1 1 t ! tfeinowtvi. atery day in tin week ex iTflVi, Hriitam and Prop'r h-l'"l "ft'1" ' "".Vi r Esoetil "" "star. MUKllltKK ;, IW b ByEjasriosra- PiaJh March D T Sul- ll.any from rhllarielpnia, Wat fT as an expert finisher. trkiu the A'hanv Woolen Willi. likJIr li A U'er. l.ast innrs drlnkinsi tome, an.1 yesterday Lut r (i Ylork was somewhat in- Ltt;,;, Mr,;'eri ui,,rtn'Hl,e"'. BJ:lh u;o. lilui tu a ruoul In fciie'r.n.l U'tt mm, ne agreeing to he itinoi iin.il hi a u'l rijbt. 91 uuing to Itie room the founl h''n hin.' on theftoor mi on M Kit Mcw.tli tus riglit rtrt -f ce. A Cononei s July fJ,.rroier rarreu, anil lountl obi' l iiom natural causes. k tnease I lie deceased was Ekistnu Kxcenl nn one other r : ... . . Ktourti'il to llav! wen steauy Mo tunl lo on his person. thQt lie hi a wife in Westford, arriiiiemt;nts weremlile some- J)Cometo Albany, but were Jj an was jusl fifty years of age, i A:, a pleasant man socially. '10 piohatily he buried here. gtRVicK!-. The services at njan church will be as fol nfciect of the mornlrg Ber lin.- Christian's Watchward." othe topic -ill be "Kolrl- tbbatti school at 12:15 p bdetv meeting at 4 d in . Y tlti a at 6:4? P m. 11 will feotiie to the services. IrUervices will be held to the. Congregational churcn at : p rn. The pastor will WieV evening on the parable of troVn's Friends." Sabbath the morning service, and 1 iuj. All are weleome. stkt church on Sunday at 11 pi will preach to the Boys Members will be received at Uil he usual praise and gos- liiitht. Sunday school 9:45 nles meeting at 0:30. 1 ne will hold an open mission. 3:30 to which all are In- A cordially invites old and the gospel meeting to rn in the rooms over Bank ifv II KeatlncKso, an attOr- ntxa. Iowa, win aouress me I TT ' . . . ... Keating is an Association interest all who come. Mis Wm A llunphrty islvlng seriously 111 at her home in Albany. Superintendent Wm M Hoag, of the O. P., and the Win M Hoag were In the city today, the latter making Its first return trip down the s'ream. Chartev Miller wni a njsstnier on Thurs- Jav evcnlnii's train from Alliany, tn route lo vaouiiia CUy, where he will occupy the re sponsible posi ion o( Agent lor the O 1' Co. Tost. Wm Moram.ofCrosbyand Settle, Wash, is in fie city, visiting old friends, alter an absence of several years. He and Wm N Miller, ulsoa former retl.ltnt of Albany, u-vn adjoining cranberry ranches. Mies Padie Cohen, the accomplished daughter of Mr I'hil C. lien, leaves to night for San Francisco, where her brother Manny resides, to spend the w inter, and receive instructions in vocal music. Judge Mrflride. of the Circuit Court.iie prompt in his dt'i-ipions A man named wrigh, a witness 111 the Henderson Murder rase, being in the court room uronk the Judge promptly sentenced him to the ?ounty jail lor thirty dajs. The Kan Francisco Chronicle gives a romance 111 winch a sailor, WilltainMe vens, fell in love with a young woman at Yaquina J5ay, now In Albany.a year ago. lie has lust returned from a successlul whale voyage, and is on It is way to this city after his bride. The Chrysanthemum tea given by the ladles of the Congregational church, at the W C T U Hull last evening was a briirht affair. The ball glowed with the flower that reigns in the fall, and every thing was neatly arranged, tea being served on small stands, and orders made from a written menu. The meal was a delicious one and the service of a nature to make it the more enjoyable. Scio. We have beard TJ Munkera spoken of for the office of mayor, L W Brown and K snelton tor recorder. J A Bilyeu. i W Taylor and T W Dilley for marshal and u s aiay lor treasurer, tt o 1 . i . 1 ... : r r a 1 ...... .. IIHUIAU Olicikuii wva n 11c, o m.'auj, son-in-law and daughter of L I Bilyeu, paBsed through town Tuesday on tneir wav to Jordan. Thev were called thence by the fact that her father was expected to survive but a tew noura. Married.it the residence of the bride's nxmnrfl AT r And Mra M V Bllveu. near this city, Justice of the Peace j C Simp son omeiating, on lnursuay evening, ryv 24th. Mr Samuel w uucger ana miss Annie Bilyeu, both ot fcio. Messrs T B Hanna and J D Cosgrove have purchased the mill and site at Dotyville, and have commenced remouei ing the same and will convert it into a first-clsss roller mill. The building will be raUed about four feet, G W Taylor having charge of that part 01 the work. T J Claxlon will be the foreman in the millwright worn . rress. I pules are apples now adays. Tiie Idaho Citizen says a large stone rolled over a Chinamen, disarranging his internal improvements so badly that he was called to the bosom of Confucius. Frank S Gray, a smart nevspsper man who was in Portland for awhile less than two years ago has just received judgment against Col tMiepard, of the New York Mail and Kxpress for $18,135. l'endleton beats Albany and Palem, and presents fojr tickets for the city election, Independent, Citizens, Non partisan and Re'orm. Ti'.e Australian hallot system will be observed- the riiilem Statesman savs: "An Al bany paper speaks of a "widow woman.' Widow woman is gond. It doesn't con fuse the reader, w ho might have thought the reference was to a widow man." The Oregonian's Washington corres pondent must have long ears, and prob ably picks his teeth with a crowbar. wears 10 lo shoes, a JNo 0 hat, ami sails on the Patomac in a wash tub. He gives no evidence of having any one of the five senses. The local newspaper or newspapers of town are looked upon by the public as a sort of mirror of the business interests of that town. In Scio there are 31 dif ferent business houses, professional men, mechanics, etc., and but 15 of them are represented through the columns of the Press. This does not speak very loud as regards our enterprise to the outside world. rress. RMoy Sing wants bis girl. He lias been " ,.f i .1.. IVlll ,u l.,l 1 wonting us me 11 iimiuciio nuiei uuu Eome way or other bis girl has disap peared, lie says: "I likee him, him likee me. I be true. I want see him at court bouse at 4 to 5 o'clock Saturday. If not there in five minutes, not my fault. No talkee to Chinaman. No pa per to Chinaman. Heap burn up. "He eays be wrote three letters to her and "him no answer, mayue ne die. Salem Journal. thi IMistakk. An amusing in- td in a neighborhood near lie dav this week and we related to us, Bays the I Times. It seems that a overheard Jabe Warner ly had no turkeys as the I been stealing them. The 1 ToVd'Tiirn' that j'abe saitTiie lirkcvs. whereupon this gen Id wra'h,his pot of irritation iml running over. In this I shouldered his irate temper, I muscle, and like David, ot 1 tor a tine pebble, aid hast nowery re'.reat ot jabe the door he immediately jroissile at him, striking him ana sugntiy dishguring Ins Ce At this Take rushed nut. wd began a combat in true iswie. Everything was all I It was learned on v a hawk. a Booe the stealing. '(I'ai'kr Mill. One of the ions of the county is the Jeoanon. It is now run with an output of seven ping Daner a dav. which 11 ti a 1 wholesale business of Th naner is sold faster ttired and is shipped by About twenty nve men in the mill, the paper is really a superior article. otit the mill speaks of per- fact of importance to Leb- n county general y. An exciting time was had at Elk Creek, near Astoria a few davs ago by the appearance of a huge whale. Dur ing the fierce storm the monster came ashore and wai first seen by K C F Ast bury and Herbert Logan, who were re turning from a duck bunt. The monster was stranded on the inside 01 a sand bank and was threshing around in aoout oi-r foet of water. The bovs determined to Ml", it, and Mr Logan fired six shots out of bis revolver into its head. The wbale snapped his tremendous jawB viciously. Meanwhile, Astbury had put r.nt. the monster's ees with bis shooting. The blood was now pouring out of the woundB,and the water aved deep crimson, was lashed into a bloody foam by the desperate strugglos of the great mamal. wnentne HUH insu icreucu auuiticiitij to allow the boys to get close to it, they harpooned it with a couple of crowbars, . . ci in. j 1 : t.:. and jay omiwi uruve iiuhuuk-iwo du none ami ikuoid WHKAT, fiOi CENTS Anthony Klein and Thus Ky are among v.,ijR,tviif nir AiuenneD, 01 dalelll. .he illsniette this afternoon is S.G foit above low water mark,beiui on the descent. Alman Dow, wt o killed tis brotlior not loni Muce, over on the Alsea, was indictel by the grand jury for manslaughter and his eise was hard on Wednesday, at Corvallis, the re.ult of which being his acqnital. The following appears in the Corvallis council proceedings: Bill of llayne Buck for3 SS2.45 on special fund, .Second and Maditon reet improvement, and ('MO on general fund, wi re'erred to tinance com mittee, Mr Ceorge Slaughter now has a partner inhis market, opposite the Husi Ifouse.and the hm Is Slaughter ft Clark. Uisides fresh lish they will keep a choice line of ineits, and ur,me in season; iu fact propose running a t'rbt-class nisrket. Thero is no necessity of passing a sleepless night and annoying the eotire household with that cough, as West's Cough Syrup will core you like magic. Vhe beat known rem edy f.r ooughs, 00M4, consutnptioa in its eariy tagei.aua ail throai and lung diseases. 25 and 50j per bottle. Sold by J A Cmn- unug, uiugkgisr.. Lidies matinee Thursday aftirnoon at tne taaung rinlt. Let all attend. A full 'ine oi fleece slipper soles at K e n Bros. Ktria Bros iron clad school shoes doi em all. Ladies yon caa buy overgtitert from 75o to i.ou at ivleia Bros. A 1 tne go. Get Klein Bros prices ou tubbor oods be foie buying. They can save you money. Wear a pair of artio sox in vour rubber boota and keep your feet warm, at Klein Bros. If yon want to buy a horse cheap or feed or tne use ot it tins winter call at Will Music Store. For your school shoes go to Klein Bros as they repair them free of charge if they rip, run oyer or tne soles come loose. Farmers try a pair of French Kin boots. made by Klein himself, for $6, the same boot to measure would coat you $7,50. Try a pair and have dry feet. Choice jerked Venison at C E Brownells, C E Brownell offers fo sale a lot of flower pot cheap. The firet cranbeiriea of the season at C II Brownells. Sweet cider for mince pics, by the gallon as v a Brownens. Buy Warner Bros corset of W F Read, Bargains Inunirei goods at Read's, Will at Stark, thr jewelers MIL DKlrHllIU I Ml G. W. Simpson having so'd out his uen. eral merchandise store to W C Davis. Is poing of goods at cost nmll ik uml December, when Mr Davis i!l ml- hargeof the bin.nes, and run Hon the an l.eretofore followed by Mr Simpson. sides keeping a fiist-c'ai,s stock nf i.n.u he will take farm produce low t.ri foie been done by the store. Call earlv If you would secure the best bargains to be obtained In the city. iii 1 accounts are now due and must be tiled with MrSimm,,n l. ..01 k. found at the store. All persons knowing themselves indebted plea.e call and settle t once. The Klckapoo Indian Medicine Com. pany will locMe their tnlian village at he Albany Opera House. commenrliM Monday, November 2S. 1S01. Their nm- gramme Is strictly mo al and instructive, consisting of vocal and Instrumental usic, songs, dances and funnv savin.. rish, Dutcli and black face specialties, eats in sleight-of-hand, funov. Innoh.-ilo. and sidesplitting farces by ' blick-faced commedlans. Doctor Leon Sit.ith will deliver a lecture and explain the medical virtues of the Klckapoo Indian rrmnllu The doctor will also extract teeth free of charge. The advertising of Hood's Sa'samritlA is Ivaya fully substantiated bv endorsements which id theffnaocia! world wou, , be ac cepted without a moni 1 , uitit n For a aeneral familv oalhirt n mnrl dently recommend Ho3d's Pills. Hamdsome Monument. Our corres pondent at King's station on the 0 P rail road, under oaie 01 ciov ion, uo sue following to say: une 01 me moot beautiful nd ever lasting monuments ever placed on the classic hills above . .1 41.- u,:.nn. flan.a. Min WHS OlROOIl 111 L11B HCUCI ICIUO- trv trwi to jrk the Jast rsstiot. plopo Limri i,,tn tlie monsters side that, ho lost ot the mortal remains 01 one ui our uiu xi-eribnce. Last Tuesday Lmn Incf fltn lina nt ttt-n n story for the accident is t n route to Salem and at- t nn tl.a oton nf iha laal lie is some gravel near there la ins loot supped on 11 and ' j'a 'jmmj pni njr on 1110 inn. if he placed hi right hand ltd shoved bis body out of i4 wheels caught two fingers. m Hat. Dr Shorrey aui- finCPlR fit tlto firol ininf (dependent. Iianoe. -If F Merrill his Brslintesest In the Oregon Bank jrretivs, Jav Blaln and others, peel from the business. MrBlaln nr mernii in ctnnectlon with n tlie r irst street property 1A Beonicke. A lo succeed Mr MsrriU will be time. nioneers the wife of Washington Crab- tree. It was of highly polished red beach granite, wi'li letters of pure go'd not bronzeland a credit to the firm who put it there, E W Achison & Co of Albany and Roseburg, who are pntting up more fine work in western Oregon from Port land to Ashland, than anyone firm in the state; If you want a first-class job in eve-v rerpect, at a moderate price, have them do your work." Scio Press. A Brilliant ano Toi'Iilar Lecture. Concerning Roland D Grant, who is to deliver two lectures in the Court House Nov 29m and 30th, the San trancisco Leader says: "Hois a wonderful com bination. Large head, well stocked, great heart bubbling with humor.patbos and love, elocutionarv powers of a high order, clear and curb illustration, bold and tearless in expressing opinion, noth ing daunted if they strike his hearers as original ; special faculty for saying good things in a way that forces conviction on his absorbed listners." On Tuesday evening Mr Grant will deliver hie lecture on "American Saloons," on Wednesday evening "Making and Bieaking of Na tions." The lectures are free. Col lections taken each uight. Let us bavs a full bouse. Improved Order Red men. Last eve ning at Hie hall of Linn Engine No 2 Mo hawk Tribe No 1 1 Improved Order Red Men, was organized by EJ Lade! Great Sachem. Eighteen members were "adopted" and the following officers were elected: L M Curl, Sachem: L Vierlck, Senior Sagamore. W E Gillet. Junior Sagamore: C H Dalrymplc, Chief of Records: J Gihlin, Keeper of Wam pum: Percy Kelly, Prophet. FRUM On Siturdy, Nov, 26, to Mr and Mrs Wm Fium a son. I Miss Pauline Looney iny Thursday. HWpi arrived from Southern m S car loads of cattle, 2 ot 1 ti hogs. SDliartet Club nf A Ihnnn m Brentertainments in this city .' ingni. it was first class llect anrl rloaof-vol a m,,.!. page than was received. RECORD. In prIuta nf Tnhn i ?Vni Foley was appointed Mr. Bond. $1000. dttriSllin rtf f-tclon SinenKa, fOf I account was approved. W of Epbraim Turner, Henrv OIGeo H Keeney, reports ol Ml'roperty were approved. t J S SIcKechnic.firet annual Ji filed and approved. M f.om $J apair up. I tarry a hng brands in blsck and cr- JW ' le nr.vell'es for the holidays. ce ebrstert Centen-e-i gh,v , eASLZL li. HOI NO Mr, Chas. X Hauer Of Frederick, MX, suiToreti terribly for orer ten years wlih nbscesiea aaJ rinniTtg sorei on lits left leg. Ho wasted ftway, grew weak and thin, nnd was obliged to tuo a cane and crutch. I',v?rythlnK whlh pouM to thought of was doua without good result, until he begau taking Hood's Sarsapariila which pncct"il a pTffpt cure. tr. Haiirr Is tmw i:i t!io lf?tt of hralth. Full particulars ot his case will ho st'iitaH who adilrt-9 C. I. 1Iod St Co., Lowell, Mn. HCOD'3 PiLL8-"f thobit After-dinner PUla, KUt d:eetl(jn, cure bcalacht and bUloasneAS. it in the blubber. Alter tnree noura vain struggle to reach the eea nciun, the huge leviathan, with a tremendous con vnlninn andalonK. niteoua wail, expired. The monster is 70 feet long and 35 feet thu winter, in girth. Skating Rink. The skating link will be open on Thursday and Saturday evenings ot each week. Matinee baturday alter noon for every body and xnursnay tor ladies only. at 2 o'clock. The Mechanics Band will furnish music each evening. A Beau, Prop. When you boy your boota and tiboes of Klein Bros they don't mak you pay 25 to 50 cents extra a pair tor a warrant, Due they ao their own shoe makijg and repair all boots and shoes taa of oharno. that rip,, jun over or come loose. Cjrk so ed shoes for winter wear. Klein Bros It a vol thtm all styles and prices from $3 to $6. Try n pair and have dry feet for THREE Good Reasons why it will pay you to buy your Suits and burnishing Uoods ot us. 1st, BECAUSE we hivi t!u lartfjjt and but selected stock. 2nd, BECAUSE we have the largest trade. 3rd, THUS enabling ns to sell aurgooln cheaper than you can get them elsewhere A fine tlispky of Holiday Goods now ready lor inspection. Get our prices on Mackintoshes Gain Coats and other wet weather goods. i !r i a hi in! lib in The Clothiers, FurablnTs ail Hitters of th3 Valley. Free I'uicrlnlnnirnt. A FAMILY'S AFFLICTION. How i.lrrlrfrily Cured ItheU)n ai:t! u diHchnrKiiiK rur. DR riAtsS-near sir: I cannot speak to highly of your electric treat ment for the cure of pain and paralysis of my arm. 1 was cured in one mouth. My eon was also cured of deafness and discharging ear of long standing with, electricity. Refer your patients to me at 270 Going street, Albina, Or. Mas K UuTTdciiici:. BR DARRIX I wish to have you pub lish to the world what your electric treatment has done for me. Four years Erior to calling on you inlSSll, 1 bad een allhcted with a loathsome cancer ous growth in my nose. After three months treatment the cure was per manent. 1 have never had any return of it. The treatment you gave me for chronic catarrh and bronchitis was also successful. Refer to me at Marnioutt Clacka mas county, Or. Hkmhy Van IIelkt. Office, Revere House, Albany, Or. Their office hours are from 9 to 5 daily. Evenings 7 to 8. The poor are treated free daily from t tQ .10 a in. XireB of private diseases guaranteed never published in the papers, st cases can receive home treatment r a visit to the doctors' office. In rlr.s answered and circulars sent free OUR PRINTED STATEMENTS ARE EXISTING TRUTHS. TEN -:- DOLLARS. $10 $10 $10 It does not take suit at our store. a fortune to buy n neat appearing For $10.00 you can take your pick from 100 sack, frot'i Ligle and double breasted suita. The patterns are entirely new, representing the swelleBt shades of the season. T L WALLACE & CO Bay Stoves and Ranges ol Matthews & Washburn Buy Stoves andRanges ol Matthews Washbur Buy Stoves and Ranges Matthews & Washb rn; Buy Stes anil Ranges ol Matthews & Washburn Bay Stows anfl Ranges of F. .L, Kenton, - Dealer tn FINE TEAS, COFFEES. SPICES, and a general assortment of HuhacrlitlonagtntfbraU tbt leading Newnpnjers and Magsmlnen. Term'ca:: Wear the P. O., --