Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 30, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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    .'. 'V
i II .... K. ,". Js 13
VOfi. IV
ALBANY, 01lfc'fi()Jr, ATUPJIAY, JANUARY 30, ;892
NO 22f.
scrofulous humor
in the blood,
ulcere, catarrh, and
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Tho most
safe, speedy, and
effective of all
Has Cured Others
viil cure you.
Albany -:- Nurseries.
K'u iu..n..riiu i.. ..ii,.r, ii,., nii. il 1. 1 ctrjruit
liwjn, ii a., ..,-.!rl.!u arivlin, ill
ll.u bLlg.
' 1 1 !i 1 1 1 " I 1 1 li'. ' i .lu.l i ,r c,i, s.:
ii. n 'a trjuV.
IN.M'l:i-iiN INVITKIl,
f ATISI'AI.TION (M Ai; AN ! :kh
ill r,i m ni !, , ui i
1 . l.ri-YHt ufJAJiKi.iv.
mmn a&omsu.
8 MSI s
IJ ill II J v-
Koyal Baking Powder
Superior to Every Other
The United States Official
inking Powder:;, recently made, under authority of
.!;(.: Depni'tincnt of Agriculture, Washing
"Lhcj the highest authoritative inform-i-h
po-.vdur is the Lc:.t. The Official Report
! C
t !
to ce a
baking pew
all others in
Call andjSt'c what a slock of,
Fancy Goods,
Furnish ins Goods,
IDi'css Goods,
Wo have to select from. Our stock is not only tho largest
Imtthe cheapest ever shown in Alhany.
We have just placed on sale a complete assortrnonljjo
cloaks and jackets, in holh cloth and plush
goods, plain and fur trimmed.
W'e want your trade and we feel confidciive can savo
you money.
Albany, -s-UI---- Oregon
iisi'S is
mm i tit ch: j; ij .
. T ii. will 1e a democratic ccmi v con
vention held ;ii Ihc court house in Albany,
cn Tu'fid.-y, March S:h, iSya at io o'clock
a in, to nominute candidates for county
others, to elect 16 nelegale to the Stall
convention and to transact such other
business as mav properly cotnc before the
convention I'riinrtry meetings will be
held at the usual places of voting in the
several precincs on Sauirdav, March 51 h,
1892, at I o'clock p m. Ity unanimous
vote of the committee it was recommend
ed that the vive voce system of voting be
adopted by the next convention ofjra
it may apply to the nomination of candi
dates. Tne several precincts are entitled
to delegates an fobou:
Albany c!R.;ck Creek 2
Center 3 Shedd 4
Central Abj..v . .4,Swect Home 4
.3Sodav:lle 3
. 'Samiain 5
. .2 Scio , 4
. .4 Shelhurn 4
Halsey 5 Syracuse 3
Jordan 41b lirownsville 3
N JJrowiiHVille. . .4IS llamsburg. . . . .3
N larribury. . . .4 Lebanon 5
N Lebanon 4 1 Tangent 3
Orleans ij Waterloo 3
L'rice ...'West Albany 4
I otnl clrlejjaies, Mi,
AH vttt rs witiipui regard to former pol
ilical atlilia'ion;, who favor an honest
economical administration of public affairs
fio as to conserve the interests of ibe
masses as against the monopolistic tend
encv of the dav, are coroiallv invited to
join in taking part in these conventions.
T J lil.ALK,
J J SriTRs, Chairman piotem
Cia fordviUe. .
Kast Albany . . . .
i'ox Vallev
Kranklin Hutte.
City Livery, Feerl
liAvl-.'if :.i;rehi-l iifjw rkA an furn
ish fhi-tiii 1 mi;H nr ca!i. pcfi
aftfnt' : t.i vn t-i trnnNi!-it To.: Hois?
boaroM u tiui tf:t r month.
'I'nl 'i i
1 n. ti
1:1 tlkfs t'iiy.
n v'n h ihv
,ti4 or; l.;v
'l'J:. t'uliire j.nntiractnrliiK hniiitrh c." I'l rt
Inml -Urciidy n I'ny Kiill r SU M ).CJ
I'cr Month.
It in a n-ell known fact tliat a manu
factory, employinif labor, no matter
wlipre situateil, is the nuclens of a city.
The greater the number of employees,
the creater the prospective city. The
Krupp pun works of tiermanv, support
a city of 05,000 ; the Pullman I'alace Car
Co, of Pullman, 111., a city of 12,000.
( swe(jo, Oregon, is in its infancy. Today
the Oregon Iron & Steel Works, anil
other industries, make a pay roll of
$42,000 a month. H'lth an increase in
the manufacturing output, the city in
creases in population. Population in
creases values of real estate ; therefore
Oswego offers today, to the careful in
vestor, the very best field for investment.
Oswego is only two miles outside the
limits of Consolidated Portland. It has
cheap train service of 8 cents a trip,
and e'ght trains a day ; also six steam
boats each way on the Willamette.
Oswego is a beautiful site for a town.
0wego has a splendid 2,400 water power,
which is offered to manufactures for a
term of years free, and land with it.
Oswego has pure spring water in pipes
over the town. Oswego has a beautiful
lake where the pleasa re-lovers of Port
land will soon establish a summer
resort. Property values in Oswego will
advance rapidly and pemanen't'v as its
future is founded on the development of
tne lavorable location lor manufacturing.
I.ots in Oswego invite the home-seeker.
Lots sold on easy installments of ?10
down and 5 a month. Ask the pub
lisher of thi3 paper to ehov you a plat of
Oswego, or addrfss a postal card to
Borthwick, Hatty A Co., 71 Alder street,
Portlmd, Oregon.
The Kugcne Journal gotcatight'on that
advance report o: the republican conven
tion ill Portland, and gives sumo of lions
Ayer's loi:g address, that was not de
livered at all, aH w ell as several other
transactions that were nipped in the
bud. That was a big slip between the
cup and the lip. Ayer is boss no more.
According to the Woodhurn Independ
ent the Minto fcunily must run thingi in
Varum count v: With J w Minto 111
the custom house, John Minto, Sr , in
spector of sheep, Harry Minto marshal
of the "City of Peace," Jap Minto, with
a tir.-t mortgage upon the olliee of shetill'
of Marion cumitv, nnd lJoug Minto run
ning a n ill in gambling den, it would
H'M'in as if the Minto family were pretty
"ell p.-ovided for at the public crib.
If vou hear a man sav that evi rv
woman who has lived to be twenty-live
has had to set her teeth to keep pure
out it down tbnt there is one bad place
in his heart. That is an insult to woman
hood that should lie resented. There
may be iinpur.j women ; but a majority
are honorable and pure, and it is a
vicious idea to talk anything else. One's
asociations must have been very bad to
get any other conception of womanhood.
As time passes water witches obtain a
firmer hold in the aflections of the resi
dents of the I'.ig P.end. The latest con
vert to a belief in the tIEcacy of this
method of finding water is thus told
about in tho Wilbur Register: "After
diggingfourwellson this place, Mr Von
liehren became disgusted with bid judg
ment nnd secured the services of a water
witch. After some time the witch suc
ceeded in locating water at a depth of
thirty feet. Mr Voa liehren is now a
continued believer in the magic art, as
the exuct depth was foretold."
Au F.turllnii Itrniiiuil.
Nkw VoiiK, Jan 29. The Herald's
Wa-hington siieeial says: President Harri
son will wnd tomorrow another ultimatum
to the little South American republic. In
substance this cable wai sent from here by
iil..ine at an early hour this morning:
President H.irris in accepts Chili's apol
ogy in the broad and generous spirit in
which it was offered." A cable to this ef
fect will follow: While Chili's iiHilngy
is in terms all tiiis country cotild ask, yet
there is one more thing to be done before
the dignity of the I'uitcd Slates he fully
in'i.-fied. Chili must salute the s'.irs and
i.i v, !iiic iii piny.
f-'i..n-ri.i:. W'a-' Ji;n l'II. Wil
'.iiiiii. :ui 1 l-ye ir-i. Id hoy, v;:s W
lUTnorill lit .MaVUi'likUHT
bv a stiliiiri t'a
Alio: her b.v Im.l his lc
iicci'l.-nt. The b
I tlii
i i.ikt!
broken in the .-111110
playing, at reiv
Bare ami Eircctltr.
Bmhdroth'a Pdls a-o the safest and inert
elective remedy for indigestion, irregularity
of the bnwele, couatipatioa, biliousness,
hetdache, dizz.ness, mliri, or cy dincae
AriMing from n impure state or the l.lcn.l.
They have heon in use in ihis country for
over fifty years, and the thousand of unin;-
peahahle testimonials from thoso wr.o have
ueet tnem. nd thfir constantly inoreaioug
pale, i, incontrovaitihle evidence th"t tby
perform all that is claiiued forttiein.
Bra idreth'i Pilla are perely vegetable.ab-
solutely harmless ouii aafe to take any time.
Sold in eviiry drug and medicine store,
cithi'r pUin or i-ugar-coattd.
'. M. French keeps railroad time.
'. i yoar a-o'i-'ri-w of Parknr lirns
I.-'v erenin cheese jaft received at Conrad
1 W C.b'.. job i-rf.-, .:...-. !
. e!r.L s 'ork.
ami Children. 1 1 or.tii:::3 ::! 0.:-::, :,:oriii:tio sioir
ctJicr Nilotic r:Vfatico. J.i 11 !:;:i-::s5s Milwtltwto
f,r Pnroric, !::?:, SiwtUlv.:: :.ti:-..-. r.:r.l Castcv? Oil.
It is rioas::--.'.. It" 0ti:rftMio) i- I :;:.-: y-ar.V uso by
Millions f J :..iii.'.':. C.;tor:a oUv V.'r:-s wiI allajs
fcvoiUiiBcit!. Ctistorla iircvnits you.iUv.s onr CarU,
curt-s IJar:-l:ft f.I Win.l CoKc ClorU r.Iicvos
tcoth'n" t:;u!ili'S, cttroM .oiis'iiiiili:;:: and l:itu'.::x::y.
C-U-U tiainat-a il.e fd, r-C:-.l;tN-H tlt stoifach
n..l bowels, Eivins lii-altliy and nal.iral Iooi;. Ciib
ioiia U the C:.IUIrcu'n Pi.i.u-o:i-t:.o Molbcr' I r-oiiil.
t aslcllT i n:i eseilieU la.-llfino fr.r cliil
.ire::. ;.it::cru i-;T.teilij- told me of It J
coo.: -l.TvJl Uiii.e. :;.c:r tli!'.llS'n."
1;... U. C. On""!!.
Lewvi;, Mas-, i
" CVJortii I !'.. Let iviiK-ly for Ciilcrca 'f
which I .11 r.i-i-;i:n:!.l. 1 hop;' '' ' 1 ' 1 nt
fartii:mit rli -a lamlieni will coii.,i.lcr :h re..l
I'lb-riatof th irc !iil,.r;n. r.:i ! m; t'astnrl.l la-
c.r..l of tl.ev:irlouso.ii.ici; no -triiieawli:'.3i are
I ':r.vt:u ih-ir kweJ n-.-., by foreiiiiopimn.
.Lorp1-.!!:?, s .:hii-sc srrnp 1111.I o' lmrMut
. r..-;t, ii..v u ... :Ir ii.iro.iis, tliiTt-l'y melius
l -'.-ai :s i.rfia.ure prr.ves."
Da. J. r. KixcnnLcB,
Onmty Ark.
'Ca-t.n:3 la iinwi-:! siii'lHcU toetilt-tren thai
1 nviniunen-: I: i.MVcttoai:yimeolvUM
kauwulome." jr A A.m; ,;.R
1:1 ::o. it., ::i-.k)'k1ii, ir. Y.
i i l!i ch-MnVa ilopart-
,:j 1, cC 1 !:! BXJKTI
, -'.! -i.K: pr .ft'.vo ..v.lii 1';u.:olI.',
v... 1.:. .' l;;o.i a :i": e::r
.','.i.1dBltM-il-a !:it W ." r'""1-ir
,,,-rlla of tli-wria V.-.. I 1:1 to I ltb
i.vvnr ii:m i:."
; -iTi:n llmn-iva!. .so pisrrs."j7,
ll.ii.t'-.a, ?.la.".a
"Our )
1 a -j la t
.i.. r.
AO.' " S'tvra. rr" '
Tho Contauv Company, TI Murray Street, Ne C'-
'--XW -s l t.u ioH.jine rW.y w
,'.; i -ir -v in j C-.i'tinrriitVH & Mtootm
rr.i;'i- 1 T'tMi A - v.l 'JfioHiv hu t rtmt'-! f.v
ui ' '1 " -' ri.tcnrr-L'i:;'.KrVhitv,.
tt-iUjJlI' -' ' . ll,.e.J,;,. it.Unt (Plj
fy-xj mijovIt 1r.1V; ii! r- i.nracudilij i
VtfV l -i.-- ,'t l'KCAT' K. IV,.
I vi,l;V bi!!ur ' ' 'M V ! 1 ' , .f.V-l
1 . . .
Si.-.i.Uc !v .r.-.t- 1
iik"ir .Inline j!";h"t.
I at P'irtin
Have you fircn tnf
Drink hw juat. received
Alhiuv, Oro ;
countrv ,
1 Tl
Honky to 1.9 lk. I bat money in
sums of $500 to $20.0lM to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linti and Benton
conatiffl, at lowest current ratts.
delay in furnishing th money.
Real fiRtote aeent, Albany. Oregon.
Bk in Sbason. Spring comes early in
Oregon, It Is nearly here. If you would
have a tailor male suit in ano"n and in
slv'e call on Mr Schimer in L E Blain's
tailoring department and c;t your mea?.
re taken for the bet to be secured. A
fine line "f uitingR just received . Stylih
dei;nn, staple yoods and fits guaranteed.
in ;i i n.ii w.iii ivi-;u:r cI.miviI l'r tii'i ii"W
-lii. !!i. -i-..'. ;ni l imif burnt' 1 tiunii vns
tiiijwtl owr on tiifiii wliIIc th'-y were lii.lintr
iitnlcr it. l".ii' Ii'ys litM'l was drive, into
llip jrrn'ind ::inl !;'. w.;s Um1 l"f-f;v ho
uoul'l bp R'-ctic I.
T1:e Ufirnt IIiirLi-t.
rHTi.AM). J.i!i '.0. A!! wi-at limiktts
an; in a wry dMtv-i"l tu'in and values
("our i nin'1 io derlint.. fJnt-idp of a few
small jKim-ls of ( -ivm Viillt-y. li'M at
lijruri.'s which prohibit trading, nolliin w
b'.'in;r .lTcrud: but siiipinTs, Im-iiil; uu lrrno
irt'snro to buy, uro by no means uiraoiu to
ojM'nite at tin? pnwvnt tiiiic. (Jimtaitoiw
mulcr ettimr circumstance.-" n difficult to
L'ivo. Kxportora asprt that ?1."U for
WalluValla. andei.-V) for valley, is full
value for whuat now. bn.-ed on values
lutile ItrulJii.
Tjnox, Jan 20. XewspaperB of this
city join in saying that the tocond message
of IVesilent Harrirun has confirmed tho
ions opinion thnv expressed, that
lent Harrisftn has lnvn miiitv of
loublivdealintr," and t!i;it he wo. aware
of Chili's aiwlojrj lfon thf mesiiffe was
sent to commas. KiiL'lish newsoaners. now
seriously and brieflv condemn Hamson and
predict republican defeat in Nove:u!er.
A IUdcr Vnlri.
Nkw Oui.kans, Jan Every federal
ofiicer in the cuslomdiouse was todav arres
ted for criminal libel. The cause of the
rirret lies in the bitter political fight which
is heing maoe in this state by both demo
cratic and republican parties. The federal
officeholders lire brruyed against a faction
or the regular republicans, mid no end of
political villihYation is being indulged in.
r.U-ftrtc Mailt-'
Foiskst Oiiovi:. Jan 20. Forest drove
will be lighted by electricity within the
next thirjy doys. 'J'lie poles are now on the
ground, the engines in position, and the
location of tho lights determined. Water
works and a line hotel are union the pro
posed improvement for the coming reason.
Wri&ititio CiTStThkm. When wanting
n orL'an mr niar.a call on G I Klackman
A'ht e yon ftn
from a tfrst class
?iV r.zniii'nutloii.
i U'lt v
1 o'c
n r
s? p t.
: Wtsi.i
i.l .11' i C
i.! li
hern U)t
i rev in
Anotl:r ir. vtr: vf rv.r dollar eltTt
jut riMivelj.t lh I j--d ; Kfaiar. Tlusia
the ht til vr nld for the j.tio".
bftd'ti. d ni witi v"'ir h-iir to Uy ia
eurJ. i o ,t a tm'tln nfPre ich C'lltue 1
Mrs Hv.TinnV
Ho rk'-ulin M ))m Hi: t .
t. work th'T uvlib.', c I
le owe nr Mi.'k. "'hjcl .
neither nr-, vihciT, umn
; v'irkera hc
ire a uniftum
when f.rv, wi.l
ill iiuM .
KoHf..l tit' ti.idMC.T Trrl(U;.
Torontc t
;tr. W;h I:
'.'S.ji)' r
trior i.ui . T
They ar uit -.
).hvni'irt aed nr;;eoti.
4't(li m-ilfi do mt or
nnl .
n tuO C
in tt, w tiij.u ,
li t' tie., tt-.
,u i 'or " !
11 t. it ot h -
In tht Circuit Court oftht Stufr oj Oregon for
thf County of Linn :
AbVAN VHOMA. V :iotiir,
To Minerva C Thorn i, tno nhovo named
IVfondiwit t
Oreicor. vu ate hereby iprpiired to ap
pfi tnd aiifwer the conap'aint of the above
f.laiiitilf, in the above entitled court. no oo
tile with the clerk of mid cnurt, bv th first
day of th ncXn regular tenn of aid eonrt,
which Mid term Iftvone on Monday, the 14th
day c.f M -rch, 1802. at the court home- in
Albany, I4inn couto.y, Oregon; and you are
hereby further notified tht if you fil to
appear nnd aottur emd cnniplan as hereby
rtfpiircil tho plaint j tt will Apply to the
court fortlie relief pravrnt f'trm.F.tid ijciiii
pluitit, tnwit. For i decreet diPolviim t be
h-ufli f f matrimony now exi-iintf betw een
joti ard plain tifT. and for tho cotn inrl dis
iiur'enu i.tH ff tlm nuit to ho tnxd.
Thi' aumm'n U puh'ished bv ord.rr c-f
Hon U I li'ii-e, JndiTQ of a.tid court, made t
(handlers in tin eity of ileni, ()ron, oi
the 2MU dav f J inimrv. Si2.
Viibiiihed J ooiary 20th, 18 2.
: W U l;)LYKt
At. ftr 1'iaintifT
Tne it Uel:.urnnf.
The "City" n the place to tat,
You will always finJ it clean and neat;
No restaurant in town with it can compare,
The best meal in A'bnnv you can get there.
r ish and game vou 11 always Iir.d,
Best meats and delicacies of every kind.
The proprietor will always try
Your everv want to satKfy,
So don't forget at t tie "City1 local',
Meal they serve kO unit youali.
Now bring vour friends and to them show
The hrt reMwc-Tnl m town to go;
RemeniSf vb-n 'h- het vou want
(Ml at T1k Cit Restaurant. "
Mr. Branrdn will treat sou riht.
The Citv' open ii 1 io at night.
Board and lodging $4.50 per week.
llhatiy Kurltet.
All '
sppbs 1
indi f.f cl.o:.;e '-.iting
Allen Bros.
ill ,' fC t'rriiV to d
It i aetu
Tf. Ht;ill ah Ol lfo v ;eir'
dooner tSa-i th urt.iliji t"
third h-a of i:, m-h'i.-.'.
I 1 ,' n nimd pT . A
criiiis 'o e. p::u 1, S t:- w'I
betvp 11 tbrvo I Uir h.l t,:
jotind A if i- hit Gi) vn
t,in i nt t- n r of !'; o . '
pr kv, j . I or s ii t A!1 l- I'
' C 1MS
ro nry 7,?('
Ben to I
1 ei ,1 t, t1
t pir p ttlii'V
ti tb'M a O'ti
-Mi. 85 " 44 M
Buttnr, 80 coots per Tb.
KiK- 35 opp1 per il'z,
(Untofa, 'U 'iUs per bushel,
I Aril. 1 I fa 1 ' flPIUH r lt.
Bafln-Han 12 cent; aide', 11 carte;
ahn.ilffer. ?ntH.
BMf on toot, l l rent per ft
I'ork, drefus - n cents per fc
Flour. ?5 f' t1.
Apn'.fN 6' -v.nW
A pies dn 'I bleaciiea yc-7c; eunurie'',,
Plum, uti 1. ei.
ChickAo .mg l 03(1.(0.
Mutton. f: inn a" "r remu.
Unnulatet Migar, 5K tints; extra C,
4vi eentH.
Hop, l- ce-UV
HHy, 8 In $10.
tv I
v cjsc ot
Fr 1 ar mii" h
et2,,uoto V. 'V Ai:hii-
a, h 11 ; t mi
'.11 an ; rn
A J:isvi 1i ;m. S ICToun; iias just r
ceived a laiji'- stock of plnef, lor men,
women and children, iiieluding particu
larly n tine line ot scliofil rIiocp The
best makes in tho murket can bo found
In his nhov department.
9Then Baby was alea, wc gnre her Castonw
When he was a Chikl, sh cried for Castorth.
When fh bt earn Stisa, he citing to Caston.
Tien she ba J Children, she gave tiiein Caston.
I y A I ;t A Co har.dln n.e celehrttd
j Port Si:d count walla for -rt etery l it,
f t.ef hi:, I'Mit bo furnished at half tho cnt
. f ;ny .tto-r rd arn far npeii'r.
iJ & h v.i k
: 1 v!.
. ji i'l '! 'ft
0 ni..... vL$
i ' . -X v V W
.:.C - i & L "a
t lf. '"i n it rt B'.'d
t!r- ia Millions of Hoaicr-o Yes- r '4
f. f