Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 04, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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    Wit JLt 1 1
NO 234
j " -r
in its
early stages
can bo cured
by the prompt
use of
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
It seethes
the Inflamed tissues,
nids expectoration,
and hastens
Dr. J. d Ayor Ik Co
Lowe,!, W!as3.
VY. F,
Si ll Ml III? lilP
Call and seo what a stock of
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Goods,
We have to select from. Our stock is not only the largest
but tho cheapest ever shown in Albany.
We want-your trade and we
you money.
Castors Is Dr. SdrikcI IMtclx-i-'ti irc-riiti':i tor lul'n.t.i
mid Children:. ! 1 ooul:t!u:i i:!: 'ir:-' '.m:t, nor' sic?
ether Narcotic Ki:bstoi:cc. It is -I 3 ...':::U-.i n:.slit:io
for Paregoric, IJropn, t'eot".::: .J :-vt".i:is, r.:i:l C vitor OH.
It l- ricawiat. IS E'r.'.raistea i.i r:!-tv j'-.i".'.' wso by
Millions of Motliors. C.wtori.t tlooivoy.t Worius and eJI.iya
feverisltnc'is. Cast or hi i'rovi-.i:.i v;:i.Ui:.? .'our Curd,
cure Dhnrhtaa ntid Wlncl Co! ?. Car.torl.x relievos
teething troubles, cures oiirttij-iiii.i.i flatulency.
CnstorU n3simllate3 tl;o fuod, r.rii.--.'s tlio stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy a-ul MU:.-:.l slo-ep. Cna
toriu U tho Children's Puuneea-t:iO Muthc-rN Friend.
"CastorU iaan excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers bavo ropeatcillr lold " ot "
ivod eIect upon Ihclr children.1
D... O. C. Osgood,.
Lowell, Mas.
" Ciunorltt 1 t'.io ben iwuo-ly for children rf
Vnlch 1 am acquainted. I hojw tl. ilsy In ot
for distant when mothers
Intern of Oielr children, and use Costerla in
stead of thevarlousquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, bjr forclm; opium,
morptina, toothing syrup and other hurtful
ojait down their throat, thereby seudlug
Uium to preiaalure gravot."
Dr. J. F. Kixcheloi,
Oonway. Ark.
The Centaur Company, TT
Albany -:- Nurseries.
Wo .ronttOThur i . il(,n lh6 flllMt ,
"" '1 .l-:r..l,l ri.liM,
Ui. btiuo.
"" "' .! I il.r tl,l. .,.
'ir' tr&O.
- a. .1
t-TSii.,-.,.. r , , ,t ,.,
Mh "' ' '"' .r.ivil'. ,1 A.!,,v.
R E A D.
feel confident we can save
-s- -:- Oregon
11 Catorla li to ell ailnptet! to obf.ilrea thai
I rtsininieii. I: l .wiiorita' tuany prcaeiplks
kuuwn to me." ....
IT. A. AiicriKR, M. D.t
lit Ta. 0f"r I ; t., llrucklyii, N. T.
" Our fhyr-'vlua 5 'hillren'i il-p
ment ).. . t.i-hly of tLcir ip.Tl
race l.i tlwlr uuUe i-r-oi . ii w.t:i CaAjrin,
and bl'Jiui:i.'h wo oi.'.y h..e aiuoig w-r
nicdetU cuollei vh-ii 1 kion u tv'jl.r
produciH, yl we am free to ooufcM tliat the
merlta of Castorla hn won U4 to Iwjk vl
favor upon It."
Cmtsd nJrtTAi. kd Plpr.ikf,
jjorcon, y.tM a Surra, Pi.,
Murray 8tr.ot, Jtcv York City.
! in in ini'Tn
Highest of all in Leavening; Tower
1 Powder
oi tv in;.! f.t trii! .)vvt;vrn
There will be a diMiinci tic county con
vemion licld m Hie com; house in Aluarv
on Tuesday, March Hih. io o'cloc'h
a m, to nominate ciinduiates for county
olrices, to elect lf delegates to the State
convention anil to transact nucli other
buslnvsn as may pruperly come before the
conveiUl;n i'rimnry lncetinja will be
he'kl nt the usual places of volinp in the
cveral prrcinc's on Sutunby, March jlh,
l8oj, at i o'clocW p in liy ui'.anttTiO1.
vote of Hie corninitlee It was recommend
eil that the vive voce n tlevn of vutint; be
adopted by the next convention sofarai
it may apply to the nomination of candi-I
dates. The several prechirts-are entitled
io ueiryateR an toiiow-R:
Central Albj..y
Cia fordhville.
East Albany . . .
Fox Valley
Franklin Jiulte
.5' Rock Crc
.4 Swtet I lome. . .
.3 .Sodaville
. 4'.ShelUiirn
. 1 Svracuie
Jordan 4 S Hrownsville. .
Brownsville. . .41S Ilarrisbuig. . .
N' Ilarrisbuig 4'S Lebanon
l.eDanon 4 Ijnacnt
Orleans ijWaterloo 3
Price 4Wcbt Albany 4
Total delegates, tot.
All voters withoul regard to former pol
ilical athliations, who favor an honest
economical administration of public affairs
so as to conserve the Interests of the
masses as agalnt the monopolistic tend
ency of the dav, ate cordially Invited to
join In taking part hi ihese conventions.
J J Stitku, Chairman piotem.
I - DYE - TO - LIVE.
Albany Stem Dya Works,
O.J. lendqli,Ijfopiieto.
Clothing C'lrancd, Colored and Repaired.
latltcK thawfs unci Ores lnods a
specialty .
I'adc.l clothing restored to Its original
color, to look like new.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give Me a Call.
Work called for and delivered.
Opposite Parrlsh's Brick.
For sale by
Albany, Oregon.
TTie succens of thin Great Cough Cure li
without a parallel in the history of medicine. '
AUdrugptsta are authorized tosU it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test t hat no other cure can
successfully stand. That it may become
known, the Proprietors, utnn enormous ex
pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free Into
every home in the United States and Canada.
If vou have a Cough, Bore Throat, or Bron
chitis, use it, for it will euro you. If your
child has the Croup, or Whoopiup Cough , use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread
that insidious disease Consumption, use It.
Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE,
Price 10 cts. , 00 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs
are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous
Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug
gist and Dealers.
l th. nniler-ivTtipd asniirne of t'ie
eaia'e of Cyrus Htcl for.!. Insolvent
debtors, will sell xl pubi.; Miction on
Saturday. Moicli 10th. 1MJ2, ki 10 o'clock
am. at t; niH Flfliford's scwmlll,
giluMed bnut It) ni-ie .oiitbt ot Sci",
Or., ell the pprme proimtv belo;gntf
to me aDnis n.MUHii psi'iin mv csrw.
consiHtirK of ono fi".-c'Hs, tesm aaw
mill aud tixture-, 40 hers- power encine
mill all ci muiote and i.e r.v -H-od "-w
in a ur" f'O.tion, ore ''i-r iH .-.o-r. I il.OOtl
leet u'lu'iil-er of vari.-u-1 iti,b,-e. rtl thou
sand feet of ln-i in pocd. 'm.p . I .tune m i.
chine one BuMuim w;irerwr,, .3') 'o;:!,, tor i
as r.ew, abrlit 40 'te c-l .Ml'iit.-, or e care
gevr, two pair tl.i'i;--, t-nr.ik.- ofw. tk
oxen, yokes, ciiii'f, ic. J ,? s ot ,ale,one-
hsi'f cash in hat'il, ba'-'inre or till dnv time.
J li 1 KKI'Y.
Pohtollioo, Scic, Or, Assicnee
Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Ii. f itlnn. ltnura'-.tiiriii2 Hulmrli or rrl
l.ind -.tlrfiiily a tray Itill(or slo.tluo.fN)
I'rr .Mi.iiKi.
It a well known fact t!mt a mar.u
f.'icti.ry. employinsj i:ilnr, no matter
v. !,ete yiiuated, is the niiclens c.f u city.
The I'leater tliu mimber of employiM-B,
Die Krcatcr the prosjicctive city. The
Kruiin itnn v,-oikH of German',', summit
n city of tlo.OOO ; tlie l'lillinan, i'ulac.o Car
Co, ol Pullman, 111., a city of 12,000.
Omviyo, (iret-'on, is in its infancy. ioJhv
t!ie Cretron Iron & Steel Works, and
other industries, make a pay roll cf
t42,0(K) n month. With an increase iu
the manufacturing output, the city in
creases in population. Population in
creases values of real estate; therefore
Oswego offers today, to the careful in
vestor, the very best field for investment.
Oswego is only two miles outside the
limits of Consolidated Portland. It has
wicuji nam nciviuo ui ox-t CCUIB u ino,
and eight trains a day ; also six steanV I
B . . '.. ...... ,
poats each way on tne Mllamette.
Oswego is a beautiful site for a town,
Uewego lias a splendid 2,400 water power,
which is olTered to manufactures for a
term of years free, and land with it.
Oswego has pure spring water in pipes
over the town. Oswego has a beautiful
lake where the pleasure-lovere of Port
land wilt Boon establish a summer
resort. Property values in Oswego will
advance rapidly and permanently ao its
future is founded on the development of
the favorable location for manufacturing.
Lots in Oswego invite the home-eeeker.
Lotssoldon easy installments of $10
down and $3 a month. Ask the pub
lisher of this paper to show you a plat of
Oswego, or address a postal card to
Bortbwick Dotty & Co., 71 Alder Btreet,
Portland, Oregon.
It is actually economy to drink lieeeh's
Tea. Bfiug Ab-olutely pure, it ,s much
stronger tha i the artiticldl teas, about oco
thud lens of it, oratout twenty grains, b
I'jrttj nirsd per cup. As there arc 7,6oP
grains to a uo'ini, tlinre will be seen to be
between three, virl four hundred cupl to the
pound As it is hut 60 ocntB per pound.
this is at the rate of about one fifth of a oent
per cup. For rale r.t A'tn Br.
W W Davis is o"r in hareof the Del-
umiilco r.-atsurant. Meals iifjcoutB. L stern
oysters freih. Eer thing "
At Med', the jewelers, is a good p'sce to
buy - tilled wa'eh.
When Baby w&a sic, wo gave her Castoria.
When she was a ClilM, she ried for Cnstona.
When sh became Hits, kUo Cunft to rasM-la.
Vhcn die bad Children, she gave them Castors
Juht rceivotl new and opaaed.for rutnil a
C'i5 Browne.'U thf follo-iou-
Cliow Cliow.
(Joolfiuu Moluf?s,
1'ickif in vin?Ka,
I.ilt Merrinii, whitr- tifh,
Suit pivtn.'n.
A liUe itnck ;f pranim; sheiM an i piu i-
ini; ii'n.k, the fines, made, jnut r ceivcd at
Siewart i SoxY Now i tI.h tiu uo
May I have nio of our jtocfry trade
this uioiitc.. If mi', h no". 1' . A.lcu.
The Del, arte c'iracts and Dc'sarte waist-
fui-i.Kh the bail, ot dre.s reform tenrims
towards artistic and hygienic dressing. Tl.ey
secure contort, development and grace.
Indies, who wiah to examine Uolnr'e goons,
should address th. sjent who will call with
samples, take paius in mcssu'ing Slid
guarantee peifeot tit Ni trouble to ehow
itoods even thouiih no iinler is t.K..n aii Mrs A M, box 60, Albany,
Orcgoa. Aieuts wanted.
WILL YOU with Disprpsia
nd l.iver complaint? Hhifoh'r Vitaljjur is
giaranticd to cure you.
Wit HAT. 80 CENTS.
Oat. SO " "
Butter, 2 .mnt. pur ft,
Kjrg" 15 o-nts por
"otatoen, ! .mu p"r bushel,
Ird, It Hi 12 o"nt-t p-r lb,
Bno-n Hatn.. 13 owl,; si 1-,.-, 11 or.t;
hojlders, 9 ents.
Beofon font. 2 2'i eent' nor lb'
P.rk. dressn l, n cents ier tb
. . F6 tor bvirrol.
Apple. 51 ce-nti
A pies drid f levibwl 5fa7.-j sun ilrle-.,
P'um", dried, ifiijin nor it,
Chn ken", ' OlKSlI 01.
Mutton. '3 an I 51 ir boa-1.
(iranuln'e I mi? tr, HH ei its- ex'.M C
li ecnls.
io4N as itTHM:
Local Building & Loan Associations
are great institutions for the upbuilding
of cities ; hut tho Nationals are terrors.
The follow ing editorial from the Ran
Francieco Examiner will he of local in
terest :
The report of the Bank Commianioners
011 the National Huilding and Loan As
sociations of the state makes a had show
ing for those associations. Coming, as it
doen, on the heels of the failure of one of
the largest of the national buildiugand
loan associations of Minneapolis it will
he apt to destroy the public confidence
in that form of enterprise.
The building and loan association has
proved a wonderful aid to home building.
Through the influence of the associations
Philadelphia, in which they have long
exi3'"d, has become a city of homes.
'Hie larger pait of the residents own the
hotif-csi'i which they live. Chicago in
bein,- built up in the fame vay,and San
Francieco has followed the other cities of
' ire country in reaping its benetits.
I The profitable tiaturo of these associa
tions interested capitalists a few years
ago and Ecjieiueti were, formed having
something oi the same features and bear
ing tho wime name, capital being furn
ished at the start nnd the shareholder
having practically no voice in the man
agement. Salaried officers conduct them,
loans are issued on somewhat different
principles, agents are kept in the field
and the corporation becomes a mixture
of savings bank and building and loan
association, with the methods of a big
life insurance company
The result ban not been as lavorable to
shareholders as in the small associations,
where the business is under the eye of
all concerned in it and every ono knows
his associates, ihe expenses 01 aumin.
.... , . , - i .1 .
"n- are insignificant in the
lui. 1 nmamvollnnfl hfipnma larcro in t IIP
corporation. One of the California cor-
year were if 1!), 001.51 on a business of
f.'S4,000, but there is between $20,000
and $28,000 unaccounted for in the report.
Another showed gross earnings of $3,364
and expenses of Si5.6i9.5ti, leaving a de
ficiency of f 3,2S5.50. Another company
paid $lo, 47.07 for expenses in six
months. Others show a similar state of
The Hank Commissioners do not mince
heir language in giving their conclu
sions. ' Strictly speaking,'" tuey say,
"the national building and loan associa
tions of California are apparently organ
ized and conducted for the benefit of the
managers.whose promises to their patrons
are very vague and whose methods are
Look Herb a Moment. I have some
of the choicest residence lots in Albany
fcr sale, terms so reasonable that anybody
can buy and own a home of his own by
paying a small payuie.U down and small
monthly payments thereafter until all Is
paid for. For further Information catl at
the office, corner 2nd and Bradalbin Sis.,
opposite Democrat office.
Da G V M astos
A Siioh Item. S K Voting has just re
ceived a large tock of shoes, for men,
women and children, including particu
larly a fine line of school shoes The
best makes in the market can be found
in bis shoe department.
Mokbt to Lux. I have muuey in
sums of $500 to S20.000 to loan on iui
proved farm lands in Linn and Benton
counties, nt lowest current rales. No
delay in furnishing the money.
Real estate Agent, Albany, Oregou.
CATARRH CURED, he-ibh uwi swell
breath Mourei by Si.iloh's CnU' ili Itemed y,
Price, 50 c-rU. Natal li jeclor free.
Writtni to GstThem. When wanting
.n orgr.ii or plaro call on Sc
lodge a here you ean stl-ft from a
hVst class stock.
E W Acfctaon 4s Co hat'.-llu vi.- lehrated'
I'orihnd ccnunt wulla for :' ry lots.
Their wab can be furnisiud at. h'iit the cost
of any otllf at d are Urauperi'.,
TiiAT MACKINO lOUf.H osn he io
quicklv cil-e.l by Sliil ih s 0i e (vuai.
sn'pe it
W'tli hi- n"v hskeiy Cauad Meyer i.
,hU to oife'-' M ni in- casti mera every
thiu !i. .tc im in hik .1
SHII.Oli S C0U4 and Con.uirption
Cure is i'd ii us on a guarmtee. It curea
oniu npti i .
Brnnohitisi a null nely relieve ! by Sahib's
SH1L1H ' S'lTALItTER is whst vo.
nied fcr C -i-'it atioo, Los. ef 4pp-itite,
D'zainf. a 1 all ayinptoma of Djspepsla.
Prioe 10 an ' 7 ) cents por Oottl..
MlU.ICth liMlll
Tie pleasan' flivor.centle aition and sooth
ing ftfeuts .Snii of Fig-, v hen iu nei d
of a laxative, and if the lather or mother be
costive or bt'iour, the most gtatifyiug re
sulta follow its us-., so thst it i. the best
family lemedy known and tv,ry family
should haTe a bottle.
IP rM '
ft u
T)fi in lmUons of Homes 40 Yea-s ?tancl
Ikubols seated.
Washington. March 3. In the senafa
'lie consideration of the Idaho election casa
contest was resimuil. t;rav addressed tho
body ui support of I liagett, the contestant.
tliggins ai'irued in favor of t ie maiontv
report and Stewart r)okfi in behalf of Cla
gett. Jlitcliell closed tho debate with a
sieech in favor of Iiubois and the voting
begun. The question on the minority reso
lution, in favor of (. lagf'tt's right to a seat
H'iit was decided in the negative, yeas, 7;
nays, .. The yeas were: lleorge, Gorman,
Harris, h'vle. Monrnn. Pasco and Stewart.
The majority resolution, affirming the right
"i iuihoi to a seat, was men adopted; yeas,
.."; nays, 5.
A 'liur-b Itlovru
Y.u.kxcia. March 3. Great excitement
was occasioned tmlay by the partial success
ful attempt to wnrk a place of worship
with dynaniito. People r. siding in the vi
cinity of the church of St Nicholas, one of
the prominent churches of the city, were
imt'.ii alarmed by a terrible explosion which
cached buildings to vibrate ami windows to
rattle, and in Mine instances tofali to pieces.
Investiiration showed that a bomb had ex
ploded within the edilice and wrought much
destruction. A large breach was made in
one of the walls of the church and the. ultir
of the Virvin wrecked. Costly ornament
w ere lying in a heap of ruins.
.1 Coal lumlae larcil
London March 3. The action of the
miners in announcing that tliry would go
on a strike on the 12th in it. and the rapid
rise in the price of coal following that an
nouncement, is leading to a panic. The
cold weather, which has led to the con
sumption of a larger qtiantityof coal than
usual, continues to prevail, and this fact
has caused the alarm to become great ?rthan
would otherwise have been the case. No
one knows where the advancing prices will
stop, and consequent ly everybody is anxious
io iny in enougn coal now to carry tnem over
a two weeks' strike.
A Had Han Lynched.
Ca iho. 111 March 3. La&t night 200 men
from Maiden and Bloomfield, Mo, descend
ed on the jail here. They took Amos Mil
ler troni the jail and hanged him to a con
venient tree. The body hung until about
9 o'clock. Miller was the desperado who
assisted in killing Mayor Cooper and Mar
shal Sprinkle at Dexter last Saturday. He
was arrested at Maiden T ii -day anil was
taken back to Dexter. Mil! -v was a very
bad man.
A M'illnniette Improvement.
Vashinotox, March 3. Senator Dolpi,
reported favorably today, from the com
mittee on commerce Senator Mitchell's bill
making an appropriation for the establish
ment and maintenance of ranges of lights
and buoys on the Willamette river between
the cities cf Salem and Portland, Or, and
submitted a written report showing how
important it was for navigation that this
bill should pass and these lights be put in.
Store Trouble Feared.
New Youk, March 3. The Herald's
montevideo special says: "In all tho cities
of the Rio Grande great opposition to the
Brazilian government is reported. Three
thousand men are said to be in arms ready
for action."
Iloiirsly Is tln-;iici;rollc
This is a pttent medicine advertisement
bat your nr'ntui.-.n the moment may save
yon much f.iiOeiicgaK veil as rr.ouoy.
We cut? il-at couch
We cure that tickling.
We i-ioe li:.t lisckiitg.
Wt cu.e ?hat thrott .
We cU'-e Croup.
W- cir Bronchitis.
We cure Im Grippe Ooufth.
We help yon to sing and , peak.
We ari i.ui the S. B. Lozenges.
We are a pleasant Cocch Syrnp.
We arr put in 50 Mid 75 eent botlles.
We are tl e 5i B. Cotmb Cuie.
Guaranteed by Pohay & Maaoc.
Itelti blc and Alwajsitho ftuui.
Braudntt I,'. Pills are the oldest, v-fest and
best blood puriliir and p irtative known.
They are purely veg-'tut le, therefore hurm
leea. Tcr-y are aiwavn Ihe same aud always
produce .te sanie elfi-ct. Othnr purgatives
requir- i i-.r. a.ed dn-e.s and finally cease
.ictlnu'vo'he.. A Couise cf one nrtwo
of Briii-i'i- .'. Pills Isl'eu cicb niyht ia a
postttv en e ior co mtip'tioc, heetauue aucl
all biltiuis dinordvrii. If ymi eai,'t tske
take them p) .ii , i:t t them t-cgai coated.
ILvrnkss, S,ni!.tts, Ere Our orders
are pluced with eastern factories, and we
purpose putting in the most complete
stock o' goods ever shown In our line, In
the upper valley. We buy direct from
first hands f-ir cash; so guarantee to com
pete wiih Portland prices. The display
horse stands In our door opriositetbe First
National bank. f C McFarland,
See W K Uead'e hn. of
lilks before buying ei.cwhi
ib-esa gocda and
For barpain. tn nionnmentn, heaiictnies
to., go to E W Achisonft Co, Albany, Orecoo
Cotii tc Hendrlcson havi j et'ot " augar tin td li....
e rivtd a
a m
3 u
El W
E2 aiv