CONSTITUTION. The following Is the constitution adopt ed by the democratic societies of Oregon in convention, assembled at Portland. Jan ury 9th, 1S92: THE COKSTITt'TION. We, the democratic clubs, societies and leagues of Oregon, in convention assemb led, associate ourselves together under the following constitution: First The name of this association shall be the Democratic Society of Oregon. Second The objects of this association are as follows: To foster the formation of permanent democratic clubs, societies and leagues throughout the state of Oregon, and In sure their active cooperation In dissemi nating Jeffersonian principles of govern ment. To preserve the constitution of the United States, autonomy of the states.local self-government and freedom of elections. To resist revolutionary changes and the centralization of power. To oppose the imposition of taxes be yond the necessities of the government economically administered. To promote economy in all branches of the public sei vices. To oppose unnecessary commercial re strictions for the benefit of the few at the expe.ise of the many. To oppose class legislation, which de spoils labor and builds up monopoly. To maintain inviolate the fundamental principles of the democracy, "Equality be fore the law ; and To co-operate with the co-ordinate or ganizations of the democratic party in support cf democrats and democratic measures. Third All political clubs, societies and leagues in the state of Oregon, which con cur in the objects of this association, are eligible to membership. Fourth The officers of this association shall coniist of a president, vice-president at large, and also one vice-president from each county In the state; a secretary and treasurer who shall have the usual power o f such officers, subject to the regulation of the exectutive committee, all such of ficers to be elected annually. Fifth The affairs of this association w hen not in convention assembled, shall be managed by an executive committed consisting of fifteen members, together with the officers of this association, all of whom shall be ex-oflicio members of the exectutive committee, which shall have power to designate sub committees. Five members of the executive committee shall make a quorum. Sixth The officers of this association shall be elected at each regular convention, and there shall also at the- same time and place be elected one vice president for the national association of democratic clubs, and four membeis of the general commit tee for said national association. All offi ces shall hold their officers until their successors are elected and qualified, unless sooner removed by the committee. Seventh The executive committee may fill vacancies In their own body and in any of the offices of this association, and are also authorized to admit clubs, societies and leagues to membership, but a conven tion shall have power to overrule any action of this committee. Tne exectutive committee may also raise funds by volun tary subscriptions to carry out the purposes and objects of this association, and shall hive all the powers of the association, un less by special resolution limiting the same. The treasury shall be custodian of all the funds, and shall disburse the same only on the order of the exectutive committee, signed by the secretary and countersigned by the president or vice-presiden at large. Eight There shall alto be organized in each countv of this state an asrociatiun of ciubs, societies or leagues auxiliary to this association. There shall be organized in each voting precinct in the respective counties, a club society or league, auxlli. arv to the county association. The execu tive committee of this association shall recommend a uniform system of organiza tion for the respective counties. Ninth The regular convention of tills association shall be held at n place to be determined at each annual meeting. Notice of at least three weeks shall be given by the secretary to every member of this association . Tenth The executive committee may, by a two-thirds vote, call a special con vention of this association, of which three weeks' notice shall be given. Eleventh In convention, the members of this association shall be entitled to rep resentation as follows: Each club, society or leauge shall be entitled to five delegates, and one additional delegate for every lif teen members in good standing, but no club, society or league shall be entitled to more than twenty-five delegates. Twelfth At a convention of this asso ciation each delegate shall have one vote. Thirteenth This constitution may be amended at a convention upon a two thirds sot. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. T(1TU'K 13 HI'Ur.I'.Y CilVKS TII.T THE f uiKlrniirnol Iran liocn lijr 0r.lcr.1l tlier;mitr Amir! ..( 1,11111 r.mnty, Own, i lliu l.,th iljy "I November, l- 'l, .liitv a..liill.Hiiliiltriit..r..niw istaU of lr M V H.War.l. Into "f Mm. flinty, or. .h.,.uao(l All Iwvlnir rft.mii. mruinrt JJ will, proper Ircr. f. mr m r.-i.,l. n , Alisny. "..'., llrtio.1, wllhin six months from The .U'c hem .1. Dated this 7th J of N ..vcinliw J '"J, V. It. Illl-VBI1, . ' Administrator. ' Atturney. A (il.ANt'K AT THE t:CllAMi K9. The Alliance Herald tells how Andrew Carnegie gave his employee a New Years present and then cut dow n their wages for the coming year. The Yamhill County Lnlftr writes a long arti.-le rather against the Idea of a future state of existence for the wicked. The Eugene Vuanl says the signs of the times point to Senator Hill as the coming democratic leader. Ihe Mer eury says "six months ago it was headed Hill as a Possibility.' Now it should read 'Hill as an Impossibility.'" The Demo cratic Times tells of the spirit of hate which always actuates the Ortvonian to wards the south. The Roseburg J!evie-.v says it still holds to the good old Idea that mortgages should be taxed. The Port land Telegram says that the oldest citizens concede that they have neyer seen the fires of democrat'.c enthusiasm burning so brightly In Oregon as now. The Eugene Journal takes great pride In opposing the the Australian ballot law. The Junction Cltv Times has no use for a democrat who will not discriminate in favor of his party, that is party perferment, anJ a republican who will not stick by his friends is worse than a mugwump. I'KIISISTENT FAUSlFYisii. The Oregonian kivs: Tommo.iv ertl.l A.if'tvlf 1.1 1 fWfl Ill.fl Cleveland iii USS when it might hve elec ted both. This is history. So far ns the above statement relates to trading off Mr Cleveland in it is no toriously false and no one known it better than Seott. But that paiier makes this statement quite frequently. Let us look at the facts: In 184 when Mr Cleveland was elected, New York City, where Tammany has its only organization, gave him 43.0C4 minority. In IS when Mr Cleveland was defeated, Tammany gave him 57.174 maj. Poesthat look much like 1 aminnny sold him out? is false tojthe knowledge of every one. In 18SS Cleveland was defeated in Brooklyn andjthe rural counties of that state. These are facts and history as well. Mr Springer, chairman of the wrys and means committee, said In a speech at New York the other day: "Of one thing the country mav be as sured, that no step backward in the cause of genuine tariff icform will be taken bv the democratic memoers oi tne present house of representatives. Opposition to the objectionable features of the McKinley bill and a demand for tariff tefcrm will be kept in view, and this issue will be put for ward as paramount and overshadowing the others in the presidential campaign of 1092." This does not not look much like demo crats would now go back on their tariff views It will be the last tin party will do. A dispatch f-om Columbus, Indiana, says: In eight of the twelve county conven tions in this part of the state yesterday resolutions were adopted indorsing Isaac P Gray as a presidential candidate for 1S92 and ex-Congressman C C Matsoh for governor of Indiana. In Bartholomew, 1'rown, Scott and Jackson countiei Cleve land was preferred for president. In all counties there was a clamor for a tariff for 1S92 similar to that of 1SS0. The demo cratic party will go into the next president ial canvass in excellent condition in Southern Indiana. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WfANTED A girl to do ireneral V housework In a small faml y, Jn- iuire at northeast corner of Eight and .yon Sis, near S P depot. rANTED. Hinhest pries paid for M at tho chair fartory, Albany, Oregon. JOR SALE House and cornor lot In ; H' 3d add. 8750; Apply tol W Darii, MONEY TO LOAN Homo capital ti loan, in Hiiiiwto suit.on Albany and L11111 county real enta'o or (rood person:!: security, iv K Mol'hsraon, First Stunt opp M-sr.nic Hall, A'.tiauy.Or. SN STEELE fc Co., Albany, Ore . Loan money on good real estate seeurily in Linn niid adjoining cr.unli b TTrt TT POULTRY, GAME.fresh li I II from Portland and other I I . M P'aces, always on hand nf JL IkwflX our market, near corner o Second and Ellsworth streets. Georgk Slavuiitkr ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. N OTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an order of a!e duly made and ontero.l of record in I he County Court of Linn county, Oregon, on the 5th day of Jiinmry. Isi'u, in t'le matter of the estate of Maria Crewso, deceased, the undersigned, the duly qualified and act itifr administrator of said estate, will nn Saturday, the 13 h day of Kebrtinry, 1802, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. 111., sell at public auction at 111 'Court House door, in the city of Albany, Linn county. Oregon, for cash in hand to the highest biddor the rsnl property belonging to said ostato, describe. I as follows, towit: An undivided one-eleventh of the north half of the donation Land Claim of Siiniuel Porter and wife, being 'foliation Claim No S'.KJ.'J.and being parts of Sections 5. ft, 7 iud 8, in township I t, S It 4 VT, Willamette Meridian, in Linn county, Cregon. Llated this lith day nf.TilMnrv, IS!iJ. filX). HCMPHitEY. Adiu.uistr-,tor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "VToTll'K IS llKllrllV UIVKV THAT THE 11 liij.U-riu'HL-il l i. n .Inly ..H.i. iti.l ly tin .limy e.nirt f..r I iim -miy, l.roiroii, u.liiiiiil.lrnt..r i.l tl.u I'KlMenf E A 1 'mm, .Iivoiuh.I, IhIu of l.inn county, Or.noti. All i-eion.... having cli.i.iit, aunuiM cime are h.TL'l.y iwptl.-l lo pro....! tlu-.n prop, t-rly loritU-.l to the u.nlcrii;itcc! al lii rtiil.-tii-o at Sio.l lli.t.., rtk'ot, within pi iik-Ii! lis from thi. 'lit..,l litvMnbc., Hill. J K Wuithcrfonl, a II HUM, Altv for AiIi:iiiiistr;.L.r. Administrator. MKK IIEKK Parker flros, grocers. New cloaks at V F Read's. Litest styles (( hats t W F Ken.,.. Keduotion iu summer goods'at W F Head's Apple- parcn for sale at Stewart & Sox s. Kiae groceries at Conu Si Hendricson's. Latest sheet music at Will & Link's. Parasols and tun umbrellas at less than eost at W F Read's. Onlil spectacles and eye glasses, all styles and pricet, at F M French's, The finest line of pockoc knives in the oity at Stewart & Box's. Bargains in gold watches at French's. "The Corner Jewelry Store." A full line ot Waruer's corsets, best in the world for the money, at V F Read's. J. V. Ketitley, leading boot and shoe maker, just east of Rwero House. Silk umbrellas in nitural wood handles choap at French's Jewelry store. Uo to Klei 1 Itr s and hsye your shoes repaired while you wait. Patronize heme industry and buy hand made harness, warranted, from O C Mo Karl 1 nd, at Uubrullle a old ataod. Go to 3 W Cobb, successor to Paisley & Smiley, Fliun Block, for yi.urj.ib printing )f sll kinds pimples. The old Idea of 40 yctrt sgo wm that faetal cruptloria wero duo to a "blood humor,' for which they garo potash. Thus all tlio old Saraa parilias contain potash, a most objectionable and drastic mineral, that Instead of decreasing, actually creates moro eruptions. You haro no ticed this when taking other Sarsaparillaa than Joy's. It is howeror now known that tba stom ach, the blood creating power. Is the seat of all Tltiating or cleansing operations. A stomach clogged by ludigestiou or constipation, Titiatea the blood, result pimples, i clean stomach and healthful digestion purifies it and they disappear. Thui Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla Is compounded after the modern idea to regulate the bowels and stimulate tho digestion. The effect is immediate and most satisfactory. A short testimonial to contrast tho action of tho pot us h Barsaparillas and Joy's modern vegetublo preparation. Mrs. C. D. Stuart, of 400 Hayes St., 3. FM writes: "I hare for years had indigestion, I tried a popular Sarsaparilla but it actually caused moro pimples to break out on my face. Hearing that Joy's was alater preparation and noted differently, I tried it and the pimples Immediately disappeared." Vegetable Largest bottle, most effective, siiiue price, FOR SALE t!Y STANARD & CUSICK ALBANY TWO MEN AND ONE BOY POUND DEAD!! Vhile trying to Crowd tlieii WAY INTO DEYOE & FR0K1AN BROS Store, where they alwajs have on hand he largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot 3uns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention R,6pnir Shop ui connection with the Store, and one of e best workmen in the State to do any nd all kinds of work. Come oe Come al. No rouble to how goods. "Small profit and quick is out .notto. c IT Y DRUG STORE Pfeiffer Block, Albany Stanaid & Cusick -PSALMS 1K- Uruga, Medicines, (bemicals, Faney and Toilet Articles, Spouses. Brushes Perfumery, School Hooks, and Artists' Supplies. I'bjaiciaiiH prescriptions, care liily compounded. F0RTM1LLER & IRVING -FUNERAL DIRECTORS.- Artstlal Kmbaliuiug done 8olonlinually. Alhaiiy, Orrjoii. CHOICE MEATS ur All lines ISmriclc -leaker, Oppotiltp Schmocr's f.ivrry Sf.f, r.ixt or to Wiilauu-tic I'ackiii C"s store. Joys MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber null Elder Flower Cr Ik not t ittitt iii'l ic in t(tc hiidh in which tlist torut is KpuItrl uik-'l, but nTir.;uiri'tW tnuliflft, ll vreatvH u suit, nuti'lh, rlctr, n Tty hiii, antl hj ilmlv yo rj,tltilly ui:tktM the u.mptmioii savrnl hmJcM whitv. It h a .iiiiaut proU'ctton frm h flTovtw ( sum ami mn. 1 mih! p-i'venU tun burn and (ruck lei, ami hi sic k u-.uin Mill n.ivcr coins w hi Is you so it. It dcdiim-it tln (ut f ir lc.r tlma soap and watrr, nouriiht 1 and tniit i-j u;i the skin liMiii't anil prevent Ihft (nrm:ilitti of wiinhlm' It givM th freiHriMt, clarnenr ami ini'Miihiiciiii ( nkin that you hd when a liltlo iirl. Kvttrf lady, fount r old. ucht to une it, at it i:i .( ;i ni' voitllif'il a-far-aucetoany l.tdy, and ll.u ponnit'irMitiv , ll suntaiuti u acid. jHiwdtT or aik.'tti, it ,m hru)lfNn at d?w and an notirhthiiiir to tin- fk-'i n d w it to the Hwir. Trlrr tjll all ilnivt'it,'io.l h lirdrt-Hifni, oral Mrs iirrvaiiifl t-raluiu'- t-xiahlii'inie'it, 1"S I'ohI utrt-ut San Fra-irimio, where dlit? tn- u n IuiIr-h for all hletniith ei of thofae or flnr. Idi.-.i a diHanee trenUtl by lttor, rtend siauit' for li-f little hook "Hsw to So ltcautiful." Sample Bottled '..I';: .'",n,Sr pay luHtaife aiid i-a'(u, I.ilv .fonts w.sfiit 1 MRS. GRAHAM'? Face lilciicli Curos tio wornt cahl-h i( rr.'tk'p, Sutihuni, Sal own pis. Moth -put rlntt, Pin'.j'h'naiid all akin bleininhe), lrlrr Hl.tKt. Hiinnlc aid r fleet if ; i sample can he wtit ; jr.dy at utH Mmcd. T)iQ Tl iHirrrrioi tint town who flmt nrdeis a illO UlUg'OU hill ..f my fr-?paraiius will hai'hf name added to vhii -olvrrtiHfUient, My prrpir4tioiiH are lor hy whstesats drug gidtein cliicufoand sverrsjity wsi of it, WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS 93 urlUCi GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It is itst'unih'sa shot, with tm lark or wax thread to burt thoft'ct; mrtdo cf tho hvat lino rulf, stylisU and easy, aud because we make viore thm-x of this prarfe than any other manufacturer, it vnuaU Loud f ewrd fthoea costing fmrnSUW to f35(" (HHirmiiup lliuiil-ipwrl the flnt rnlf 4'a t-lnK) ever ofTvred for riimls trcucb linportod tthors whleh cost from $i. to sA 00 llnml-Sr-Mrd Writ Mtoi-, lltm cnir, SPtm styltsh. funirnrtuhlo qii.I ftural)h'. The best Shoo ever ufTered at tliH prloe ; snmc k-nido ua cun-tom-mad 8h(M's oosdiiK from $n.u to $'.ui. CQ 30 1NHp Slnifi I armora, ltnllroal Men vOi and LetttTt'arriersnll wear them: linn calf, Seamless, smooth luslile, heavy thrcu bulus, t'Xtuu stoii eden. ono pair will wear a year. CO 30 flue citll'i nutiettcrfthocrvrrofTrr''1at Dsfia thin price; one trial will convince Uioso who want a shoe for comfort ami pervlci. X0 n,lfl '-'0 Vorkiiimniinn shoos kh are very ttroiiK nml OurahU;. 'I'hoo who have given them a trial will we;ir no other make. DAvfl, .iH n nd 81.93 si-hool shoeit am UUI9 worn by tho boy everywhere; they cell ou their merits, tho iuereiisluf? fltiles hIiow. B orl Sac Stt.oo Iliiml-MfMrtl hIioc, host LVsjdU ICO lioimoln. vervKtyllslKequaLitreuctl linKjrted nhoesroatlmi from gl.ioto gti.ijn. KnilirH J.3(, S.S.OO und SI. 75 kTioa for Bllsscsaro the best fine boiitfola. stylish anil durable. 'nutin, Sco that W, I.. Douu'Iuh' naiuu uud price aro stamped on the bottom of ench Bhoo. BIT" TAKE NO SrilWTITi:TE.sTI TnslBton local advertised dealers supplying ynxL V. L. ilOL'tJLAs, IJrocklou, Maas. tiuldby YA L. K.BLAJN HE A I j ME'UIT. PEOPLE Gay the 55. B. Covgh Care is the best thing they over sa"w, We are not flattered, for we knn-w that real merit will win. A)l we ask is an honest trial, l or Salo by FONH A7 fc M ANON, Albany, Orauon. Het dtock of 2nd W ROnds in the ValUy. an.l llie moft rpsnnablo prices. I have on hand all kinds of FURNlTlttfc, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, COOKS, PICTURES, CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. 0"6 door wmt irs d Yoiiiit' eld Htnr(. I. COTTLESK f'O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Noiice Is hereby uiven to all nariU. il.n in accordance with law I have posted tres. pans nonces on niv pre.nics forliidilln.' parties litintinir on the sum. In dire" (jard of saul notices parties have conMantly trespassed 01 the premises, and In conse quence a valuable horse hns been injured b discharge of fn caniis. This is t0 notify any and all parties, that 1 have n,,,,,, my mind to pimecute am panv ho ties pasies further 01, my premises' to the full extent of the law, and that 1 ive reward to any person who will name the party who shot n.v horse, Lebanon, Or., Dec oth, tS'.i MARION HL'RKIIART. ' ASK YOUR ASK THE PEOPLE OF LINN COUNTV Whero lo get the Host Bargains, Where to get tlio Host Value for Your Money, -I.H- Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., And they will Answer with Ono Voice, at G. W. Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar The very latest news ia that you can huy at JULIUS GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows-. Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 20 lbs. Extra C Sugar White 100 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 5 Gallons Good Pickles 90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholosalo prlcoof mi(;ar-I00 llwoxtrs C, f i.'rr, 100 ibs gianulatod, J5.75. I will conduot a strict etvdi aloro, and all koo.H will bs Hold Tor nut oli Trim In so 25 pur tout 1sh tnan regular prhw. My stock: or Chlnaw.iro, fnoy Koods, and all the dftsirablfl i.ylo ofdishoj, as wall as a kbiibm! amortm int of nroeirl(, orook o.y, lamps nd lixtures Is comploto. 1 iiinko a spociilly ot llim to-, cdleos and 0 tkliiK powuor, atiu always piuaMe my ciiMiomorH, Mv display of new toys and novoltios for Itio holidays thix year will bo tho finest over broulit to Albany. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale retail Grocers CIGARS TOBACCO, AND KINDS IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Flinn Block. Wc strQ the People Wh carry th nieit complet lino of Hard ware, Stwves, flanges, et., in tlie market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. LEADINGDRUGGISTS J. A. Cuniming, Wall Paper, Drugs, X'lvintw, Oils ALBANY. -:- OREGON FOSHAY & MASON Druggists and llooksellers Asei.Ui for John B. Aldcir.'a (uhllcallonH, ii!eh w aell at publlnhor'n prloea wltt latMiienddAr' ALBANY. WE4KOA ALBANY OR. WWTSMAH & ETJLCERT BEOS, Real EstaU Agoil; Farmt and Ranclica for tala, Aluo city brnperty In Albany and Coryallii, NEIGHBOR I SIMPSON'S. JuliiiH rnl wohl. CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES SEASON. ALB AM 1 & HODGES, OEEGON STATIONARY &C Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturers of (EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON RONTS AHD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND GRASS CASTINCS. pnclal attention jnld n t pnlrlriK ' da of machlnon PaUnrns Made on Short Notice IIBIIIBIIIIIBI (! TIIH CK.EHBATKn . . srviiTH & WESSON H ra ft. FineM Small Armt Ever ManuUctured. UUMHIUTV. T-Ju-wui -o.V WORKMlNSHIP . J r-pTi CONurNiFurc i I. i 1 Yfts.K I-0A0W0 end $i:TY.v- & lltwaic of cheap iron lmitatio-..lj Send roflilirtfra'.j Ca'...K".!i) and frloo l-A t. SMITH d WESSON. .' fin Mir 1 1.1. , .11 . 1 ss. B 3 ..m . , .7" 1 u 1 I 1