ADDRESS 10 DEMOCRATS. Thoy tiro I'rwd to OrgRiilm for the Cum ins I'aroriaiKns. Attorney-General George E Chamber lain, president of the state association of democratic clubs, has issued an address to the democracy of Oregon, as follows: "The executive commltte ol the state association, recognizing the fact that the coming campaign, state and national, will be one of the most important in the history of the democratic party, and believlrg that democratic success will insure the great est number of our citizen, takes this op portunity to urge on members of the party and all citizens who favor good govern ment, the advisability of early perfect organization Into clubs throughout the entire state, as we believe that it is only thorough club organization, supplemented by a judicious distribution of literature embodying democratic principles, together with public speaking by men well posted on public affairs, that we can obtain the victory anJ vindication by the people of our principles. "For these reasons the executive com mittee of the state association urge on all demociats the necessity of organization, and append hereto a form of constitution or clubs, Indorsed and rccomended by the national association, but th'.s is only a suggestion, and local clubs need not adopt it unless it Is suitable for their needs, and It may be curtailed or enlarged to suit their locality and wishes. 'Every democrat In every precinct in this state should consider himself a com mittee of one to form or help form dem ocratic clubs. Let nothing Interfere In this work! It must be done to bring suc cess. It Is not necessary that the club membership be large at Its beginning; half a dczen of men are sufficient fur or ganization. "This association of democratic clubs, following the policy of similar organiza tions, in other states, has an entirely sep arate field from the state central commltte' its chief object Is to bring out the full democratic vote and create an army of workers to accomplish that purpose. We also recommend that upan the formation of a local club the secretary thereof as soon as practicable forward to the secretary of the state association the date of organization, the name of the club, the district embraced by it, the names of the officers and number of members en rolled, tcgether with a request fur any literature or information they dire, and they may be assured that their request will be complied with to the exact extent of the ability of the executive committee The executive committee feel that thev have the right and priveleg of calling on persons who are democrats in principle, or who are in favor of good government, to riid and assist them in the organization of clubs and the enlistment of voters, and with your aid and assistance, for without it we are helpless, we promise you that after the returns for the next presidential elections are received we can furnish you with such a record of triumph and success as will meet with jour fullest approbation. A dispatch from Terre lluuto ImUavs: The democratic primaries met tonight to elect delegates to the state convention and were in all cases the most exciting ever held in Torre Haute. The question was Cleve land or Gray, ami it was a battle from start to finish. All ton wards of the city wore contested by both sides, and separate tickets were run. Four of tbe delegates elected are for Cleveland and six for Uray. but several of the latter will vote for Cleveland for second choice. Not one of the delegates is for Hill, and in the Fourth ward primary j i in s name met wita sucii a stiower of hisses that it seemed unanimous. The tight in the r irst ward was the cenl-T of attraction, whore Kditor-W C Hall i f the (lazrlt was the Cleveland and Samuel II Jlaniill the anti-Cleveland delegate. No other issue was injected, and it wasasouare up-and-down light, Hall winning by nearly uvc to one. "TheXew York Sim" the Cincinnati Enquirer, anil the Atlanta Constitution are warm advocates of Senator David If Hill's nomination for the presidency. And it may he added that it is the un faltering support of such journals as those that cause iicual deinotia's to distrust Hill as a presidential candidate. Clarksburg (W Va) -V. It is true that the politicians of the dem ocratic party of New York are largely for Hill. Hut the masses of the jiooplc there as elsewhere arc in close touch with Cleveland. No public man in'the country fills so large it place in the heart of the toiling masses us Cleveland' They like him for his can did, unflinching honesty and personal and official integrity. A large number of republican papers are still talking about Hill s "stealing" New York state. Ho did nothing of the sort. Ho simply used his legitimate powers as governor, which in that state are greater than in uny other in the union, to put the will of tho people into effect. The ".Steal ing" lias been on the republican side, and lias been carried on for twenty years past. Hill merely did his duty. 7'trgr. That's so. Senator Hill declared just after the election last fall in New York that the democrats elected a majority of both branches of tho legislature. The republi cans denied. Hill submittal his case to the courts. The courts fii-tained him. That's all. Ten Acrks of choice garden land at a bargain for a few i'ay only at Ohkgon Lakd Co. J K Wcathorford, of Albany, will prob ably lie the nominee of the democratic party of this district for congress that is it Mr Weatherford will accept it. McMinville Register, It is probable that Mr Weatherford would accept if the nomination wore tendered with substantial unanimity, Peinoerats from all parts of the county talk in favor of the vive voce system of vot ing in making nominations in the county convention. There seems to be but one opinion on the subject. That's right. Lets have un open, fair, square, honest contest, and then all the party workers throughout the county will get in and elect the ticket with the old time vim and zeal. Jerry Simpson, (he of sockless fame) is a jolly, good fellow. We like him. Ho is much "smarter" than miny men who have progressed so far in the nineteenth century as to wear socks. Speaking of the prospects of presidential candidates us between the east and west he says: If Columbus had discovered the west first the east would never have been unvthinu to spek of. The east is not in it all. Some say the east will be only a hunting and pleasure ground tor western icople. Probably no attempt at machine politics has called forth such a large amount of edi torial ability in opposition to it as tho midwinter convention in New Y'ork. This is clearly the machine of David 1! Hill, and while one of the greatest democratic leaders the democratic people and tho democratic newspapers of this country think more of the man who claims to represent them. Wc do not know of a democratic paper, great or small, that has endorsed the late movements of Hill. Telephont Register. $25 Kkward. Sheriff Noland of Lane, county, today sent out the following: Look out for and arrest Frank St Clair, who broke jail in Kugeneon the night of March 4, 18'.2. Abou',30 years old, black hair, black mustache, heavy, face clean shaved, short side whiskers two week's growth, very large black eyes, flat nose has been broken, rather high fore head, elopes back, weight about 1(30 lbs., about 5 feet 7 inches; hag on diagonal suit all about two sizes too small, frock coat, dark felt hat, old lace shoes, heavy blue flannel shirt. Committed ior burg lary ; also a deserter from U S army. Very dark ekiu, looks like lie baa negro blood ; is a hard drinking man and is likelv to get drunk when ho can get whiskey Arrest and wire at my ex pense. An Old Saying is, "spend not all you have, believe not all you hear; tell not a'l you know; and do not ad you can." Do not look for blood in a turnip or stoves in a confectionary store; bat go to Matthews & Washburn's stove , linw are and hard ware store and examine their stock of goods, if this is the line ou want. If you buy you will not spend ail you have; you will believe what you hear because you cin a'so see; you will kno.v too much to tell it all and you will not do all vou can because the stove you get will do the work and save many a savage expression and extra step. NEW ADVE It THEME X ! S. SN. STEELE & CO., Albany, Oregon a Lomi money on wood rMl etat seeurty In 1,1. in and a lj lining counttea IREMH COWS FOR SALE. One-hsl " nnd on4rurth Jeney oows for sale Also impr.rted Eur t Sun Iho potatoes-Price-, 75 cuts pr busbel. Call rn me 2 miles east of Albany. F C Hoffman. WANTED. A girl to do general housework in a small family. In quire at tb's otHofl. BIriUS tOVi SA E. - Mrs Wm Meyer has some duo oanary birds, genuine Seotoh whistlers, tor pale. CjII on lior at her home on Water street, between Hill and Maine streets. PLAIN SEWING. Tho undersigned will takfl in plaiu sewing which will be dono In fust-class ortlurnncl on reasonable tnrms. Lsavo rr.W at resideneo of Tlioa Jo.u-s, ?r, 7th stieet, b-tAven Browlalhin and l erry srrect. Whiieubao. MONEY TO I N - llw eupbal !o loan, in somsto suit. on Albanv anrj Linn eountv real tro or good personal security. V K Moi'hersnn. l-lrst Struct opp M 'sonic Hull. Albany. Or. "I.tOIt SALiv House and corner In', tn JT HS 3d add. 750. Apply tn I W DavU AH E-YOU -GOING -TO - RIDE -A BICYCLE this summer ? If so, call on Van Wilson, at Stewart & Sox's, and see a New Mail, which always gives satisfaction. O0OCD GOOD IfEWSO Q For the million al oerxuMsrl 4 q TuttoPills. It El"" I T-SM irtaanra - 4F noil lice that tM v amaj , a w TINY LIVER PILL A which Is or r ff 0 vet rakaiaka all tjka i it maavaaaaa pwair a M ataasWsaaa. ailf. fS A vagehtbak ! Still I TUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS A) Is shawm la tha aaraar af Him "aa." w STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. NOTICE ISHKRKBY GITKN VHAT the annual noting of the fttocKboIilura of The Willamette U-a. Kstate Company," of Albany, Oreou. will be htltl on Thurs day. March 30:h, 1SU2, at tho hour of 4 o'clock In th pftftrnoon 0 mid day, at the rflice if Geo V Wright, in AllauyFUreron, for the ttrprM) of electing t llicnra and di rectors of ail company for tho term of one vtar mxt cnsuinn from said mectin. and to transact uch other bus: 11 cub as may prooorly coino before said mooting. iJntvd Febiuary 2$.ht ISP2. A. ilAt'KLKMAN, Cko W Wk.wht Treidetit. Secretary. El lltiRB Parker Bros, grocers, F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your grocer. of Parker Bros Apple purer f r sale at Stewart 4. Sox s Kbe groceries at Conn & llt-mlnceon's. Lattfit sheet muiic at Will & Ubk's. Kov cream cheque just loooived at Conrad Meyers, C Cobb, job printer. I liuD Block, does lirnt class work. t K W Aciiison &('o ate hhTIiu mouunuuts at 1'orLUud prices. Stewart & Sox sell the very best talent sl.Tars and BciBors. The H ne.H line of pocket knives in the city at Stewart & S.aV Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 ont cigar ct Julius Joseph's. Go to ? Y Cobb, succcscorto Paisley & Stnii, Vlii n Ult-ck, for your j b printing of nil Uiud- Ir M H ' I'i, ihybician and surgeon, Albany, Oi.'U, Calls mado In city or oountry. ad Blood. Impure or vitiated blood is nine times out of tvu caused by some form or eoustipatlon or indts tion that clor.n up the eysti'in, wlieu 1 lie Mood imturally be 'fl (J V-' impri'Ktintfd with tho ItN fL'itT.i-Ktt-r. Thi'ol.lSniaiHr.I iirti-nj-r t naJi rn'iUiti el- ioU by uMarkiji; tlie I " . . !t tUe dra'ie mineru! ") ola.U." T!i- t ...a-.. l;:c tv in old a:i 1 ob:eto. Jny's VccMl'U'i-arfapiirUlH is in Hl.r:i. it K" " 111:11 ' tho tr.iutl.'. It U'u.iJiCs the .di it lu UiWcI-t ti 1't.tlt'j' ful ti ; un, un in-i;:.n..s I '.ic ( in 'i'.i;;t-:i, mul tliu l.:iiiU.-Lir ur.' (.M'i tut''al 1 h.i.iiu i.- 'l'i-y it u.mI it t i. i'f ui-tiitti. L !iii. 1a , ts; I. 'H".' f : .'v. n; ' t .t u 1. i '.' but.-1 aad u i'.:lo o.i liio tli.-;:K- t:iv.::. 1 . m Us, for 1 i-'ii u :"'Ti i: Inn elitt'.ifc'i'. it 1 tii'it utul ir;ic id t.i u.- nuil uvor::u:ik' t.- uuw v.-. arrivd -it fill .T t:.r utU I taUt hill inn! rj;,'ii!ar. Vegetable o Sarsaparilla FOR SALE BT GEO C STANARD ALBANY ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN TOTHK kval voters of School District. Kofi, Linu county, Oregon, that the annual school meeting for niid district will be held at the Court House, iu naid district, to begin at tho hour of 7 o'clock p m, on too first Mon day, being the 7th day of March, 1892, for th purpose of hearing the reports of Direc tors and U!erK 01 saiu district, and to Jevy a tftx for the support of I lie schools for tho ensuing yoar aud for the iTanoactiou of any other huf-inehs that may legally come before the me;tiiij4. Dated this 23rd dav of FVhrnarv, 1BG2. CGBUBKHAKT, L H MoNTAsm. District Clt rk . Char Board of Directors. NOTICE TO CREDITPPS NOTICK IS HERKBY OIVKNTHAT John K Cvrus and W P Pitchford, PRrtnor" doiiifc buBiueSii in Scio, l.lnn county, Oregon, under tho firm name and siyie or (,'yius I'liciitnrti, cave duly made an assignment of all tho propert', rNil and personal, to the underMinied for the benefit of their creditors. All persons having c'aitns agAinft the fiiild firm are htrtby notified and required to preaent the same under oath to the umlerMirned, at he office of J K Weatherford. 'n the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within three months from the date hereof. Dated Feu. 3rd, 1BU2. J. II PEERY, AssiKnee STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Vf OTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the stock holders of the A lbany Street and Kail nay Compar.y will be held on Wednesday, March Oth, H92, at the hour of 7 pm of said day, at thecfiice of the ecretary of said company, the sane being at the real eetatti office of C O Burkbart on First Mreet, In Albany.Oregon.for the purpose ofeleciini; seven directors. to serve for the term of one year next ennuing from a, id niectind, and until their succesiors sre eleetetl and qualified. and to transact such oirier uii.intss a may ccme uvi ore sal u Tiit'otin. l.)uul February 23rd, Wi'Z. V, a HUI.KUART, Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING. NOTICE l hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Building Association will be held at Iheomce or W (J Iweedale, on Kerry Stree:, lu Albany, on Monday, March "Int. 1UJ, at 7:30 p m.fnr the eleo Uoii of directors, and such other business as may come before the meeting. Dated Feb 12th, 1892. J. JOSEPH. W C TWEKDALH, Secretary. .r resident. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -i-i there will be a meeting or the stock holders ,if th. Odd Fellows Hall Building AsHoolatlon hold ft theiroftlcn in Albanv. Oregon on Monday, the 14th day of m arcn, isvj, ai me nour ol 7 o'clock p m ofSBldday, fc-,he purpoie of electing seven directors to serve for the ensuing year and for th, transaction of any other uusiness trial may come uerore aaiu meeting. This the 2Ub dy of January, 1SJ2. v C TV EEDALK, B A Pabkub, President, Meorelery J. A. CBjinniBg, Wall Paper, Oru&rs, Oil ALBANY, B TWO MEN AND ONE HOY POUND UK AD!. A'hilo trying to Crowd then WAY INTO DEY0E & FP.OAPI BROS store, where they always have on hand hu lari;ebt Stock aoulh of Portland, of the lateil Improved Kirie. and Shot Juus; an Immense stock of FUhlng Tackle of every Juncriptlon ; Tents, Mammocks, Camp L'luilro auJ Ihouoands of other things too numeroui to mention tjli in connection with imb Store, and one ol -tie best workmen ii. the Mlate to do any iiiii all kltids of vor Come one Come No rouble to how goods, "iinial! prtrii and quick sles" U ou: aiotl i. NOTICE T3 TAX PAYERS. NOTICE is hereby given that I, or my Deputy, will . lit tsz-psyns of Linn county, Oit oVeck a in ami rcrnalii until 4 oVook p their respective plaoea of votiug in the fevrral preciucts,at ths fol lowing tlmas and plaoxs for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the yearuf 1S91: Rock Creek, Monday, F.bruvry 15. 189 Fox Valley, Tuesday, Feb 16, 182. Jordan, Wednesday, Fob 17, 1SU2. Scfo, Thursday, Kb IS, 18U2 Franklio ll'itte, Friday, Feb 19, 1892. Nh.lburn, Saturday, Keb 20, 1992. North Uhauon, Monday, F.I. 22, 1392. bsntism, Monday, Feb 22. 1892. South Lebanon, Tues.lav, Feb 23 1S92. Waterloo, Tuosday, Feb 23, 1S92 Sodaville, Wednesday, Feb 21, 1S92 Sweet Homo. Thursday, Feb 25, 1H2. Crawfordsvil'e, Friday, Feb 26, 1892. N Urowtavil.e, Saturday Feb 27, 1892. S Brownsville, Saturday, Eh27, 1892. Center, Saturday, Feb 27, 1S92. N Harrishurg, Monday. Feb 29. 1852. Halsey, Tuesday, March 1, 1892. Shedd, Weduefday, March 2, 1892. Tangent, Thursday, March 3, 1S92. Orleans, Thursday, Marcn 3. 1S92. Price, Friday. March 4, 1S92. Syrautc, Saturday, March 5, 1892 . Wo9t Albany, Saturday, March .1, 1S92. Albany, Monday. Miirch 7, 1892. Ceutor Albany, Monday, March 7, 1892. East Albany, ruerday, March 8. 1S92. Prompt payimnt will be nquired. Pay your taxes nnd save gohtn. M. SCOTT. Sheriff and Taa Collector. Dated January 21st, 1S92. -FUNEltAL DIRECTORS- Arierial Embalming done Scientifically Albany, Oregon. CHOICE MEATS Of All; Kwds Opposite Schroeer'i I.ivsrr Stable, next ur to Willamette Picking- Co'i iter. Albany Mnnnfnotureni of EAM IKWcZ CniST AfID SAVj mLMAGIilJirsY IRQ!! 50I1TS m ALL OF HEAVY AMO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. social attention Mid o palrlnu ,11 ds of machine? Patterns Made on Short Notloi Best stock of 2nd P" gsods in the Talley, and the most reasonable prless. 1 have on hand all kinds of FUflHITltta, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROOKERY, ETC., ETC. On d oor west of 8 H Toant's eld store. L. G0TTLEIB ALBANY :OR. WWTSMAH & EULBERT BROS. Real Estate Agents Farms and Ranches for sale. Also oity broperty in Albanv and Coryallts. FOSHAV & MASON V9LBL4!.B A9B R ST Alb Druggists and Caokseilers Acei.tN for John B. Aldan' puhllcaUons', -hli'u we sell at uuMlsksr' price with kU-.gos.MV ALBANY. OKKyoS. CLEARANCE SALE ! x LARGE NUMEltOF liEMNANTS liavo l,eei, left over in our various Departments, and wo will lose- the- eamo out at eonsitlerablo less Uian cost A The j consist of Dress Goeds, "Woolen Hosiery, in Infant, Misses and Ladies, Embroideries, Velvets, l'lusbes, 8atini Silks, Corsets, and Ladies and Children Underwear, Eu! These Goods aro arranged on our 1'arain Counters, and an lamination of the same will 1h of interest to buyers vb have an eye to a good bargain. In addition to the abovo we will have a general clear ance sale of all other lines in stock, and wo will give 10pr ent discount on all cash sales until March Ist.on our entire stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Corsets, Ladies and Children Shoes, lIosiery,"Wooln Underwear, ete. ON THE SECOND FLOOR wo cany a complete line of Men's, Boy's and Childrensclolhing, Furnishing Good Roots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ete., on which wo have made the foUowing reductions: M EN'S SU ITS YOUTH'S SU ITS Worth, : 3 6.50 for $ 4.50 Worth, : 5.00 for $ 3.25 7.50 5.50 " G.00 4.00 0.00 6 50 " 7.50 5.00 10.00 8.00 " 10.00 7.50 12.50 9.50 " 12.50 9.00 15.00 11.00 " 15.00 10.00 20.00 15.00 A SPECIAL OFFER Boy's Wagon, Worth To bo given away with each and every Roy's Suit, with short pants,whioh wo sell before March 1st. TAKE NOTICE that these offers are good only until March 1st, as wo positively withdraw this proposition t that date. G, W. Simpson. Mius Gradwolil's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIVS GBADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 20 lbs. Extra C Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 1.00 6 Gallons Good Pickles 90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 Wholesale pries of augar-100 lls extra C, $4.75; 100 ! uianulatad, $3.76. I will conduat a strict sash slors, an-1 all irmils will be sold for not ms'i from Iff o lb psr sent Ism than rasniar prins. tij aloclc of Cblnawaro, fulioj uooda, r all lbs dtslrabla ajrlaa of disbas, as wall as a Rnnnral aaaortmsnt of proosri, crock ery, lamps aid fixture, ia oompleK. 1 make a spaelsltj of flue Iiik, e ffs od biking powder, and always plaaso mj customers, Agent for sereral responsible Insurance companies. Juliua Oruil Welti. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale s Retail Grocers CIGARS TOBACCO, AND KIND3 IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block FEED STORE AND CUSTOM CHOPPfeR. We hate hay, oats, chop straw, chicken feed, ele. constantly on hand. 5 na 'elan agents for H. F. Fall line -uviT'"K ywinny ror enncr cava or MORRIS BLACKiM 8s, HODGES, LEADINGDRUGGlSTS DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARffiC $2 CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES SEASON. ALBANY, OREGOfl. Flsrhfr. Corvallla flour, short bran.ets. and BLOUNT & - $ Cornar Flrsl sad HitUorSI