L. I': I ! i i. 3 - ii . I. ; In Chicago Fiktv Years Ago The following about an Oregon City man Is trom the Courier: "Fifty years ago," said Billy l'artlow in acasua1 sidewalk conver. sation on New Year's day, "I and mv brother, Doc l'artlow, who is three years older than I two country boys with coon skin caps on drove Into the village of Chicago with four yoke of oxen and a wagon load of bacon and other truck from father's farm 120 miles out on the distant prairie. The trip took us nine days and we got stuck in the mud nine times. We camped for the night in an alley near the lake. Next morning early, a man came along who asked what we were dolne there. I felt scared and timidly told him that we were camping. Then try brother asked him if there was anything wrong in our stopping there, lie said there wasn't and asked whether we were the owners of the team. Told him we weren't. That disappointed him as he replied that If the owner of the team was around he'd like to trode a block in Chicago for it. Father had tuld us when we started that if we fetched him two barrels of salt we could hare all the rest to spend for ourselves. Well, we got the salt, and had enough over to buy us e.tcli a pair of boots anil a hat, and that's all wc got for a big load of stuff that took eight oxen to pull over the rough prairie road." August Flower" Kellooj Simij l. TaeKellosj schoo of dress cutting at corner of V'irsland Jiaker in the Ralston house u now open. Lessons not limited. Ladies are invited to call and examine the system. " I have been afflict Biliousness, " cd with biliousness ront!r,nti ''and constipation 1 tor uitcen years; Stomach "first one and then another prepara Pains. " tion was suggested "tome and tried but to no purpose. At last a friend recommended August Flower. took it according to directions and " its effects were wonderful, reliev ing me of those disagreeable "stomach pains which I had been trouuiea witli so long. Words " cannot describe the admiration "in which I hold your August " Flower it has given me a new lease of life, which before was a burden. Such a medicine is a ben " efaction to humanity, and its good q 11 amies and "wonderful mer- Josso Barker, "its should lie Printer, "made known to "everyone sttffer-"iugwithdyspep-"siaor lii1ioMtu Humboldt, Kansas. G. G. GKL'iJX, S:-!s Xlan'fr.Woodbury.X.J. SHERIFF'S SALE. in o (,. '-wri or the Matt oj Ui tyon o, lU LOt l Ijtltlt. The American Mortgage Company (if Scotland, (limited.) 1'laiutlil', vs. Edwin AVileox, trustee, and Willia lieid and Agues liei:i, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY G1YEX THAT by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out ot tne above namtd Court iu the above entitled action, to me directed end delivered, 1 will ou aaiuruit), me .;mu iluy or January, 8! at tho Court House door in the citv of Al bany, Inncouuty, Oregon, at the nour of 1 o'clock p m of said day.sell at public auctioo lor casn in nana 10 1110 ntgiust oiddr, the real property asrcriDcu in said execution aaa order 01 sale as ic-nows, to-wit: Be ginning at the northeast corner of the llus- seu mil uoua'ic-u land claim, notification claim ,1, in township J'J, south of rane west ot tno Willamette Meridian, thence runntDc south 11. 00 chains; thence soutn io degrees east chains to the head 01 a siougn; cnence aown tne middle of the Santiam river 3$ chains; thence west IS ains to the place of beginning, containing GS acres more or lc3S and being a portion of the east half of section 14. Also .he dona tion land claim of JdIij Wibel, notification 2332, claim No 37, and beinq parts of sec tions 3, 4, 'J and 10, in township 13,south of raige 1 west of the Willamette Me'idian and being bouuded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a point 14.flo chains north and 2.15 chains west of the northwest corner of said section 10 and running thence north 24.75 chains; thence west 55.50 chains thence south 53 40 chains; thence east f.1 mi chains; thence north 2903 cbaius; theuce wests, iu cnains to tne place of beginning containing 321.21 acres. Also donation land claim of Henry K Greer, notification 2206" claim No 47, beini parts of sections 1 1 and 14, iu towuship 12, south of range 2 mat of sne vuiiameiie .Meridian, being bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point 13.00 chains north and 24.C0 chains east 01 tne uortnweat corner of section 14 and running theaee south 32.75 chain! thense east 4S.40 chains; thence north 32.75 cnains; menee west 10 00 cnains to the place of beginning, containing 159.30 acres. Also the donation land claim of Adolph ieisler, notification No 2331, claim No 38, being parts of sections 2, 3, 10 and 11 in township 13. south of range 1 west of the Willamette Meridian.boundedand described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 3 92 chains east and 14,91 chains north of the southwest corcer of said section 3 and running thence east S4.3U chains; thence south 3S ihalot; thence west 84.21 chains; thence 38.41 chains to the place of be ginning, containing 319.97 acres, all lying and beiug situated in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds arising from the sale of said real property to be applied first, to the pay ment of the costs of this suit and of the said sale and tho original costs taxed at $37.60, and the further sum of $200 attorney's fees; econd, to the payment of plaintiff's claim amouuting to the sum oi (iS33 33 and accru ing iuterest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum; third, the overplus if any there be.be paid over to said Edw in Wilcox, titifctee. Hated tdis 28th day of December, 1891. M. SCOTT, SlurilTof Lien county, O.egoa C K Scott, Deputy. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JK. Wti.Vrif&Itr'O Kip. Attorney at t,vv. Vtll nri:tii:o n all courts of tho mate. Special ntlenti m u-ii-on to nutter in prohato aim to cu iw.uuiu. yii- r Ifc 111 Uie Mum UioCK. R. S. BLACKRI'llN, B II. C. WATSOS All learal matter will receive .ronipt "'""'-. in I'uu renown- n'tnpie, Albany, ur W. " Attorn. y at U S lioitir In Chancery, ticnis imulu on all iwVnU. Loin ntL'itj!tt.'il Orable turmu. Albany, Oregon. Attorney at Law.aml Xotarv Public. Will nraoti.-n n eourta of tins stjite and in the Umtcil Sttoa for Oregon. ONlf! -Frniit roiimi nir it Oiotfon, Albany, Oipi. J. L. IIILI,, Phycieian and Sura-eon. OFFICE Corner Ferry street, Albany, Oroiui, D ItJ. .H.tSTOV t DAVIS, aiiil Hnjt.laibtn stmet. Albany, Of in taiT aim runiry; -Corner eewl Calls promptly (HIMBEKLAIX. H. D,( TirVtittyeirs" exirieaM 0:Ht,e honnh 7 U 6 a m: w j p in, aii a o to 8 ovenmif . AUnnt , Oruyon, FACTS ABOUT THE TEA WE DRINK. FIRST NATIONAL BISK, OF ALBANY, OREGON, resident LFMVN Vieo President s, B.YOrKrj '1" - E. W. LANCJDOM TRANSACTS A OEXERAL hsnklnsnusliiess. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to ttaeck. SIGHT EXCUANOE and tel Tsphle transfer, wld New York, San Francisco, Chicago and PitTand roiron CO jLECTION9 HADE on faorhle lerrci. DiaacTORS. J. E. Tooao E, w, LAsmoif L B Bum, L. Flimh HowanD F . Sox. INN CO NATIONAL RANK, i OF ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK (100,000. President J L COWAK. Vice-President .J M RALSTOJJ. st Cashier O A ARCCIUOLD. 11 RBCToas. J L Cowan. J M Ralfltoa. W R ldd, W H Oollra. J A Craword and OA Arefi ibold. TRANSACTS a nenernl hsnklna business. DRAW Slum DRAFTS on New York, 8ao aal ?)'thr 1, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security xkbcivcuepositssuDlect cneck. B SUMMONS. 1 : iy Circuit Court of tht Stale ot Or"jon for Linn County. A. (', HILL, Plaintiff, ) vs. I '.UEDGE HILL,Defendant. J in Hodecim Hill, the above named de-i:ii1hiiI: f N T llKXA.MK OF THE STATU raj I Oregon, you are Imrvhy required to 1 i ' ine complaint filed .--nt iMt you in the aboye entitled suit ou ,r hilore the first ilny of the above en. tr i i- nin nexi iollowinir t in mn rallnn i uuiaanuu ui tuisaummona towlt: ANK OF OREGON. ALBANY, OREGON. Cunllul, President Vice-President., ashier ! 950,000. , II F MEUUILL f. J LANNINd Jit W BLAIN Transacts a ncnerat banking buiinens: Kxchanire bought and sold on all the principal oitie in the United Stalest alsoou Eiland, Ireland, France and Germany. Collections made at all accessible points on favor, blc terms, rnterest allowed e.i timo depositi. B AKK Or N( IO, SCIO, OHKOON. fill" .no 1 lln day of March, lS9i And if you nil l.) answor, for want thereof the r lain nil will apply to the court Ibrthe rolle riL)ocl lor liihor'complaint,vli:ior the dig iiliiiicin of the bond of matrimony now xi.ttinir between the plaintiff and defend. i-nt.BMil thectiHtody of tho three vounir or ruinm rhildren, and for auch o'ther and l.uihor reliel as may be equitable. I hi Mervice is made by publication by rnlor of Hon R 1 liolse, Judue of said -nut. duly made at Chambers iu Salem. resnn, Deo. l Uh. lwu, L. It. MONTANYE, (11 -IS) All'y for Plaintiff, -Ji;i?.K. I'flAUHEltL Vl, Attoniev f l.v. IT, II p-a-liei i i .!i j,i.,t s itc. .."i i in? m i'. pren v i-.-"ii id So 'i:).-.!'!. Or FiOK-lll , ii f',i , ,,,;k. reaident Vieo- President ....... Cashier Morris, II Bryant DiRRcroRS: E Golni, J S MOHRIS Jsrp Mtrhs O S Mat John Gaines r 1 Sniitti. j2Tm& rj J rrnres In Tl(.llAY'., fUtiar.nt.rd net to Y e.uM Btrteture. UrSenlTS. THtEwMCMW"'i'r'i tu all sunVrcrii, Kilt O Is ncknowlerlRctJ Ino lcft'Hn? remedy for ionorrlura (vlrrt. 1 he only sine reme-lylor LeacorrhiraorWhitefl. I iKsvrlbe it and tool safe In recommending It A. J. bTHNKR. M. DH I iecati'r. Irr Sold by UruKKista. n.uC u , ' ' r. rniiimnir, I'rln, Branch KrhiHil Cai itai. lies. ni.i.i,:. K:,c,, (jrfgon. bamc couraes of atudy. nauie ratea of tuition. Business, Shorthand, Tyfruylmir. ftnmanAip.atuI Kntfuk DtpertmtnU -n anlnB thrnn-rlioul the yeai. Students ailnilt t any Uuie. Catoloru from elllitr school, frw But few iwople know that there Is such a tlim'cuiuii. cured tea lueiiateiice.and (ewer have seen It. Hut there Is, aud it Is of all teas the swuetest, purest, ntul most frugraut. You k mire h.nv It Is that II Is not offered for ale and i.m: you kuow nothing of It That Is ansnvrril easily; but It is necessary to present Urat a few derails. The public only knows two general classes, vis., tho green and the blUl'k tt'Ui. Crecn Teas. Few people know that Iho bright bluish-s-rccu color of li e online-)' lias exposed la tho windows 1 1 not tl.e natural color. Un plomant as the fact may be, It Is nevertheless artificial; Prussian bluff, silica, gypsum, phimU-i, and other uuhcalthful mineral col rs beiiiB used forlhls purpose Theeffect is twofold. It not only mates the tea a bright, shiuy, n tractive green, but alio rermlu the usa of off-color" and worthless teas, which, enco under tho green cloak, are readily worked off as a good quality of lea. Thoabom limble coloring practlco even admits of the uso of foreii'u sul.stanccs, and the English gjverument, which looks cloior into the gen- uiuene.s ol ira s:aples than ours, has In soma of tho alleged "finest " of teas found redried loaves, straw, fragments of muttlng, rice husks, and willow leaves. In fnct, It Is opeulv stated by an Kngllsh authority that hundreds of thousands of pounds of iloe. ash. and wll. low leaves are annually Imported as tea, which without the coloring process would ba impossible. They report tea as one of the most notoriously adulterated artlciesof commerce. The temptation to make sweepings aud bad tea Into a morchantablo product with a few cents' worth of green coloring ma'tcr Is too strong to withstand, aud tho worthlessncss of tho trash that often finds Its way to this mar. ket labeled J'Now Crop," "Veil Quality," Green Tea," etc., would simply astound the public if revealed, to say nothiugof the un healthfulncss of tho Prussian blue, plum bago, gypsum, and the other mineral colors that arc employed. lilack Teas. The basket and ran-flrcd Japan teas, as well a3 the China teas that may bo Included under the general heading of "black teas." net their color from the firing or toasting process, but mineral coloring matter is also frequently used to give a certain desired commercial appearance. The Bring and tho coloring, as In tho green teas, largely conceals the Iden tity of tho tea, and permits tho uso of the very cheapest teas, to argue nothlng;for the deteriorating effect of excessive flrlug,which must be resorted to when a very cheap prod uct Is used and an extreme color desired. Beeeh'a Tea (Sun-dried). Concerning sun-dried teas the nconloof th Pacific Coast have heard but little and know less, although it Is extensively used where it Is known and understood. We are told that when tea Is so poor ft cannot be sold at homa or safely shipped to the English markets, it Is shipped to America; that we will drlnlc any thing. That may possibly be one of the rea sons we have not been offered sun-dried teas. They were good enough to send elsewhere. ine sun-dried teas being sun-cured, no coloring matter Is used, hence nothing but pure tea leaves can be emnloved: tor una. slated by manipulation or coloring, all at tempt at adulteration or the Introduction of foreign leaves or material would ba hold and glaring. That it Is, therefore, sweeter and fat more fragrant than the artificially colored green teas aud tho manipulated basket or pan-fired teas, you hardly need be told. That is more healthful thou the mlueralnlnr.rt teas, Is alio apparent That It is more expen sive, is also true; aud that Is another roon you have never seen it There li net so much .out in it as there Is Iu the chean adult.. ated and colored tcai. About the Cost of Teas. According to the custom-hou.e reports, the amount of tea received a: San Francisco last year (1890) was 6,5s0.137 pounds, and theralut 95S,M0, or a fraction over 12o per pound. Tho cothnmer, of which the reader was one, paid for that JSc tea all the way from tOc to It per pound. In other words, for that f worth of tea the consumer paid between four and tlve millions of dollars. There are your enormous profits, and there you will probably find the chief reason why most of you never heard of a sun-dried tea. As the sun-dried teas have jio mask, they are compelled to be abso lute pure and ot better quality than the arVflcIally colored and manipulated teas. Hence the margins on them are smaller, and many dealers don't care about handling them, snd yo know nothing about them. But It Is Ihe object of this artlole to tell you where yon can get thtm, and what to aslc for, and all abont them. "Eeceh'aTea." ' "Beech's Tcs," guaranteed to bo the pure sun-cured loaves, Is now offered to tho people of the Pselflc Coast It will be a revelation to you. Yob doubtless never saw in. nat ural leaf. Have your grocer break open a package. It will be found la color to be just " artinciany colorcC green and the black teas, and the drawn tea presents a clear, brilliant canary color, of delightful fragrance It Is offered to the people at 60o per pound, the same price that many artifi cially colored teas are sold for. But its guar anteed purity makes It more economical to uie; lor a loss quantity, say about twenty grains, ;is required per cup. As there are 7,680 grains to a pound, there will be seen to be between three and four hundred cups to the pound, or at the rate of about one fifth of a cent per cup. Its economy Is therefore manifest It Is put up In one-pound packages only, In patent air-tight aud moisture-proof parchment, with the trade-mark that Is found at the bottom of this artlole plainly printed on the package. It Is sold In this form for two reasons; one is, that the original strength and aroma Is preserved; and second, there can be no deception, which would be quite possible if it were sold In bulk, without the name and trade mark attached. Caution. Recollect that the margin of tirnfit l. much smaller on Beech's pure sun-dried teas than ou the artificially colored teas that yoa won't get It If tea by aoy other name can be put off on yoo. Ask for TEA 'Pure-AsWdhood? " yoar grocer does not have It, he will get Itforyon. Price toe per pound. The above trade-mark and price is plainly printed 'on each package. Perhaps the best way to get it Is to go where you know they have It and are willing to .J It For initance, ft can be had wiihou, 41m- i The l'u'.l Prospectus of NutaUc Feature, for lSy2 and Specimen Cupid will be sent l ice. Brilliant Contributors. Articles have been written cprcisly for the mining vulumo by a host of eminent men and women, among whom are Tlie Right Hon. W. C. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand tie Lessens. Andrew CarncRle. Cyrus V. Held. Tho Marquis of Lome. Justin McCarthy, JH.P. Sir l.yon Playfnfr. Prank R. Stockton. Henry Clews. Vaslll Verestchasrin. V. Clark Russell. The I-nrl of Meat h. Dr. Lyman Abbott. Camilla Lrso. Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. The Volume for 1802 will Contain Nino Illustrated Serial Stories, Articles of Practical Advice. Glimpses of Royalty. Railway Life and Adventure. IM 700 Large Pages I "A Yard I; of Roses." The Best Short Stories. Hints on Self-Lducallou. Household Articles. Natural History Papers. Five Double Huliday Numbers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly looo Illustrations. 100 Stories of Adventure. Sketches of Travel. Popular Science Articles.' Clinrnu'ii)- Children's Page. FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. To Npw HulWrliirrn who will rut out tint! ni'iitl un lliln ullp with iinmo nntl Ufhlrcna 11 ml Si. 7.1 wr will hi-iiiI Thi ("onipn iilini I-'rrr lo Jim., I Mi, nml for a Full Yenr from Hint Ilinr. Thin oOVr liirlii.lrH ih THANH M ;IY1N.;, CIlItlSTMAS iind NKW V F A ITS llnufili' Uollilnv NiiiiiIh-in. Wp will alio end n rtipjr of a hrti'itll'iil iniintintr. rnlllleil A V A It l Ol KOSKS." Un proiliinloo linn roM TWKNT V TIIOOAM DOM. A KM. Seiut Chtck, I3ttt-v frrf.T, or .V.;uf-rt-. IxtUr at our rink. AiUlm, 11 THE YOUTH'S COVPANION, Hon ton, Mils. EAST AMD-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA IjIN'K. This and SI. 75. ' - - - h, PAMCHIZE HOME IN5TITU1TJNS. THE FARMERS k KfiAlIS INSURANCE CO., - Alius ?', Orcyoi!. llxprt Trains li'itvu r.irtl:.lKl llailv 7:!N. n. I l.v 1:'-'4P a t I.V 8:lD A H I Ar Portland Alli-iny 8:111 Krjir: Ar I ; I.v I 4 i.v 1 ; I N..rth ll.'i .1 t .':l a a Ati'ivo trnins st, only at (ollowln- Hlatioiis north ol lioul,iir,r. K.wt I'orliaml, onxMn cilv, t'oo. mini, Sam, Alliativ, T:tn 'fill. Slioilil. ll..Uc-v l;.ir- iBiiurk', junction -iiy, irviin;, i.uj;i.'i V MV.W, rr.v-.itlf.rt. J I. t'O'.VAN. 'I liv. J I. Cnwt'.ll, (I V Nimp.M.H, .1 1: tt.Kiiu .1 () WIII'IXM VN Strr -lur, nor. ! V SI.Mr.sciN, Vim IVi'-i t mi. IIIIIIIIIIIIIH-' V l-' r.oiil, l r I, l'iiv. M Kliini'iort.', .1 V limn; fni, It S Sinili.iti, I l) tVri!.-iiii:iti. I'KI : It T AtlK IS Ki-K -ion City, Irviinj, Kuj;t'iii;. I -Tr,- Arl i:i!S3Yeral Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies Albany I.v I tend M I J -T li'S 1 s I.V IV.rtlaml Ar 1:inipm l.':2tl r a I.v Albany I.v M I MOra I Ar Itosclntrir I.v I ; :! A a ' ALBANY L0t'.tl.( DAIUT RXt'SIT Si M'AY) J :00 p M I Lv Portland ArjS;i.'i I ?.".!; Albany y, f,:nnA LSSANO.S BHA.Nt'H, j 2::i8r a"Lv All.aiiy nr fv-T, V I 3'25r Ar Lebanon l.v:liiAMi Wl Albany Ar I 4:'ip si j 3:'J2 AM Ar Lt'bannn I.v S:4d I' M ' ONLY STRICTLY IN! OFFICE IN AlWliY. - Tho v'oinhiiK.'d Orcirtin PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, for Accoiiiitiiifiiiiifiu or ftrronil-l'lti. rassrn Kcr, allat urtl to Express Trains (Haul drain Mil antccd to priml 100 IhiIkjIs per hour. A jiriiuU'r and crusln'r conihinrd. Sure dcatli oats. 'uar pcrfccl to wild I Vrsl mlr IHvl.lon. IthTHKl: ruiITL.l.U AMI 1'OUVlLLlli. Uail rsAlXDAUT (KxscptSunuay, 7:30 A a I Lr Portland Ar I 5:3ii r lr:10 PS Ar Corvallis Lv lL':,r,5 ra xrasss TitAl.N dailv (Excpt Sunday. I Ar Portland McMimivillo I :-10 A M 6.15 A U rJTlironp;li Ticlietw To all p.hits EAST, Am SOJJTiL tfoifuu tiiformatlo.i reifardintt rates, nmpe, on Company A .tent at Albany OKHLKR K P. ROORH3 Mar.ayer Kaa't 0. uid I'. A(r ALLEN BROS TJ- WIUTXEY, , ttrnojr Von, Liw.anl NoUry Public, Alban YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. .. n Oregon Pacific Raiiroad, T K liui.u, Deceiver. Oregon Development To's Steamers, Short Line to California, First-clans through pasHfliipor nnd frelftht lino from Portland and all points In the Willamette- Valloy to and from San f ranciaco, Cal. Boat make dost connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon Paclfl Railroad ozrrzi: :-r-i.'--' -r.r-v .- .; 1 -" '--T'-r C3 C3 CO o3 Jt vou want tlio best and most durable furni tu re tliat is iiianufactur cd in tlie city go to THOMAS BRINK'S TIME SCHEDULE. x.opt Suinl.ys.) Letvo Albany 15:H T. u, Lvo Yaquins, 7:00a, a U.AV0 uurvallls,lu:3fiA,H Arrive Albany, 11:13 A. H Leave fjorrallis 1:03 p. m 4rrlre Yaquina, l:3S r. H. O. o G. trains connerit as Alhanv .ml Corrallis. Tho above trains connect at laouina with the Oreiron Deveinninaiit Company's Line of Steamships between saquina ana Ban 1'rauclsco, SAILING BAT EN . ALBANY CIGAR .3. JOSSHPfl, WHOLESALE FACTORY Proprietor, RETAIL! Only White Labor Employed, raoM TAQtMN A. Willamette Valley, Desember 13th, 22nd 31st. FROM BAN FRANCISCO WlUamette Valloy, December SMi ; ISth ; 2?th. The ComDAriT rvKKrvna thA yio-nf .1 n:i- j-. Z..J. " . i-iuiii.imiiiuK untBH wiinout notice. . a. i-assonKors from Portland and 'rillamette Vallev nointa can makn rini. nonneotLm with the trains of the Yaqulna route at Albanv or CorTallio. n,i ir,i.. fined lo San Francisco should arranco ;o Trtve at Yaauina tho evening before t'ato i aauinfr tarpassenner an Frt-clit rales always Hie s-ovress. For informAtion spnlj to A R Chapmsn, Freight itnd icKet Avent, Ainany, sr. sj. IIOf:M;, O. F. anl P. Alien Corvsilis OUT I,.. eltao con of ,n vratnro. and tolnjarloo k a ? SV?h t"tJ-c. r, rj n ALCI A.' AMJ i-.iRMANEWT fjUHE. REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY. OREGON JHAS. PFEIFFEK PftOPRIETOI!. ruea un flrat.claMn &fvin rr(,v.i..b I , , , --j.w. nvuin uiiiit)u wn t me oeat in tuo market loiifiiiEBfiarcments. fcjmn mnm ir commercial travelers. ALBANY COLLE.GJATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1891, 1892. 1 LOOT Von are exposed to asdtlcn J is. s T Cure X EPR'Aens. ns:;; to P-? jJtSJsife ir ton M A. I iiHs5Sa sex rirsl Teria Opened September mt, una A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LIKRASY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ol study arrant! to meet t!, ;i gnuos orstutlontu, Special tnatieemms offered lo snjcnti from abroad. rv. ELBKBT H t OMHT I'lli l ti l. JBBHil 9 1.3 ' J W f ! f iii-fUliinnrsfiii'i l r WHEEl POWER and use LPS5 watpi? Wrlf.. r... ..... . . .TT . w w THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL fe EN6IHE CO.. ftfOT WIIITNEV, tawnts sn,l Trnrle-Marka obtnlnctl. nnd nil Pat cut hiisliic.'s cninliirted for Moderate Fees. Our OMi-e It Opposite U.S. Patent Office. onUwcrniiHcrnrc i,tont In less time than tliore rcmc.tc fmm V nliinirton. hend model, drawing or photo., n-lili ilr.rrii. ll'in. c ndvlso, If patcntnhlo ir not. frco i clinrjrc. Our f.-r- not due till tistcnl Ij Hcnircd I Pamphlet. "Hi tn OMnln I'ntcMs," with Ti.'tmcs i.f ariii'd clients In your Statu, county, ot town, sent frco. Address, C.AaSlOW&CO. Orposlle I'iUrt OSIce. Waah.cton. 0. C. ACADEMY jjn. a, Plivsiclsn and Sun Scwlrf. lirrit'B -rrsimn blosk, AlU.ny, OrefM iisarnvii. ilrad mn.l lljtl-vii. Mfi ' .rk (Sly. DiMafes of w.nws ilontlfio Amcricsn Afjency fof fO t-nic:. pa teHt -OF Oar Lad? cf Perpetual Help. iM-v ff t!'11' "" Tnli-lli.'oV wrllfiM , I , !l IlmiAliw iv, NKW V"s' f l'.'-l Imrtnu fur ncvnrlint il.''i:H III -'"."'S l.vorv ruu.-nt th.-n ,i . i.y ., hmiwlit U'W i Uc p.aiic bj a iii.tico kiv ii r,i. 1 1 . si " w Iffi"- ST"'""'"! of :oit ...'Irtitmr- r':r, ',,5 . ,, n ':v, t,',,,,"r,"Jl7 1'ln.lraicil. No n , ! l i.'i',":' '1 !' "-illinut II. 1','i.r.liK', sffl Huin.if.uKiu.ari UrciYdtT.?'