t: ?T.--t'v. "3 5 .! :. VI 4 I. 'V I I ill M I ; i ' 'v.-.. Satin Dm The fact Is the vlve voce system of vot ing in conventions is a duUy.and the dem ocrats of Linn cjuntv are wedded to it. -There aie always . unpleasant - things connected with conventions, and that is, the defeat, quite frequently, of as good men as those who receive nominations. The manly bearing of C C Hackleman yesterday, when defeated for the nomina tion for county clerk was observed by all, nd called forth many ex,nrsions of fa vorable comment. ' The Australian city of Melbourne,whlch was founded less than 50 years ago, has alieady a population of neirlv half a mil lion, and stands fifth among the cities of the British ' Empire. It is now a great shipping port,and Its slum quarter Is small. K J O'Conner a skilled surveyor was nominated for the oflice of surveyor. Mr O'Conner is fully competent to meet every requirement of that office. He will be elected. G F Russell our eilkient county school superintendent was renominated for that office whlclf shows that his administration of school affairs meets the approval of the people. George has scores of friends and will get a big vote. The remarkably beautiful green color of some preserved beans and other vegetables is said to bo obtained by boiling the vi.ge tables in a copper vessel while an elec tric current is passed through it. First quality second growth white u.h for carriages is so scarce that the probability is that iu a few years oak will be used for coach poles and other purposes for which ash is now used. W P Elmore of Brownsville, one of the candidates for tne legislature comes rec ommended by the best citizens of that part 'of the county as a man of sound judgment, high personal ir.tegri'y and good ability, and one in whose hands our interests in legislation may be safely trusted. ' The serin ans of the German Emperor, which he delivered on his yatching voy ages, were not written by him, but by Dr Richter, the chaplain-general of the army. They were written by command, in order that by reading them William might Illus trate the duty cf every sea captain. T J Munkers the candidate for county commissioner lives at Scio. He comes recom mended by his neighbors us a man pe culiarly fit for that office. A man who con ducts his own biisine's upon careful busi ness principles, he may be depended upon to do likewise with the affairs of the county. P Piryne was nominated for county 1 le.k. In view of the fact that he had to meet face to face three very strong, worthy mm in tho convention, and the further fact that this is the first time since 1 S'JO that the democrats have renominated a man for the clerkship, it is plain that N Mr Payne is u strong man. He will cany u large vote. C C Jackson is the nominee of the con. vention for sheriff. He is a farmer and lives in Halsey precinct. He too is a native Oregonian, a self made man. an energetic, honest competent citizen. He has hosts of friends all over the county, and the repub icau nominee, whoever he may be, will have a hard row to lioenmiiing against "1.11111" Jackson. A Hlevins of Tangent was also nominated for the legislature. Mr Hlevins is a farmer of sound sense and mature judgment. He will truly represent the people of Linn county in the legislature. He serve-l one term in the legislature soni! ye:irs nro. and tee exierienee then aequired will be valuable to him when he shall go to Salem next winter. (ieorge Humphrey the candidate for county judge is probably the most extensive ly known man in the county. He has filled the offices of Justice of the Peace, deputy sheriff and sheriff, the duties in all of which were faithfully performed. He is fully competent for the office of county judge. E E Davis, though opposed by one of the most competent young democrats in the county. Prof W A McGhee, of the Leban on public schools.was renominated for the office of Recorder, this being the third time he has been so honored. Practically he will have a walk over, and It will be al most Inhuman on the part of the republi cans to put up some respectable man to be slaughtered bv Ed. M A Miller, of Lebanon, who Is one of the democratic candidates for the legisla ture is a native son of Oregon, a young man of good ability, unquestioned integ rity and sobriety, and will make an excel lent legislator. Nearly every body in the county knows Milt" and the vote at the polls will show the high esteem in which he Is held bv those who know him. Krlce Wallace of Price ptccir.ct, the candidate for county treasurer, U a care ful painstaking farmer who Is field in high esteem bv all who know him. He Is honest, he Is competent. He fills up to the full the Jcffcrsonlan test of fitness for a public office. The funds ol Linn could not be deposited it safer hands. Keep vour eye on '.he big vote he will receive. The democrat ie convention that met yes terday was a model one, and did just what the people elected it for, nominated a ticket which, upon tho whole, is nn excell ent one. Its work was tho result of open, fair candid deliberation, and may lie re garded as the combined liest judg ment of the representatives of the party. Hood men went in before the convention as candidates and when the open ballot showed they were not the choice of the convention, they grace fully retired. The people at the polls in Juno will ratifv the nominations made with a good round majority. C.T E lluhael is another one of the native ons of Oregon. He lives in Waterloo pre' chu t, H must be regarded as quite a com pliment to him' that the convention should have selected liini from among the many good names before theeoiiTention for assess or. Mr Michael isa s,ilxr steady citizen of good judgment and will make a good as sessor. Ihe Herald thinks there was not much nthusiasm at yesterday's convention. The convention was not in the enthusiasm busi ness. The enthusiasm will come later on. The convention yesterday simply meant bus iness, and we never saw a convention that seemed to mean so much business. There is very" general good feeling among democrats, all expressing themselves as sat isfied with the ticket. Of course there were disappointments, but these always attend upon conventions. All expressed their de termination to go home ami help ele.'t the ticket. The Japanese, it is said, dislike the Rus sians and the Chinese, but like the Amer icans and the English. They are fearful of the aggressions of the Russians in Corea and of the Chinese in the islands that lie south of Japan ; but they do net 00k for any act of aggression by the Uni ted States or by Eng'and. The largest siphon, probably, is on the levee between McKinney Lake and the Mississippi river. The main pipe is two feet in diameter and 616 feet in length, and it has a discharging capacity cf 26,000,000 gallons a day. Frank Farrell was renominated for cor oner. He is qualified to meet fully all the duties devolving upon him in that important oflice. He will have much work to do in June, and it is safe to say he will do it well. Consistency, thou art a Jewel. Mat thews fe Washburn keep the Jewel and other first-class stoves, and there is 110 better way to be consistent than by in vesting in" one of them. Matthews & Washburn's motto is to keep the best, and their prices ate always reasonable. Large sales speak for the manner in which these facts are appreciated through Linn county. The L E BUin clothing compmy hve just received an uncommonly large stock of tats of all the latest styles aud grades, and are prepared to lit and suit the most fastidi ous. NEW AD VERT IS KM EN 1 h. !7 DOS. Pure bred 8 O Brown Leg j born egirs 1 per 13. Address, W W Crawford, Tailman, Oregon. 1R RENT. "e dwelling, five 1 rooms, hard finish, eastern part of the city. Inquire of Et K li Corter. SN. STEELE CO., Albany, Oregon, Loau u'oney on oood real estate t-e:urity in T.i.m and adjjining counties . THRESH COWS FORSAI.K. One-bal " and on-fiurth Jertey rows tor sals Aiso linprrted Kaiy Siin.ise potatoes Price. 75euts pr bushel. Call -n me 2 mils east of Albmy. F C Hofkmah. BWANTFJ) A girl to do genr-rnl Vt limwwork 'n a small family. In quire at th's otlieo. BIIID3 FOR 8A.E. -Mis Win Meyer has feme line caiMiy bird, genuine Scutoh whistlpis, tor sale. Call on her at her koine on Water strcot, httwuen Hill and Maine streets. PLAIN SEWJNfl. -The nniiersiRDod will takft in plain setoieg which will be done iu t' rst-clasa order and on reasonable trtns. Leave order at residence of Thos Jones, on 7th attest, brtwten Rrosdalhio and terry street. Miss WaiTKHH AI. fT'Oll S ALB House and corner lot In P H's 3d add. $760; Apply to I W Davis 17"ANTED. 20 ali-res Albany Build TT big anil I.enn Association stock first aeries. Inquire of Jay W Bla in secretary. S50O Reward 1 tvt wilt py Uit ftho rrwattl for kit r of I.trr rtextnalnt. rjappift,Mk UeMtMsi. Midtscvtton. Von n -if votifm - naot em re wiui Wnl' iiftM i.trur PI I, lien t4 l;rtMil1f ii .-- rtrlrll 4.ud w.ih. Th? re firl7 ( tit, ,tJ to til-) fatUfiwtimi. R'ttfr I.aifff nm -rrt. ' " (nti n ti of f intt fflW td 1 rv. . -i ,-i'ttiilnv mutm furl ii ni n;j jf JOHN r VRM' tXHii'ANY. UliCAiiu. Holri by J. A, ('uiiimlng.UraKaM, Albany, Or GOODITEWSe Q For the mlllitnt ( ttetuasrs tf Q TttPills. It Rfrt n lr. fM ytavtr m nmiiir thftt to fc np 0 TINY LIVER FILL wlitoh Is f s'isBr smll a. rrt reWUnto U Sk r1r mt IH & larltav lilt. eWMltB4 Vnt-eW TataMtito. SteatshtaanstaMpAIs Q sirs still lnn, a-t ata af v TUTT I TlXr LIVIR PILU fa U shawa la Uubmlwtl Kiki "4." 1KI HF.II Parker lircs, grocers. F. M.French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceri-i of Parker Bros Apple pvrers f r sale at Stewart k Soz s Ki.negrocriHS at Cone Si llsndricson's. Lstest sliset music at Will Si Link's, New cream chceae just received at Conrad Meyers. C W Cobb,' job printer, Klinu Ulock, does first class work. E W Aclusoit &Co are seliiuu niouumentt at Portland prices, , ' Stewart & Sot 'sell the very best f stent sliTars and scissors. i . r The ffoest line of pocket ' kuives lu the eity at Stewart & Sox's. Smoke the oelebrated Havana filled jj eent cigar at Julia! Joseph's. r , -. G.t to W Cibb. auecesaor to Paisloy & Smile, Fliun Block, for ymirj b printing of all kiu Dr M If K::.is, rhvsicisn and surgeon, Albany, OreKu', Calls made lu oit) or oountry. As the name iad'uataj, H.tH's Vegotabl Sicilian Hair I!e"ewer is a tenewer of Ihe hair, including ils growth, hoslth, youthful color snd biauty. It will please you. Samples of Dilstrta oorsst wiitt l i I braces at Mrs Peterson's over French's jewelry store. Mrs Talt sole auent for Linn county. E V Achiion & Co handle tne eelobratod Portland cement walls for oemotery lots. These wails can bo furnished at half the cost of any other aod are farsuperior. With his new bakery Coniad Mover U able to offer old and now eni.mcr every thing tiistclassiu baked goodj. gad Blood. Impure or vitiated blood It ntno tlmei o'.U of ti cauitd by nm form of outtlj)(lon or InJiges tltMi that cliiT-Up ths syttom, when ihtt blood naturallf be citmsi tu.nrriiAlod with tho el- K'Cf fotomatrifr. Tliili!:arnrrilla S: - -S .t . , t-, tl i ,.,, I'll, .n V; ' " - by attack. :if tli blotd v.'ith the dravio nilner.-i! ' i-otanii ' Tli pmaali tliuury ii old and (dwoie:. itti's Wtfetaf'lc PttisnrarLIa ii nv.tJiTii. li t 1 1 ei f tho truiilio. It aro,w. tho live;-, L.d:K-3 a;:d Lowe'n to tuaitb fiU n-tjif.i, uud r'.ivinora;e th circulhtiou, and te t:uiuruk c..j niiickiy carried otT tLruuicl: Try H iv.: l n. tj lis de'.t'iiitful &'.. 'tx action, t liii. I HtMuilVi's j " Third nd iia.t Hirers, V., fc ' A wrli.-i: i iu- a it (s vi:ia:..J f . ; biooi a:id v. h'.: o:i tin tl:.-; U-t tit tjei-aitio (Uiritit c t Jf Us v.. .' Its, tr J t-oiiM (i t irwuiiriiit lut; 4 clia'-ifc, It rl-.-a-;::ri lieil aud hrat'til ma u ''-'i-iii ruily aud uverUi:iii: U iuw wurklug full nnd rfjjulfti-,- lie -WWb"' a.T Sarsapafilta -FOR SALE BT CEO C STANARO ALBANY WICKMAH&ANDERSON Opposiie St Charles Hotel. Bed clothing and lace curtains well attended to fttarcU work a apctisl.. Braich oflise at Moaea' barber shop. NOTICE TO CREDPTPPS NCTJCK IS BKREBY G VFNTHAT J(.bn K Cyiua and W P F"cbford, partnera Ccft bui-B in fe-cio. Linn county, Orgoj,uml-r tnn ra nsme and style of Cyi us & PilcbfDrd, have duly made an iinmnt of all tho lvoptily, real and petM.nal. to Ihe undeiigned for the Lanefli oftheir creditors. AH persons liavint; c'niins again"! toe Baianmi are hnrsby notilifd and required to present the Raw tinder ohIu to Hie undsiut d, at t he office .f J K Weatuoiford. fn tue city of Aibpt'v. l inn comity, O'ep.nn, v. tioin II. n uionvna itoui tue oalft noiaoi bated l eu. ilrd, U'-'J. J. II PEKRY, Asa'gece ANNUAL MEET1KQ. NOTICF. is hereby olven that the annual maetlnR of the stockholders of Ihe Albany Piii!nlnx Association will be held at the office of W C Twesda'e, on Ferry stiee:, In AMiany, on Monday, March 21st. IftUS. at 7:30 p ni.for the sleo- Uo.l of direatnra, and such other business as ma; come before fie meeting. Dated Feb J2(h, 1S92. J. JOSEPH. W C TWEEDALK, Seorelary, President. , STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. there will te meeting or tne mock holders of the Odd Fellows Hsll Building Association held at tlietrofr.es In Albany, Oregon on Monday, the 14th day -of Maroti, l?v, at tne nour oi 7 o'ciock p m of said day, fc - ,he purpoie of electing seven direct bis to serve for the enaulng year and for th. transaction of any other business that may come before said meeting. This the Seth day of January, 192. . W C TV EKDALE, B A PsBKHB, President, secretary J. A. CimmiEg. Wall Taper, I riijjri, X'aintai, Oil Olnaa, Etc., ALBANY, -i- 8RE60F) mi TWO MEN AND ONK BOY FOUND DEAD!. ST Vhile trying -to Crowd then WAY INTO ; OEYOE&FROittANBROS Store, where they aiwaj s have on hand lie' laryest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved RlHes and Shot 3uns; an Unniense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Mammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other tiling too numerous to mention ATepn.ii' Shop m connection with the Store, and one ol ie best workmen In ihe State to do any iiid all kinds of wor Come one Conio No roublo to how goods. 4inall pn. fit and quick sUs" is out JlOtl.J. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the annual mettiog of the stockholdera of "The Willamette Kal Estate Company," of Albany, 0roo. will be held on Thura aay, March 30th, 13W2, at the hour of 4 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the othoe t'l Geo W TTnght, in Albany, Ureon, for the purpose of electing cmcere and di rectors of laid company for the term of one year next ensuing from said meetria?, and to transact such other buaiuesa as may properly come before said meeting. Dated Febtuary 2tUh, 1892. A. HACKLEMAN, Gko W Wiianr PreMdent. Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. NOTICK 18 HEREBY GITEN THAT the annual meeting of tlis stock' huldsrs of tlia A lbanv Street and Hallway Com pa a v will be held on Weduetday, March Dili, lb02. at thehrurct 7 p ill of said day, at tlio rfllce of the secretary of said company, the ea lie being at the real estate office of C Q Burkhart on First Street, In Albany, Oregon, for the purpose ofeleoting seven directors. to serve for the term ol one year next ensuing rroui sul ineetlnir. and until their successors are eleotsd and qualified. and to transact such other business as may ooane before said meeting. Dated February 23rd, 1S92. O G BUKKHAKT, Kojrelaif. MOSET TO I) AS Uome capital to loan, In sums to sult.on Albany and Uuu eountT real estate or eood persons! seourlty. W E slcPherson. First Blreel npp Mfsonic nan, Atoauy, ur. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- arterial Embalming done- Scientifically Albany, Oregon. ARE -YOU -GOING -TO -RIDE -A BICTOLB this summer ? tto, call on Van Wilson, at Stewart & Sox's, and see a New Mail, writer, alwajs gives satisfaction. Albany Mnunfacturem o'' I AM EKCINB CRIST AND SAW VliLL MACHINERY IRON iiONTS W ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. seelal alias (is of luachl leelal allasBon al1 o iwlrln ll near PaViarhs Made) orf Short Hotlet THE Clebratad HOOSIER and Sl'PEBIOR positive force feod Drilla and Seeders, als aa AM Press Wheel Drills. At 3IITCJIIKL.L, LKWIS STAVER CO , Albany, Oregon CLMMNCE Mil r LA1MSK NUM1.KU OF 1JKJINANTS liavo l.een loft (ait in our various Di'iiartniunts, and we will liltise tho name out; at considcraMo luss than cost. A They consist of Dress Goods, "Woolen Hosiery, in Infant, Misses and Ladies, Knihroideries, Velvets, l'lushos, Satins, Silks, Corsets, and Ladies and Children Underwear, J;tc. Theso Goods aro arranged on our Hargain Conntyri.and an exaniinalion of the same will h) of intorost to buyers wiio have an eye to a good hargain. In addition to the ahovo we will havo a general clear ance sale of all other lines in stock, and wo will givo lOjur eent discount on all cash sales until March Ist.onour entir stock of lry (ioods, Dress Goods, Corsets, Ladit.3 and Children Shoes, Hosiery .Woolen Underwear, etc. ON Till-: SIX'OND FLOOR wo cany a complete lino of Men's, I'.oy's and Childrensclothing, Furnishing Goods, Poots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc., on which wo havo made the fo' lowing reductions: MEN'S SUITS YOUTH'S SUITS Worth, : $ n.r0 for $ 4.50 Worth, : $ fi.OO for S) 3.23 7.50 5.50 " 5.00 4.00 9.00 6.50 " 7.50 5.09 " 10.00 8.00 " 10.00 7.59 12.50 9.50 " ' 12.50 9.00 15.00 11.00 " 15.00 10.00 20.00 15.00 A SPECIAL OFFER Wagon, Worth Boy's To he giv&m away with each and every Hoy's Suit, with short pants,whioh wo sell heforo March 1st. TAKE NOTICE that theso oilers are) good only until March 1st, as wo positively withdraw this proposition it that date. W. Julius Gradwolil's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can tuy at JULIUS GB ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 20 lbs. Extra C Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 5 Gallons Good Pickles 90 20 lbs. No. Sa-ron Soap 90 Wholesale price of augar-100 lbs extra C, $4.79; 100 ibs gi amtlaied, 3.7S. I will conduct a atrleteasli store, and all goods will be sold for net easli from ID o 25 por cent less than regmar Brine. ttj sxielc of Chliiaware, hnay goods, and all lbs desirable syles of dishes, as well as a general assortment nf groceries ,croiy ery, lamps and fixture Is coin plots. 1 make a apeoialty of fine aoOVies and biking powder, and always plase my customers, Agent for sereral responsible insuranoe ooenpaniea. Julius Clrailnrohl. ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE I RETAIL GROCERS CIGARS TOBACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block. -: $2, Simpson. CHOICE FRUITS OF AU SMALL OUANTITIES SEASON. ALBANY, OREQOH