OUOV HT4TK IT HE It SF.UVIt 1! In co-operation with V 8 weather bureau, of the department of agriculture office, Portland Oregon, crop-weather bul letin, No 2, season of 1S9J, for week end ing Saturday, April 9th, In Western Oreeon Clotu.y weather, rain , hail, mow on the mountains, frosts and la:k 01 sunshine have been the weath er conditions for the past week. From one and one quarter to two inches of rin have fallen during the week, making the soil even more moist than It already had been. The wenther conditions have been un favorable to the advancement of vegeta tion and the prosecution of farm work. Spring .seeding was almost entirely suspended. The soil is very moist and on low lands Is almost entirely covered ntlth water. Fall and winter "wheat are tooling well and have a good stand, 1 ne cool weather and lack of sunshine are retarding the development of fruit bud and making them hardier wl.ich will enable the fruit to withstand possible later frosts. The frosts of the week did no serious damage, thouuh in sections an occasional tree was 6lightly damaged. . Codlm moths were observed In Folk count v on the 7th. The present condi lions are very simitar to the conditions which prevailed during the corresponding week ot 1S91, which were followed by more favorable conditions in the two suc ceeding weeks. in Eastern Oregon there wa during the week a slight lise in tempeiaiure. Cloudy weather, rains, spow and irost pre vailed during the week. '1 be snow In the counties south of the 15-ue mountains hits remained on the ground. The weather h?.s bimiiar to that in Western Oregon. Hut little farm work was done during the week. The soil is more thoroughly moisiened than it has been for several jears. B S Pagve. Observer weather bureau and as&Utmt director Oregon weather bureau. A 5!nitii 01 iisk nc 1 1; ( f i cilii j t tlit epriiip and Bviumier, the best in the valli'V. iust received bv W E Graham. as can easily be learned by an ir.spec- Tti.n 01 intra, iney inciiuie late ana linmUome designs, and will b iade up in the latest style by Mr Cirahaui. Get the best and lutest, and this you can d j at Graham's. v, s s v . a b iv a i 1 1 M .... ' . F ARMING TOOLS ror sale by STKWJIT ct SOX Deal ere Jin ::! r : i hardware Albany, Oregon CHOICE MATS ' O? All Kisds 1 revere mm. IB A.N Y, J H EG O.N jiias. I'F&Fn-:;: I'iv.ietor, rUtod no fir-claaH siylo. Tables 1 ii'.tii I vt. ti; ! f l in the uinrk6t fv-v. akV.i! te.'iu 1 f.'tt.. SAIllpIo tOi:m r commiT. iil t.-r.vf lt.-r:. BABY ONE SOLID SORE Tried Kvcrythlng without I2ol!cf. No Iicst Klglit or Day. Curpil by Cutfcura Remedies. Jfy Vnby, hen two monthn old, hid a Vror.Mnii on! w iih what llu doctor rallod pcrctna. Iter hi'ud, urn, fi'ct, mid hnnd were isch one onlid in. re. I tiitd L t r tiling, bul nclthpr tho doctors nor nny. xinnfrcipouui "ornny irui'ti. Vp could pot no rc-t i!:iy or niirht with licr. In 111 v extremity 1 tried tho 'i:- V fT V THTtlA KrMKlUlC.', out t fe I confcuH 1 IkuI 110 diiih in 1 them, for I bad never occn ,S . f them trifd. To my prr;it FtirpriM. in 0:10 v- vh ' tinu after boiHiinlnir to use t)l t l'TlCI'llA ltKMElMFS the orc were well, but I continued to e the 1.3 poi.vkst for a little while. nnil now she is n lat n Ltil.v n von vnnlil )'. 1o .and as pound ti a dollar. 1 helleve my ha'y -. :i l have died 11 I had not trien run iia i.bm rn:i. I write thii th.it rvery mother with a Vnby lik.- mini rnn feel con Aden t th':it there In a medieino ihl will eir' the -A-oft eczema, and that tucdicliic U Uk-lYTK l-RI. ItKMrTIlir. Miu. litri'lH UIKKXEH, Loctbart, Tcxw. Cuticura Remedies nr rvery hnmor of the skin and n-ilp of Infancy tit 1 f lilt lhoml, whether torturinu, dinflmirlni:, itch linr. V'iridiip, cciily, emoted, pimply, or blotchy, wild l ien of hair, and every lmpuilty of the Mood, ',ieth. r pltnplo, pcrofnloun. or hereditary, when Vie bent phyniclnn and all other remedlrn f;iil. t'irctiti, mv your children yeari of mciital and livh-j mifferlnff. lie Kin Cow. Cures mado lu rhiltliiow! nre permanent. c Tirt-ii. Urmrpie' ar Ihc crentent ulitor.re, ).-d purifiern, and humor remedi,- i.f modern tliru , :ire nfmolut-dv pure, and may be lined on tho ; "iin'ot infant with the most Kfatifyinrf oucce. M everywhere. Prip, CfTtcrn, .Vc: Fop, Kn-tP! vsst, 1'repared by lh- rnriL;i in. I 'llCMH At. CoilfoIHTIoN, U I S-i:d for " I1..W to Cure S!dn !:-.. 01 pi. -, .') tll'i-tra:i-jti, aud loo teetimoni.ii . rV. !.(; J. 1'lnrk heaili, chnp;H--l a;i 1 iiy '.. ciic 1 1 I I TICI RA M l.ltli AT hil fJ.iA!'. .J fllEE FROM RHEUMATISM " ? in due minute tho Cutlr'nn A v'lVV Anfl-rnln IMtrr v - r ZrvitU; iatb'. hip. kMv v. eV-t . t inurular pain mul w . 'I It.- "Ataust Elower" The Hon. J. W. Fennimore i the Rlipriff" rf Vmit On n.l -,.,,1 i:.,.. - -.. .v., . 1 . , U..V. ..vu at Dover, the County Seat and Cap itnt nf Vif stnto 'rim ..t,..;r . - gentleman fitty-nine years of age, and this is what lu snva "T J, " used your August Flower for sev eral years in my utility ana lor my "own use, and found it does me ' ' more good than any other remedy. " I have been troubled with what I " call Sick Headache. A pain comes in me duck pan 01 my neaa nrst, " and then soon a general headach "until I become sick and vomit. " At times, too, I have a fullness " after eating, a pressure after eating " at the llit of flip stmnnrb ami ' ' sourness, when food seemed to rise up in my throat and mouth. When " I feel this coming on if I take a " little Ausrtist Klmver it tpHpvpc " me, and is the best remedy I have ever taken lor it. 1'or this reason "I take it and recommend it to " ethers as a great remedy for Dys "pepsia, &c." G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Wuudliury, Xcw Jersey, U. S. A. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. IVEATHCUrOKI) fc H IHAHBEHLAZft, Attorneys at lAtr, Will practice In all courts of the stale. SpecUl atlonti m ifiven to matters in probate and to co lections. OKF1UB In the Flinn block. D. R. . BLACKBl'RX, II. C. WATSON I.AC KIU U & WATSON, Alitor! mv.ter will receive prompt ttentl on. O.Bc in OM Fellows' Teniiile, Albany, Or y It. HILYEir, Attorney at Law knd Solicitor in Chancery. CoHeo lions niade on all txVnt. Loans iieotiad on crable terms. Albany. Oregon. G EO. IV. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law. Will practice in a'l the courts of this state. gjeclal attaution (riven to collections aod matters in probate. Office! l-'patairs AiAbon- Twedale Block, Albany, Ou. ONTANVE A IIAlIiI.EMAN, Attorneys At Law, Albany, Oregon. J- WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. J-JH. J. I., ill LI.. Phycician and Snrireon, OFFICE Cornor Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon. ItS. MASTOV A DAVIS, Phvfidant an S'irrertnn, OFFICE Comer ccond and hruolalhin streets. AHi-vnT, Or. Calls promptly Atlei ded in citv and country. c Hsnieopathist. 43TSiecl Jlrt in diseasea of the Eyo. Tweutv .veals' exporieino Oiflee hours 7 to 9 1 tii 1 to 3 i ui. und ti U S eveninjf. AlbAin , Oi-e'Mii. ; OF ALBANY, OBKQON, rcsiilnt . Vice President .. . Ashicr. LFMNN .. S, E.YffL'O .., W. LAN (J DON rRANSACTS A OENKRALbnkin(tuioei. ACCi:STS KK1T subject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGK and tel Taphie transfer. M New York. Sad Francisco. Chicago and pHtland ! rec'n CO ..LECTION klADE on favorable tennj. DIRBCTORS. j. B. Yor E, W, Lakodos F . SOX. TIWCO NATIOX.4LBAXK, J OF ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK J100,000. Pr.'sld-nt T L COWAN, Mce-Preimleut M RALSTiS. Btt'-uhtur O A AKL UiUuLO, T awcToRfi. J L Cowan. J M KaMou. W S uuld, W U Golira, J A Uraword aid OA Arch b'jld. TRANSACTS a iencral hanklnfr biwlnew. DUAWSlUin ItKAFl'dou New York, San il ''.in Oregon. 1.0 AN MONTY on appioved iccitrlty HE ; EIVEdepoita tubiecl check. INK OF OUKUON. ALBANY, OKEOOM. t'aptlal, Frckldent Yiee-l'rcvideiit aiiir , W.H FMKUUn.1 ... w J LAXftlNA w HT W IlLAlN Transacts a jene-al bankinj; buslr.: Kxehmice bouc'it and ld on all the prim4!! mXv in the L'niteil ShtUiti 1 alo on Kuslaud, (ftkind, France and Grmiiy. Collection! made at all aoceuibla point! on favor bl termt, hitereat allowed oj time depoBt, J IV. ( THICK A ( O. ItAXKKUS OF ALBANY, OBKOON, T.IVV'V'T ki,'ariil lUnkin; b:ins. int VV HUit' r imiFl'a on Sew York, San Fran e.an I P.irtla'i I, Or,'". I. 'US M SriV on approved Wrnrity, UKi'KlVK d."iit4 ribjecl toeheek. L'OLLKCritNStuad oil firorabttj terms. AXU OF SCIO, SCIO, OKFOON. rc-cie'it V ire rrisulviit . C?i.itT J R Mjntiw m jRKr Ml RK ; O 5 M at J'l a Ojtnci tP 0 Smith pir.r.cT-'Bi: K Uoliif, U..rri, Ar 1 W)va. ki WHY 13 THS W. h, DCUCLA8 S3 SHOE cEMTfiiVrrM TKt BEST SHOE !H TH- V.MU) fOil Tli I:? It la a ;'aniK'fi Ue, w:h 1.0 laei;s . r v;,x t'ir-'.id to hurt the feet; made of llu ln.t l-fu t-:iif. MvtLi. and easy, aud bfituse vmie m-r-- tho, 0 ti.is grade than any other mnnuui-tutei; it eiUula ujj.-I-sewed hIuh'S costing frm i-!.; to ffie 00iemiiiH' M:intl-v, ed, tti fnett trAt iff thro cvf-r oileti'd tT ?..': rji..I j-icu.u iiillKirtcd (.luva w hleb cost Ir nn $'.( t . U'.i '. G1A 0 Hnuil-i fMl Wi-li bi',-. fl:i "alf 3Vo styllHh. eoinfortal.lf and dui u;. 1. I b.'fct Hioe ever olTered at ll.. pi k-L : wni' t,r-.tlj as iu -t im iiKub' bIiocs eostin.i from S'-j 1 to i'1-,l. (CO t50 Police Mi or 1 FaiPi.-rs. l..dlro-i'i .iT"n (JV und lAitiTlariiersall Wear t!n hi: tin Rrniulcss, sniooiti iul In, henvy t lir-.a euiuJ, ca.cu- 1'dtie. duo pr.ir wtll v.-ear a y.-;;r. 4J0 54 fill e enITt no betier shoe -vrr offer.-tl nt n4ba this prk'; lw trl;.l will ciixiacd IhoJC v.'bo want a6litic lr'-mnforr aril c.r Ww kVtO "' S-.OtJ VorMiisiiiiin'a phces Jjb are very (strong n:id lt:ialil.'. 'i:i:so who fcfivc piveu tlh'rt, a trial w'. ue: r no oth.-riiiake. kSOjS wltu ly lUe U y every wh.ie: thcy.-l eti their iii?rl; r, r.- tin Ui: rtMs-iicr . :ei.L..vv. 14 M'l'O llntid-tc nl tt. o, bpt tmGkl 5?i loiu'..i. er ty,is:,: e-t;oii-roach lj.ipor!'-'d ttitvs rfiti.itf tr. :;i S i.'i' t l.udieM' !-. mul P'W ?ot VitS'-sarv the t:.'tl.iif L'lititu, .'u-udti'iriii.l-. 1'ui.ii.i. tut x- - 1 T -'. i ua:y -.l ! pflvfe are utampeu oiJ '-iiC UuKojj vt ciu u iha. Tnsl.-IOM l-t.-al a.lvi ri!-"d i!cith'i-4i,i:;ipy hj; v.ti. V'. 1 1(1 'fil...ta fJrccUtou, ,Wa-!, iiuEi? ( 3'-'' Ci:r.UllJl.4TEI . . . . p,j n SRIITH ft WESSON g lJ Tha Finest Small Cvor Manufactured. Accuser. L'U.Vi:i.lTv. 1 1 : tAvti.i.t..'" fit r Lcwr ic 1 iron in-.i irr.!tr-tion.JiJt; fl c'-'r,'J "" I: 1 CAJc ar. iPri:? L-.t icfl ALSANY'OR. ffWTSMAS & EULBEB.T BE33, Real Estat? Agents Far ma and Ranchea for sale, Alao city brot-erty in Albanr and Corva!l:a, ALBANY GOLLECJATE INSTITUTE AL3ANY, OHEGOM1 1891, 1892. trut Tcriii operieil Hp temper Olfc.l A i !1 corps of InstriiotorR, CLASSICAL, SCIEJITiFia, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot tudy Hri ftiiired to uiet tb all grades of Htmlont, Special tuauecmcntt offered to tmUnt from abroad. trv, f.li?. 1 r s v ntr I an Inflammation of tlie bronchial tubes the air-passages leading Into tho lungs, l'ew otlir complaints aro so prevalent, or call for more prompt and enerpetic action. Ah neglect or delay may result seriously. fclTective remedies should always bo at liap.d. Apply at once a mustard poultice to Hie tipper part of the chest, and. fur internal treatment, taka frequent doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral C. O. Lepper. Piirit, Fort Wayne. Tiul., writes: iiy little slstr, four years of ago, was so ill from bronchitis Hiat we bad almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family physician, a skilful man aud of large experi ence, pronounced it useless to Kive her any more mecticina, saying he had done all it was possible to da. aud we must prepare for tho worst. As a last resort, wc determined f try Ayer's Cberry Pectoral, and I can truly say. with most happy rosults. After taking a few doses she seemed to breathe easier, and. within a week, was out of danger. We continued giving die Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely woll. This indisputable evidence of the m eat merit of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lias given me unbounded confi dence In the preparation, and I meomiuentl ft to my customers, knowiug It cannot diaap pelnt thorn.' "Ayer's Cherry Teetoral cured me of a bad onttah and my partner of bronchitis. 1 know of numerous eases in which this preparatien Itas proved very beneOeial in families of Young Children, so that the medicine Is known among them as 'the consoler of the uAtitrted.'" Jaime ittifus Vldal, San Crlstobel, San Domingo. A short time nun. I was taken with a severe attack of bronchitis. The remedlea ordinarily used in such cases failed to give me relief. Almost in despair of ever finding anythine to cure me. I bought a bottle of Ayer's Chrrry Fecit ml. and was helped from the first dose. 1 had ::ot fmishtd no bottle before tlm dUeae 1 (t ine, and my throat and lunas were a k.iuiJ as ever." Geo. B. Hunter. Altoona. 1M. jer's lilierry reciorali r:;:r.r.i;i py CR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowen, Mass. t 1 iV'T-'.-a EEAL MERIT' S J t PILLS? WO I! If you take pills it is because you hare tic cr 11 ilu iiic S. R. Headache ami Liver Cure. It works so nicely, cleansing the Liver and Kidneys; ec;i as a mild phytic without caus ing pain or sickness, nnd does nut stop you from eating and working. To try it is to become a friend to it Trutle (.applied by I0SII1Y lM tSO. Albany -:- Nurseries. We are offering to planter the fliiMt Ir-t (' fruit ec, n aU de:ralW rarietics, in th state. 1 1 .If. .i 1 in 1 1 t u fr this -b; son' tnu'e. INSPECTION 1NVITKD, and SATISFACTION GUAKANTEKD. for catalogue or call n us At tho old ne meaieaJ, oiK-fc.tl( mile uihwojt o( Alhuuy. EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Paciflc Route SHASTA LINE. Express Trains lcav. Portland Daily. I North 7:p. d. I Lt Portland Ar I 7:35 t II 10:23 r u I Lv Albmy Lv a m 8:15 i l Ar Sao Francisco Lv 7;io P Ahiiro trains stop only at following stations north of Kosehurr. East Portland, Oreiron L'ity, Wood DUrn, Saieui, Albany. Taax'ent, Shoild, llalsey. Har isbur, Junction City, Iri'in, Eu'en. OeBBt'BO UAIti, DAlkT l;"5 ah I Lv 1 :2il p u Lv 5:40 ru Ar Portland Albany lloaebunr Ar I 4:00 r m l.v i2:l u Lv I SO a x ALBANT L0CAL DAILY BSCafT St.Vt.AT) l.v 1 VII r.aSAKOM B1U.HC 2.36 F H Albany Lehannn Alhany Lebanon nr I :'2S Lv 8:4ii :2S A V 3'25 p a 7:30 A M i:4iA Ar I 4:26 p h 3:22 A a Lv 3:4n p u PULLMAS BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Car3, For Acralliinnalntinnnf hrrontl-Clnss I'nsara sera, attached to t:xirea Trntn .v..t ki.l. r. i i t BKTWKtr; fOltTL.l. A.U tOHVALLIS. Mail .'rain daih (Except Sunuuy, 7:3') AM I Lv Portlnml Ar I 0:311 p h Lv 12:5. fx 12:10 p u Ar Corvallis BXPRHBH tbain dailt (Excjpl Sunday. t: 1 p I Lv Portland Ar'::0AH ":2oPltAr McUirmville Li Tlirmb. Ticlietw To .11 points EAST. AUD SOUTH. frntuij Inf irinatio i riardin(( rtei, tnp9t a on Company Ant at Albany . OCIILER E P. RO(ii:R3 Unnawir K89'i O. t and P. Ae YAQUINA BAY llOUTii. o Oregon Pacific RaiSroad T E HOI.U, llcrrlvf r. Oregon DeyolopmonS ro's Staamers, . Short I.lno lo fall I bruin Firat-class througb paseii;nr r.nd telfjbt line from Fortlanti and ail points Id the Willamette Valley to rucI from San Kranclaco, t'ai. Boats make close, connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon pndft Kailroar! TIME SCWSDITLB. ewpt 8uri,ls.) -.v. Alluiiy 15:20 p. M, j L ve Yunia, 7:00 A.u iv 0.rllls 1:03 p, a . Lvo Corv.llis.llln au 4rrlp Ysquiu., i:Si p. .Arnvo Albny, 11:13 i. u O. iC O. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at 'aou4na with the Oregon Herempment Company's Line of Steamships between Vaquina and San Francisco, AIMKU ! TKS . PROM TAQl'IWA. rTii:.:nctto Vallsv, bjmbsr UtK, 2Jikl si.t PROM SAS PRANCISCO WUl.mstt. VAlley, December 8th; lsth; 27th. Tho CompAn -.ives the rifjat to I'iflrpe sailinn dnt v'thout notice. K. F. PaHvrxers from FortUnd and Willamette Vailoy points oan make close j-oneftion with the trains of Mio Ysqniua mtBt Albany or Corvallis, and ifdes Aned lo San Francisco should arrange to ff.ve at Yauuina the evening bhtore I'ato f R3uin rraocnerr an Tr-rlit ralo. alnnv. the Lunrt.1 F-r Im 'muti i : '; to A it rh.irnivi,rr.trlilanil UkM A,r.t, Albuiir, V. V. MOt.l)., O. F. sr.l P. Ainu Ccrv.Hil, r mm jimH PATRCNIZE HCM INSTITUTIOUS. THE FARMERS I MIMS INSURANCE CD. AltiHoy, Oreffon. W V KKAP, President. J L COWAN, Treasurer. -DIRECTORS- JLCowsu, Geo FSimp-son, iV F Head, D li Monlxiih.M Stornlierur, J W J K Woalherloril, K S fjtralun, J O Writmnvii. Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies ALBANY CIG .J. JOSEPH, WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL bottles of ST. JACOBS llu Cured me. No return in c venrs FR ATT M A TIT? PR I "ALL RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OiL DID IT." HEALTH LS WEALTH 1 . 1 Tir ECWm'i NrrvB ad Thais Twtrwrt, eii"aiitcF. - :llc t.,r IHstcrp, Di.ip.ii.-... (-vul.i-i.n. 1'its.Nci voih .Veurilf:ii.llfa,l,ii-i..1 vmu ITiUVration oou.r 1 t, , nw ,,f ak-.il.nl .,r Mn n akclulnosa, I..it il Denrosiiim, S'.lt.Miiiiir ..I thu llrsm KsultiKx i i hiwilw ami miscrv decay mJ (k'.lh, Pntnituro OM Ai;o Uirrtniiem UMsoflWrr.iieitiicrci, Inv.ilu.itarv lxjp ami Si ormaf": net mnwl by vr..i..(crtl..ii of t lie Vraln, sc!.-a.mc or mrr-inilu'tunco. Enh b,,x contains o:ie in ntlr. trpsin.e,,.. gl.ortaboA ors'x boxes nri'.. scut bv mrl (.-e.iai.l 0:1 recahit nt prico. W? ..I A'.tlVn.f. MX BOK Tocnreuiycim. Wu:i o-., (i or.lor recclvc l bp' m lorsix Intei. acmnnwicd wiih f6 on. wc will scii.i tne punlm-r our wril.m irturintn tf. rrtun.l the ni,.ney It the Ipntm 'in d.ici 11.it ull.-rt a curj. Ou:ir. rntcei i..iie.l nnlv bv J A CaiiiinliiK, Uriicslkl, S.ilr Asrnf. Albaay, sjrritiin. invent?. nM Trnip-Mark oMnined. and nil Ptu eut (nif'.ni'-s cun.luctc'l for Modera'e Ftcs. 0-ir Office ft Opposite U.S. Patent CHice. and wc o.in Hcrtire imtei.t lalstiiuc't.mntiws remote from W.ii-hln'jton. fceutl modfl. drmvlni or j.hnto.. ;.h dopcrlt lion. We ntlvlpo, If pati'iuilile or n.rt. frc c th:irirp. Our fuc not uue till uiitt:nt Is Fci-urol A Phobic t, "How to Obtain l'atcutii.'Mv'.rh t:mof ofnrtu'il client- fn you State, count, o: towu, sviit free. Address, CA.SNOW&CO. 0r3:t Patent 0;ii. Wr.thino.i. 0. C. FOoHAY & MASON iii uagisis and Booksellers, At taifor Jobn 11. Aldu's f.ulilicatb:;:'. uich tfc '. oulil'k"'j' rWn wi1.'. AI.UA: Y, OKF.i.l-.M-. A Revelation. 4mi Fow repl know that th Y-AS'A brlgU, bluUh-eon color ot &'Jtm th o10 tea. exw,ed k tha windows frftf rb Bat. 1 oral color. Vttit . M fact may be. 11 w nvanhiftH f i rtlflclal: mineral ini..- r - "nu f .j matter being used for thij V-AA i I'urj.ofco. -in enoct It tWffc tea a brlpht. iblny green, but aleo iormiti th Bse of M off color " and wmthlcwi t?aa, whi,- on ndfr tho terpen rloak, art readily workeil olT ait a Rood quality of tea. Ail eminent authority vrltea on tlds cut ct: Tb inaulimlatlonof ronrteaa, turlvV thsm a finer ai-pcaranre, li carried on extcn. ilvtly. GrtH-ii teas, belfitf lu tlili couniry c-eully pular, an? pr.Mlut-et to meet th ' d Tiajid by r'dorliiR cIiL-n-, cr L!nrk kli ilftj,y . n2liiff or facing with rrufclHii bluo, ttirrtrie Itvi'ium, a i.l i.idig . Thit mrttxnt u to y.' fiat thiU very littlf fJCMlU'.e UilColond yre- n of ere J fr ule." It wait tho li imwlt'dpe vt this condltl.-.n rf nll'iiiri that TomiU'J tho plueir;; of I'im-i,-, Tea U'f)f0 tho vublii. It 1h ali. tilntt ly ,.-lt and uiiliMiit color. T1J you ovur b. j uiy i(o:iuUn nin'oltred Jutiiin U-u? A.'-k your rr 'per to ;pc:i a im-ku!,c of lli'erh'a, and yi.q utll If, and rn'!'"'''? fr thy very jlrt -l:tn'. II will befo'iiul In M'.ortit'O j:M 4 nvt-cn tho ir.iil' litl I'm-n Ita that yi i:-vt hijt'U U'-".:-t-.ii'i'l ti and tho Mark nn. It draws in K litHful eunury clor, n:i'l !n it0 f i r.TtiLtit t; ui It vrUl bo a ruveliiilou io tea driuhcrs. ix jmrlty nmlitu It also vwn efo'iOTniml lima tho nriliit lut tci., (r lej of It Ik rciilrd j'Sti up. B(lJo:tl; in ;jt?r.aa iarkii,'ci UHrl:iK iiiLs tttidc-tua:k : Pure "AsiSiTdhood? It jour grocer doe, sot have II, he will rsl tt lor yoo. J'tioe c pof pound for s. as J O WRITS MAN. Hecretnry Goo F SIMPSON, Vice Presiilant. BEECHSi TEA ALSO DISTRICT AOKKTi FOR Proprietor, Only White Labor Employee1, HELPLESS- o .va Chicncro, 111. I was confined to bed ; cculd not sg vrraiK irom lame Dact: ; suiicreu 5 SF" months; doctors did net hclo; 2 Red CrownMills (-. I.ANN1 J4 ,.. . ' ' 1' AND BAKERS TSX. ES? STORAGE FACILITIES. J Al 'ANE S pD F. iL (CURB A new aril Comlrtc Trcalment, coiisiritiii? '-"I (("sitorit'rt.ointiiieitt in ('apuV.iili) in li" "Vi i 1 PiiHitivufure f.i ax ternl . I jiturr a I, ISlin- ?.l, iv.K llthiiitf. ChroiiK-, 1; ount ir UvruiiUary 1 1 cs-" . miui ilh( rli.m. s nn.l f.iinAle wniiViiL'fM', I'J" ( Kr.'Bt lHjntit u he vnt ral luatih. The nn Jiricf.vr of a in-tiiuAl euro reiil!riiif on npvriiii with the kiife iiiiineunrv liorMlter. This retiiwy hat never twen knuwa In fail. 1 i b'x. '.'rV' r-er.t l.y mail. Whv nut'or Vm this torriMe V0. when a written uuaratitce I nitively ivt" , Imxcto refund Ine muiivjr if lt curi'd. SlJ '13P for (rw Sample, liuarantiv it-rr.vU by JA CnmuiluR. ItrHxalxi. Sili APw1, ACADEMY OF Cur Lady of Perppt-nal Etlp. D fG;' ; .:ai: ...! 7t Inf.iTn.r.lH:! RT.t ..- .tkiv ir.;r t.. :.i; nn c,. :.;, , ." : T ... -..... j ...n. -rT"l-: ....... ro:in.u1v i'i.i:r..t,.i. 1 - ' ...w lei i i1i,-,j i,.. nllnnut V. Km it If. ''1;',V Jt?r; fl.u f.ir n.niihu. Art-Iran X-M 1 a PC' iu-;u4 ,301 Utciui-.'a;, itw Vorlfc