SSWMwnf Tina 51ft A 3X11' i" 2 i. f 13 Ly I SB fa M VOL. IV ALBANY, OltEGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 5. 1892 NO 255 For Boils, Phii-ilv carbuncles, scrofuious sores, eczema, and a!! ctSri .. ; blood diseases, tako Ayer'sSafsapar'' . It will relievo and euro dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired fooling. ' Has Cured Others w?!! euro you. W. F. it: 'A si mil ImhMr Call and see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dross Goods, hosiery, We have to select from. Our but tlio cheapest ever We want your trade and we you monev. w mw Wtzru C'nslori in Dr. f,ru;!t:t'I Pitcher 7rc. r!-ri4:-i: for lui'ttiis and Clji'.ilroii. It cnt;i!ti!i itt-! Ik".-1 .-:'i-n, "oi-:iiii:;. ?:ct ether ICurcotii! m:I)&tr.nco. It in n r-.-ti rTtuKtituto fr Parcgorlo, Irps, Boottili-iy i;;rv- i,i.:i.:X Cv-vicr Oil. It is IMciwant. It g-iaratiioo in tl.irty j-.-jjV ttso iy Slliiiouii of I.IoiJiers. OwtoW Ic:itinj a Vrormn oii.l oirnfO fcvrrlshiioKn. Custcrt; prerrii. Toiiii:'.?ii? y-vr Curd, cure. Dliirrliuji. mid Vl'lnrl Ctl. CaxtorU rsllovca tcotlilns troublos, cures :i.-iii!Vi-:i Kil.t flatnUMicy. Castorla nsKinillittcs tlio f;oil, r -srularc t!io t,Co:uijc3i ami boivelx. glvinj liea'.tliy ati-l nv.;rnl s?.i. torU t!c Childrau's Pn.nacf.1 tio MoiUcr'i 7rk-i.l. Casoria. " Cnstorta la an cxcellcot mediof no for olill IKHhoni have repcote.lly told m.of !ti Jwl taaai upon UiuJr chililnai." Dj. O. C. Ojoooh, Lowell, 11 Aw. "(Vtslor.'a L; ! je K'.t nfie-!jr fr.rc'l Irr t: i f -W.-h 1 uiu t':einUxl. 1 1im5 ie i'..iy ) i t far Jislant rhra molhura will oona!lpr tho nvil lTit of tlu-ir children, nn l mo Uuloria l:i Mid of thtvariousqnnck uo-itnimtwlili haw octroying thiHr loid on, by fori!lnroiluiii, noiTtinf, ohlnj ayrup anil other hurtful "it doirn their Hiroou, thereby inltajf. ra to prutaataro yrarea." Pi. J. F. KflTCHBLOl, Conwa, Ark. 'Alio Centaav Company, TI ZJurray Straot, Nbw Tork Citjr. Albany -:- Nurseries. W. ar.nfferliiij t... ,.le tl (,t lt (mU Wees, ml ,,i,i ,aroli01i' 'ml1 th. tMle. On li I i I -1 1 it 1 1 ft f ,., I , , ,,, sou's trace. I.'.'SI'KI-IIIIN l.NVITKK, ami - ATIKM.TIOXVA!UXTE8!. tSTSuid f..r j.,iIs,.W or mil ni ui at til. .1,1 '"' "' l.l'.i.f.- All,. nr. llWiXn & B3Q.Vg.ElL. Km Hairilall tlinnfm-,, READ, stock - is not rmlv tlio 1 urn-net ---- j .....j,...,.. shown in Albany. feel confident we can save W. F. READ. Oregon " Casioria !a rov-r!! ailii!i''-ljclitV1n.a I n'C. muit?nri:i i.r.tierijr'tj)i'iirajrtpai Vi.ovi II to llll-." 71. A. .x-im, K. !., Ill 0f"r-'. I'r.ljti, K. T ' '"ur ' i.i l.;o i-Ii.: in -' t!ct-iw ncnt ri.i- n hwl.' tf it. r anwH iinra in :!'.). o:.t! jr .'-e w.i:i I'rrv .1', ami r.'J:. .:'!! J b,. h..-.v oni! 0" li:eil:u-.l niiv!l'' ' . i Vw-:i a- pro'lucm. yt we a--ii f.a ocuf-w ti,.M tlu mr.rlti of Tastorla ha woo U'. to lc. l; favor ti;ion it." Ukitbd IloanTu. kj J)trf c -w iJ.itoa, .Iff A Aujh C. Surrn, fro.,. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 1 Powder M V1T It KM r-t l!M TIktu will he a ikmocrnlic ccuntv enn vcnlion lield a! Hie court IiouklIii Albany on TtK-Mliiv, March Stli, to o'clock am, t'J niiiiiluuU- i-'jiHhil.ucs for county offices, to elect lO (U-lrvalva to the State convention ami to transact mch other hiiklneKs as may proper! v cotne before the convention I'riniary nieeilnjjs will be hclil lit t lie usual places of voting in the several prcclnc's mi Satunliiy, March jth, ity-', at I o'clock p m !lv unanimous vole oi the commitlee it was recoin mend ed that the vive voce Mstem of voting be adopted by Ihe v.: xl convention so far as It may apply to the nomination of candi dates. The several precincts are entitled to delegates as follows: Albany JIRock Creek 2 Center 3;.shidi' -.4 Central AUi..y !$( Home.. .... 4 Cia fordsviUe". . ..-mdavillo 3 East Albany 4;.Santiuin $ Kflx Valley ji.scio 4 r raiiKiin tiutie. . .Slicjburn ..4 Ilalscy 5Svracue 3 Jordan 4 S liiownsvllle 3 N Hrownsville. . .4IS llarrisburg 3 N Jlarrisbtirg 4! S Lebanon 5 N Lebanon 4' Tangent 3 Orleans Waterloo 3 Trice 4Wet Albany 4 Total delegates, 101. All roiers without regard to former pol itical affiliations, who fayor an honest economical administration of public affairs so as to conserve th Interests of the masses as against the monopolistic tend ency of Ihe day, a'-e cordially Invited to join in taking pan in these" conventions. T J Hi.ack, J J STif es. Chairman piotem. Secretary. I - DYE - TO - LIVE. ilbacy Stew Dyi Works, O.J. ieidiU,itoit(i.eoii. Clothing, Colored and P.epalred. Laillr anawls and Dress Goods a specialty. Faded clothing restored to its original color, to look like new. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Me a Call. Work called for and delivered. Opposite ParrUh's Brick, DIAMOND ARMING TOOLS ,,0 4i7 V 11 Kor Mil by STEWilJT OX., Dealers, n .GENERAL HARDWARE A.banr, Oregon. CURE. The BuccenB of this Great Conjfh Cure It without a parallel In the hintory of medicine. All drtiZRists are authorized to sell Hon a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may becora known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free Into every homo in the United States and Canada. If yon hare a Couch, Bore Throat, or Bron chitis, use It, for ft will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use It promptly, and relief In sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, nae It. Ask your Druggist for BHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 cts. , 60 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Bhiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 95 eta. For sale by all Dru gifts and Dtalsrs. ASSICNFE'S SALE: NOTICE IS HEREBY OJVKN THAT th. un'1flr-ined nnWiH4 of t'le estate of Cjru it Pitrhfnrd. Inaolvnnt debtors, will aII nl pnhlh; Auction on Saturday. March 19. h, Wi. iti 10 o'clock a m. t O hi. ritltf'ir!,."i aawmiil, pituled about Jil m ia s.mthit rtfs;i", Or., all tbt prj" tia: prot ertv belonging to I)im aho. n.Tfi"'1 i-.fs In niv eure, consisting of one rual-c'n.i team .aw Uiiil anil lixtnre-, 40 hr. imspr engine, iriili all e. ni'ef and n r' tstf'-nil s nw. in a tfK-i l-;atln.i. K'lT 'rh-uini-r. HLOIK) leet fit hiinlier of ki:.d,-evr.'l th"" anii feet of Ui.'n in ponrl, nie i.Unirg n- cl.ine the Buninm H at.e'.,.'Ke',1.3ft 'nh, cm.'j as new, .U.ut 40 fctrf fiislrift-, one care gftsr, t0 pir Il-Di:'1., f,"ir vok. rtfwr.rk oxen, vnaes, crair3."'e. 'f itii.! of Mi'e,oiie h.ilf cafch in haud, b-ti.icce "n C: ilsva time. J II I'KKItY. rosti.ffie., Scir.Or. Assign-;. ivVTKr v. I n s w ir c rt -tf the Tae f nliirc. n tntiraetiirln Aniiurt, tit Tort Ian! Already a fl'ny ICtlir 8f'.CvO,00 t'er .11 11: III. It is a well known fact that a mnnu fnctory, finploying lahor, no matter when- Mtuateil, is the nucleus of a city. T113 greater tlio number of employees, the greater the prospective city. "The Krupp gun works of Germany, Bupport a city of 05,000; the Pullman i'alace Car Co, of Pullman, 111., a city of 12,000. Oswego, Oregon, in in its infancy. Today tlio Oregon Iron & Steel Works, null other industries', make a pay roll of (42,000 a month. With an Increase in the manufacturing output, the city in creases in population. Population in creases values of real estate ; therefore Oswego offers to'lay, to the careful in vestor, the very best field for investment. Oswego is only two miles outside the limits 01 Consolidated Portland. It haB cheap train Bervice of 8 cents a trip, and e'ght trains a day ; also six steam boats each way on the Willamette. Oswego is a beautiful site for a town. 0wego has a splendid 2,400 water power, which is offered to manufactures for a term of years free, and land with it. Oswego has pure spring water in pipes over the town. Oswego has a beautiful lake where the pleasure-lovers of Port land will soon establish a summer resort. Pronertv values in Osweiro will advance rapidly and permanent1)' as its future is founded on the development of the lavoraule location lor mimnlacturing. Lots in Oswego invite the home-seeker. Lots sold on easy installments of (10 down and to a month. Abk the pub lisher of this paper to shot, you a putt of Oswego, or address a postal card to Borthwick Batty & Co., 71 Alder street, Portland, Oregon. It is actjally economy to drink fleecli's Ta. Beiig sh'ol.itely pure, it is much stronger than the urtilicUl teas, about one thi'd h-fca of it, or tl'out twenty grains, he i 1 ; Hq uiri.l pnr cuo. As thers are 7.CS0 cr-dns to a ponud, th-'r. will b seen to he hfctwef-u tbriie s-id four Imadred caps to the pound Ai it, iu nut GO cents per pound, thie is at the rate of about of a ort;t per cup. Kor a.vl? at Allen Br... W W P.ivis l-nn-v in hareof tho VA monleoirxtanmnt. lleals JOJeents. E stern oyi-ters fivub. Ever thing 11 t c At Meud's, thn jewolorc, w a good p'aca to bay tillid atch. When Baby was slctt, vr garo her Castoru. When she wao a Child, sh .rled for Castorla. Wlien she became Miss, h. clung tn Tastorla. Then a!ie hod Children, she gave them Costo.-jj. hit. remdvml notv and ouoaed.for ret itl a O'E Brewnell's th4 following Chow Chow, tvooking Mulus'e, Pickles in vinegar. Salt lltirrin, Sal. whiU tisli, Siilt a!i:i..n. X lir;e stock uf pruning shears and pi"j' ii:gr honk, tile liuest made, just received at Su v. art Si Soi'a. Now is tn t. u.i to uo them. Mar I have some of your srory tra.. tilts month. If not, not. r 1 A.ln. T!:e Dlrt corsets and Delsarte waist- furuisli the h.ils of dreps re'orm tending towards srthtic and hvrienle dressing. They ascuro oiuifurt, development ud g--ce. Ijadie"-, who wish to examine Dolsait - g mns, sli'-nld address thfc ait"nt who will call with samples, tali patna in measuring sun guaranteo pel fret lit No trouble to show goods vni thouirh no ei der is t.k.n . Ad- daess Mrs A M, box 60, JU'iviy, AkOllta wantd . n-rrr vnrr fcITl-,t'l.,ll .1. n..... ...i. II lllU i .'V, 1 ...... rK. and l.ivr complaint? Shil h vitlir is gnr.tnmi in rare you. AltMarSIIarhela. wnr.AT. 10 CENTS. r. 80 Bufer, 2" ?nt. pr r, Tmip 15 "it' nor fMit.-e8, 5 rontH pr bushol. Ijrd. 1! f8 lle-nti nr m, Be.n-H'll, Pi nsnts; al'loe.dlj mitita; imJld"r", f c.-nl. n.-wf ' ' v. 2 ft I'i riii per f 1 V. rMH. fl opnia nr. ti pet harr.1. ' Apples sne.nti Aepies drir! Ii-!,m Sfiiiftj snn drls, 4strlc. Vlinn. rlt'lsd, fe pr Chicken", vonn,; Ti 0)1.00. Muttoti. .1 and f Sn par Iim'1. Ornuln'r'l pugf, ctit-s" ex'.ra C, 4 ecnt. liKAI. KhTlTK KALES. M C Oi'.l to (ieor(tia A Bugger, lots 2 and 24, Scio G T Cotton to C F Tripp, 11 lots, C s add, Lebanon JUU W C Miller to M W Miller, 120 acres, 10 1 200 J K Hone to Tlios Morgan, 1 lot, Ilolsoy 400 US to Vvair ami Stt?an Long, 310.05 acres 12 W 2 Pattnt U S to Wm Mcllree. 320 acres, 12 W 4, dated Dec 24, lOTl Patent Isaac Saltmarph to Amel Alilbredt, 200 acres, 12 W 1 4S00 Viliametto H K Co to O A Cnin- liiingB, 4 lots, blk 20, ilalscy . . 200 IirnwuHville H V I, A to J 0 Ven- 1111111, hlk 5 (i's aiM 50 J II Templeton to S R feinpleton, 111.20 acres 14 W 2 1 II K Stover to A W Stover !.; of 120 acres 10 Wl 3T0 L C Stover to A W Stover ' of 120 acres, 1C V 1 350 Tolal . $ 7520 "Nothing Succeeds Like Success." Why are we th; nrait successful fi;m in ll.e diy roods trade ? Jlecause we nave tne largest an-1 best se lected stock to choose from. We are now receiving new and scasonab:e good bargains in winter goods, Cloaks at less nun cost, Ve are sole agent for Jiutierhk patterns. A I.i 11 line of ladies and children's shoes. Give us a call. Y. F. Read. Guii3 to Chicago. -'The Ar'istic Guide to Chicago and the World's Colum bian Exposition, is tne title ot a new dook just cut. It gives a concise history ot the great city oy tne ,aitesiiom ir,s settlement in 1831 to the present date. It is embel lished with dozens of beautiful half-tone illustrations made from photographs, a bird's eye view of the city and a grand bird's eye view of tne World's fairground ind building. Every family hoiild have one. Mis A M Talt, agent. Lost. An opportun'ty to get the best groceries a the lowest piices. by failing to call at Conn & Hendiicson's. No one ever fails tn receive their money's worth who trades with them. Found, a grocery store, where cna always receives good goo Is, full weight, the lowest prices aari the best treat ment to be had Conn & Ilendricson's. Large sales, small profits, prompt attention all go to make their store a popu ar one for the masses. Make it a rule never In buy groceries, produce, fruit, etc, without first calling at the store of Conn ft Hendricsos, Look Here a Moment. I have some of the choicest residence lots in Albany fcr sate, terms so reasonable that anybody can buy and own a home of his own by paying a small down and small montnly payments thereafter until all is paid for. For further Information ca!l at the office, corner and and lircadalbin Sis. , opposite Demochat office. Dr G W Mastok. A Siiost Item. S K Young bas just r craved a large stock of shoes, for men, women and children, including particu larly a fine line of school shoes Th best makes in the market can be found in his shoe department. HotniT to L.ak. I have 111. ney iu sums of (500 to $20,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and llenton counties, at lowest current rates. N. delay in lurnishing the money. C ( Pt HUIIAKT, Seal .str.te ngeut, Albany, Oregon. Witts." to Gut Th em. When w.ntirn an oran r ptaro call 0:1 Hlr.cki.ian li Hodges here you can t.ct from a tiriit cUfs s:tKk E V AoMma S (.: t !! t.i c M-rted Poitlrnd j . rr.i.ct wuIIb for it-N-. vrrv lots. These wans can i-o furnished i-i iu.ll V. a coat of any otli r ai.d are iarsuperi-.' THAT ilACKIXO OL'CH n 1 to rpiieUlv eu d by Slid ,h's Cu-e. u guar, auiee tt With hi n'iw lo'sery Co..,r.d Mow it ble to rfi.o-.'l.l n 1 nov fi-s'oinri fvery lhi:tr lirnt'n. iu bakol go lj. SHIL'lH'S V0Ui1 and Coir:nptiou Cur. is sr.M n us on guarantee. It cures .nsntnpti . croup, vnoptsa cwofi and Bronchiiii' 1 r.lisv.l bi S iloh's Curs. HIIILOH VlTALltfE i. what vo. need for C .:".ip.tion, Lost nf Apostt, Dtniuets a1 1 all tyniptom. of Dyspuula. Prloe 10 n' 75 nt. pie boil!.. HILDUEl MJOV The plean flvor,gent!e tctirn slid sooth ing etlcots Svrup of Figs, hen in need of a laxative, and if the father or mot hor he costive or ti.'ioas, the moat pratifying re t-uba follow itt ub, to that it is th. he-at family reir-tdy ktown and ivry fmdy .hould hare a bottle. .1 tv"; (tki.kokaphio news A lllflY, H.C. A. Sai.em March 4. Sulein this evening organized a Young Men's Christian Associ ation, with ninety-three charter members, although the list will not !o closed until liter the first Sunday meeting, which will be held 1 ext Sunday afternoon. A board of directors will be elected, who will pre pare bylaws and lileurticles of incorporation 1 ne ussiieiaiiun lumgui uuopteil a constitu tion and fix. 1 the limit of memliersliip and a fee of $2 per annum. The directors meet Saturday night for the election of officers etc. Ur Missed The nl. LATiiiior, Cul March 4. ( II C'oibin, of Sliuiglitrr, Wa,-h, en route to New Mex ico, was silting in front of the Shannon ltoit-e yesterday when he was mysteriously shot in the thi-li. The wound is not serious, anil he proceeded on his jounieh. About an hour aflerwnrd it, was learned that lloorge Samuels liiul shot ut a cut in a tree about 2C0 yards nil with a pistol, with the above result. As many other passengers were about, it is fortunate none were killed. A Piireessriil Mccilag, Kuokxe, Or March 1. The exercises of the state coiivent-.'iition of the Kpworta League were aHeiidt'd today by a lar-a nuinlier of citizens, besides the large at tendance of delegate- from all parts of the valley. The session has been most satis factory in eveiy respect, anil much good will probably lie the remit of the convention The closing exerciser, were held this evening. Aiinllier Uermnn ISreail Itlot. lii:i:i.tM, March 4. A number of unem ployed workingmen at Dnntzie, enraged on account of being unable to find employment looted several bakers shops today, crying they would steal before they would starve. Thev also seized several butchers' carts and distributed their contents. The police dis persed the mob. Tlte Rrpnhliran Tactlea, New Yoiik, March 4. A Washington special says: Friends of the administration will use every available means to prevent the free coinage bill reaching the president on the ground that what would be gained in the cast by a veto would be offset by a heavy loss in the west. In Sunny Italy. Rome, March 4. Violent snowstorms arc raging in Venice and Trieste. In the latter city the. snow is nearly two feet deep, and the arc blocked in consecpience. In the mountains the ground is covered to a depth of four feet. Hotclj It ( This is a patent" medicina advertisement but your attention the moment may save you much suffering at well as u.ouey, W. cure that cnuuli We euro that tickling. We euro tbet hacking. W, cuio that throtl . We cur. Crout. We euro BroLchitis. We cur, La Grippe Coueb, We help yon to sing and speak. Wo are net the S, B. Lezepgea. We are a pleasant Cough Syrup, We are put in 50 and 75 cent hot:l.:s. We are the S 0. Cnnuh Cure. Guaranteed by Fovhay & Masoo, Itcilablo nod Always the Kniu . Bran -lrnth't Pills arn tho olilet,afast and ht bleed purih'ir and pnrgative known. They ar. pjrely vegetable, therefore harm loss. Tt ey are a'waya the me and always produce the rano- tff. et. Other purgatives require increased do:es i.od finally cease acting altogether. A oouiso ofoie or two of Brani'ietn's Hilis- taseu each night is a poeitivo curt- for oonsiipntioo, headache and all biiirua riisorden. If you can't tak e taketiiem, get ll . m lirsar ce.-ited. llARKKsi. VAmiLKS, Eve. Utir orders are placed w'"h eastern factories, and we purpose pnt'iog in the most complete stock o' goods ever shown 'in our line, in the upper valley. We buy direct from first hnnds for cash ; so guarantee to com pete with Portland prices. 'The display horse stands hi our door opposite ihe First National bank. C) C McFarland. It is ;i:-(- -.Vi.tMe. that ou mvv ne-d Ihe sert-c-e. . ; 1 rome dnj ; but yea can postpuii.: the litre i" itiej ti te,ly by kti'p ingyosr biood puro and your -ysteoi inyii; orated tbrotuh the use .f Aver'a S irspa lills. PreV'-ntion is btttr ih.tu euro. lAdie. eln m wish yonr l.air In stay In curl, if o 4j.-t a bottle cfFfocri curltne afr Mrs Hrinatr. CATAKIiH CURED, heolthJnn-1 tweet breath si cert 1 by HkilnhV Catarrh Uamedy. I'i Ice, CO cenii. Nasal Ii jrofor free. Be. W r Head's hue o! rit.iu gtdj and ilka before buying eSewhcrt. - Tor l'i-gin in nionnnienta, hearlstonos t.,joto tt W AohlsonA.Co.jilbany.Orvcon Com. k M'Siielruuer. hare j,..t . etved a h4o 'ut b( usr our d h-u . eH1 IP 'in k V; k hi a m 4 n k n w '': L 3 ' 15 in Millions of Hocie6 40 Yea- s