TilBl'ENSIOH PERIL. TllEl'OJIlNUSTATK.'i It is probable that New Mexico and Ari zma will now be admitted to the union as states. H would have been wiser perhaps to make ali the sparsely populated territories wait for a time, but that was not done. Montana wasadmiltod wiili 1.12 1.13 inhab itants, Idaho with M.SVi and Wyoming wim uut w,7U5. Simple equity entitled New Mexico and Arizona to admission nt the same time. The population of Arizona u aimost exactly that of Wyoming, while Mexico has more pottle than Wyom ing and Idaho combined. Hut a republican congress desired to strengthen the republican hold upon the :nato and the electoral college by way of preventing the peoplo from turning that party out of power, it therefore admitted those territories which were believed to be acutely wpijhlipan aBil kept out the demo cratic territories. It is only ,l'r Hint 'lie latter should now bo admitted. In point of population Utah has a still bettor claim, The figures for that territory tiro 207,005, exceeding those of any of the six states last admitted except South Da kota. Utah ;s also supposed to bo demo cratic, but there was the additional excuse ot polygamous practices on tho part of the mormons, i nut objection was once sound but it is less pertinent now. The Mormon church has apparently surrendered to civi lization, and Utah will now probably come into tne union with a constitution in har mony with the country's ins'itutions. STEADFAST NEW JBHSEV 1 ho ofhcial canvass of the vote in New Jersey shows what little basis there was for the republican attempt to raid that steadfast state. Mr Cleveland s uluralitv is 14 sss against 7,149 in 188-or more than double. ine total democratic vote is 170,479, nn increase of 19.000 ovor 1888. The republi can vote is i55,59l, an increase of 14,000. 1 ho democrat! elect six of the eight reprcsntatives in congress, securing the member gained under the new apportion ment. The compact little commonwealth across tho river may be set down as a rock-ribbed democratic state. THE TEXSION DEFICIT One of the first measures to be considered at the ne::t session of congress is provision tor the deliciency which tho pension ex poud'turcs aro creating. It appears that these expenditures have increased nearly sixteen millions for tho first three months . of lU'u yawr ovi- (.hum for tho eatrmfand ing period in 1891. At tbis rate of pro gross there will soon bo a lamentably largo lnle to Till up. It looks as if tho deficit to 1J provided for at tho winter session would nn tall far short of RIG.OOO.OOO. How long must this odious system of u.eulmg tho nation be kept up? Why does no' some one arise with measures Which s'.iall putji stop to wholesale pillage that b.'iiehts no veterans, but Is absorbed by frauds anil worthless parasites? the men most lit to deride as to the details nnd methods of tariff revision are tnoso leaders of the reform movement who have for years made the matter a subject of C ireful study and who are in close touch with the people. A committee, formal or informal, composed of such men as Car lisle, Mills, Crisp, Springer, W C 1' Breck inridge and Wilson, of West Virginia, and tho other luaders on tho democratic side in the houso and Bonnie, would do moro than any other commission of outsiders could do to prepare a safe program fur action. On the ut of January next there III be on ine pension roll full 1,000,000 names. The appiouriitlun for the na, meat of nm slons which Congress is expected to make at ine coming session Is $100,000,000. 1 liese figures arc start ine. Tlley show that the pensioners are in the p.oporuon 01 nearly one In Ue.ve to the vo ten of the whole Union. And this for a war tint ended more than a quar'er of a century ago! They show that the cost of the pension list absorbs moie than 40 per cent of the na tion's revenues. The pension list costs S120.000.000 more than the entire expenses of the Government in the year befoie the war. It has Increased $160,000,000 since 1877, when ths war had been ended a deien years. The number of pensioners on the 1st of January will almost equal the rseu'ar stand ing armlesof France and Gerauny com- Dineo, which contain 1,046,000 men. The cost of the list exceeds bv Sjj the anuil cost of the jreat standing a my of overtaxed Germany . Ii exceeds by 8?6,ooo. 600 the cost of Iht standing armv In France. Under the reckless lrgenult; of rapacious claim agents and ths partisan zeal of a cor rupt Pension Commissioner the Hit Is in creasing at the rate or 8350,000a month. If not checked the cost for 1854 will reach the enormous sum of $210,060,000! This carnival of wrong and robbery must cease. Tne pension lis! must be purged of its frauds. As It stands it is an impeachment of the patriotism of the men who saved the Union. It has been made a roll of dishonor against the earnest protest of honorable sol diers, bvery name added to it by the ores ent Commissioner Is tainted with a suspicion of unworthiness. It will be the duty of the Democratic President and Congress to revise the pension list in the Interest alike of deservlnir veter ans and of an imperilled Treasury, FOffllLLER cS IRVING Undertakers - .111 l -:- ICinEmliiiersc A E KkE" constantly cn hard a full i'r t cf n iti-:ii v v cr ITins. Aim which will be sold at burial rotes and suits, in r !( : it fid vr f d mWts ar I u r-t'c'ctl -, rfir.ci rl n 1 1 ,uc The f.OKCNt Living I'rcliis. WE .ARE now receiving our fall goods and wo call safely say they excel anything ever shown in We want your tratle.and if good stylish goods, Jow prices and courteous treatment are an induce ment we hope to merit a sluro of yoar patronage EMBALMING!1""1 " proper care of the dead a specialty. xtra Cliurse fur Hearse or Seivlttsf ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGON ! CASH VjROCERV STORE Allen Uros. are DOW in their new nuni-fors in ihm rt;nL- m-t. at the corner of Ferry and Second Street.' and Wl'h rhf &n rpntn. a tmill.vn.A.A. . 11 w.vna wtuuill Ki-uoutiy, aim u urbi Class 6IOCIC Ot goods, are prepared to give their customers the best hnreains to be obtained in the tV.- Cash counts with them, and the public wanll nig me uesi gouas ana produce to be se cured in the city should call on them, where mey win get low prices and the bsst goods REOPENED W R Rr.iham h.. ..J .... ... ,.no tiu.blicu Ills tailor shan. nnd hnn nn hnn.1 . c. it.. of suitings, ready to be made up for those wismnK arsi-ciass worK done. Thanking the public for a liberal lutmninr I., n.. ..... hesolicitsa continuanceof their patronage and the needs of his patrons. Boots and Saoita I carry the largest line of medium priced and good wearing boys, misses and children shoes In the city, and have just added line of 8tecl ,nod soliool snoen whlcli 1 re:ommend to the trade. Dont forget that I repair any shoe I sell free of charge. S E Younu. & & & & GOOD NEWS Q For the millions of consumers of A oTutt'sPills.g A It Kton lr. Tutt pleasure to an- A nouuo that ho l nw putting a TINY LIVER PILL C wjiieh la of exceeding ly small size, a yet retaining nil Clio virtamoftlie Q larger ouch, (.liar-anteed purely vrKctul,li. liotl, il., f then, nil I. Ok aro still laiueil. Tho oiact Biz of " A TUT1"S TINY LIVER PILLS A Is shown in thv border of thi "ad." WILL'S MUSiCE STORE -SOLS AOKKTB rOR- llalph I jane and his Cvinpanions, of Sir Raleigh's Virginia expedition, were the first to carry tobacco into Knglaud. They loarneil troiu the Indians to smoke it in Indian fashion, by drawing the suioko into their months and pulling it out through their nostrils. Kaleigh adopted tho prac tice, and many distinguished men and women followed his example. Southern pnpere say thai this country will raiie nil ilie rice it needs this year, for the first time since the war. Prices am expected to rule lo . The (J.iud.iloupe heel lay their honev In bladders of was about as Isigi as a pigeon's tg. and not In combs. The honev n.v,.. hardens and is cf an oily consistency. AnnivKi). Mrs Koscoe, medium and clairvovnnt, will give a public test nipet ing nnd messages given from the spirit Bidooflife. Also slate writing messages given at W C T V Hall Saturday evening. Joors open nt 7 p m Admission. 25 cents. Mrs lioscoo also gives p vate sittings daily in all kinds ol business. Alining nnd real estate a specialty. l'rivate sittings ladies, fl.UO:" uentlc men, $'.'.00. -". Also circles every evening at No. 100 1' irst street.coruer linker st. Admission, -o con Is. 1ET s T U D 1 o W-111 Mattle E. Martin. 5th .jireet, residence of Rev (J W II Homcmber all bunts auii fchoes boiiLlifc Klein Brro that rip. run over or bo lea come looao will be repaired by ub free of hare, STOP at Will & Stalk's for jour vatch jowelry atiH fcilvcrwaro". K'cga n aortiiH'i.t foi Wfddirp preHents. Nothin ikn this rirt of Oreou " CITY ELECTION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, the jlh day nf . ul,uiii c.t-cuim in and for the ritv nF llhnn,. T l Oieaon, will be held for the purpose of ulul"f luuuwing municipal officers, name'y: One Marshal, one Treasurer and one m.-mber of the council from each ward. The election will be held at the following places: First Ward at tl r,.., r..-i., -wu I, VICIIV K oflice. Second Ward at the Countv Treasur er s otrice. Th rd Wrrdnt n,- ........ fc i nisi B wart; house office. The fallowing named peisons have bee -i i 1 , , . " juugw nn clerks of said eWtinn t First Ward Ti t n i I TlVUPiU . indoor,, f W II' j - - jU.v, uli8 ana oeeona w aru H Froman, S M Pen ningion ana E L Knox, judges: V K Kelley and D T Wyman, clerks Third VVpord Tl. T c... i "win, aouui, or., ri uoura ana o in Hrnsh indn.. w Richards and P B Marshall, clerks'. Said election will commence nVlL. closinr the nn s. until rtvi..i. i 1 '.7.' v. biuvk 111 me CVCIIIIlcf CJI SaiO 1HV Given by order of the common council yi .aiu cuy.rn.de nt the Council Chambei in said ciiy the 10th day of November,i8o2 Albany, Or., November 14th 1892 N J HENTuN, Recorder of Ihe city of Albany. 1 iRWf?1 - rr ---- , VYt lov our gentle tcactr . 3 making We have lately added a tu. . SHOES o-"' which we are price to get them introduced. CALL AND SEE what we can do for vou. N trouble to show goods. Alban.v, NEW A DVEKTISKMEN 1 S. 1. ()! KALE CIIKAP.-Dr Amos' old rt at'O. I'Hini? hlan'K d. Hantlam.nl. 3rd addition, aood liouso. Will sell eluap. One halt down, balance to suit purchaser. Inquire of Dr Wat Amos. C N. 8TKELK CO., KJ Loan money on Albanv. Orernn pnnrl rtal mhiwIa seeurit !i l.lun and a nine counties I poll SAIjK A small fruit farm to rent In a Irnml innn n n,,.l.l OltA-'n. Flllir lllllua trlt, Alhan.. Anl a'thisottli-e, VJ t a Il''lt HivrsB. r an....... r..- F ba;inuing with Jan 1st, 18U8, lor one or more yours. Fur particulars, call on cr address Julius Joseph, Albeuy, ir. W ANTED. Girl to work at Orphan's ; " -"'i"1"- ror parucuisM can on irs ur lveney, or at II 0 nie. V. J. SAILEY DOKS THK -:. DBST Job Work In Albany. He has the facilities and the anipies 10 snow what he can to Try CWCKERINO," "H F MILLER, "STECK "VOSli A SON'1 PIANOS, AND ESTEY," NEWMAN BROS," OHUANS. D EARHUFF "Vt'otiJer" C O S ran Bint I Htra nm Write for Cataloirucs and Prices before Purchislna Kluivh.ra. .l. .... tk-..n... ..-.v. ukii in. live, uooas ai .owesT Prices t Mueic cf Erery mall Instruments, Bool s and Description; Nw H oirta and ether So-lne Harh!n. also Noedles, - . ..A.ins ,u, Mu aiaviiines: E. r. WILL, Albany, 6r. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSE The LARGEST ASSORTMENT in Lin County. Cali : and -; Have .;. Your A Ilic. OrroRTiMi-Y. K rj Watson & to, have a jar tilled whh beans and will (live to the person guessing nearest to the UUmlier t rnnh-n, nn l , . .. i;-iii wa-cn I and chain, the watch has nn Elgin 'iiiiiiii niiiiii ij carat Jiunilni; case warranted to wear 2.) icais In value Willi chain is ic ( nn'. ..1,1. ,. ,10 cents worth t inm-handise. I I.amks Kl.vr. Mi,ips.-i ,vc a full hue ot ladi-s line drcts shoes, all ruin! and .he Utt.t noviitin m style, i .l re ton.it le l-ncvs. .Jii-Ki. E. Yoimi W, prfS!!! I '- V O W. -- i i i-xciisj.;,ys,:;7. ' " NEW FISH MARKET Tusk n mm Ail )v tlia iif.iA..inn..i n ,,i . ..j hid uuiPimiirJ, win keen on IirihI nil kimU nf iVoud c,Qh tn 'Aeon. On First btrett opposite the Rus? rrte ueiiverv 10 BiipntUol the c.y, AI.40 keep n titmice mock of nitat PiiSiiliiig, 1 ANN1I-. SfRASBUIta during ' . . -n. ii, win leaen cl is ill oil lii.iiitimr r l,or 7 the Meliwain B nek. Inatr.tctlms given on lipiiln, b d..h ti.. .. n -- ... n.,u uiiiHiiHyw ln TT(,nera, c mso-, ani on tiaturda.M. to .chool j,.. ......... ,,.rs ,aKfm ,,,,, h j,, Call nut tee work nnd obmin pnrt. ulars W. F. READ & CO. Oregon - :- I'M'irm r- 1 X7TT-1 k. 0- )) -f-j Kat..m r. 1., t r. . . . A tll01ailf.'h hllcincce t:; L . . ' r"" V, FiivDrhnrl,,,.,! n jr wo oasmess and prorssIonal men ol Saletjt uc Departments: Business shorthand, Tvfiewriimr. oy, r..Jfci o"nsssionlh.emirej-rar.Studcntsadmiltcdatanvri1n. r.,w, . - ' ' .A 3! nwuwiaiin iiiiurmaiion.ira 1& A --AbsglutelyT POR KKNT -For fl RtllKl stlr(li dresR ii' K hhnPrrH h reMdence, the Brof.lhin Mreet, of L Yiereck, on KOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. XToTICKIS HEKIfftV nivim ...r.m m th..t,.i .,"..,:i.. ,r. Company, of All any, Oregon, will S o-ij 1 r 7. ui u-oicok p m o 8Bl(i I1I4V. fnr tho nur..., r . directors, of ssid company to serve one .year, and to transact such other l uslness i, " . """IB oerore satu uitet log. By order of tho Fresldfnt. La.ed Iov 26th, 1M92, J W Y RTTSM AN, Secretarv and Managrr TAKi'jNT UP On mt i- hi . 1 w ii.. 1. nn ; -. brai ded II cll i '1 ",'""'r "'8 "'l'er I pleas.. lui ! ,fi0' " "'lJ fo; ..ilvertis ing and cu. ir exp, ns-es. noveinlH r 5th, lwt AGMARsHAIl., 2-rA Permanent Cure. --A Perf ectXure. CARPET DEPARTMENT. W II I, MOCKI II WITH THK tllOICEST CARPETS MATTINGS. GIL CLOTHS. DRAPERIES LINOLEUMS, PTTDT A TMPT G IFtr, WANTED, -'.o do general uouat, nui-K. vniion l, v lerecK. I.IOK SALK.-Two Tresh milch cow. 1 Inquire of Fred O Burkhart. LKANY tOLLeCTlKGA'GN DALRYMPLE & NEWPORT Managers, Celletlions a sr-ecUit' rcsnrdless ol !st. Co..cs. rllniW Ul all the ajle lowhi: OFFICE over L h stli Co s stare, Foster's Blocli NOTICE CF FIREMEN'S ELECTIOK NJOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT , w.. iuu-iwu i, ntf: 1.111 uiiy oi Leceiii. i me nan 01 me moanv lin- V I i 01 ine Albany lin ; ar.nual election of rtment, of the city her. 1S02 dine Co.. me Albany r re Ut-nart Of Albany. Linn rminlv nr,.nn ...in i.- held for the purpose of rlectinir a rht.-f Enirlneer a in. nn Akliinnr l'W..tt vt wi mt- smu .uiiny rirc ucpartment. The ftllo.ili nurmiti lmi- U.- Iointcd bv the lloarii of Delegates of said Albany Fire Department as judge of said election tnult WUM-i.n l)i,.i,.,.i. a . ,xlvlinivi:( Wl bany Kunlne C ompany No i; X M New- t-eron, of R II - L Co, No i. Said elt'Ctinn r-.i., . o clock p m ard continue wlihout closing ...c ('vnts until mx p cock p in ol said day. PR 1S LI MARSHALL, Sec'y A F n. OFTHIS SEASON'S NOVELTIES AND PEICES D101IALED IN THIS MARKET Samuel E. Young AND JfUSPBNSOtty' FCiC MAccunJ'.LV J. OtMINAL WEAK- we have a relief and care In Tour Ignorance of effects and vitality which is ystcm the elrmcnts thus strength and virar -itt fi. cure or moncv rrfi,n,v,l - -.ii.iw:iv ii vti mrKa n nkfliTU f iHW- ... . u....-.....WMJtl.llLnLIU A In our marreiou, InirhTcn' StT?? For such suffre lis, or by excesses, or ,. ' rf'l"lra Pu' nal to convince th electricity Wita VZgi Z 1?,?!? vour 7 of nerVe7oe d vitror. would r'adly T-Mi c-w .unerusmgour oen. -,-'.. i.,."...r.... .; ', "u--. o a utn so as to be ca-U-u--i, . JC1 1 '- ..i inriu:'' livtr nil . . : i i:c r.r a, if. W "!; .k men, and wc warrant it ' " an linn ,iu.ic:,- Ivoilinfli-tl. Ihfv i.i- . -,i I'i ""o.st c;tscs i:i two or ;irce r..oni:-.s. A-JJicsj i: to nice: the a!)OV. v-i ' ct wediuwu in re j' I''S sni'htn-v ..rl ... 1 E) e--tr : c , Vr-r .- r- 8ANOSM ELECTRIC" fo r- ' ' "' Ci'' J V" tC.RSC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON.