Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 21, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    liiui'iT rot nr.
The first case culled to the court t 1 1
II'MIE t AKKtltl
XO AIMHtK Hi t; Alt.
DlHOt It ATIC 101 XT V TIC kirr
h t it weslc
mm l y T riUli, Kdltir. una rrop'n
ICutrd Hllhe font (1(11 at Albany, Or
agon, a soeond o'ms mull mtttor.
..Mi Ri ll si, mot
IIi.oody I'rimahiks. Xlie following
rom the Statesman Is an account of the
repulillcan primaries at Ilrook Saturday,
aih1 shown how thai party gets excited in
a republican county. It Is spicy: It was
the republican prlmarle. 'l'he first skir
mish took place In front of the store; hut
.inlet beluir restored, tlieie was talking
"land Irvine: to tlx thiiu's tin till the : o'clock
lrai.I, when skhmisll No 2 took place.
(Some blood and scratched faces, when
the squire commanded the peace, and,
: with the aid of the democrats, -mull;,
whom was an cx policeman from Salem,
who seemed In his glory till he got a "difl"
In the jaw. Quiet was aain restored,
when the crowd retired to the warehouse,
'.. the largest building in town, where sklr
? mlsli No 3 took place and the light for
fchalrman was had. After spairlng for
Home time, a motion was made to move
J out of the doors; carried, and the crowd
i moved out of the doors where skirmish
I No 4 took place, In which a prominent
candidate got a bloody nose, out the demo,
crats again came to tho rescue and older
was again restored, when voting lor chair
man was resumed. When the vote was
counted it was found that Chapman was
elected by n vole of oi to 57. Then hnpan
challenging, and charges of non-residents
and democrats voting; the defeated
crowd seceding and retiring to the fence,
where primar No 3 was held.
Stoi.b Wiiiskky. Kriday a true hill found against Ernest Ways, a young
man of about twenty-three years of ag j,
by the grand jury, on the charge of lar
ceny from a store. About a month ago
llavs,lt Is clalmed.brokc IntoCarter's drug
store at llalsey and stole three gallons of
whiskey. . The matter was kept quiet
until presented to the grand jury Havs
was arrested Saturday and brought to
this city and placed in the county jail,
making No 8, four having been taken out.
David llond, who was implicated with
Haves in the hun'larv left so in .ifler-
4 wards for Idaho, where he now is said to
Lank'h Jail. Albert Ilollenbeek, who
was indicted for tho crime of nn essnult
with intent to commit rape, but w.19 con
victed of Hiinple nHHiiuit, was sentenced
by Judge l'ities, thin morning, to pay n
line of $o0 and costs. The defendant paid
the line and was discharged from cus
tody. In passing Bentence, Judge l'ipes,
having been previously informed that
llolleubeck would be niittbln to pay a
larger line than $50, said that on account
of reports made by grand juries that the
iail is an unlit place to imprison a human
being, lie considered it his duty, there
fore to impose a line that could be paid
by flic defendant Guard.
Conttst Ukc.un. Mr C (i Butkhart
tiled a notice with the school directors of
District 5 this morning that the election
ofJayW lilain as clerk of said district
will ie contested Tlie grounds of con
test, it is reported, will he that the statute
permitting women to vote ui such election
is unconstitu'.lonal. Mr lilain will get
out a quowarranto for the books and outlit
of tli clerk's, and the matter prom
ise! lobe wanrlv contested 01 bitli sides.
Complimentary. Among the candl
dates on the democratic ticket of Linn
county is the name of G K ussetl for
school superintendent, which oliice he
has held during the past two years. Mr
Russell ha titled this hnpoitaut position
with credit and lias proven himself an
efficient and reliable oliicial,aud the voters
of Linn county would only be doing jus
tice to themselves byre-electing him.
Henton Leader.
Anotiikr Co. On Tucsdav last the in
corporation papers of the Corvallis
Cracker Co. were p'aced on file In the
clerk's oliice in this city, and were also
forwarded to Salem. The incorporators
are Levy Oren, U K Highland and John
Long, and the capital stock has been
placed at $20,000. These gentlemen mean
business and will soon place a certain
amount of stock upon tho market, which
no doubt will be readily disposed of. Kx,
PitNM.ETON St 'I.e. Here is Perdleton
style, according 'o the E O. Business men
are renuesled to remember that the street
superintendent was ordered by the last
city council to remove all obstructions,
sign-posts, etc, from the sidewalks, within
ten days, unless done by the owners. The
time -vill expire by Sunday, and Monday
the superintendent will out some men to
Aork with axes and fulfill his duty. Cut
down your signs.
Tim Whittling rf kb at the WCTU
hall tomorrow night vill be one of the
most novel affairs of the season, and there
will be an abundance of fun in store for
those who atter.d. Tak? a sharp knife
with you, bolh ladies and gentlemen. The
luncli will be in keeping with the whit
tling hee. It will cost 10 cents to get In.
Decisions of the court are usu
ally followed closely by attorney! and are
cited by them as law w hen making argu
trienls before other courts, but n local
attorney has reversed the order. In argu
ing a case before the county court the
other day he cited the decision of a justice
of the peace as being "the law." Ochoco
Spring millnsr?.
I have my full stock of spring millinery
n all the latest styles and cordially Invite
customers and friends. Ida M Bri'SH,
Blumberg Block, Albary, Or.
Jtay be seen the
finest ptoi'k of
tfold and ailvri
walclip.s, diamond and other rings, jew
e.ry, silverw are, ic, in the city.
5O0f papers ficah orkn i.nd flower seeds
aiuBg puronasers at
C E Browukll'h.
30 oraiiics for 2flo at C E Brouell's.
(MIhIi'ii I avory my
apt Nniiliiy.
afternoon was that of the stale against
Frank S Ingram, I o'clock being the time
set for his sentence. 1 he court house was
full of Interested spectators. On request
of the judge the piisoner arose, and on
'jcing asked If he had anything to say win
sentence should not Iw pronounced re
marked hiaudably, so that lie was request
ed to repcut it:
"Nothing, your honor."
" Then the sentence of the court Is that
vou be sentenced to the penitentiary at
hard labor for the term of your natura:
life," said Judge Itoke in Lis uuial linn
tone. '
1 he prwirrr was cool, hut had a va
cant, set kind of .1 bxik, us if completely
iesi'.;ntdto his fate. No motion "as
made 'or a new tiial.
I' II Vaughn
re:over money
gt SV.pcr & Vaughn; to
1 111:1 II Moiitcith :igt city of Albany ; in
junction Decree for want of answer.
Mnrgan tie A Monteith ;igt ti'.y of Al
bany; injunction. Decree for ant of
ISrldge & llcach Mfg Co agt Smith &
.endcia;to recover nion;y. Continued.
J C Hover agt Smi'h & Senders; to
recover money. Continued.
J li Stetson agt .Smith Si Senders; to
recover money. Continued.
Assignment G W Smith. Continued.
1) It Monteith agt city of Albany; In
junction. Uecree for want af answer.
A S Knox agt city of Albany ; injunction.
Decree for want of answer.
State agt J I) linker; larceny. Plead Tues
day at 9 o'clock.
State agt F'ank Wilsunj larceny l'lead
Tuesday at 9 o'clock.
I'koi'i.e's Party Tickkt. The follow
ing nominations were rr.adc by the stale
convention of the third party last week at
uregon City:
Congress, 1st district, M V Rork.
Congress, 2nd district, John C Luce.
Supreme Judge, Dunham Wright.
Judge, 1st district, Ira Wakefield.
Judge, 2nd district, G R Edmunds,
judge, 3rd district, J K Hendrex.
Judge, 4th district, D Priestly.
Judge, 5t"i district, II B Luce
Judge, 6th district, W Green.
Judge. 71I1 district, J F Ames.
Dist. Attorney, 1st, W C Edwards.
Dist Attorney, 2nd, S M Stellinakcr.
Dist Attorney, 3rd, K 11 Denton
Dist Attorney, 4th, 1) W Hutler.
Dist Attorney, 5th, W II Walker.
Dist Attorney, 6th, Gerald Griffin.
Dist Attorney, 71I1, D P Stine.
oint senator for Josephine, Curry and
Coos, W S Vanderburg. Crook, Klamath
and Lake, Roscoe Knox. Columbia,
Washington and Tillamook, R S lla.ton.
For presidential electors, J N Pierce, S
H Holt, W H Galval.i and W G Burleigh.
Reports showed that there are 2S7 sub
alliances in the state and 23 county organ
izations. John Bryant, K II Denton and T M
Munkers were present from Linn county
as delegates. I
Ok nr.o.v Produce is in demand, writes
Thos Fitch, jr, the San Francisco com
mission merchant. The markets all favor
the shipper.
Potatoes California has had a tremen
dous crop of potatoes this year, but the
bulk of them came from the lowlands and
were wormy and watery, and they have
sold at 254HO cents per hundred. This
has created demand for fancy potatoes
and choice Oregon Iiurbanks today are In
demand at $1 per 100 lbs.
O.iions Theie is a great scarcity of v, l.a-d, dry onions and this market is
dependent oil Oregon for such supplies.
We sold a lot c::. last steamer at $1.20 per
100 lbs,
tV bent The markets in all the great
wheat centers ac weak with a downward
endencv. The market here Is lirm and
active because of the low rates of freight
to the United Kingdom, and the light
stock of wheat on hand. Xo, I shipping
wheat is selling today a'. $i.7o,and milling
at $i.72,'i.
Oats The oat maiket Is lirm and aciive
only for choice White Oregon oats. We
have a trade among the blood horse own
ers, and they insist that Siamboul and
Sunol be fed on the choicest Uregon
white oats. We have a part of this trade,
therefore are enabled toobiai.i the highest
market price, selling tod3v at $1.27;;.
A no v e the Sea Level. The follow
ing figures, showing the elevation above
sea level, at prominent signal stations, in
the states of Oregon and Washington.will
be read with interest, and preserved for
future reference.
The Dalles 1 16
Ilcppner '950
Pendleton 1'22
Weston 'Soo
Joseph 4-t
La Grande 274
Baker Cltv 344
Burns ..." 4000
Canyon City 3o
Astoria 3S
Portland So
Forest Grove 21S
McMinnville 'So
Eo'a c7
Corvallis 3 '5
Albany ' "5
Eugene 435
Roseburg 5j3
Grants Pass 9"4
Jacksonville "4
Ashland '94"
Vancouver Barracks S
Walla Walla 'ol8
Spokane Falls '"09
The ladies aid society will meet tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock at Mrs W R Bilycu's.
A PAKODT.-Once upon a Monday dreary
she was working woak and weary, down
upon her marrows mopping, moppinj up the
kitchen floor. While the mop went flip
ping, flappine.Buddooly she heard a tapping,
tapping at tha kitchen door. '"Tiss mc
visitor," she muttered, "tapping at the
kitchen doorj gracious Petrr, w hat a bore "
Up she jumped and nearly swearing hastily
beg-n preptring to appear as woman vub
to w hen their oal.ers looktheai o'er yanked
her a; rnu oft" and s'ung it.grabbed a dolman
up and hung it o'er the greasy gown she
a'ore. Then sho opened wide tho door
and found a pian, who remarked that Mat.
tin ws Washburn's was tho place to buy
the bi ot stoves and tinwaro.
IT.iv.. jLst received somo extra choice nil
vei ptunv. C E
Mr (', I) Tut ley li alo reai'i Tal through
K W liliimberg one of thus Columbia auli
titw, wi'.b. tlio bij pneumatic tires.
Wild wnrkiiiv nn iba Sanderson bridgo
Snturday Mi V. W Austin hud a should. r
dislucatt'd. flu eiina ti Albany in the
1 veiling aud Dr D.yis rulucwl the dialog,
Tho game (if baseball Kutunlay afternoon
between the- Albinius and College boys re
suitid in a victory for the Albania by a
score of 28 to 9. Tiia Alhaiues are ready tu
I lay any atnsteur 111110 in the valley.
On Saturdy the first inter-colleiale
ga ne of football in California uai played
h.'lwben Stanlord university and the State
iniivxrsi'.y team", aid the Stun Told sou
'.a-ily bv 14 to 11).
A meeting of the Albany Rvo Ball Cub
is ea'led lor Wednesday evening at MeFar
land'a lisrness idiop. Another game between
tllo Alean'ieS and (' 1'lege bnya will bo played
Fri -ay uftiTnoon.wlif.u it is reported Chalk y
liurna will pitch for the College team.
.t the skating rink Saturday ni:.-ht in tlio
contest for the Telescope tnedal Mr Kiauk
Simpson .nade the fastest time, runuing u
mile iu 4:35. Jerooie Whliatns was nct
wit!: a recoid of 4:33; Carey Crawford, 4:50,
Clyde Hill, 4:51.
Tlio estato b:ft by the late lr Haw thome,
of Portland, at tho thno of his deeca."o was
valued at $300,000. It is now worth nearly
$2,000 000, a rcmarknhln enhancement in a
fdw years. The eatate of .Tudun Amlcison,
valued at his demise, at $110,003 is now
worth $350,000.
Will i: Stark, A jewelers.
The host roust eol Ue iu the city at Corned
.devT s.
fiitvn you tried F E Allen's teas, if n. t
A'liy not.
Cation Mathews & Washburn Jfor your
Alt tinds of choica eating !and coV
aiplea at AUcu Bros.
Aslihv Carae, Real Estate, SOJ Wasb-
ingtoo Stroet, Portland, Or.
Have you tried that ideal 1 oast colTee at
F E Alien's, If not, why not.
C".na & HendticHon's prices are lower
than oyor. Give them a call.
Extra fine California strained honey at
Conn & Hendricsou's.
Ccnn Si Ilendricson's is the place to get
your gardeu seeds and on;on seta.
May I have B.ime of your grocery trade
this month. If not, why not. F Allen.
Mathews & Washburn lead in tre stnvs
and tinware business in this part of the
A large assortment of new etylo ribbons
j'ist reeeived at the Ladies r.aziar, also iu the lato shades.
V W Davis is now in hareeof the Del-
ir.nnico restaurant. Meals 25 cents. Eastern
oysters fresh. Even thing
To retain an abundant head of hair -f a
natural color to a good old aye. the hygiena
of the aca'p must be observed. Apply Hall's
Hair Ueoewer.
It is a big privilege to be aide
to get what you want when
you go to a grocery store. Allen
Brothers keep such 11 variety
that they can always accom
modate their customers. This
paves running around. If it is
fruit season they have tho goods.
In produce their ftands are full
of tho latest and best. Their
stock of standard groceries is
always large, of the best to be
secured in the market.
The - HEAVIEST - Stock
In this city is in our store. It includes CLOTHING
every grade, style and paUern,that is desirable.
Elegant Dress Suits,
Nobby Business Suits,
ana Fatigue Suits,
In light, medium and heavy weights, and in all of the
atehy shades of tho season. We also keep a full line of
furnishings and notions that pertain to the CLOTHING
business, embracing onl) standard and reliable brands.
a d n a r '
S N Steele went to Portland this noon
on business.
Jas F Powell returned to Portland this
noon after a short visit.
Mr and Mrs Geo E FUh, of Corvallis,
spent Sunday iu Albany,
Mr L Dough, of llai risburg, is doing
Albany todav , lie reports that city all
Mr Elking left this noon on a
trip to Crook county to look after his
slock interests.
The Sons of Veterans will give a social
at Ihe G A R Hall on Tuesday evening,
March 291I1.
Mr John Conkling, a reliable young
man, has been engaged as clerk in the
store of C E Brownell.
Mr O P Tompkins, of Portland, Is In
the cby, vUlih.g friends. He Is just re
covering from quite an illness.
Keep the fate social 'o be given by the
Christian Endeavor Cllion Friday night
at the U P church in your mind. It will
be interesting.
Judge Canterbury, uncle of Judge
Strahan, wiio has been residing in South
ern California, an Ived in Albany yester
day on a visit.
('has Louden, the unfortunate laborer
of F S Ingrain, returned to his home near
Gcrvais this noon, probably without the
best feelings foi I. Inn county.
The ladies of the First Presbyterian
church arc making preparations for an
"Apion Fail" to be given at the armory,
April 8lh. Something entirely new in
Mr Senders, the Albany horse bu; er,
was here last week but purchased but two
horses. Plenty were offered for sale but
Ihey were not what he wanted. Eugene
Dr E G Johnson, formerly of Albany,
has just returned to Seattle from a trip to
New York and advertises extensively in
the Seattle papers to be able to cure near
ly all the chionic diseases in the cata
logue. Surveyor Fisher, of Albany, is In the
city laying out or.e of the best additions to
the city that this town can ever have.
The property is that of Dr H A Davis
and lies between Schooling's park and the
saw mill. The addition will contain sev
eral hundred lots. Ilarrisburg Courier.
Cossistescy, thou art a Jewel. Mat
thews fc Washburn keep the Jewel and
other lirst-class Btoves, and there) la no
better way to be consistent than by in
vesting in one of them. Matthews &
Washburn's motto is to keep the best,
anu tueir prices ate always reasonable
Large sales speak for the manner ii
which these facts are appreciated
vnrougti i.iiin county.
Our 50 cent syrup is good.
C E Brownell.
Try it.
of Albr.ny
syrup oan't ba beat
C L Browxell.
The L K r.laiu clothing company hva
just receivcri en uncommonly large stock of
hatsof all the latest ntvles and grades, ord
are prepared to tit and suit the most fastidi
COX. On Monday morning, March
21 st, 1S92, to Mr and Mrs E G Cox, near
Albany a boy weight isji pounds.
- cf - SPRING - Clothing
ij3 If! ill IjilillE lids
4 It Mi-llwttlil IllTers Hume llutlom I'rlc
He makes the following reductions in suar
for cash :
17 lbs diy granulated for $1 00.
ao lbs extra C white for $1.00.
22 lbs extra C gulden Tor $1.00.
Here are some wholesale prices:
100 lbs xtra C g 4 cts.
100 lbs sxtra C white 4I4' cts.
100 lbs dry granulated ctf
He will also sell a five gallon keg of picklai
for 90 cents.
Conn & Hesdricsom Lead.
A Won! to
It is an easy task for us to fit SHORT AND STCUT MEN.
For men who are FAT and difficult to fit, we have had
by special request these cuts
LuKG AND SUM MAN we have not lorgotten you anu are pre
pared with long-waisted, long sleeved coats and long pants,
to fit yoa to perfection in goods suitable for one of your
build. There is room ior taste to bo displayed for such
shapes as the above, for goods that are suitable for the short
and lat man will not do for the long and slim man, and
vice versa.
A Spaulding Baseball and Bat given away with every
ley's Suit.
"The Leading Clothiers.1'
Oor, IstandBroadalbin Sts, - - Albau. regen,
The Oregon Land Co.
With Its
In the Gray Block, comer Liberty and
AKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tracts near Salem.
Will sell 5, 10 or 20
acre small cash payment
for particulars.
and a goneral assortment of
O-1& OCSS I E S.
Subscription agtnl foi s.11 the leading Kewnpapera ami Maira'Jnet. Termi caeh.
Nenr P. ., ilbreny,
Allinnr Oiegon.
Cti -: Alto -.- Have -:- Your
tested by
at F. tJ.
Jobnton's Patent E,c-Me!ei
r RENCIl'S Jewelry Store.
Representatives- A. Blcvlns, M. A.
Miller, W. P. Elmore.
County Jl'dgk. Geo. Humphrey.
County Commissioner, T.J. Mun
kers. County Clerk N. P. Pavne.
County Recorder E. E. Davis.
Siirrii f. C. C. Jackson.
County Treasurer. Bilce Wallace.
County AtsKssoR J . E. Michael.
School Superintendent. G. F. Rus
sell. County Surveyor E. J. O'Connor.
Coukit Coroner Frank Fwrell.
Tustice of tiir Peacf.oI Albany, Cen
tral Albany and Price precincts. L. M.
Some have a wrong hnpres-
Bion. Many men think that
they annot get a ready made
suit to fit, especially these
short and stout shapes, and
long and slim shapes,but they
need only to call and try on
one'ofthefe suits to bo con
vinced to the contrary.
made for you; arid as for the
home office at
State street, branch ctlice In Portland,
acre lots at $50 to G0 per
long time on balance. Send
S3 S3
a 4
Dealer in
Cabinet photon from T1.50 to $4.00
per dozen. Enlnigitig pictures a
special! f. 16x20 crayons framed
for $10 00. We carrv a large line
of 518 and sterefccplc'vlew6 of Ore
gon. Studio in Froflian's Block
next to Matonlc Temple, First Stree
of -:-
Baby :-: Buggies,
best assortment ever brought to Albany
just received at
Stcit Sox's.
l!ic fliifgios and (let rriecs.