Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 14, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    iTITESi NCTTIMJ. Hit ton arid Prop'ri
Cit.-r.l at the Pont Offlfl at Albany, Or
ni " micoimI nlHHH mil mutton
?HltNl VV.
...Aflill, 14, Ktt
A RwMAKiiK Incident. The Part
ami llUpalcli tells the following: Y w;
terili'V a Mraier called at the l'ni;n
actlic ofliccin thU city and naid for a
lido lie had n'ien in a Ihx car from Whit
man lo The Dulles Kome eltjht years at.
The amount wan $6.50. This man de
clined to (jive Ivwi name or lo lake a rec:iK
for Hie money. Kvery man that beam a
rail n m J rompauy U not a tramp or a
.aobo, yec they are looked upon and chibsed
istuch. The men In question was un
.douMfdlv an huimit man, but was forced
to steal the ride from dire necessity, and
when fortune smiled upon him, he like a
true man, came holdl) to the front and
paid Ids fare like a gentleman. Now
lien,let the Union Pacific take an example
from this man, and return the money
stolen imm- Hie people bv extortionate
overcharged rates.
Tmit Old Fake. Some Salem men
have just made the same foolish trip that
has been made several times by Linn J
county men. The Journal says: Amos
Strong, A Herren, Mark Holms, J Frizzell
and Kd C Cross have returned from a
week spent at MItrhell, ijjs miles east of
The Hades, in the lilue mountains Mr
rrizdll s brother had written that he had
discovered the famous Blue Bucket, or
lol gold mines, supposed to have boen
found and lost in 1845 by emieranU. The
Uther and mother of Mr Jlerren were In
the train that located the fabulous Blue
Bucket mines. Careful Investigation
showed the party however, that Mr Krlz
zell was mistaken. The party had a
pleasant trip.
Looks Waklikk. At the meeting of
the militia board In Salem Col Bowditch
secured an appropriation of $500 to equip
fjr actual duty troop II at LinkviHe. who
are liable to be called out to defend the
settlers against the three thousand In
dians still on the reservation, says the
Journal. 'There Is great danger of an
Italian outbreak tlitr? and the present
state military ooard deserves credit for
doing all in its power to protect the set
A Uaiti.inj Bkkkze. A decidedly
stiff breeze lire vailed this niter neon,
rattling signs lively and whistling through
whiskers ominously. But it was tame
compared to Nebraska style. U simply
rattled things. In Nebraska and Kansas
ami most of the eastern stales the winds
I run into cyclones, and the cyclones smash
things and people. We never have even
, blizzards nere. A good breeze occaMon-
ady is a pleasant i' ff air.
ORWioN Ckkkai.s. According to statis
tic 1 ,1 10,07.1 bushels of wheat were
raise:! in Linu county in one year on
155,314 acres; yoo.306 bushels of oats on
yjx-'t'J acres, and 22,004 bushels of barley.
in wheat Umatilla county took the lead
with ius.oS bushels, Marion next with
i,i(v),)$S bushels. Tillam.ok's record
was too bushels. In outs Marion was first,
Linn second. In barley I nion county
A Tannery. Messrs Riggs and Shea
oi Brownsville have made a proposition to
the business men of Albany to move their
I tannery plant to this city provided the clt
uens ot Albany will take 5,000 siock in
the concert! . Our men of means should
I look Into tills mailer for Albany stands in
need ot nothing so much as manufactur
ing enterprises .
A Boy Stauhed. Last Monday even
ing at Riddles, Chester Poguc, aged 17
years, was going home from school when
lie was attacked by a school mate and
naoutrii three times, dving at 2 ociock
vesterdav from the effects of the wound.
The deceased was a brother of M E Poguc
of Salem, at one time a resident of Albany
tor some lime.
A li it ! DtiK Accum.vr. letterday after
i noon ('has Bender was working on the
new irulgc, when n heavy block and
Uckle Mi on one of his hands, mashing it.
wuiat it will prevent his working tor
1 Mnietl-ne. Or Hill dressed the wound
ThisU ihe first accident requiring surgi
i attention since work began on the
T"! Attorney Generalship. In
'e Case of tho ttutri, nf nlllce of Ihe at
toney general Judge Boise ordered
""! Clerk I'jyne to place the office in
"Is election notice. His grounds were
at the governor could not mane an ap
"Omtrr.ent extending beyond a genera!
tion. The case will be annealed to
'It Supreme :oiirt n srmimrnt was
ue More ludsre Boise.
Anew barrel of that chnire Maunnlia
'ymp just receiyed at K E AileuV Bring
1'ur can and get some.
J1 is a big privilege, to be able
" get what you want when
you go to n grocery store. Allen
wotliers keep such ft variety
that they can always accoui-
mnlate their customers. This
ev;es running around. II it is
lr"it season thev have the goods.
- prouuee their stands nre full
01 'be latest ami best. Their
stock 0f Bnniinrj groceries is
,' . nv" r-'P. of tiie best to be
- iii uie market.
'jitm?M'er,,fre,hpr'len '! flower seeds
-s I'urcnarers at
C K HrownellV.
s!"lni; Millinery.
I hi. ..
all t, J '"0:k of prlnK millinery
eVn?," -"JcnrdUHr Invite
Judge Stratum -caine up fom Salem
this noon.
T II Kheddy, the Diamond t'tol mun, Is
In the city.
lien K Krench, the veteran book agent,
Is In the city,
J 1' (iatbrnlth watt in Salem yesterday
on business.
Miss Flora Mason and Mis Ayer were
in Kaltm yesterday.
Mr Senior has just arrived In Albany
from the Kast. lie Is 9 relative of the
woolen mill employe of that nanif .
Mr Will barker, formerly of Albany, is
a candidate for ne initiation for county
recorder on the democratic ticket, and
v'ill probably be nominated, and the
Dfc-Mocit at hopes, elected.
Ucvs Irvine, Wilson and Acheson
have returned from Spokane, where they
had been to attend the 1'resbytery of the
V V church. Mrs L K Blain, who went
also-, stopped at Waiuburg to visit friends.
Last evening at the residence of Mr A
Ji Matthews, the ladle of the M K church
South gave a social, which proved a very
pleasant affair. Ciaines were played and
a delicious lunch, Including some savory
ice cream, served.
At last judge Boise, of the third judicial
district. Is to retire. !U was first elected
in 1858, and again in 1864, 1870, 1876, 1SS0
and 1786. His election in 1870 was con-i
tested by his opponent, B F Bouham, and
after a, year or two Boise retired and gve
up the rest of the term to his adversary.
Alloget'iei lie has been on the bet ch
thirty-four years, and ha been generally
respected as an upright judge, Teley ram.
On the Willamktte. A Salem paper
gives the following Interesting river news:
The Steamer Hoag reached here last
night from her upriver trip, having gone
un as far Monday as Finlc's, which is
about twenty-five miles this side of iJar
risbnrg. The Woag brought down a big
load of San Franciaco freight, among
which were 125 crates of pressed brie1' for
the Hughes D'Arcy block, li W Wilkin
son, of Corvall's, has been put on as
purser in place of Purser Day, who has
gone to hastem Oregon. Ihe Oregon
Pacific also has a new agent here, K II
Rutherford, M E Young, the fjrmer
agent, having returned to Albany. Guy
Powers, the wc.l-known Oregon Pacific
pureer, has turned mineralogist and has
gone on an exploring expedition.
Ei'tKKp's P. O. The report of the V.
M. at Eugene Is a good ore, and Indicates
that about one more year will bring that
city up lo a second-class postotlice, now
enjoyed by Albany. It shws the num
ber of stamps, stamped paper and postal
cards sold amount to $0270.26. Box rents
collected, SS 25. Drafts on late post
masters, $197.17. Total, $7651.68, The
ney orders issued amounted to $20,-
85S.26; postal notes Issued to $1727.15.
The number of letters registered is 1402;
number of parcels registered, 250; number
of registered parcels and letters received
for delivery 2945. this is quite an in
crease over any previous year.
F E Alio
n j is j recti veil nie)
tt nits, which will pleuuo you
y and trie.
both in era
Fir stoi e warp, ci'ekp
j ;r :, Htm:e chump,
ecu, go to f Vj Al'en s.
li's Nkcessarv. Tiie necessity for
aovertislng is very apparent to any renec-
live mind. Kun owner wishes to sell his
property lie must let some ore know bis
wish if lie kept his intention to himself
lie would also keep his property to him-f-eif.
To adi-erlisc means "to apprise, in
form, make known, announce. promulgate,
puhlhh the fact that Parker Uros carry a
tii st-class stock of groceries, produce and
baked goods, which can always be depend
ed on tV be fresh and in season. The fact
is one worth advertising.
Conn & IIendkicson Lead. They have
the groceries, the produce and the good
treatment. Tliey lend in prices and
quality. If you want standard groceries,
call on them; it you want the- freshest
produce do not .ifs by their store; their
teas nnd coffees are the best. A pood
way to save money is by dealing with
tluiii. It will count in a month's timi
ng. Try it.
A Metropolitan stock of suitings for
the spring anil summer, the best in the
valley, just received by W It Graham,
as can easily lie learned by an ir.spec
Uon of them. They include lute anil
handsome ilj:-igns, and will Iw i.nile np
in the latett utyle by Mr Graham. Get
the lM'st a'- latest, and tins you can do
at Graham',..
A. B. McIlwain has just rsceived direct
from the manufactories, new desiftns in
nets, oil cloths.linoleuins and window sh
which will be sold ai reduced piices.
ilso rcceifing a fine line of men's shoes
lyles, at 25 to 75 cents per pair le
eiular prices.
Slay be sei tne
linest Bluer of
gold nnd sil 'el
watches, diamond and other rings, jew
Iry, Kiiverwarc, c, in uiccili.
m m m
Dress Trimmings. The lattst novelties
in dress tritnmlrgscan always be found at
Ladies Oxfords. I now have a com
plete line ranging In price from 81.25 lo
4.50 a pair. Good vaiue ami eve,
warranted, mmi ..
t marlnir ual Ulna anrorpaaw't. e epT
-.;..'...,. I nt- t tri,
tor s.M.r. iiy liKAi.rns ovnt.1'. u.'-'-
P ths Bnnua. meeunt ... .....
Farmer-C'e will beheld at the om 01
r ir. ihn. Oi2in.on May
i io,.iuur kovpo directors to
"rve f .r th.trr,m ofono year, ,d .bn
usnsaetfon of Mich other business as may
IpcuIIv come before the meeting.
n,,n bv ordr-r of beard of lincitor.i.
1101 n by orunr WILDS.
Policeman (Jibson, of Salem, wai fined J
for assaulting 0 V Pugb.
A I.UMueM meeting of the Union Y P 8 C
E will be icld at the Christian church t(i
inorrow evening at 7:30 promptly. Matters
of importance to be considered.
Whiskers that are prematurely gray or
faded should he colored to prevent the look
os age, and Buckingham's De excels u1
ochers in coloring brown or blgo ,
A W Charlton, a too of ex Sheriff Churl
ton, of this county, has been uominated by
tho democrats of Like county for Sheriff.
Mr Charlton has heretofore filled f ho cilice
well, and his eltetion may be predicted.
One member of F. Co. of Eastern Oregon
is said to have refused to go to Vale to put
down th mob nut of pure cowardice, ami n
trood manv of them w(.r nf.k
uruont huoinesn.
At the anr.ual IV OtU meeting on
Tuesday Mm C W Seirs was elected J'.esi
dent, Mr A M Hammer, Secretary, and
Mrs John Althouse, Treasurer. The r1
ports show the uuiou to be in a pod condi
tion financially.
The ilogister s:iys: Hannah E Maxwell
has commen-cd suit in the circuit ceurt for
IjlIlO COUIltv tt dhtain a l i.--.o. t. 1
husband, T 0 Max-veil. She alleges as
cause for divorce cruel and inhumio treat
ment, l hi parties are residents ot iSpnig
tield and were married at Kdpm Aiw..t r.-h
II 8 Mimro, ofNowliuru, N (', cUims to
hnVA frituiliMitta nt tha h.:. U : l
Culuinbua wben he wi In prison. nil he
lutcuu. mi tzniuic mem at ihe tjir. J V
CalhouD, of New York, aays he has pieoea
of the houae io San Domingo in which Co
lumhus was impriaoned.auil he has a similar
Flvfiru nnnlr mnA nntnA. : I. . 1
t . vuinci ,r i y iiiuii in .pave
on every railinu and lep was tilled Tuesday
uif-uv iu uinr air niuis iinai aanreis. in 1I
some over 700 have sigoed cards sieoifyiug
a derire to become Cbristiaoa. lodividu.i
churches have had accessions of membership
ot from eighty to 100. Journal.
The ftrufc rpmilnr .hnnf fnr 4I.A Q.1A nn.l
and (iun club diamond medal took ulate
T.. 1 t-il i r .
j-urouay. rouowine leoorua were rnaae
out of a possible twenty-tivp: Alex Lafollett
13,'C DUabrielson 22. F A Turner 18, B I'
narntt i, J liyan 17, U L (Jlr-nn 21, K 1
farkhurst 17, TBJoues 15.
Will & Stark, the jewelers.
Oranges for 2jj at 0 Kliro.vaoli'a,
The best roast collre in the city at Com ad
ivlcyer a.
Aslibv .C Cane, llotl Kitate, 80J Wash
ington Street, Portland, Or.
Wake up and buy your altrtn clocks at
French's. The Corner Jewelry Store.
All l.ilids of choice eating jjil cooking
applea at Alien Brop-
Larga and complete sS'.ck of spectacles
and Cje-glatses ut French's.
Mathews & Watliburn lenl in the stove
and tinware LuMuess in thi pirt of the
West's 0 mchSyrun ticklini! in the throat.
stot.s that hacking cough, and Rives pprfect
relict, it in certainly orth a trial. 25 and
50 cts. Sold by J A Cu mining. druai,iit.
The first fertilizing giols brought to Al
bany may now be fouud at Rnberceoti's leed
st re. Sciperphophatis, muriate of pota-n.
niti-ite rf soda, puio bone mial ami land
plaster. AIko that white roto (lour from
Folk county wl eat, which absolutely has no
"quel in the Albany market,
of saying that' we iare disiilaying the largest and most
ever opened
IL. 1
DLL n,.d
Bill' I
y9 h wm i
The prohibition county convention con
vened at the V CTU hall with the fol
'owlng delegate
Albany T 1' Ilacklemnn, W E Kellv,
T I Wilson, J II Iluijlies, J J Miller, W ll
St John, E F Sox, C W Scan, C V Cham
berlain, Rev (J W llill.Jas K Bolton, J A
McFeron, 1J K J'arsons, I) I.ashell, J F
Turner, Henry Gregg, j E Warner, J W
I'o'lock, O C Aubrey, Geo S Acheson, 1)
II McCullagh, S U IHulln.W S Johns,! W
Scnft, Moses Miller, S E Mcmlnger, John
Gclsendorfer, 1 F UaJley, R Conn, W
Adams, A H Morris, A Wolverton, Jason
Wheeler, 1 N Combs, F I Ball, L W
Moench, C Chance.
Kast Albanv G W MyersJ W Tatham,
G C Myers, A J (,'arolliers.
Orleans R A I) am ford, SP William
son, A M Acheson, D K unkln, Elmer
Hamilton, R Cochran. E W White, A Y
Smith, W 11 Crawford. H Holstein, (J W
Crawfordsville lohn Chance.I W Oa,-.
! Scio ! S Mnrrli 1 I. Miliar fl C,n..U.r
Franklin Butte tVill M Abbott, A T
Shedd-R E Crawford, I SheneeM, W
r. Barr, J R Dunlap, F M Rinehart, (C
Price J L Arclii'oald, John Chambers,
J M Archibald.Everett Knox.Frank Lines.
est Albanv .1 F Stewart, S J Wick
man, R K Ohiing. J V Wilson.
Tangent Rev Thomas, M II Canady,
A L Brldgefarmer, L K Brooks. John
Luper. W W Rlggs.
llalsey. S Z Taylor, II B Kenlston.
Santiam Geo C Moore,
Brownsville. N II Bateman, 11 C
On motion T P Ilackleinan was made
chairman and Ed Knox secretary.
The following nominations were madt :
Representatives T P, John
Luper and W T Cochrane.
Sheriff J S Morris. .
Clerk J W Senft.
Recorder C W Yates.
Commissioner A T Powell.
Treasurer John Gcisendofer.
Assessor Joe C Brown.
Coroner C U Chamberlain.
A Fine Truck. P C Anderson has
just finished building a fine truck for the
Albany Brewing cotnpanv, which speaks
well for his skill and ability as a workman.
11 Is the tirst ot the kind ever built In the
city. Parties wanting work in his line
should call on him at the corner of 2nd and
Baker streets.
iK pursuant to an ordor of the lien
County Cot rt ot I.inn county, Oregon, I
will bb1 nt public auction to the Inchest
bidder foi cas-li In haul at tho Court
House door, in tin city of Albany, I Ann
county .Oreeon, at tho hour of 1 o'clock
in tho title -con of tho lsthdav ot April,
1S'.I!2, ropfrty belonfing to the
(Mine 01. tipnr tjra -er. (lecnnseu.anu uo
HiH-ibed as foliowa, 'o wit: The southweht
i4 of Bettion li, in twn'l-.p 14 Routh of
range i j-ani oi the Willamette Aieriuian
in Lian county, Oregon.
O P Cnsi-IOW.
Atlmr. rstato of Henry Oraser, doe'd.
lino of
in ihis'city.
Kratl, Tbluk nut I Art
All civilized cooks not only want, but are
entitled to tiie latest and best appliances to
be secured for their use. Tnen we get none
too good food for lUU very dyspeptic age.
thiK over feveral times. It Is an important
fact, and If digested will be belter .than a
dozen bowleg of patent medicine.
1 1t INK
about it until your thoughts are txhausted,
and your brain power i weary. Sleep over
it ind then
(lo to Miittl.ews.5c Washburne, (he leading
dealer in stoves tinware and hardware, and
select ftom their lare and fine assoitment of
stoves one that will mtet all the requirements
of a first-class cook. They have them, as
well as the best 1 eatirg stoves and the best
made tinware.
Lovers nt u tine toned piano or a work of
art thould tee the ntyln 20 "Miller" puno
on exhibition at VVjlU Munio Store. CJ1 to
6y or to-mntrow forenoun.
.Maoy rise in th morninK with a head
ache atd no inciiuuticu fur breakfatst. This
ia due to torpidity cf the liver hm a de
rand cnudition ot tho stomach. To re
store healthy actioc to these oranf, nothing
i so tfliciciouf ai an occasional dose of
Ayei's Pills.
Many who pride themselves on their blue
blood would be far happier with pure blood;
but, while we cannot choose our anceBtora,
fortunately, by the use of Ayer'a Sarsapa
riila, wo can can transmit puie blood to our
Oar New, Fresh and Clean Stock of Seasonable
Goods, bought close, selected with good judgment as to
quality and in good taste as regards stylo and appearance,
you will find it tho Attractive, Popular, Satisfactory and
Low-Priced Stock ot tho Season.
Boys, here's tho place to buy j-our suits. A Baseball
and Pat with every suit.
Tho Monkey will be given away April 30lh. With
every boy's suit you get a ticket.
"The Leading Clothiers.1'
See our Windows. Tn Cor, 1st and E, Sts.
F. Lw Kenton,
Denier In
33 .2g.aJEZJt&.g3aB?g3i
nnd a gBiiural assortment, of
(23S- Eg OOES 3ES, S'SES S3.
Siibscriptlonacsnt foi Kll Newspapers and M.igd'.ino. Terms cash.
Bieiir V. O., 4Ibnny, t .-
jT) 9 , y7) Cabinet photos from $1.50 to $4.1
V V 11 for Kiooo. V erirrv a larrr, lir,
. .a.
w, ju aiiu ttitMHt viCWS OI 11-
IIE I.KAIHXU I'lH TOtiUAFIIEKS, pon. i'tudio In Froman's Block
-Allmny, . una.- "ext lo Miifconic Temple.FirstStrt
Caia -:- and -.- Have :- Your
tested bv
Iohnton' . I'ntept E. e-Meter at F. M
FRENCH S Jewelry Store.
X AlltAMi: IS Kit A It.
4 II Hrllwatn OITera Hume It U torn Vrir.
He makes ti c following reductions in suu
fur cash :
17 lbs diy granulated for Sr. ocv
20 lbs ex'ra C white for $1.00-.
22 lbs extra C golden for $1.00.
lie will also sell a five gallon keg of piclrlev
for 90 cents.
Your Ati kntion is called to cur line of
Parisienne costume,capes. jackettlazeis n&
xcefeis, which is now com p let.
They are tailor-made and guaranteed to fit,.
Ths cloths are of the latest fabrics.
Very truly,
Samuel E,
UEllOt'lt.tTKt OI VTV Til KET.
Miller, W. I. Elmore.
County Judgp. Geo. Humphrey.
County Commissioner. T. E. Mil
ler. County Clerk. N. P. Payne.
County Recorder E. E, Davis.
Sheriff. C. C. Jackson.
County Treasurer. Brice Walla-c
County Assessor. J. E. Alichael.
School Superintendent. G. F. Re
sell. County Surveyor E. J. O'Conoer
Couniy Coroner. Frank Farrell.
Justice of the Peace of Albany, Cc
trsl Albanv and Price precinct. li. M
Curl. " '
The court's duty; is to de
cide a case on its merits. The
public is the judge and avc
prove f'to the court's satis
faction that we undersell
anyone else in the city.
A BIG stoce:
of -:-
Baby :-: Bussies
b.'stJarH rtment ever broupbt to Albtrj
Jjust received at
Stc'qi't Sox's.
Sec the fiiffaits and Get rrie-