si y Mrs AH B K avoL. TV ALBANY, 011EG0N, THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1892 KO 265 CONSTIPATION and othar bowel complaints . cured and proventoc! by the prompt use of Ayer's Caihartic Piste Thoy regulate tho livor, cicanso tho stomach, and greatly asolat digestion. Dr. J. C. Aycr & Go. Lowell, Mas 3. W. F. Call and sec what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, ' Dress Goods, hosiery, We have to select from. Our stock is not only the largest hut tho cheapest ever shown in Albany. AV We want your trade and we you money. What is mmmmm Ca:Uorj is I):. i:i:;c X l'itcfcwr" jrp- ri;:i;:i tor Iulv.tti tuulCiiMrc:!. It oo"t:ii:ni nci:::--. rorir.iino ucj? other Naroctlo it: -stance. Ii ! ..rv.iz niIiHtiMio f.r rarc;;orio, I;o;)H, Scotlii:; : ; : r.:l Center &4t It in Ilcasnnt. It piaraJitco Ia xhirtj -rr' na hp Jlillioits of ItlotlH'rs. C-iwtorid 5iroy.s YTorm e"l al1ay3 feverishiifsfl. Cajtoria xircvonU voiiiitinj Oouir Ciapei cnrvH li;in-hcca ami WIml Co!"c. Cftstoria roKvos tcothinj; troubles, cures constipation rihI natuleap: Castor;: iis;::;ilates tlio l'ooir rtulatru tli stomaoft nud bowels Kivin healthy ntvl r.ftturnl Ivip. Ca. tori.i ii tli'J Chiltlrou's PanacoA-tUo Hothor's Frioncl. Caslcria. C'artorl i is an excolleut mwilcine for ohll- lten. 51. t;iers have roni-atedly told me of It. fooj e'Tccl upon coil. Iron.' 1);.. U. C. Osaoeo, Lowt, Mtaa. " Castorla Li Hie lt iwuixly fnr chlldmi ct hlch I am .isi'iaiMed. I bopn tin d. J Is re fnr di itnnt wh ju mothers will consi.ler the null ln'f'r...l of their chiklren, an I tuo Coeria in s'kiil of th various quack uostnims which r. destroying their Iot1 ones, by forcing orJom. moi-pfcin., soothing syrup and other hurtful rms d.i.n their suroats, tbsrahy .uliiii tKim to premature graves." Da. J. F. KmoosLos, 0 on way, Ark. lie Centaur Company, TT Albany -:- Nurseries. V.r..irtrliig i. th finest let it fruit trws, ii j, varietiM, In tli. tali. "' I ill 1 m.hiiI t e, (,r t,, i;a sun's tnuV. IN.Sl'Kl 'HON 1NVITKI), HHil- HATHKACTHiX (JL AHAX ! l:at. (V-SmI I :r.i!.j 11 .i.-B,l ,-,i ,; i,, oi,i J" 'i . ' 1. 1 r ii. i: A.tmtir. HVFJA9 & B&OWiiELL READ, fuel confident we can' save W. F. READ. -:- -:- Oregon : ...... ;.-i.k.-;XjiJii!K.S " Caitoria Is so well s4V'-M ojd'ren rU l,recom::icn.t 11 as nupenor loauy frHftim kneifn to m.." n. Xa;ita, Jf, p., MIS.. Oif'-rd St,, I'.ro.tS-n, V. Y. "Our rh.-s:elns ia U. chjnjo's dcfior m.i:t tu.i s;w..'i'0 hirUy o( Uy f f.ft sec. in ll.wr ouul.I. pretis with C.ikto,! and t::'.:oi:;-b v ou'.l tinaug w-j Bie4.ttt au-, i:!j srlutle ksoira a rtiul. i producss. y.t we are fro. K coufesa that Uig nicrlts of Castor-a has ui to leuk !5h favor ujion it." UsiTSO nosT an DuPESlAnT, iJostoa, iU:n Allm C. Bum, JVa, Marrajr Street, Weir York City. Highest of a!l in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTEiy PURE ll.ilralv Is I lir Ur.l full. 'I his iri a p'iretit ined:.'r,n Hilv rtii.C meet :i...y rave ty - Djt ji.ur t nili ytm iiiiicli .n!r".-rn We cuie that ci ii '.hi nioiti' iv .' fis as ii ii We cum that ticl.lirt'. Wo euro th:t hiukin-. Wt cuie that threat , We cure Croup, Ww euro Kri.iichitjs. We euro I,i Grippe Oiugh. W help you tn ninij ii!.iit. Wo are not the S. K. LiiS)ii';usi. U'e am a pleasant C.iutih Syrup, We are put iu 50 anil 75 eent bottles. Wo arell.eS i. (ouh Cure. Cutiantueil liy ro-hay u Ma.or, l'.iu iplile prohahlcthat ou may need t: t:rvic of 1 phyuuiaa some d ; Imt yea can postpone the time indefinitely by k-ep-inuyfc.r lilood pur and your system inyii; orated through tlie use of Aver' Saisapa tiila. I'rcvi-utiou in bi,tt-jr than cure. HBALTH IS WEALTH! Dn EOWbjit'i Nkkti- sj Uraik TlATyiST, guaranUcd :t)uirtu f..i- il.stha, DiisincH, Con vulrii'jiiM. Fttii.NarvoiH Nuiir.tli(iu,tIcftil.i'jht,NetTouB Prostratinn oauned by the use of alcilicl or tobacco, Wakefulne-, McnUl U.-preifi-m, bifteninjf of the (traio resulting in intinUy Ui.lni t misery, decay ar.-. ileal Ii, Premuur i)M UtrreiitteBH, Uhki of Power .11 etlliir I ivjlu:itjrv L hcb and Sriutrih oa aucl by t6r-x?lt 'n ( tho brain, ee'f-abiiHi; or nvcr-in-lu'ffjiicj. Cach box contaitiHoiie niutith's trealmeitt. 91M-) abx, or tlx boxtafori.5,Huiabym4ilprjjuiii tu receipt of priue. Ull (.l lUiM Kh MX ItUXRA To curt any cm. Withet:h onlor recelTcd by u furaix luxe, acrotiipaniwl with $ 00. wtrwlll icri'l the purc'iiHsr our written ifiunntoe t-refund llit lUniifj- If iliu troitinnt Jjc tu.t affect acur. Guar nMtfHt ifjiu.-l .inl v by J .1 ('uiu.iiMtx, lrnEKlKi, Unio Ac-nf, Albany, or-ficon, B - El YE - TO - LIVE. Ibany Stbtii Dy Works. O.J. leiclqll,l"i'opiie'(oi', Clothinf; Cleaned, Colored and Repaired, Ladie ahawls anl Ores Giicds a specialty. Fade! clothing res'oivd to lt origina color, to look like new. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Me a Call. Work called for and delivered. Opposite Parrish's Brick. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION DURE. The success of thin Great Curt Cure l without a parallel in the history of medicine. All ilruKRista are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, arc placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in th. United States and Canada. If vnu havo a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it, for It will cure you. If your child has thoCroup, or WhoopingCough, use itpromptlv, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, nse it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price lOcts., 50cts. and$1.00. Ifyour Lung, are sore or Back lame, uso Shiloh's Porou Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug gist, and Dealers. RedCrownMills nn rccClu n-ODR sarnmoa tor riuir.u AND BAKBKS (SI. UESTST0RAGR "'iriLlTlES. CHOICE-MEATS m'.J I Or) All. Kmpc BEST IX T5IE WOr.I.. T.a wrltiF qumitl"i ire utifrrinJrwr'.V 3ctuan mitiMCnirtuvoifi of nnyTrtor t'ir-L ftA7E:D AXLE rnHLCli GREASE Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Houses; Wanii:!). Mr F Prandenstcin from San Francisco, will be at Albany lj-jyiny horses on Saturday, March In, 1K12. Wanted Cays and blacks, aced 6 to 8, from 15J4 to 10 bands high, weight, )05l) to 1175 m.llnds. Must h well br.ikn to work, and also gintlo to rido under saiuue. Long Kggcd, Ioobo lointed and narrow chested horses not wanted. Also heavy draft horses wanted, weighing irom jiw to louu pounds; aged ft to N. pbirgy I' Headquarters at L tend i-ra' title and feed stables. . .'ust rc;.-ived new and triini l f:r nUi C'E browuell'a the foiloTin Chow Chow, Cooking Miiliaecs, Pickles iu vinegar, Salt HoTriiisr, Salt white ti-h, Salt sahn.,n. Harness, Saddles, Etc. Our orders are plsced with eastern factories, and we purpose putting in the most complete stock of goods ever shown in our line, in the upper valley. We buy direct from Iirst hands for cash ;so guarantee to com pete with Torllaod prices. The display horse stands in our door opposite the First National bank. O C McFarland. Money to Lsak. I have money in sumi of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im proTetl farm lands in XJnn and Benton counties, at lowest current ratea. K delay in furnishing th money. C G TjI'HKM ART, Real entate agent, Albany, OrcgoM. CATARRH CURED, heilth nnd swre breath secure i by 8l.i)nh'a Catarrh Remedy Price, 50 ceuU. Nasal Injector free. Wmkreto Get Thrm. When wanting an organ or niar.o call on Blackman Si Hotlges A-here you can se.pct from a firt riafs stock. Tn AT IIACK1N( COUGH can be k quickly cured by ShiHh's Caru Wo fcU:ir aii'ee it SHILOH'S COUJ'I nd Consnmption Cure is o!d hj u on a guarantee. It cures consumption. CitOU:,; '.V-nVlN' OU.lrT and Brorijii;ii n -is li rdivd by Siloh 'b Cure. At Metd'ii, the jeweler. a good p'ace'to buy a H.lrd watch. AMnn n-nalwiv k'.p their cmtomers iipplied-vitli from butter and og. A Iart;e line of nh-iuant old w-itches in anty uw trav. at Will & Stark's. flThen Baby was sick, wr gavo her Caatoria. When she was a Child, shi- ci icj for C'JHtorla. Wiien she bpcaine Miss, she clung to f'astona. V'ben she hau Children, she gave them Castoru. A lilue s'icU of prii.iiuit shaars riil prun uil hoo':, the best made, just rt-civ;l at Stewart & Snx'.i. Now is the time to use them. Decidedly the largest and choicest variety of lr m town ii nt 0 K lire n' l's. Suj 'tried, basket tired. i;-cen, b , ICnlis!i breakfast, Sneet cider at X K A1Ii.h. It i- actually eC'in't'iiv to drink Ue 'f Tea. Beiu2 absolutely pure, it 1st nmeh fronger tha the :rtirit;i.l tuHA, aoouc ou third lea of ir,, or about t wenty grams, bt in? equina pur imp. As the-ve aro 7,uo grains to a poiiQ.I, th ire will ho Beu to b betwoftU three and four eapi to th pound. A it i hut 60 cents per pound this is at th rite of ab -at one tilth of a cen per cup. For sale at Allen Bros. Si W P Read's I in of drews girds lil ip tiefure buyiniclcewhere. and FI.KEPLESS NIGHTS made mi.rnhle by thac terrible couuh. Shiloh's Cur is the reirci'y for you. I ii w il .MU. WHEAT. t?0 CENT?. aUSO u " u Ruttwr, 2 wnta nr lb. Etrir 15 rnta per dz, unmtfn. '5 (wit por bushel, Ijird. li ra 12 cnta nr ft, nho,ibI-r, 0 cmr. prnn foot, 2 oh 2X4 rnf per ft' p.rk. H wwed, fi rent" "r ft 15 ppr brrl. AMilfS 50 rv-nt-" A - pie dr:d bleao ird57e; aim rt. Ie( Phim. dil1. tGihr pr ft Chirknim. yonnic t5't.flO5i4.0f). Mutton, fn and 1 50 rnr hml, Oranulatoil ujtr, b imtitv xtri f r ntH tilHUL AM I'KUXUSaL M F Merrill returned last nMu from a trip to Portland. Mr Chas Elkins, of Prinevillc, arrived in the citv this noun. Dr McAllister and famliy leave for Iheir new home in Oden tonight, and will take tlie best wishes of many Albany friends with them. Miss Margie Uurham, daughter of ex- Superintenucnt Durham, of Coe, is in the city for a few weeks, previous to going to Portland to study medicine. Mr O P Coshow received a dispatch this forenoon announcing the illness of his daughter Hazel, i.i hattm, .vhere he went this noon and from taere will go to McMinnvillc, SOME Ai:iCOA 8t Pr.trick'a day. The S P puy ear went oiith today. To retain nu abundunt head of hair c f a j natural color to a 141 hh! old ae. tho liyyiuno j of the aca'p must beoh.servcd. Apply llatl's ! II iir Kenewer. The Apollo elub concert will be given on Tuesday eve'n'uy, March 20th, Homo of the best muMD tvr heard iu Albany wiil be rendered at this concert. Will & Stnrk, the jewelers. The befct roant nolke in the city at Com ad iI oyer a. Kavj you tnd F E Al!etVa tsa?, if not why not. Call on Mathers & Wasl.buin Jror ycur hardware All i indx of choice eating 'and ; t . ;t appla at Allen Hros. Ashhv t-CarP, Ro .l Eslatn, S0i Wash ington Street. Portland, Or. Have you tried that ideal loast coffee at F E AUn's, If not. why not. Ctnn & Heudiic-on'e prices are lower tliau eyer. Give them a c.ll. Extra line California strained honey at Coon & Hendricsou'a. Ccun & Hendricson's ia the place to get your garden pecds and oncn ac-U. May I have sme of your grocery trade this month If not, why no, r h Alien. Mathewf & Washburn lead iu the utove. and tinware lu'iDees iu this part of the valley. A targe assortment of i.e Btyle ribbons lust received at the Lndits nazi&r, also ChitTon in the Iat6 shades. W W Davis is nov- in hreof the Dl monico rfetaurant. Meals 25 ctne, EiSra oysters frenh. Eventhinu If you waiit a relialle dye t'lat v.' ill rotor an v.-n brown or black, and w.l) please and sati.fyyou every lime. p ttuckini ham's Dye fur the whi-knrs. A Shoe Itum. S K Young lias just re eeived a large stock of eboes, for men, women and children, including particu larlv a tino line of school shoe? The best makes in the mar ket can be found in his shoe department. 1 lie I, i bum uiutniiiu company hue juit recfiveb an nncomtnui.l laign stock if ha's of all the )Btei,t styles a id grccte. ard are p'epiired to tic and suit the molt f. still: uur. The D iltarto corsets and Dtliarte waists funih the bui-li of drws rerorm tendirg towards attii-tic and hygienic dressing. They s.cure c-into't, develni nientt and trace. Ladies, who wtnh totxamine J!)el..vrte goods, should addrs ilit ui-iit who will uili with sample". tHke putns ii measuring aid guarantue km lit Xi trouble to sfco gooils even ll o-i, ll i nuor in t..l n Ad diess Mr. A M Talr, bix'.l'itl. Albany, OrcOii. Afcont.s v.ri"ed. SHILOH'.S Vl'lALlKU tut ou need for C. nsripari'in, Lohs "f pieiit:, Dtzz re' uM d s U'p'oms . f 11. s, e.isia, Pricei.O ii d 75 c.:ilts per botl:e. Ammonia and Alum Officially Condemned. INDIANAPOLIS IN THE Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is Pure. IT CONTAINS NO DELETERIOUS INGREDIENTS. (See Import of Indianapolis Board of Health, on Baking Powder November 4, 1801.) AMMONIA AND ALUM NOT FITTED FOR FOOD. Dr. Latz chemist to tho Board of Health, who made the investigation of the Baking Powders on the market, at the request of the Board says: "Physiologists of high stand ing consider Ammonia and Alum deleterious substances unfitted for use in food." These arc the brands condemned by the Board of Health : Royal, Climax, Atlantic and Pacific, Kenton, Croum, Sea foam, Bon Men, Early Rising, Queen, Regal, Ruckclhaus, Forest City, Calumet. Dr Latz, City Chemist also says: "Dr. Price's Baking Powder, contains only such ingredients as a Pure Baking Powder ought to be composed of and I recommend the same to every housekeeper as pure, wholesome and effective." (Signed) Peter Latz, City Chemist TEI.EGKAPHIC NEWS A Cuming Man, Washimito, March 10. McKinlov i now out of coiifcTess, but the principal spmik tr in the hon.-e today on the tariff, in porson onerg-y, feature, voice and jesture, iso Hko mm that the old time member might fancy he is in conLTcss airain. Tho comnarison onds with tlie iipHanince of the taker, however. tfr hrvan, of Aehmska. the i)ro totyite of MeKinley, attacked the law whh h the lattvr framed. His speech revived tho (lagging interest in the tariff discussion. It was the feature of the day, and, ashev.'ann ed up, the gossijKrs in the cloak-rooms re turned to the hall, and he soon had tho careful attention of the majority of the houe. The repuljkans interrupted Bryan with a minilr of knotty questions favoring their Hide, but the manner in which they were parried showed the speakerto be cool ami collected. Ha was down for two hours, but the house g;vo him a third and wanted mni to keep on. lliriirpiirnteil. ( Jhir. li 1(5. The Astoria and I'lirtlnnd Ihiilroiid Oimpany was iniiirpo rided yi;storihiy by Henry Kailiii;.', lirvai di'nt of the i'rst National bank: lli'kum, jiresidi'Mt of the Coinnipri ial Na tional bank: T 1' Osborn, linsident of the clianiber of c-oninierec; J l rank Watson, of the .Men-hant's National bank; Charles 1 Dodd, the hardware merchant; DK War ren, president of the Astoria National bank; I W Case, bunker of Astoria; .M M Keti lmiu of Astoria: .1 M Shultz. pnrsident of tho llillsboro National bank, and lion Thomas II Tonane. of llillslioro. The capital stof k is placed at 1,000.000. A niMini; will lie held and ollieers electeil in a few days. A Henry HlnaC . Oiikcii.n City, March 10. This afternoon it r, ieuiieii urea a blast on tlie bluff on Sixth street, and one of the rocks as larjro is a man s head, new over to Seventh street, striking a horse on the head and mangling it. The horse belonged, to George Trailer, a farmer living five miles south of town. Ho was driving along the street on his way home when the rock struck his horse The parties blasting settled by paying 8125 for the horse. Another rock from the same blast struck un electric light pole, still far ther away, which jfcopped it in its course and prevented it from hitting a small girl. Minimis are NtiirvlnR. Nkw Yoiik, March 16. A St Petersburg special to the Press says: If the American jieople knew the extent of the suffering in the famine districts of Russia they would everywhere come to the rescue. Twtnty millions of people are affected and in dan ger of death srom starvation. The typhoid fever is raging in many provinces, and horses and cattle are perishing of hunger. oes this not appeal to the hearts of those able to help. hrlflril For the It.ibbery. Pui;tlani, March 10. The Wells Fargo Express Company has turned over to the Columbia National bank Si-'iOO, which was stolen from its treasure box between Ta comaund Seattle last week. Detective Sul livan and assistants have so far been unable to fathom the mystery surrounding the dis appearance of the package, and the appear ances indicate that it wits one of the most clever express robberies ever committed in tlie northwest. 'I le.v., used AmtV Hntr Vi.or for a cumber nfars, a d it him a'vays given me sntbfac'inn. I ii. m -cl ent dicseing, prevents the lair firm turitic Kry, insures its vi.'oi. es growth and lees the scalp whi-c nn.i cleun." Mary A Jack-on, Salem, Mat,-. .t,,h mi-'on n-i but w Hi. the l.lnod s own peculiar malady; iiruniaioeri in a ttate of in, it. .im vittrord tiritv lyil ;,ci's S r.apan lla ii'lp tim.uHr uie of n.ied be fmin iin-r...n.l(.:-:i Olhei I. ii.. i ti . d'cine M s' i'i, No ml effective f.- WAKE OF OTHER CITIES.