Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, February 13, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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    7 l Y.
NO 237
For Bilious Attacks
sick headache,
and all disorders of
the stomach, liver,
and bowels,
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
are the
safest, surest,
and most popular
medicine for
family use.
Dr. J. G. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
W. F,
Call ancllsee what a stofikof '
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Goods,
We have to select from. Our stock is not only Jthe largest
but the cheapest ever shown in Albany.
We want your trade and we
you money.
Albany, f-:- 5 -
Castor.;', id 111". K:inn:! 'itcher'si T"ii fi;it:.!i i-.--r Intuits
anl Children. It contain'.) :icit:- ();'. ..:, iilaryli'.iin nor
other J.arcatic i.ubshuice. it JJ 11 I...r;::!os.j --libstiiuio
for Paregoric, Irops, SootJiir :!y:-;::-,t ::nd Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant, lis guar.-uitoc) i t.Crty years' uso by
Millions of r.Iolliers. Castoria destroys Worms and niiaj
icverislincsii. Castoria prevent voi,itinr Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea ami AViad CoFc. Castoria relieves
teething troubles cares eonstipatioa and flatulency.
Castoria asdaiiiatea tho loot, jv;yiibi.e. tlio stomach
and lmwols, giving healthy and natural iilcep. Cas
toria it tho Children's Panacea tiio JIuiIier'u friend.
"CiLTtrtTl.i fs mi excellent medicine for clill
J"-". Mother.! n-Tfatnlly told mo of in
O-J eir.a upon their c'liililn-n."
Ci. C. O.-nooo,
Lowell. ?.1om.
"OnBr.r'jii.1 ti,,. bc.t for children ft
which I inn z.r. :3iau., j n.K, tij ,;.iy u I. of
far ant nintln.mwillcjaJ.'.LTt'.icnMl
linens: of their chlMren, nn.l use Castoria I:;
iul of tf.evurlousqiiack nostrums liiili tm
uvslrorlnK tli.-lr loved ones, by forcinsopiniu.
morphine, onihis ynip nn,l other liunful
njrenta down uielr tiiroats, thereby sendins
tnem to premature gravej."
J. F. KiNcnELas,
Coaway, Ark.
Xh Centanr Company, TI
Albany -:- Nurseries.
W artj..ff..rliiir L i.imr4 thu fl.)vt lot (cfflfrult
Iri-OH, ii .iirnWii vrlctlon. in
Mill BUto.
.u Imilrjl til Hf. I if 04 for tl.l B:a
u't trni'c.
uii'i -
u Ii i iijiutl, ...i -i.iU-tt !j 4 Miih tr . M Albany.
feel confident we can savJ
: -
Castor: t.
" Caf inria i. 8 well tv."itril t ehilren tbftl
j r-o.Mi id u..ijH'r;- ruiHiij-prt-riptioD
u,.ov.;o ,.,A-AcnKn;
;:i i. 0. . I . I , lir.'oiilyii, X. Y.
" Our yhy.!.' i tit.- ili.r.r !pei.
m :it li .va r,i.....n luV.y of ti-ir experl
e:i.-o I:: I-.:. i r .en. o 11 1'nrb,
r.:ul r,i:li-! .'Ii w '' li v" tt.i'oi'T our
iivdJcu) t ;( '" kw-pi w
liral'.icts, yet we Tre (.i to c::if!i l!w
merin of C:wtr.r! 1" u in !o wi.h
J.ivor iKir U."
United Hospital and Iiw-asv,
ALLS C. SttlTH, Je.,
Murray Btroot, Now Yorh City.
Baking Powder is Best
" The Royal Baking Powder is absolute-
pure, for I have
iada both
the United
" I will go still further and state that, because of the facil
ities that company have fjr
crcan f'f tartar, and for other
the proper proportion: of the
its preparation.
'tne Koyai ?j
is undoubted
and most reliable
powder offered
uiktv ii:io unit convention.
There will be a democratic county con
vention held at the court house In Albany
on Tuesday, March 8th. 10 o'clock
a m, to nominate candidates lor county
offices, to elect 16 delegates to the State
convention and to transact such other
business as may properly come before the
convention Primary meetings will be
held at the usual places of voting In the
several precincts on Saturday, March 5th,
1092, at 1 o clock p in. liy unanimous
vote of the committee it was recommend
ed that the vlve voce system of voting be
adopted by the next convention so far as
it may apply to the nomination of candi
dates. The several precincts are entitled
to delegates as follows:
Albany 5 1 Rock Creek 2
Center 3Shedd 4
Central Albai.y. . .4 Sweet Home 4
Cia fordsville. . .3!Sodaville 3
East Albany 4 .Samiam 5
Kox Valley 2lScio 4
Franklin Butte. . .4jShelburn 4
Halsey 51 Syracuse 3
Jordan 4IS lirownsville 3
N Brownsville. . .4 Is Harrisburg 3
N IlarrUburg. ,.4'S Lebanon 5
N Lebanon 4:Tangent 3
Orleans ijWaterloo 3
Price 4; West Albany 4
Totai delegates, 101.
All voters without regard to former pol
itical alliliations, who fayor an honest
economical administration of public affairs
so as to conserve the interests of the
masses as against the monopolistic tend
ency of the day, are cordially Invited to
join in taking part in these conventions.
J J Stitf.s, Chairman piotem.
A Shoe Item. S LYonng has just re
ceived a large stock of shoes, for men,
women and children, including purlieu
larly a fino line of school shoes The
best makes in the market can be found
in his shoe department.
It is actually economy to drink Beech's
Tea. B?iug ah'olutc'y pure, it is mucb
stronger than the arttliciid teas, about one
third less of it, or about twenty grains, be
ing oqiiirsd per cup. As thero ara 7,680
graius to a pound, tliore will be, seen to be
between three and four liiin.lred cuui to tits
pound As it is r.ut GO cunts per pound,
this is at the rate of about one tifth of a cent
per cup. For sal? at Allen Bros.
For barAin'4 in monuments, hean'st in. s
e:u.,goto h icntsou,io,A!hany,wreg.-n
l.rl:?. do you wish your hair to stay in
curl, if so uet h lioctle. of French curline at
Mrs Hvmnn's
With his tiew bakery Conrad Mevtr is
able to offer old i.nd new customers every
thing tiistclass in iiAked good t.
L.A. Gl tlPPE.
Bv usina S. B. Headache and Liver
Cure, and S, B. Coueh Cure as di
rected for colds, TVy were
used two vear3 ago durinrr the La
Grippe epidemic, and very nattering;
...tola ..Fll,.!. nnwnf nvor 1 Vl ftt
ie5UIHUlllttia VI Htcii are at hai.d. Price 75 and
50 ctsper bottle. For s Ie by Fo
shy & M'son,
3 ,
go found it in many
for that company
States Government.
;d of
v.i dependent
and the iaeih
nimg Powder
ly the Purest
to the public.
Luli: Unite J Stales C went meat Chemist.
The Future Mumil'achirlnjc Suburb of Port
lauil-Alrcaily a I'ny Itoll or. 840,000.002
I'er Month.
It is a well known fact that a manu
factory, employing labor, no matter
where situated, is the nucleus of a city.
The greater the number of employees,
the greater the prospective city, the
Krupp gnn works of Germany, support
a city of 95,000 ; the Fullman Palace Car
Co, of Pullman, 111., a city of 12,000.
Oswego, Oregon, is in its infancy. Today
the Oregon Iron & Steel Works, and
other industries, make a pay roll of
$42,000 a month. With an increase in
the manufacturing output, the city in
c.rea'itB in population. Population in
creases values of real estate ; therefore
Oswego offers today, to the careful in
vestor, the very best field for investment.
Oswego is only two miles outside the
limits of Consolidated Portland. It has
cheap train service of 8)3 cents a trip,
aud e'ght trains n day ; also six steam
boats each way on the Willamette.
Oswego is a beautiful site for a town.
Oowego has a splendid 2,400 water power,
which is offered to manufactures for a
term of years free, and land with it.
Oswego has pure spring water in pipes
over the town. Oswego has a beautiful
lake where the pleasH re-lovers of Port
land will soon establish a summer
resort, l'roperty values in Oswego will
advance rapidly and permanently as its
future is founded on the development of
the favorable location for manufacturing.
Lots in Oswego invite the home-seeker.
Lots sold on easy installments of $10
down and $5 a month. Ask the pub
lisher of this paper to show you a plat of
Oswego, or address a postal card to
Rorthwick, Batty & Co., 71 Alder street,
Portland, Oregon.
May I have simo of your grojery trade,
this month. If not, why tin-. V A lcn.
Money to Loan. I have mnoy in
sums of $500 to f 20,003 to loan on im
nrovd farm lands in Linn and Benton
counties, at lowest current rates. Ko
delay in furnishing the money.
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon,
Decidedly tho lnrfet and choicest variety
of tea in town is t C E Brrwrcll's. Sun
dried, basket find, g-een. b elr. English
breikfast, Sir.
A We stock of whII inner, with Into de
signs, at Fortmider t Irviiig's,just received.
When Baby was slcn, we pave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she save them Castoria.
All I inds of choice eutin and cooking
atT.-pl-M at Allen Bros.
AINiny Markela.
t..S2K " " "
BuMer. 2 cents per lb.
Keg" 80 cents per do7
vntatnes, 15 eonts par bushel.
Lard, 11 12 oents pr lb,
Ks in Hams. 12 oants; abbe. H ftnt;
alin.ilders, 9 enntn.
Beef on foot. 2 (ffl 2'4 cents per IV
Pork, dressed, ft cents pr lb
lTlour, 15 per barrel.
Apples- 59 cents
At pies dried. blcaoned 5f37cj sun drle'?,
Plum, dried, 3Sn per lb.
Chickens, young fs 00fS)4.O0.
Mutton, f.3 and $1.50 per hea l.
Granulated sugar, h cents; extra C,
i cents.
Hrp, 15 eenls.
H y. 3 to$l I
4 IVtlM,
Canada, Feb 0. 1892.
Editor Democrat:
Thinking a few lines from old Santinm
milit be of some interest to the demo
crats" of Linn county, I believe after a
careful canvas of this precinct that we
will come up next June with our usual
democratic vote, varying very little from
two years ao, and I belicvo there will
be less scratching than for many years,
from the fact that everybody seema will
lux to abide by the action of the con
vention on tho vivo voce system of
voting. Faiiu'i.av.
G A It ami W 11 C Ofkiceiis. At
Sa'.em yesterday the following officers
were elected for the ensuing vear:
G A It. II If Northup, Portland, de
partment commander; K A Crossan,
Salem, senior vice commander; O M
Dodson, Baker t ity, junior vice com
mander; Kev Knowles, McMinnvil
department chaplain ; l)r (Jill, Fugene,
medical director; council 01 n.lnnnwtra
tion, F Karnes, of Portland, Tlios Dealer.
of Astoria, B 1 Clumne, 01 .MeMmnville,
David McArtnur, of Oregon City, F !
Chapman, of Fugeue ; delegates to the
national encampment, A B liailev, of
Huntington, delegate at large, J K Loin
bard, J P Galbraith, of Albany; alter
nates at large, J P Shaw, of Oregon City,
Frank Story, of Portland, A G Hardest)-,
of Astoria.
W c.- -Department president, Mrs
M J Train, of Albany ; senior vice-president,
Mrs K B McKiroy, ol Salem ; junior
vice-president, Mrs Alta S Miller, of
Lebanon; department secretary, Mrs
Alvina Martin: inspector, MrsT .1 Nel
son, of Eugene ; instituting and install
ini! officers. Mrs I A Gault. of McMiun-
ville; department treasurer, Mrs Eliza A
Woodin, of Albany ; junior department
chaplain, Mrs Emma A Tomlinson, of
East Portland; members ot tne depart
ment executive board. Mrs Ungernian,
of McMinnville, Mrs lleosie Shane, Mrs
Eaton.of Portland, Mrs Burton, ot Salem,
Mrs Ware, of Eugene; delegates to the
national convention, Mrs Ada S Butter
field, of Portland; alternates, MrsByars,
of Salem, Mrs Richardson, of Portland.
Albany, Or., Feb. 9th, 1S92.
Editors Democrat:
I desire, through the medium of your
valuable paper, to announce myself a
candidate for the office of County Clerk
of Linn county, subject to the decision
of the Democratic County Convention
that meets ontheMli of March, in this
city. The voters ot Linn county are ac
quainted whli me, and I am willing to
leave in their hands the decision of the
question of my candidacy in convention
assembled, aiid will abide by that deci
sion, be it what it mny. I thank them
for past support, and promise, if again
elected, to endeavor, by a faithful dis
charge of the duties of the oflice,to merit
their comiuence. loureiruiy,
It is a big privilege to be able
to get what you want when
you go to a grocery store. Allen
Brothers keep such a variety
that they can always accom
modate their customers. This
saves running around. If it is
fruit season they have the goods.
In produce their stands are full
of the latest and best. Their
stock of standard groceries is
always large, of 1 lie best to be
secured in the market.
Just received new and opsa.IJf'
C'E Krowoe'l's the folloiing
Chow Ch
Cooking Molf.B9os,
Pickles in vinegar,
Salt Herring,
Salt whit.- li.-t,
Salt saint- i.
r reMil a
Harness. Saudi. ks Etc.-Our oieVrc
are plsccd iih casfrn lactones., ami we
purpose pin iog in the most complete
stock of goods ever shown in our line, in
the upper vniiev. we ) uireci mini
first hands for cash; so guarantee, to com
pete with Portland prices. The dinlay
horse stands in our door opposite the First
National bank. O C Mi Faulanh.
A l ute s" ck of pin. iiti; ahoirs and prun
ing hooks, l-e lines', made, just r.oeive.-! at
Siewart ii S. x'a. Now is the tino to use
WriERKT GbtTiikm. Whc.i wai.ili.ii
an organ f niaio call on -:
Hodges wl-trs you can atfcvi from s
first clas 8 t'.k.
E W Achi- -i ft Co ha-.-.dle tne . .. but..,';
Portland ce-. -ut walls for wsnrv ocs.
These walit r hn furnished at h.if o '
of k.iy oilier i.d ore farsuperior
W W Davi- snow in lisrueo' U. 1
moulco re'.'.o t.nt. Meals SSJ.teii'". E-s era
oysters l'rlh. Everthin first ela-.
f P1M
tti tii 'A Va' ii
t)s. in Millions of Homes
Aaaln.l an Kurly Convention.
Brooklyn, Feb 12. An anti-Hill meet
ing held at the Criterion theater tonight
was largely attended. Atrtistns llealv own
ed the meeting, und his scathing rebuke of
mil and Ins followers was cheered at every
point, anil there were repeated cheers for
irover Cleveland. Edward M Sheppard,
chairman of the meeting, spoke in severe
condemnation of the act of the Hill men in
calling such an early convention. Ho was
followed by John J'ewitt Warner, whose
iqKwh wax the principal one of the evening.
A sail nuil Itiimanllr Story;
I'lTTsm iio. Pa Feb 12. Mr Traverse, a
niemlier of a prominent Boston family, lias
been brought all the way from Alaska in
irons and will be confined in a Baltimore
ni;ol-hou He was in charge of William
F lhirno and Knmry V Foster, of Washing
ton. They told a sad and romantic storv.
For over 20 years Traverse lived on a little
island near Sitka, attractingno unnsuulat
tention. Last Octolnr he became so violent
that his relatives in Boston and the author
ities at Washington were informed, and
Messrs Foster and lhirno were sent to Alas
ka to bring Traverse back. They left Alas
ka with him January 12. On the voyage
down the coast Traverse became so violent
unit it was round necessary to put nun in
irons, and some times to gag him.
The Silver JI111.
Washington, Feb 12. The silver men
have some eight or ten petitions in circula
tion on the democratic side of the house ur
ging that the silver bill 1 made a special
continuing ordi'r, and said they hud early
today secured about 100 signers. There are
doubts entertained as to the expediency of
the petition movement, but the silver men
mostly believe it may advance the consider
ation of the bill, and are doing what they
can to bringtlie matter to an issue early in
the session.
Not Ko Bad
EidF.NE, Or Feb 12. A meeting of the
stockholders of the Eugene Canning and
Packing Company was held at the board of
trade rooms last evening, and a statement
was made by the directors of the affairs of
the coin pany. This shows the cannery not
to be in so bad a shape as had generally
been supposed, and while the cannery has
met with losses, vet it is thniudit it will
come out all right in the future and be one
of the leading institutionsof the country.
rntil Nol Coining
P011TI.AND, Feb 12. An Associated Press
dispatch from San Francisco, received last
night, says: "Adelina Fatti, the famous
singer, will not come to the Pacific coast
this season. Her managers have telegraph
ed, cancelinir all her dates west of Omaha.
The rerson assigned fortius is that she is
doing an enormous business m the east,
and her managers wish to exhaust that field
before coming west."
Alubnma Style
BntMiNoiiAM. Ala Feb 12. Last Mon
day night at liomanulus, Tuscaloosa county
two negroes broke open D S liobertsons'
store, robbed it and burned it to the ground.
They were arrested, and on the way to
Tuscaloosa a body of masked and armed
men took the negroes from the guards and
swung them to the nearest tree.
HoiiCKty:is the Itesl'olley.
Th t h & i aiiot inei ine advertisemeo
but your a?.!eiitiun the m nr.'n'. may save
you much surreiiughs well as moi.ey.
We cuie that couxh
We cure that tickling.
We care th:.t hackling.
W.cate -hat thrua c leariu ,
We cuie Croup.
Weoure Bronchitis.
We care La Grip; e Coiivh.
We hf'p you to fine vnd . penlt.
Wo ire not tho S. H. r.ezdnuft..
Wo pleasnnt C. t:, h Syrcp,
W. are put in tn.l 75 cent lvj';i!es.
We lire :(! . I'ongh Cc-e.
(:a!U3l','C:H '-. fo-llsy Mas-n.
ii..v. i , ii :
!) litttr IllixcstJon.
.y v. efeil UL.t ha:aut
A. lilt
.St tV.I)
Hit-v nl
ctio'i. '.y Allcek's
r.i.t, is itttd l-o re'teved. J F
port, ot Caoarsie. JsVw Yi l it. writesj
' ! have bite;: ,-r llit.t h trc;:l h-d with a
,io:t.-.t pr.iii beiott lnv oliest I'.OLe. I wae
ti. 1.1 ty i'i vi rtii i Ihc.t it wss rhcu-naii.-io
itf tit. cijpliraum L.rc,uitvd from
e,-itl mhI eN-1'..-suie. I had very littlo ap
ii, it:e ti .'. .i:..i---d ny fot d with trout dif
Hcuitt, . 1 one of AUccck'e Porous
l-i.,ii-i- le low tl'.e breastbone and two on
etcn sit'.e. In the course of lwentv-fonr
toais all p.un ceasctl, and I ws. able, to eat.
and divest a good fqtlaro meal, locitthing t
l-atl not dttne before in two weeks. I got
l-etter constantly, and at tho ct.d of seven
dajs found litsel( entilelv well. Sicce
t lit n I Iiav e us. tl A IV-cck's Pnrnns 1l.ister
fur cobls, ootiuhs :u.d pr.ii.e iny lide, and I
hive alvs' s found them quick and efT.ct
ive." The D-lt-trte corsets ami Delsarte waist,
furnieh the b.sis :f dret s reform lending
towards ait'slio sml hysienic dresxing. They
secure CMi-for, deveh,( niept sed trace.
Ladies, vh wish to c xiitniiie Delrarte gqiMis,
lvuld adibes tht-. ayent tvho will Ovlt with
.ample", t.eke pities io nieattn' ing md
gaardiitee v-'t ft-et tit No trouble to sttorf
ifoods even ihoiicli m oi.ier is tkcii, Ari
d.rss Mrs A M Til'., box CO, Albany,
Oregon. Agents wauled.
. E . ....
y- Ts 4 O K2y
ii 1 K
.i (
I f': t 5- !
40 Yea-3 v -suni