal experiences among the
poor, the homeloBS, the vicious, and the
depraved in the great under world of
New York. Including an account of
ChrisVinn and rescue work in regions of
poverty and vice; an all night mission
ary's experience in (Jospel work in the
rtlums; a journalist's account of little
known phases of metropolitan life; and
a detective's experiences and observa
tions among the dangerous and criminal
classes; with hundreds of thrilling anec
dotes, incidents and talee of tender pathos
portraying life and scenes in darkest Isew
York by jay and by night. Written by
Mrs Helen Campbell, author and phil
anthropist, Col Thomas W Knox, author
and iolirmilist, Inspector Tlionms Hyrnes,
chief of the N Y detective force, Rev Ly
man Abbott, I) 11, editor of the Christian
Union and Hev Ileecher's successor ns
pastor of Plymoth church. Superbly
illustrated with 50 engravings from
photographs taken from life expressly
for this work mostly by flashlight, and
reproduced in exact fac -Binile by eminent
We do not know when 740 pages have
given us more genuine pleasure. If we
speak warmly of the book, it is because
it richly deserves it. It is sold only by
agents, and is meeting with an enormous
Bale. Agents who introduce such a
work ought to be cordially welcomed. A
better work has certainly never come to
our table. It will be read over and over
again by old and young, with ever in
creasing pleasure and lasting profit.
The work is published by the o'd and
well known firm of A D Worthington &
Uo., Hartford. Oonn.. whose imprint is
sufficient guarantee of the excellence of
una nrst-class volume. Koyal uetavo,
740 pages. 252 line plates, portraits, and
text illustrations.
A Big Opportunitv. R G Watson Si
Co, have a jar tilled with beans and will
give to the p' rson guessing1 nearest o the
number it c ntains, an elegant gold wa'.ch
and chair. The watch has an Eluin
movement with a 14 carat Hunting case
warranted to wear 2o yeais, lis value
witii chain is 35. une guess with each
50 cents wont) t merchandise.
Reotened W R Graham has reopened
his tailoi shop, and has on hand a fine line
of suitings, ready to be made up for those
wishing first-class work done. Thanking the
public for a liberal patronige in the past,
he solicits a continuance of their patronage and
promises good work and prompt attention to
;.e needs if his patrons.
Art Souvenirs - Within the list few yens
there l.avebtpn published some very fine al
bums which have found their way into many
hornet.. Among the first that were publish
ed was 'Shepp's photographs of the world,"
a work of some re-1 merit whose greatest
faults are that ita pictures are small, and
produced by an inferior process, and the de
scriptions are compile'! by unknown men
who have fallen into many errors In trying
to describe scenes which they themselves
have never been priviledged to behold. But
it is nevertheless very attractive, and would
find a ready f-ale, If it were not for the ad
vent of a far superior work "Glimpses of the
World" by the world-renowned lecturer
John I S'oddard.
Yu wm i ihe best traceries to be
secured in the city; thvn call 011 Parker
You want fresh produce just from the
gardeners, then call on Parker Bros.
Pei hap
Yon want the be,l baked goods In the
city, breads cakes, cookies, pies e'c.lhen
can on i'ui ker lirs and you iil gut. the
goods and first class Irea'mot.t.
I.amfs I'imf Shoe. I hhvr a full line
of ladi"S Im o drepa shoes all lid 1 nd .he
l.tot net Ities in style, at re on:l.le
tyrices, Samue j, E YurNo
The Fori ard Collection Ar.ei c y hut com
tnrced e r;d uits t coll ct or counts f(.r
G . Black niHti. Par.ics rwii.y him ihould
tettlo Hit ir accounts j rrl fave oi t.
and t hois.-. d niM er g-odi go to Klein Bros
Aibait), fd tet their pucex Thi y will
aud can u you 'nnncy on nurv imr. It
in a pifiiRH 1,(1 1 lie Hi lOfnow C"o(
Put up
Conttd, Ono Sk
WOek m o
They Ii.
1 m'nt wntch-shnpr-d hot tloft.niifrar
all U1I0 lkiiuis. UbQ, pi-r tolle.
II Hilo Bcnri evry niirht fora
e Torpid Livers. a.xr, Kr tKfttlc,
- t
roaao appetite, puiiiy tho whola
1 acton tlio liver, lille UaxiiaSmalU
fi to euro Bilious Attacks and
11, Small liilo lleans.
To aid t Hffcstlon t nkf one Small Mlc Bean
after t-tit a5u. er Ixntle.
1'rovent und euro Constipation uud Sick
Headache, Small Ililu Beans.
Ctiro lor olds, Fevers andflonrrHl De
bility, Small Ihlo Bcuiib. 26c. per bottjo.
1 Miay
TIr- on;
Jsed i i
r f " '
Iublle IliillillngH
Washington, ) fit-
mates iirotnired by tho treasury department
and Bent to congress today include appro- .
print ions for public buildings as follows:
rort'niul, Or, to complete $250,600
St Paul. Minn, to coutinuo 700,000
Sioux Falls, S U, to complete y50,00U
l'ort lownseud, Wash, marine hos
pital, new paviUkm 300,000
San Francisco, marine hospital im
provements ZZtJJJ
Tort Townsend quarantine station,
to complete 40,500
San Diego quarantine station, to
complete 23,000
milii'l Excite Thciui
Wahiunoton, Dec 6. In tho senate, so
soon as the secrotary finished reading- tho
journal, a messenger handed him the prcs-
tlent a message, which he proceeded to read
Tho commercial and business statistics
given in tho tirst part of the message and .
the sarcastic paragraphs as to tho supposed
effect of a tiiritf for revenue seemed to
meet irenerul nnnroval 011 th remib ican
side of the chaniuer. They attracted but
nine a iien won on me otner suie. miring
the leading the democratic senators for the
most part were chattim? listlessly with each
other or attending to their correspondence.
Cheep Itutca
San Fiiancisco, Dec 6. T II (loodinan,
general passenger agent of the Southern
Wei tic Company, who has just returned
from a conference of passenger officials at
Chicago, says tnat while nothitg definite
was decided upon at tho conference about
the fare to the Chicago world's fair, it was
certain that tho round trip from here
would be 70, which is the present Binglo
A Prlut (shop llurneilt
rnixAOEMMUA, Dec 6. The Public
Ledger building was almost gutted by firo
this evening. The damage was confined
almost entirely to tho composing room,
but a torrent of water flooded every floor in
thestructuro. The loss can only be ap
proximated, but will probably be between
tf'250,000 and $300,000; tho insurance is
100,000. The cause of the fire is unknown.
A recullarCompruiiiUe
Waixa ", Wash, Dec 6. The
conteHt case which J J Huffman proposed
to enter today to oust W 13 Hawley from
the auditorsbip was nob entered. This
morning Huffman and Hawley met and
agreed upon a compromise. The terms of
tne agreement are that itawiey snail nom
the office for the first year and employ Huff
man as first deputy. At tueend of the first
year Hawley is to resiirn in favor of Mr
Huffman and will bo employed by the latter
as first deputy.
Ilosccrnns III
Washington, Dec 6. At il o'clock
tonight there was no mnterial change in
in General Hosecrans' condition. Ho is
very weak, but is able to partake of his
usual amount of nourishment.
Arrived. Mrs Roscoe, medium and
clairvoyant, will give a public tent meet
ing ami messages, given irorn tne spirit
tide of life. Also Blate writing messages
f;iven at WCTU Hall Saturday evening.
-)oors open at 7 p m Admission, 25
cents. Mrs Koscoe nleo gives private
sittings daily in an kinds of bustneee.
Mining and real estate a specialty.
Private sittings ladies, $1.00; gentlo
men, $'2.00.
Also circles every evening nt No. 100
First street, corner Baker st. Admission,
25 cent b.
want good groceries
Ihan am thing else. It means a good
deal for ihe harmony (jf Ihe household.
Hatters y i Hlont more smoothly. Deal
with I'rmti it Mcndricson and you will ant
(he best gnu eries at the lowest prices,
Their produce Is always fresh, and they
keep the? latent in every thhv. You are
not in il if you do not buy )Our caling
fcroJs of Conn ft (Iendr-lcson.
McKKY To I tiave money in
Kume cf fr;00 to $20,000 to loan on im
frovd furm lands in Linn and Bentco
"nn.itics. f.t lowest current ratei.
delay in fuinibhing the money.
C (f Bl' HK1IART
Real estate 8j;et)t, Alhany, Oregon.
Alhnny M rk et.
hi--' f9c
Outs 3ft
Flour, tU 00.
Piitler. J?f'o.
Kyus 30e.
I.hkI, YIMv..
I'ork hain" 16- nhouhlora, 8c," ,r.
1 2c.
Hay, baled, fib.
uo nines Jifto.
Appln, 5f!o.
llit)H I7e.
I Tied f 11 It -pltirriM. 9n, 9e.
Chfckt ns. f 1 H) pur
Heof ' 11 foo(, '2e.
Hngs lrfed. 7o.
0 (F&
1 -1