Those Chickiins liavc reached Umatilla county, resulting in the followim? from the E". O. : "A ehioken was slaughtered lor the family ta'olo recently at K L Oli ver's place below Pendleton. In ilressinw; the fowl Mrs Oliver discovered in the craw two small nuggets of gold about the the size and shape of a small nail head. How the chicken found tl.e gold is now the question. About a half-mile below the place is the Bite of the old Swift's station, and it is thought possibly that some miners camping nenr might have lost part of their "dust," or perchance have buried some of their treasure, to be reiurrectcd at this late day by scratching fowls." The rily Ur.ljuranl. The "City Restaurant" Is the place to eat, You will always lind it clean ami neat; No restaurant in town with it can compare, The best meal in Albany you can get there. Fish and game you 11 always tinu, Best meats and delicacies of every kind. The proprietor will always try Your every want to satisfy. So don't forget at the "City" to call, Meals they serve .o suit you all. Now bring your friends and to them show The best restaurant In town 10 go; Remember when the best you want Call at "The CiU Restaurant." Mr. lirannin ill treat you right. The "City" is open till 10 at night. Board and lodging $. 50 per week. n itrnl r Viiriiluln. Lottie L Derean, East View. Weatchester Co.. N 1. writes: 'I have betm 0 great suflVrer with pains in the back uf my head, wnrso than anv head ache. I uiM nut nioh it with internal at all mil miring the cold weather I have suliered excruiihUiiuly. 1 tuialiy thought I would try an Alltfwk's Plaster applied tu the nape of my neok. In less than half a day the paiu entirely ceased." There were 19o votes cast in the Lebanon election. "German yrup Here is something: from Mr. Frank A. Hale, proprietor of the Pe Witt House, Lewiston, and the Tontine Hotel, Brunswick, Me. Hotel men meet the world as it comes and goes, and are not slow in sizing people and things up for what they are worth. He says that he has lost a father and several brothers and sis ters from Pulmonary Consumption, and is himself frequently troubled with colds, and he Hereditary often coughs enough to make him sick at Consumptionhis stomach. When ever he has taken a cold of this kind he uses lloschee's German Syrup, and it cures him every time. Here is a man who knows the full danger of lung trou bles, and would therefore be most particular as to the medicine he used. What is his opinion ? Listen ! "I use nothing but Boschee's Gentian Syrup, and have advised, I presume, more than a hundred different per sons to take it. They agree with me that it is the bi;st cough syrup in the market.'1. ( I MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber I anil Elder Flower Craam ll nnt 11 fomittr In the noun In whirl, that term ic tulkrl ur4, lull ermuiintlv hcntitiflu, il rti ift, mit.n'tk, rler. vti vulv -lun, by tail? w irradmlly nuke Ilia enDplrxnm wveral hntia white. It i msiaut pml. fr-nn tli ffeot I im ami win.1 au.l i--mitiU mm lmrn ami frftcklti, fttid blftck hwU will nver comt while y.u it. Il eleiwu the faro Kr tielUi' iH. ( "J water, nourifttioftainl buil u lh hltiu tiiwiu ami prevent lha (ornution of wrinklrr It Kiwi th freshaewt, lernet ami 8im"huet t -hni tli:il )m twd when ft little tflrl. Kvery ta-ly. --tiwa wr uld. euirlit lo use it, M it ifivfs a mo v-'Uihl'ii apicar. nice to any latly, anil lliit perm tutmt ItcmitaniK no acid, inltr or alkali, ami i u linnr..!.' Uew ar.d as iiouriMtiiut: to the kin as do U III rl jwttr. .m at nil dniL'iMtrtii.l .i:iinircafrt, orai kin. l'.rvi ..rnlmln'M .Hlulilitt'tllienl. M3 I'.Wl Mtrt-Ot Sail Kratwiitoo, where ulie tri-aiK ladle lor all Mi-minli-euf the race or figure, l.nlifnal a divan trMted by letter, Send tatui lor tier llllle book "How to be lleautiful." Sample Bottle re.'t'ipl of I ' tiiu in o pay piisUffs ai.d jMi.-kiu,', Lilv airenlt. wanted MRS. GRAHAM f5 Face Bloacli Just received new and opened for retail a C E lirowneU'i the follo'jins Chow Chow, Cooking Molasses, Tickles iu vinegar, Salt HemnR, Salt white tieh, Salt salmon. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! Cures tVc Wirttttcftftos if KrtvkU'n, S inburn. Sal own. M.itli.iotclit M I'lMinitHaiid all -km tik-iiui"K I'rif- 1 1 ;i rui If and t ilVcii ; m ni.tli c:tti I :nr.ii(M WalltL'il. 11.. T1....:i- tit i in tnwii wliii tlr-t or.ieip lib uU hi'A of mv prvpanttioiis wil hnvi- hi nn in a, I.K-.l to thi PtlviTtim-iili'llt. Mv lToparatioun are for tle by wtioitwue urut," gists 111 ciiKMgoiiua every cuy wcsi 01 u, The I'uU IViar lu uf NolaMe 1 catures f x 1S91 an.l Specimen Coprt will he Kill l'ree. Brilliant Contributors. Ariuie, havo Wo wrltteu ,,rcly (... tl.c o...i..K volume l.y a hu.l ot m .-..t ...en and women. n.nK wl.on. The RUrlit U""- W. II. tiladstone. - Count Fcruinanu ae Lcsscps. - a mire w wi.Ky - mo kim 1 ' ... ...Cllr,hv. M.i. sir l.yoii I'lnyfair. - Irank k. Stockton. Henry Clews. - Vaslll VcrcstchaRin. - W. Clark Kussell. - The i:arl of Mealli.-Dr. Camilla Urso.-Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. leld. I.yhian Ahholt. The Mine Illustrated Serial Stories, Articles of Practical Advice. Cilimpscs of Royalty. Railway Life and Adventure. Volume for 1802 will 100 Stories of Adventure. Sketches of Travel. Popular Science Articles; Charming Children's Page. 70a Larne Pag"- V'' Double Holiday Numbera. llliiHlratcd Weekly Supplements, Contain The Hest Short Stories. Hints on Self-l'.dia.-itlon. Hnuschiild Artlcies. Natural History Papers. Nearly 1000 Illustrations. "A Yard of Roses." This FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. To New SuliwrllMTn who will enl "U "nil I u thin "Hp "II" nrniK nml nililrraa nnil 91.73 we will einl The foi inliiii I'rer li Jim.. !;''' null lor Full Vl-nr from llinl llnle. Till, nllfr liirhnle lh Til AKS :VIN:, CllltlST.M.tH nml NKW VKAH'rt llouhle llolliliiy SiiiiiIht. We will nl.o nrnil ropy of u lit Illol ihiIiiiImii. t nllileil V A H l l'' ltO!ES." H. proilurllon hn ro.l TWKNTV TIIOI'XAMI IHH.I.AIIM. Sfllil Cliect. IXMi'Jfrr Orxlrr, or ll-tilalfml Itltrr at our rlrk. Hm .10 I 11 IMF YOUTH'S COMPA N UN. wonion, m.i.n. Slip ami SI. 75. J GOOD NEWS gh For the millions cf consumers of (ft Tutt's Pills. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Ir triven ltr. Tul t iiltaure tonn- nuunee tlmt ku Is ntw putting ujiu W K. WEirHEF.'H, TINY LIVER PILL which It of exceedingly fltnntl nir.o, ft retaining all tho virtual of tliu C lurgcr 4nert. luaranteeil ur'ly v'f;'t;hlo. Kotli Klzuduft hvtu i1IIk aro Ktill litriuedt The exact bIzo of V A TUTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS A Is shown in tho border of this "ad." Attorney at Law. Will nnctiue n all Ci)iirtn (if tlr state. Speeiiil uttcnti m irivun to nritti-ri m pmbiit and lo cu luiitioud. Oi-1 lub-la tiiu fiinn diuck. B R. K. BLACKBt'BX, II. C. WATSOS IAttompvsat r.iw, AM hm'nes will receive promr atceution, OlttrPt'OJJ Fcll-jws'Teiuple, AUnuv, U iVhile trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO tiEYOE & FROMAN BROS Storn, where they always have on hand he largest stock south ot Portland, of the latest improved Rifles and Shot Suns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of everv description; Tents, Hammocks, Cam ? Chairs and thousands of ether thiifgs too numerous to mention Iiepn.ii' Shop in connection with the Store, and one of die best workmen in the State to do any knd all kinds ot work. Come o-e Come al. No rouble to how goods. "Small profit and quick ale" is out .notto. NOTICE TO SfOCK-HOLDERS. Notice is herobv civen that tha anniinl siock uoiuer.s moo.'ng ot the Fariusrs A werenams inauranca Unmpuny nf Al bany, Linn county. Oreiron. will bs held at the company's olHot. in the citv ot Aluan-, Oregf n. on Wednepdav. January t'th, 1S9J, ft, the hour cf 2 o'c'ocfc n mo nald day. lor the purpose of electinu ninf aireci-rs oi usua company, to fervo fje one year, and to transact any other busir uhss H3 may reguiar:y corre Before sa d meRiiug ny oruer or tne t residentl Dated Decernher lt, 1891, J. O. WKITSMAN secretary. i v( v. KO.G. t! 1111 . Attomev .t Liw. Will nractice in .11 court, of th tAte. Social .ttflnti'r, iriven I t matter, in rot).t and to collections. Or . 1CK Ift tne r litiu Dle.ii. y r. nu.YKr, Attom.T at Law mil Solicitor in Chancery. fCelleo- tlon. made on all points. Loans negotiated on orable term.. Albany, Oregon. G EO. W. WRIGnT, ALBANY OR. WHITSIAN & HULBEET BROS, Real Estate Agents Farms and Hunches for sale. Also city broperty in Albany and Coryallis, HEAL MERIT- ItilllMlllVj, PEOPLE Say the S. B. Cough Cure is the best thing they ever saw, We are not flattered, for we know that real merit will win. All we ask is an honest trial. Tor Saio !y J'OSII.IT A .MASON, Albany, Oregon. REVERE HOUSE, ILBANY, 0RE0C", SHAS. PFEIFFEU PROPRIETY Fitted up ,u flrt-cl! tyle. T.i. mpplied wit a the bent in the ziiR . Nico slepiniriioartiupn-.s, Hi!iip; ir commercial travelers. A Severe Law. Attomeratkiw.tnd Kotan-PuMic.Willprartiee b Itnurtfl oi mis stat ana in xne i niifi Mntes (orOrejfon. OlHrri -Front rootnt oiirli Oregon, Albany, 0pi. Ms Tte English peo ple look more closely to the genuineness of these staples than f, . ffp An. In frwf. fiw L , (f havo a law under V- V'J TThlch they make r-V Btroy adulterated ' products that aro nnt vrliat they uro mnresenteU to bev Under this s;c tli-m,vu:h nf poundsof tea hare )..-f- i..ii:..' i b.-aif.eof tlielr wholesale adul-tciun-::. iVa. l . . way, U one of tho most norori 'i yn 1 r.r:!r'es of commerce. Not a- ' :,:!!', .siny rrecn tens artlfl- c ' hut th-iu'nnila of pounds of t. n U;i.v :xre used to swell ' r.h, fl'.c, and willow ' :: ' commonly nsed. . f - : jr in tea warehouses are I tu x fi. V. o: cxhaustcfl tea i - n m t.-H-hrues are kept, f!li'-' ' . 4 r'.nd their way Into afempts toRtamp ... i.; bit no tea is too :-; U, that probably -I !) a:.y Lr.tiuu are thoia Ji riL-u-nted ivith the guar ilnrLtl end unadulterated; ''i:i i te.i leaf pnre and sim-:::-i:r.5 superior strength, ' .i cf if KM in? required for n-f ilio ; teu3, and Its xi:..'.' !l.:vor is at once ap l'.' :i i ' vo.aiiou to you. In i;y r.t:j iiuallty may be guar ' I r..y ia pound packages J." ttmy WHITNEY, Law, an-l Votary Publlt. JQK- J L- III LL, Phyciclan and Surflrn. OFFICE Ferry stret, Albiny, Oreiroa. riant an flurrei", rodI bin streets. AiVuy. Or. I attdd in eitr ad esnatry: Calls pratns'lly c. Hmeanathlst. MrSoti Jit in disease f tha Rra I Tatj-ytars' aiierieiiM Oflj ti iurs7 t a m; l t 8 p in. and 0 to s tvemn;. Alrnnf, Qregnn, I)R G, A. HHJTVEY, PhTstdan al urrtn. eal Cot'etre, Iftw Yrk Citv I specialty. OrFlCB- a:i:y i:.a ia fiiet. 1 pie. 1.5 Ubiiut v.; frai?raije pnre tit. order t h: autexd, j Itenrlutr t Ora4iat et Bt!IeTue Mt Diafa mt woman a Frmn block, Albany, Oregon F IRftT ATIOI. lltXK, OP ALBANY, ORROON, renl'lent Vice Prosident . Cashier I.FMNN . 8, E.TOCNO E, W. LASOUON BEl .H'i TEA Tu Prict 00c : 0 1 h. F'J-iV t.: ihildhood: und. gale .t ALLEN BROS- Store. City Uestaainiu. Haviuk been entirely rp odelctl, t! nml popular restaurant wtil be mad. Jasa n every respect. The public given jo'itl meali tii all hours for sents. KverytliiDit neat ami a t'rivate bosos. Hys'trs In evry si, Jn.l s4T pooda in tbe novt reasonable prices. . KtlUlM oi TOVES, TINWARE, :3, PICTURES, CROCKERY, , ETC. : Youu 'a chl store. .OTTLEIS. .111 FOSHAY & MASOi. Druggists and Bouksvllr. Akoi.Ih for John U. Aldeu'n pui'Ilcu.ioi. vk'U we ell at publisher'n T-ric . . ALU IS V. OJiEGOr ri Nurseries. (lne lot ef fruit Li'ictirs, in f-ccs fer this sia- I ON i,( AHANTKIIh, r nil rn vn at the M mIis Noutliwest of Albany. ilRUirVNELL. ntANSACTS A GRNKKAL banklne "business. ACCOL STS KEIT Bublect to check. 8IOHT KXCHANGE and Ul Taphic trannfer, itM New York, San Frsnuisco, Chicago and F-ntland reym CO -LEOTIOKS HADE on faurahlo term?. DtRRCTOHS i. E. Torso K, W. Lanodgss L E BiaAik, L. Tlimi Kdward F . Sox. LINN CO MTIOMLKAMi, OF ALBANY OKEOON. CAPITAL STOCK 100,000. PrMent J L COWAN", icvi remutiii. j .11 u.i, I il.N, St Cashier O A ARClf lUOLD, P rrctors, J L Cowan, J M Ralston, W S Uo.M, W 11 U4lra( J A Crawnra and O A Arch ibol.l. TRANSACTS a tr-neral hanklnir tnwlness. DRAW SlUHl UHAFTd 011 hw Yurk, Saa ail P".!-- Orecun. LOAN MONET on appf.ved security RECEIVE deposits suttuct check. B AXK OF OUr;u. alba.ny, onnaoK. Capital :- 9 Prcul'lent . Vice-Preside :it Cashir .11 V MERRILL M J LANN'INd .. Iat W BLAIN Trinwiets a (rrie-al b.mkinir business: F.xrbanr bonelit and imld on nil the principal cltlns in the United States! also on England, Ireland, Frnnet and Uermatiy. Collections inad at all accessible points on faror ble terms, Interest allowed oa tims deposits. 1$ ANK OF .( lo. CIO, ORKOOTf. Prcsiflrnt m Vier- President .. Cashier Mnrrt. tl Urv&nt E (ioim, J 9 Mnsjits Jr.FF Mykhr O 8 Mir .Tfhn Oainss P O Smith. EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA IjINK. Ixpros. Train. rurlluml Daily. I North Ar I 7::i.i l.v I 4 i.v 1 ; -PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Portland Alhutiy San Fr-iiiii" ;no t m South I 7:tn. js.Tlv 1U:23 p M I l.v S:b a M I Ar Ab-tvo train stop mlr al fIIwinu Mtutioiis north ot RoMcburif. Kat 1'ortland, Un-.'-'ii t'iiv. W.mmI ouni. Stileni. AUmiiv, Tan.'t-nt, Sli.ld, llaloey. Ilar Isburjc, Junction City, Irvin, Etii;etie, ROSKBt'RO MAIL, UAtir. am I l.v l.':2U m I Lv 4:40 rw I Ar Portlnnd Albany U'lscbiirc Ar J 4:ihpm I.V I 1L':MI) M l,v I (I :20 A M ALRAKV LOCAI.( DAILY RXeSI'r STKHAY) b IV) p M I Lv 9 9" r M I Ar Lv Ar I bV I Ar Portland Albany LRPAXOK BRANCH, Alhany Lf iianon Albany Lebanon A r I K :r.5 a N Lv 1 ::uo a u it a m bAA M 4:JP 3:4(1 p m 2:6 r u 3 '2j r m 7:30 a H 3:22 A M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, For AfrniumiHfHflon af Keronil-I'la.. rnH.rn rra, atlachril to t.Kprr.H l rnina 4Trf HMr I.ivl.lon. BCTntC!) I'llKlltSIl AM) .OKVALLIH. Mail n.iH uaut (Rx:rptSunu.y 7:30 a v 12:10 r M Pnrtlaiul Corvallia s:W) r a li:.',f ra teaik DAILY (Excspt Sunday, Portland MeMlniivllle I 3:'-0 A a b.ih a a Th.roiip;U Tickets T. all pAtnts EAST, AND SOUT39. lTi tnii Informatio.i retfanllnR rates, mtrs, On Companv Agent at AlSany 'i, . OK1ILER R P. ROtlERS UanaKer Ass't U. F. and P. Ar YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railiodd, HO(.;, o- Orsg-in Development To's SteaniBrs, Short Line to CalifiM-iiia. Firat-claHS tbrouuh nasoiii;r freight lino from Portland mill nil points In the Wlllnmetto Valloy to anii from San rrasclaco, Cal. Boatfl make close connection at Alhan Kith trains of tlieOrogon l'acifi Hailroad THE FARMERS k WEMJl INSURANCE Cli. Albany, r'K. W V KKAI, l'riwlilmit. J h COWAN, 'J'ri'iiHiirar. J O VKITS.M.N SncriitiirT. 1 V SIMI'SON, View rnisiil.iiit. -DIHKOTOKH-" J 1. Cowan, i('o KSiiiiiwoii, rt' V ltuail, l'r l.Kolny, M SmrnliorK, J W Hum J K WoMilirrlr.rii, KMSlralmn.J O WritMimn. -AI..MI lilSIKII T AI'.KN'IM KlB- Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies OflLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IW ARANY. The ( '(unbilled ( rcj;in CJiant t j rain aiitocd to grind 100 IhisIiuIh per hour, grinder and crusher combined. Sure de oats. Mill guar A perfect ath to wild R'- v.f '.'-jtJr-.. -"-- - j i - ; jrr".-ia -G . L. LEADING DRUGGIS1 & Hi 3 OBEQON" It ya want the bi and most durable fu ture thai is maniifartal cd in the oity g to TIME SCHKDULE. except Sunday. ) Live Alliany 1:20 p. a, ..av.lorvallii 1:03p,h. irrlr. Yaquina, i:S5 p. a. Lavo Ya(intia, 7:i0A,a Leave Oorvallis,10:S.'i a, a Arrive Albany, 11:13 a. a O. A C. trains connect at A I linn v ami O'orTBllIa. The above trains connect Ht Vftouina with tbe Oreiron lievnionmnut Company's Line of 8toaiiiliipn between vaquinaana Man t'rancisco, NAJI.INO OATEN . mOM TAQ'llf A. tViilaaictte Valley, Dccembor 13th. 22nd; ai.t. rnOH BAN PRAKt'lHCO Willameu. Valley, PtMmber .'.h ; liti; 27th. The CompAnv 'n-ervea the right to isnKO sailhiR daten 'tliout notice. 'f. B. Passeniror.i from Portlumi and Willamette Valley rioinU can :i;alie Ioho eonnection with the trains of the Vaqnlna rente at Albany or Coryallis, am ifdes- ttnod lo Han Francisco should arrange to mve ni zsauina trie evening neiore t'ate i 3inn(r 3rPna.ena;er an Frirlit rale. Mlwnyn tlie Fnr Inf-irmitlin apply to A It Cliaiimnti, Freight and icket Aircnt, Albany, i HUM!;. u. r . aril r Anon Corvalli.. RedCrownMills tiOM, LANSING Si CO., IH0PR' KW PROCESS rLOUR BU7BKIOR 0K yAMIl.l: AND DAKERS VSI. REST STOKAGP FACILITIES. THOMAS BRINK'S .PROPRIKTOR OV THE.. City Livery, M and STABLE.- navliiK purcliaeJ new rlws can furn ish first. class turnouts at call. .Sppcltl aitenf n Riven to transinnt stork llcnos boarund by the day or mouth. Cheapest Kiites in (lie City. Telephone connection with th" St Charles Hotel. ToUiplione orders Kiven iiroinpt altontion. Fourth .Struct, lutwosn K!lsworth and Streetcar line. ACADEMY -OF Oar Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - Conducted by the Slstti,. ALBANY CCLLECUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 18S1, 1SQ2. rt Term Onrnril Hriiirmiirr !:il' in'mi. A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses oi study arranged to meet tl." all gi-ades of students, Spi'il uiamtmentt offered to student t from abroad. IET. KI.HKKT !H I'OSHHT I'rr.lclent. Albany Hauiifac.'tureni ' 'EAM ENCIUES CRIST AIID S VHLLHAC!!!IEflY IRON MONT! 40 iLL Klr'DS OF HEAVY m LIGHT WC8K, IN IHOK M BRASS mi Short Notice ) elf , . . . . .. .".-Va! i)!!;i:(To:;S. pecial attm: lis of uiach:: I'nlti-rns Ni' -Fl'N .J.AL MEATS OREGON f St, Benedict ranir.. 5to10. r'ortor.m of Ui.r lm Sj!i l or prtlcclars app.y at ths A.lil'jl? or uass atster su)erloreS EAltY TO WOKK.-Parties, .ieslrinir B, wood put in or anv aii.d nf ne, can obtain nromiit stu nHnn l. rinu the services ot !.,,;: i . .. .u. tMJiojrylious9, lave orders there, Or All Kinds - Jb:roricl - Sc - 1 Jtikeiv Opposite Schmeer'. l.ivcn- St. Mo, next -or to Wiilauiftte Packing t'-t'. .tore. - il--.:..,tvn d iiHT Hoientin1 VI :),!.:. Ore-van, j ' stisniitto America", i ' t't AytBoy for r Til? o li nolcnowlp.i- lonninir renipilv '1 i..siticiurc ' K-enrorrlKi-niirWhitc. I urewrll..' Itond Uv lot MfdMil.ltT Mfnlnh.,.mn.iH..II.. ' Tat t ' to all fiiircivr. !'' &cm:,0 WtS A. J. b'loNKK. M. D., 11... J L'H.t E Si.OO. i.' V V i St; naril iiXuait ,i gents 'N .V '.).. ;.Vi' , '. bllrru.i f. .. .... ' ' - l":iti"i( Ml . , , '.t!'.l..i MARI ,.. VKUHTS, . . ... VnrlK. :, !.. l,r. ,lihl l ffg I 'i fi-u. L'.tarf. to " I -nan Vlt . til. rpi r ni.- I".' i .-In. .ild i, .,.,.:, .: ' yi;ir: (i -i , .... , y I ti.ibdili.s3ul l,.i,,Ui !. St., ottt.