Liukvillc Oregon is hereafter to be railed Klamath Falls, so far as the name of the postotfice is concerned. Mr Leiidlietter, a leading republican from Idaho tolls the Oregonian that the outlook for republican success in that state this fall is gloomy. The Tortland Dispatch is very much op posed to a fusion county ticket between democrats and independent republicans in Multnomah comity. Replying to au inquiry we would av that Samuel D McEnery was governor of Louisi ana from iSSoto'lSSS and tjiat John McEnery was governor from 1S74I0 1S77. Jl The biggest campaign story yet telegraphed from the east to the Oironian is the one that it isprobable there will be two democratic candidates for president. We make a predict! :n that will be verified in November if the opportunity for verification is given: Grover Cleveland will carry New York state by a goad majority if nominated for ptesidenf. The sLate election in Rhode Island will occur the 6;h of April. According to the New York World the republicans are well united while the democrats hare many factional strifes on hand. If these can be settled and harmony restored, the democrat wilt win, otherwise they will be defeated. Linn county gave $40,000 for one bridge last year, and her taxes are only eighteen mills, very strange, isn t i'? VestAnc, Not strange to the farmers and taxpayers of Linn county who are rccustomed to hav ing financial mRtters administered carefully and economically, but to the Salem Journal, such an exMbi'ion of the idea that public of fice is a public trust is inccir.prehens.ble. The house elections committee has decided to seat Noycs, the republican contestant from New York, and unseat Rockwell, democrat. This is the diflerence betwe:n a republican house and a democratic house. The republi cans In the Usl house largely increased their membershlD by turning democrats out and putting republicans in. Democrats now de crease their membership in deciding contest ing elections. The wool industry of Great Britain Vis con stantly on the increase, though unpioiected by tariff duties. With a population averaging nearly 300 to the square mile, she still finds room to pasture and feed 240 sheep to the square miie, and the number grows year by year. The United States, with a tariff on foreign wool, has a population of about tweaty-two to the square mile, but only fif teen sheep, and the number is dwindling an nually. The facts are painful, buinevertlie 1 :ss the agricultural department reports them. The McKinlcy bill was to a certain extent a laiift-retoim bill. It placed sugar on the f ce list and gave the people cheaper sugar. It put a duty on tin plate?, and established il.e tin industry in this country. Salem Journal. Well, yes, the "reform" feature of the bill was the free trade feature in sugar. Yes, it put fcugar on the free list and gave the people sugnr. This move, so far as sugar is con cerned, was and is free trade pure and simple. And it is the fres trade feature that the Jour nal commends so highly. It is trie only feature the McKinley bill the Journal can commend to the approval of the people. As to tin the tariff was increased and the price consequent ly increased. The people do not approve of Ibis. It is not true that the tin industry has been established. A IMFc'KKENCEON FUSION. The republicans of Kansas are "alarmed," It is said, over the fusion effected In their state between the democrats and the peo ple's party, representing a majority of ovei 60,000 at the last election. They propose to go before the republican national com mittee and urge a" retaliatory campaign In the south" on the basis of a fusion of the republicans and the alliance. Georgia, North and South Carolina and Viiginip are named as the field proposed for these operations. The chief trouble with this scheme i that it cannot be made to work. In none of of these states has the third party mada any show in the recent elec tions, in Georgia the democrats bad a clear majority of neatly 00,000 in tSSS. In iSyo there was no opposition to the dem ocratic ticket, which polled 105,000 votes, or 5,000 more than in iSSS. In North Carolina the democratic plurality was 13, 118 In lbSS, the prohibhlonlsts polling on ' 2u9 votes . In lSyo the democratic majority for Chief Justice was 42,000. In South Carolina there Is no third party, and at the last election, In iSyo, the reg ular democrat's majority over the InJe. pendent democrat was 44,000. In Vir ginia the democratic plurality at the last election for governor was 42,177, the pro hibitionists polling only S97 votes. In none of these states is there any thing to fuse against the democra's. Not only so, but In every southern state save Kentucky the democrats had a majoilty over all in the last elections. And In a presidential year, a Force bill loom ing up as a menace in rcpublk-an suc cess, no division or diversion is p .siblc. On the olner hand tlu"ea.e si ; wo'em states Iowa, Kansas, Nebiaia,Mi;mcso 11, South Dakota and Wisconsin lu which the republicans are In a inln v and In hlch a frslon cou'd defeat ti.eni. New York II'- .V. WI1AT KKPKESEXrATIVE Ml miEbb SAYS "If the Chicago nominee is not accepta ble to the German clement In Wisconsin we cannot carry the stale," said represent ative Mitchell of the Milwaukee district. "We will not get the electoral vote, but possibly six out of eight congressmen. It will be Impossible. In my opinion, to carry the state on a free silver platform. Yes, the state hps been reapporioned. and pre sumably In the Interest of the democrats, but even that would not save the party from diaster In the event Indicated The Bennett law, passed by a republican leg Islature, caused the itvolt In that state and made the itate democratic. The iuitiud late repeal of the law by the demociatic legislature has strengthened the demo- cra lc administration, and e have the best possible chance to make tiie state safely and permanently democra'ic. The Ger mans considered the Bennett law oppres sive race legislation, an encroachment on paren'ol authority, and resented It as re publican Intolerance. I.ocrlly the 6'.a'e Is In excellent shape. Mayor Summers will be re-elected mayor of Milwaukee, and thit will have a good political effect throughout the sia'e. The late decision of the state circuit court compelling re publican ' ate treasuie's to refinu to the state Ine in e; est re:eived by them, and ued by them, on public funds, has helped the democratic party. It was a gieat out rage amoun'lng to robbing. Unques tionably Mr Cleveland Is pre eminently the Wisconsin candidate fot the presiden cy. With Wisconsin people he stands for demociacy, and the tentiment in the sta'.e is almost unanimous for him. Senator Vilas can have he delegation to Chicago If he wants it. Wi'h C'eveland and Vilas ou'. cf the race some western man, P-"ltntr o: Boies, would come in." Ever!astiu:lv iu it. F A ea. If not, why not. NEW ADVERTISEMENT H. LOT.Sunday, March 13.h, cither on the streets of the city, or on tin wav to the eitv cwmetery, a noid watch chain. lYindtr wi.l pleas-) return to this c-ffice-. KGGS. Pure bred 8 0 r. own Letr linrn pcrffq 1 n.r 1.1 A.l.lrr. w VV Crawford! TallmHii, (jrey)". ' 70n KENT. New wn!llni. five rtHiujs, iinru 11 tsn, e-i'iern parte! tllSOitT. InuuHof Ed K M Cir'ar. SN. STEELE CO., Albany, Oregon Lomu tnonev on trood real estat secar ty In Linn and adj iluirj counties F RUSH COWS FOR SAL?:. One-liai nd one-fourth Jertey cows lor sale Also imported Ear y Knu:iue potatoes Price, 75crntH pur bushel, 'all rn ma 2 nii east of Albany, K C Hoffman. PLAIN SEWING. The underpinned tvil! fitfA in nUin coming ,i.:..t. :n V - (Iodo iu f rut-class order sort on reasonable rnrms. icavo oruer at res.;ien-.'e of i 103 Jones, on 7th street. Iictnffm P.rn .1!hi.1 and Jerry atieet. Mi?.s Whitf.i: had. BIRDS FOR SA. K. -Mrs V'ra Meyer has totr.6 tine canst v Wb. centime Scoteh whistlers, (or sale. C..U o.i her at her home od Water street, he'.neea Hill and Maine streets. Ion RALfl Houe and ornor lot la 1 Il'sfldadd. 5750. Applvtol W DaTU, STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. "TOTICE IS KEtiEBY;GlVEN VHAT IN the annual tr.fwtjoja: of the stockholders of The Willamette Itf-al Estate Company, of Albany, Oron. will bo held on Thurs day, March 30th, J892. at the hour of 4 o'clock In the afternoon of said cby, at th rflice f Geo W Wright, in Albany. Oregon, for the purpose of lectinc ctiiceis and di rectors of raid compiny for the term of one Vtar next en nine; from raid meet in r. and to transact mch other husir.css as may v-iopeily come before s.iiit mating. Jatf d KebiUHi'V 2Sth lSf'2. A. JiACKLEMAX, Ceo W Wright PreMt'e1 :.t. Secretary. STOCKHQLBFR'S MEETING. JiOTICKia hereby givn that thnre will be b men ine of the stockhuldoru ,if the Albany Building and Loan Asxoeiaion of Alhany, Oretton. bald av their ollieo in t he office of the Hank of Oregon. on Tuea day, tha l!)tu day of April, 11112, at 7 n't: i. k p n of aaid day, fur the purpose of increu.iuK tho capital ? cek of Kaid as sociation from f i'lO.O'lO to J3tO,IOO,hnd tn increasn the number of ahares from 1000 to I MX Dated at Albany, Oregon, March 18.1S9I C II STEWART, JWliuit, President. Hecrttarv. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. "OTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT i-1 tealed bids will be received at the office of lbs United States Kai'kinR Co. In Junction City, Oregon, until Saturday, March 2Mb. 1U92, for the erection of a bank building In raid city. 1' aim and specifications can b6 nnen at tne bank nfllceorbe Jorwarriod to contractors on application. The right reserved to rejoct any or all bida. UNITED STATES RANKINrt CO., Junction City, Or. Q O & Q Q O GOOD NEWS ff For the millions ol consumers of a '3 It ijItm lr, TMt p1mtir to nn- f nuitrtliut lie tn now putting up a w O TINY LIVER PILL OTvliU'h 1 of fuctasifnfrWsmnll slrn, 't retain. tic; n(J t virt lit n f t )h ltirvr onfn AattfiMiiKcrl purely t K't)ibft. Ritth ntm rtha- pilU fH are Mtill fiKitvO. Mho evMct stu ot TUTT'S TINY LIVER PI1.L5 Ih dhow a Im t lie burdnr of K.U "ud." 'GO09OOG I'srker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your Rrocorii of Parker Kro Apple partes f- r tale nt Sttwart A Sox Piae groceries at Cuun &lItdric&on's, Latent khift lt.uaic at Will & Liuk'i. Hew cream choeae just irceived at Conrad Meyert. C W Cobh, job priuter, Flinn lilock, does nrst class work. E W Achison SiCo are setlin mnnoimnts at I ortlana prices. Stewart & Sox sull the very boat f stent shears and scissors. The (meet Hoe of pockee knires in the city at Mewart A Box a. Smcke the celebrated 11 a Tina filled 5 cunt cigar at Julius Joseph s, G " o 3 W Cobb, succossorto PaitiTey & Smiley, Ftinn Block, for ynurj Imprinting of ail kin1-! Dr M I' K' is, and surgeon, Albany, Oiu.w. Culls niado In citj or country. At the nimo iadio.ite, HaH'a VegetaM 8;ciliau Hair Ko"eweris a teuewer of the hair, including its growth, health, youthful color and beauty It will please you. Samples of DJaarta toihtt uaii-ts and braces at Mrs rVterson's over French's jewelry ktnre, Mrs Talt sole agent for I. inn count v. E W Achison h Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for jenititery lots. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other aud are faraupenor. With his new bakery Conrad .Nfoyer !s able to offer old and now oafttor.iti fi ever y thing liistclass iu baked jjuUj. Head Aches. Sick -head aches are the outward indications ol derangements of the stomach and bowels. As Joy's Vegetable Sareaparllla Is the only bowel regulating preparation of Earseparilla, It Is seen why it Is the only appropriate Barsaparllla in slck-hea'l aches. It Is not only appropriate; It is an absolute cure. After a course of it an occa sional doso at intervals will forever after prevent return. Jno. M. Cox, of 735 Turk Street, Ban Francltco, writes: I have been troubled with attacks of slck-bcadacbe for the lost three years from ono to three times a week. Somo time aso I bought two bottles of Joy's Vegetable Eamaparllla and havo only had one attack since and that was on the second day after X began .sing it." VegetabSo Sarsaparilla FOR SALE BT CE3 C STAMARD ALBAIJY J. A. Camming. all PaDe J rwtrs, i'aints. Oils Glass, Ht 3. , AlBKfiV. :- OEECtH WICKMAN&ANDERSON 0ppisl:8St C.iar'.es Hotel. Bod cl!t!il::j pnd law cirti'rn tvell uttniniod to- r-tarch work a spoi!!y. Brai eh ofTloe nt Moofs' barlini liiop , ARE - YOU - GOING - TO - R1DB - A BICYCLE this summer ? If so, call on Van Wilion, at Stewart & Sox's, and sec a New Mail, which nlways gives satisfaction. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. NOTICK 18 HEBEBT G1VEX THAT pursuant to an order of the Hon County Coirt ot Linn oornty, Or.gon, I nrlll sell st public auction to the highest bidder for eah In hsnd, at the Court llonse door, In the city of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock. In the afiernooa of the lHtb day oi April, 1102, the real property belonging to the estate of lienry Oraser, deoea.ed.and d crlbed as follews, towit: Ihe southwest H of se?tlsn I, in township 14, south of range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian, III Lion county, Oregon. O P C'WHOW, Admr. estate of Hsnry Urascr, deu'd. FORTMiLLEEl & IRVING : v.'-' : '"-v.;,, . --T'r l-i.'-,;.--tv:: Fi:K!;AL DIKKCTOiiS,- trleril rmlinlniiii( done HiMctitiflcally Atbuny, Orri'on. SICK TWO MEX AND ONK JMV POUND im:ai)!. A'hile trying to Crowd thoii -WAY INTO- 0EYG & Ff.QiV.AN BHOS jtorr, where they alwa s have on hnnd liu largest Stock south (it Vuitlund, of the latest Improved Rifles snd Shot 3uns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tent, Hummocks, Cam? lli;in and Ihoui-amU of other thing, too numerous to mention Kepair f31ii) in connection with iho Store, and one ol he best workmen !.: the State to do any ,nd ail kinds of wor Come one O'tne No rouble to how goods ' Sma I pr fit and riuick ol-V is oui jii'o. Albany x f Mamifaclurnrs or- i'EAH ENGINES GRIST AfjQ SAW VMLLMAGKlfiEilY IRON MIS ALL KI.MD3 CF HEAVY m LIGHT WCRK, IN IRON AND CRASS CASTINGS. fecial atteitUnt, Mht o iuljift i ii of innhinet PaUnrns Made on Short Notice Star Baiter 'orEriit(Iaielu and Flrut Hf CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR, ('nulled Ki-nitm, CaonM H k . lilans urf, Oaeeuxwnr. Irff cl FruItM, Vee',alt)ei, Tiibmco, VlgavH Sonar, Kpico. ('(, Tea. Eto Klc, In tact everything tliil Is kept in t foners variety snl Mcory gtofo, FIik'tic,t mat-Kot I'rfcu paid for Al.r, EIND3 OF PRODUCE NOTICE TO CREDITPPS NOTICE IS HEKfcliY GIVEN THAT John K Cjiuh and W p Pltctford, partners dciiiK bufitiiss In fceio, I.lnu county, OrrRon.uiidprtbo firm name and atyle of Cyrus A Piiclrford, have duly made an asslgnmtnt of all tho property, real and personal, to Ihe uimerfigned for the benefit of their crnlllors. All nnnn. havlntt o'aims irintthe ealdfirm are hereby notified and n quired to present the same under oath to the undersigned. at the office of J K Weatherford. in the oity of Albany, Linn county, Ort-gon. i"im ii ijijw moniiis iroui ine uate nereor. Jjatea ueb. Srd, 18"a. J. II PEiRT, AsulyHce ANNUAL MEETING. NOTICE Is herebv given that the annual m.otinjr of the stockholders of Iho Albany Hiiiirlinn Association wi 11 bo hold at tboofilce i t W C Tweodnle, on Ferry Sues', in Albany, o Monday. March 21t, 182, at 7:30 p ni.for the fileo ilou of directors, and such oilier busiuess as nmy come before t'ie ine6tln. Uattd Feb 12th, li2. J. JOSEPH. W C TW EEP A I.H, Secietary. Pisaldtnt. j. o'coaxou. -fVritl Surveyor, ALBANY. - - - OREGON. THR Clbrttad HOOSIBl and 111JJ pr988 Who8l Drillg. AtMITUIIELL, LEWIS & STAVEIl CLEARANCE LA110K NUMBKIl OF KMNANT.S havo Wii left over in our various JH'parlnicnts, and wo will closo the same out at consiileraMo loss tlian cost A Thf3' consist of Dress Goods, "Woolen Hosiery, in Infante Misses and Ladies, Embroideries, Velvets, l'luslies, Satins' Silks, Corsets, and Ladies and Children Underwear, Ktc. These Goods are arranged on our bargain Countermand an examination of tho same will ho of interest to buyers avIio havo an eye to a good bargain. In addition to tho above wo will havo a gonoral clear ance sale of all other lines in stock, and wo will give 10 per cent discount on all cash sales, on our entiro stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Corsets, Ladies and Children ?hoes, .Hosiery, Woolen Underwear, etc. ON TIIK SECOND FLOOR wo cany a complete li0 of Men's, 5oy's and Childrens clothing, Furnishing Goods, Doots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., on which wo have made the fo'lowing reductions: MEN'S SUITS YOUTH'S SUITS Worth, : $ C,J0 for -LoO Worth, : $ 5.00 for 8 3.25 7.50 5.50 " 0.00 4.00 D.OO R50 " 7.50 5.00 " 10.00 8.00 " 10.00 7.50 12.50 8.50 " 12.50 9.00 15.00 11.00 " 15.00 10.00 20.00 15.00' A SPECIAL OFFER Boy's Wagon, Worth To be given away with each and every Uoy's Suit, with short pants, TAKE NOltCE that these offers are good only frra FEW DAYS. Julius Gradwolil's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS GR ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c. lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 lbs. Extra C Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 5 Gallons Good Pickles 90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 00 Vt'holesalo price of sngsr-lOO llisextra C, J4.73; 100 ibs gmnulated, J5.75. I will conduot a strict sasli atom, an l all gtmti will liu Hold for net cash from 11 o 25 per cent Ihhs thsn rnnu'-ir prliv. y.y stock of Cliinavraro, fmoy ifoods, aoi all the iJcsirsbls sylus of clislim, as wall as a ooral asj.rtnieiit of RroberlBfi, croq(t e'.y, lainpsi'iiil fixlures is coniiiBte. hh'kb a Mpnciltv o( lino tai, ootfees aM biking powder, and always pl-ase my cuhtoiners, Agent for several responsible insurance osmpanles. Jnlins Gradwohl. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale s Retail Grocers CIGARS TOBACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block Sl'PERIM poaitiTe force fed SALE - $2 unipson. CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES SEASON. -:- ALBA.NY, OREGOH. Drill, and g, ah UO , Albany, Oc