Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 01, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    t-ii i rKKriu ti
KO AlttANf E IS Kit A It.
11 'iti.'m I
ft,t Hitintay-
every Uv In tii waik h
jfiriTs i NIITriM). liditariBndl'fop'H
S',lr niauH tnitil mufMr.
glH4V.'BIL I, imci
rMisa iroOiiKdoN. Hon J M Wallace,
president of Hie First National bank, of
rreek'V (xiloriKlo, one 01 ni executors
d the B s Wallace estate, will remove to
? ,. My 1st and make hip iiome here,
ind the Kv Hill house, just east of the
tapitolis beiM fitted up for bini. The
folWinK concerning the oilier brother
nd executor, from the Record, o(Mt
Avr Iowa, ol Miwch 24th, is self-explan-"Last
Knldmth wttB a sad day to
the United rresbvterian church, of Mt
Avr Kev l'r Wallace had a B'atetnent
read ' to the effect that ho felt compelled
by a combination of circumstances over
which he had no control to ask tho eon
i.rfL'atioii to unite with him in asking a
dissolution of the pastoral relation exist
inii between himself and the church.
He stated that years a(?o kis brother had
appointed himself and two others as
executors of his estate in case of death,
lie died last summer and left a large
estate of diversified interests, and which
positively required constant personal
supervision. The laws of Oregon re
quired that such an executor must be a
citizen of tho state, hence in order to
execute the brother's trust he was com
pelled to tako the step iiroposed. lie
had done everythiiit? possible to avoid it,
but could not consistently with faithful
ness to the trust. Salem Statesman.
Jtev Wallace was in Albany a few months
ago and preached in the V V church.
0 P Matters. It is reported that the
Oregon Pacific will, on account of the
present contest going on, economise in
the running of the road and tho ocean
steamers, Already the stevedores at
Yaquina have been discharged, and the
force, according to the report will be cut
down where possible. Olio scheme is to
run one train Irom I lie liny to uie ironi,
thus doing awav with one train, a move
it is to be hoped will not be consumna
ted. In regard to the leiial contest going
on there iu undoubtedly only ono thing
that will set matters to sailing sinoolhly
at an early date, and that is a compro
mise between the Hogg faction and tbfc
Blair bondholders by which it be taken
out of the courts. Though JudgePeady's
order permits the transfer to Zepli Jot),
it will probably not be done so long as
the contest is going on.
A Coi'NCii. iMicktino. A special meet
ing of the city council waa held last
evening. J lie mniier oi inu pennon mi
the lowering of the grade on Calipooia
street below the grade recently estab
lished by ordinance was considered and
rejected, and the work was ordered done
according to ordinance. I'.ida were
opened for building connections with
three cisterna by v. bich they can be
readily filled. The contract was let to A
EC'ansely at the following rates: Cis
tern at 1st and Washington streets, 30
cents per foot ; 4th and Washington, 23
cents per foot ; 4th and Ellsworth 15!jj
cents per foot, an average of 22,'m cents,
the city to lurnisli material. Several
streets in the Third wan! were ordered
Loot Lirpa is in the city today.
Judge O N Denny, of Portland, is in
tlio el'y.
Mr and Mrs rank v ood, jr., went to
llulscy today on a vi it.
Miss Stella Utiles, ol Albany, in v'siting
irieuos in me ciiy. r-aie.u jotirrai.
J W Hayburn, of New Whatcom,
formerly of CorvaHis. was in the city
Mr John CJ'blln has relumed to Albany
fiom a trip lo different pails of tlie No'th
west. President Elliot of Harvard University
will pass through Albany from California
iu a few dayfi.
W II ltaiuseir, of Scio, is doing Albany
today, lie reports the new mill nearly
ready for business. About three weeks
more will complete the woi k.
Misses Ada and Genevieve (ieorge
went to Salem this noon on a visit. Miss
Genevieve will go thence to Portland,
and Miss Ada will return to Albany.
Mr KG Simpson and family, who
recently run the city laundry opposite
the St Charles, have moved to Salem to
eside. They were good citizens and ex
perts at their business.
A dispatch received by Mrs H F Merrill
from her husband, announced his arrival
In New York, and that his father had died
on Wednesday the day before his arrival.
Mr Merrill was In Albeny a few years
ago, and will be kindly remembered by
Capt E J Lanning went to Portland
this noon, taking two umbrellas, one
said to be a farmer's alliance umbrella
and the other a straight democratic
affair. We suspect, though, the former
was loaded for some April fool.
John Bryant, that indomitable, irre
pressible reformer of Jordan Valley, will
represent the people in the national
convention at Omaha. The people may
rest assured that they will have a wise
and safe counsellor at the laborer's great
ecuiiKcnical convocation. Lebanon Advance.
having some
IhccosiiNO A Sai.kmite. The Statesman
savs: "Hon Jefferson Myers, the Linn
co'untv senator, is in the city for a fen-
days. Ho lias iniulu arrangements to
build six six room cottages, a barn and
Mil) feet of sidewalk in his addition to
(ialeni the whole to cost somewhere
near 4500. Ho has already ordered
sixteen carloads of lumber from the San
tiam mills. Senator Myers has great
confidence in the progress of Salem and
knows that if be invests capital here he
will see it grow.
Floweks auk is Bloom in profusion
just now at II J Sower's. It is the spring
onenine season, and a finer opening
never occurred in Albany. There has
been no greater advancement in art than
Mrs Snu'pr'Hpleimnt stock of goods will
reveal this fact. Iu tho make up of
spring hats and bonnets, not only pretty
Shanes nruvail : but the array of - beutitt
ful Mowers in lame and elegant, in fact
Bupurb. A great stride has been made
in thin n-niipf-t. mid Mrs Sower has the
goods. Already a good tra de has opened
$100,000 Wanted. Railroads is the
great question of the future in this val
ley. Eugene now has a big bonus pro
position on band that is interesting.
The Guard says: The directors of the
Siuslaw & Eastern Railway, this morn
ing, filed with the citizens of Eugene a
definite proposition for the construction
of a Btandard gauge railway between
Eugene and Florence, on the Siuslaw
bay, as follows: That in consideration
of the people of Eugene and vicinity,
paying to the treasurer of the SiUBlaw A:
Eastern Railway and Navigation Com
pany the sum of one hundred thousand
dollars, in U S currency, together with
the right-of-way through Eugene, ac
cording to the plats hereto annexed, on
or before May 1. 1892, then said Rail
road company agree to, and will con
struct a standard gauge railroad over
the right-of-way between Eugene nnd
Florence, in Lane county, Or., according
to the maps and plats now on file in
tlm ofRcH nf said company. That upon
dm nei-entimce bv said i-uirene people ol
the proposition contained herein, that
and satisfactory obligations
shall be furnished by tins rauroau com-
n.niv to the said I'.uueiie people lor uie
carrying out of all promises by Baid com
nnnv. That upon rejection of these
reso utions bv I :e peo pie oi r.uueuo
will be considered by this company ns a
final settlement ot tlie question wneiner
or not a railroad shall be constructed
n Kugone to Florence by tins com'
As Undeutakino Room is supposed to
be a dreary place; but tortmiller &
Trvi mr'i near undertaking parlors are
direct ly thopposite,the neatest and moBt
cliceriul parlors oi me kihu hi wie umic,
.... iiwlortiilt ina drummer savs on the
coast. This live lirm lias just iurnisneu
ili rnnm and arranged it in tne most
metropolitan style. Their large assort
mentof coffins, though entirely con
cealed in the room, are exhibited on
balanced doors with ease ana witnoni
i,w The room is an artistic
one, beautifully furnished, and one feels
no backwardness in visiting u.
8an Franoisio has been
lively weather, Kastern atylo,
A S McDonald will change tlm namo of
the Silyeiton Appeal to the Weekly Trib
une, To-morrow niidit will oocur at the skat
ing ring the greatest oontest yet for the
prizo medal. It oaly cost 10 oenta to lee
The Studohaker now do their o n busi
neta io the Notthweat, and now have a big
branch house in Portland. In this oitu
Stewart it Sox have the agenoy.
1 he democratio state convention held in
Minnesota yesterday elected 18 deleuatea to
the Chicago convention and initructed them
to support Cleveland for president. This
mikes 32 delegates elected for Cleveland.
Mr O W Wright moved hit law-nffioe
today from over the Bank of Oreeon. to an
eleyant auito of rooma in the Maano
Twiedal" block. In order to kera up with
the timea Mr Wright haa lately mldcl
largely to his law library.
In nistice to Mr M D Phillips, of this
oity, the popular wood turner, the Democrat
will remark that it was not he who was de
feated for nomination for aoh3ol superin
tendent on the republican ticket: but a
school teaoher on tho Albany prairie, M T
Patriok Doyle, who murdered Mike Waloh
at Rooky Point, Mont., a few years ago.and
wnose reoora aa a tough on the unDer
Missouri for the past tou veara waa well
known, waa killed by his sou, 9 years old,
last Saturday at his ranoh, near the Pig
Muddy. The cue is unknown.
Will & stark, the jewelers.
The beat roast ooffee in the oity at Cum id
ftleyer a.
Have you tni PGA lleu'a ten. if n 16
why not.
Call on Mathews & Washburn for vour
All kinda of choice eating 'and
apples at Allen Bros.
Ashbv it Carte, Real Estate. SOU Wash
ington street, rortiaua, Ur.
Have you tried that ideal loaat onffee at
F E Allen's. If not, why not.
May I have some of vour grocerv trxilo
this month. If not, why not. F E Allen.
Mathew & Washburn lead iu the atnvn
and tinware business in this part of the
A Urge assortment of new style ribbons
just reoeived at the Ladiea Bazaar, also
Chittou in the late shades.
F Co's Si'eciai, Election. Last night
FCo. wns formally inspected by Col
Lovell. after which an election of captain
was had to fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of Cant Chamberlain
T J Overman was elected captain i J A
McFeron, 1st Lieutenant, nnd W A
Humphrey. 2nd Lieutenant. The affai
was celebrated by a splendidly gotten up
Banquet at U II Mueller's.
Fools Day. This is fools day, and the
"iggest fools are thoso who spend thei
time fooling other people. So there are
plenty of fools. Anvwnv "what fool
we mortals be." Our citizens and visit'
ors have been nicking hp five cent pieces
kicking hats loaded with bricks, and
numerous other o il chestnuts, the pain
as ages ago. Innocent and jolly affairs
nen innocent.
Conn& Hendricson Lead. They hav
"ie groceries, the produce and the good
treatment. They lead in prices and
Quality. If you want standard groceries.
all on them; if you want the freshest
produce do not pass by their store : their
Was and coffees are tlie beBt. A good
y to pave money is by dealing with
."'era. it will count in a month's trad
,nf. Try it.
Voi r Attention is called to our line o
"aiisienne costume, copes. jacket,blazers an
"titis, wnich is now complete.
They are tailor-made and guaranteed tof'
'he c'.oihs are of the lotcit fabnes.
Very truly,
Samuel E. Young.
ladies Oxforps. I now. have a com
J tie line ranging In price from Si. 25 o
1'U " pair. OooJ viluo and every r
The great men are coming to the front.
Andrew jackson is chief of police of
There are forty-five log school honees
in the great state of New York, and not
half as many in Oregon. Therefore Ore
gon is more progressive than New York.
The Salem Journals "feels bad. Here
it is : "The oflicial call for the Republi
can state convention has appeared in
only two papers the Oregonian,rep.,and
Telegram, dem. They are ring organs
and the call for Oregon republicans or
democrats who are for the people and
against the rings is not voiced by them."
Here's a Chinese pheasant growl from
a valley ex. which we refer to Judge
Denny. Really one Chinese pheasant is
immense when on the table before you :
"Farmers report that the China pheas
ant is destroying all the native game.
The pheasant cocks kill the young game
as soon as it is Hatched, one report
states that the quail, grouse and Oregon
pneasant is absolutely disappearing. It
would seem to be a mistake to protect
the China pheasant."
Of all the silly abuse of words that o'.
awful is a little the worst, even in this
civilized city of Albany, and an anti
awful club is'in ordir. An ex. says : We
are but too familiar with the silly way in
which the words "awful" and "awfully"
have for some years past intruded them
selves into our daily apeech. To a great
extent they still maintain their ground,
especially among young people, who are
awfully glad or awfully sorry, awfully
jolly or awfully bored.accordingly as they
meet with awful swells or awful snobs. I
was surprised to find that an absurd
misappropriation of awful, although not
to the same extreme, had been noticed
as common in some parts (of the United
States by a traveler who visited them
eighty years ago. Ilesayp: "I found
in several instances that the country oeo
pie of Vermont and other New England
states make use of many cutious phrases
anu quaint expressions in tneir conver
sation. Everything that creates surprise
is awful with. them. What an awful
road! awful hole I awful mouth! awful
nose ! etc."
A U Mrllwaln OrTeri Knitic Itottom l-rlrrs.
He makes the following reductions in sugar
for cash :
17 lbs diy granulated for $1.00.
20 lbs extra C white for $1.00.
22 lbs extra C golden for 81.00.
lie will also sell a five gallon 'keg of pickles
for 90 cents. t-
600C papers fresh garden aud flowor seeds
awaiting purchasers at
C E Eiiowkkll a.
It's Neoessary. The neceskltv for
advertising Is very apparent to any reflec
tive mind. If an owner wishes to sell his
property he must let some one know his
wish If he kept his Intention to himself
he would also keep his property to him
self. To advertise means "to nnnrisp In
form, make known, announce.piomulgate,
publuh the fact that Parker Bros carry a
111s1.-1.1ass siock 01 groceries, produce and
baked goods.whlch can always be depend
ed on to be fresh and In season. The fact
is one worth advertising.
Dress Trimmings. The latest novelties
n dress trim-nlr.gjcan always be found at
Samuel L. Young's.
Head, Tliink nml Act
All civilized cooks not only want, but are
entitled to the latest and best appliances to
be secured lor their use. 1 hen we get none
too good lood lor tills very dyspeptic age.
this over several times. It is an important
fact, and If digested will be better than a
dozen bottles cf patent medicine.
about it until your thoughts are ixtiausted,
and your brain power ie weury. Sleep over
it 2nd then
May be seen the
finest stock of
gold and silvei
watches, diamond and other rings, jev
jlry, silverware, &c, in the city.
Represfnt.tivfb. A. Blcvlns, M. A.
Miller, W. P.Elmore.
CountyJuugf. Geo. Humphrey.
County Commissioneb. T. F. Mil
ler. County Clerk N. P. Payne.
County Recorder E. E. Davis,
Sheriff. C. C. Jackson.
County Treasurer. Hrlce Wallace,
County Assessor J. E. Michael.
School Superintendent. G. F. Rus
sell. County Surveyor. E. I. O'Connor.
CoUNlY Coroner. Frank Farrell.
Tustice of THit Peace of Albany, Cen
tral Albany and Price precincts. L. M,
Free -:-
Free Free.
For Viae Uffias go lo Mullor's.
and lunch.
Lay your groceries of Parker Broa. You
can depend on good goods and first-clans
Go to Matthews & Washburne, the leading
dealer in stoves, tinware and hardware, and
select from their large and fine assortment of
stoves one that will meet all the requirements
of a first-class cook. They have them, as
well as the best Seating stoves and the best
made tinware.
With every suit of clothes you get a Baseball and Bat,
With eyery suit purchased vou fret a ticket. See win
dow for particulars.
That Monkey may helpxus some to make things go,
but if our prices were not right and oar ClothiDg correct,
on our own and our clothing's merits, and so long as the
boys show their apprecia'ion of our efforts,by wearing our
Clothing, we in turn wish to show our appreciation by giv
ing "The Boys" a little amusement.
The Largest Assortment of hi Spring Clothing
3C33ST TLa'J&Jm'lEF
"Th3 Leaflijig Clothiers.1'
Cor, 1st and BroadaJbin Sts, - - Al'bauy, Oregon,
A Much Marrikb Woman." Mrs
Knwler. of this citv. waa married lasl
January to her Bixth liuabanu, arm
u rnnt'n ns it mav seem live 01 mew uicu
exactly two years from their marriage
Jay. iter present uusuaiiu ia nmo uu
hearty and says lie does not think Mrs
Fowler will be able to net her seventh
husband so Ioiir as lie buys his groceries
fresh from F. Jv Allen, opposite the Ma
sonic Temple.
Intended roil A Joke. Just for a joke
ti.n T..!,.,r,n AiUnripe ast weeK re
marked Hiat fears were entertained ui
the mouth of the Lebanon ditch would
be lower than the Lebanon end. fins
btirred up matters generally, aim 11. iuu
au,.ornl nriicles nnd communications to
avranire matters. Sometimes a joke isn't
a joke, at least is not accepted as such
Commiitkk Meeting. There was
meeting of tlie democratic county cen
tral committee in this city today, a very
full attendance was present from all
parts of the county. Full preparations
..- .i inr n v L'orous campaign. Ke-
f,m nil opi'tiona are of the moat
Imraeter. all pointing to
the election of the full ticket in June.
Base Bat.l Challenge The "Fans"
base ball club hereby challenge the "Al
banles" for a friendly game of ball to-morrow
afternoon at 3:30, on the College
grounds'. Weather pel mining.
New Attractions. Tlie show window
at Mueller's Candy and Refreshment
Parlors was today fixed up in a beauti
t..i ..,or a irnnd dismay of line
nil uitiuuci, ft - ' - . .
glaced fruits, fruit dips, bon homers,
ribbon, Uoston chips, canines,
on a pyramid of many colors,
fail to go and take a peep at it.
berg Ulock.
of Albiiiy
eynip om't hi beat
C E Bkowscll.
Try it.
Onuses for 25 J at 0 E Urmtaall's.
CRUME In SliedJ, on March 31,
,S92, of pneumonia, Mr Van Crume son
of X I' Crume, aged 8 ytar.. A bright
01 ... ' 0 .i.Brl liv ninnv.
of saying that Ave are displaying the largest and most
elegant line of
Spring Clothing
ever opened in this city.
The Oregon Land Co.
With its home office at '
S-A-LEIIVl, - - - OEE&OIT,
In the Gray Block, corner Liberty and State street, branch office in Portlano,
MAKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem.
Will soil 5, -10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per
acre small cash payment long time on balance
for particulars.
Koaler in
aDd a general assortment of
G5- 3E& O 3 S 3C 3ES JS.
Subscription agsnt foi til Ibo leading Kewspapors an.l AlMgav.ines. Terms cash.
Near the I. O.,
Albany, O
Albany, Orrunn
Cabinet photos from $1.50 to f.(.oe
per dozen. Enlaiglng pictures r.
specialty. 16x20 crayons framed
for fio oo. We carry a large line
of 5x8 and steresccpic' views of Ore.
gon. Studio in Froman's Block
next to Masonic Temple, First Stree
Call-: and -.-Havh -:-Your
tested by
Johnston's Patent Ee-Mcler at F. M
KRENCH.S Jewelry Store.
-:- of
Baby :-: Buggies
best assortment ever brought to
just received at
A 1 bar j
Ste-vvV't Sox's.
Use teggics and Cot Trices.
'Saiii ei. E. Young.
who Will Be greauv -j j