Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 18, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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    i. i
jfi, 0k sn. v. - . .
y'y av v
NO 100
and other
bcwol complaints
cured and prevented
by the prompt
use of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
regulate the liver,
cleanse tho stomach,
and greatly assist
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
W. F,
Call and sep what a stock of
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods, !
IDi'ess Goods,
We have to select from. Our stock h not only the largest
Mjut the cheapest ever shown in Albany.
We want your trado and wo
you money.
QAIbany ,
What is
Castona l.i Dr. .':iini:;;J I 'itcher'M : ri l.-r t.t:
and CliikTrcu. Ii f:iii;iss i:c'.J. '. ' ;.::3:';!,hi'! v.c?
other irarcoiU'. RtUwtimse. Ii i i ii 1 :. mlMlinia
for rarpsri;riu, Irop;i, Cotithl; - ::;.:;:;.-, c:ul Custoy OH,
It U Pleasant. It puaraiitco it j-aiv vao liy
Millions of IIiliicrs. Castorla leh! rojs 7onu ?:i i oiVj.'p
fcvt-rishinvw. Castorj.". proven: m voini;i:i!; I o:ir Curi),
cures DinrrSinca niul Wlml Co). C'K..;t;! l.i relievc'a
toc:!iins trouble, cares eoiiEti::itio:i r.:nl Hatnlcv-c.
Custori.v .insl-uihttcs tlio f.K:, ri-atilu:' the. etonwea
and liov.rJs glvlnj healthy n.l Hi-.turnl Act.?. Caa
tori.t. U t'.io CltiUlrcu's Ponacoii Muthor's Friend.
Cartorl i 3 xi excellent mctlldn for cliU-
'r?n. Mr.tiiera have repcnteilly tolil m otf iw
fiod isTf ct tijxm their chiMrcn."
D... G. C. Omood,
Lowull, Maw
mCtMor'u li tl ehtv-t iujn!y far f .ill ?ren 1 1
fich I Km a-q la'.ntetl. 1 horn V.. d.iy In o
far distant vlun inolhert wlU oon- lior t!is r&:l
ItirVrvrt of Uiflr cblMru, n l um Caatorta In
'?hd of tliaTnrtousquuck ntrtunimi which art
loirtroying their loTod one, by forcing opium,
nJoryteiM, otbing syrup otid other liurtful
ffU dwn their ttiroors, ibortby Mndiuf
Jm to premature grmTM."
Dft. J. T. KiyonxLoa,
Oouway. Ark.
Ii Centaur Company, TI
Albany -:- Nurseries.
Wur niririiiir it iita'itflm iho flnvtt U, tt fruit
lrt)o, n 4oi!riii(lu varleliiw, lu
ii i li 1 1 1 1 1 til T .l i 4i far thli s:a
i"ii'a trat'e.
mid -
KATisKAcrio:; ola uanteed.
tffVijnl ft-ji,u.fii or o ill en at hl tin oil
tii t i ji i.'l i u i ii i t , i, i y ,,. ,,; A! It 3 nr.
feel confiden wo can save
" Cotoria ir owrl! anotn Uicljrrefl thnl
1 rooomuieuil ltiuip.i'.oruAii)-ie&rititiii
bn.wu to I1K."
TT. . Aiicnr, a. v.,
Ill F. .t., ,;r.iolyii, X. V
"ur phjrji-lir.a I.l Ui c'uj lro.'j c!prt
niu h-va tyy-.f) li sUr Ki lV-r 'j;'
eaeo la l'..r ouuluo pp.cii. witli CiJ tJil
and al-iOu.Th O"1 atr(yr c-:
Hied iuili " taowu a r.r;ui. .
product., yet wo aro fre. to eonfius that tl.y
nicrlis of Ca.toria but wnu t:. W loolt l&
raor upon It."
UXITBS rjoavlTAi, iD DlKMT,
BottKil. Kkn
Allu C. Snirn, iVta.
Murray Etroat, Kw Tork City.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
ABsoiuiBaaf pure
Mount. n u,. Poll.
Hi s ii a ji.iufnt nu'dcine pdvur tise rue nt your -1 nti,t in The moium'. iii.-.y saye
you much null'iirii'i i w II m money.
We uutf that pitu. Ii
Wo care thai tickling.
Wo euro th it hack in.'.
Wt cum that throat .
Wo cur. Croup.
AVecurw HriMiciti..
We cure L.a Grippu Oouijh,
We. help jou f sing and rpcak.
We aru not the S. ii. Isti .tiges.
We troa pleasant C"ttih Syrup.
Wo aro put in 511 ami 7" not'.l.-..
We a'o the S IS. 1'mii.h Cure.
Guaranteed by fu-hay & Mateo.
ltis quit- prjhahletivit you nriy need Ihe
servient cf s phytieiaii some d ; but yea
can postpone thu time iinMuitelv liy keep
ing y.r blood purn anil your system inyii;
orated throuuh the ua i.l Aer's Sjuipi
rilla. Prevention is b'ittur than cure.
(TUnrantucI Hpccitlu fur H(mria, DImihoh, Con-
rnjHiniintii oaucu ay me u-o ui nicoiiti nr toliaeco,
Wakefiiln'ii, MenUl D.-pression, Mifteiiinjf of th
tlraiD resulting in insiiii;y ml Uatltrif to miserT.
ducay aiii death, Premature Old Av'O Uirreincss,
L'wa of PnwtT tii eithor , Livolmitarv Losses and
Scrutator hoe cidu1 by rr-ex9rtin tbo
brain, self-atmsc or ivor iniu'geiico. Each box
coniains uuo iiionth'rt trcaim-ent. 81.0) a bx, or six
buxus for 8:,8uiitby mill pfJi'-Jitl ruujipt of prie.
To curs any cuw. With eAu-i order reoeLred by us
forsix titxen, acotniumied with h 00. we will (tend
tbo inirrhvter our written iruarantee to refund tbs
m.mey if tho treitmint due) n it affect a guru. Guar
ant c(; im(d oily by
J A C'u.tir:iinu. UriiKiElvt. Hole Agent,
AllMiny. ureitiin,
S - DYE - TO - LIVE.
Albany Sie-m Dye Works.
O.J. lexdqll,l',iopiic'Joi'.
Clothing Cleaned, Colored and Repaired.
L.adieA snawis and lress Oood a
Faded clothing restored to its ori;Ina
color, to l;ok like new.
Sntlbfnctlon Guaranteed. Give Me a Call,
Work called for and delivered.
Opposite Parrish's Lirick,
The tuccess of this Grat Ccngb Cure ft
without a parallel In the history of medicine.
AlldrufTRists aro authorized to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure cad
successfully stand. That it may become
known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex
pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into
every homo in the United States and Canada
If von have a Coujrb, Sore Throat, or Bron
chitu, use it, for It will cure you. If your
child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
ft promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread
that insidious disease Consumption, use It.
Ask your DruggiBt for SHILOH'S CURB,
Price 10 cts. , 60 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs
are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous
Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug
gists and Dealers.
Red CrownMills
SDH. M ili H v . ; tt
cw .11 ce ri.ot;w .r.T.hMiR roa rASir.M.
REST STO'KAli" VI!.iri'.s
, 0r An. KtNBtt
0-"lt Sfhiii:rt Uverr 9b't tin
r to Wilanirtttr Packing CV
T.T.HT I?f TJin iroRn.
tlMtln two tjtjtro ot py o'Vi?r iMt Ko
l'Ott S.T.e PYTiF U.W:Og.SEltAJI..T. JV r
m (ml
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Houses Wanted. MrF Brandenstein,
from ' an Francisco, will bp nt Albany
buying horses on Saturday, Maroh 111.
18i2. Wanted Bays and blacks, aged 5
toK, from W-i to 10 hands limb, weiirht.
1U5U to 1175 pounds. .Must be well broke
to work, and also gentle to ride under
sauuio. Long bgged, Ioobb jointed and
narrow chested horses not wanted. Also
heavy draft horses wanted, weighing
mini mod to low pouwls ; aged o to o,
pluggy nuild. Head(inarters at L Send
ers' tale and feed stables.
Just received uew a-i'l 'vnavl for
C'K r.rcwaeM's the folio in
Chow Chow,
Coiiki:, Mul-Bses,
Pickles in viuejiur,
.Salt lferriii(,
Salt whitf. thh,
Salt falm.m.
Harness, Saddles, Etc. Our orderB
are piaceu wun eastern lactones, and we
purpose putting in the most complete
stock of goods ever shown in our line, In
the upper valley. We buy direct from
first hands for cash ;so guarantee to com
pete with Portland prices. The display
horse stands in our door opposite the First
lxauonal bank. U J MlFarland,
money to iak. I liavo money in
auma of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Benton
counties, at lowest current rates. Ke
delay in furniBuing the money.
Real entitle ayent, Albany, Oregon
CATARRH. CURED, health and .wee
hreathscurei by RUIoh'n Catarrh Uemody
rrice, &U ceuci. isaal Injector tree.
Whereto Get Them. When wantlna
an organ or piano call on Blackman &
Hodges a here you ran select from a
first class stock.
quickly cured by Shilih's Cure We tuar
an ee it
SHILOH'S C0UJ4 ind Cootiumptioa
Cure is told hy u on a guarantee. It cares
CltOUr. W UIPIN-; CDUlrT and
Broic1ii':i n ni li lo y relieve by Snloh 'a
At Meid's, tht jewelers, is a good p!bce to
buy tilltd watch.
Allnn nlvvva koup thir oustrimors
s iupliedvith freih butter and eggs.
A l.irafe Hue of lpimnt gold w.tchs iu
asty uw travs at Wdi & Stark's.
5v"hen Baby was stcc, wr her Castorta,
When slie wos a Child, she u it-J lor Ca3torl
When nhe became Sltss, she clung to Pastorta.
7'ben she had Children, she gave them Castona
A Jutio stock of pruning shvarsnd prun-
inj; hooks the- beat tii ado, just received At
Stewart & SuxV. Now is the tine to me
DeciJeilly the lareft and choicest v.iii- ty
of ta iu towii if t C E Brc IV Sun
dried, bisket fi fcd.J;-een, b ae.-v, English
breakfast, Sin
.Sweet cider i.t if E Aileii'j.
lo in netuallv econmny to driiklHoeo'h'i
Tea. Beiujt absolutely pure, it id tnuoh
sr'r.g)r than the artiriclal teas, a luut ou
third less ot it, or about twenty grains, h
mrequirsd per cut. As tliu.-ts are 7,G8
iratn to a pound, inure will he seen to b
between three and four luti'lred cupt to th
pound, A-4 it i, hut 01) cent, per pound
this is at the i-.tteuf ab.iut one fifth.of a cen
per eup. For sale at Allen Bros.
See W F Kead'a line of dress gocds and
in;, netore buyiDtfJfolnewbere.
by that terrible co ij(h. Shiloh's Cur. :s the for yonj
llii N irlcelt.
Oat. SO " " "
Butter, 2S oonta nor ft.
Ce(r" 15 enta por dor.,
"otatoea, ?5 owtH per buhal,
I.ard. II 12eents pr
n,n'n-llm'. 12 cents; side', 11;
hiijlilnr., 9 emita.
Heefon foot, 2 fib 2'4 rent, per Hi'
P.rk. dreaaed. Bwnta per lb
'..U. S rpr barrel.
Art" SO rent.
A' plea drd. bloan'ied 5"r; aun di led,
4rae. ,
Hlnnr. dried, i(&!tt por m
nhiekcna yonna f.l.0ii(a,4.00.
Million. M and f3 SO tier hesd.
Grnnnlaled anr, 6K n'til extra C,
4r .elite "
UuUtliDg and Loan association to-night.
Foster i the name of a new Postoffice
neir Sweet Home. 1
A new K of P lodge was instituted at
Monmouth last ilit.
A new fad is to have vaiiited br Your
bet girl, wife, sibter or some one else's is
er a (lower on the uce of youi wato 1,
Judt;Q lion ham's friends are prLsaijg him
to bea candidate for the Oregon suprtsmo
bench. He has tilled it well. Journal.
One of tho new and elegant rem den cos of
alem is that rf Ar.tony Klein, formerly of
this city. The .Journal gives it a long notice.
AnaDcementa aro being made to havo U
Fay Mills, the vreat evangelist who lias
Ixjen in J'ort'.aiid stveial weeks, Cume to Al
bany for a few days.
According to the Kugene Register 350S
is the population of Eugeuo ana suburbs,
and nut of the city itself as given yesterday
ma clipping from the Uuard. ihe figures
show 1 healthy growth for the university
Ney Gird, who e tabbed one C L Thomp
son in a 1'ortland saloon several months ago,
has been found guilty by a jury of Multno
mah county, he wilt gut a term in the
Mr B F Tbler has sold his handsome
residence aurt two lutB at the corner oi Ferry
and Eleventh tttrcets to Mr William Fort-
miller' Cousidoratior. StOOO. Mr Tabler
couteiuplates after u few months to locate
at Los Gatos, Calif.
The grand jury today returned into court
indictments agsinat Charles Bke: and F S
l'heliis charging them with she crime of Jar
cany, stealing one spiing hack and bugy
and asetof haruesB , oue maxe and othr
nreierty. There aro four Indictments
axainbt eah.
Athena's city election took place on
ondav last. I J Kirk was elected mayor,
J Bloch, C A Barret, C W Mollis, J B Dick
inson aud Cj ri (.ox council men; V 1 Oil
man treasure; J C Stamper marshal. The
new maor is a brother ot w K is.irK et
Dr W C Werriner. one of the best knows
physicians in Oregon and an old resident
near Salem is dead. He is about 80 yars
old and was in the city only a fen days
since. He had euffered severely from an at'
ti ck of la grippe, from which he w s brave
ly recovering. Journal.
Francis Murphy Is to be in Eugene a week
He has now secured signers in the North
west as follows: Fairhaven, dUOU; lacnmn,
4000; Sjattle.DOOO: Port Townsend, 2000
(six saloons were closed up in the latter city
us a lesult of the revival"); Puvallup, 1500;
Oaympia, 2000; EUenBbutg, 1000; North
Yakima, 1003; Iloslyn mines, 400; Aber
deen, 1000; Chehalis, 1200; Blaine, 500
dnohotnish. 1000; Portland, 3000.
Will tV Stark, ihe jewelers,
The best roast coliee in the city at Com ad
ivloyrr a.
Have you tnsd F E's t )a, if not
why not.
Call on Mat hew it Wail.bur ror you
ham wat e.
All I indfl of choije eh tin.; Jnd .
applas at Allen Bros.
Ashbv .t- Care, ReU Estate, 80J Waal,
ington Street, PortUnd, Or.
Have yon tried that ideil toa.t coff -e at
F E Al'en's, If not, why not.
Cnn & Hendi icon's prices are lower
than ever. Give them a cMl.
Etra line California strained honey
Conn Si Hcndric&on's.
Ccnn & H-'ndricnou's is the pi tee to ge
your garden i-ceds and on'on sets.
May I have some of your trncery trade
this mouth. If not, why no', f h AH
Matbowf & Wfllirurt Vsd in the 'Move
and tinwfue . u u.ebs' in this pnrt of the
K Urge 'fRrtmnt of 1 rw a vie ribbons
pifrt reueived at the Ladi. s ..ziht, also
Clnff.m in the late shades.
W W IjtvtB is now m hrMMof th Dul
monico vet urant. Meals 25 c:iits. l.iStern
oysters frfh. even thing
To retii'i sn abundant head nf hir f a
naturwl en or to a vood old aye. the hgien
of the sc'- must he observed. Apply HahV
Hair Reiierer.
It is a big privilege to be able
to get what you want when
you go to a grocery store. Allen
Brothers keep such a variety
that they ami always accom
modate their customers. This
saves running around. If it is
ruit season they have the goods.
In produce their Hands are full
uf the latest and best. Their
stock of standard groceries is
always large, of the best to be
secured in the market.
A Metropolitan Btock o( suitings f..r
'.he spring and summer, the best in the
valley, juvi received by W R Graham,
as can e:;sily be learned by an inspec
tion of th' in. They include late and
handsome .'esigns, and will b-j made up
in the later-t style by Mr Graham. Get
the best and latest, and this you can do
at Graham's.
need for C untipatioc. Loss f Appetite,
Diza iits a H all syn ptom. r.f D.ispepMa.
Pnc'llO ai.d 75 cent, per bettie.
I iineeeniuiry Hboetliiz.
I'oitTi.ANi). Or Jlarcli 17. A 85
piece wu tho cause of what came
very nearly proving a fatal hontiiiL' scmno
on Alder street, sesterday afternoon. It
wan a miracle that no one was killed. The
participant? in the shooting were John II
MrMahan, 1 reckless cowboy, his cousin. L
II Mc.Midian, an officious country news
paper editor from Woodhurn, and Robert
Stevenson, a driver for the Northern I'a
cilic Kxjiress company. It all started be
cause the editor inxistctl Uoii liavinr re
venge nv arresting his cousin, instead of
giving the warrant he had to an otticer for
service. A bullet from .Stephenson's pistol
felled the cowboy to the ground and put an
eno to tne iigut. .ilcMahan. t :e eowbov.
es'iiped serious iniurv by the thickness of
is skull.
.1 ItlR Hnowftl.irtii:
Nkw Otii.KAXs, Mnrcli 17. Dispatches
from many points of central and northeast
Mississippi report heavy snowstorms anil
freezing weather. At Helena. Ark, the
snow ceased today after fourteen hours.
eighteen inches having fallen. A dispatch
from Dallas, 1 ex, says a hurricane of ruin.
leet and snow rased furious v nil hmtni'dit
No part of the state from the lied river to
the tSulf escaped. At some points tho snow
reached the extraordinary depth of twenty
inches, and eYervthintr which could lie kill
ed by I S to 24 degrees of cold is today dead.
it is conceuen ine inut crop is totally swept
I'atally Stalilieil
liosi:iifitn, Or March 17 Abe Hana-
lirongh.a brother of United States Senator
Hansbrough, of North Dakota, a snortintr
man, was fatally stabbed, once in the back
and twice in the lire st, this nfternoon in
lorn triteser s saloon, by Nick Jones, both
bein? under the influence of liquor. Hans
brough was very abusive all day. Dr Ozias
attended to dressing hia wounds, but the
injured man died at 7 :40 in the evening.
Jones gave himself up to the authorities and
was taken to the county jail.
11 a timall Ilnmln.
Wasiiinotot, llarch 17. The confirm
ation of Judge Wood today, by the vote of
25 to 24, only one majority, recalls the fact
that Stanley Matthews was confirmed by
the supreme court by a bare majority of one.
The fight against Judge wood has been
long and bitter. It was supposed that some
democrats would vote with the republicans
in favor of his confirmation, but instead it
was found every democrat voted against the
Xottiluc la It.
I'oitTi.ANi), March 17. By a letter re
ceived from Tavid B Hill, who is now
"swinging around the circle" in the south
it is learned Unit the New York statesman
very much desires to pay a visit to Oregon
in the near future, as he has been led to be
lieve such a visit would surely swing Ore
gon into the democratic column. Mr Hill
would undoubtedly receive a great ovation
in Oregon, and it is only fair to presume
that such a trip would have a beneficial
effect on the democratic party.
A Ln-n-er'M Fat Fee.
Ottawa, Ont March 17. The parliamen
tary returns show the government paid 612,
500 counsel fees to Calder on Carlisle, a
New York lawyer, for arguing the case of
the sealing schooner Ward before the Unit
ed States supreme court.
A Shok Itkm. S K Young bag jiiBt re
ceived a large stock of shoe, for inent
women and children, including particu
larly a line line of school shoes The
best makes in the market can be found
in Ills shoe department.
The I. K I'l
rl't'iipB C'lnti.nv bve
just r
en nnco'tMin nlv ''g' stock of
t'.tei-t pt les and'p, and
. I !
ire p -i
t t
hi aim Mlit 'h i, sl fastidi-
Phe D 1
RoV mid IV'artrt Whi't
f ui in. b t!
tnwnirN aitist'c ard hvieli:ciliesiii. They
s.r.nre cnuii. t, di-wio. nienr sitrt
Lailier, v ho w ish t" - xamii e le ...r',- oons,
i-hru'el ad.l'ew. tht H."nt n ho w l-cil with
aamp'e'. -t pains it. mt-a' u- ii ; and
iiwrnir. . , V r-tit N ttnuilt'e r.i sho
goods rv it i ., ; I; ne m.lrtr i- ' .i jn Ad
dej. Mr - M T.d'. h -it CO, AHwny,
Or'yaii. Agents aned .
Tev Acrrs of choice garden Hnd at a
bargain fcr a few t'ays only at
Orkui.n Land Co.
"I Vvh iimi Aet' Ilnir Viinr for a
ruinher nt yi ars, a d it hus alvtays given
n.e palijt.ietimt II n, eeillent dretwiog,
prevent, ll-- I air li.ui tuii.-iiii (r, , insure.
itf vi-or. n. I'N.wt1' fn'l t.oe;:8 the fcalp
while i"i ehsii." Maij A Jneltpcli, SaUni,
Knelt M'lmui ti I. u own .,'c.uli.r malady;
l:tltullh tn I biO'l in iin'ft'iie.1 i-i ,tita of
iii.ifi.riu vi,.r ,.i ,i t . rttv l-y -l-e u.-o of
A et's S r.jipA'- li 'ntl-. ,"r n ed be
fenred fi ip nieN .in bti'ieiil . (l,.t nr,.-,. No
other ni.d.iit is . f,, n,l erTeetive
taro. 1
i i
! ;
i if
i ii
: '
T)sA in Millions of Homes 40 Yea- 3 J-1