mm -si- ALBANY, OltEGOK- SATURDAY- DECEMBER :i. 1892 NO LS4 -l . II K BT J j Viv , J 1 at Your Hair may retain t3 youthful color, fuiinoss, find beauty, jfrcss It daily vvith . ... ... tojefs Hair Vigor ;oalpi curc3 humora, e.nd stimulates a $ If hair J. O. Ayer & Co. ...-veil, IVJass. I t.i, DIUGINQ Ed Davidson Id lureo' red to do weil diiruini; in i'.na tlylH, promptly, anil will guar (his work. ulius GradwoliF THe very latest "news is ADWOHIj'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 5 Gallons Good Pickles, market firm 1.10 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap -.00 1 Gallon Mo. 1 Syrup 40 I win cocduot a strict cash store, and all K per -nit less than reuuiar pr .e. My lift ueeirauie syies m tusuei, w i ns a lamps n;l natures iswoinproie. : n p!pii or lluKr, cillaos ai.l ni, powder, and always plao my'onstomers, Agent for esveral rosponslblo in.iiranna v; i ... , W" fcr Infants iJ:f T"S : " r',!x "r 30 W;TJ o-rl"l t cbUuVi i hat 1 y''1 -- 'Mi ' I'StiT.jierior to any prostviplifin fto :o o.- Ii a. A:;c:'i:i-. M. Tj., f! ' I 1il Lo c-,Ji St., UrookJu, N V. tK (if T.ast.trirt Ma roi:r.!v. r-.l rt'.'i s;'o vvll hr.uwu (lj.Lt it ttwim n w. rk .rof'uloTi toi-fc!irrtj it- l-'.v an-e'm it ,n:i;iii-3vhoiio not keep O;atorii i.' rei-ch " Carlos Ma wtvs. T. "- . ;;v.v v.-,.-i; ciiv. ir ti-tft To j MEM T WHY AREoYOIT u tr . ,re , ''.njTX .twiii 'fir'j' .-fcj? mr rr t mPmiiTW- &mJMl- ft re have a relief and cure H In your ienorance of effects ,nd vitality which is :i'stem the elements thus 'strength and vigor will foU rjre or money refunded. & Dr. Sanden's Electric S after all other treatments 5 testify, and from many of XfcK$ (til) Is a complete Katale battery, made Into a so a, t be ealy won: or ; Vhich are instantlv felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit OOO. I. greatest boon ever Kivcn v.-eak men, and we nrnni it to cure any oi atKe eaSn. . , ; -;d ' , j ;., , Honey Refunded. They r.rc ;:-adcd in strenS:h to. -all ta;s of wcaKucsc m :o...,?, n.i-uK.i.-a c.a .ncn, iv" -st cases i:i f.vo or tl.rcj r.o.-.ths. Addrcas . i.,. . -...-r,.-, vi SA!V3DS3 ELCOTRIO CO., 172 Firs? St., JUDGE NELSON'S 1 81 ON. Spsjklngo pi'.ant mdiln,)s.lha Jtidgo savs: "I wish lodeil fairly and honora bly with all, ati I when I flil in nrticl. that will do what It I recommended to do, I am not ashamed to say so. Ian acquainted with Hr Vanderpool, (having been treated b him f ireanc!r)and have used hit btool mdielim, known as Ilia S HI lend die mid Uvur Cnre.aud while I am seventy flvo years sld, and hive ii od many pills and other rsmediss foi the blood, tlvor and kidneys, I must ay that for n kidney tonio In Hrlght's disease, and as an a'tor.v.lvo lor the, or to corrucl tha aoLlon of the slomkch and bowels It is u vo v superior remedy, and bjats miylhhiz i ever tried. J B NKl.SOM. Yakims, Wash. At 51 dints a bottle. It Is tin poor man's friend ard fa nlly doctor, that you can buy at JULIUS gomls will ba sold for net cash from lo stock of (Jninaware, fancy goods, aui general e'i4.friunE or grocerios, croAfc. a.rnpan'e.. Ju!2u GrauWT.ihl. . X CA;.viv s Bazaar P'itirh"n::iacii, " 'i.irrlio'a. Krifta' (in, jli'-.s civcj bitx-p, and promotes d Without iujurious mcdluatioQ. CPS " Tor si'i ral vftira I hnvo pocomTnT.i!rfI ' Oastoria, ' and -tirill ahvaj's contiuiirt W as Ithas Invariably produced b?acllc.9 KnviN F. Tardus, M. D., VTintbrop." 1 .'5rh Street and Tih Ato., New Vork Cil : ; r.'..vuii Comvaity, 77 Mr:ts. r Strjeet, Kbit York- the effects of abuses, excesses, In our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skepti or by cxcsr exposureyou may have unduly drained your svstem of nerve force lEJrfdSrnd thus caused your weakness or lack of force, if you replace into your drained wWch are rcquired W vigorous strength, you ill remove the cause, and health, 2 at oTc .od in a natural wayf Thi, is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Sczd for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free; sent by road, sealed. Belt Is no experiment, aj we have restored thousands to rooust nea.ui a..u . , failed, c? ! I'ArJitt v;hom we have sti c Ofig ICltCrS UCariUg njaumwi- ...v.. . a DR. SKNDEN ROYAL BAKING TOWDER imparts that pecul iar lightness, sweetness, aid flavor noticed in the finest food, and which expert pastry cooks declare is not obtainable by the use of any other raising agent. Absollutel' A Absoliatel Royal Baking Fowilcr is shown a pure cream-of-tariar powtlcr, the highest of all i:i leavening strenfrth. U. S. Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powder i.i superior in purity, strength, and vholcsomcncss to any other jiowder which I have examined. Xcw York Stale Analyst, !o .ut lie UrrelTril: rsraoas Miihwruk luegt tiiceo who are constant'y oitchiiii; eeid ahtulil wear an Aiicock's Porous Piahtir cv,-r the chest and an.itlier between the fditmlacr bladt s during cold woathur. lleniniber thy alwaya strengthen nd never wpakfn liie part to which tl.ey are applied. IX n t he decrivd by Imagining cny other plaster like them they ae not may look it.hut Inol deceive. Inaiit alirays oa ti&xini; APcock'6, th only reliable platUl ever produced. Ths be&t rcfiH'Jiollee'iuJtlie oity at IJ , a! :ynr a. CCF , RIGHT 1691 There's a wide difference between the help that's talked of and tho help that s guaranteed. Which do yon want, when you're buying medicine? If you're satisfied with words, you fet them with every blood-purifier ut one. That one is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. With that, you cot a guarantee. If it doesn't help you, you havt; your money back. On this plan, a medi cine that promises help is pretty! nuru IU glVU lb. But it's because tho medicine is different, that it's sold differently. It's not like the sarsapnrillas, which are said to bo good for tho blood in March, April, and May. At all seasons and in all cases, it cures permanently, as nothing clso can, all tho diseases arising from a tor pid liver or from impure blood It's the test blood - purifier, it's tho cheapest, no matter how many doses are offered for a dollar. With this, you pay only for the 0ooc7 you get. Can you ask more? WEiLISL? who are debilitated. and suffering fNerwdus DebiLTty! Semfnalweak (ness:L6ss'esDrain5.Impotency or. silBMAiwodSRHiiUi Lame worry and exposure. For such suiferesj ELECTRIC BELT a-u H - -- t-, ,.7.,.,. .h-n,..--, V.m!. or oaf:r rt -ias. 6CK HEBE Paikor Bros, grocers. P. M. French ktwpa railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Fiae groceries at Conn & Hrndricson'b. latest sheet musio at Will & Link's. New cream cheese just received at Conrad Mayors. P J Smiley job printer, FHnn Block, does ft rat class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent olRar at Julius Joseph's. Dr M H EUii, nhysictan and surgeon Albany, Oren. Cll maU in oity or conn try. With his n t.akury Om'. MiV sbleto o!ferild ao'l oaw custom ri t thing firntc'fcfis io bikeil go-id j. A large b took 'of pruning shears nd prut tiff hsokn,the best madn. jiut received at Stewart & Sox's. Now is the time to use hem m i Remember that F L Do mint does cuar tntw fit, and sews possible coming rips in clothing bouchr. of his store. Overcoats sold at 10 per ut discount and e new fall dress goods at W F Head's. Twenty Per Cent Discount.- For two weeks only on all millinery bought at Ida M Brushs'. The finest Hue of pock tug knives in tbs oity at Ms wart & Sox's, Bbavtipvl HoMEfl, Beautify you home and make It attractive with Hybrid Perpetuals and other choice roses, old and new varieties of J apanese roses and shrubB. Orders taken for the abovt and all kinds f fruit and rnamental shade trees at J A lly man's, 115 1st St., Albany Or. Permanent Erancii Lavndry. A branch office of tlje Salpjit Btoam laun dry 1ms been established in Albany. All work will be collected and the laundried articleg delivered at Salem prices. N other expense. All work guaranteed. Orders may be left with Osuorn Davy, p?rmanent agent and solicitor for Albany A-hhv Jf ra 1 ''state, 804 Wh Htiirsrt & S x ssl!.hi distra Butl ccisflnrc. Mr Julias Grid wo hi informs t'.e i,'rorl piblic that he has received sdvicen fm Sn Franciico that siifir has decliued half a .er.t (vr pound on all grades and coffee has aj ra'iced. Now is the lim liny mgar. jrgains at KoadV, 'arukrs S. N. Sted Jt Co. are now pis pared to make loans from 1 to 5 years in amounts from $200 to 810,000. Call on, or w.ite them at Albany, Ore. Wo vr-fgnirn: to ;.n. te prions down to essh aed fr cnh only. A Pen Bros, K'oin Kroi s;ll oo shorl'v tuff, l.iit a.l noots and lli .e.mde ,,f ?hen Baby was stcc, wf cave her Cantoris, 'h?n she was a Child, she criM for Castor!. -Vlieii !l,e became Jliss, .lie c-Itmpr to Cantorla, i-i: f.iio lihii r rfiii-jrt nl.e -avittlifin Casl'sls. Improper aa.l dt;PcieLt cire :f the icalp -s-ill ciun er.yness of th rurl baldness. K'rateho'h hv tlie f.f thnt rcliuhle 'pecilie IUIi's il&ir Renewer. Important. To know that the : Long Piano gives perfect satisfaction ' ards in tune lonust, and Is m cndlet Teanie to all s!io imy thein at B K H .si', K:rst si A'hai.y, C- T'. h: 1 Ai ts:k . Itetl ESTATE SALES. Henry A PavlB to Samuel Gibbs, ill acres 14 w 4 $ John 1) Parsons to L A Woodle, SOxlfio ft a inches, Waterloo. . 6(X L C fclater to Ueo G Burkbart. 80 acres 11 w 7 IC00 Eliza Ulevins to A J lilevins. 210 acres 11 w 4 D John lilevins to A J lilevins et nl(. 4H0.4SI acres 12 w 4 1 Isabella Suiford lo F M Sutford, 125.S1 acres 11 and 1U w 4 and 5 500 Ilolit McOulloueh to Mary Cady, 20.32 acres 12 w 1 830 C 11 Hunt to B K Titus. 2 lots. Slielburn 400 1 W Miller to B F Titus, 2 !ot.. Slielburn 05 A I t'arothers to Asliby l'eurce, 2 lots bl 40 H's 2nd A Albanv. a00 II A l'owell to Georgo llayne, 100 acres 13 w 4 4000 $10,721 DDIIK EITIC ITl I'O.WKsTlOX A mass meeting of the democrats of Al bany will he held at the Court House on Saturday evening, December 3rd, 1893, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Marshal and Treasurer, to he voted f.r at lie election on Monday, Dec 5th, iSoa. LM Ci'RL, J P Galbkaitii, : Phil (Joiien. Committee. N nuu nvbmkkt. Having severed my connection whh the Albany nurseries, I tak. this opportunity of tendering my sincere thanks to all former patrons and friends of the above nurseries for their liberal patronage. I am still engaged In the nursery business, having ocalcd just across the river, In Benton county, one half mile west of the Albany high steel bridge on the Rainwater donation claim, where I am growing ns fin. a lot of trees as can be seen In any nursery In the 'Wil lamette Valley. Trees for sale this fall at the nursery, aho at my tree vaid In Al bany. Aw'aiiing your furthti orders, I am x ours truiv, J A Hyman. Prcpileltr of lb. West Side Nurseries. Perham Y.u want the best groceries to be secured in the city ; then call on Parker Urns. Perhaps You want flesh produce just from the gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. I'ei naps You want the best baited goods In the city, breads, cakes, cookies, pies, e'c.,then call on 1'arker lir.s and you will get me goous ano tirst class treatment. Ahhived. Mrs Roscoe, medium and clairvoyant, will give a public tett meet- ns and messages given from tlie spirit side of life. Also slate writing messages given at W C T U Hall Saturday evening. Doors open at 7 p m- Admission, 25 cents. Mrs Koacoe also gives private sittings daily in all kinds of business. Mining and real estate a specialty. rnvate aiUmna ladies, fi.uu: gentle men, $2.00. Also circles everv evening at fo. iuu First street, corner linker et. Admission, 25 cents. Thcro Is more Catarrh i htr set I on of tha country than nil Oil :r u.hcukcs put tpttlu'r, fint until tiit- Ju'.w tew years waa m.iiwsi to bo iiimrabie. I'or r- gjriat ymrs .v-'. . ;iro nonnefcd it a lcr.'f fiim-n;;?. un'i tT:-"-;i'n-(l lot-nl ri'iiRlict. ond by toiitirfi;ivHHiiin;v'a : rw 'Ah Jocil treatment, :t"Owu:'-'il ii. i'jc:irt.:'.e. tK'i eucfi has proven cnlnna to ;. r- r';:r';tt :,ni ai.Hn.iKtj, Rim, i ,-rciore, rvqv .ra co.: . : i r.-i irentmcnt. n.v. c ' .i2.r..: tr.rc, j.iL;...:aciiii u by J.O).V!iry i' . , T'ro. Ohio , 'IicniV I. :- .) '. "" -ii' Jr. ti j ti. :".-. ic-: . iittti-n f:il. It av'.i j!f. r-u i'.:v- !u 1 u:: i ;'.j"uih dollari h't liiiy ;iw it r:'iit'f'J ut-o. t.x-u-X S.-t circular attl ci- nnoii'i :t. "m. 3f'So:l by tor;, -ilv. For t-.nt tt I ihcej go to Klein Hm s th-.y repair tl t in frrn of clisre if I cy 1 1 , ruu er or'thi olia tome lo;:c. I.Ainrs Fike ii-i .I 1,'w-a I 119 of lad its tino drs shoe, fall n lid unl the- lit t iif.voltie in itylc, r 1 lemitl U STOP ?t Wi ! A StaikV if yon V-ir ee tno lh- it lino of silverw -r t v 1 l.rout:ht, to A 'xny. It en:brso;i 11 an. LovtltieS and n sold ut rei-M,all rice 9. Ti e Portland ..Unction Agency hn com- msnren mts to collect otcMin'.-i rr O 1j blackmju. I'arjirii owing hitn shoulti settle their accnv U nd irave cotts. Before bii in ; . .i.r v inter slock f imuti. and shoes and ri ' er pM)d go to K Mo Itrttf, Albanv, and fi their prices. Th y will and can lave y u nionsy on everv ptir I' a a pleasure t' ti em tnehow gnodf. Come and r. that beautiful Kxpo illon n y 1 : t . ! .H rjiiM l. I'k 1 : v r. II" 1 llllg The Jsed TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Ith-hesl Amerlcaa D New York, Tec 2r Jay Gould is dead, llo breathed his last at 9:lo this morning-, surrounded by his children, at his home. There were no signs of pain, and i w conscious until n few moments before be died. A few minutes before he passed away, ho called his children one after tho other to his side and bade them a long farewell. This done, he closed Jus eyes and was dead almost before his beloved realized it was death. Mr (ioutd's wealth will bo found to vary not $10,000,000 from $100. 000,000, about $10,000,000 of which is in Manhattan, Western Union Telegraph and Missouri Pacific stock. Tho holdings of these three stocks hare been trusted aad will not be sold. A Ills Karlbqiiake. San Fuancik o. Dee 2. The earlhqmko caused bv volcanic forces, which was ro ported as having nearly destroyed the town of La I'liion. on the jrulf of l-'onseca, Oc tober IS, was fully confirmed yasterday by advices received by the steamer City or Panama, which stopped at La Union two dtiys after tho shako up. Wonderful to relate, thcra whs no loss of life, although over half the houses in the place wero saken down in the night. The cathedral, with a tower, was knocked into a pile of stonee, and a dozen people had hair breadth es caH?s. Only 10 peoplo wero in anyway injured by falling houses. i Democratic Governor! Cii kvknnr, Wyo, Dec 2. A bombshell was exploded today in the ranks of the re publicans when Governor eloct Joe Osborne went to the ciipitol building1, took the oatU of ollico. and took possession of tho gover nor's oil ice. The oath of ollice was ad ministered by a notary public in the presence of A New, chairman of the democratic state committee, and half a dozen personal friends. Mtfyortue 4'rcw Lon London, Dec 2. A dispatch to Lloyd's from 1 1 iogo, dated today, states that the British steamer lavenna, which ran into mid sunk tho Japanese warship Chishimar ukan, proceeded to Nagasaki, where she will make repairs. It is now reported that CO of the crew of the warship were drowned. 4 Corcrnur lutlirfrd, LoNd Inland, Pec 2. It is ninVmnced that Governor Flower and his sister, Mrs Hch ley, and tho administrators of Union college and the Gapeye estates have been indicted by the grand jury for maintain ing nuisances. The governor and the others own large blocks of property, princi pally swamp land and cesspools. Tlie SrlicDie Itejecfed. r BitrasEijn, pec 2. Tlie scheme for a solution of the silver coinage problem Bub mitted by Rothschild to the international monetary conference and referred to a special committee, was rejected this after noon. V ra, MoKK want good groceries than anything else. It means a good deal for tht harmony of the household. Matters go alon.. more Bmoothly. Deal with Conn & Hendrlcson and you will get the best groceries at the lowest prices. Their produce 1ft always fresh, and they keep the latest in everything. You are not In It if you do not buy your eating goJs of Conn Si. !Iendricson. I jyVhkx yau come 10 Albany n t fall to visit Blnckman & 1 lodge. The dr.tggists They carry a large and .In -Ice Hoc l drugs, paler medicines, ftc. rr!si:riptlois are always carefully and pimnp'lv ut'cridcd to. It will Pay you. Monft to l.An. 1 have money in smug of $500 to (20,000 lo loan on im proved farm lamia in Linn and Ilentcff coiirtties, at Inweat current rates, delay in furnishing the money. O O lil'IiKHAKT llfal t'Hlnti-nvt v.t, Albany, Oregon. Ltftf.' fnek of vhito foodsjiotilfmhroid ii-m !i! VY K l!:-ad JkCVs. Allinny Mnrkel. "'hrt.f9r. Orim. see Klour, (5 0i!. I'uttor. V-f'r. Kgg sn(-. Lid, P2 Jin Prrk - hums 15 13c. M oiilcerffipjc, Rides; Hay.baVd $15 uO HliMjn, li'i'I. Appler.,51-0 Heps 17c hried f:u It- phiinfl. flo, app!ent9c. hlckens. $1 to pr dtixen. Mfltef n fun, ft. IIng4, ilrrs-.-rl, 7o.m