riitsi MrnoN an i ssriiiTi(s in ITU'S. The whole fabric' of protection argument rests upon a biiiiis of presumption mid as sumption. Kor example, the Oregonian recently stated that the nmublicun vote was lnnrely increased in mannfiicturin,' .centers and cities of the east, especially where the tariff question Iiad been thoroughly discuss. cd, und assinncd or presumed the, reason to be that the laborers in these industries were satisfied with their condition and that by reason of the protection of the manufacturer their conditious were very much better than it would be if the tariff was reduced to a revenue basis on the articles manufactured. Now this is whollyrgratituoun assumption H beiiiL'an allinuation on the part of pro tectionists, it standsthem in hiuid to prove this proposition to the satisfaction of labor er and consumers. The tariff of course' insures to the benefit of the party engaged in the manufacture of the articles upon which the tariff is laid, mid tojthe full ex tent of the protection provided the parties are not too numerous to form themselves in to a trnst,(the legitimate offspr'ng of pro tection.) otherwise protection may not pro tect. But I am notjiere to prove a negative. but come'to demand of protectionists the establishment of this affirmation of theirs. A duty which they owe to the laborers of the United States, and to honest journalism. That the vote in the manuf.u-turing cent ers and lartre manufacturing cities in the east, for the republicans, was increased is not liecause of the conviction of the laborers in these industries, that protection on man ufactured goods insure to ths benefit of the laborer, but doubtless to the lact, that the manufacturer himself is deeply interested in retaining and sustaining the tariff tax, why, because he is the direct beneficiary, an.l to the full extent of the tax if able to form the necessary trust to enable him to regulate the production and limit it toHho consumption of the article manufacture.!. Again the Orfgowi'.iKjprc-iMimes'thatthe wool growers of Kastern Oregon, a. 3 of the same opinion us they were two years ago, and' hence the lion J II Slater, being an advocafe of free wool, will be completely snowe I under by these same wool growers, too much pre sumption and assumption again. The cam paign of education that has been going on fjr the last two years h:n convinced the wo d growers of the fact that protection 'o.'s not always protect. That they, the wjol growers, are too numerous to organize themselves into a trust, and that their market is confined to the United States ex clusively, and regulatede.t the wish of the manufacturer himself, and becau.-e the man Tl'acturer has to pay more for the foreign article by reason of the tarilF he naturally .lowers tlie price or the Home proilucr. as our observation and experience have amply tiught us since the enactment of the Mc Kinley tariff act, which the protectionist pr nnisod uswou'd raise the'price of our domestic product. But proved the contrr.ry exactly. Hut as before stated I did not conn here to establish a negative. But to demand of the OveonLtn ami other protec tion organs, the establishment of the af firmative of these two propositions, by an honest statement of facts ami arguments, and not so much presumption and assump tion without rhyme or reason. The people are beginning to think for themselves and the mystification thrown around protection by its lieueficiaries, is fast being dispelled by the application of a little common sen--e to the question. And now it will take something more than presumption nnd as sumption arguments to even hold, let alone convince the laborers and wool grow ers that protection inures to their benefit. Two years ago the republican party reajied the benefit of the support largely of the wool growers of Eastern Oregon on this assumption argument, but experience has taught a very different lesson, even to the everlasting overthrow and complete leiuta tion "f both arguments and promises of protectionists made to the wool growers, who were compelled by reason of the enact ment of the MeKinley act, to take from 2 to 4 rents less for his wool than l-f,.re the law A-as passed, their promise- to tho con trary notwithstanding. I'llNSt MKIt. If the voters of the Thlrdjudicial dis trict desire a first class lawyer to prosecute criminals they will find him In tlie per son of Hon VV R Bilyeu who has been nominated for the ollice of prosecuting at tornev. We would suggest to every voter when he goes Into the booth to prepare ids ticket, under the head of "Prosecuting attorney" to take his Indelible pencil and erase, cross, or mark out all other names except that of W R Hilyeu. It Is mo-it frequently the case that the people who have the most criticism to of fer In r -gard 10 the conduct and course of a newt-p.iper pie the ones who contribute the least towards Its maititainance and suppoit. These lines will yjssib.y catch the ee of some w ho borrow a copy of the 'J'imrf Mntt:itih,c-r this week to scan Its columns lor toe purpose of catching some item il-at will give them an opportunity to to find fmlt. A newspaper i liable to'trr, but wliun It docs it has no ap-lngv 10 make to tin -e who have never b en its patrons .l" II. 1 in: cr. Ho of Ih m an . eccurately discilptive Is the above expenep.ee 01 every -pape The p. Dell in.; has i v--i and : . placi . rca ( p!c of I.f'Kinon will ;h'c C:pt ;)f the lari-it Iiohich ih.it town Ki-i-n. -I), iiT(u-i-t:s. tvpnh Icnns ' p.u-lv uvTi il turn (nit in liiut ifj w!uili not a Ut-' "ii.- a UU AMI 11KAK II1M. Every voter, whether he be former, merchant, banker, caipenter, blacksmith, laboring man, rich man. poor man, or any other man, should no fail to hear Capt U W Hell speak in this city on Wednesday evening, May 4th. at 730 o'clock, and on Monday evening May 9'h, at Lebanon at 7:30 o'clock p 111. The wriler has heard him and can sny that every man who hears hlni will be deeply Interested and enter tained In what he has to say. Do not far .,et the dates. Tell vour neighbors and 6 riends to go. The people 11 1 Kastern O. egon should elect Hon I A Slater to congress w ithout regard to politics. He Is a man of much crreater ability than his opponent. His strict ii.tegrtty Is noted by all who know him. He Is o man ot ripe experience, having served both In the house end (.cnate. He has, for years, been a close, analytical student of the many perplexing problems that come up for consideration in the house In tlie course of legislation. He 1 much mii'e ably equipped to solve ihese problems than Mr Ellis and hence his ser vices would be much more valuable to the people of the second district than those of Mr Ellis. As a business proposition no in telligenl voter could hesitate a moment as to his choice between the two candidates. In the election of a supreme judge po" itics should be mid aside. On the supreme bench there re already two republicans and as a matter of vita! interest to the peo ple the third should be a democrat. It is not the right thing to have a supreme court composed of men 01 one political faith and that selinment is found to exist very generally among thinking people. The election of Judge A S Uennclt would place one democrat on the bench as against two republicans. Baker City Democrat. A private letter from Lane county in fo! ins us that word has b.'cn passed along the line of the Southern Pacific railroad that Hermann Is their friend. It would be well for the farmers and producers to pass word along the line that Hon R M Veatch their frienJ, and let the issue be made between the two. Portland Dirfateh. J F Murphy of Olympia, an attache of the house of representatives at Washing ton City, was In the city yesterday on pri vate business. Mr Murphy is very enthu sastlc over the political outlook, and says tnat the Cleveland boom is constantly growing. He says it is claimed that Cleve land ts by 50,000 the stronges democrat in New York state. Seattle YV.Vgr.u. It ia a big privilege to be able to get what you want when you go to a grocery store. Allen Brothers keep such a variety that they can always accom modate their customers:. This tavta running around. II it is fruit reason tliey have the goods. In produce their Btundn are full of the latest and best. Their etock of stan. hint groceries is always large, of the beat to be secured in the market. Tiikrb'sXotiiin'u in the stories about extravagant plumber's charges when you deal with Matthews & Wa-hburnc. They have first-class workmen, prompt and careful, and their prices are sure to be reasonable. N EV ADVEKTl.SEM EN I 8. l y A SIEP.-Girl :o do genernl house- y worn, uail at residence- of J T Pipo, piO RENT. A l.arn near thn business I. part ofthe CUV. Will hold iw) ii i.s, butgy, etc. Inquire at this oUioe. TJIKD.S FOR SA.E. -Mrs Wm Meyer I ) has some tine canary birds, genuine Scotch whistlers, lor sale. CjII on her at her home on ater street, between Hill and Maine streets. 1.1 fiOS. Pure bred 8 0 Brown Leg- I J horn ecgx $1 per IS. Address W v'rawt'oid, Tallman, Oregon f(lTA nolo for $:)00 sigiiH i hy J F I Whiting and V M Whiting. baring Uat May lltii, 18W, mailt psynble one ynsr alle-r ditto, to Auiiuitn Warner, at Alliany Or, at S per omit por milium. The linib'i- wiii plgiso return to Mrs W tner, hi. ihii elt". Tno public is here by warritit again! t purchasing tiia said note. A TOUNO na.i desires euttilovtnant J-X. for afternoons, Inquire at this office. IjOIt SAL15.-A nowstsim uoi-.l sr-v S1 a chopper eon he attached, If desired. have a few flno E'ectrio Batteries on ii.mil ynt. Will sell all on oasy terms. D M JONKo, r I ,t Washington St, Albany, Or. A BARGAIN. IiHtUIT AiTD VFOKTABMC FAV.M FOR 8ALK connthtinpt of 40 aero, located one mile north of Albany Lund lava fine RD.i la well improved. For fiirtner in fo; inatici. Inquire at the fimn or Tm H Warn kr LI! A Si X COM, Sl'TI X A'GS ' Y C. II. DALRYMFLE, Manager, Ct1 )vt 1 ii'tn n siH'rinlty riiranllrM f ntc, Crrtt ((-'li'lentii in nil llieIIcy tnwi.a, 0Br I. K llaLa' plre. Koftu-'s .Hk-k. GO OB NEWS rTi ror t!io millics of conEtniors ol J J hiJ ll rO. -2.J-.0. f j til n it timl lie Ih now iult injc up a LIVER PiLL & o Wtlil'tl i Of C5i(M-Clllll!;lVMIlull xl7,, I i-,-luinlll nil iftu vit-ttlrsoniic J n:,'l im. (monuitei-il iinri-lv MM.-. llntri slcHiit tl:i-.sr ,iil.(fl It .'Ill U-.ii, t-,1. 71t.t,imt lc of TJTT'S TINY LIVES PiLLS f il. m it in ltr Imrfii-viif lltl. 'nil." OOOG0OOOOG Ptrlier tn t, groccra. F. M. French keupa railroad time. Buy your rocer of Parker Broa Fiaojrow riea at Coun Si .uririciMii.Y. Latcfet klttct n.usic ct Will & UtiU'a. New oreatn cheese just received at Conrad Meyer. C W Cuh job printer, Kliuu liU-fc, doci tirat clam work. E V Achistu &Co are nt'liiutf wonuminU at i'ort.uud price. Stewart & Sox sell tha very bckt patent aheara oud acifntoro. The finest Hoe of pock ec kuivt-a tu the city at fete wart & 8ox'a. SmuUo the celebrated IJavaua tilled 5 omt cigar at Julius Joseph's. Go to 0 W Cohh. ml ceo at or to Paisley & Smil, Flinn B!ck, fur ji ur j b piintiug of all krul Dr ' M V4Ust i hys'iciKii and surgeon. Albany, Oitui, Culls m&uo hi cit or conutry . With hia new bakery Conrad Meyer is abloto olferold and new customers every thing tiiHiclaBB io biked gondj. Found! that Wrat's Cou:h Syrup is the best for coughs, colds aud all thro:it and lung disease. Large bottles. 23 and 50 cents. Sold bv J A Cum mica:. d.usrL'irfc. CON STIPATION. Afflicts half tho American people yet thoro la only one preparation of Sarsaparilla that acta on tho boircls anil reaches this Important trouble, and that is Joy'a Vcgctablo Banapaiilla. It re lieve! It in 21 hours, and an occasional dose prevents return. Wo refer by permission toC. E. Elklngton, U'5 Locust Avenue, Ban Francisco; J. H . Urown, l'ctuluma; II. S. W'iuu, Geary Court, 6an Fruiclsco, and hundreds of othcrswhohave used it in constipation. Ono letter Is a samplo o( hundreds. Elkiuctoii, writes: "I Lave been for years subject to bilious headaches and constipa tion. Ilavo been fo bad tor a year baci hare had to tao a physic every othi-r night or else I would havo a headiicbe. After taking one bottle of J. V. S. , I am i:i ;deudid sl:a;. it bus done wonderful tMns for no. l'eoplo similarly troubled slioi.ld try it ami be c-ouvir.ccd." tBOy bosrsapariila Mos: iii'.k!T!i, most ef.'t'ctiv. Stiinc price, Jl.vK', nix tot FOR SALE B7- J;; .vest bottle ALBANY tiOTiGE. 1 HE COPAETNEUSIIIP HERETO fore existing under the firm name of Hymatj ,V Brownoli iu tlii- r'uy dissolved by mutual consent. Mr Hyninn retiiinr from the firm. V iKhinor to o'ose up our t'Owinehs bv May 1st all Dartien knowinir inouiHMivt. iiitieotea to me nriu w-i.l piense settle tbair aoer.unts immediately. Knbxr an nt i- will uliii in llquidatloii. Aiuai'y, tr., pril letn, Jyj. J A HYM AN, ALDEKf I1K0-V"EL Having purrlmpod th Int- rent of J A Hvrnan in the "Albany KurRer.f." I hpl! continue the busint-Hs Lt tho old lncarion, on an pnlorctsd scale Thankintr our trinnils for their liberal patronage in thepu-t,J Khali nrfenvor for the Juture by Jair a?u1 Uheral deMing to morlt a orn tmusnoe of your favor. Albany, Or., April 15th, 18R2 ALBEKT BKOWNELL. Stor fit Het stock of 2ml' r gooda in the Valley, anil the moat roaaonablo prices . I kave on band all kinds of Fl'RNITU.IE, STOVES, TINWARE, rnUNKS, BOCKS, PIUTU'RES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC.. ETC. One do--,r wo-t of S Youn r rid nto GOTO e -;sye - TO - LIVE. Albany Stniii Dye Works, O.J. leii&qllopjietoi'. Ciothlni; C leaned, Colored and Repaired. i.aaics snaw is ana tiress (Joods a specialty. Faded clothing restored to its orielna I !. I:-.- i-u'wi, iw iuuo uivc new. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Me a Call. Work called for and delivered. Opposite Tarrish's Brick. ORIMHX PAC iriCKlILKOAO ., T, K, Hogg, fteceiTir, TAQUINA KOUTE RIVKR D1TISI0N HOT the scaion ef I82. Tn clfcct Anril scaaon ef ISth, KSM KTCAWCK HI, IIKAi;. Lei.vc Portland for Albany, .Mondays a. id Thursdays at 6 A M. Leaves Albuny for Cjrva'.lis, TuonUya and Friilays at 5 a m . leaves Corvallis fur Salem, Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 1 A M . Lcav.s Sal, m fir r,.rt!snd, Wednesdays ai d Saturdays at 6 A 31. f-'CSH AY & MAS ON -3LB'.A. ASK KJ.ML- i is tor Jo I., A!iln' pt!n!i-Htlon')1 ;v:!ii:.Vir ii priwa witi 'llil ll Wh hvli Ol '-.i'nil.ii'. ol-l.lSiV, KKC1. N. STl'.in.i; A I'll., Alhtnv. Oroff Loan ti'r.noy on tood nil TWO MEN AND ONE BOY UN1)DEA1)!. 1 ft?'.'?. : .. TSf'v-TiiC- Vhile trying to Crowd tlieii FROM AN BROS jtore, whore they alway. have on hand he lareat Stock south of Portland, of the latest Impromd Kltie. arfU Shot 3una; an Immense stook of Fishing Tackle of every description ; Tents, Mammocks, Camp Chairs and tbouHanda of other things too numerous to mention .Repn.ii ftSUop 'n connection with the Sl.ro, and one oi he best workmen in the State to do any mil ail kinds of wor Come one Conn No rouble to how goods. "Sn.ill profit and quick Is out .notlo. Albany ManuftiotnrerH IEAM ENGINES QF5I37 m SAW y!LL MACHIME8Y IRON rfONTS 0 ALL K!K33 OF HEAVY ftKO LIGHT WORK, IN ROM klld GRASS Special attention paid to repair): kl.-.da of machinery. K oi! HsUm-ris Made on Short Notice Star Buker orllroiKlullMii ,,, virtKf CONRAD MEYER. PR0PI?!Ef0n. lmLEU.IH l aniird I'railn, jiiu Oried Fruit. Tobueoo, Knirar, tollce, -. .'ifnrf Vvn, In furt i--ervth.(r that is kept in . ir-ncra Ttritty slid -si'tfory su.n.. Highest market irice .itl fir AJ.L KINDS OF FKOEUCE J. A. Cunimis";. Oi-usrs, I'a.intM, Oilw J 1 II H , lite, ALSANY, :- OREGON WICKMAN&ANDERSON Oppostio Charles Hold. T.ed nlotblnc and lace corlains alteiuici to. we 1 Starch work a specially. Braf. oh office at Mojea' barber hop, Laundry c osed evening, at 7 30 o'clock A BIG STOCK of -:- Baby :-: 13ugsies lest asscrtment ever brought to AUsrj just received at StcqKt Sox's. Sec llic Haggles and (Jet Trice!'. NOT1CK IS IIEREMY GIVEN THAT tho niinnai ir.celine; of tho stn.k holders of the Albany Wn'eo Mill Company will beheld ac the nTl-.-e of sale' company in tin city of Albanv, l,in countv, Oroiron. on Tu8f.v, "the 10'h day of May. ISM at the lionr'of 1 o'clock p ninf vii day, lor the purpose of elect it'K (4) lour directors to aerye arid com pny for the trm of onu yesr, Rnd for the transaction or such oilier hualness as may loiinllf rnmo before aul nn. inc. Done by order c-f ll.o Hoard of liin ciors ATTEi-Ti JMMOYKH. - '9 fall Paper, jrUjUlHAUB, Prcolden OUR STOCK SPRIG " SUB I now complete, and comprises the following lines. i.aito anti rmmm wkar. I 11 l I 1 l UU X X J. 1 iJ wvoj. v - o . Staple Dry Goods, Dress uooas, Wash Fabrics, Embroiderio3 and Flcuncings, Silks and Satins, Complete Stock of Shoes, Etc. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR Clothing, Fine NegJegee Shirts, Working Mens' Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Hats and Caps, Boons, Shoes, Etc. Y o We guarantee prices to be the lowest as compared with quality . Call and examine goods and get prices beore purcha.ing elsewhere If you w ish to savetnonsy. No trouble to show goods. G, W. Simpson. Julius Gradwohl s mm The very latest news is that you can' buy at JULIUS GBADWOIIL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c. lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Karosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 5 Gallons Good Pickles 00 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 00 I will conduct a alrictcash atnro. and all eoodi will be sold for nataaah from ID ,o -.) per cent icsa man recti r price. an ii:o o.-iiraoi" yies n nisnos, as well a ey, lamps and nxtures m complete. 1 b tkiu powder, anil alwayii please tuy ouutomera. Ageat forr.veral responsible insurance oompaniea. Jnlinu Grailwohl. WHOLESALE 3 RETAIL GROCERS CIGARS TOBACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE. OR IN THEIR Flinn Block. The Oregon Wltn us home office at In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and Stat- .tr.f uru c i- o-si uiaiibii WsIJI,C Jll X UI U"Wj AKESa enecialtv of SunnvKiMn fruit frflAfa nfio Qa1rt1 1 sell 5, 10 or 20 aor small cash payment for particul a I WANT And will soil for tho coxt 30 days lumber Common Roush Common Kougb, "ilzod " Clear flooring, rust o. fuinlshlijgi'iitquVlVty.".." T ., nd quality.. Laths, rerm J LOTS TO SUIT. i Ccme enrly ubile the asstr'.ment is good. A. Aptil.l8tl , ISO.', FOR My slooK or (Jliinaware. runoy Roods, i a Kuneral aiiortmnnt nrirooarliu, orona make a anaciilty of flue N', ojtlm CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES SEASON. :- ALBANY, OREGOM. Land Co. J --' -o wv s.au.i,d AAVU1 VUlUiW acra lots nt ftRO tr ftfif) nr long time on balanc. Send MONEY at my yard In Allany at these prices , .f 9 00 10 on 1 00 15 00 2 00 TERMS, CASH. Wheeler, R'diroad eMieel, I etv.een -4th and Sib bri.'iitit In Lluu nnd ailioininir .mm Secretary.