I y tVWIA JIXTION, April 25lli, J 802. Easter Sunday is past, and still i' rains, althouitli a great many of the old settlers predicted t:ood wontlier after Kaster. It seems all sijjns fail in Oregon this year. Rev (jerard preached quite an interest ing sermon at Liberty church last Sun dav. lie will preach at the same place the fifih Sunday in May at 11 o'clock. Rev Sperry he'd services at Liberty on Easier at 4 o'clock, a large congregation being present. On last Sunday the Sunday school was reorganized. Mr John liingenheinier was elected Superintendent instead of Sirs Smith, who declined to serve, and Sir Pave Foren, Assistant Supt. Sunday school next Sunday at 10 o'clock. All cordially invited to attend. Mr John Griggs is assisting Mr Dan Hart in the butcher business at Lebanon. Mr W'm Smith had the misfortune to cut his foot quite (severely, consequently he has been conlined at home the past two weeks. Mr Frank Smith i3 slashing for Mr Clnypool. Miss l'annie liriggs is visiting at the home of her uncle, Mr L II (jriggs. Miss Annie Claypool was home on a visit last week. Mr and Mrs S R Clavnool went to Sa lem Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr K K l'pson,"wliotnoved from Lebanon to that place about two months ago. We understand the funeral of the late Mr Jasper Crabtree w ill be preached at Providence church the third Sundav in May. MrJKEwing has gone to Salem to work a', the barber business. Rumor says we may listen for the wed diuK bells of Mr D., "of Heaver Creek, to send forth their joyous peala in the near -future. What means it, Frank? The next time Mr K escorts a young lady to a dance w e would advise him to put his riding dress in a more secuie p!ace,especially i! it is a stormy evening. School at the Junction U progressing very nicely under the management oi MrLatta, three weeks being already gone. Sunshine. :isirt. The Journal says: ''Marshal Minlo discovered a lire in the Fan saloon." It is safe to bet that all fires discovered by Salem policemen will be in saloons. Voodburn Independent- The Woodburn Independent says that a week ago J.arshal Minto of Salem, was in the citv looking for C II Smith, hut he did not find him. Win Woodworth, of Howell l'raire, had been to Salem and Bworn out a warrant for Smith's arrest, alleging that Smith had coin milted adultery with his wife, Mrs Woodworth. The officer went to arrest Smith, who jumped ou. of a window and got away. Mrs Woodsworth appears to be com pletely infatuated with .Smith, for she started out the other day to join him. The police officers shadowed her and arrested Smith in Southern Oreaon. He is now under bonds to await the action or the grand jury. Mr Woodworth has commenced action for a divorce- Boys May hk Had (and sometimes girls) for (1) ordinary sarvic at wages; (2) upon indenture, (to work, attend school, and bo brought up somewhat as vourown;) and (3) children may bt Lad for legal adoption. Address, F.. T. HOOLET, Supt. Oregon Koyj' and Uirls Aid Society, Portland, Ortgon. For S.u.k Cheap A second :iand piano. For further particulars call at the drug store of lilackman & Hodges' or at the residence of ti L lilackman. Wll W TV m-oi wtian Shiloh's cure will gi'.t hmiiwdiace ielef. Pries 10 cf, cO eta Dil 5 SHILOH'3 CATARRH REMEDY, A giositivc euro for (.'atari D. Diphtheria acd .'anker Mouth. SHERIFFS SALE. t a the dreuil Court of lie State oj Oregon lor Lane County. A llovey and II C Humph rey, tanners doing business i tinder th- l'mn nam of Hovty Humphrey A Co., PiuinUtla, vs. E R Luckey, Defendant flTOTICElS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtus of an axtoution and ordei of s e issued out of the above named Court in iho aonve entitled action, to dirtotod and deliverol, I will on .itur!ay, (lie (lay t June, isnj, at the Court House door, In th city of Albany. Liun count' , Oregon at tho honr of 1 o'clock p m of iaid nay, sell at public auction ful eaxli In ueni lo the highest bidder ail the right, till and int.retof Ibo ahove named il-fnudAnt lu and to the loal property do-clued as f allows, towit: all that pnrtiou of the fo lowing described real properly beini andljingin Linn cuuntv, Oregon. Coin nenciug st the northwest cornsr of Donation Claim y.o 40, Nomination 3iW2; oust 7.3" chains, south 22, M chain-; wt 1 chstiis; north 22.5J chains, east i.lii dining to the plaee of beginning In towaship I'), 8R3 nost, eontalnlni? li2 acres. Tho precoftd.i ariimg from the i ale of laid real property to beapplled as follows: First, to the payment o; tho costs ofanu upon ald execution and tlie original corns ttxed at 4(Ki 45; second.to the p ly meut of plalntiU'aclaimaiuoimihig u tho ml n ot J.l.'iSS OS, with interest at ilia ra'e of 10 percent per annum fiontheStu dav of Maioh, lsttt. JDaled thil 20th da of April. 192. M SCOTT, Shtriff of Linn ceuuiy. Orrgon. ly C ESujrr, deputy. TFiASURER'S NOTICE. TkTiKICK IS HERKHY OIVrtN THAT ihn iiuderstgiin l Comity Treasurer, tvt n onev In his hands for the payment of all outstanding county warrant bear ing intore:t.Biid tlr t interest on the same ceases with lliia 1to Conniy Treasurer. why is the W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ccnSl'IWm The best shoe n the wo.ua fcr the kk&! It U a ftcaiult's sIuh, ,vi:h r.o tu-tt or vr.x !ir'!U. to l'urt tbefcet; tnailo of the bt lino cit, ityli-U Bid easy, ar.il beriu6 1-r v ulct wor .'. t ut thiM Qradf t.'mn any other mniw'ii t Air, ll ttuaU liai.tl 05. OtM.enniii llniil-ew rtt. the f nt flf i w ft.v I'Vir t:ifnu nr g env., 4RA 00 Ihiiitl-SmiNt Wi'lt S!im. M. cnJf styji.ti. iviiLfirt:tl!" ami ricr.iL:.'. I i.e b't rioe ever offcn-l ni tti.s prtcf : j.'r.-.io a :it' IOm-m3f!f lViM!lS fruiii ('.! u tu '."'. CCH 3(1 rolin- Iiopi FarnuTJ. l;.nlro:id Men wOt niul lAMUTfrtrricrsnil wttirthfin: n'tecnlf BtV.n;Us. tmo'irn inilt hrnvy thfo twioJ, UA.lt;i' n! -.u cJk. iie pair will wear a var. C 50 liiif rn ll'i m lit'itrr shoe ivr off ?rM at mium this j.rlc--; tiie trial iv:M onjiiivo tkvw viio wart arho fTOf-rufcrt ar.l rvi i. ff0 5 mid $.00 Vorttitictii:iTt'w etimt vas nre viry ni- n nnd duruiiU-. 'i in :t vui I,ivo elvcu tliTii a trial will wear im :! ir inu'it?. faUr' tf'J.OO nml M.".T uliool gltiHvi rv (LJafJfO wuru ly inc boysevorv where; tticyse.':! rr. tnelr merits, rt mm iu'TfUtltiK (tali-i lmw. SarllAO M.0() JIllJlll-PU'WCll fihn. iKSt (1U IC9 i;..iiK-)!a, vcry.-tyli.Ui: (Uilsi'-tca mrortl slices costing from gl.i i ( ti.i. Lmilon S-.0O nuri ;w for VirX'sarv ttie hei flnr J.-aaiul;. sty'.iMi:,.! tn;i;iijl- ( uviiai-i. hcz tlt '. L. I).L(i!i.5 u:u..y '.u'-i ?siLC ma jiaiuic.l on thebottcin uf via li ik.-o. rir-TAKr. no srnsTiTi TK.jn Tti?t.-t on I' ' M ntV.-crilm il (h'ulcrntiuiip'viUti vow, VS. jb. DUi ti4-.:;. l,r-clnou, i-,3, Suldbj L. E. BliAIN lil PROFESSIONAL CARDS lUEATtiEUrOKO .V f f CHA.UBEKLAE1, AttomcTS at La. Will nr&ctlce in ftll courts of the ttt. Special attention jiveu to mVter In probata and to co leoti'jtu. OFFICE lu th Flitm block. R. g. BLACItat RS II. C. WATMS B L4.( KSU It t WATSOX, All lea' mitterii will rocclr? prom itastHu. OB t in OJJ Feiljwa' Tmole, Albany, Or F BILYEl', Attom)- at Iaw wnl Solicitor In Chancery. CoH ac tions made on all po'nta. Loana ueirotiaUil oh orable terms. Albany, Oregon, G EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law. Will praotic In o'l the courts oi tins Htnte. hpeelal atteitton yivon 10 coiieouoi.e and matter in imh.te. Ofllcel -L'peuire Masou- Ta-eeOlo toek, Albany, On. Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. J J WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. I) ill. J. L. HILL. Vhycfcian ami Stirjrefn, OFBIC2 Comer orrjr atreeta, Albany, Oregon. MjISTOV aft DAVIS, Phrniclanf an Survetn. OFFIPE Oarnr foond anl KrorfUlbin itreelt, A'banv, Tt Calls pramptly inei tica in citv ana csaiiiry; c Hmenps.thlot. BneeUlst In diaoaaca af the Eye. Tweaty year etperiuaia 0-1.ee hmim 7 9 a m; I to p m, atu o ts iuvaaiaj. Aioauf , Oregon, F IKST NATIOAli )UK, OF A LB AMY, HEOON, resilient ...... Vice President . Paahler LFLIKN .,. 8, E.Y0L1XC G. W. LAJiGlOS THAN. ACT 3 A GENEKALhanMnguftiaofla. ACl'OUNTS KEPI' eubiect to eheck. SIGHT EXCHANGE and Ul Tapbfe tranafer, aMJ New York, Sau Frauciaco, Chicago and P i Hand c'0-LECTIO HADE on laorahle lennf, D1H1CT01UI o. E. Yorita E, W, L so do C E BLAit. L. Fli.vs Kdwaid F . aox. 1SSVO TIOI. HANK, 4 OF ALBAYf OREQOIt. CAPITAL STOCK I1W.900. A.S.I L COWAN. PreaUlent rice-President j M RAI-ST.iN. ....O A AHUUIllOLD. at fishier I ruttom, J I Cowan, J M Ralaton. W S Ltvld, W H s5al;ra, J A Oravrard ani O Arab butd. f UANSACTR a general banking bualneaa. DKAWS1UU1 lPAFTSou New York, San aii ti-tur , Orepon. T.oaN MOSEY on appiorcJ aecurlty MX, El V deposits sub feet eheck. B AK OF OKCiiON, ALOA!Tt OREOOX. rapllal. I $30.C00. President - V..U F MEBUILp Vice-lrtaidot ... W LASJtLSi ashlT IaT w bdiuh frariaacts a (renaval bankiabuinaaa: Da, 'h.nge betixht an4 sold on all the iucjml It tee in the United Uteiest aJsaau England, Irelzni, Fraiiae and Uunnany. Uel.ecUonatuaiie at all ae;eioia ptinn n iner tia terms. Hitoreat allowed o.i time ataposHa, V. (MK K aV (U BAXKKRS OP ALBAKT, ORKAON, TtVtiVT f ! al Ui-i'liiT wines I L V V it i .1 1 ' Vr I t oi aw lara, oaa rraa sjoa.il Prtl'il, Orai. I, v M at atvnvji leiurny. V aa;u ai.tjfCk locrieoa. CJIA.U Ji'lOSinnia a: fararlta terras. INTEREST paid an time deposits. B AS It OF MCIO, 6CIO, ORUOOtt. reel-lent Vice PremWnt . Ouliicr ....m J S M.aats 3rr Mtrhs 0 g Mat DiaKcTcaa: i: Oo'nl, orrii, 11 Uisaal J.ho P 0 Sialih CHOICE MAT8 iik Ai.t. V.xt , jn.Tl t ! K'K - iV - 7.1. 1 1 I f Opfiewite Sell' iiff r' l.'tvrw Sh-a, naxt d r tt Vi.1in-tte pAkin.r C's niatm. ALCA'JV OK. nmm v mnn bros. ,Htn' "i.i ' 'ii ' 1 1 An" ' in -iiiifcu- WORST FORM ECZEMA Banied Beet Medical Skill fur KiM Months. Cured In Two Mouth, by Cut lo urn Ko medics. This ta to certify that a child of mine had Ecrcma In iu wowl form, and which battled the bent un-ili-ci.l akill that could becinployvd here. The lit lie sufferer waa wrapped Id &nony tot at Icaut eilit uiuuine. pix uiunttia oi that time Its Bufteriiu waaelinpiy uutold.tlu-n I bi-KQU the use of tho (Jr. TKC1U ltKMKlHEii, In two months tln awful dieeaee bad ct-ut-d it Vt-DKeance, and my dar ling boy had rett, and to all appeuruncG the di eue bud yielded, but I continued the modi.' I tu tor several months alter no trace could be teen ul It oa any part of h n - uouy. i ne uoctors nt re watched the dleane with much interest, and could only sav ' Weil done! ' The cane was kuown far aid wide, and everybody waa much ruirprieed. Hut t banks to Cut am a Kemedibi. Could there be itii) tliiug on earth that would cause a futber to re Joltv it surely would be wbto the little Itiuocent one oii!d huve auch a remedvat hand. (See portrait herewith.) J. A. MCULKd, Buulter 1JU1, led. A child was broujrht to mo with chronic eczema tliat had defied sjik-Ddid treatment from many good doctors. As a regular il. J)., should have continued similar treatment, but thought It uevles. So put It oa CtTlCLRAf. Tho child is well. C. L. UL'KXEY, U. i., 1ood, la. Cuticura Resolvent Tho new Blood and Skin l'urifler, Internally, anil CiTieiTlA, the (treat iSkin Cure, and Clthlha Hoap, the exquisite Skin Iteautltier, externally, in stantly relieve and speedily cure every dlteaee and humor of the skin, scalp, and bl- with lusn of hair, from Infancy to age, from pituj s to scrofula. Bold everywhere. Price, CiTicrnA, SOc: Bai 2c; Kesolveny, if 1.00. Prepared by the lrm:i. Dui'o and Chemical Cohpuiutiun, Lostoti. ew Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases." C t pastes, 60 Ulustratlous, and 1UU testimouiuls. DA3VC Skin and Hcalp purified and beautified DHUl O by Cuticl-RA boAP. Absolutely pure. WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS, Kidney and Uterine Tains and "Weak. iti'Bos relieved In one minute by the C n tic-urn Anti-Pain 1'laater, the enly lustactaneous paiu-kiillug plaster. Ayers Sarsaparilla The Best Blood Medicine So say T.enilimj VhyxlcianM and Drugyists, and their opin ion is indorsed by thousand cured by it of Scrofula, Ec sema, Erysipelas, and other diseases of the blood. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla has won its repu tation Ly yenra o valuable service to tho community. It i ti,t tn,t." li. 8. Lang, Druggist. 212 Merrimack St., Lowell. Mass. Dr. W. P. Wright. I'aw Paw Font. Tenn., says: "In my practice, I invariably pre scribe Ayer'a Sarsaparilla lor cliron.c dis eases of tho blood." Dr. R. li. lioyle, Third and Oiford sts., Philadelphia, Pa., writes: "Tor twu years I havo prescribed Ayer's Sanaparilla in numerous Instances, and 1 And it highly efneactous In the treatment oi all disorders of the blood." L. M. Itoblnsnn, Pharmacist, Sablnn, )., certifies : "Ayer's Saisapaiilla has always been a great seller. .My customers limit there Is no blood-purifier equal to it." "For many years I was afflicted with scrofulous running sores, which, at last be came so had the doctors advised amputating one of my legs to save my life. I begau taking Ayer's Sarsaparllla and soon saw mi Improvement. After lining about two dozen bottles the sores were healed. I continue to take a few bottles of this medicine each year, for my blood, and am no longer trou bled with fores. I have tried other reputed blood.purlflers. but none d-.;es :;o much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."-U. A. liobinsoii, Xeal, Kansas. Don't fall to fret Ayer's Sarsaparilla rr.EFAF.KD PV DR. J. C. AVER 4 CO., Lowell, to. 8oldbyDrugi.t.. wul, fr; butu. Caveat, and Trade-Marks oMaicad.pr.fi !l?st cut bi.sin-s cyrtnew I for V0(ie-ile re(,St Our flflra it OaftoaTt U. S. Pa.sni office, and wo can isntirs ,ater.t in ton tiuisiktn thor remote from Whintoi. Stud hhmU'I, draw'r' "t- T'boto.. t dpserij Mon. We adtlna. if pe;i"t:ii',o or t, fren c chnr:c. Our foe n it due t".t p.itant il ttemred A Pmnhlci. '"How l" ii.:n!ri I'iints." with Fame .-f Ht ;:! cilea!" ii.yo-jMiaia;. county, or town. snt fr -e. A.ilrir, CA.SrjOW&CO. 0;do:: Fln! OSes. VVusMncton. 0. C. HOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. 111 tl.o nttuim. n ft liiitf l' tht Altmnv FftrmerH i'o will l-f h. !tl ut ho nlfti" ol HU1 iwirpnny In Albany, yii y iii.om Mv 17th, lMi:.iit l c.Vlock ! in of ssitl ilay.for the J urpf-; of ltrtiTK mvp-i tlirort rn tn ?ervn f.r Llitetin of wo ymr, mid tho trrtiisiictinii f uch oilier liiitir an may legally C'-ire lfre.)io :ifetif. t'one t iiTvI-r rf ".fir.i f I irpt'irsi. Attf-f: M U V li DH. P H Mah uim.i, I'reiil ?nt Secrourf, REAL MEBIT PILLS? NO I! If you take pills it is because vou have never tried the S. I). lli'a'luclic and Liver Cure. Itjworki so nicely, clcinsin the Liver and KiJneys; oc;s as a tnilJ ;iltytic without caus ing pain or sicknefS, an J does not atop you fiom eating and working. Totryit is to become a friend to it Trail r supplltd by H)tmY & .1 l0. EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacifls Rout9 SHASTA LINK. Express Trains leave Portland Iily. 8.iuth I Nt-rth fyii: k. I Lr r.trtlB.n'l Arl 71.1 a m 10 23 r m I Lv Alh4njr Lt I 4:'2S A u S:15 A M j Ar S:in FmiicUco I,v I 7:00 p m A?lSta brains stoi) oii!t at f..liowinir ntiatiiti north t KnstMmrg. Kwt I'ort'anil, Oregon city, Witrnl. ourn, italeiu, Alitaiir. i assent, SIunI.I, lialsoy. liar- ROHKBI UO MAIL, DAILY Sam I Lv" Portland Albany Kosebuiy Ar 4:00m Lv 12:w h Lv I tt tX A M ALBANT LOCAl DAILY RXCSPT SrxDAT) 9 F M I Lv I V) LSBA.YON SRAiiC 2:ir uTT-v Altuity Lebanon Albany Lebanon r I P:25 a y Lv 1 $:4tlAM Ar I i:-16 r u Lv j 3:40 p h $. r m I Ar 7:M V I Ar PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeriins Cars. roratcommnilalloaaf Secoiiil-rinaa I'.i.trn mm, Kimrneil lo tivure.n Trullls rt.l H,lr l.irlslon. i:.TEEy l'UUTLA.U A.M tUKVJLLI.a. Mail raaiMDAUi (CxseptSunuay, 7:.1i a u Ar I 6:30 r H Lv 12:55 ra 12:10 m Corvallis BxraiBS TaaiN daily (Except Sunday. 1:10 rn 17 Porllaml McMinnvill. Ar I i:0 a a Lt I 5.15 a M 7:C6 m I Ar Tliroiififli Tickets . all point. EAST, A?JD SOUTH. f'.ii fin. iiif.innitioj rsanling rates, mai-B, ou Company Agent a Albany , OKILbH K p. ROOF.KS Wai'r .'t(J. F. anJ P.Atr YAQUINA BAY ROUTi'. Oregon Pacific Railrodd NUtifi, Kerclvor. -o- Dra&.jn Bevelopmant I'o's Steamers, Nkors Line to California, First-c'.aaa tlirouifh passenger and reiEQi iinoirnin i-ort ana anil all nn nh ki ouv wiiiamobte vaiiny to arjn Irnra Nan Boats tnpk-o cioet cotiuect'.on at Allian tin trains of the Oregon Paclfi Railroad TIME 3i:UEDII,S, except Sumlas.) rfv. Alttai.y 12:20 p. a. ; L.ve Yamuna. . u i,eav. Corviiliu l:"3p, a. I Leare CorvaMi.,lU:35A, arrl.-e Yaqulna, 1:35 I. a.Arrlr. Albany, 11:13 a. a O.Af1. Initi. mnniuir ar I 1 ...... . . . .1 Corvallis. The above train- cor: net tat lauuiua wiin me uretton IJoveiopmont i-V-mpaiiy's Line of Steamships between Vaqtiina and San Franrinco, KAILIKU DATE." . FROM TAQI'ISA. ':i:.octl Valley, Dj nSor 13th, 22.ll 31, t raoy BAS PHAVCIHCO Willamette Valley, December 8.h ; ISth ; 27th. Tho Company mtym the rignt to iaat;eBaiiiu)i aaira --tnout notice, "I.H. Pasaenttera from Portland anil VUlauiette Valley ooinl oan makn rloA tcaneoujn witn ine trains or the Yaquina rout at Albany or Corvallis, and if des tined to San Francireo should arrange to rnve at : aauina ine evening Rfciore ('ate f aailiuy TI"afnaer aail rrlhl rale always the uata nr Informitlon anntrtoA R Chaprann. Freight nA jcket AKOnt, Albany, f. '. Itlltil fc. u. e . are r. Airei.t, Corvaill s NOTICE. li the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, In the matter of the application of Monti vi alterakiruhen. I r change of came NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an order waa duly entered of rcor iu the above entitled O.mrt.at the rceular April term th.rnof, 1892, wherein and whereby it was deoieed that the na ne of Ibe said Morin Waiiorskirchen be ohanKod to Mnrilz T'altora. All persona interested nr nMreuy iioiinea mat a cer tificate under th9 seal of this court wi'l be tratiteJ of the name tho siid petitioner Is to bear, at tne regular May erm of Ibis court, lSM.unltss rcsons are ahowu why said certilicate should not i"tin. l'liblisL'od for throo weeks bv ordor of tSn II U TC lt!n,.L:luirn .lo.la ni ..n hlW..'". - nNI court, date i April !';h. 192 l itn... nir hard and the mo. I nrH.j court April 11th, Hl'i r PAYNE, County Clerk of Lun county, Or. mm is M: .Ul -. I ft i mm i 'V" -'ft: .too: -PATaONIZE HCM 1 i g?i-5'.()fe 3. !HE FARMERS & MWHTS INSURANCE CO, -Albnar, W F KKAP, President. J L COWAN. Treasurer. -DIKKOTORS-" Jl. Cowan, Geo F Simpson, IV V Head, D lt Montoith.M Sternberg, J W f'mlpW J K Wealberlorn, KSStrahtn.J O Writsinan. ALSO IIISTISKT A0KXT8 TOR Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies LABORING RflEfl! Loss or xiais rc costly: ST. ;K5O0'C'JKA(iOCOC03 II Si ALT H IS WEALTH DR EC WR8T'S N'SRTH AMD BrAI.I TRF.AT1IRT. ITUirantee'l spt'cirte (or llvstvria, Wixzuiw, t'on vuliiions. Fits.KervoiH Nvuraltfia.IIcailatflitj.S'tii voiis Pronratlnti oauel by the ueof alcuhsl or thacf, Wakefulness, Slental Dopruwiim. Hofteiiinif if t)i Ilrai rtsultinir in insanity aul ijAtlitijf Ut misery, decay an i death, Irc mature (Mil Ao IHrrenness, L'Hi o( lV)fr ai either kbx, Involuutarv Losses and Sermatorthie caued Iit over-exerti n o th train, s'f-ahu4c or over-indu'tfenc. Earh b contains ou ta-mth's treatment. 41.0) a hux. r six b-jxes fir t'.niby njail prepiid n receipt ( price. WE 4.1 AnTtF, MX I.OXF.H To care any cvas. KWitH ewh ordsr rcceivedhy ua forsix fc'txiii, aimiipinieii with 0i, we will ieml the purchitsr our written iruira-ites to refund the in mey if he tretm'ti. Joes not affect a cure. Uuar autees lau-jd only by J A 4'ummllijt, OruKSl.!, Holt Acrnf, Albuny, wreicoo, E iLBANY, OREGON JHAS. rFEIFFEK I'ROl'RIETOR, fitted nn flrst-clata style. Tables ripnlled wi. e tho heat iu the market Sic aleiplnK apartments. Sample room I ooiiiTiiHrrial traveiera. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON1 18Q1, 1892. Iral Term Opened Sepltiubrr 91k, A f U oorpa of inntruotors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot study arranged to miyt lb all grades of students, $fitil tuanctinenti offered to stitjens from abroad. nrr. Ritstr Jl cxit Preililent. llj.iv.-s OitilM A Revelation. affVHS pw.pla know thai ttk ,VkA brlgbl blulab-iKfln ,r ' f. aVv;'i .... . ol v iub OFiuury tea txytmd Z . aj V f oral color. u"r fact nay ta. H u mtsm,J aitlUoiuli miusral eU tnatlvr totng tLsod jqjf U o a bright, ihliij grtsn, but alto wmti qm ol " off eolftt " and vrujttbUs ten, klA our ai4vr th irrfoa cloHi, M tvaaik worked oiT at a roo4 qnallly ol tea. Auinliittut authority wrttea ott ILLi Mv, Joot: "Tho iiiantkiyb)li(noJ root too, u w them nflnsr A-pouncQ,Ucajrtfltl uaia Ivnly. Crocn tea, being In this oHinta; rhVvciully wp ilnr. are vr.I.itaJ tounwtu d-'inand by clgriti: f'ttfajct l.'aci Vl-uiw i&zluK or ftiaiwg with I'rubxlan Mucttittwii B isum, and IiidlB'i. ThU meth&l it so tlA that very lititc yttnulitt utitofortd yrj- u ofsred far fiile." It wj ibe kimwledr f tliis cnr.dltUa m uit'ulr tl ut ) romotl Iho p!iu?.ns; uf Lo. a Ti.-tt b.'(oio llto public. It U abiA'iiksir mm and vvlih 'tit mlnr. I li jua fYc.' W ftvliuitio iiii-.-i.Ior.'d ;.t un K-it? X.& y,1r rr -for toopiii a n lni;-of livM-hx tudym uli. sue i, uud i :i-l.u'y f.- r lm yy f fi.:.e. Il ill l"t fo;i i 4 l:i c. nr to . j livien t 'O 'ri;tl' l.il ritwii tlui tg .f(tB Wvn a-.i'ii.-t. iT'ft.l t. hi. m! iliuMa-lt tn It (.rn-.'.- . -.:Zli'i'jl rmiary OIvj, fin'TAut I 1- ul.l bj a levels. io L driufcerfc J.a purky t-rkca lt al.a Bw t'JOIIOin'i ll llit.il V.: It'ilfti.'il tc:i. v tjrfj of It U rt'iulud lorrn;.. ur..y lu fr0, J mum, tea "Pure As'liciheodJ II your grocer dooa not bar It, tue v0 fsj tt lor loo. .VxlMGAo IH pound. Par sola ai " ALLEN BP.OS INSTITUTION ?.- Oregon. J O YVRITSMAN. Kooretar. Quo V SlMFbON, Vie l'residont. TaECLvS CAREI JACOBS OIL, aaEVWJ, THE CREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN, RHEt5MATi35.'J, Sprnins, Bruicss, Cts, Woa.ids, Sorcneos, Gi;E3ts, Ewclliiir,3, Llickaohs, Nou- rzttfz, Ztl-Mzz, Burns. FORTMILLER & .RVJNC FUXERAL DliiECTORS- arterial ICmbalniing done SoUintilienllJ AUianj-, Orritnn. 0 P ' BSST IS THE WOK7.:. ItawtrlnftqiaHtli.anrrt:nBum.-iii,-l,itc'.uny Outlaslinu tvo boxen of cnyothMr brni' L r.-l eaooto'l hy h..t. Iiroi T 1 iil. IIXE. rjRSAt.EV.Y HEALERS OENEIt ALLY, ill a d z e a a s a m w v . ri y.i.KiitsAiKn ... p The Fl..,?l SmbII Af-..c c. unH..f.ni.A S rnvucuicue i l( IC4BINS ard SAFETY. ,-V, i l:....l 1 Scad for Illustrated CatslcitM and Pri.-c L ,t If S Ki'iiisariEi.n, jiAss.z. !S 9 r m v,m H Q 5j'3 't- c- v-v Ss -rf '.uf'VatnHTd' eti i.i :: ..r,vi'v. A'iinr 1 nni. .ii. -i i'urt'.ii i.tp Ofi-iii 11,1 i)..tmirt m cro'ir'1 Kv ry p,;. t. tnLor, out l.f i nfrb- If? lud public bj a hotuo t,!M.n c' .'..uri.u i , - iO I.Ht.'eft nriltln of any urtf nlil.'c vnpr US- i. h,i.ii.',cy i,,r...trure.t. ' h'W wlth.it It. WW, st.19f jri 1.' .ix in..ntli. Adclr ttif '3 lt.-H!JH,5i I llr aulnux, Kow Vora. 2 wis n tpra iftrn P i ACCURJCr, wif W DURSSILITV. i;iiyi .rv. U 'U..JW. . .