FALLACY AND KOI'HISTUY I'PAOIOV AllLE. From whatever ttandpolnt the Ortgo nian makea an attempt to defend the cause of protectionism a.id McKlnlevlsm it It compelled to resort to false premises and sophistical reasoning In order to make a case. It Is now disgruntled because Srtng er proposes to make a reduction in the duties on woolens of only one-clghth lower than Mills in his bill provided (or. That Is Springer proposes to reduce the duty on woolens from 91 to 3S and Mills proposed . to reduce from 67 to 40 per cent. The Oregom'an knows that it is no consequence at all what reduction Springer proposes to make compared to the reductiou that Mills proposed, for the Mills bill never be came a law, but U of the highest and most material importance as to what reduction the Illinois chairman proposes to make as compared with the McKlnlev bill which became a law. McKinley put the duties on woilens at 91 per cent end on wool at 41 percent. McKinley raised the duties on woolens from 67 to 91 per cent and on wool from ,S to 4 1 per cent. thus practical ly setting up the claim that the difference in the rate of protection between the two should be 50 per cent. He thus showed much more favorllsrn for the manufact uters than Springer who proposes to make the difference but 35 per cent. In all its arguments the Ore?oian persistently Ig nores the largest of all the classes of peo ple who are affected by the imposition of a protective tariff upon impotted goods. We mean the consumer. It assumes that its readers are ignorant of the plainest principles of the protection question, and we are constrained to admit that there is much reason for this assumption if they depend upon the lessons taught them from time to time in its columns. It complains that Springer's plan Is one sided and therefore robbery. If both sides are to have a part of the swag then the Orcg-o- fiian would regard It as not robbery, thus ignoring entirely the enterest of the con sumers, the great masses who foot the bills. If it be one sided for Springer to make a difference of 55 per cer.t in favor of the woolen manufacturer, how much more sided was it for McKinley to make a difference of 50 per cent in favor of the manufacturer. It is all folly; there is no sound argument to be made in favor of protectionism and no better evidence of the truthfulness of this statement can be found anywhere than that furnished in the tariff articles that appeared in the columns of the Oregoiu'un during the year. ! of lSSt -5 The paper was then conduced j in a difnteresttd and frar.k manner. It is different now. ATTACK IN I'KTA 11 The policy c attacking the tariff i di tail '.'.a.? met the approval of the whole edu cated democratic press. It gives promise of accomplishing somo-t'ling- of reform at a time when no reform can lie accomplished in any other way. It is therefore a practical policy, and it is oppos ed only by those impnieticaUes who care more for theoretical "issues" .tln.in for tin; actual Ofcomplisliment of results. Now that Jlr David A Wells, who repre sents tariff reform imtuixe.1 with party pol itics of any kind, litis written 11 letter to Mr Springer approving the policy of attack 1:1 detail, perhaps the iinpracttcahles will graciously consent to think a little ahout the matter before further condemning the programme as tin uhandenment of reform. A WASHINGTON DKMOCKAT S OPINION J-A Kulm, Washington's member on the democratic national cominittei'.who returned home from a meeting- of the executive com mittee, says drover Cleveland will not re ceive the democratic presidential nomina tion. He bases his opinion upon the minute observations which he made at various po litical centers he visited during his eastern trip. He says the selection of Chicago us the place for holding the democrat ie nation al convention wasan anti-Cleveland victory. It means that u western man will receive the party's nomination for president, and that man will be General John M rahner. Palmer will go into the convention with the unanimous delegation of Illinois, Mich igan and Ohio nt his hack. In his opinion the second place on the ticket will go to Governor William K Hussell, of Massachu setts, which state the democratic party think is debatable ground. David 11 Hill will have the solid New York delegation, but outside of a complimentary vote will not lie '"in it." Had not tirover Cleveland written the anti-silver letter at the time when his partvs minority 111 congress was on record favoring free coinage, he might have captured the prize. Kuhn, while Chicago secured quarters for the delegation from this state to the democratic convention at the Palmer house, a parlor and four sleeping apartments having been rented for four davs at 12 a day. The democratic itate central comniittveJmeetR February 29 at Tacoma to fix the time and place for holding the convention which will nominate delegates to the national convention of the party. OKLAHOMA IS KOU CLEVELAND Guthrie, O. T., Feb. 5. The Territor- al convention for electing delegates to the democratic national convention will be held on May 17. The; committee stood for Cleveland, 2 for Hill and 1 for boies. RED 11KKR There were 14:3 divorce cases in Scotland 1st vear, as against 110 the year previous. Sixty-three of the actions were brought by husbands and 80 by wives. Painting. MUs Nellie Richards will organize a class in painting on the 1st of March. A good opportunity for superior in Unctions For particulars call at her residence at Cth and Jefferson streets. The Eighth Sekiks. Seriei No. S, of the Albany Huildlng and Loan Associa tion will b? opened on February 19th. Ap plication for.stock will he received by the secretary, lay ' Blain. l'aiker Bros, grocers. F. M. French keeps railroad time, liny your grooeri'is of 1'a.rkur Br4 Apple psrers f.r sale at Stewart & Soirs. Kiae grooeriea at Conn & Hrodricson'a. Latest sheet niuaie at Will & Link's. New cream cheese just leeeived at Conrad Moyers. C W Cobl, job printer, Klinn Block, does first class work.j K W Aeliison &Co are selling nionunicuta at Portland prices. The finest line) of pocket kuives iu'tlie city at Stewart & Sox's. Stewart & Sox sell the very best f stent tempered shears and scissors. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. J. W. Rentley, leadin I boot and shoe maker, just cast of Rwere House. Go to C W Cobb, successor to Paisley & Sniile, Hum Hlnck, fir ycurj b printiug of all kinds Dr M H Kilis, ' 1 hysician and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made ,lu eit 'or country. MRS. GRAHAM'S People. J. V. 8. is flit only ParsftpHrlll.i that c! 1 or feeble pooplf bliouM tuLf, as tin i;-.i:.en;l j.i-tash wbicli is in every otlu'rarsntirllia Um'. . c kmnr or, in 11:1110 r certain t-ondiU :u Lu m:i t be emai'Iat lug. J. V. B. ou the rontiniy in j.-irel vegetable cnI Miniu'ntefl dijsium :,! ctrn;e. new blooil, t!io very thkn f..r ulU, i.vlui or broken iltiwn i-eI ti. It bulltl tin-m ft. .4 prolongs tlicir lives. A case in irin;: Mr. J'rli'cn on estimable nnA elilr!y la ly o! 513 M.I-.0 J L. !. 1". T.-a for 111 rHhs tlti'Huin,: bo rIit!iy n:t to seriously o'tirm . er family. It got inbuilt.: at she was Until ly u-luti-d with fnlutiug ffclls. the writes: "WUilo i.i t'.iut tliiii'Teroua com'.Iiioii I tnw sumo it tlio testimonial! con cerning J. V. . umUent for a bottle. Thai marked the turn In p;iut. I revalued my lout tlesh and BireuRth and huvo not felt no vrell In years." That wns two years nst and Mm. Deldeu is well and hearty to-tky, and mill taking J. V. 8. If you arc old or feeble and want to be built up. Ask for KwilaHting! v in F K Ailea. If no, why n. See W F Reail'a liae of rlreai g.iCiU and N K Y A I) V K RT I S IS M 1 N T S. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. The horror with which President Harri son recently profe ised to regard (foriinand crs lias now a chance to express itself in practical fashion. Ohio is a close state. Under any fair conifressional apportion ment it would hn represented ly a pretty evenly dividtnl deleiratioii. IJt'.t the repuh liean sensite has jupt passed a frnitesipiely unfair t;en-yiiianilcr, hy which to secure fifteen reptihlican districts to five democrat ic and one doulitful. When the democrats of Ohio gerrymander the state in democrat ic interest the' H'orW protested against tlie wrong and injustice. Has Mr Harrison the courage to enforce his recent proclamation of holy horror for gerrymanders in general by uttering a warning and rehukc t) his partisans in Ohio concming this gerry mander in particular? A word from him might stop the outrage. Will he speak it? Or is his objection to gerrymanders confined exclusively to those that benefit tho demo cratic party? WARNER & CRASOIt Lessees and Mano;en Friday, February 19th, Tiik Elite Event cF the Season. Tbat Peerless Emotional Actress, Aaude Gi'ansei', Suppsrted by Sir Clarence HundynMo nnd her vn select com pan r, innler tlio diioction Mr V M Wilkinson. Appeirttifr in her famous nils of "Cora," In her own dramatlo nion of Rolots musterwork, "LWnicle if," ontitlel, FHE CREOLE." " T7ANTI.'D A (.irl U lo general V liouse.ork in a small fain! y, Jn ruiro at Mtore of Kl iu liros. "1 OST.--A vMiab'fl p ir of ntol eyo li K'asK6-?. The flmJor will o infer a favor by returning them to W H Iee. Now that Blaine has written that long-looked-for letter of declination, the trutli about the stale of his health Is beginning to be known. Stories told last summer that his mind was affected to the extent that his memory was weak used to be pooh-poohed, but now the Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer W C Mcliride, who has long been an ad mirer and supporter of Hlaine, writes: "I called on Senator John Sherman a his home in Washington one niyjhl last week, and he Informed me that President Har rison had told him personally that the whole burden of the Chilian affair had been borne by himself and Secretary Tracy, and that during the whole trouble iilaine could not remember what had taken place two d.iys before." Orrt'onuin. A Lowiston (Mi-) rnMichinnn. while hunl intf tin1 rabbit an iirtii lc of food, dcliv ered himself ih follows: "You takf one rablrvet ;nnl skin him. aii'l I ju-t lief havoa ch'n :;en. Th. Kt-llo fin-- re :;:v -'' -.i'.v:uili-; rt 1 tin 1 ti I' V.r-I.inj;ton. villi ;i !'. 1! ! .-paeity of IJlAV-.l 1-v'.. 4 7 -.N rrr er lo do poneral V housework. Call Rt residence or office of Ir U W M&ston; SN. STEELE A CO., Albany, Oregon. Ijohii money on cood roal estate security in Linn and adjoining counties. "tV"ANTKI. Highest prica paid for f f hiuea at the chair factory, Albany, Oregon. ANNUAL MEETING. NOTICE ii hereby given that the annnnl ineellnir nf the stockholders of tho Albany HuiMinc Aisoeiation will be held at the nfllce of W C Tweedale, on Ferry Stieei, In Albany, on Monday, March '21t, 1S92. at 7:3d p m.for the elec tioti of directorn, anil such other bnslne-sij as may eome before the meeting. Dated Fob l2-.li, J. JOSKPK. W C TWKKDA I.E. Secretary. President. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. "VTOTICK IS IIKHEI1Y (if VKN THAT thorn w ill ho a nicotine of tho Mock holderti .if the d ) Follow Hull Ituil-iin ANHooiation heid t thoir".n,,e in Albmiv. Oregon on Motulny. the Mth day "of March, 1S2, at the hour ol 7 o'clock p in ot said day, for lv imrpn- e of electing jteven direct ir t f. rvo for t lie eninmr VHr and tor tiio traiMaciion of unyoihor misincs th it hi, iv cjmo bcfoio s;iu iiiectinvr. Tliis tlir "-:ti th.v ff .TrtTiuwrv. I'J, v C'l W KKiVXLK, K A lAHiiKir, I'resi ;i-nt. 'cr-tsry Joy Most inoilcrn, most efTcctlve, Ramc prlco, J 1.00. six for Jo. 00. FOR SALE HV- STANARD & CUSICK Vegetable Sarsaparilla largest bottifc ALBANY NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. NOTICE is hereby viven that I. or rr.v Dejjutv, will meet thf lax-imveia of Liup county, Ort(io.i, at 9 o'clock a m and remain until 4 o'c'ook p m.at tbeir resncctive iiIucbk of votinc in tho several precincts, at the fol lowing tnn.is ODd puces for the purpose of ollcctragthe tar.es for the ve:rof 1S91: U.ick Creek, Monday, Fehiu .rv IS. 1S92 Fox Valley, Tuesday, !-eb 10, 1S92. Jordan. tVcdnesday, Pel) 17, 1S'J2. Scfo, Thurs-dav, Feb 13, 1S9J. Franltli ) B-itt'e, Friday, YA 19, 1S92. Shelburn, Saturday, Feb 20, 1892. North Lebanon, Mond.iv, Feb 22, 1S92, Sautiam, Monday, Fob 22, 1892. South Lebanon, Tuesday, Feb 23. 1S92. Waterloo, Tuesday, Feb 23, 1892 Sodaville, Wedntsday, Feb 24, 1S92 Sweet Heme, fday, Feb 25, 1892. C'rawfordsvill day, Feb 20. 1S92. N I'rownsvil.e, turday Feb 27, 1892 S Browusvill iruiday, Eth 27, 1S92. Center, Satur Fel,2 1S92. Ilalsoy, Tuesday, March 1. 1S92. Phedd, Wednesday, March 2, 1892. Tangent, Thursday, March 3, 1892. Orleans, Thursday, Marcn 3, 1892. Price, Friday. March 4, 1892. Syrsuse, Saturday, March 5, 1S92. West Albany, Saturday, March f, 1892. Albany, Monday. March 7, 1S92. t'entsr Albany, "Monday, M arch7, 1S92. Est Albany, Tuesday," Marcn S. 1892. Prompt payment will bs required. Pay you es and save os ts. M. SCOTT. Sheriff nd Tax Collector. Dated January 21st, 1S92. FORTJVJILLEIil & SRVIPIG, V 1 ' LI,: 'J r .N -FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Arlorinl Embalming done Sclentifleallj Alliiiii), Urresn, STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual moelinir of the stock ln.lderH of the Albany Hulldinp and loan Association will be held on Friday, Feb ruary 19th. )82, at Ihe hour ct 7:30 p m of said day. In Ihe Hank ofdrepnn, In Albany, Linn county, Ortpon, for the elecliun of nine dirwtors. to serve for Ihe term of one year next ensuing from aid meeting, and until I heir Riiccosinra are olected and qualified. and to transact anch other business as may come belore the associa-inn. Done by order cfthenso elation this IClh day of January, 1M12. C H STEW A K-". Jay W Plain, President. KecretBiy. KOTlCETOCRECITfPS OTICF. IS HEKKliV OIVEX THAT John K Cyius and W p Piicbford, liartnerp d(dn bi-sinfss in Si-io, I inn county, Orrpnn.under tho f.rm muiie nnu slyle of I yrns v Pitrhturd, have duly made an aksiumnt nt nf all the property, n-al an ) personal, to the underML'i.ed Ut the hem lit of the ir en ililnrs. persons havlnt: e-'aims nint the hhkII'iiiu are hi-rtby nolitied ai.d n quire (1 lu in.ent Ihe sunn- tlluliT osll- to ll ei l.n,;i i;uiim1 at Ihe rf'u a f J K We alhi r!,.:-l. mi tli(I rity .f A. I, any, I. inn i. ui,:v, l.ti-cuu w-ilbin 'lure lii. .uh l'ri:in thniinle hereof I'atesl 1 e t. ril, 1 '2, J. Ii I'l.iCRY, AMriiee. Cucurnter Ullel Elder Flower Cream 1 net a coBiuetic lii the wiihp in which tint teiiu ropularly uiwti, hut iiurniancntly Iteaulittea, It creaku a it it, iiuh4h, flor, o 'vety tkui, and by tlfilv un uriutunHv iuakcn th ctniilxiuii neveral hhailei Aliiu". It in a vsiiialatit prtiUTtittn frm the in'U or aim niui wiim aim puveiiut unit imniaml frivkh-a, at ii I black )u-ala will nuvrr coin while yn it. It cleaiiiRn tho face far lu'tter thaw ap and watt-r, tiouruthtwaiul hull ta up the akin tiwiuodaiitl prevftit the funimtinii ot wrinkle It ifivwa the frrvlini'wi, ck'arnoH ami vmoothiieMH of tkio that you hvd whfii a little if hi. Kvery iaiy, y-niiit; or old. cuirht U um it, rm it civt'Ha more vulIi(hI apnear- aiifi' to any liidy, ami that pcrmuiicntiy. It contuiiiN m Ai id, owdor or alknti, and itt as hannk'Kii nti dew and an iiniiriHhiiiir t tho rk'ii an dew is to tho flower. I'rloo Ml (HI, at all dniid'intu and IminlreHHen. rat Mra iiervaitie tiniliam'H etttnhlitihiiieiit, UKl IN tut utreut San tVaiicituti, where nhe ireatnlaliet for all hleintHh e of tliefaee ur Jlturu. L'tdicaat a dintaiue treattnl by letter. Send laui for iter little book "lluw to b lleaulifiil," oninln Pnfflo niai-.d fieo to anv ladv on UUUip.U UUUblUreeeiiiLof l ,-hiU in nump o pay jKiatafe ai.ii lacking, Uidy ajfenU wantu t MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Cure the worst canon of Kreek'fs, Sunburn, Sal owneaa. Moth-pat ehea. I'imtileiiaiMlall kin bhinUlim. I'rlcf M,(H. HariuleM ami cflective ; iio sample can be win ; Laly agents wanted, Thft Tll'lliTiTiaf' u,wn wno ,r"t ordei a aaiw iu6(; uum;i vt my preparation will havehii name added to ihi adverttAetnent, My preiiirationn are (or le by wholeaate drntf tihts in Chicat'oaud every city west of it, TWO MEN AND ONE HOY FOUND UK AD!! A'hile trying to Crowd tlieii WAV INTO i;YG'i & Fai3Ar, BROS Store, where they alwa s have on band he laruest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot Juns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, flam mocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Jieintir Sliop ;n connection wilh the Store, and one ol he best workmen in the Mate to do any .ud ail kinds of wor Come OTie Come No rouble to how gocds "Small pre fit and nulck ales" is ou: .notto. Julius Gradwotil's Bazaar The very latest news is that you oan buy at JULIUS GR ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net caoh, goods as follows: Arbuckle's t'offee, Per Pound 25o. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 20 lbs Extra C Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 100 5 Gallons Good Pickles 00 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 00 Wholesale rleoif aiiRir-IOI) llw extra ( l.7.ri 101) iIh Kinmilatod, $5.75. I will eondiidt a atrieteanh alore, nnd all iro.i.N will bn Hold for nut nvi'i Cnni in o 25 per eent l.'Mie man r-nu ar prion. Kv Htoek of Chlnawaro, f.inoy iroods, and all the (leMiniblo ".view nf iilhei, aa wull a izoimriil asH.irtiii'iiit ol Krooorlm, crook, ei-.v, lamps ml llx'iiirea ia eoinplote. I make a spoai ty ol linn tm, oolldiia and bikiiiK powder, and alwayi plawi my euatuiiioro, Akoih lorneveral responsible liiauranco ooiiipanioe. Julluw rul weh. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR ASK THE PEOPLE OF LINN COUNTY Wlicro to get the Most Bargains, Where to get the Bust Value for Your Money, -IN- Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., And they will Answer with Ono Voice, at G. W. SIMPSON'S. Star ISakcvj 'orruiil:t:liii asitl f-'ifsi St.' CONRAD MEYtR,P30?RIEf0a. Can ii eel FruitH, GluHnmiro, Orloel FroitM. Tobacco, o(Sec, nniiee' l iueeiiHwr . VetfcluliJex, Mpicen, Tea, tte.. In fact everyth.u that ii kept in a ffentra variety and nct-ry store, Holiest (Umrkt't liriuvpaiU for AI,L KINDS OF PRODUCE FOSHAY & MASON WOMtt-A'-a AB1 KIT AIL (Jrcggiswand Hookscilers, A:re; tafor John li. A!nmfa punllciilions, n"i'jh w a-.'ii a1. oubl'Niier'a ?r.;v vi. a J. A. Cunimirg. Wa Paper i rgs, Iaintw Oil?!. (JlawM, lite., ALBANY, ORECGN hi Store. Het stock of 2nd flC gooln In the Vfilt4yt and the nion reasonable prices. i nave on nana uii kukim oi FUHNITU3E, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. 0ii6 doeir west of S fi Yonn-r's eld atore. L C0TTLEIS ALLEN W HOLESALE 5 BROTHERS, Grocers Retail 'OEGARS TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OFJALl KINDS irj LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES IN THEIR SEASON. Piinn Bloc! BLACKMAN & HODGES, LEADINGDRUGGISTS ALBANY OKEG-OIT no , ....... 'vj'. , .. ir' -j- V W niaiiit tlv li t rw St:il, H1, next ki:.,' lu" store. WHY IS THE L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cePeVn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY P I ? f "V1""1 Bl'?. with no tncltn or wax thra4 to burt tho fcot; iua,lo ot tho licat nno calf, 11111.11 ana I iy, ood tenmi n make mr thart olklt Qratlr thun any other nanrtfacturer. It euuala taAnil. eonil shooj cosllnij from rt.oo to f.'itl. ",ww' uaar afw. ahoo over offcrril fur il.uj; enuala Kraiuih S4.?i "H-s;w.ilvni Mho?, nni eif, Jhoe ev.r uaa at till, tirlce : ai no irado nvrnn.loBr.oi-s co.tlnn from tim lu $ S 3 a !f. P'1 T ?,rn0"- Hallroad Men atmLeltiTI arrlursnll wpnrlhpni' noarftir. ramliiiiootli Inililr, h.nrr thri'o i bii1L S2. I!".","'"1 " l-t'orlieoTiTorrolat tO a5 nnd '! Woiklliuinun-. ahoM tfOVS' f '.'", ," ' h.H,l alio, , are rf.YJ ,,rornhytlinh,,y.sevcrywlicro- UiuvrhII on IhcTr ;morll,,; tho lli.-jva'slng .A. '1 LaClieS i.'v."", '""'-"we-il ahoe. best tiiil.orl.,l Bhoc3o.i8lliiKfr,.ni Ju.i t h ,Ijuut"-'"-n l.nilliV a.so, Hi.uo iiml jhoo tor nri """V---0". . I., lunula,- narauanS prko are nainpid em tho Ujtti.m ol t at h BLoo. . rwTAKF. M fl ltTITI TK. r Insuton 1.,,-ai a'lv,.rtl....l ,H.:iloMHi,n,.K.,.tr..T Albany -MaiiufncturorH ir EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON S AUD ALL KIH03 OF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. fecial altontion ihl.t da of niacbinori n plrlng PaVcf-rns Made on Short Notice MONEY TO IjOAN Uomo capital to loan, in sums to unit. on Albany and Linn enuntv real estate or irood oersonal "ecurlty. W K McPlieraon. Kinit Street opp. Mf sonic Hall, Albany, Or. W. i,. IH!I l.l.Ar mi -Al M ALBANY OD?. mm:m & hulbept bros. Kc-a! Est.itp Agents .''aruip nn -1 Also e:t hr li..!u-lii'a to? i-alt1, ii-ny in V;!iar 1 kdy rt w )ivc - in- 1 , wood ii;t in or any I Miring 1 e f'obor done, can obtain moiiintattniiuon dv e- curln the aervlcos of iianlol Lown.at tho little forry botiso. Leave orders there. B B B B II TIIK VEI.KKlt.tTI'.n . SMITH & WESSON m :RS.VOLVERS: Tho Finest Small Ar.ns Ever Mani-fncturctl. H ACCURACY. ' TCT')f "1 Lo;.aiNBa.-d ffirrrv.V-' V Ac1 Beware of cht.-p iron iRiitation:..UaJH : a.--l Priw IM Ic 'Jl Send firll'm'ral.J C.i! CMITH t 1-1 ,1 I). ,'I.IH.S'. V, K'j S " c' J