Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 26, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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    i t
vol. jv
NO 221
Ai-1.wr JcV ."lSS
That Your Hair
may rotain
its youthful color,
fullness, and boauty,
dress it daily
Aycr's Hair Vigor
It clcansos the
scalp, curo3 humors,
end stimulates a
new growth
of hair . "
Hi, J. C. Aycr & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
W. K
ill II
Call and'seo what a stock of,'
. JFancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
IDi'ess Goods,
Wo havo to select from. Our stock is not only Jtho largest
butglhe cheapest ever shown in Albany.
Wo have just placed on sale
cloaks and jackets, in
goods, plain and
We want your trade and wo
you money.
What is
Cnstoria is Dr. .Ssu:u:;I I'i toller's jin-w .hitaou tnv Inl'nits
mid Children, li coii-lita i.cU.ic c r.;onl.!a; nor
other JCarcolic Mibslauce. II Ij a ;.::-r.jU: f u'-isUtuto
for Paregoric, DropH, SootM l-yvi?t n.til Castor Cil.
Jt is Pleasant. Its guara:i'.oo i !:::' j-nrs' uso by
Tdllllons of KotlH-rs. Cistorhi destroy Worms' and allays
fcvcrlHlniCBS. Cnslnrla prevents votiiiiiii;; four Curd,
cures Dlarrlioua and Wind Colic Cantor S. rulitfX'ca
teething troubles, cures -o;iii;.ii;i:i a:nl flatulency.
Cnstoriii satiates ttio food, resa'.ales tbo stomach
nnd bowels, giving healthy and r.r.ttirnl tilasp. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacca-tho Mother's Frieud.
"Castoria Is nil cawrHoat nuillclnft f'T chil
dren. Motliers havo nprfitei.lY told iin; of Its
good eilt-ct uiou iliclr
Da. G. C. Opnocr,
Luwuli, Mats.
" CtfStorfd is the bt'.-t remeily for children cf
trhtch ! am nrqiaintctl. I bopo U.iy H rot
far distant when mothcre w llleonlder the :val
interest of tlutr children, nnd aw Cnrtorla ii
Mend of thev.iriousqtinck ncvtriiina v..".
d"troylng lhdr loved onca, by frcmj;oi im,
morphine, eonfliin? syrup nnd other hurtful
areata iKmu tlii-lr ttiroals, there. y Bern ling
(Hem to p ret nature graves.'
Dn. J. F. KiKcmcLOE,
Cunnay, Art.
The Contnnr Compaay, TT
Albany -:- Nurseries.
Wu rB.,fT. tImu f. Canton t)( ll'imt lot ( frail
trunn, rial il.:i:niliu variutiu, in '"
Oui liulrol .il fl-. Vim. i. l" H f ir thii
iNsri-moN' invit::i,
- am! - -
110 U l II Ml'Ji 1, I -litl( .11 l ) . l.l Jit -il Unty.
a complete assortment "of
both cloth and plush
fur trimmed.
feel confident Jwe tan sare
" Castorfa Is wwi-Hndir-trdtocWMiwi tii&t
1 recmuni iitl li i iiiiKTiorroiiny prwtcrtptloo
knuwu lo in."
TT. A. AicnnR, AL I).,
Itl Vo. 0-f- rd it., r.noklynt X. Y.
'Our phyoU-iis i:i tlu chii lrt'ii'n depart
mcnt have ck. :i ):.; !: of -P,;ri In tV:.- r,i;i.i.':- ; .'..ctuu v. .t'.i (rj..oii.i,
i-.rul j,:::!oii:Th -i.J i' Jw mvonx our
ntcdical nippliiM v.;u! aa n tul-f
jirc!i!Cti.yetwer.w fr -e Ir e.if that f ie
merits of Caori.. iu. cu ;;h 'a loolr v ith
fr.vor itHin II. '
Uxiruo Tlorrr!- and Pi-rr'-vuv,
jj r ion, 5ij.-
AM BN C Swim, ,r'..
Murray Sruot, Now York City.
Mfcd ciainoggv
iikkcm emih: tittii ii i: mi.i:v
Tlie Democratic County Central com
mittee in hcrtbj culled to meet at the
Dkmockat odlee, in Allmnv, Oreuon, on
Kriilay,.liinii!iry 21llli, 1H1I2, at 10 o'eloek
a in, to fix tli w lime nml place for hol'liliK
the county democratic eon veil lion to
elect delegates to the Htato convention
and to nominate a county ticket, and to
perform mich other duticn as may prop
erly come before the committee. Kvery
member of the committee is ured to bo
in attendance as the committee has im
portant work to do. Tho following are
t lie members cf the committee: George
F. Chamberlain, Jfenry lllake!y, II V
Hamilton, W nelund, A P ISIackburn, ()
A Atchihald, I as per Crnbtree, Htnrv
Lyons. T J Black, (Jeo M Alforil, SV
Harr, K E Ilnmmnck, K Ptone, J A Mc
l'.ride, Win Wigga, I J) Miller.J Iv Charl
ton, F P DeVanty, John Duncan, 1) W
Kuinhnuch, A BieviiiB, Jacob Newman
nnd T J Stitee. ' Ceo. K. Cuambhm.ain,
1.1. Stitkb, Chairmn.i.
Secretary .
.llliu Marked.
0ta,85 ' " "
Bnttr, SO Mntfi pnr Th,
Kg. S6 wiibt or dir.,
Polafco, 15 Hnt po" l'i!iil,
I-rd, It fi) lZcnlB p-r tb,
lmj(!rr, 9 cento,
Beef on foot. 2 tii 2 oent per S'
fr, OKHweii, a cenw psr n
Tloar, IB yer faciei.
App'.f 80 osnU.
Annies dried. bleaehed t3.1 tun tlrln-t.
rinm-, uriefl, fgJo par lb.
riiickeim. young f:t.004.00.
Mutton. .1 and 3 50 per head.
Granulated sugar, 6 uents; extra C,
4 oents.
Hops, 15 cdiiU,
Hy, 18 lo I0.
Q For the millions of consumers of Q
Tntt's Pills.
fe It Kve Dr. Tntt pi ensure, to an- k
no u nee tliat he b now putting up a
wlilch lit of oxepedlnply small size,
yet retaining; all tha virtues of the w
JarK'T one. Ou.umiate.Ml purely
vKtable. Iloili size ff then pills A
oro still lHBUed. Ttao exact aUe of
is shown in the brder of this "ad.
City Livery, M and Sale
Havlng nurchaea now rign can furn
lab fimt-eUsi turnouts at call. Specif!
attent-' n given to transient stock. Hoison
uoarued Oy ttio day or innnth.
Cheapest Kate in the Vllj.
Telephone oonnmtlon with the Ht
Charles Hotel. Telephone orderu given
prompt attention.
Fourth 8tret. iKtweon Ellsworth and
Strn!'tr. I hie.
f'V i (XJaiiowienjfd
tile l"R.l;nT riitiv far
'i'llOOtliv R;ti. r.l.l''lv
i'ca rorr It tsa m 'h'i
i uriwcrMn' it azif icA
s-ire Id i s -JiiinctJuiiiCti
t; Oil o itttt.-oni-
A.J. ftTONKK. M. P.,
DrcAVf?,. Ir.Tj.
Tu the Circuit Court or Linn County.Slate of
K A FUANCK, Plalntifr,
ToOrvlllo F'an'W,
t'i abovo named de
X Oregon, you sro horehy requirod to
appeal and aniwnr ine complaint n'ed
RKKlnst you In the atmrp 'ittt d suit on
or before the first dny ot'the nextregultr
term flliH tttiovo enthle'l ooiirt next
follnwimr thn expiration of the publico.
tion of this Mimiunnif towil: thr 14th day
of Mnrch, Ifi!i2 and if you ml to answer
as herein required, iliB plftintlft" will ta'to
judgment against von tor thi rnHr-fde
mandtd in her onniplatnt, towtt: A de
cree ot theabovo enlltlrd court diolvlug
the bomls of ma'rimo'iy now existing
betwteu plaintitr and letondapt anoye
iiamrd and awarding t plaintiff the
cuilodv urActl nrner hrsnoe.ihe utnor
ehild of nlalniilTand riofend.ttit.
Tbts aorvlcn ofsiiniiiions is made by
publication tiv order of Hon KH Iloise,
J u dire of sai l c -un. msun at Cliamhers.
In tbo citv of M.ilun", on ths llihdayof
V'.V 1
5 - X
cv? rs Bf.AcsmjRS "at son.
.. . J.-- Attorney s for plaintiff.
L ,
2 -. v
Tl:e K ulute Mauiirurtiirlnv Muburb of I'orl
Iiuiit-.lirraily a I'ny K.ill r 819,01111.00
ler .12onl!i.
It is a well known fact that a manU'
factory, employing labor, no matter
where situated, is the nucleus of city,
The nvfatcr the number of employees,
the (.'renter tho prospective city. The
Krr.pp (run works of Germany, support
a city of f).r,000 ; tho Pullman Palace Car
t'o, ol 1 ullman, III., a city ot JZ.OUO,
Osweno, Oregon, is in its infancy. Today
tne Oregon iron Meet Works, and
other industries, make a pay roll of
f4'-',tiuu a month. With an increase in
the manufacturing output, the city in
creases in population. Population in
creases values of real estate; therefore
Oswego offers today, to the careful in
vestor, the very best field for investment.
Oswego is only two mileB outBide the
limits ot Consolidated Portland. It has
cheap train service of cents a trip,
anu e'gnt trains a day ; also six steani-
ooats each way on the Willamette.
Oswego is a beautiful Bite for a town.
()wcgo has a splendid 2,400 water power,
vrhicli is ottered to manufactures for a
term of years free, and land with it
Oswego has pure spring water in pipes
over the town. Oswego has a beautiful
lake where the pleasure-lovers of Port
land win soon establish a summer
resort. Property values in Osweeo will
advance rapidly and permanent'y as its
niture is lounded on tne development c:
the lavorable location lor manufacturing.
Lots in Oswego invite the home-seeker.
Lots sold on easy installments of $10
down and $5 a month. Ask the pub
lisher of this paper to sho you a plat of
Oswego, or address a postal card to
Borthwick Batty & Co., 71 Alder street,
l ortiano, uregon.
F. M. Krinch Um-pa railroad thru..
Kiy your irooeri- of Parker Broa
Mvr cream aheeee jest received at CcLrad
C W Cobb, job prini'-r, Flinn Block, doer
tirst class work.
Scf that cleant'piano at Kleiu Bros dot
auU Mioetitore,
E W Actn&on &Co are soiling moticniLiiti
at I'ortlaDd prlcen.
See W F Head's line of drois gocdr. and
siik rteinre buying elsewhere.
Stewarts Sox sell the very best ruteui
tompoed shears ouu icissora.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent
etgar at Julius Joseph a.
Alaruestock of wall paper, with late de
igna, at For'.mlller t Irviug's,just received
Have yon seen those parlor suits that T
Brink baa just received! they are nice
Dr M H Ellis,' nhysicisn and snrgron,
Albany, Oregon. Culls made la cit 'or
The llr Brsta.rasn.
The "City Restaurant" Is the place to cat
You will always find it clean and neat;
No restaurant In town with it can compare,
I he best meal in Albany you can get there
r isn and game you 11 always nnd,
Best meats and delicacies of every kins).
The proprietor will always try
Your every want lo satisfy,
So don't forget at the "Citv" local',
Steals they serve .o suit you all.
Now bring your friends and to them show
1 he best restaurant In town 10 go;
Remember when the best von wa-il
C-ilI at "The Cit Restaurant."
Mr. Brannln will treat vou rlht.
The "Citv" i open till to at night.
Hoard and lodging $4. 50 per week.
monkt to 1Oan. 1 have m.ney in
sums of 500 to J20.000 to loan on im
ptovad farm lands in Linn and Benton
counties, at lowest current rates. No
delay in furnishing the money.
C d Kl'IIKrlABT,
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon
It is sotna'lir vonntny to drink Meeeh'
Ta. Being uholiir.ilv puro, it is muo
vrmicer tha'i tho artiliiiUI zhm, a'timl na
thiol l-s if it. or spoilt t Huy grains, be
it ! e-i iiirsd pc co.. As .there are 7,680
gr-utiH tn a I. hre will Im 8?en to h
hetwe:ii thrrea-, 1 foil h in-lred capi tn tli
pnnnd A n i. b it G9 uents p-r nnnnd
this is at the rate of about fine fifthof a cent
per cup. tor sale at Allen lire.
Then Bsby was ilea, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she olung to rastorla.
When she hid Children, sho gavo them Cantoris.
Cam. asb pEm.r.. All persons in
debted to (i L lilackmnn will please call
and se'tla within ten days, s h expects
lo Icnvt for Portland, and after then all
accounts will lie left for collection,
The following item hns appeared in
several exchanges: "They have finished
and now have in operation at Ix'banon a
woolen mill costing $120,000." which
hows how news becomes twisted bv a
few miles travel. It is a paper mill, ai d
good one.
The Springfield Union says that the
ewspaper has become indispensable to
our daily life, is easy of demonstration.
we kick and exclaim : Pshaw ! there
nothing in the paper," hut if the cai rier
tails to deliver it there is a hasty visit to
the office and an indignant demand to
now the reason. 1 lie dally paper ap
peals to every class of readers. There iB
no one whom i: does not interest in some
It would he no credit to the United
States to go to w ar with Chili at the
present time. The cause is not great
enough. Several sailors on a spre9 in
he worst quarters of alparaiso were
killed. ill the U S shed blood for
anything bordering on such a cause,
These are davs of arbitration and coin
promise and that should be the spirit in
tins matter.
Hon Lair Hill said to a Seattle
Press Times man: "I have received
this morning advices to the effect that
the Oregon senators are still pressing
the claims of Mr Joseph Simon, and the
Washington senators are still standing
by their recommendation of myself; and
that, while notiiing can be predicted
with much positiveness, my appoint
ment is probable. Still I am not count
ing much upon it : am not going to be
gieatly disappointed if defeated, and am
not going into the cave of Aduliam in
any event, because there is too much
lun ahead in Washington tor any sensi
ble man to go into a cave with unfunny
associates as long as lie can help it."
Be in Season. Spring comes early in
Oregon. It Is nearly here. If you would
have a tailor made suit In season and in
stvle call on Mr Schiffler In L E Blain's
tailoring department and get your meas-
jre taken for the best to be securea. A
fine line of suitings iust received . Stylish
designs, 6taple goods, and fits guaranteed.
All l.inds of choice eatinef 'and cooking
applss at Allen rJro.
It is a big privilege to be able
to get what you want when
you go to a grocery store. Allen
Brothers keep such a variety
that they can always accom
modate their customers. This
saves running around. If it is
fruit season they have the goods.
In produce their stands are full
of tho latest and best. Their
stock of standard groceries is
always large, of the best to be
secured in the market.
Believed rtt Kidney Trsuble.
S J Cronin, Rossini House, Toronto,
Csntda writes:
'I have been trouhhd aith a backache
for loipe time I a-tt, and great difficulty in
passing urine. Three weeks ago I applied
an Alienee's Pomu Plaster, and have done
e0 fterv live days since. Almost immediate.
ly 1 hsn parMsl relief, and now 1 am erttreiy
free fro ji pain water passing freelv and
perfectly cliar, without burning. I uwe
my great roliff to Allcock's Parous Platters
and heartily reiommeTl them in any case nt
kidney trouUe."
Just received new and onene Ufor ret ill a
ii'E BrowueM's th foilu'ting
Chow Chrw.
Coolrinrz MolMse,
Pick le. in vinegar,
ftalt Herring,
Salt nhio tish,
Wfmr.ETi ObtThrm. When whnilng
n organ or niana call on G L niacku.nn
vhc-e you :an select froirt n firs chst
Tritriiers' r.aaiiilnalton.
Notion is hereby given that tho regular
public exmtninu'ioii of tea'h?rs. for i inn
county, will :aln pla'H ii Albany, com
mencnig on Wednesday . F-b.'l0'.b. at
1 o'eloek, o in nn 1 c until Fri.biy
noon. Feb 12 h All teachers must
positively Ui present at the lime of o un
ninneeineiit. as no one will be admiited
to tho examination whi is not no present.
County School Snpt
Dci bully 'i e largest and choicrst variety
of tA in tmi. m . t 0 K Brcwne s. 8un
-iiiad, baukt-r Hrhd. g-een, bi.c'i, E:i:lish
bieilf it, A'e
'i o Dispel Colds,
hcnd&ehi-w r.. i Fnvi rs,to leause tnt system
etfictnall", ; . gmtly, wh-n ic-stiveorbi-limi,
or whi ' the bleed t impure it slag
ubhtn permai ently oure habitual constipa
tion, to awa en the kidneys aud liver to a
I'.ml'hy activity, without iTitating or
wei Uui.iug tl'.im, n Syrup of Figs.
suvi-'.si a
(1 Ll M
VirA ia Millions of Homes 40 Yes - - '
bill Not on Hie Fight.
Santiago, Jan 25. The Chilian govern
ment has sent a reply to the ultimatum of
the United States. The reply is in effect as
follows: Chili agrees to withdraw the of
fensive note sent by Senor Mutta to the
Chilian ministers abroad and acknowledge
that its issuance was due to im error of
judgment. Chili also withdraws its re-
iiii'st for the withdrawal of United States
Minister Kuan. In addition the Chilian
government, in its answer, proposes that tho
affair of the attack on tho Baltimore sailors
in alpanuso be submitted to the arbitra
tion of some neutral power. If this pro)o
sition is not acceptable to tho United States
government, thn Chilian government sug
gests (hat the matter be submitted to the
decision of the supreme court of the United
Very 4'raly.
SKATTi.r., WuSh Jan 25. Charles Frank
Jones, im ex-nowspaper: man of Seattle,
was adjudged insane this evening bv a
jury after three days trial, and will Im sent
to the asylum at Steilacoom. Jones was
very dissipated up to about a rear ago.
when he embraced religion, llii mind
gradually became affected, and he became a,
monomaniac on the subject. Ur inllv
abandoned work and went nut on tic pnb-
ic streets, walking to and fro with an op; 'n
Bible held nloft in his hands. He left his
wife nnd ehild without support, declaring
that the Lord would provide for them.
'IraasPtj le.
San AsTONio.Jan 25. Word ha3 reach
eel here of another serious riot in the city of
Zacatecae, Mexico. Ther. was to be a bal
loon ascension and a bull fight, in which
women were to be the performers, last Sat
urday. The novel entertainment attracted
several thousand people. The women were
afraid of the hulls and the inflating appar
atus of the baloon would not work. The
spectators were so angered that they rushed
into the arena and attacked the performers.
Several persons were injured and tho ampi
t heater was torn to the ground.
A Bad World.
Vienna, Jan 25. The Vienna Club of
Millionaires is much annoyed. The secre
tary of the club died recently. He was
buried at the clubs expense with much
ceremony nnd display of respect, most o
the members attending the funeral. Th?y
had deferred opening the safe until the re
turn from the grave. Upon openimr the
snie uiey found deceased had been robbing
them for ycara. The amount of defalcation
being about 20.000 tlorins.
Wont neNee 'cd.
Washington, San 22. Senator Dolph
is in receipt of several communications
from physicians in Oregon, offering their
services us surgeons in the United States
army in case of war with Chili, The sena
tor says he thinks, from the offers received,
that Oregon alone could furnish all the land
force necessary should a war with Chili oc
A Good Mine.
Gold Him., Or Jan 25. The JJraden
mine, once the property of Sam Coulter, of
Portland, is developing into one of the liest
paying properties in Southern Oregon. The
average yield is $100 a day.
Ilusr ; Is llie Rot Pulley.
Thia is u parent medicine,
bat jour atinuijou the m mnt may save
you inurli huffetingas well as money.
We cm.' Hiat loui h.
We cure that ticklirg.
W turn tlmt hucklinc-
W,. cure that thri.s clearing.
AT. CJ' Crour.
We euro Broechiti.
We cnroLa Grip).. C uzh.
W. h. lp you to ing si.d .pe.ik.
Wo are lint I'l" S. B. Ll Xel-fii.
We are u " Sjiup.
t na 1 1 t "(I and 75 c eit lio'.iUa.
W a" ' . B. t'ouuh Cn--.
tlUMia. l"i-' i.. :o h.iy A; M -..on.
A n tin r low ice i f i
jllt rccetvcit at th L
I hi best glove c-vcr m
r. frltve
Thn ia
id er BuZdar
.1 for the piici
A Suoa Iru.M. S KToung hns just ro
ceived a large stock of shoes, for men,
women ami children, including particu
Inrly a fine line of school shoes The
best makes in the market can be found
in his shoe department.
C g inh have not been s checp since
tie war as tiev s:e eow , Call ami sen what
barunius V F llencl hnn.
OotCC Slcrasiaui! fc.r till,ij, hai
nm. v 1 1 , M 1 c, luc e of hcrie olcith
ieir ece., ei .
1 act . d
CI. I I. I M l
Mm I'V ji.o
ym jr hair to rtay
t a lii'tle iifl'rnirh eifline
K W Act-
i'lT'li-nd ei
flies- tvaii-.
of aovitii i
i; ft On hHRtHe tne cc')lir.tttfd
ii ot w.iHh fur ?enet-ry lo:e.
in lo furuthtieil a; hal! Iha coot
1 j,-
t '
j :
1 ' ;
I ?