Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 02, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ttj slay ia Ik weak
Mall r.,( OMc. t (.llum, Or-
ttUTAiJ City CoiivKNTum. Tlie
iioA o' republicans for tlie noiui-
ol ity ollicers was held at tho
boneo last evening. Chniriuan J
it; Fecretary, E 1) Cusiuk ; 1st aa-
V v watts; tellers, (irant Fro
Vlrreok, Jolin Uohson and Kzra
Ion. The chairman on takine hie
lad a live speeeli on the subject
Ire nwl progress,
louun ii teo on onlcr of business W
fcr, W II Huston, and J J Graham
B tic usual order of business, all
fregiHennK. K A 1'arker wae
:ea liy acclamation for Treasurer.
Ftrnn, J I A Crowder, George
rt, i os iioeee anu a ii L,acy were
orinarsnai. ira uie nrst ballot
1 J-oceiveU o; Hurkhart, 31);
; Crowder, 5; Reece, 3 and Hub
14 On the second ballot Mc-
hrw nominated, receiving 60;
h 5 and Lacy, 12. The ward
nas, wiui uie soconu ward
i ratiUed in the proper order,
j.ilo was elected chairman of
4 committee.
d Mattehs. In the estate of
ttlin. final account file! nn.i
I f U Irvine, administrator, dis
U of Elizabeth J Slierfy, f,nal
Rfor January 4th.
ansbip of Myrtle and Grace
inary ft uavis was appointed
i Bonds, $500.
Uot Alfred Leroy Reel, reports
ital property made.
riianship of Jos G McCune et
(of Caroline I, liurkhart, F G
jinu j i uurnnart were ap
biinistrators on izivinir nnilnr-
tum of $30,000.
I of John M Stanley, bond was
pnroved for $1000. Win Fol-
D.msliip of Mary Zenieretal.
( an allowance was granted.
giou Suit. A short time b'uicc
era who lives near Myrtle
a log to roll over lus lea,
nix in the woods. Dr L W
jthis city, and superintendent
ne orccic Alining Company,
to ait on the unfortunate
proceeded to amputate one of
legs, ro-,v Sanders has sued
ntlie Douglas county circuit
malpractice, in the sum of
MThe case will be heard Rt
ext week. Dra J Smiley. V W
Ifil A Sharpies have been smn-
experts in the case. .1 W
ill represent the plaintiff and
anu Li e i.ane tlie defendant.
fijisE. If it is not one thing it
OT. A fpw U-nnlra nnAa
gig this side of Jeflerson.'lost a
Sflog. Recently he lonrnn.1
niHaiPATmnrNiiAvi. If. t
mi truuw
fmlnu-o.1 lilirt l.nm rni.. j...
glided but snow put in a bill o"f
i'iiig ana training the canine,
ton a suit in replevin was brought
r enow lor the dog, and Sheriff
"-? uie aog yesterday aftei
,'8 "-f lilely incarcerated
fcoonly jail awaiting a trial Ifor
KiKtii asu rrmosM.
Mis V B Bud! U quite il! nt her home i
this city.
raiHcy, t!iewliolesalctohi;codcal.r,
Jas McCain, district attorney, is sick
v ma residence in Jie.Minnville.
I.Jrrnie his been issue! for I he marriage
ol W C Miller anil MitsM M l'eery, both of
w . iiwn anu jolin llolman went to
aiem inis noon to attend the funeral of
. Bill', ration.
f . I....... .i
iiini, minis cuv, win render a
vocal Boloatnn entertnmmoni in r,in.,o
.uiliUHUff lllglll.
Mr Walter Kptcbiim fairna.i i-
day from Ashland, whfre his family will
remain for awhile.
David Scott. P. M. at ir vit.. i i
perry, n proniiuent Hreitenbuslier.'and'
jiunry nueaens, ex-foreman of Albany
r.llglllO CO Nil 1. IKIVV A l-lllM'lior tau,a 1
luui mo iroui on last mint's u. 1'.
the femalu Rtr.:hnti nt nn A-)-,-
Michigan, have adopted a rainv wenther
coouiuiB which uiigiit be protitably imi-
iiueu uy uregon lauies- it consists of a
high water" skirt instead of reaching
' nuies oi iiib snoeB. it reaches onlv
half-way from the knee to the ankle and
long gaiters serve to supply the deficien
cy. If this costume were adonted in
Oregon the rainy season would lose half
in terror to the female heart. Ex.
Lane Co. Doisus. Morris Levinger
lias resigned as agent for Wells, Fargo &
Go'a express in Eugene, and Georg
Whitney, who has been in the nftinn n
assistant durinz the nast venr. has hron
appointed to the vacancy.
George I'ark, at an early hour this
morning, being under the influence of
red liquor, after he bad been th rnun nnf
of the saloon of Withrow & Hadley, for
uiuuig h uisturoance, proceeuea to de
molish a $20 plate glass in one of the
doors. In so doinu he cut one of bin
bands considerably.
At Cottace Grovo ventenlnv f
Smith, landlord of the Depot Hotel at
that nlace. and TT (1 Wnlk ont,
dispute over a bill when Smith struck
nlker, who pulled out a knife and gave
his antagonist a slash with it over Iiib
head, which was cut mnln l,i,ll on.l
down on side of the face and nck, and
ended up the stroke by Borne means cut
ting himself in one of his legs. The
wounds are not of a dangerous nature.
Walker was ariestedon nclurra of an
assault with a dangerous weapon.
List of Patents granted to Pacific
States inventors this week, reported by
C A Snow & Co , solicitors of American
and Foreign patents, opp U S l'at-nt
Office, Washington, D C: A D C-plin, j
Oakland, 3al, hose reel: W S Dillon.
I'ortland.Or.automatic station indicator:
I H Ecker, l'ortland, Or, furnace; F Eo
pel, San Francisco, Cal, measuring can
ister; J Globig, Spokane, Wasli, car
coupling; Wit Hewitt, San Francisco,
Cal, lazy tonggate; C W Metcalf, Santa
laula, Cal, centrifugal honey extractor;
R E Morey, Oakland, Cal, machine for
lorming nerry uaskets; E M Keese.Santa
Paula, Cal, wooden vessel; ) Tulloch,
Angels, Cal, concentrator ; W A Turner,
San Francisco. Cal. street, nr station in.
0 Eriwalr!""" SOrBbU,n n dr"Uht "
The Willanutt, this sl.eroo-n U 4 2ft
abote low wa'er mark.
city can be fouadat C K Bniwuell',.
Too per cent riUcunt i.o hnei i3,n,,,
. Purker Bro. biker i. ,.Xper. t hi, h
L r " iimiwh nrt-Hrl tor in
stance, is lnmene.
Lnfl liAIA 111 lha hi.... . I. ...
gulity u"iK l"Unl 'not
The rcraaiuing members nf the S P iurvv
inir crew, o m,a . t i .i... . '
Th" " ' , """ "oannii yeaterdav.
tno permanent mroc ,,.
Si!.?":1!,-.'a i,i
r r ""i"'"" "e iat two mi.ia.
Ihenewefficeti .,f Nowpnrt are: W B
r t ;''! ?n, """y, treasurer;
V, " Hub"-.,!),
Cal: 7'K! i 1 Bay,ey.Slm,,
The horticuitural .lepartmnt nf the 4u.
Bri"! , in'"'8, ha' ,taiDe'1 fru;"'
.-- - "-"j. - 'urieues oi roson, and
a donation of .everal deciduous and evor-
B.u iira,. mi. win i,0 planted on tho
grouads adjacent to the collo,;..Gaztte
Th rfsmn.,.;, 1
h u " , . " ru ,nte""g will be
held at 7 o clock tonight, and the city oo -ventionStomorrow
mght. Among th. e,,,..
dldates for Maulml ,r Marahal J N Uoff
C. D,okey A J Annlvn and Oeorg.
Hughes. Ju) one lus appeared yet for Treat-
John Kitvn- tda .. tl I, .
Vhrt hmlK nnnn . l A II l
.... atuny s aewern, wo
in nnviiiar 1,1 r ,
Mphaltum street yaviu cntracU in IWt
and, was in policucourS Jast Tue-day for
knocking out TM liichanlooo. vice-president
of th Trinidad Asphalt Co, whom he
distasteful remarks about some pauement
hot guilty: 6 Cl'3 P1""
A full 'ice Of (Irene Klinnnf .1 lin.-.
Bro.. , r -
Klein Bros irnn eUil r,l .!
Ladies vou can buv overinitcrA ttnm 7
to; 1.60 at Klein Bros. All trie co.
Wear a tair of artio or in uai.p r..Kt,a.
boots and keep your fuot warm, at Klein
If VOU Want to Imv hnno oi-n fnorl
for the UBO Of it thin lrintir oillul V,!P
Muaio Store.
Buy Warner Bros corset of W F Reai',
Bargains In ttrr.mer goods at Read's.
Will & Stark, fV jeweler
To a wedding is hailed wiih delisht, so an
exorlation to save money ia listened to with
attention, and if heeded should guido yon to
tho store of C E Browoell.
Kngiucer Sampson has a forty-acre
" ineruiai ueil" lust
alinvp Inwn Tl.u..b... i... i. i .
.. . ....lnrul,IIIK nl. uuti iva-
termelim with his tin key and the melon
u grown on ins ranch, hitherto un
touched by frost. Mr Sampson tl.iticrs
himself that he is alwe the fog line and
below the suow line. Grants Pats
The Grants Pass Courier hits the spike
on the head as fuilows: It is bad tuslo
to stay in a counlrv and Item, mi.,, in,, it
down, it does no good to keep croaking
ii.ii) m-io yuur iirurers uown on you.
If you don't like it here, get lip and git,
even if vou have to jump a blind baggage
or crawl in on a brakebeaui. There are
only a few croakers here, but they are
alyays ready to givo strangers a big
"llll" nbout what a delusion and a snare
the country is. Most judges of human
natire are ab'e to "size up'1 the croaker
and know lie wou'd be a lizzie anyw here.
The Pendleton E 0 is making war on
the Oregoninn. Notwithstanding the
Oregonian is a great paper, and for news
is decidedly a credit to the Northwest;
but here is some of the K O for interest
ing reading matter: The San Francisco
Examiner published a fuller and com
pleter report of the train robbery at Hot
Springs, Wash., than the Portland Ore
gonian. The Examiner is tho newspa
er of the coast and its price is only fifteen
cents a week delivered. The Seattle
Post-lutelligencer hits grown to be equal
ly as good a paper t s the Portland Ore
gonian. The latter is not as good a news
paper aa it was three years ago. Ita
revenues are being absorbed in paying
interest on a if:iOJ,(Hiii mortgage on a
half-million-dollar-building. The peo
ple are paying for the building in install
nicnts. While equally as good papers as
tho Oregonion are delivered by carrier at
fifteen cents a week, the Oregonian
charges twenty-five, and five cents a
week extra for the Sunday issue. This
is necessary, becauee the building muBt
be paid for.
ht K'ccn
sk. Dr If a Davia' mnn
tlv Bnlr, frtr OI VVi
, v ri.,WV,UCU-
UU'L WAS morln I Ti .
tr i J1 A'tuai ucri a l .
-in i county, on the Southern
uetween llarrisburg and Co-
Mvvas purchased by a colony of
FB. U-IlD will art. I mata-i-ll.. -
p'wii ui ljiiin nn iniv. hnr
.-are iweive ciiuuren in one
ten in another. Priinn i.
maae a specialty, but general
wi also ue louowea.
PM.ise ATacoma dispitch reads:
Wnce, of Portland, manager of the
pwphone coinpiny, says tonight
Wipany will build a 1 unt? distance
SIIh.. a - -7
iigm lacomato spokane next
W' I be about 400 miles in lengtht
pjme on the coast. The longest
P.'3 from Turnrai tn AUn
and Corvallls. a distance nl 2.1S
Art Souvenirs - Within the list few jeai
there have been published someverv fine a!
bums which have found their way into many
nomes. Among ine lirst that were publish-
eu was --anepp a pnotograpns oi tne world,
a work oi 6ome re-"l merit whose greatest
lauus are tnat its pictures are small, and
produced by an Interior process, and the ce
sections arj compilel by unknown men
who have fallen into many errors in Irvine
to describe scenes which they themselves
have never been privileged to behold. But
it is nevcnheless very attractive, and would
und ready ale, If it were not for the ad-
vt-nt of a far supeiior work "Glimpses of the
vVorld" by the world-renowned lecturer
John I Stoddard. j.
' At the regular meeting of
Pwlekah Lodge, No 35 I O 0 F to
IJLt!8 .ev.en'ng there will be five
Fto initiate. All members of
ZZLa t V18 sojourning membere
Pa to he present.
Umiul. The undersigned here-
h.i'S I;'.maelf 88 8 candidate for
11' ?,ubJt to the action of the
wo city convention to be held
7 -"'S' AJ Anslyv-
L a JrK-Mond sood we"ine
it?., t ,ch,,:dr'n " In the citv,
)Wt added a line of steel sh6d
hicb I re:ommend to the
S E Young.
ri.IIoUDA,8-'i83 Mnt"'e E
t ? ,h studio, at the ?esi
1 ev g W Hill 5tll 8treet-
rs early and secure a fine
iTu7youTboots and hoes of
BeV linn nw .
pair for a warrant, but thev d
Lebanon. J B Thompson has again taken
dirge or ine at manes notei. Hud I homp
son has gone to housekeeping in Dr Court-
J W Bishop, of Hamilton Creek, Is feast-
ing on green peas oi the second crop. 11
brought us so-ne this week. Mr Bishop also
nas some line radishes and turnups. These
speak volumes lor our mild climate.
Mrs Martin will remove from Sio and liv,
with her lather, J K Charlton, this winter
" un l liursdav even no-
Dec. 1st. 18112. in Albanv. of ,i-lii,.
loetta, daughter oi Mr. T Wandel.aged
iuur years.
i-uneral services occurred this after
Harper'a Magazine.
' yr. con t cate yoo pay 25 to c'O
mah"-ig acd repair all boots
reo c ch.rge, that rip, run over
!-r for winler wear. K'tin
m ail styUa and prlcra fr-.m
n rr and havo dry feel f .r
" )i to l the !e. id. .
" 'or low prices and b.. t
gi rtick to i,lcc: f,,,,,,.
c.,ua!cd ia Alba-y.
H'ren-s Mio. s f.r 1893 nil continue to mile
tali -1. onrlv.'Uii su-idird of exei'lenet wklcb has
ohanc:.nzd i. from the btstanlng-. Among ths no-
tabt. featurrs of the year there will be new novels by
A Cosjx Dotli, CoKnTAXca Fbxihorb Woolsop.
aia mtiAH e.tcK. Ih.rt storlo will be coo
trbuudby tbe moil popular writes ot thedar. In
cludiDE MiBt E Wilkkh, Biciuau Iltaoiso Davis.
HAaoair Laixn, BaalcDSa MAmiaini, and ma.y
oth..-s. The lltus.ratel duteriptir. pap., .ill em
brace .nicies by Jc .IAS IULm en new 8-jdtberr and
WMtern subject i; by TacoDeaa Child on India; by
r.i lt!iit lioblow on Russia and Qe;-nuny; by Bkh-
ARD HAXIIIXO DAVIS On A Lnnilnn Roaann . h. n.ln.i
T A OoDoRon Kis ri Hider, ete. Kowis A Asbkt's
munnuuii oi ..lAsepca-. v.omeii. w.n be eon
tlnuej Litem. .r.ielea .il he coatrihutwl by
...n.i ..i.r,i, ii-b JAHl-f rULM, W it.
Li a ii DrN HowLuKKASUEa M,ti.if., .od others.
Per lean
i-oeua. me loan .bjrs in ths lind states,
Tlie Volumes of t!. Maoazixe bcg--n wifi the Num
ber fo-jmie a-i-1 Peceml-er of each ve.w. When
notme i mrn.'.i.-.d. fiihrritiAnt w il twin hfc
tiientjoi er cu rem el the time r.f rtn-ipi of or'er
Bound M.ll-ra. of l(Irr. . UuIHi for lltrae
yean bi-V. In n-at eV'b .ii
pM'-oai-l.n rsceipt ofj-101 p-rrolume. C.ij nxi
for binoinif. ;,0 cea SM-h by nia.l, pos.piid.
H-mM.-Vfi .o,iI.i bsmrdebr Pn;ofl -a Sfoney
Or.i r or Pr'i. v av.,'J cnance of Jo-sa.,. , ,r.nt 10 e- pv tM. a I ertif oi.iit
: .loottl e u .(-..,d,rf il,a ta 4 Hi ..' j
Aii.lrew BARI'KKA I;liOTIli:iiS,NEA m.
KidG loves from 5 1 a pair up. I aar'y a
nil Ho" of leading brands in black and col
ored. Will receive novelties for the holidays.
Agent for the celebrated Ccutemeri glovi.
Samuel E. Yorso
TO 'ay Ho. d. Sanaparilla atenda at th.
nead lu themeiliein. w.rld, admirid in pro.,
ponty and invied in merit by thousands ci
WOUtd-h.0 niIU.ti.or 1. V... - I .. . i
m larger haio
tun any other medioine. So.h uicei
..o, iiov l-u woo wi-.nout positive merit.
Hoods pilUcure eostipation.
Sinoixo School. The Davia .i, ,;,.
school will commence on next Friday
night at 7:45 o'clock, at the Ilnptist
church, nml u-ill nma. n. -
lessons for $1.25. Those intending join
... . ..noun, ni i-UBIUiy A- .HU60I1 8.
A Itlll (IPPiiPTi'viTv n r m -
,, . " ,x j unison A.
Co. have a iar tllletl ui.i, .-.i .. n,
give to the person guessing nearest to the
number It contains, an elegant gold wa-ch
and chain. The watch has an Elaln
movement with a 14 carat Hunting case
warranted to w-ear 2o yea,.. Iu value
with chain is $35. One guess with each
jo cents worth f meichandise.
REOrESEIl. W H Croh.m I... 1
his taitot shon. and hat nn liflml r.. tl.
of suitings, ready to be made ur Tor thost
wishing hrst-class woik done. Thanking the
public for a liberal patronrge in the pas.
ocsuucitia contlnuanceot their patronage and goou worn ami prompt a'lenlion lo
,e needs cf his patrons.
Remcmhui- all lton-a an.l .K.ul 1.1. .
Klein liroa thai; rin rim n. uu
looso will be repaiicd by us flee i f iharte.
1'J our citv will ha ....) .
ai old frieu-lB and customers at Hrownell'i. I
i have for the past two years been af
flicted w ith chronic pericarditus, accom
panied all the time by great pains
around the heart, with excessive circula
tion, sleepless nights, fear and distress.
I was unable to attend to the duties of
my profession. I had exhausted mv
knowledge of medicine, as nlso that of
my collengues, and found no relief until
coming under the electro-magnetic treat
ment of Drs Darrin. A little more than
a moiitli- elapsed since I received this
treatment, and I can truthfully say that
I am cured. 1 have none of my former
troubles, and wish thus to give my per
sonal experience in the interest of hu
manity. I have been a practicing phy
sician fourteen years' and am well known
in this city and Marsfield, Or. I deem
it but just duty to the public ami Dre
Darrin to write tlie above.
Dr. Sieeiji.
f iftloft linnra fpi.ti ill - .... .
..u...a ..v.i, ,w u xll U 4 n jij
evenings, 7 to 7 ; Sundays, 10 to 1L
All curable chronic diseases, and cot
arrh and deafness, are confidentially ant
Successful V Irootoil -,,,.,(
.. .. . ,lo v4 1. .IVUllf
ieases guaranteed.
. , , -.-.-W..J iiutiio irtnt-
ment after a visit to the doetore' office.
Inquiries answered and ci renin.-. Bon!
Th nr. lima l ii...-.
Office Re.-cre House.
STOP at Willi- tu.k's f. y ti vif.t
jewelry ltd .i:ii I u'r, Kltfan
sortmcnt for wirc ng pMi.c-s. Nothin
ikn this part of Oregon
Mr. Clina. If, Matter
Ot Frederick, Ml., suffered terribly for over
ten years with abscesses and running sores on
his lelt leg. Uo wasted away, grew weak and
ttiln, and was obliged to use a cane and crutch
Everything which could bo thought of was dona
ni.lluu,HIMI AC3011, UUUI 110 UCgUU taKlDg
Hood's Sarsaparilla
iii.ii fiHttfn ,t neriecr euro. jir. Hauer Is
nmv in tho i.ust ot health. Full particulars oi
'. I- Hood it Co., howeW, Mass.
HOOD'6 PlLL8 nro tho best after-dinner Pill,
1 ' i-a -
m m m 1 m l a taaf - tj-
I t Mil .--
Good Reasons wliy it will pay you to buy your Suits and
rurnisning uoocls 01 us.
1st, BECAUSE we have the largest and best selected stock.
2nd, BECAUSE we have the largest trade.
3rd, THUS enabling ns to tell eur goods cheaper than you can get them elsewhere
A fine display of Holiday Goods
now ready for inspection.
Get our prices on Mackintoshes.
(im Coats and of her wet wenfLW
In' L I liiii Ooiliir (0
TI19 Clothiers, FnrnisinrBaTl Hatt3r3 of tin ViUey.
Tho owners of tho Merced Woolen Mills. Mpi-,! ni
retiring from busineas, we have Durchaspd'a nnrt. ' ihl
stock at a BIG DISCOUNT.
A Barbecue of Bargains.
We place on tale their complete linea, consisting of
Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothijg, Flannel Shirts and
Underwear, and Blankets, at prices that will surely make
you come ngain.
We guarantee a positive saving of 50 per cent. It
will cost you nothing to see these goods.
Boy Stoves and Ranges ol Mattlews & Washburn
Buy Stoves andRangesof Matthews 4 Washburj
Buy Stoves and Ranges! Matthews & Washb
Buy Stoves and Ranges ol Matthews & Washburn.
Buy Stoves ui Eaiiges of Mattiei s ft Waste
K.enton, -
Dealer In
nl general aasorlmcnl of
CS- O C 23 T czz. -v
fi.l-rlrtlongftitf,tHI Ibelcartiig Ntr,arer ami Magaalnea. T,,,:.,,.
Neor (he V. , ''