Daily 9mon;at STATU s lWVI"IO.. A Democartic State Convention will be held In the city of Portland, Oregon, April 19, 1S92, at 10 o'clock a m, for the purpose of placing in nomination two candidates for coiigre.t; one supreme judge;one candidate in each judicial dis trict for circuit judge and prosecuting attorney, to be voted for at the coming June election, and .licit other business a. may properly come before said conven tlon, The various counties are entitled to representation In said ronveulion as fol lows. Baker 71 1. Inn 16 Benton q Malheur 3 Clackamas 11 Marlon 15 Clatsop S .Morrow Columbia 3 Multnomah 4 Coos 5 rolk Crook 7 Sherman Curry 2 Tillamook Douglas 1 1 'Umatilla 1 Gilliam 4 Union 1 Grant 5, Wallowa J Harney 4 Washington S Jackson 11 acco Josephine 5 Yamhill Klamath 3 Lake 3 Total 265 L.vme 13 It is recommended, unless otherwise ordered by the local committees, that the primaries In the various counties be held on oatiuday, the oth dav of April and the county conventions on Thursday, April 14, 1&92. By order of the Democratic State Cen tral" Committee. U Goldsmith, A Xoltxer, Chairman Secretary. "German Svfud" a jl THE DIAiUOaVH r.AKiuc ic c i s For sale by STEWilll'T SOX, Dealers in NERAL HARDWARE Albanyj Oregon. We have selected two or Croup, three lines from letters freshly received from pa rents who have given German Syrup to their children in the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because they come from good, sub stantial people, happy in finding what so many families lack a med icine containing no evil drug, which mother can administer with con fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry them through. Ed. L. Wilmts, of Sirs. Jas. W. Kirk, Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters' College, to my children when Harrodsburg, Ky. I troubled with Croup have depended upon and never saw any ft in attacks of Croup du uite wiin my mile uaugn. it. It is simply mi. ter, and find it an in raculous. valuable remedy. Fully one-half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child hood, whooping courh, croun. dinh- theria and the dangerous inflamma tions of delicate throats and lun;s. PROFESSIONAL CARDS IVKtTliKKFD.tO, Attorney at Li-r. Will pruties n all conn of the mite. Snu'ul attenti .11 to imtt-:r4 hi ttrotinte :iunw..-lW'.H. or t lib-Ill CIIU Mlllll Iti.icK. R. m.ACKBl !lS, ,1. c. WATWKI SUtKltntV fc 1V4TSOX, Alllenl mi'.tar wilt rot-nU-n iirnmvt tttuntten. Offlct in OJi FH.V TViimle, Albany, Or 15 1 LYE I, Attornov at Law vnJ S.iliiitnr in fhanrr rAMA. lions made on all no' ma. L.inrm m r,tit.Ai nn orable tcrtns. Albany. Ortxon. Q.KO.E. VH 1 f II E 1C L V I V, SUMMONS. the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Linn County. W C DAVIS and OK'i W DA TLi, partnors doing tnisi.ieM. tinder too firm uauio aii'i 8ivi of Davis Bros., Pla.ntiff, PETER 11 BEAK, Defendant ihoahive uamel de To Peter 11 Hair, fendant: Attorney 1. Lit stale, s :iv if. i 1 and t lu'.i 1 it. Y .1; p't'tk-c 1.1 . G EO. W WRIGHT. Attorney at Law,and Xotary Public. Willpractic n a courts of this state anil in the United Status (orOregon. Olllret -Frunt ronmi over;. Oregon, Albany, Otfi.. Attorneys at Law, Albany, Oregon. TN THE NAME OF THE STATR OF Orogon. you are hereby required to appear and nniwer the oom.ilaint of the plaintiff n:d in the above entitle I court, with tne clerk ol's'iil ciurt. by the first day ol the 1 est remilartorin of theabovo entitled court, town: on the 14: h dav of Mhreh.lSUi and you aro hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the aid eo 'ip'aint the plaintiff will take judunient against yon fr the hiiiii of f34u tili with inteios ttiereou at the rain of ten (1 ') per eont p r annum from the 2nd day of .Siiptem'wr. ISStl. and f.ir the costs and disbursements of this action to be taxed: and also tnke an ordor anil docree of sid court, tosti! tho I'o'lowina tle aerihed land towit: a'l 3'our defendiiit'a ripht, title and interest in the donation laud claim of 0.ven Hear. Iieinir notifica tion No H24l),ainl cltnn No 41, in township 12, (iouth Haniji 4 West.md claim No 4S, in township IS, South Kane 4 West,- in Linn county, Oieg'in, contniuitij; 641.50 acres, less thn 41 acres heretofore sold to v irious parties, leavinir (103 50 acre; which said hnd was duly levied upon by writ o; attachment duly I'siroj out of tho above named court, in tho above entitled action on the 8th day of Meptemsjr, 1891 forihe purposes of fecttrinj; any jud ment that the plalntiir might rejovor in the above entitled cause. This summons is se, veil by publication in the Statk Kiouts Iikmoc'-.at by order ot tho Honorable K P Hois ). J jdj-e of tho rbove ontiilod Unnr., irae at Cliauibxra en tho nith duv of January. J K V KATilEKKOKI", Attorney for Piaintifl. TN THE NAME OK THE STATE Jl Oregon, you are SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for Linn Countit.State 0 urrgon: H A FRANCE. Plainiiir, OKVILLE FRANCE. Delendant. To Orvill F'ancc, tho abive named de- lonuatit OF horehv rfimired to appear una answer 111.1 complaint liioil against you in the nliove entitled suit 011 r before the first day ot'tho next reirular term t the aDovo outiile I court next roilowinu t,no expiratioa of tho publico. tion of this Minimum towit: the 14th day of March, 18!li and if vou fill t answer as herein required, tin p:i.iutiir will take jhiikoiciil niiiiiin yuu ior itie reiier tie ananded 'n her cimpiaiuL, towit: A do ree ol the above entitled e mrt dissolving lltH WH1U.1 ui iiirininiy HOW eXISUUgf weiween piaiuiiu itiiu uoieuuai't aoove named and awarding ti plaiallir the ustody of Acil Warner Kranun.the .uinor mi l 01 piainuu aim oeiendaiit. rhlarvlc of sumuions is maile bv &..l.l,........ 1... .!.... II puir.iuniKiu jj uiuoi ui nun n f ItOlSO, Judire of said c mrt. in win at Chainliers. in the city ofSilem, ou tha llihdayof January. 1SW. UbACKPuKN A WATSON, Attornos for plaiutiif. JK- J- "ILL. Phyciclan anil Sunrcon. OFFICE Corner Ferry streets, Albuiiy, Oref,'un. yUS. MASTOV at I VVI, Physlrlana an Surnona. OFFIfTE-Lirner ewind an.l Hr..Ml!iiin siroeu. Allnnr, o.-, Calli proinplly alteMleti 111 citv anil cvuiitr)'; c. Homeoixithist. XiTSpecijiist In di-Jtuss of tho K o. TweBtyyoara' exnoriencs 0;Bao K ;:m 7 w 0 a in; 1 to 3 p m. and 0U8 evening. Albany , Orem FIRST NATIONAL IIANK. 01 ALBANY, OREGON. resilient Vice Prc8idnt . Cashior. . . FACTS ABOUT Til TEA DRINK. Sal B ri aaew Bal lhart It inch a ilac aa Mian to at aattunaa, aaa fa war '""" k, mi H la el all tra Ae laraaatst, faraa aa mm kaanat Tn art at Wirllkkalia aat ivaa far Mia and that ram knew aatalaa al H Tkat k urmt uaaa; Oil H it aaaaaaarr topraaeat a ttv aataiia. Bi ma nir kaawl Kr (waaiJ oaawa. Tui, man aaii bktokkna Oraaa Taaa. Few peeala knew thai tka brlit Mulik nao talor ti the erdlaary Mas au4 In Ik wtndewi U cat Nit naarai tela. Ua plauaaut aa aka faM laa; ba, tt U aarankaJaaa krttflalart Saaulaa klaa, aUla. rraiaa. alamkaco, aat araaf anbaalakfsl anlaaral Mlaai balif njaa (ar tkij paraaaa Tka affaat U twofold. II aal ealy atalti ika laa a krlf hi, iblny, a:traaaWa araan, bal alaa aaraiila aba bio of "otr oolot" aat worlaleai Hoj, wklah. ouca under tkt grata eleak. ara readUr worked off as a goad qoallljot tea. Thaabom lnable coloring praolloe tren admin of tkt uie ot iorelgu subataacM, and lha SngUsk Bovernmjut, which looks cloter Into the gao. alucueas of Its staples thin ours, bus In same oi trie alleged " flaen " of teas found rcdrlad leaves, straw, fragments of malting, rloe husks, aud willow leaves. In last, It Is opealr stated by an English authority that hundreds of thousands of pounds of sloe, ash, and wil low leaves art annually imported as tea. which without tho coloring process would bt Impossible. They report tee as oub of tho most notorloutly adulterated artlclctof commerce. The temptation to mako awceplugt and bod tea Into a marehantablo product with a few cents' wsrth of green coloring matter Is too strong to withstand, and the worthlessness of the trash that often finds Its way to this mar ket labeled J' New Crop," "Best Quality," " Green Tea," eta, woald simply astound tht publlo If revealed, to sag nothing of the nn healthfulnesi of the koiilan blue, plum bago, gypsam, and aba other mineral colore mat are employed. Black Teat. The bosket and pan-fired Japan teas, as well as the China teas that may be Included under the general heading of " black leae," get their oolor from the firing or toasting process, bnt mineral coloring matter Is also frequently used tt give a eertola desired commercial appearance. The firing and the coloring, as lu the green teas, largely toneeali the Iden tity of tht tea, and permits the ust of the veryeheapett teas, to argat nothlngSfor the dtttrlorating afftel of excessive firlng.fwhlch must ba resorted lo when a very cheap prod not la ased and aa astrtrnt color desired. ... JSttokv'a Tta (Snn-drlad). Concerning ann -dried teat the paopltef the Pacific Coast hart heard bal little and know leas, althoagh It Is cattoelTely used where It la known and understood. We are told that when Be Is so poor It cannot bt (old at home or lataH ebjppad to the BagUah markets, It Is afcipptd to Amerloa; that we will drink any. &b oval nay possibly bt one of tht rta egtui wt hart aat keea tlfcraa run-dried teas, r tntagh la sand elsewhere. ut tnB-drlea teas berof inn-eared, bo ooloslBf matter Is aiad, htoea nothing bit new tta leaves eaa ke employed ; fop inae (Ifltd by nuBltalaktta 07 coloring, all aa tenpta at aaatsaaaalta or tht Utrodueawn of flrnrUjn teaTte ot aaeesUl woald bt bold and gUrlnw. That It ts, therefore, sweeter and tat more raagrant rban the arttleUlty colored green teas and tho manipulated basket 01 pan-Href toae, j eu hardly need be told. The! It Is more healtkral rto the mlneralolored teas, Is also oppareat Tha It is mort expen tiro, Is alio trsoi and that Is another reastn yea have ntvar aeen It. There li net so mnoh profit la It as there It In the chetp adulter ated and colored teas. -kbout the Coet of Teat. Accerdlag to the custom-hnut reports, the auoartt of tea Kootrca at Ian Frauoltco last year (1180) was ,t-lf .lt pounds, and lha value I'fci.wo, or a rarKon over 15e per poand. Tk coruair.r, a! wklsh Ike reader was one, la'd for that Vt tea all tko way from toe to K rr poand. la oaker words, for tht: $356,230 a artt of tea theeoasnaier paid between four and five millions of deluue. There art your cionr.ous pialts, and (me yon will probably find the eh'ef reason why moat of yott never ceiirdol a lus-dsjed tea. As me sun-dried teas have no rnac. Jhcy are compelled to ba abso. ; Witf pure amd of better quality than the -.X. W. LANOtoS 1 PI ik-w 1 " s""i'y mail mm E, YOU No "lelaJly colored and manipulated tea. TRANSACTS A OENERALhanklnBtuallieM. ACCOUNTS KKPT oubjett to eheck. SIGHT EXCIIANUE and t.l Taphic transtor, .-l,l New York, San Francisco, Chicago and F 'itland rceon CO J.ECTION HADE on faorahle lonns. DiaacroHS J. B. Yotmo E, W, LlKonoa L E Bum, l. Fumn Eowaao E . Sox. IMS CO NATIONAL DAXK, i Or ALBA.NV, OREGON. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. -VTOTICE IS IIKHK1.V GIVK.V THAT THE VS. l tj.iwntxi U this uy bcon aiNiintetl atnii. it trator uf Hie estate of I'tjtur Wvlt, uecvai'il, by the nunty court of L nn cotiiity.Oreiroti, ami that I have led :nv bond an rvsUimd Uy lav anil am now duly uaJided to act ao Bii:h ailiuiniftratur. All periotis ktavinir ciaima trtiiii'jt mid extate are hereby re ifuired and notified to preit-nt thenine to me at tiie office of W H Itilyeu, in Alhany.Linticuuiitv, Ore?)!!, nth the proper vuuclRTi, within eix luonthi from the date hereof. Dated at Albany, this Dth day of Jamiarv, 1592, A J WKI.T. W Jl Bflreu, Admiiiiftrator, I Att for AJminUrator CAPITAL MTOCK 8100,000. Prflsidont . j L COW W Vioe-lTpsideut ...J M RA,hT(N! Bt Outlier O A AKClIiiJOM). I RricTORS, J L Cowan, JM RntMton, W S uMio, u ujura, j a uraworil and OA Arrli iboid. .TRANSACTS a arenerai hanklnsr biwincw . DRAW SlUH'i DKAHN on New York, San il (irtUi (, t; Oregon. LOAN MOriEYun appToftxJ aeourity RECKIVEdepoBlts sub tec t checit. B ANK OF OHUU!V, ALBANY, ORKUON. (npllnl. Prealilent Yice-l'r.aiileiit atliiT I- 819,00(1. .11 FMKI1R1I.I. K J 1.ANN1NU .. lal W BUA1M Tranaacte a general hankinir hualness: Esclianire l..uel,l and aolil an all tlie princlial cities in the United states I also on England, Ireiand France and Uermany. Collectionainada at all aceeasibla paints an fat or. bla terms. Interest allowed a.i time deposits. K OF Nt IO, tCIO, ORbOON. resident Vice- President ...... Caaliler llorrla, U Uryant Ilcnee rat tnaeaiiio on rhem ore smaller, and many deal ersdoa't tare about handling them, ni you know nothing about them. But It Is the object of this article to tell yea where you oau fret them, and what to oil: fgr, and all about thorn. Iteeeh'e Ton." "Eeoeh's Tea," jtr.a-anteed to be the purt ran-eured leaves, Is now offered to the people of tho Paelfle Cer.st. It will bo a.revelation to you. You doubtleis norer saw any nat ural leaf. Have your Kroccr break open a I acliatra. It win be found lu color to be Just between the artlilcia'.Iy colored ffreeu and the bljclt tea.i, end the drawn tea presents a clear, brilliant canary eoler, ol delightful frafrance. It Is effered to tho people at 600 per i.oucd, tho sumo price that many artlll elnljy colored teas are sold for. Cut ltt guar auted purtry makes !t more ocoiinrntcul m use; fur a less cunuty, say about twenty grains; ;ls required per cup. As there aro 7.CS9 jrelns to a pound, tliero will be teen to be between three and our hundred cups to the pound, or nt the rate of about ono Sfth of a cent per cup. Its economy Is therefore manlfeft It Is put Bp lu one-pound packages only, In patent alr-tlght and moisture-proof pirchaect, with the trade-mark that is found at the botiem of this artisle plainly printed on the paakage. It It sold lu this form for two reasons; one '.s, that the ordinal strength and aroma Is presorrsd: and seeond, there eaa he no deception, which would bt quite peselWe If It were sold In bulk, without tht namt and trade-mark atiached. Caution. Recollect that tho margin of profit tt to much smaller on Beech's pure sun-dried teat than on tho artlfleialiy colored teas that yon won't ret It If tea by any o:her name can ba pai oi on yov. . .1 a Mosaii J.trr Mrae. ...O 8 Mat DiRReroas: E (ieins, T'bn Oalncs r O Smith. FREH TO TIIE AFfLII AH who are eufTa ring from the elVccts of youthful errors, lose of manhooil, falling powete, Komorrhota. uleet.etriotura. .vi, !,.. and the uianv troubles which ars tha fT.,.i. of these terrible disortleri will iccairc, free of charge, full directions hotr to treat, an,! cure themselves at homo by writinj to the California Mtilical anrl Suriileal Infirmary, K2!U Markot Street, San Kranciroa. Cali fornia. Ask for ! BEECKi. TEA a. Fure-AsWdhoodj If yoar groeer dots not hart It, bt will gat it for yoa. rrlct Me par pound. Tht above trade mark and prist It plainly printed an teah package. rarhai s tht best way to get It It to go where yea know they have It aad , willing to ten It. Tor lmttuet, II can bt had without alav. cultrat - ALLEN BROS- j J. WHITNEY, EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE- Kipress Trains leave Portland Bally. soSiKT ZZ "ZirZT" 1 N"r,b f:Wir. i.Thv' Portlaml Ar7:35aa 10-ffir a I l. Albany h I t: a " i:lt a a Ar San fran-rlaiw l,v I 7;'hi r AKara t-alna au only at tollowinir aliitiona inirll' ot H.etur( Kaat lortland, llrec.'ll City, ml purn, aaleni, Albany, Taaaent, Kh..ld, llal.cy Har litburg, J unctltin l ily, Irving, r-uircue. RfMKBrRO HAIL, PA1LT l;'Sl I l.r l yir a I l.v VtOra Ar Portland Alhaitv lt"t burif Ar 4Mr l.v 12;il a Lv I II .-SO a r ALBANY LOCALf DA1LT RXCSIT .STMlAV) M r I fl i.Wr k 7 SUA U B 2- A a l. VO) !HE F PATR0NIZE HOM INSTITUTIONS.- w I' KKAI, rrmliloMt. J I, COWAN, 'Jreanuror. . AlliaaXt Orrgou. .1 V IUTM.M AN M n.VUIUIKUiV VI plltKOTOlUt ' Hi i I i-owaii. (ioo K Simpson. W V Koa.1, I) II Motilollli.M Slorfil rrji, J ,, '1 "j icWiiBlhorlorii, It S .Straliaii. 1 O VVriUnnn. AI.MO DISTIUCT AtlKNTS FOR Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE. IN AIHANY. L HA SON BKANTH. Aitiiiiiy Allmny 9:26 a 4 : I'll I- 8:40 v PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, I or AreuiiiiiifMlntioM or rroiul-t lata I'MNMrn acre, iillurlietl to Kxir-ta Tralna nr.l Side fill IhIiiii. tti:Tvii:t:Y i-ouit t;. ami h: ai.i.ih, Mail .'RAia uaii (Kx :'tl Simmiy, 7:3d A a I i;:lu r v Ar '.irt'mid VtrViillis Lv 1 .' (..' ra nX'llKHTK.AI.'l DAlLV (Kx.'.-p'. SiUlldaV a:li p w 7:25 en Lv r..rt!ai,. Mi-Mini.viPo 'flU'Ollwll T.. u'.l EAST, rJTiskot4 :iH S3'JTk3. t'n ftii. a(..rtu iti i i i :.r,iiiy r.-itfH, iiii.i s, o:i Conitiiv At'tit at ATntiv OKI ILK IE K l. I.O'iKUS M:uiak'ttr rVt Ci. b'. ami I'. YAQUIXA BAY ROHTH. o Oregon Pacific Raiirodd T K lloi.t., Kerrlrrr. Gr3jjoii Levdopaia; f'o's Staamars, Kliort l ine tu C'liliroriilu. Mrat-ciat i through iiaHsonvnr mil frelpht liiiofn.m i'ortland and all i.oliita lu.KnX':li- . , ... ' . . u iud iiiaijii.i.w ui ity in w no i roiu ran r rancico, t.:ut. Coal 8 mal:o olose, miinecllon al A I hail lth trains of tlioOroRon I'aoifi Hailroad TIME Si;HKIUt,K. except Sundays.) (.eevo Altiany 15:2" p. fAii'a Cofviilis 1 3 p. 1 Arlrie Vaquina, t;;td p. Lvo Yaiimna, 7:ill A,a Lenve Corvallis,10:3.r. A jArrivo Albany, 11:1S A O. & (J. trains connort, at Altmnv and '..orVBllls. ino ahove trams coKiieotnt Vaouina with the Orogon Development ijiuiiany s i.ino or ntcainsiujis hotwflen tatjuinaana nan rraucnco, SAI1.I. DATFS . raoM TAQI'INA. Willamette V.illey, Uojcmlier lath , g m 3,t, rilOM SAN PHANC1SCO Willamette Valley, .llctvm'i.'r 8Mi ; IStli ; I7lli to The C'omiu-M' "-ivm tho njtnt i''io(re sailing 'lalra " thoiit notice. N. B. iJaKeilL'oia from PfirtlAtwl mwl VDJamette Vaflev ooittts can mak i-inun i uniBion wun uie tralna or the Vaonlna t'mta at Alhaoy or C rvn,!li, anJ ifiloH ''"od loSan Krancifco Rhoiild arranve to rneai no'tina tne evonttiK hefore (late fawlin WPaHseniter an fr'slit ratei alnaya I he l.fiwrnl For Inform iti-i niuly tu A K Cli:nv, Krei.'lil and icket Airent, A!),Anr, '.!:. IIIM; a., o. F. ae.l P. AiW'i Curvallls, FEiED AND CUSTOM CHOPPER. Wo have hay, "l. 'l'' Mibw, i hli'ken fi ed, ol'., I'oiiHtintlv nn l,,, nlcsali. ami rrtHil iii iiIh lur II. K I''ik-Imr, Cniviilli. Il nir, sln,riH low Hall Hour. ( iikloin i 1. -I i i ir a i-pci'lnltv lur citt,r n, , !. W I alM Sn h'till lino MORRIS and BLOUNT orntT Flrrtt mill ltitlietS, IT IN r ci trt -njM f fi i iNcwton,iu 0&k? i'Wfn IS63 to 1SS5 alu ggggj. 22 ycars-I ruffcrcl v. Iih rh, Newton, 111. 5 aliout icu- matism of the Mp. I was cured by tho use; of Sr. Jacobs Oil. T. C. DODD. 1 "ALL BIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." q A ALBANY OUQ&R FACTORY lA.'jru'lr, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only "White Labo? Employer1. I A LtafFELWHEEl wm&gmand get MORE POWER 1 mmmP . ancS use B KaUl i a-af yj!G Wlitl' lor IMir New IlillHtrs-i and get and 'Hi lor imi THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & EH6INE C3 .ESS WATERi n il ("iitntoeue fur 1RU1. 1 1 r RIImIcIll0.?vI?,?!Ver,9 CONSTIPATION, IXDIGESTIOX, I pJmi?i Vit EL'' Cn0M1,'AITSSICK HEADACHE, COLDS, I I'lMl'LES. all SKIX AFFK'TlflVu .! mur....-1'u iiiiiiviii... I ..vwiiuiuiijai) aiuoinu uvm a e Voice lo eatllr lajurej-tho slightest Irritation of the throat or larynj at once affecting ltt tone, flexibility, or power. All effurts to sing or speak In puWie, under such condi tions, becimie not only painful hut danger ous, and thuuld ht ttrlcilr avoided until every tymptvm it rctnovefl. To tlleot a penr Ofe flo oUieiniedielne is tiual to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Tho best of anodyne., thl, prciiarnllnn rap. Idly soothes Irritation, stmiuthens the dell cato organs of speech, and restores tlic video to Its tone ami power. Ko singer or publlo speaker should he without it. l.ydn, T',o,p. ton, the famous actress, cerlUlet: " Ayei's Cherry l'ectoral has been of very great ser vice to int. It linproves and strengthens the voice, anil Is always effective for the euro of colds and cnuelis." "Upon several octaoni I l,avo suffered from colds, causing hoarseness and entire bus of voice. In my profession ot an auc tioneer any affection of the voico or Ihroat s a seriortt matter, hut at each attack I have been relieved by a few dotes of Aye'r't Chtrry Ptetoral. Tint remedy, with oral" nary cart, hat worked such a Magical Effect that I have suffered very llttlt inconven lenet. I havt alto used It In my family wltli tieillml rtsults. In coughs, colds, ie ' Wm. H. Quartly, Mlnlaton, Australia. " In flit sprit j of 1S5S. at Portsmouth Va I wat prostraltd hy a severt attack of tr' phola pneumonia. Mr physicians exhausted" thtlr remtdles. and for ona year I was not able to even articulate a word. My the ad vice of Dr. Shaw 1 tried Ayer't Cherry Pea" toral. and to my surprise and great lov in less taan one month I could converse eaVllv In a natural tone of voice. I continued tn a DISORDERED STOMACH. m-,hL?-m'ii--IIA-VnVHTEAi'Pu'tP YELLOW WKAVPKKS mm facsimile Signature of Hill L PULSE REOINQTON & cn o... - fin,,, n-mr ... . , OMn r HANCISOO. . wtn,t by all riti ;:iMTM Axit umiri:itN. Improve and have become since a well man I have often recommended the Pectoral, and ....., ,, , ran.- ueorga K. lAwrence, alparaiso, Ind. flyer's Cherry Pectoral, faaraaao nr DR. J. C. AVER & CO., LmD, Mass. Bold by all Drug, I.u. P,l . . Jll. . A. WHITNEY, Phvsieiaa and n irmii. nni sal Callef, Ns Vark Ci'.v. in...... selalty.l ryiCt -Cri.a'aa Week, 1 ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON 1831, 18Q2. virm icrm Opened Ki'ptemhi'r till-, A lull coi pM of IriNtriiclorM, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. I'ourxan oi ntudy arranvtoil to mpm tl all prailos orMttnlontH. Special xuauccmcntt offered tn itmtmts from abroad. rv. r.t.tK'tr vt ovittr REVERE HOUSE iLBANY, Jl.'AS. I'FEIFFEI J . OREGON ROI'HIETOR. rUtpn nt) HrBt-clann stylo. TablM ruppllKil wi, si the beat in th mar Nio aloipiniraoartinenta. Hainple moB " ooiriiiioroial travolom. Red CrownMi i?at)PR' m Z;. . 1 ""-N"" obtained, and ail IV. tut bluiinp.s ronrtnrteil rr MoCerate Fees and mSS " Pe U. S. Patent Cilice, remote from Washlnctna. tlon "V"'11' nra iliK r photo., -v-.'h d, ,rrl. tlon. We advlee, if .a".-iitiiJ.M or not. free r. Chang-. Oar fee not ilue till patent I. lured A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain l'liteiit. " with ET3.e,aar" ,iu,,,?-:i O.A.SP30W&Ca Orposilt Patent Oaico. Washiniion. 0. C. P'trttdi,,!, t Bunnell Hrlidul : ( fame cour .Tw"; i- ';. Arm.lrone ITin. oV.VJ,;..Vi":'I.';':.''''l'' mf aaiviiii IIIIIKIU, Uusiness, Short h nn (1. TyfnvrUtnf, Pfnmanihip.and A" rer ... -ii"ii MU'Kf'TIIfitK Kit" V t n) tnurs. fttiii'ur-je try,. MtltltTlTa ml,,, It. cither cliunl. fri Tl - T ts a T w tw .. iui,t,oii,nipyioi W Davit, kw i HooaviK ri.oun rr.'KKioR oa rA''" J MO naKKRH rB. HEST SIX) RACK v.ciUT!. ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Sclcniifio Anr.cri- rVwIrfi-rinatlMi nr.l r-r-; tmW'.o'- T,"7.,.",,"it. :! :: a im mi imimmiv. v, 1 " 'nnvnu (or n-. li.liur !i.ll 11" ".( , n..fort .'.v.'i j .!.. ,a lal.i-II I'M', t.v I- t ty.'it .'.VivJS .u. ilc liyuiuitino i:iv.:.i 0. ft'... - 1 -S.,.(,Tor ip v ttiiiitic-iLrii. " :,., ua t. ..l.l.,...t I U'flflll W. ''sall out 11. nw'; ;;, jzr" 9)1 ilroti'iT707. ti