VOL. V J5- ALBANY. OREGON SATURDAY- NOVEMBER $91 NO ITS 13 neuralgia, and sciatica can always bo successfully treated with Ayer's SarsapariSIa A cure (3 sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. IOK HJLNT. The bouse on J A Gross ' suburban property. In splendid ondltlon. Call at the Depot Holel. ft H EUIV3 AT PUMPS! PUMPS ! PUMPS! We are general agents for ana rvmps, also tne l-tumsey X oice and Li t Pumps. We euarantee these pumps to eive perfect satisfaction or no sale. We also guarantee pump in tne market, If you examine our stock before purchasing. We also carry the tersest aim v emcief 10 oe iouna in MITCHELL, LEWIS Si STAVEK CO S57 Snd & Ellsworth st, Albany, Or Julius GradwoM's Bazaar . very latest jnews Is a ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 5 Gallons Good Piokles.market firm 1.10 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap .90 1 Gallon No. 1 Syrup 40 I wlli cooduot a strict oash store, and all goods will be sold for net oash from 10 .0 23 per rrnt less tnan regular prloe. Ky ujm uesirauie eyies vt ufsuej, as wen as a aryiRuips ana nxture. is complete. i make a speemty 01 D ie te, oonees QiBIIIg powaer, ana always piase my customers, Agent for suveral responsible Insurance companies Julias Oradwohl. for Infanta -Caalarla la so well adapted to ehDdren that . jooiiiiiiend it J superior to any prescription Xoo iome." II. A. AncHEit, M. D,, Ul So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. 7. fhe use of 'Cftirtorta ts sounlrernal and -18 merits so well known that It seems a work ut supererogation to endorse It Few am the tntellurent families who do not keep C&rtoria ,iiiiiB iFy rech." CARLCS MlTtTTX. P.O., New York Clrr. tate Pastor B. jomlp"late Bel ormed Church. Tea CewTAOR JUDGED NELSON'S DECISION. Speikiogo pi'.entmsdtoluis.ths Judge says: "I wish todetl fairly and homra bly with all, anl when 1 flu 1 in article mat will ur what it H recommended to uu, 1 am nor, annamed to say so. Ian acquainted with l)r Vauderpool, (having been treated b? lilin for canotr)arid have used his blood mulleins, known as the o uneaa cue ana ijlver (Juro.and while I am seventy-flve years old, and have u-eumany pills and other remedies foi the blood, liver and kidneys, I must say that for s kidney tonio in hrlght's disease, and as an alterative for the blood, or to correot the aolion of the siomscii anu Dowels It is a ve: super ini remedy, and bsats anything I "ever tried, J B NELSOV, VakimH, Wash At SO ones a bottle. It Is the man's friend and fa-nlly doctor. poor the selebrated Myers Force them superior to any other pump do not fail to call and stock of Farm Implements tne valley. Uive us a call. that you can buy at JULIUS stock of Chlnaware, fanny goods, a; general assortment 01 groceries, crt and Children. CMtorlaenres Colic, Constipation, oiir Btomach, Tiarrhoja, tructotion. Kills W'onus, givea sleep, and promotes aL- restion, TVithout injurious medication, w For several years I have recommended your ' Caftria, ' and shall always continue tr do so as it has invariably produced benellcls results." Eowix F. Pardct. M. D.t MTb Winthrop," lftth Street and 7th Awj New York C'iU Cokvakt, 77 Mrawi Stret, Kbw YortK. Highest of all in Leavening Do not nt'' ect a euM or cough, m i queutly rttuttt, in coutumptioii . You find a Ufver failing remedy in West's Couh Syrup. Lirvet bntller, 25 and 50i. Sold by J & Cutr.mine. diuglst. J Sfe W F Read'a line of drt!i g cdi an hufore bnviog elsewhere. A large atockof pruning shears mn .run al h oU, tbe best made, just r(-':e'.ved at Sttiwirt & Sox's. Now ia the titue to, ut liein. C me and? see that beautiful F.x option 69PTW4HT. I8SI In the place of a woman who's weak, ailing, and miserable, why not be a woman who's healthy, happy, and strong? You can be. You needn't experiment. The change is made, safely and surely, with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. It's a matter that rests with you. Here is the medicine the only one tor woman's peculiar weaknesses and diseases that's guaranteed to help you. It must give satisfac tion, in evory ooeo o K .-wjr "-ato nromnr.ljr rot. TaKG it, and you're o new woman. You can af ford to make the trial, for you've nothing to lose. But do you need to be urged? You don't want size in a pill it means disturbance. You want re sults. "With Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, smallest, cheapest, easiest to take, you set the best results. Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Indigestion, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. EapreM Trains leavt Portland Daily Couth I roM jtXj 1, 18M, nrfli Ar 17:35 A H Lt I 4:23 k H Lt I 7;00 p M 7:Wr. y. Lt Portland Albany 8aa Frn?tsca 10:23 r H Lt :15 a u Ar Absvs tralni tn orIt at fotlwinar iUtfon n nrtfi f Koswhurg. Kast Fijrtland, Oregon city, W.4 oiim, 8a!em, Albany, T&(rent, Shodd, lialscy. Har rlftburf. Junction City, Irving , Eugene. MSBDaQ MAIL, DAILY 8:S0 am Lt Portland Ar H ?:rrit Lt Albany Lt 12:l u 5:5pm Ar floseburg Lv I 7 .-00 a AtBANT VOCX DAILT BICfciT STSDAT) 1 '00 p m Lt Partilnd Ar :u 3) a M o f0pilAr Albar.y Lt fl;30 a h BRAltrL 8.10 a h I Lt Alhiny r lv "7m 0:00 ah I Ar LehanoB Lt 30 am 1 :2!r M I Lt Albany Ar 8:2.1 r m :00a MAr Lebanon Lr 2:39 pm PULlMAr BUfFFT SLEEPERS. Tap SfeommoilatlAQ nf Parn-er. hnliflnc Mnilf;laiift llrkrfti.nftMrlteil to Ex-pre-s Trains aide nirl'lon. BtTIIF.fJ rolITLSNU A.VU 1'UHtlLLIS, UllL ;RliS0AltT(Ex3ptSunaar. 7:3U 1 II 12:10 r a Portland Corvallis I 6:30 sxrssssTSAis DAILT (Excsp. Sunday. :lllra 7:26 rs Portland McMlnnvllle I :20 A u I 6.46 A Ar Thronfrrli Ticltetw e all points EAST AND SOUTH. rii fuii Infoi mtloj reirarsfiri( ratot, axkf.t, 4 on Cnmpanv A Kent at AlSany U KOEHLER R P. ftOnFHP, Wnairr w't O. F. and P. Ar Portland, Oretron. ALBANY1 OR. WR1TSKAN & HDLBERT B&DS. Real Estato Agents ?armr snd Ranches for sale. Also eity brorerty in Alhsr and ToTvallis Power. - Latest U. S. Gov't Report iQWTEUt PURE SEC UEBK Faiker Brut, grocers. P.M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Fiae groceries at Conn & Hcndricson's. Latest sheet musio at Will & Link's. New oream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers, P J Smiley job printer, Flion Blook, does first class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Josoph 'a, Dr M H Eilii, physioUn and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls mad la ait) 'or ooantry. With his new bakery OJurad Moy able to offer old and new o-astomars v thing ftrskolass In bakod goodj. De Nol Be Decelvedi Psnons with weak lungs those who are constantly catching cold should wear an Allcook'i Poroos Plaster over the ehest and another between the sbcnlder blades during cold weather, Remember the; always strengthen ftnd never weaken the part to which tLey are applied. Do n)t be deceived by imagining any other plaster like them iney are nor. may iook. ir.onc 1001 s aeceive. Insist always on haing Allcock's, the ocly reliable plsstei ever produced. Beautiful Homes. Beautify you home and make It attractive wllh Hybrid Perpetuals and other choice roses, old and new varleuesof Japanese roses and shrubs, Orders taken for the above and all kinds f fruit and ornamental shade trees at J A Hyman s, 115 1st St., Albany Or. Permanent Branch Lavnort. A branch office of tbe Salens Steam laun dry has been established in Albany. All work will be collected and the laundried aciivvica oo. ooicui piiues. zr other expenro. nil -..i, .,-.u Orders may be left with Osborn Davy, psrmanent agent and solicitor for A!bmT Ashbv 4 Cane, Real Estate, 80 j, Wash ng'on Street, Portland, Or. Ktewart k Sox sell the very best paten shears and scissors. I have fntt rco'd a large assortment of li brary lamps direct from eastern Factories. i;all and see them. V Jfi ISrownell. Mr Jallas Grsdwohl leferms tne general poblio that he has received advices from Ssn Francisco that sugar has declined half auent per pound on all gradss and coffee has ad- vsnced. Vow is the time buy sugar. We are eolni to put the 'prices down te oash and sail for cash only. Allea Bros. In order to reduce our stock we will s.ll our fine line of eroosries at leash for sriotlycash, A'lsn Bros. New goods at W F Read's Klein Broi sell no shoddy stuff, hut sell boots and shoes made of leather. fthea Baby was slcs, ve gave her C.irtorift. A'hf n she was a Child, she cried for Onions, 'h,n che bnrame MIm. r.he clung to Cafifons, rin she liu Cliildreii, slie 'ave litem Cestcrto. Improper sad deHoient care of the rcatD will cause fraynes of the hairand baldnesn. Ecape both by the use of that rellab'e specific Hall's fiair Renewer. m m m Impor tavt. l'o know that the Herr.me ic Long Piano gives perfect satisfaction, stands In tune longest, and is an endless pleasure to all who buy them at a S fly man's, First si Albany, Or. Ssrgsius at ResdV. Tht ro n ill be a fair held in the Univer floliit ohurch by the larlies of the parish, on Tuesday, Dro 6th. Notice of articles fur sale and tf entertainment to be given will be furnished later. Faruers S. N. Steels Jt Co. are now pre pcred to make loans from 1 to 5 years in smonnts from (200 to fl 0,000. Call on, or w.ite Ihera st Albany, Ore.) The best rnast cnllf-n'to the city at Com ,Tyr s. Yon can ave money bv having' of Read, Furniture for sale at Mrs M tullti' corner 3rd and Ellsworth etree's. fit r .0 ) 1' 1 ior 1 ;r f r ;i 1 Jill 'rg upri n!; I C , alew 'rwrir, ilf Thv;te.t; ewtlry at Will 4 Stsik's, BE11 ErITATE BALES.. A Dodiie to Wm II Klum, tp 12 w2 $ 50 A Bender to Society Most Precious Wood. 10 E 1 100 J A Millard to Cieo K Chamberlain, 3 lot", ui it'. a, Aiuaiiy i W H Goltra to Geo';': Clianiberlain, 33 lots.bl S, U'l Park.Albany . . 750 Geo Luper to Albert Bryaji, Si acres 12 w 3 Jay W Wain to H F Merrill, about 25x100 Icct, 111 0, Albany lonli Lnubner to Minerva Laubner, 10 1G0 acres, 15 w 4 4800 G A Hugger ct ux to raruiena vai avan, 2 lots, Kcio L Senders to John Laubner, 454 acres 13 w 4 Julia Thayer to E W Aclicson, "0x148 feet, Lebanon A C Williams to S M Pennington, 2 lots, bl 2, Abbey's A.Albany. E S Pattieon to John Maurer, 80 acres 14 w 1 J O Writsuian to Santiam Lum bering Co, lease of 3 lots, li's A; per month V II Ilobson to J A Shaw, 1 lot, Mill City 810 9S00 100 125 000 25 25 17,10li DEHOCBATIC ITI CONVEaTION A mass meeting of the democrats of Al bany will be held at the Court House on Saturday evenlng.December 3rd, 1892, at 7 o'clock, tor tne purpose 01 nominating candidates for Marshal and Treasurer, to be voted fer at St elect Ion en Monday, Dec 5th, 1S9J. WAKE MEETINGS. The committee recommend that the various ward meetings be held on Friday evening, Dec and, at 70'ciocK, at ine 101 lowing: Places: First Ward Up stairs In the Circuit Court room. Second Ward In the County Cour room. Third Ward At office of Farmers W arehouse. Eacn ward will nominate one candidate forCouncil and select a member of the City Central commune. L M Curl, J P Galbraith, Phil Cohen. Committee. Announcement. Having severed my connection with the Albany nurseries, take this opportunity ot tendering my sincere thanks to all former patrons and friends of the above nurseries fer their liDerai pir-B-""'"'m ,tm. .hhy" "' the nursery business, having ocated Just across the river. In Benton county, one. half mile west of the Albany hlilh steel bridge on the Rainwater donation claim, where I am erowlniz as fine a lot of trees as can be seen In any nursery In the Wll lam ette Valley . Trees for sale this fall at the nursery, alio at my trrr yard In Al bany. A waiting your tunnel orders, 1 am Yours truly, I A Hyman. Proprietor of the Wes'. Side Nurseries. Perhaps Yeu want the best groceries to be secured in the city; than call on Parker Uros. Perhaps You want fresh produce lust from the gardeners, then call on Parker Bros. fei naps You want the best baked goods In the city, breads, cakes, cooklrsf pies, etc., then call on faiker Uros and you will get tne goods and first class treatment. Whrn you come to Albany Psn't fall to visit Blackman & llodge&. The druggists They carry a large and hi.lce Mors it drugs patent medicines, etc. Prescriptions are always carefully and prnmp ly attended to. It will Pay you. Monkt to Loam. 1 have money iu srlms of $500 to $20,000 to loan 011 Im proved farm lands in Linn and Rcntce conntiea, at lowest current rates, delay in furnishing the money. U t KI I1KIIABT Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon. Runem list FL Domont do s entr ance fit, si rl sews possible crtning rip 'D elothing bo . hi of his store. Oercoati' just eieiven. Call and new tall dress gcods at W Read's. Twenty I er Cent Discount.- For t A'o weeks ct ly on all millinery bought at IDA M l.RUSIIST. See onr hnr.in counter, W F Read. Tho fines ini- ofjpocketj knives in lbs oity at ht:v,.rt & Sox's. The only i::c Crcvn Used ; 1 Millions 1 ;f Tartar Po of IT'imcr. L VT I E WJ TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Very Bold Bubberyi Ai.nritQrKHQ.uE, N M, Nov 25. One of :he most during; robberies ever perpetrated in this locality occurred nt San Marian, a email town south of this, cith yesterday afternoon. While Jasper 1! Beels, who runs a private bank and general store, was wailing on some customers, a tall (inan dressed in cowboy fashion and wearing a monk over his face entered the place, gun in bund and compelled the customers to stand in line in one corner of the store. Ho then turned his attention to Mr Beels and forced him to open the safe and hand over what ready money there was, something over $1000. The robber backed out of the door, mounted his hoiso winch was hitched near by and escaped into the fastnesses of the Mugel en mountains. 1 Xaw Premier, 1 Montiieal, tjuebec, Nov za. 1110 lion John roster, minister of finance, left Eng land j esterdi'y, carrying in his pocket the resignation of Premier Abbott. This will lead to a reorganization of the cabinet, and on good authority it is stated that Hon J A Chaplrau, niinister of customs, will be niado lieutenant gove nor of Quelcc, the present holder of the position. Lieutenant Uovernor Anners, succeeding to the folio of customs. Sir John Thompson, present niinister of justice, will be appointed pre mier, and W C Ives, M P, for Sherbrooke. will be taken into the cabinet as minister of agriculture. Shut For Trespassing. Pkxdleton, Or, Nor 25. Len McCar thy, a young man, was shot and killed on Birch creek at about 8 o'clock this morning by a rancher named John Alexander. It seems that McCarthy, who was herding sheep, started across Alexander's place. An altorcation grew out of an attempt of the latter to keep him off the range, which led to the fatal wounding of McCarthy, APeallsl's Way. Sah Josp., Cal, Nov 25. Dr C S Whip -pie, a wealthy and prominent citizen ana a dentist by profession, committed suicide lost night. He was found in his oltice dead, lying on the floor in the operating room, with his head in the waste-paper basket, covered by a cloth, and the end of a rubber hose in his mouth The hose was attached to the ga and the cock was turn ed on. A Loaaer Drowsed South Bend, Nov 25. Peter Hilde brand, a young man, was drowned in Fairchild'8 creek, near Willapa, the 18th inst, while engaged in driving logs. A companion discovered him struggling in 4VusappearekVhV)ouy1r7ai recovered the following day. First of tbe Season Minneapolis, Nov 25. The first snow storm of the season is reported throughout the northwest today. At many p'aces an infant blizzard prevailed. Railway traffic is impeded, because cf the high wind, which drifted the snow badly. No'.ultiesTin weddluu titsilonarv. ball in- itatioua. calling uard, at Stniley's ST'JP at Will k Stark's if yon desire tee the finest line of silverware ever brought, to Albany. It embraces many novelties and will lie sold at roaonalil rices. V.a, More Peoplk want cood erocerirs than anything else, lt menna a good deal lor the harmony of the household. Matter 140 alon. n.jre smoothly. Deal with Conn A Hendricon and you will get the ben vroterlea at the lowest prices. Their produce la always fresh, and the? keep the intent In every thing. You are not in ft if you donor, buy jour eating gods of Conn & Ilendricson. The lVrtlai d Collection Aperry hat cc m- mic'd ffverrl uii to collect accounts for G I- BlaiLimu. Par.ia owing him should t t?Ie their accounts And pavd 00 ts. Ht-forc Inn in ; your v- inter stock f hoots ttid kltous t.t id nihV-er eort eo to Klein Urn. Alnant, t.d ft tlitir prices. TLev will iiiri caii r nmnry on every pair. It h a p'l-Mts t t then; tohow gnodn. Lartff nck nf white soods aniilt nibroid- enea at V K Kad CVs. Allany IJiit lift 'heR, Ofcn. Oats 8flfi Flour, f (M. Rutlor, !Mns, KgH 3 V. Laid. UHn. Pork hnrriH 15"; rd.ouk.eni. Set aldea 12e. fay. trn ed 15 uO atona, 250. Applet, r"c. Hops 17n. J tried t. n It pluina. 0o app.es. fc. ( hk koim. f 1 to per dozen, lieef. on foot. 2c. Hon. drHfed, 7c. Ct a No Alum. r.- 1j A:::t"ouia; l" Years the