Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, January 11, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    jziz:- l --
) 1' ii iMihiI Avory day In the week
iK SuniUy.
M l "K.S Jt NU1TII!.
Milam and Prup'n
Biitvrxil fit tlin I '"it )IHi' nt Albany, Or
egon, as NHOtinil as mihii tnUU4r.
jnnv ii, I mi J
ttuil Ltirnli on 41li iuue.
Ai.bvny vs. Juitkhsos. Satiinlny
afternoon a thauting match occurred on
the hroiiild near thu ili.'I'ot between the
members of the Mascot club of tills -ity ,
and ten member ( the Jefferson chili,
each filing at twenty clay pigeons. Kol -lowing
was the ncore, by whleh It will b;
ecu that Albany won.
4 .........
JDryne to
Brown ii
Montehh 9
Blount I J
I.lhby ..
fVyKant M
A'y 7
From.m 13
HemlrlCROn .
Frotiiarl. . .
irikhiK. .
11 I I'airhh
9S Total di
jjiNuiiiKi ii.i.isiii.-. iev 00 'crsox
ha shown the Ukmociiat a copy of a
IdecKton renilereil at Kreeport, ill., by
JoJge Shaw, in which the righu of the
JJubs faction of the Kvargeiical church
are vintlica'eil anil estah'.isbcd. It declares
the l'hilailclpliia conference to have been
the legal conference, as against the Indi
anapolis conference, I lie former being the
conference favoiable to Dubs, the latter
to Ksher ami Bowman. The decision
vers a page and a ball, and tbotigh not
HA i, is verv gratifying to the Dubs fac
njp 1, of which Mr Howersox is tlie prcsid
Hng elder In this district. The DmiecuAT
Hlis never taken siites in the matter, anj
bltnpiy ptiblislies this as a matter of news.
jTni: Samk CiKKKNWoon. The linker
City Democrat refers to a former Albany
niiiii as follows: L lie Democrat leels sorry
tfor (iieenwooil, a depot saloon man,
nvjiose time is so valuable that he suffered
iftich a great discomfiture to himself and
Business," by walking down to the city
hall Tuesday evening to find out that a
meeung of the common council would not
Be held. This Individual's application f'jr the last meeting
f, the c.iir.rU on the grounds of insulfl-Eftf-iit
bonds. We might go further and
Mite that Greenwood might consider him
Melf lucky if l.e secures a HctMse at all.
Iai.iiany R ki'kknkntkii. llany is
inbt generally far behind her neighbors.
rTi)ilav she sent her first subject to the new
reinrm sriiooi. wn complaint 01 Mrs
. - . . 1.. .
iHeffron, Tlios M irtln lleffron, aged 10J
wears was tak'-n lielore Ins honor, Kecor
4pr llenton, and committeed to the school
ffer live years. Marshal Hoffman left for
IStilem on the noon train with the hov, so
bad that his mother, a widow, could do
fnriihing with him. This It No 2 from
XJn 1 county, Mrownsviile having sent So
1 A Cko.ikri) TiiANsurios. Siturdiy
man, giving his name as I. A Walker,
red a gun of Deyoe & Kroman Iiros. ,
iihilng to reside near Albanj . lie took
We tun to the waveriv House, wnere tie
Id it for considerably lesi than it was
ortli. Dcyoe & Kroman Bros, became
-.picious of him and learned of the fact,
when the man was arrested, anil will be
atnined before Justice Coshow tomorrow
orning. He gave his name: today as
icliael Smith. What It will be tomorrow
cannot be guessed.
Hubert John's Dead. Last Saturday
Portland. Robert lohns. the well-known
i-jtieer resident ot Linn county, died in a
"punl In that city after a long Illness of
'ici-r of the stomach, at the age of 67
i n-deceased was born In England, and
me lo Oregon across the plains in 185 J,
J I lias since resided most of the time 111
Cjivgon, though he has been in California
iiisiderahlv. lie was a bachelor, and
jh relative in Minneapolis, but none In
jr's-yun. ny strict, irugaiuv iur joiuis
wd accumulated a fortune of about
V Vv,,i,,t A linr&e rerenllv
fa .
moli-n In Vn,nl,fll pnimtv nnrl nrohahlv
roiii'ht this wnv. Is described as a liirht
jfcv horse, 7 years old, white In forehead
fid while Btrip on nose, with saddle
arks on back, weight 850 lbs. The man
no it Is supposed took the animal is r ranK
cunnalu. 35 years old, sandy compiex
n, 5 feet 8 ur o Indies tall, dtessed in
ans pants nd stona hoots, claims to be
rveyor. A liberal reward is oflercd lor
an or horse.
V CitiN Acciokntat YAQ, While
ntilli nlomr IWn Vnmtlnn rlv.r. near
J-niulnacity vesterday, Dell Savage, of
l city met wltn n accident that will
axe him limn for several weeks. He
to' pointing towards a diver with his
"t hand for a fnend with hlin to shoot
when he let his gun fall down, witli
left hand, and In so doing the pun
cnt olf just as the muzzle pointed lo
rds bis left foot. A 22 calibre ball
swl through the foot. Dr Davis, of
iquina, dressed the wound .
ftiE Orphan s Home, was accepted to-
v from the con'ractor. f II Campbell so
1 as COmnlrtpd. Aft mod n n.ilntml
'l the furnace, expected before this, is
"-encii, ihe home and hospital will be
teU'ied. Already there is a demand for
largest:-:;- assortment
AT .
.lor Lame, ol llalsry, was In the cily
. Mr Peter Wilrm went to Mill City this
The Misses Mav, of llarrisburg have
been In Ihe i lly, the guests of Mr Ifleii'
Mrs Hah. and Mis Knlgblen, of Peoria,
are in the city, the guests ol tbelr parents,
Mr anil Mm Major Johnson.
Mrs Kitchen i.nd daughter, Dean, re
(urne.l Tuesday from a visit to her father's,
Mr Wheeler, in Albany.-- Stuvion Times,
Mr I) P '1 hoiiinson. of the Commercial
N'alional Il.iuk, has made up his mind to
retire Iroir. the cares of business says the
Thos Join s returned from Portland last
nigiu, wi.eie ne nan i)(., n to attend to
Kijiien Johns in his last illness. He also
attended Ihe funeral )esterday, which was
Miiioiicicu ny uie .Masonic order, of which
he was a nii'iiiber.
Rev II W Young went to East Port
land today to make arrangements for Ids
work there, lie will be pastor of a new
congregational church just oiganlzed
ll'.ere, and besides preachfng, will study
under Key (Jiajin.
That (ioi.DKN Wkiioini;. Recently
the Dkmuckat published a poem read
at the gulden wedding of Mr and Mrs I N
Smith at Oakvlilc. The Salem States
man mentions the wedding as follo'vs:
At Pie family home In I.inn county, four
miles above L'orvallis, on December ayth
last, Mr and Mrs Isaac N Smith celebrated
the golden anniversary of their wedding.
1 ney were marrieu a nan century ago
December 29, 1841, in Washington county,
Iowa. The ceremony was performed at
the home of the bride's parents, Alexander
1 oung. and the person who at that time
pronounced Isaac N Smith and Nancy S
1 oung luisnauti ami wile was Wm lllnk
'ton, justice of the peace The result of
Ibis union whs nine children, seven of
wh"in are living and all of whom except
Dr J N Smith, of this city wert present
at the gulden unijiversary. Dr J C Smith,
of this city, is another son. Mr and Mrs
Smith, who have just passed the fiftieth
mile post In their married life.are enjoying
ood heatlh, Mr Smith being in Ills tSotn
ear and Mi: Smith in her76th.
Tiunlk KxcriKii.-
The attention of
court was given
the honorable county
Saturday to a hearing of the petition and
remonstrance In the matter ot the applica
tion of R M Thompson for license to sell
liquor in less tpiantily than one gallon In
turner precinct for a period ot six
months snyn the Statesman. '1 he matter
came for hearing Saturday fquarcly on
the merits of petition and remonstrance.
V M Kaiser appeared for the petitioner
and U !' Ilonham and J P Robertson for
the remonstrants. Thirty-five witnesses
were examined for the former and thirty
six for the latter. The action of the court
in refusing the license was a clear victory
for the temperance element of Turner.
The court held that the petition fell six
names short, nearly all of Turner was
down Saturday on tills case, being Inter
ested on one side or the other of the
mallei .
Will He Contested. -The county court
of llakcr county is of the opinion that in
the case wherein the State of Oregon is
plaintiff uml the County of Haker is de
fendant, tiie former will come out second
best in the contest or in other words will
be "in the soup' for the amount of some
thing like $12,000, claimed as delinquent
taxi sdue the state. Mr Olenstead and II
t'oiu-iney have been retained by that
count v.
ToNiini r. Prof Uork will deliver
address hi the interest of the Farmers
A llinnce at the court house tJnight at ;
o'clock. The public is invited to htteno.
Tho conditions of thut certain chattel
mortgage, executed and delivered by Walk
er, Walden &. Co., per .I0I10 Price
& Hiibnon, (a partnership firm composed of
H Vv Price and Juhu Hudson, ) dated tho
'JOthday of May, 1891, to secure a promissory
ante thert'iu montloneit, in the sum of voven
hundred and seventy-one and 75-100 dol
lars, with interest tbi-reon nt thfl rate o' ten
ucr cent per annum from May 20th, 1691,
until paid, together witli reasonable counsel
fees in casn of action being taken to collect
id note or any portion thereof, in and up-
ou tho pcrmr-al property liereinafcor de
scribed, Imvin b-cu broken, ami the condi
tions thereof violated, we, the undersigned
t,wiriuBees. hiive as jiroviiied by said mort
gage l.iktiU posHthsion of the following dc
seiibrd persounl property, coverea by said
chattel nu rtaii, and now being near what
is known as Caderl'lat, lu Linu county,
Oregon. and consisting ol one Clipper engine.
ehitit horse power, and one slnuglo mill
complete; one nuncliur, and belts and toola
used in manuiacniring nniugies, one nui rei
horse about 8 years old; ono gray horse
about 9 years old; one set of harness and
waaroii: r.neyokeof cattle and logging truck;
ami on Friday.the 15th day of Januaiy,18U2.
at tho hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon ot
said day, at what is known as Walker,
YVslden ft Go's shingle mill, situated nesr
what is known Cedar Flat, about 14
m'lea northeast from Lebanon, in Linn
county, Oregon, we will sell the above de
scribed personal property to the highest
bidder for cash, or so much tne-renf as will
be sufficient to satisfy the said sum of 5771.75
now due said firm of rtice & Kobson, to
gether with interost tnerecn at 10 per cent
per annum from May 20th, 1891, and an
additional sum of $75 a reasonable coun
sel or attorney's foe for instituting and
prosecuting this proceeding for the collec
tion of said note, and the conts of this action
to be taxed, and tho overplus if any there
be, either of money or property, left after
satisfying tho said claims cl Price & Hud
son, will be turned oyer to said Walker,
Valden& Co., or their personal repre
sentatives. Dated this the 2nd nay of January. 1892.
PKICK & ISilllsON,
0 W WrkiHT, Mortgagees.
Attorney for M't'gcos. per John Kob,on.
,TnTi,-t w lintltllV (IIVK.N" THAT THE I N
INI .1. .-.:-, 1 1.... Inwii. 1t tli C'-iliity cmirt for
Lir.'iem nty, llris'.n, d.ily 'spiitxl .liniiilUTil..r
,,( Hi of Siirall M n mm, iiui"""!. "
Linn oeiuity, (ireirnn. All Imvhiir -l..nn
assin.t ni.l estate ar 'W'". H""" ' r
. r ' uiili 1I1.1 i.roeor -niirlmr, nt
rel.luiiee nnisr iiakvllle, l.ltm enmity, ores'"", nltliin
.i ..L.ntl.u frum the ililte hcruef.
V R -rii. Administrator,
A' Uruey
uitrt.oN DKnoritt) v.
PoR'rt.AMii, Or., Jan. nth, iSyj.
Fdilurs litmot rat '
1 he organization ol democratic clubs
throughout this stale Is timely and will
prove a (;reat help In preparing for the
political campaign that are coining slowly
but surely upon us. Ihe issues that will
be made by the two great political parties
will be In themselves the most Interesting
and weighty that have been before our
people for years. To solve th; po'itkal
problems Involved will require patient
study and n learned and forclb.e presenta
tion t f them. To be masters of Die situa
tion tht democracy must make themselves
familiar in detail with every political issue.
The club rooms should not only be opened
for reading and discussion, but should be
the resort of every democrat- who will
latior foi the promotion of democratic
measures. The most intelligible demo
cratic newspaper will rule the reader. One
great question will be the tarllt and but
few of our newspaper writers seem to
comprehend the subject. The coming
will be a campaign of intellect as against
mud throwing of the past. Of this great
tariff question there is no better exponent
in or out of Oregon than the Albany
Dk.mih.rat. Tariff articles and tariff
discussions that have filled the columns of
the Dkmocrat have been the ablest pre
sented in our state. And It is a souice of
just pride to the democrat who reasons, to
tind an editor among us who can expose
the sophistry of the supercillious Orego
nlan on this subject . For It Is a fact v eil
understood, that for great pretensions,
masterly false and reckless statements,
plausible platitude?, and consummate
ignorance of the subject ol a high protec
tion tariff, the editor of the Oregonian, as
its champion in Oregon, Is an amusing
attraction. In the approaching contest he
will find his level, and be no longer con
sidered the Thiimmim of reason on the
tariff issue by his heretofore thoughtless
readers. He has become very transparent.
TUe Democrat has done more to en
lighten the newspaper rpader on this sub
ject than any other paper, and it Is to be
hoped that Its influence may be extended
all ovei the state. In the Democrat
there has yet to appear a falsification of
history or prevarication in statement on
this subject. Here is where the Demo
crat has the advantage in carrying con
viction with its reasoning It is the duty
of democrats to extend the area of useful
ness of the DEMucR.vrfor upon this issue
depends our success. We speak from the
card, for we have read with greater satis
faction criticisms and leading articles on
the tariff iu the Albany Democrat than
in any other paper. And we venture this
is the verdict of its readers. It
should go Into every democratic family
and be on the table of every democratic
orator. Portland.
Worth Tiiinkisq About But words
are things, and a small drop of ink, fall
ing like dew upon a thought, produces
that which makes thousands, perhaps
millions, think. The object of this is to
make you think about the subject of
groceries. Lonn ei Hendncson seep a
tirst-class stock, at bottom prices, and as
well liavn a fine line of crockery ware.
Think about it anil call on them.
Call ani Settle. All persons in
debted to U 1j Illackman will please call
and settle within ten days, as be expects
to leave for Portland, and after then all
accounts will he lett tor collection.
Is to secure BARGAINS during January in
Clearance Sale
of Winter Clothing, ITiulerwear,? Overcoats, Etc
Itoburt Wathfice, (red 20. of Aatotia, went
hunting with a Loj.t New Year' Hay and
hH tot bun Btftu lince Bays n exchange.
The Christian Knrleavor Societies of the
U Pohnrrh or Oregon and Washington are
makiilK arranotfifnta tn iHu a paper at
this city, with Mr T J Wilson as editor.
L W Deyoe now weara the gold medal of
tha Maicot Gun club, worn by I) H Mon
teith for a month, 15 nut of 20 secured it.
F iil"Ui:t wears the rilver medal-
Kraik lJorria hafc pnrchared the Sunday
TeUfccopp, of Albany, aud in tne future will
do the grand. r'ucubBB be with you Frank.
Yaquhia Vubt,
The laiiitts aid aocietv will meet tomorrow
aftfrntou with Mrs Turner, oornor of 7th
and yon Ht'eet, for the e!eotinn of officer
and other important business. A full attend
ance it ft queued.
The nfxt FuHii-r's Institute will be held
at Med font n Jin 22 and 23, for which a
good program been prepared. Among
other things C II Scl midt of this city will
havo a papr on "The Two Sisters: Dairying
and Fruit (j rowing."
The State Democratic convention will be
held in Portland on April 19 at 10 a m. Fol
lowing will be the representation: Biker 7
Benton 9, Clackamas 11, Columbia ., Clatsop
5. Douglas 1 1, Grant 5, Gilliam 4, Harney 4,
.lack son 1 1. Josephine 5. Klamath 3, Lane
1. 'i, l.inn Ki, Like 3, Multnomah 42, Marion
15, Malheur 3. Morrow f. Polk 9. Sherman
2, Xillamook 3, Umatilla 15, Union 15, Wal
lowa 4, Washington 8, WatcoD and Yam
hill 8.
Will & Stark. Me jewelers.
Attk for Crescent tea at F E Alien'?.
Fresh roasted coftee at F Allen's.
Choicest and cheapest candies ai Isom'it
The best roast coffee in the city at Com ad
iloycr s.
t Mead's, the jewelerr, is a good place to
buy a filled watch.
A tine line of crockery ware at Conn Sc !
All kinds of nuts 15 cts. ner pound or 4 1
pounds for 50 cents at Uom'a I
Jsom rolls c-ndy at retail at wholesale!
prices. Call and be convinced
Iteheka Degree meeting to-nitht.
IloIitUy &lippfl8 and oxford ties at your
own pricci at Klein Bros,
Conn & Underwood, successors to Wilcox,
are prepared to do first-clasB photographic
wtrk at their yallery at Second and Ferry
streets. Give them, trial.
Repairing neatly done at the lare gilt
boot store.
See the big French doll at the Ladies
Alleu Brr.s always keep their easterners
applied with fresh butter and egg.
In the line of spectacles and eve- classec
French, the jeweler, leadr.
Ladies Oxford tie at creatlv reduced
rates at tuinn Brot. Must be Bold.
A large Iiue of elecant cold watches in
tasty U9w trays at vvni & btark s.
Mogaolia syiup, the finest in the market
in quantities to suit at k Allen's.
With his new bakery Cmrad Msyer
able to offer old and new customers ejt
thing fiistcluss in baked gondj.
Thoao oxford ties and holiday clippers at
Klein's are to be told at the purchasers
W Davis is now m harge of the Del
monico restaurant. Meals 25 cents. Eastern
oysters, frehh. hverjthing Jfirst-clasB.
The County Court todav appointed John
Usher permanent janitor of the Court Hons
at a salary of 10 a month. Little other
business was done.
T L Wallace & Co are arrAneiny the Sen
ders & StHrnhurif utoro f ir thtir clntbing
establishment and will move into tne same.
one of the finest corners in Albiny, as soon
ready for them.
The revival service at thn BiDtmt church
will be continued this week, conducted by
ev V A kimin', the tvaimehnt,. Services
at.'ipm aud 7:30pm. Kyerbly msde
resolution is to alwayn get tho best of
everything. Matthews & Washburn can
accommodate the nublic in their line.
They keep the best stoves in the market,
and on their part are resolved to treat
meir customers in the proper manner
from January to December, giving tirst
class goods and lowest prices.
underniiftiwl wwt by onler of tho ourtj eurt ol
Linn county, itrvuon. matte and entered the 7th dT
of Nvfiuber,lUl .July apKltitl executor of ;h lattt
win nu icfltainoni anu CHtaie oi t,. rurner, uooeaseu,
late of Linn county, Oregon. All norttons havinir
claims aminiit niiJ cnute are hnrvhy reiuirel U
present the name with proper vouchers to the umler
fitrnetl at Albttiy, Oregon, within six months from
mis title.
lated at Albuiy, Or., Dee. 11th, 1801.
H II Hewitt, W. A. KIMSAT,
(E Wolvkktox. Executor.
Aviomeys ior Kxecutor.
Thtt New Yenv is nrw
1 ' ' - - I111U
l.liinrjs trncx. lnd nnrl indifi'drfint. in no nil Tlmco n.lm
rz r" i - -
pet the largest share of the
.1 i f
itiKu auiamuj;i! ui our onuiings.
So "Get ahead of the new
stock taking.
We have made a reductionjfon all lines of winter
clothing, and on overcoats especially ,of which Ave have still
a Jarga stock.
Just received some late style hats and latest shades in
"Eememher we carry the largest stock of men's foot
wear in the city."
Leading Clothiers and Furnishers.
Strahan Block, .... Albany. oregoA
We hf.Te bay, ott, chop xtiaw, chicken feed, etc., constantly on hand
Corner First mid Hu
F. Xj.
Dealer In
CMce Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts
and a general assortment of
Subscription agent for Ml tho leading Newspapere an I M iKilno. Torme
Near (he P. O,,
Need a
I have all kinds, at all prices
and every watch fits the
price. But price is not
evervthinsc in watch-buying;
first thing.
I guarantee wnches accord
ing to their nualitv: and
quality make" the prico.
All kind? all qualities
11 prices.
The Corner Jewelry Storo
Hats U noticed tiiut Allen I!roe' gr
ery store is always full of fruits, vege
tables, etc, t'je very latest in the mar
ket. If there is anything to be had thoy
have it.
l'is Feet,
Sweet l'olatoes,
Hauer Krnut,
May be seen the
tinest stock of
iold and silver
watches, diamond and other rings, jew
elry, silverware, Ac, in the city.
Cotton gooiHn&vo Dot tiemi at cheap sino
the war aa thev are now. Cilt and aea wha
baraios V F Head h.
A full line of clears end tolnccoatKE
K W Achison ft Co handle the celebrated
Portland cement walls for lemetery lots.
These walla can he furnished at half the coat
of anyother and are far superior.
Freah crisp cvltry at Allen Bros.
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
With the lightning speed of a
fieryj steed, down the track past
the goal flies '92.
nnmi ns lnlnr. n-i'tl.
-.v - "ii, a iiucf ii iiu iii
good out of it will he those who
year" while we clear up for
Star Bukerj
corac.,.,!,!.,,,, ,, FJr8t S((i
COXHDHEIEB, .:. iVorrietor.
taoii,,! trr.i.m, (.Dnr,i ,!vHt.
. ueen4ware.
! FruUn, VeRelHl,IoB,
Tbt.-o. CIkdib.
Volte. Tea.
Et, Etc.,
In tnal oryllK that In kept In a K,nor
varU'ty and inocrr' itor., ltiiliust
inurket nrlce raid for