IM'iiN'iMtl nvory nv in tUn ct SumlHy. KriliT) Kl ' li fnvt Ollliw Ht 4Jlitiy, Or (.."III. MM. IIHX HI 1 1 Ml itUir, ' 1IOMM1. . tl IIIIKni 11). INW GOOD 33"V3i;iSI UsTGI- Anoi II eh ectiis tn 1m a J lit- K. (). 111.111 naini'il I'lSAITKAHANl-K. . -. Tills I'l il mf ills ipiii'.ii li,,, ,,,,. Ilf IVtltllfllMl KiMk: Vl'llIlL' Cllariii- Il.ilin l',.,. 11 teit.uiiV illli.-ar.-,l. u, 1m.-i.-ii iMiiilmi;.l for l C Vailiflin on fii rwiiallnii, mil Minl.iv t-ve li.ijj. I-el), rillirv I5II1, C.lllU! l:l l'l-liilli tni, '(. )lu up hi tviiiii nl Kr.(.iit k.-. f,., d ,,,!, ,,)l( mipprr 11111I bri'iilifust nt Mi-Kui-laiul's, lllu niIIM.111 SCHIlUg .,r ,. meals, fcii,,!, , inai lie nun 1.1 K Atlii-na niiil wniil.l av wiii-n 110 rimmc-il. Mine i. , ,. ini; han lii-i-n Mull r heard of him ,. lift fv.rvlliiiii; I v iu-tl l)i-hiiiil,liH'luiliii.. hit lilai kcls ami trunk, which are nt the fi-i-il vanl. No ciiu-e ran lit nssKind fr his ilhapn.-aram-i.-. He wuk a ouriK man nf nuocl linhllt, hurt a I eitlt..iliin f,,r Mi-lirii-lv ami iKinesty.uiiii mi a haul winker He hail nit .Mils ex.-ept one Kerurt-d br his Irani, anil fhi;.ni.ii.l ililhVult v timid noi have been the cause o( his leavin ' A Cmm.ii Tui.Mi.The KuKene Guard nay: Mr Joseph Knrli.the r, aii(.ilMnan, lias com inencuil work on anew c-ountv map, that will keep him husy for the next (our or rive months. The map will w about 22 lert lone, ami is feet wide. On the map will be si, own nil tltf present county anil ij-jvc rninent Kiirvevs up () Jate, all the streami 1th their tributaries the railroads ami all the countv mails- all ""i '"i" ami uit-ir addition, hr streets and blocks. Also all the different tracts of land from 10 acres up, ulvini names of owners and acreaije of their con tents. ThU map, when lii.ished, will he .MrKoclis own propertv, ard the only complete county map since iS-i?. j, Koch will Invc ,,e ,,,,-ip photo ,itl r'h. "I and fieri reduced to a convenient size tor general use. fclM.ML A VII I'tKMUAAL Mr Al Dav, of I'orlland, Is In the citv HI .. I. I . . . ... 1.11 -.11 iMies, 01 I'orlland, was in the Vlsltfi.' friendu Mr (no W Smith, ex-cliy councilman " ... mi: cuv mi-, loreiioon iMana-.T H rltsmanof the Farmer, and, is insurance Company, went to - Mil Mil 111)1)1), CoiintV Aski'kw.r If y U'llli ..... . . , .' ; 'J 1 i.uNh returned i l l wie con veil l ion fte(i Ml J Orillltlil. II Mil I,. I.I this noon. Sheriff Smtt urn. 1, ll... i.Ii .... 1.1. ..... . . .. - -"y r .- ins v 1 it .iriinn.i ll... t'iv .iiniiiL' ine week he t-r.ll. ...t , ''M' aymenta are rather slow ne tola :-o .-el... ... 11... -. -.. , he left I,,- ., ' ' i"'.)' looay "'"'r K,-I'"'''ly the Oregon . , v.n i 1 oriumi tins noon. He IC.HTIS WOIK lei'lin rn tl. ... am. e;ave the Imerestinjr information that that timbers Hie. r.. .1..... 1. ..1 t. t... . ...... nutn inner- f lit Kneed thill li 1...1 1 .1 ., . , h w'eii uuwn ine nay they shoved the lug nearly till the way. Kc'V V 'I Chfintll'in ..I I. , . . ...... w. 1,IIM,IJ Liiiiii:ri-nce orineriyol Ureuoii, and who Is well miown in this Hnlc, has been elected fin ancial ami endowment agent for the unlvetsity. .Mr Chapman comes wel' recommended and has done iron:! work IKI lit l AIIIKIAIt Lout in hori'. Tiiiro am Hir.ViM.ju n....tJ : .1.. . . .. lor the inuiith nf M .t,.l, rt.... i 1 . meet relief ell. -......... Two mom pr ln..Iu,r i . nrnvtd imtinlav. hn...,;,,,, ... rt.;..... i u V. s A lare audiunce witin-HMHvl "She" nt t Home I presented hv II111 l!ielio-Harb.iureiiini..iy I The aeenery van i.lsn ihmI. Thin u, .. tt.L i.i.. ;..;.. ..,,1." : . ".-V- -j i-viimj, - - t - .... ... tito .,iut .-,(, BMlherlni; clr- I Allnvy.oml thorn wlio siw it were eniicrallv he collected I """"i tlmu pleased with it. i-iiminenouie, ti.di.y itlll bo impossil.'e tnliuy naluiiiii niul ..tlier kinih of li,h until no lOtn of Th nt..,. I. i. 1 I'Ulv struiu.'iit. uu.l in,ilir ti... .i .I... ... 1 even the tfittiNiiiirLafci.1.1 .i..,..:... K..1.1. . r- ' ..ui.ju Ml line fur hnviiii. tb. 111 in tin, if l.roui-ht from ..uni l" ' The OreiMiii Suim llu. W...L. , K - u.Da, .:.i:ui flld.tlL lu .l..ii... b....!. ...... .1 i. . ' . ,. H"."l W.l' K that it fiuiia is Hpieuiltiuj throiiKhnut the valley, n iimeh su that M r Kendall has Ind to estublish a lir.'iii.-l. :it. Alh....- It ...:i. 1.. . i- .. ,, ... creilitniiio aililitimi t.. tlm limitless linns ol tnai 11 veiy city . lln t'l'inan. A fiiw flavRfti.n Mm U' W .v....rn..i .Mrs A W Marks wmu ruturuiinj home from oiiiiiiu, in a iui(. cart when their hoiao ran : n. 1 ne 1 onluml Mercury sais the wife of an Alltdii v .iofi ;,.ij.ial rrian has been In .. ci.y win. a dl. !. e, a-ij ld no' be wrii,, MWk 1 mistake, as 11 ,:nrij can he 1 :.i 11, , 1 w.r. ,.l I.... of t'-.e k!r,d. 6 A t..i: of war i . now hoIiiis on between '"'l Tac.-nna in the matter of ,;l.'raii,,n of .,itis. s.-atile rlr.lms to Save 10, -.00 on ih.- lis', and. Tacoma Is lift. 'rn. in d '1.;M,s this; but C.llir.ot do 1', we jin-tiiot. The erliior of the Seattle Post-Interi- KtiH-cr i:lmrai:ierlzr. Francis Mllard as either "a ili'maoms" or "an ass," which Kin kev; H;r niili tne 1 Fs style of journaii-'n. Miss Willard, reBardiess of liolitict, is one of the no'jltst as well a Xn Old is, "spend not all you liavtt: hf-Hov nn nil vn.i ... .11 ., - .. w ..u. noi an you know; and do not all you can." Do .,ni in-.i. r.. i.inn.i ! . i.. . ..... air.... .... U.O..U ... U IUI ...J. l S.OVeS in a confectionary store: but go to Matthews k Washburn's stove. tin are and hard ware store and examine their e.tnr.1. (roods. If this is the lini you want. If you buy you will not spend all you have; you will believe what von hear because vou CAn also see; you will kno too much to tell It ail and vou will not do all vou can htlM.Q th. On... ..... ..... ...Ill .1.. .1 .b..u,. ..... iji. mil Ul. me VtltrK and snve many a ravage expression and alile.t M. . i; ?ner::!i. : i;resi wnmcii of le present .t.l Kill i::..'S .I....U n II... V..r..n If she i.i-.iiei-.ool; to build a railroad to the moon il would eo . Journal . Yes? M Mat abiut the l alls ('j- v K I'. the Sil- veilnr. n.n'nr line, the Astoria and years , R ! pointed twi-or three . - ...... nuuj worK i "" -net i.iuir tioiau ran alon( financial lines heretofore. Journal wy "lP"K thenn out. and briiisin,; eaeh KeV Clianmilii u:.u f.,r.,,..rl.. '....i... I Iflll V Siiiiim. I. nr. ...... ...ini..!.. 'I'u. Ipily some, but not Periomdv. Thev wan. auarmg Mm Crawford's home, to which ItlaCH IllM i..nn r... I.....;.... .1 I .. k . ti ' """" tiituiiiiy short distance to walk. "v... lltl ill oil! mines 111 1 prove that the uunerH make urent mistake lit often ii.iinrinu nu..l mi; tho small veins and loads commonly ... i . .i i . .. . .. "...iti leutii.rH. "miiiik" ..p ti.nt illllotcroSS eilttimr tnnmrr. Thl.n ln..l.' ........... H v aI ,..VD uuei ui the richest sort of mineral in veil dffiiieil vet seltled on !.., -i..! i .i... i... . veins, ai been located by Mr lirown and had no ,'cll"U- ' 18 hint w"rt'' lememliorine in . ' -".r it v.uuny, 7 " nirt.niiii, as lis president a ( hantauipia Assembly; but KiriaClCOt Olllsi. e il... : . All'ChaS f'lisiet: rt'.r.,.. tt.i llOon lll.lll his I'asrn.lp. r.nnrt. II.. ported evervlhiii); serene around the iMcinu claim. J.ouls Dver, who has been accused of intiiiil.t.r M."..ini .1.1.. i. I r' K .' i.iiin, oy invitation of a larue number bad retired .mo lasen up another claim near by not E !I ,F!.-iie;, formerlv .f St Helens, where hi; edited the Mist, and later of llillsboro, where he was connected with the Independent, has decided to start a demooiitic newsf.apt r in Salem, and has ..-men a nun. iin-' mr mat purpose, it wl. take utirlriu'.ntr per6ev.rence by r lat,'ir to make a democratic paper count in oaiem. A Salem paper mvs that when "Sandy" Ultls shot hm Webber he was a rrnnl.H can, but that be e.tieiitrs from the penl- I.'VOK OlT. Kisewhere we publish extracts from an article In the San Fran cisco Kxamincron the National li.V I. ,'h of that state showini; them to be run en Inely in Hie interest of the man.-n.ers, a trap for Investors. As ibis is on the auinoriiy ot the bank commissioners it may be relied on Albany men who have put their morliy inio any" of these asx-cia lions should investigate ll.em at once. Local lluildinK & Loan Associations are a line thin); because the inembers get the benefit of the prolits, but in case of the nationals the money seems to all go to the managers. The best w.iv alwavs Is to support home institutions. You cn'n gen erally depend on being taken in will, out side imtitulions of Una character. Donation Kntkrtainmkn i . Next Friday right the Ladies Aid Society will give a donation entertainment at theO-era house, which will deserve a libe al sup port. At that time a donation of things useful for the new orphan's home will lie received, such as kitchen utensils, dishes, etc , pillows, towels, sheets, and whatever will be of use at the home. . n interest, ing program, to he published l.ereafter, will he p.-esented, and lunch of ice cream, cake, coffee and sandwiches will lie served for 15 cents. Our citizens should turn out and assist this deserving object. " St H!-.iknk!). Deputy Sheriff Scott today served subpoenas on Del Savage and Harry inquire to nn-n ar at As'oria tomorrow as witnesses in the case of the state agl Geo Smith, the darkei , who eloped from Corval U with Lillian' Young several months ago. Young Savage left on the luiiin tiaiu for the citv at the mouth of the Columbia. Jam. 11ueak.--Two prisoners escaped from Mi! jail at Roseburg yesterday. One of them was captured this forenoon at oncalla on (he brakebeam of the Port land bound express. The other had nof occn secured Ris.uvay Iniiian" Hov. This f.tie 'n Marshal Hoffman captured nn Indian hoy. who had escaped from the Wh "ol at Chemawa. il.-will be held for a si'tc mlant ot the school, who will ar rive on tonight's train. Jt is a l.ig privilege to be able !' ' K('t what vou want wlmn J. you g to a grocery more. Allen r.rot hers tu., .,..1, II. .. ., D"" " '""eiy '""' 'uey can always acconi modate their ciiHtoincrs. This piivi-n fur........ ...1 it :. - .1 t -"-."..UK nntllilll. II IL 1H " 'run season they have the gooils. - ..i,iiiiee tneir ftanua are 111 " 01 the intent and best. Their g stock 0f Btan.iurd trocerios is am ays large, of the beat to be - secured in the market. intentions of iumnl new enterprise iliere'will be a ferry near Mr dlsh'k'R rluiin tW ,.,l.(,.v, ti. i i ,.,,.t .-t "1111.11 LIIC UIU lurry rable used nt this city, will be used A Hig KKLirQKOiiARD. Animnnrtant lliing in the future growth of tills country . nut vui iruu orcnarus. J ue lollowln from the (iazetic is the kind ol manner in wmcn it must be pushed: "M Schmidt, 1 " I ' "V Vl,,lHt.MlHI IIUIUI, was over at Nashville this week where he has lare interests. lie informs ur that a syn- v..,.. vt ii Ftt7(n.-, 01 wiiu 11 ne is t member, have sixteen men nijaged in set IIIIL' (lilt an nri'hanl in rnn nm mn n seventy acres of which will be planted in 11.1.1UH .mimics, ien in uartiec pears, ten tn DeaClU'K .Hill lln ill -innlfi: M. U.l.,t.l. has alho had a town site laid off at Nash ville Miu already deposed of several lots. That section or the country U beccming mtu iur us ime iruu raisin: Willi im Mank aim Bjrr Slouitrc rnoving ti.ily fnmi the huildittg on K F Sjx'a lot.on ScodikI Street, adjoiniuj th opura hous iu urder to .'ive Mr Sox un opportuuity to bein Bicuiiiiu tu Lite .'Hctt uvery siaoie hero t.f.iM m.!iitim. l. The old buiMin will b' moved to the Third wtrd. Tlic n iul;.r nie;tini; of th All any W C T IT ...:n 1 1 1 . . . ... ' u ni nein nt ineir nan tomorrow Afternoon, Maruli t, at 2:30 o'clock. A ofd nttctidanuo rcipirtatcd and visitor mvlo Wt'Icoine. JWto Mark .Money, Kverr man is hiJal"Ter of hi8 own fortune and the Mt he reap U entirely due ti his own 'own ii t "loiisiry 11 properly Mm K ,, re not one 8eed ,hat promises uvln retu"is than saving a dollar by leptnl Brocerie, wh,;1"e JO" can nlway. Price, -ri i esl Rooll nd lowest rW, ii ou can do bv dealing with l,r8e a d 'Wh "'""J" have on ll!nd t iiicin . fiol'u ' M'll WA1N rjust. received direct ? oil I rCI0"e"i new designs in enr nhich uii , '""oltunis and window shades, 1oL. ".hewl'l reduced piices. lie is 'He. i men l'oes,in late e-'uUr prices per pa lan J',l"Rallit "' CATer:ne tn wm.ta .hotiM nut .Oal smhtnf wh I'11 tn u ,he rkt, n ,,cn furni.h . i nriwre Eener.lly ,urih them at bottom prices. ttiikws A: WASlinfRX, the stove men. 'ici 1...H. .i . t. wrirent and hi t . ln IP tnurfl .. -v Ml. 1, ... lln.H.1 I,..l..." variety hun M.tM r.c'Tiim.Nii Casiiiks. At Mnrl let's c-anily and rufreslinicnt narliira run oe m-en a line line ot their own nianu I'.ttrlulv Jloii'l. fnil It. ..;.-. . 1 ...... i.;.,l I every nay. A Stioit Ithm. S KVonnir hag jlwt re i i in ii n iiuye hhk-k ot stioi-s, lor men uonii-n niul children, inclmlinir nartii-n lariy n hue line ol school shoes The lii-.-t niakes in the market can lo found in :.: .xiioe ilepnrtinent. A h'.v , C.IIX,., Hull Knate, S'J.J Wash-in.s- ... i Sir. et. I'li-tluid, Or. NOTICE: i tlir County Court oj Linn County, Oregon In tli mailer ol t lie application of Morilz i -nursKiruiieo. ior cimngo ot name "VTOTICK IS IIEKKBY filVKN THAT j. ...11.711 ......1. t, tifli-.i-r-iiir. el.en has lilod hin petition in the Con tv ('.mil ,f l inn,..,,,,,,,. ...I.' - " ""-i'vi y- is-'i., i'lnyinj; fornn order cli iiikiiih hU name to Morilz niivm, an, i ov t.r.lOr I KAIIl COlITt, Tuday. tlieStli day or April, Ih'j hour of 1 o'clock pm ol naij day. lias lllimi flXAil H th ti. u.1 f..r II... Iiairixw nt' nnjifflioiiH, it anythern ti.i,vliv llm uppli. cation ol" Kaid pntiti-nsr .hoiild iu,t be (.'ranted. i'nlilislie i hyordir inuln by the Hon I' I! N Hlnnkbiirn, Judj; or said Court. Iliii 27lh day of February, 1K!2. In U-illlA.a Wl, 1 l.u..u 1. .. ...,u. , . C lICII'Ullll. Mtll. ItIV llllllil on. I a'IW ,.l .l. un..l n.' l l j ........ .cm oi unt . Court, this 27th dii'- of february, A I),lb92. M I' PaNYK, County Cleric of Una county. By B M I'ayio, Deputy. ASSICNFE'S SALE: OTICEIS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT enlato of Cyrus fe Pitchforil. insolvent rfulllOra U'ill Bnll at n..V.llA ....... .. , ..... ., n, , .iii;iioii oil Saturday, March lUih, ISM, al 10 o'clock a in. at Ci rua A Pitcuford's sr.wniiil, niiu-ieu buoui iu miles of 8ci", Or., all lite personal prot eity belonginir 10 mo auuvw iiHiiiHu eaiaie in my care, consisting ofono first class 'learn saw n.ill n.l tin t..r..a Jlll.A.. : .. - ...... (.... ..Avu.ur, VI ...... ltOI UUllUO, n.ill all cr.mplotti and ne-irly asood as new. i'l a niHi iiiu'iiiun, ore rturr Clllipper.ll), UUtl iaat i I,... ..r UU.:...,G b:.i. .. .i .1 and feet of ion. in pond, one Dittoing ma coiae. one uurnum water wneoi,.iu men, goon as new, about 40 feet of .haftim?, one care gear, two pair Hane., fouryoke ofuurk oxen, yoke., chair.8,itc. Turu.s of sa!p,nne- n .If caah in hand, ba'ancetio 60 duvstime. I H I'EEKY. Postoffiot, Scio, Or. Assignee ine richest sort of mineral 111 veil defined 1 cani ' lh-"' be e.riei ues from thi veins, aid frequently shnvi- up valuable I tentiary a full-fledged democrat. Il is pockets. It is a hint worth lemeiiili .riiii. in thus aop.ircnt that the ( Irei-on nenltpntinrv Will A: Stark. th jewelers. Fresh oriHii ni.t..rv ut Allut, The bftMt rotiht r.n(In in tl.u.t.. .... Jl . . ,tujf m. i. 111 ait itloyera. rfave vou tru-il P V. Altai.', ic. , why not. Have vntt fri.l that . n-.. . . - j ,....a iUa.. tii.u-.-tl Ol r l'.AIsn.. If not. whv tint. EztrS tintl CnliFtrnla .1..! 1 1 Conn Sc Hendriosoti'B. nn & llendricson's is the i.lscn tn c.i yo garden seeds and on'on sots. As ths nirni in.1t flfa. 1111'. V.i..l.l Sicilian Mnir R.n.i..r'i. . ...... . .1.. hair, ineluiliin its erowth, health, yonthful color and b'auty. It will plea.o jou. ('riililltllliiti dimly C.iiiv.iitliin. There will lie a meeting of all the pro hibitionists of Linn county on Tuesday March Htli, ISiii.nt 1 o'clock p in at the W G T T hall in Albany, for the purpose of organizing a county convention, to elect delegates to attend the state prohi bition convention to be held atlortland, March Hist, 1S!2, to nominate a county prohibition ticket, and to transact such other business as may be properly brought before the convention. All pro hibitions are invited to attend. Woll'en barger anil Huchins, the great prohibi tion orator and. singer, will also speak anil sing nt the place Monday and Tues day, March 7th and Sth nt 7:30 o'clock p 111. Admission free. AY. are invited. T 1' JIackleman, Ml'tiihpr nf Rtnta nui.trtl r.w.1.1 1.: 1 - ..- ...... .i 0111 union committee for Linn county. (t . ... ,r.s.... I.b....k.,,,ul Is a great rt'lormaiory iiin'.ituti in. Vef i-unii.-. Salem organized a kindergarten atsociation, Kccenllv an effort was started here to establish a free kindergar ten. 1 nls itlort should be continued, 'the kindergarten Is the future starting point for the education ol the masses, and nivcs the little ones ideas for future usefulness obtained 11. no other way. Let the kind ergartcn movement be pushed forward Marlon county has fallen In'o line. The Statesman says: The Marion countv farmers alhanca rr.t-t nt num.. hull terday anil held quite an interesting meet in.. ll,o,.u i,i.... . ..., ....... ..ui- ..i;iii ie-reseniaiives from many of the subordinate alliance throughout the county, The ball was set to roijmg nicely tn the matter of placing a third ticket hi the lie J this spring It seems the general verdict that a third ticket Was lira s.nn- nnrl th nllinnA .. ill now work along that line. It is likely there will b-; siale, congress! -nal and county tickets. Guirir. to CmcAiii). -'The AtMstic filli.l.- In CM.-". n.,,1 Ih. UTnrl.1.., f-l bian Exposiiion,"is the title of a new book iust cut. It tiv a concise hisinrv nf ih great city bv the lakes fiom i's settlement in 131 to the present dale. It is cmbel lishid with dozens of beautiful half tone Illustrations made from photographs, a bird's eye view of the city and a grand bird's eve view nf tne World's f tlr l-nd building. Every family should have l. 11 'IV. 1. . uuc. ..ii 11 .it inn, aeni. Al! I ind. of elimco eating and cooking applas at Allen Bros. Give Ear to Our Remarks Worth Thinking Aikh-t. Hut uordo nro things, and a small drop of ink, fall oik nue ituw upon a uioiigut, jirouucea which niakes thousands, perhaps millions, think. Tho object of this isto make you think about the subject f groceries, uonn Hendricson keep a first-class stock, at bottom prices, and as well have a fine line of crockery ware. Think about it and call on them. XO All t VIE hi (.All. A It lli-llwalli lner H.mie nullum I'rl lie makes tl.e following reductions in sngaj. for cash : 17 lbs diy granulated for 81.00. 20 lbs extra C white for Sl oo. 22 lbs extra C gulden for 81.00 . Here are mme wl.oltn.i'e prices: 100 lbs xtra C (5 4; cts. loo lbs extra C white (a 4 cts. loo lbs dry granulated Oj ct. He Hill also Sell a ve n.llnn nt nt.fla for 90 ients. May be seen tW finest stock id SI.kKPI.K.S.S N'IfJHTS m..l n,;....!.!. by that terrible couh. Shiloii's Cure is tho remeiiy ior you. AtWilUStarlf'Sn miiutumuiuu vM Bnd eilv- w atches, diamond and other rings, jew elry, silverware, &c, in the city. Alli n Brr.s always koep their customer a 1 : 1 ; lied with fresh butter and eggs. A laree lino of elegant gold watchea i asty nw trays at Will & Stark'. 1 1 See the prices.howthey go, To thrifty people there below ; Don't let your chaneeof gain go by, Catch our profits as they fly ; Freely down to you they're tossed, Without the least regard to cost. WllPtlinr its llm lo;' !. -tl .1. - i .111. ... lllv ullI,1) ,uc L1i0 pnase 01 me moo', or what not, our trade ,,-as never better. Larg trade enables us to dcerea?G nvnfttis nnrl plnn,. nmfih. mot. m 1 - ...s... ..,.,. i;iwinu jiiUAt lower prices. Here's some specialties:) New Spriug Suils from .10 lo KO. Aow ,Siring Ororcoats from v!0 to S20. Men's While Standard Sliirfs, A 1 Quality, tl 11 orld Heating Saitsfor bovs, only a few left, $!. See Onr Conr CMii Mr. It'll Mm In T. L. WALLACE & CO, "The Leading Clothiers.1' On the Corner, Albany. Oregon, V havo ulroadv received a larf ami finn l!n3 ,.r - , C . ii... lliiu Kfl fllntlliriff Fft Ml. l.ntill.n n.1 t. ...... 1 i i . .1 1 -'u"u,ib men, j iiuiiig -.iiu uup, luiusi styles aiiuin season, which we wish you to see. This includes some nanasonie suns made specially to frder from Albany lir.-t... nt:ii i -i i .." . .. .. tt uoiea niiii goous, atreaay aiiraciing attention. U'a ni'.i slnuinrr AiitU'Infui. i..i,lB ni i.. . 1 . w v wiw..ii vwu " liuwi wwvm Sb uut IHUKe TOOm ...l,:i. ....-ti ii.. im nvn (juutio, n win ,-uiiiiiiuitny arrive. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF AP VTOTH K IS IlKKKItV filVKN TMAT 1 is lllMlrntltriKHi lis ir'i;ii wuy niiiniiinfu tne cuniy finirt f.-r 1 inn iiiiitv, Ori'irm, adiiiiniftmtdr f the etatiif m A '.t'(tacil, lale ot Uiin n ititv On von. All IM aoiift hnvltlL' cl.ltllfi ttraitist .:.!.! e-tte are hcrcliy not'flcl tn ini-ul tlu-m imp crly vrritlcil to th uinl'rii.riietT nt Ii if resilience at North Salcni, llarinn county. Origin, i:hin ix iiu' till l:itc, Aw nil 'frfinii indohtpd ( Ail cut Atti nr hervhf ntiflel tu ia tho ianio to tlia iinler"l7l ininilintely. lated I titTUtr? uttii, C F flroitnK. Til.vr.f Fi'Rn, A'lr.iinUtrator of said Mtntt . Tim I I1 Mum iiVmm in BLani n i ani I'd tv u m iMimmmmi.immwif u i k u am1 sua m wmm jwmmo, w Tin: i.EADixa clotiiiehs, At TJios. Brink's Old Stand. Clll B SECIHE WKMIIS BUM THERE IS A C BIKE F. L. Kenton, - TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, ftDd a efinrni ncr. " Ullf III Ol f v.uiiiCI (miuios irotn M.50 to $4 tr tor fiooo. We carry a large line ui 5x0 ana neresccplc views of fir. THE I.EADIXG PIIOTOUKAPIIERS, gon. Stuilio In Kroman', BImV . nut tn Vn.r.i.1. T ... ... " 'i. i.iruu.- - . v uijnc,r irsi atrc Need a Watch? I have all kinds, at all prices and every watch fits the price. But nrir.n is nnt everything in wateli-buying; RIIAHAMTFFn RIIAIITY is tlfo first thin". I traarantce warl ing to their tiiality; and quality make the price All kinds all qualities all prices. F. M. FRENCH. A BIG STOCK :- of -:- Bab- :-: Buggies, bestarrtment ever bronK!.t to Albanj,, juoi UlClVeu lit Stfqi't Sox's. . Sec I he Fnggics and Get I'ricfs. LAEGESl -:- ASSORTMENT. OF HEATING STOVES. 1 1 f ST u i K It-' 5. n rs; Il i il f AT I tsn Att fur Atimialdtrator. T 1 ( ('ill! ,'tVlln Ptnn -bjick, English