HOW SIl'CH SHODDY. iviercrtatits anu consumers would nftP U they knew bow much bhoikly McKin Icy put In "all-wool" goods. A practical dyer, MrP M Street, whose occupation in finishing woolen fabrics gives him an opportunity to know the in side of the business, w rites in a communi cation to the World, September 15, as fol lows: "It is past belief the amount of shoddy that is in goods sold as all wool, and parties bringing such goods to us fre quently get indignant when told it is shoddy, for when buying they were told it was a fine article and sold for such. I tell you it wuiild surprise the people and disgust them if it was possible for them to realize how little wool enters into a so called 'all-wool suit.' Even the merchants would gasp. There Is an argument started now, to sell this mixture, that it makes the goods stronger to put cotton In it. A base lie, as everyone knows, who has worn the goods, that its color soon turns rusty, dull and muddy, and the first damp ness draws it out of shape. It is almost impossible to buy a good suit the last few years." The Oobsons, leading carpet manufact urers of Philadelphia, are reported as au thority for the estimate that of 55,000,000 pounds of carpet material user1 in this country 10,000,000 are clean wool (equiv alent to 27,000,000 of raw wool.) 20,000, 000 are shoddy and 25,000,000 other Jnixuires. 1 lie mtttum i.tfiH'irn itu iwirif . ; !.: . I an extreme protection journal, speaKing w the carpet manufactureof Philadelphia, in in June, 1SS9, said "That city turns out the cheapest carpets, both In grade and price, in the country, being a very large consumer of cow hair, the cheap substl stute for wool." A petition presented by the working men of Philadelphia, largely employes in the woolen industry, to the Fiftieth Con gress reported that ingrain carpets, largely used bv the masses, and which were form erly made largely of wool, are now made of an average of one-fifth wool and four fifths adulterants, and that in the whole carpet industry of the country probably not a million pounds of domestic wool are used,the use of cheap.coarse foreign wools, best adapted for the manufactureof carpets and which are not grown in this country, being greatly restricted by the tariff, and which restriction, although onerous before 1S90, was greatly increased under the Mc Klnley act, namely, fiotn 24 and 30 per cent aJ'va'oremt 0 32 and 50 percent, And here we find a probable explanation of the curious fact that, while claiming to ma'ne more carpets than any other country, we were able to export or sell to foreigners in 1SS9 only 5,670 yards, while Great Britain, in the same year, with her free-wool policy, exported 12,090,000 yards. How is such an experience likely to be remedied in any degree by the negotiations of tieatics of reciprocity or the maintenance of a high-wool tariff? IT WAS A MISTAKE. Readers of the Democrat remember that this paper took exceptions to the ad vice given by Senator Hill in his Elmira speech on the tariff and silrer questions. The . New York World which is verv friendly to the senator is publishing ex tracts from leading democratic papers all over the country taking the sume view of the speech . Such papers as the Indianapolis Sfhti nel, Wheeling Register, Salt Lake Tribune, Wilmington (S C) Slur, IlelcnawKywm rut, Kansas City Tmn. St Louis Rrfablic, Raleigh (N C) Stair Chronklc and scores of others are outspoken in their opposi tion to this policy of do-nothing proposed by Senator Hill, The senator will very soon modify' his speech. We are told by republicans that Maim; and Harrison "understand eaeli other." Well, maybe they do, but the same cannot be said of their friends, if we are to judge by the spectacle presented at scores of re publican primary meetings held in Indiana v. few days ago. lilaine and Harrison men fought all over thestate for tic ascendency and it was no uncommon thing for their meetings to become more boisterous than a democratic club meeting at Five Points in New York city. The tight between lilaine and Harrison is ou'and harmony will now grow beautifully Ics. Senator I clph being criticised by are publican paper for inviting Senator Hill to a dinner which he gave a few days ago says when lu gets so he can not eat with a dem ocrat lie will retire to private life. The cenatorhas wisely concluded that if he can do no other good for his constituents, he will, at least, keep good company. This spirit was evidently drilled into him when be was a boy. CA convention was held in each of the live congressional districts of Philadelphia Wed nesday to select d"Icy,itei to Die republican national convention. !elegatcs favorable to lilaine were elected at all the conventions. There were two anti-lllaine but both were defeated. IiVii slructillg the delegates to vote were adopted in all live di-tricj- candidate-, lltiolis in fol' lilaine Tim federal nine carried tilings wit! publican prinnrie otlierdav. The in got Hie lie-t of tin ami llarri.-'.'ii "uie know. b.Mci aid to have let the n- ll I Id i licli.ina 1 1t. ;;iv that they cmvd. Hi. line thciu-elve-. nu ! hull" st Old' rongriwniun llulmunof Indiana, chair iimm of the appropriation committee lias in troduced a resolution dcelarint; it to be the judgment of the house that the granting of subsidies, or bounties by emigres in public moneys, bonds, or by a pledge of the public credit to promote special private industries or enterprises independent of constitutional power of congress, is unjust, impolitic and ill manifest conflict with the spirit of repub lican institutions. The resolution further resolves that in view of the present condition of the treasury, ami liecinse efficient and honest government can only be assured by 11 frugal expenditure of the public money, while unnecessary ami lavish expenditures lead innvitably to venal andcorrupt methods no money ought to he appropriated by con gress, except such as is manifestlynecessnry to carry 011 the several departments frugally. lhciently and honestly administered. Thi stirred 1111 the reiuiblican members who were members of the last or "billion lollar congress." and Head was so much moved that lie actually opened his mouth and spoke a half dozen words loud enough to be heard across the aisle from liim. The most significant thing is that republicins in congress are using all their powers to thwart the democrats in theircffort to econ omize in public expenilitu'.i", They raise a hue and cry about the above resolution, but every man who feels the weight of taxation increasing will endorse the spirit and pur hose of the resolution. The Oregonian enters a very mild, half hearted protest against the proposed gerry mander of the congressional districts in Ohio in such a way as to give republicans ieventeen and dennxTats four members of lonirress. Its opposition is clotnea wun words but there is 110 spirit or zeal in it. We repeat what we before said: lemocrats of hio have 110 right to c- niplain for they did just what the republicans propose now to. do. Democrats are nether more nor less fair than republicans about matters of this kind. Hut as Harrison protested so strongly in his message against the "Mich igan plan." the least he can do is to protest against Ohio republicans doing those very things which, if done by democrats amounts to a crime, lint the president is a first class politician and will secretly bid Ohio republicans (iod speed. How to .Make Money, tverv man is the larmer of his own fortune and the harvest he reaps is entirely due to his own perseverence and industry If properly sown, there is not one seed that promises him better returns than saving a dollar by buying groceries where you can always depend on the best goods and lowest prices. This you can do by dealing with Parker Bros., who always have on hand a large and select stock of groceries and naked goods. Irythem. N K.W ADVKK I'lSKMEM w. SIDEWALK NOTICE. TO P.. J. WIHTl'.HOCSE, FRED Ilriickunin, W. M. Moore, Oregon and California Railroad Company, John yiiinlan and J. II. Campbell, owners of t lie real property abutting upon the east line of Madison street, between Fourth and Kigbtb streets, all of said streets be ing in the city of Albany, Oregon, You, and each of you are hereby notified that the city of Albany, Oregon, proposes to improve all that portion of Madison street, above specilied at the cost and expense of the owners and holders of the real property abutting upon said portion of said street. And you and each of you are hereby further notilied that said city proposes to make the following improve ments, namely : to construct a new side walk (lij Hix feet in width, abutting the following described property to-wit : on the east line of Madison street, abutting lots 1 and S, in block 44,and lots 1 and S, in block 45, and lots 1 and 8. ir block 4ii, and lot 8, in block 47, all of said lots and blocks being in lluckleman's second ad dition 10 the city of Albany, Oregon; and you are hereby further notilied that the council of said city will, on Tuesday, the itiih day of January, lu2,nttlic hour of 7 o'clock p 111, oi said day, meet at the Council Chatnhrrs in said city ot Albany and hi.-ur and determine all objection,-! and rumonstances to aiiyoi said propose 1 improvements, lione bv older of the Common Council of the city of Albany, made at a regular meeting ot Haul council held Jauuarv l'j mi. Albany, Or., Jan. 15th, S!2. N.J. IIEX'TOX, Recorder of the city of Albany "V7"ANTKD. A girl to do eno-a IT Iiouhov.oiIc in a small fund y, In quire at northpist corner of Kiglit and Lj on Sts, near S P depot. rAXT''T).-IIighest pries Tt hkes at the chair factory, Oren. paid for Albany, J.10K SALK House ami eomor lot In It's 3d add, 7'n. Apply to I W Davis. m I ONKY TO LOAN -Horns capital to IT I. loan, in Hiinisto tiiit.on Albany Linn eounty real estate or good personal security VV V. MoPhorsoti, first Street opp, Mrsonio Hall, Albany, Or. M. STKKLI-: A Co.. Albanv. Orn . L ,on monoy on cood real pstaio security in Linn and adjoining ecuntiv s FIS POL L THY, CA.MIC, fresh from Portland and other p'accs, always on hand af our market, near corner o Second and Kll-wnrili street-, (irtlKHK Sl.AViiMTKR Of All Kixi-s Oi'i'.Mit,. slimM , !,iUTv Si. J,!,., m.xl or tj VVjiljuuttt' i'ackuu CV toro. Parker Bros, grocers. New cloaks at W K Heart's. Uteat stjlea of hatst W Y Ileat.. Reduction in summer good f at W F Head's Apple parers for Bale at Stewart A. Sox t. Fiae groceries at Conn & Heudricson's, Latest sheet music at Will & Ltuk's. 1'arasoli and sua umbrellas at less than cost at W K Head's, Gold spectacles and eye ulansus, all styles aud price, at F M French's. The finest Hue of pockot kuives iu the city at Stewart & Sox's, Rargaius in gold watches at Freuohe, "The Corner Jewelry Store," A full line of Warner's oorsets, best in the world for the money, at W F Head's. J. W. Bentley, loading boot and shoo maker, just east of Rsvero House. Silk umbrellas in natural wood h ami lea cheap at Freuch'a Jewelry store. Go to K'iu lima and have your Bhoes repaired wmle you wait. Patronize home industry and buy hand made harness, warranted, from 0 C Mo Karl i nd, at Dubruille a old stand. Qo to C W Cobb, successor to Paisley & Smi!e, Flinn Block, for yourj b printing ot au kinds Bad Blood. Impure or vitiated blood Is nine times out of ton caused by some form of 0omtl(atitn or Indiges tion timt tlni up tti nytcni, when tbo L'loo'l lMHtfHHy In clines iinr.tvutril with the el-'.:r..".,-T, Tiivo'. l:V.rii:urin:; fittt;:);-! t roa;!i t!iis co::ditic:i by ctr.-irkiiiiT the biond v. iili the 'Irustie mineral old an;! otooict; modorii. It go: arouses the live (ill orrio-.i, ii i l tliy ir.ii'Uriri-.s tbe uamrrtl cli:i: Try it ai u; artiosi. Chas. ! TU'M ami Mar! Miotah." The potash theory is , J.-y's V .:ir-'ni'?. iliu i-i s to t'-.o ?' i'-f tho tr Milile. U r, k:d!i.-s r.v Lu to ! tu'th l;;vi-;.::-Li'.(.s t?.fJ rt:i.l r.r. tuk:y t arried ofi"t'. r u;,;. to i; di'dvMtfal .(.?, :it i;e.:i:itih'j r n ir. for iti:'" rd e o:i tlu- lii-it 'u:- bSoO'l mil whi tie berm:ie cuiiv its, for 1 ton:.! i.-L-1 u; i: !.i'.- f.-id ir v.-u . v.tti i.- -j- Ir ( h-u purl- t;'!.; ' -f$ i:ie u; .viicraily, ' ' ,' i., m-w v. ntkuii: tull iku r.'imlut.' Ins ii t'lni:ie. l!cvl find lrr..'ni ami ewrythiu;-; Inn'e Ve-Ctab!e iyy U Sarsaparilia KOll SALE BY STANARD & CUSICK ALBANY QITY DKD STORE Pfeiffer Block, Albany Stanard & Cusick R0PHIBTOR8: -DKALKRB IN DruRS, Medicines, (bemicali, Fiinci and Toilet Articles, Sponges. Brushes Perfumery, School Books, and Artiste' Supplies. I'll sioian' irtNcritiiii cure Inly compounded. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY POUND DEAD! Vlnle iryinjr 10 Crowd theil WAY IX TO store, where they alwa have on hand hu largast Stock south of Portland, of the latent improred Rifles and Shot juns; an Immense stock of rishlnir Tackle of overjr description; Tents, Hammocks, Ump Chairs anu thousands of other things too numerous to mention Xtepo,ii Shop connection with the Store, and one of best workmen In the State to do any utl an kinds of work. Cowio on Come al. No rouble to how goods. "Small profit and quick al" Is oui .notto. J. A. Cnnimiuff Wall Paper, ALBANY, :- CRECQN FOSHAY ii MASON AMI HBfAIL- iJru "gists and Booksellers A l.ilor John B. Alilon's (iuollcallo:i- vich sb "I1 at vuhliiihers prices witiv He MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber ami Elder Flower Croam li i iii n rt'rtiiK tk' lii tlu' i-i'i.Mf in ninth tlmt torin is popularly UMit, l.ut i.'NiMii-n!lv Im.uitilli'K, It A.TA'tttfUH..ft, hii Ill, t'U tr. !vt'ty -km, uthi hy tloilv uo mdu.illy in;iUrn list cniMi'l.AH'ii wvfral Ktuitliw hiiirt li is tt iMiiiin.t pruti'. ii..n (rointlio t lTiTln uf HU'i anil wiini rirul p'i'vt'lilM nii niu uiul fiet-kk', ami lUt;k Ih'si-Im will urx-v cnia whil yull uit. It dfniiNvs fin Inf.- Ur ln Hor llrm nap ntnl w liter, iioiiri.ilii'H iiini hull In il) Ui" ekin litHiiun Mini prevontM tht furuiiil urn cf wrinhlvH' It yivi-a th fn)utPSH, cifHrnfHn itml Hiin.i'lliiu"tt nf ."kin tli:it ymi hud w tiuu u litllo virl. iiM'iy iit l.r. ynuns r nU, oiiu'lit to um it, iiH it t-ivi H;i 1 1 in o outlifnl ippfnr aiicf t any litly, unl tli tt prniiniiintu It cm in in no iitiil, (inHiliir or n k i i, aiu! it :m irinnli'Mn n dw and an imurittliinn i tlu' f-k n ;i '.tw it ( the flow or. Irif Hi I mi. ai. nil l-i.-'is's kimI liini.ln.irH, nr ui Mm tirrvuim- (..riilniin'' u-.i:ili!ihnu' it, li'l I'oit utri'Ot Kan Kmncirtno, wluie ulit tro;.u l idii'M for lt lilfiuittli et of the fiice ir Htir. lnliri a tlii'mici truutcil by letter, Hftui httiinp for irr iv W l-onk "llnw to be Ilcsutiful." Sample Bottled o pity pv'iitiife .ii;.' id-kin,, Lit .i,',viti wnn:l MRS. GIIAHaM'P Fa,ce iilcacli CuroM tVe worst tnsiH "f rrorkUt, SunUtirii, NtU iiwiitfdB. .lth-pii'i ht i, t'i:!iplt-t:iMi1 Htl fkin blrmiitliM, Trlre JHI,00 ILtrmle ;nul cifootwe ; i.o simple UUIl llOSCtll ; Lady HL.r'llU W'lli'd, TllQ Tlpimiriot in 1 ''n 'l1"1 r.len a 1U0 JJrUHr!j l"'l "( h:t pntiLitioni will IiHvpIhh mini' ii.ldftl t.t tlii rdi-rrtiv. imn,t, My pripiritioutj ;ir ..r j HUn!tlVl i,rU in Ottciifiiuii'.l i):irT I'fy y, ; ;. S3 SHOE centPemen THE BEST SHOE IH THE WuRlD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless ntios, v'Ui do tnrk or wax thread to hurt the feet; mad of thu b rtno ralf, Btvllali aurl n.xr, ami became tctf make mure. tiv) of this gntiie than rwty athrr tnumtfttrturPr, It Ofuul ilfLHii et'wt'd Bhnpj oostlmc from sa.ia) to t'oxJ. CJfS 00 Uttmiiao Uund-Mfvdf th( flna-t calt Jwa hhoe ever otTi-rcl fr $i.t); equals fcroucb imprirtfl nlinos whieU vmt from $1.1 it to $1J.H), CiA 00 Hnnc1-rned Welt Hlioo, lino calf, Pb BtyJlMi. comrorinblo nud iJurablt-. '1'Jio but shoe rvr olTered nt this pric ; mine KraJy ils qua tom-mndi BhoeB roithit: frum to (.jo. ICO 90 Iolir( Hhtiri hai-mers. luillrontl Man ip&m and ,etter(.'arrit'r!iill weartboni; lluoculf, et'ainlt8P, Bimoth itiHidc, lu-nvf tliri-o iolvt, extcu Hoti edK. (me pair will wear ayrar. flJO SOlDelft no better bbou eTor ofTorpl M JAa tliln price; (inn trial will couvlucu ttiua tvho want a fine forcoinfort and aer-rlce. ffiO Bad 'J.e Wotkli)ifiiianfn aboea ipmm are very atrout; and duraldi'. who ikivb iitth nirni m iriu win wnx uo omer inuKa. Boys Wort bv ilia bovaavrrTwlipr: thnvunll on their merit, ah the Uicreuluif sales ihuw. I Or! Sac 13.00 n-aydawd sIioa, bert mOU ICO LonicolA, forstyiUb; n lUab i'roucil imported utioesenatUiKfroiii 4. g;.iij. lndlotr- 4.a, nnd fl.?.5 ihm foe filissi'Bare thabMtiuelJuuoU. atylisli uud durable, 'aution. that W. I.. L"uia' nntue auj price uro tm ped on Uia butoia uf uac-U stiue. flTTARB NO BlBBTII'l'TE.J Tnfll-il on lornl adfcrtlfed di'itlwra aupplf Ium ynu. W. L. UOlGLAd, ruc44iu,.ii(Si. tiild by - Rf HEAL MERIT PEOPLE Sny tho S. B. Cough Cure is the b-'Si thing they ever saw, 'We are not flattered, for we know that real merit will win. A)l we ask ia an honest trial. For falo Iiy FlUIIi7(t 1IANOX, Albany, flrngoa HMt stork nf nl fmodu In II19 Vftllty. Rii'l tli mnn roawitialjlo prieo. 1 jmvo on nulla an Kinm or FUiiNITUnt, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. On iloor woit of S Yonn' c:M tort. L. COTILEJE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hcrcoy H'lvcn to nil inrti,'Mi .1 in accordance with law 1 have postcil tre--pass notices on my pre.nites foi liiildin r parties liunthi'' on the sam . Inilisre" giml of saul notices panic.- have constantly lrcspas,stHl in the premises an. I in conse quence a valnahle horc has- Im-imi injured by discharge of lircarms. This is to notify aiiy and all parties, thai 1 have up my mind to prosecute an v party who tres pas:cs furlher 01, my pun.ises to ilie full extent of the law, and that 1 i; give $.'s reward to any person whowill name the paity w:io siioi inv norr-e. W. SL DOUGLAS l.cuiinun, ur., 1 ee uth, ilv.i. MARIOS' liLKKHAIiT. ASK YOUR ASK THE PEOPLE OF LINN COUNTY Whoro to get the lioat liarjjaina, Where to got tho Best Valuo for Your Moiifty, -IN- Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Aud they will Answer with One Voice, at 3TG. W. SIMPSON'S. Julius GradwoM's Bazaar The vary latest nevrs is that you can buy at JULIUS GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuokle's Coffee, Per Pound ?5c 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar 1.00 20 lbs Extra C Sugar White 100 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 & Gallons Good Pickles 00 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholesalo pricoof sugar -10( lhs extra O, $1.73; 100 ihs nmmilntod, 15.73. I will oomluet ft utrlotenili slorn, mi l nil go will ! h,M for tvit 011I1 in to 25 pr cent lemi thmi n-gmar pricn. My toek .f Ohlnnwurn, fnoy goodn, nd all the ili'lrahl ylon of dishet, m wall a a gnimral asi'.irtiiin'. of grocBritw, crock -dry, lamps inl flxtnrn Is coinplola. 1 imkn a p').)i iy or 11. in hi o itluos ami biking powder, ami always phiaso my ciiHlomorH, My display of now toys anil liovnllliw for tUa linlldav" tli" 3''' will bo the finent ever brought ta Albany. Jiillim irinlwohl. ALLEN BUOTHEHS, Wholesale i retail Grocers CIGARS TOBACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block. BLAGKEV2APJ & HODGES, LEADINGDRUGGISTS -A.rJ"BJ-N""3T - OEEGOW DRUGS. MEDICINES STATIONARY &C We are the People "Who carry the most comjileto line oi' Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market. Albany Manufacturers .f IEAM ENGINES GRIST AMD SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON 0NTS m ALL KlrV-33 OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. pectal attention .mill o pmrtnu ll da of macminor Falterns Made on Short Notice ALBANY On. Wmm & HULBERT BROS, Real Estate Agents Fiirrnr and lluncl;" fcr imlu. Alto city brnpvrty in Alhncr an:l Corynlha. NEIGHBOR I CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES SEASON. ALBA Ml FOP.TMILLER & IRVING -FUNKliAL DIRECTORS. Arlerial Kmbalniliig done Sclentiflraily. Albany, Oregon. tii 11 vi:i.i:iin,tri:n . . . SMITH & WESSON Tho Fino:t Small Arms Erar Manufactured AccunAcy, , 11 "Av ui-'KUHll TY, KTiu rls "".miTiMin.'.nif and fi , CONVCivir-.NCE In L0A!)!S'f. itfi.l cictrv V tic ware nf rh. j 1 (. t Smd fcrlliuolr.i't,! C:it:.Kru3 sntl Pried List t.'fj ri u. WCJUIV, m K I 'I! I S '' I I l.l. It, .11 .!... H B, .. " E3 e a r a