Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 18, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    glaiivr gewocgqt
JT'ESi UTTIH. BHiior. and Prop'n
lutpreri at the Pout OfHon at AJhiny, Or
(' at Hocond o'hhh mail matter.
...4rniL is, im
W'lM. Rkdbkm 1 1 i.Msr.i.f-. Governor
Kern' i.l;'iu'd the pardon ol Thomas
Sksi,'li'- J lie pardon leacbed Ibis city
todiiy nni mi imirniiig subji was re
leaned the cminty jail. Snafus was
tervini! a term ol six iiinnllii anil twelve
dais ol "e entem:e. The pardon was
due to the efforts of blends ol Skaggs In
this city. '1 he released man was found
iijovlng the bright aunllglit and sweet
liberty on Cherry street this forenoon, and
was sfcked whnt lie Intended to tlo. l
will go to Kugene first and visit my
mother," he said, "and then I will return
to Seattle and It will he my future home.
Here I made the misstep and here It Is
tint I will redeem myself. I will live
this matter down in beaitlc.-Seattle
liAin.v Tkkatkii. Joseph Ramirez, the
leader of the Spanish Troubadors, who
left Portland some months ago with Carl
King, the mind reader under the manage
ment of William Darnell, has returned to
the city. Tne tour was a disastrous one.
Mr Ramirez speaks in bitter terms ol the
treatment lie received at the hands of
Darnell who he say", left him sick with
pneumonia and owing him $600. He
was dclirimi for several days and no one
expected lilm to live, lie was penniless
in a strange town and had a wife and
family dependent on him for support. As
he was a Knight of I'v'.hlas, however, he
was not left to die. This order paid Ills
hotel bills and doctor hills and gave lilm
transportation back to Portland. Mr
Kainirez thinks that Darnell and King
went to Chicago. Oregonian.
A Paralytic Strokk Saturday even
ing "Uncle" George Hughes was fishing
on the bank of the river near the old saw
mill, when he was taken with a paralytic
ttroke, falling over on the bank, his feet
hanging in the water. He was discovered
and taken home, and l)r Wallace sent for.
Hi gained consciousness, but has remain -ed
In a critical condition, and it is thought
that he can only live a 'cw hours longer.
Mr Hughes Is nearly 8o years of age. He
was a pioneer of 1847, and since 184S has
lived near Altiany until a couple years
ago when he moved into the city.
Didn't Jump It. The Mill City Ga
zette snys: Edward Wolfe Is not supposed
to be a claim jumper, as reported to the
Daily Herald, of Albany, and the Mill
City Gazette He has a legal right to the
mentioned the prior squatter had
been off the land for eight mouths, and
havii.g previously exhausted all his claim
filing rights, was trying to illegally hold
the claim. The Wolfe shanty was not
blown up, only the logs rolled down Mr
W. is now quietly selt'ed upon the claim
with his family and intends to remain. It
Is theiefore plain t be seen that the first
story was exaggerated and that Mi Wolfe
is not a claim jumper, trespassing upon
the rights of others, as reported.
Larckny of a Toracvo Knife.
Several days ago on complaint of F E
Allen, N A lllodgett was arrested and
examined before Justice Humphrey on the
ch'arge of larceny of a tobacco knife, and
held to await the action of the grand jury
under bonds which were furnished. Mr
Allen bought out Mr lilodgctt scycral
nion'hs ago. Recently on settling up a
store account he w..nted pay f the to
bacco knife, claiming it was not in the
sale, which Mr Allen denied, when Mr
lllodgett picked it up and walked off with
it. The lustice took Mr Allen's view of
the case.
1S61 ani lS'o. A Portland man writes
as fol'ows: "It being important to know
what the difference was in the extreme
height of the river at your point during
the Hood of December, 1S61, and in Feb
ruary, 1890, you will do me n great favor
by advising me as early as possible." The
greatest height of the Willamette at Al
bany in February, 1S90, was 33'ect74
inches. In iSCit it was over a foot higher,
approximately 35 feet.
A Great Nimroii. All old fish stories,
elephant hunts, grizzly contests, cougar
rights, etc., will have to take a hark seat
A copy of the Sporting Goods Gazette
has just been placed on our table contain -ing
the followin. Item: "L W Deyoc.the
Oregon gun man, on a recent trip to
Yaquina Bay, killed twenty-one deer and
landed over fourteen thousand trout, all in
two week s time."
Alumni Mretino. A business meet
ing of the Alumni of the Albany colleg
late institute will be held tomorrow
(Tuesday) evening at the residence of F P
Nutting. All members are requested to
he present. Arrangements will be made
for the coming commencement 6eason.
There's Nothing in the stories about
extravagant plumber's charges when you
deal with Matthews & Wahbi-rne. They
have first-class workmen, prompt and
careful, and their urlces are sure to be
Mr John from w.ll give a ipand openirg
. 01s coufectiouaiy afire tomorrow "veiling
ns'ead of t -might as heretofore stated.
A. B. MclLWAIN hot just received direct
irom the manufactories, new designs in cap
ptt, oil cloths. linoleums and window shades.
-lcl will be sold at reduced piices. I am
ilso receiving a fine line of men's shoes, many
Nyles, at 25 to 75 cents per pair less than
I' Trimmings. The Isttst novelties
'n ""resstrinimlrrscan nlwcv be found nt
SAMUEL K. Yoi ng's
50CC paper fresh garden and flower seeds
iiingLurch.vers at
C E rwiwSELLV.
FE Allen has just rece;ved srne nlc
ce.oratd Iri'et lets, wl ich will plcaie yiu
Prof Geddes, candidate for school sup
erintendent, is It. the city.
Mr Robert Huston, of Corvallis. was in
tile city today on his way to Portland.
Mr Perry Raymond, of Portland, Al
bany's old P M, passed through Albany
today on a trip up the road.
William Pfeiffer.of Dallas, Is In the
ritv running the Revere house, while his
lather is attending the stati democratic
Mr Hopkins, paymaster of the Oregon
Pacific, was In the city today lk'iidallng
with employes for November. it good
as far as it goes.
Mrs D H McCull')gh went to Portland
today as a delegate to a meeting of he
North Pacific Missionary board of the
Piesbyterlan church.
Miss Stiles of Albany, has been spend
ing several days in Newport, a gust at
Mine Host Crcssy's. She spent the entire
season here last yer. Newport Times.
Rev Fathers Vermcersch of St I.nuis,
V hite of Salem, and Metayer of Albany,
were guests of Rev Father lirosseau a few
days ago; and last Monday made a visit to
Portland. Hubbard Herald.
Miss Elizabeth Lockrldge.who has been
visiting her cousin, Mayor Cowan, and
who has made many warm friends in Al
bany, left loday for her home In SI
A divorce has just been granted by the
Circuit Cou:'t of Jlenton county dissolving
die marriage of Prof E G Lorlllard and
wife. The cause given In the complaint
was cruel and Inhuman treatment. The
latter will assume her maiden name,Sarah
Owenby, and the former will teturn to
his old home In Baltimore, Md.
A Democrat man carr.e near being
serenaded Saturday night. His next door
neighbor was the fa vrred one. Mr Bert
Veal having concluded to attend the
Holmes' llusiness College, of Portland,
the Juvenile band, of which he is a mem
ber, gave him a serenade and as well
spent the evening in a farewell party.
A pleasant time was had.
The Democrat mentioned the fact a
few days ago of the presence here of a
man from California looking for the fam
ily of Mr Stafford, a blacksmith here years
ago. From Mr Win Ralston we learn
that Mr and Mrs Stafford moved from
Albany to Chehalis, where Mr Stafford
died. Mrs Stafford returned to Linn
county, and Is now residing at &n ad
vanced age near the Sanderson bridge.
A Man in Dangkr. We are Informed
this week by the parties in danger, that
certain young men, living not far away,
tried to pursuade boys of another family
to go with them and help drug and rob
the informants, who are Eupposed to have
money in tiieir possession. The latter
lefused, and that is why the story leaked
out. The old gentleman wishes to have
it understood that he Is prepared for them
if they come and that he keeps his money
all the time in the Lank, but keeps a
double barrel 19 gauge shot gun and a
Smith & Weston, ready for use when
needed. Mill City Gazette.
Mrs Axna R Riggs, slate president of
'he W C T U, is inaxing her annual visit
o the unions of Linn Co. She wi'l be In
Albany on next Wednesday evening,
April 20th,and will deliver an address at
Uie W C T II hall. It is hoped a good
audience will greet this lady at that time.
Mrs Riggs has been president of the state
union for several years and is well posted
in V C T U work . She was present at
the national convention in Boston last
November, and also at the organization of
ihe world's W C T V at the 6aine time
and place. It is hoped some gooj music
will be prepared for the occassion. llun't
forget the time, Wednesday evening.
If vour stove is a poor one and your
wife "growls and looks weary, or the cook
complains and looks daggers generally.
No matter. Learn a lesson, rsexl lime
do not buy a cooking stove until you have
examined the Jewel and several other
firs: class makes, kept Dy iuattnews s
Washburne. You will get one that gives
Conn!: IIekdricson Lead. Tlicy liave
the Groceries, t lie nroduce and the good
treatment. Tliev lead in prices and
mialitv. If voti want standard groceries.
call on them; if you want the freshest
produce do not pass by their store ; ineir
teas ami codecs are tlie heel. A good
iiiv to save inonev is bv ('eaiiiig with
the'ui. It will count in a month's trad
ng. Try it.
Your Attention is called to our line of
Parmenne es. jacket,blozcrs and
rcefeis, which is now complete.
They are tailor-made ami guaranieeu 10
The cloths are ol the latest fabrics.
Very truly,
Samuel E. Young.
Manv rise in ths morning with a hcvl-
rcb.8 aed no inclination for breakfast. This
due to torpidity of the liver and a ue-
runtnd condition of ihe stomach, lore-
store healthy sotion to those organs, nothing
so tthciciouB as an occasional dose 01
Ayer's Pills.
For arm e ware, 01 neks, j in", stone chnrns,
etc, go to F E Allen s
YOLLSlAUr LION At the resi
dence of Q B Skinner, In this city, on
Saturday evening, at 8:30 o'clock, By Kev
L S risher, Mr nenry tiufium m.u mis
Thekla Lion.
Mr Vollsiadt Is a resident of Albany ,and
Ihe bride is a late ai rival from San Fran
cisco, Calif- At home, corner Main and
Water streets, Albany.
this summer ? If , c" J? ''""
at S' & Sox's, and sec a New Mail,
ldch ahvais i;les satisfaction.
MrsJII Stiue.wife of the deceased editor,
is running a bonding bouse io Iudependtnci .
Bishop Stamford, of the Kvaugelical
church, will preach at the M K church to
night. . The Ladies Aid ri'icioty will meet with
Mis Pike tomorrow afternoon. A full at
tendees is requested.
A line hue.f tinwaro and haidwira t
Matthews & Washburn's. You cau depend
on low priet.8 and t ie best goods.
I.i the gumo of base ball Saturday sfcor
Donn botweu the Saeood and Third ward
olul, the l.ittor wou villi ease by a score of
14 to 7.
Among tho Easter services yesterday the
one liven bj the Kaiaht Templars in their
hsll last eveuirg, is reported as of a very
interesting nature. The fl iral decorttiou
were unusually attractive.
Temple Commandery No 3 hs elected
the following oilioera for the ensuing year:
L C Marshall, KCW8 Llarr, Gen'o; C E
WolvertoD, Capt Gen; D P Mason, Prelate;
Frank Farrell, Sea W; C K Hawkins, Jon
W J J. wa n.Trear; E W Luigdon Keo'dr;
J P Oalbraltb, Std 11; ED Cusick, Swd B;
A B Matthews. Wtrd: DC Sehell. 1st (i:
C B Winn, 2nd G; F K Allen, 3rdG; DT
wjmm, feeDtmel,
The contract for the cooatruotion of the
A 0 U W Second and Taylor streets,
Portland, was awarded Saturday to the
PortUnd Bridge and Building Company for
!,775. The next lowest bid was that of
J K Bennett, $70,000. The contract in
cludes sidewalks and a lot of extra work not
iooluded in the original plans. The build
ing will be five stories in height, with a
Novelties in paraaula and sun umbrellas
at Samuel E Young's.
Will il Stark, tht jewelers.
Urauges for 23a at C E Brownell's.
The boat roast coffee in tbe city at Uoniad
ivtuysr a.
Ashhv t- Carso, ileal Estate, 804 Wash
ington Street, Portland, Or.
Wake up and buy your alarm clocks at
French's, The Corner Jewelry Store.
All kinds of choice eating jad cooking
apples at Allen Bror.
Large and complete stock of spoctaclea
and eve.glaises at French's.
Malliewr & Washburn lead iu the stove
and tinwaro jbuiiuess in this part of the
West's Cough Syrnp tickling in the throat, 1
stopB that hacking cough, and gives perfect
.i:..r ; I- .u .,l
I AO SnM kv .1 A nnmnni .Irnnni.t
Whiskers that are nrematurelv vrav or
fadsd should be colored to prevent the look
os age, and Buckingham's Dye excela all
ochers in coloring brown or blacn .
The first fertilizing goods brought to Al
bany may now he found at Robertson's feed
storo. Sciperphosphatis, muriate of potash.
mtiste of soda, pure bone mial and land
plaster. Also that white rose flour from
Polk county wr-eat, which absolutely has no
qual in the Albany market,
Have just received some extra choice sil-
tji C K Buowkkll.
Ladies Oxfords. I now have a com
plete line ranging in price ficm $1.25 to
4. 50 a pair. Good value and every pair
Samuel Young,
llic 1. 1 In mm it
They keep the hest'boya clothin' to be found, their prices
are low, and every boy gets a fine baseball
and bat with li is suit."
k Elegant - Lins - of -
The State Democratic Convention
meets in Portia id tomorrow The Linn
delegatt. Including the ta l man of the
DKMijCRAT.are al. tll-T5 read v for business.
C K Wilkinson, tne of Ihe dcmjcratlc
nominees for representative of Lane coun
ty, is not yet twenty-one, but will be of
age before he is elected. Wilkinson beats
the record.
A Walla Walla man about a vei.r ago
started a man out witn a band of sheep on
the range. A few days Ago he received
the following from him: 'If you want
me to remain here anv'll have
toget another band of ihccp; them's all
The iVelcome says: Foghorn Walts,
recently appointed register of the Lake
view land ottice, noes no, appear to oe
weighed do .vii with the burden of officii"!
duties. He did not, like others holding
similar positions in the state, attend the
republican convention nut he is pu.tlng In
his time extolling the virtues of McKlnley
ism, high tailff and the grand old party to
the resident of Lake count; . The peo
ple of that section of the state merit I lie
condolence of the re.nainlng portion over
affliction put upon them by lhe Oregon
Saturday evening, Ap'il 16th.
Present 'ccoider, Maislia), Street
Superintendent, and all Counc'-lmen.
In Ihe absence of the Mayor, Council
man Stewart os elected Mayor pro tein.
A ballot was had for 600 feet of hoee,
and on the sixth ballot the contract was
ordered let for the White Anchor hose,
Long Ss Scott, of Portland.agents, at $1.10
a foot. This is ihe make of hose that has
already served the city well, some pur
chased in 1S76 being in use now.
Ordinance 347 providing for conrectlon
with the Ferry street sewer was read tl ree
times and passed; also ordinance 248, au
thorizing the Mayor and Recorder to
make contract for hose.
A batch of resolutions in reference to
sidewalks and other Improvements, in
eluding the condemning of the right of
way for all lattera's connecting with the
Madison and Maple street sewers, were
The editor of the Mill City Gazette and
the editor of the Sclo Press are having a
wordy war. It has gotten down o a point
here the former calls Ihe latter a cock
roach devoid of common decencv. Next.
A Metiioi'Oi.ita.n stock of suitings for
the spring and summer, the best in the
valley, just received by W R Graham,
aa can easily be learned bv an lr.spec'
ion of llieru. They include late and
handsome designs, and will b3 uade up
in tho latest stylo by Mr Graham. Get
the best anil latest, and tins you can do
at Graham s.
) May ue seen tne
finest stock of
gold and silvei
watches, diamond and other rings, jev,
airy, silverware, &c, in the city.
fatoear - Just - Opened.
It's Necessary. The necessity for'
advertising is very apparent 10 any reflec
tive mind. If an owner wishes to sell his
property he must let someone know his
wish if he kept his intention to himself
he would also keep his property to him
self. To adve'tisc means "to apprise, In
form, make known, arinounce.promulgatc,
publhh the fact that Parker Bros carry a
first-class stock of groceries, produce and
baked goods,whlch can always be depend
ed on tr be fresh and In season. The fact
is one wonh advertising.
A now Imrrel of that choioe Magnolia
ayiup just reo iyed at F K Alien's. Bring
y, ur ciiD atd gt somo.
Oar New, Fresh axd Clean Stock of Seasonable
Goons, bought close, selected with good judgment as to
quality and iu good taste as r.egards style and appearance,
you will find it the Attractive, Popular, Satisfactory and
Lr.w-1 need btock ot the beason.
Boys, here's tho placo to
and Bat with every suit.
The Monkey will be given awaj' April 30th.
every boy's suit you get a ticket.
"The Leading Clothiers.''
See our Windows. Cn cor, 1st and B. Sts,
And will soil f ,r tbe n?xt 30 dayslumbor at my yard In Albany at these prices.
Common Kouch - $ 0 00
Oouiuinn liough, .' 10 0(1
Clear flooring, rustic, I'm iiishieg, 1st quality 1 00
2nd quality 15 00
Lit lis, per in '2 10
Comerarly Tvhilo the assortment la good.
A. Wheeler, .
Apiil lStl . IH91,
and a general assortment of
0- 3E2 OCE 3EZ S HE2 S3.
Suhscriptionagent for ull tho loading Newspapers ami MngD.inei. Terms oajii.
Kenr (ho I. O . Albany, ' '
Albany, -rjron.
Cam. -: and -.- Have -:- Your
tested by
folinston's Patent F.,e-Metcr at F. M
FUEXCII S Jewelry Store.
A B Mrllwaln Offers Bonie flultuiu rrlras
He makes the following reductions in sugar
for cash :
17 lbs diy grnnulateJ for Si 00.
20 lbs extra C white for $1.00.
22 lbs extra C golden for Si. 00.
He will also sell a'five gillon keg of pickles
for 90 cents.
Puoab. Julius Gradwohl hereafter
will sell Magnolia sugar instead of Extra
C. Magnolia is sajd to be a better grado
than Extra C. Call and try it.
The court's fluty is to de
cide a case on its merits. The
public is the judge and we
prove to the court's satis
faction that we undersell
anyone else in the city.
buy your suits. A Baseball
Railroad sitieet, 1 etneen 4th and 5th
1 u
Dealer in
Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.ea
per dozen. Enlaiglng pictures f;
specialty. it''X2o crayons framed
for $10 00. We carry a large line
of 5x8 and steresccplc' views of Ore
gon. Studio In Froman's Hlo$k
next lo Masonic TempIe.First Strec
:- of -:-
Baby :-: 13uggie,a
bestjassc rtment ever brorglit
just received at
A Iba r j
and Cci Trice?,
lie fiiggics
! i, '
i. 1 i
'! i M
I r
i' sx
I I:
1 f.t
I It
in ii
,u laui'v ana juc-,