Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 15, 1892, Page 1, Image 1

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    VOL. TV
NO 212
in its
early stages
can be cured
by the prompt
use of
flyers Cherry Pectoral
It soothes
the inflamed tissues,
aids expectoration,
and hastens
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
W. F.
Call and so what a stock of
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Goods,
We have to select from. Our stock is not only the largest
but the cheapest ever shown in Albany.
We have just placed on sale
cloaks and jackets, in
goods, plain and
We want your trade and we
you money.
What is
distort, is Dr. B:u:ti;el I' itclxT'ti ; fcurri -rioci for li'Xmts
ami Cliihlrc:!. II ooutaiua ncitlicr 0;-.!:r.n, iMorjiUiJio nor
other Narcotic substance. li i.i :i l.;::-::iiCw:i Ht:I)stitnto
for Pnrcgoric, Iro;is, Sootlilui; : .vvi::iv, nutl Castor Cil.
It is Pleasant. Its jtiarantfo is i'.d.-t;; yaws' use by
Millions of 31 .-thcrs. C.istoriadost rojs Vori:i!i mulnl'.yya
fevorishncss. Custoria iircvcut.i vou.iaiii; Sour Curd,
euros Diarrhoea, nnil AVlnd Clio. C.-witoiia roli.-vco
teethlns tr.)r.l;I!S, cures roiiKt!;:tti:i flutnloney.
Castori.v nssiiliatos tho fixxl, ri'!jt!!.;t. s the (stomach
and howcls, gtvlns healthy and natural bIocis Cas
toria U the Clilldrcu's Panaeea-llio Mother's Friend.
" CAtrla Is nu excellent niedlolno for chil
dren Mothers Ikivc r-'iK'ntwIly lolil n,oof ha
cooj ,;.T'Ct upon tlii-ir cbililn-n."
1;... G. C. Ornooo,
Loweli, Xu;..
"Costorlalsthebt.-i iomicIj- for cliilOa'ii
which I H,n iiKV.iainU',1. 1 hope t!: ilr.y Is 1 ot
fnrdiHtmit whrn mothers will eonsl. Km- tli'M.d
inttri ct or th.'lrclill.lren, nml use Castoria In
stead of thevarloiisqiiaci: notriinisuliich r:-
di'BtroTlas their loved onar,, by foiviiiitoplum,
mori.hine, soothing synip anil othiT hiirtful
nfrenla iloun thi-lr throats, thereby seadins
tSsiu to premature grove.''
Da. J. F. Kixcnr-t-oi!,
Counuy, Ark.
Tb.8 Contenr Company, TT
Albany.-:- Nurseries.
We uru nfYorltiif I" P'-iiim tho llm-at h i if fmit
Ireus, nail .h-!niMj ViirititlcH, in BtttlO.
Oiio hiiti Irmi aul fl(L t'i tiMi'il fyii fir Llii at a
- iiml
t'ffS.'tnl fwriitil.i , ni u lit tin- ol.l
no lonriit.jiil, on-r.tlf in i . h tuih wmt nf Albany.
tivraan & bsomeli.
R EjA D,
a complete assortment of
both cloth and plush
fur "trimmed.
feel confident we canjsave
' Castoria Jk : o .!'. ivl.'pteit to chl!,:rea thai
I roc iiiiiu ncl it iin,.'r.i'U)aiiypraicrlpti03
known 10 uie." .... t.
TT. A. Ancnrit, 31. D.,
Ill f;o. O.vT -.l L t,., I niol:lyn, X. V.
" elur -H'. r,i,-l '.r.s i.i '.; elill.lre'-'l ofpart
rnnit h.'-u' r;.::ea U,My lh-' "
la b.!t..We K .!. " i:KVW.i.'..
r'.'h, n;''l wo vuv have a1; 0!n' o;T
1:11 il or.i r-n. :i.'a whui U
.lo,';. v. I v.fnre I
,v,--i as I-,-;, il
o .f '.s t:,ar. t'.
ni'Tl-.s oe'easwria fca w 1,1 io"k
lavor livon It.'
V.N!"C HosrlTiU iMI llfl"UY,
l!,,I "n, .M :s
Al.I.BS 0. Smith, I'rrn ,
Murray Elroot, New York City.
Ffffcheat of in Evening "ower.. .
OU, V, Imlun Aiful i;rraUi !
Tlurii in no':Iiin (i oo licillnful than on
ions. The tTMiWi: 111 1 hiit ytnam are afraid
tfi out tlii'in lifcausH they inako the breath
unfrayraMt. liut thorti in a Um frajrant
breath than that freighted with ouionn. Wo
moan tho hrc.-ith uf n portion Aith a foul
Htomanlj. Tal;e linn away! we inwardly orv
when ho hi purs in our car. !" b&u that
your breath is pure. Take a ftiW Biandieth's
Pills and regulate your liver, Ktomach au 1
bowels ami your brealh wil! be sweet.
Wpikreto GrtT Them. When wanting
mi organ or tiiaua call on G L Hlackman
ffhce you can seVr.t from a first class
llali'w VtijdUble Sicilian Huir Kenewer U
unquestionably tho U:tt pruservaiivo of the
hair. It in also curative of dandtuff, tetter,
and al! vcrlp ahvction.
City Livery, Feel anil Sale
- 6TABL E.
Having purch1"1 now rius can farn-'
ish lirst-claas tin t outs at cill. Speclfd
attent'n niven to trani-nt mock. Hoiee
boarued by the day or n ntii.
Cheapest Kutex in thu City.
Telephone connection with the St
Charles Hotol Telephone orders given
prompt attention.
Fourth Street, between Ellsworth and
Street Ca.- line.
3 9
For the millions of consumers of a
It gtww lr. Ttitt plwunrn to nn- A
hod i ic ttint ho is now jiutting up a v
vlilch Uof exovvdliicrlmall sfzn, a
yet rtaiuii all tli TlrtucH of the VP
liirnr.T mwh 4Hiarnutrfl purely
vn(4-bitk). UvillftfiMMorilltMif plllpt A
an iMsuMl. TIm mmwt sixo of
U ikviri ki Um Unkr of tills tod." v
In the Circuit Courl of tht'JSlatt of Ortgon for
(he county 04 Linn :
B A LANDERS, PUinllfl,
corporation, nd HONEY
MAN, DkHART A (Vi.. a
corporation, Defendants.
by virtue of an e-xwiutfop and order
of Bale duly iasued m. t ol the above
ntuned Court In the above entitled suit,
I will on
ftaturilny, the I4llh lay of Jauuary,
ri the Court tloue door In the citv of
Albmv. Linn countv,OreRon,atthe hour
of 1 o'clock p in of maid day, sell at public
auction for cash in hand to the biitheat
bidder the real propeity described in said
execution and order of sale as follows,
to-wit: The north hal!(N ot the unuth
east quarter of section numbered thirty
four (.'i4,) in toindiip No nine f9.) south
of range ISo three (3.) east of the vV ilia m
ette Meridian, in Linn county, Oregon
and containing 8(1 acres moro or less.
The proceeds arising f.-nm the sale of
said realpnpeity to be applied, the
payment of iho costs an.i charges of
making laid sale, and to the costs and
disbursements of tbN suit taxed at $36' 15.
and the sum nt'($i2.i) om, hundred and
twenty-flvH dollars rnsonab!e attorney's
foes due plaintift heitin: sieoond. to the
payment of the sum o; (SM27 75) fourteen
hundred and twenty.nevon and "h-100
dollars herein adjudged to ha paid plain
tiff and interest tuereon from thisouteat
tho rate of ten per oent per annum until
pid; third, that the oveipluiif any be
paid to the defendant, I. r linn, 10 sstiafy
the sum of "9.i0 with Interei-t thereon
from data at 10 noroent tier annnir. herein
adjudged to be next paid him, and that
tne surplus ir tnert no any remaining no
next applied to payment of the judgment
of saiu Iloneymau, IfeHart A Co. ; arid
tha if there b then any remaining that
auch be applied to th sa'isfaction of the
judgment ot tho ttd Alb.uv A Astoria
Railroad Co.
Dated this 1 lit li dny of Deceinlier.lSHl.
Sheriff of Linn couut v, Or.
By C E Boott, Deputy.
J. S. GcVt Report, Aug. 17, ,383,
WOltlll t'KlKltn'(i.
P. M. French keeps railroad time,
liny your rooeriaa of Parker Broa
How cream cheese just received at Conrad
C V Cobb, job printor, Flinu Block, does
nrht class work. J
Sep that eleant'piano at Klein Bros Boot
ana hone storo.
K W Ac.nson &Co are Helling monuments
at Portland prices .
See W F Read's line of dress gocds' and
silks before buying elsowhere.
Stewarts Sox sell the very beat patent
tcmpored shearB and ECissors.
Smoke the celebrated Ilavuns fi!!cd,5 ooct
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
A large stock of wall paper, with late de
signs, at Fortmiller it IrviDg's,just received.
Have you seen those parlor suits that T
Brink has just received ? Thoy are nice.
Dr M K Ellis,' physician and surgeon,
Albany, Oregon. Calls made Jlu cit) 'or
The t'lty KeMtaiiruiic.
The "City Restaurant" Is the place to eat,
You will always find it clean and neat;
No restaurant in town with It can compare,
The best mealin Albany you can get there.
Fish and game you'll always rind,
Best meats and'delicacies of every kind.
The proprietor will always try
Your every want to satisfy,
So don't forget at the "City" to call,
Meals they serve to suit youal-.
Now bring your friends and to them show
The best restaurant in town to go;
Remember when the best you want
Call at "The Citf Restaurant."
Mr. Brannin will treat you right.
The "City" U open till 10 at night.
Board and lodging $4.50 per week.
Proof of Heril.
The proof of the merits of a plaster is the
cures it effects, and the voluntary testimo
nials of those who have used Adoock's Por
ous Plasters during tho past thirty yeara is
unimpeachable evidence of their superiority
and should convince the most skeptical.
Self-praise is no recommendation, but certi
ficates from 1 hose who have oed them are.
Beware of imitations and do not be deceived
by miarepreaentation. Aak for Alloock's,
and let no solicitation or explanation induce
you to accept a substitute. Alloock's Corn
oDd Bunion Shields .fftct quick and oertain
Monet to Loan. I have money in
sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan on im
proved farm lands in Linn and Benton
counties, at lowest current rates. No
delay in furnishing the money.
Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon.
All kinds of choice eating and cooking
applss at Allen Broa.
Go to F E Alia w i,e n y n want ictrr
tiling sweet. Honey, mapiesyrnp, etc.
For bargatua in monument, headstom
etc., go to E W Achison& Co, Albany, Oregcn
With his thumb, a toy is said to have
saved the Nether.anda flom iDundnt'op
Manv neotde nave heen saved from the in-
ysaion of disease by a bottle of Ayer'a Sar
papaiitla. This mediuine imparts tone to
the system and strengthens every organ and
fibre of the body.
When Baby was slar, we gave her Castoria.
When Bhe was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave thein Castoria.
0 to O C McFrlud for aadlery, har
nesB, whips, robe., all kinds of horse cloth
ing etc., etc.
Ladi Otf f i tin Kloin Brov Cheap
en in thrt oil Will i.f Bold nt greatly re
duced IMttM.
Decide I W thn luffes-. ami choicest varifty
of tea iu town i t C K BrcwnellV Sun
diied, basket riifcd. g-aen. back. Knslish
breakfast, &o
inn can cet the worth of your monev tiy
Viuvinx vour watches and clocks at F M
French's, the corner jewelry store.
Albany Murket
Butter, 15 cents per .
fffti cnt per do?.,
potatoes, 30 enN por bushel,
lrd, U 12 cnntH p ir th,
Bacm-HRin. 12 cents; sidor, li em lr,f
shojidtir-, 11 centH,
Bf on foot, 2 ($ 2 cent per fb
Fork, drensod, ft conUt r lb
Flour, f& per b-arrelt
An Albany man only married on Oct
4th, 1801, advertises that his wife lias
left liiB lied and board. Marriage con
timieij to be a lottery.
The Silein Journal savs the fiilit. hi.
tween Judge Boise and Geo II Burnett
lor the nomination for Circuit judge is so
warm unit r-niem people nave never
heard of it, a verification of the old
The Woodburn Independent savs four
teen of Salem's sixteen saloon keepers are
republicans, and the Journal resents it
and declares that saloon keepers are di
vided in politics there the same as other
The following weights of produce
which the statutes of Oregon, page 1775,
Hill's Code, provides shall constitute a
bushel, may lie of interest to farmers:
Wheat and clover seed. i0 pounds ; rye
and corn, M; oats, 3d; barley, 4li; buck
wheat, 42; potatoes, (iO; apples and
pears, 42.
Ih- Jihilock, of walla Walla, took a
sure way of exhibiting railroad extor
tion to the board of trade at Seattle. He
sent a box of app'es, omitting to pay
the freight. The board paid U5 cents
Ireight charges and 25 cents for city de
livery, "sow, said the doctor, ' you
can perceive why vvalla walla ships eo
little fruit to 1'uget bound-
It is stated that n plan lias been form
ed to establish a gambling resort on a
small islnnd hi the Pacific Ocean near
t-anta Barbara, after the style of the
famous Monte Carlo, where the cele
brated characters of Europe gather to do
their gambling. A Chicago paper saya
a stock company lias been organized
with a capital of $10,000,000 to establish
a gambling resort on a small island otf
the California coast, about thirty miles
from Santa Barbara. Most of the Btock
has been taken by New York capitalists.
How lo Make a Uood Town.
Talk about it.
Write about it.
Rpeak well of it.
Help to irrprove it.
Advertise it in papers.
Good country tributary.
Help good men to office.
Patronize its merchants.
Honest competition in prices.
Make the atmosphere healthy.
Faith exhibited by good works.
Fire all loafers, croakers and
Worth Thinking About. But word
are things, and a small drop of ink, fall
ing like dew upon a thought, produces
that which makes thousands, perhaps
millions, think. The object of this ib to
make you think about the subject of
groceries. Conn & Hendricson keep a
first-class stock, at bottom prices, and as
well have a fine line of crockery ware.
Think about it and call on them.
K W Achison k Co handle tne celebrated
Portland eemont wulla for cemetery lots.
These walla can be furnished at halt tne ooat
of anyothur and ure lur superior.
Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros.
Knxr.ocvi Simodl. TfieKell og schoo
of dress cutting at corner of Firatnnd
Baker in the Ralston house i. now open.
Lessons not limited. Ladies tire invited
to call and examine the sys'em.
f (UtiKl'liotOtfi'aplieiH A any vojcuii.
V have honylit e' heni gttiv made by
!, W Oark anti W h Jreei ood tip to Nov
15vb, 1880. (uplicatta cun bo had from
hum ouly of u at reduced lates. We have
also about 1S.O00 negatives made by our-t-clvch,
from which duplicates can be had ut
llku lacea. Wc carry the only full line of
v.ewi of this ito find do enlarged work at
lowei t rates f 01 tlrst cUsb work . W e shal I be
pleased to see on at our Studio in Froman's
blfluk. nextdoi 1 to Maeenio Temple.
Fine Suitings. Mr W R Gtahprn hus
i list received r fine line of suitings xrom
the East, whl h are as fine as nnvthlng
every brouKli' here, embracing tne latest
paiterns. lie 1 . anxious to have the pub
lic Inspect them and get prices. His long
experience will enable hlin to suit the
most fastidlou.
r-corl in Millions of Home? 40 Years tl:
Lane County Style.
Et 'iKNK, Or Jan 14. M V Rork, state
lecturer luid orgitnizer of, the farmer's al
liance, held a meeting nt the) courthouse to
night in the interests of his party. He had
only a small audience. Yesterday after
noon a conference between the ullii'tnco and
the grange was held in this city, and tho
following resolution was adopted: Re
solved, that we, the members of the grange
nnd alliance, disclaim nil political action bv '
our organizations, but we feel it to be our
Inly and lirivileire to demand thnt p.uh
p ilitiral party at the convention slinll place
men in nomination for county judge, com
missioners and lueniherK ot the levis atnre
wiio are in sympathy with the farming in
terests or the state, Y e further iiuree and
believe it to he our duty to withhold our
votes from all unworthy candidates.
War Imminent.
Washington-, Jan 14. War is immi
nent between the United States and Chili.
This is the lu'lief tonight 0' every member
of the president's cabinet, excepting Si-cre-tary
lilaine. Monday next the president
will send the C'hiliau correspondent to con
trress. It will be accompanied by a message
briefly stating the prineipaloint in con
trnversy, and explaining the motives and
purposM by wmc'ii tlm president has been
actuated in conducting his part of the ne
gotiations. War can now be avoided only
by the failure of congress to declare it. or
by action on the part of the Chilian govern
ment, which shall make war unnecessary.
Ac tios lll.c Hie Portland I!. It I'.
Albany, X Y Jan 14. The republican
state senators are getting desperate. In a
long conference last night they very serious
ly considered a proposition to resign in a
bodv. This daring scheme was proposed
by Mr O'Connor, who has been gTeatly
worried since Lieutenant-Governor Sheehan
told him at the opening of the session that
there was no real need of republican sena
tors coming back after the week's adjourn
ment. The plan finds favor with all the
republicans, except Krwin, Coggeshall,
Richardson and Yangorer, and two of the
four may yet be won over.
t.rcateat 011 Irou.
Xkw Yoiik, Jan 14. Robert Bonner in
an interview said : I agree with everybody
else that Arion is the greatest 2-year-old
that ever lived. Xo horse of that age has
equaled his performances; bnt"'niy Sunol is
"the greatest horse," to use the expression
of Trainer Marvin, "that stands on iron."
I received a letter from Marvin a few days
ago. He says he expects to drive Sunol m
2 :05 or 2 :06 next year. Sunal was never
pushed as a 2-year-old its Arion has been.
Walts Appointed.
Washington, Jan 14. The president
today sent to the senate the nomination of
John Watts as register of the land office at
Lakeview. Or, and appointed the following
postmasters: Idaho 3larcus Whitman,
Montpplier. Washington John T Lo-
baugli, Pullman. Oregon William H Cros
by, iorest Grove.
A api ctiziog 1
A -r .uiprifiiig T,
A pnviinr, not wasting
Beauutifnt tasting
Very hue flavored T,
And a large and choice stock of urocerieA,
fruits and baUed goods, at Parker Bros. A
foid resolution is uevorto buy without first
giving them a call.
A Buoit Itkm. f KYoun? has just re
eeived a large stock of shoes, for men ,
women and children, including particn
larly a fine line of school shoes Th
best makes in the market can be found
in his shoe department.
BneUiu, V' tu. for the wliisUeis is'
the Vit, 1 i d'fv or fr, hotk t, cle.inst,
most mrii.niwvl if d pntinftc'iry dye ever
iuvjntfM It i ' h utlomei.V fjvoiiio.
if rem iv-d ri- v i v1 ineund.ffir r - ti I n
CK Brwn.'M's tH.- f. Im-miik
Chow Ch'11,
7oitU intf lli.Jv,
1'icklev in iubv,
H.llt Urtri. . .
ftall whit' n,l ,
Salt itt!ni..ti,
rrivida w.urRtdf with a iot-;e of Ayer'a
Cherry p-cuiinl, ard so have iho rrieansat
hand for ronteridirj: mccrfsmily with ft
uddfn roll' A m ( rr.ngr icy
lino ro '.)"('. ai (t fMlhp h: wr-i- every
w here nvf-i- imnl it
It is sntiTa!ly ico-ii'iny to drink Beech's
Ten. Ri-i-tf b olittfly pure, it i much
itronyer thini the art: tic 1 .1 t-'iw, about one
third If- "t itj or about twenty grains, be
i'lequirsil piv cup. A tlrti '-re 7,680
yrht fo a round, there will lm seen to bo
hetwpt-u thr naud four hundred cupi to the
pound As tt in hut U Lnt pur pound,
thi" if at tlir- rate of ohtuii one tlfth of a cent
pr-r cup. For sale at Allen Brer.
i jsouci IB ietv
. , li n m n '
mi.r a
i it.
1 c
t r