- i t'liliilxlnxl va;-y atay In t k n rfl .Huiulay. ivr'usk .11; Mm. IMiltni is4 t'r t,i'r.; C77T OFFICIAL FA'FK. Rlilorf.l null" I'm HBc l A.lriiv, i K'" us annitni n'nwi ranll mitwr. ATI IIIttY.... , UHriaBBM 111. M JJELSUAZZAIi TO Nl iii J . !j I'llolivrr. MM'I'K.ks.- Ill tli-j rn c't'T of fthc entitle tf (ii'o II ICi-cnt'V, Ij'ukI f 1 1-( ,-iniI approved. StrandiT r rotiiun, I X S ; i . i 1 1 aiul N II Allen appoiiittil appralsiTM t i In Hie; mailer il the estate ami I'uarilian ! ihlp of l.'.n'ii 1) Halo rial minor,, (; C Stananl apppoliiti'd ;iiarillaii. 1 ' In the matter .l the estate of Mary i Burkliarl, Imiul of I' A lluikhart adniln- Utratoi lileil and approved. In the matter of the estate of Jas V Hall, ordered iliat perHotud properly Ijc sold as j prayed for, kiln the matter of the esliitc of C O l'at 'ton, inventory liled, real property $jooo apd pergonal property Sf-jj.yci. t"i . . . i.j Imihmkk Ai.iiasy Wumkm. Mrs CinltH clialk and MrH Marie Iavis, referral to in the following from Antoria, were in Sliu millinery lmHiness in Alhany a couple yearH uko, where Mr ami Mrsliottscliitlk j Were married. Hurry (iottxelialk, who ii8 arrested ill 1'ortland Wednesday lanorniiig on a chnrite of stealing valuable property from his sieter-in-mw, Mra Marie Iavi, wtta up More Judise Jewett today anil tliHcimrgrd. ThearreHt caused eonsiderahlu excitement in this city, anil tho prisoner's wile entered Attorney W intern's ollii'p, seized important papers Connected with the ease and ran down Mai ri lef ore she could be Htopped. The trunks of theaccu'-ed wero returned from Portland Friday, ami on being examined is the court room, none of the Htolen property was found. His wife afterward ptated that thu charge wuh Wrought merely for tho purpose of t.rinejiij; him Eick, as she wished to sue him again. Fkom tiik Mines. Mr Peter Wilson, ho has been assisting in putting up the pew ten stamp mill in the Sautiam mines came to Albany last evening, nc- jOompaniL'd by Mr Stevens and another employe of the company. The mill was Itarted running with a large pile of ore 'Oil the dump Thursday evening, and (Went ahead in fine shape and in a man or to indicate that it wilt do good work. Sliero is considerable snow in the mines, id on that account it is very doubtful whether the null can be kept running, font it will be run right along if possible. 0 Dmx'r I,.vsr. An item is going the irnunds of the press that Sherman county El the only one in the state that has not i saloon within its borders, says The iDalles Sun. Such was possibly the case Bor a short time alter the two saloon leppcrs, at Hrants, were lined for viola (tlon of the license law, but the county was not allowed toeniovsuch distinction 4ong, as outside of drug stores, there is :at least one place where the "long felt iWunt" is supnl-ed. Tho owner calls his saloon a rattlesnake rancr. and mere are not a few who make regular calls for the purpose of gettini: bit or spending one Hklsiiaxzak wis again presented last night to a largo house, meeting will great favor. It lis scored a great euc- Icess. In order U giveal an opportunity to seo it, it will be again presetueu to night, with an ndmiHsion fee oi only to cents in the gallery and 50 cents down itairs, with no extra charges for reserved ats. It will he given as a uenent lor the Orphan's Home, with whom the receipts will be divided, and should be given another big house. A New Dynamo. Mr (joins, of Scio was in Kugene the other day and made a contract with Crouch & Houston for an (electric lighting plant for Scio. They I will furnish 210 incandescent lights and 112 arc lights. There is considerable in fqtiiry from nbrond nbnut the Croui'h iH ifIoii dynamo, nit'! it i" pretty ecrti'in ilevi.-lop into a large industry. imam til k'.Oi'-riuRHS Ei.Kcrui). Tiie following are the newlv elected officers of Ileulah Ile- ibckah Degree Lodge No3o, I. O. 0. 1'.: Mrs Maggio Hlacknian, N. (t. Mrs Annetta Weatherford.V. G. Mrs Kato R Montanve, R. S. Mrs F S Crosby, 1'. S. Mrs Hulda Greenwood, ireas. Cihluit Couiit. The following cases ve been begun: R II Ruthertord agt red Brannln. Recovery of money; At Uchmenl. H II Hewitt, attorney for plaintiff. Stewart & Sox agt I II Camp Bell. Recovery of money. Attachment. H II Mewitt. attorney for plaintiff. MP- Uird F Shaw agt J A Bennett et al settled. Tim. Lahifs Bazaar. Do not buy 'mir ChrlstmnR nresentB without callilie M the Ladies Bur.ar,where there Is a large Mhd elegant stock of novelties suitable for ue holiday trade. Some one will receive M Christmas present of an elegant French Moll, one of the prettiest ever seen in ai Mtny, now on exhibition at the Bazaar. U ... I'IKelloqo School. TneKellogg schoo W dress cutting at corner of f'irstand Baker In the Ralston house i now open. ' Lessons not limited. Ladles are Invited to call and examine the system. LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF HEATING STOVES. -AT- MATTHEWEI4 WASHBURN'S itwiii&sKs&r be seen the stock and silver atches. diamond nnd othpr rine's. iew wiry, silverware, ic, in inecily. fci .-I ... .. b-w-- c- 0 to F K illo:i wruu vou want lomi c ivit. u.iiicy, iu 1 1 fyrtp, etc. HOI 1L X rKKftOXAL Joseph Koch, tho draughtsman, is In town today. He informs us that he will eomplete his work in Albany in about two weeks, when he will return to Kti- ii ne. Kiigene (iiiard, t.aud Clerk l.'avis says he is going to take it a little easier. Oflieo confine ment does not agree with him and coin liin.d with overwork has had a deleteri ous efl'eet. He will fully recuperate in a lew days. Journal. I, w Deyoo, draiil rroinan, I lianla, i' ren mount- ana ji rerry, oi the Mn ei.t linn Club, went to Jefferson this noon to shoot the team at thut city. Mr I) It Monleith now wears tho Mascot's gold meilal. On Dec 2!l, I8!)l, the Knights of i ytliias will g.ve a supper at the llotei llroNviiHvillo. They have also engaged ieo ('haiiibt i laiii and lion J K Weather ford, of Albany, to address them on that evening at the i-iiv hall. A grand time is anticipated. llrownsville Times. Two sept jagenarians wero married a few days ago in Douglas county. The high contracting parties were Colonel W I Mart in, aged 75 years, now of Jackson ville, but formerly of (ilendalo, and Mrs Margaret Trible. of the same hup. widow of (ieorge Trible, who died at Haubstadt, (jibson county, Ind., January 11, 1872. Colonel Martin is well known in Koso and Douglas, having been a resident of the county for many years. He is a pensioner of the Mexican war, nnd served with distinction in the Indian troubles of the earlier davs of Oremn and Northern California. He has also the distinction of having accompanied the command of John C Fremont in the heroic march of that officer to the Pacific coast. He was the (irst receiver of the I'nited States land oflice in Douglas, in I WW when the county seat was at Win chester. Ashland Tidings. An KxcniNa Kvkst. The Ochoco Re view says that on last Wednesday tho women dropped their dish rags, the mer- hants left their customers, the gamblers Hiitted the gaming tables, the editors thought the iiiilleuium had come, busi ness houses of all kinds were deserted, the treet cows tucked their tails betwixt their legs and started for pastures new, the fabled saddle animal of Jerusalem legan to bray and all tho town of l'rine- ville was in such a commotion as will never again lie witnessed until the day of judgment shall have arrived. Win Mc.Meekin and Ins steam engine was the cause ol ai this commotion, he having I'rineville may expect to hear the daily I whistle of he locomotives of the Oregon 1 acini! railroad. J A Itor NiMiion. Henry Rciijamin of near (iervais, who is not yet fourteen years old. on several occasions has made a better record at the various shooting matches in this section than any one. old or young. In lHS8,when only nine years old, he killed 11U3 birds such as are used lor food, in the space of about eight months. These were nil killed at odd times w hen he could spare time from his work to engage in a little sport. F'or this and other tine shooting he received a medal from Oakland, California, of which he is very proud and prizes very highly. At the "shooting match here a few days ago, he carried away more turkies than an) one there, beating all of the best snots present and there were several of them. There were three ties between him and Charley Jones, said to be one of the best shots on this prairie. These ties were all shot oh and Henry won them nil. Star. A (Jook Troup. The Salem States. mansaK: ''Itl.ad been a long time since a really good Uncle Tern's Cabin Co. vis ited Salem, but thoe who were at the Opera House last night and witnessed the preaentatiou of this popular old plantation drama by the New Orleans company were well repuid. Even if the story ol Uncle 'lorn has had a tun of more than a quarter f a centurv It never grows old, but Is al- way plensurably received. At the Opera House Monday night". Ciifitcii Skuvicks. Services at 11 a m and 7:30 p in. Preaching by the pastor, Rev ieo w Hill. Minctay bciiooijz:iu p in. noting l'eopie 8 nieeitiig, u:ou p ui. All are invited. il men sire earnestly invited to attend nr.viiiig tomorrow afternoon at 4 iock in the W C T V hall. The ser vices iil be of an interesting nature. MAKItlKI). MEYKUS CHANDLER At 7 :30 p ni Tuesday, Dec 15, 18'J1, at the residence of R N Thompson in North Brownsville, Mr II F W Mevera and Miss Olive Chan dler, both of this place, Rev (J J Travis, of Eugene, ofliciating. Aid People. nii.wTTHr-"i'll.--a-J 1 J. V. 8. Is tlio onlv Pnrml.iir;!! thf M or 'ruble iicoiile phoulil te. us t:i mlncvul i--ts!i ivblcli is In every other .-nrsni.11. i;'.a ll nl .'i.ii'H7 ol, is imuvr cerrala (oiimnon kii'i.n M ns eresiistinn. J. T. t. 011 t!:e eontmiy Is v""1 vegctdhle and stlmuin.i". ri;:tv turn ami ih ;m new Wood, the very liilnn f ir oltl, tlcllcn:c or broken dn".i 1'fil'le. It l.uiMs tlivin ill' i prololic tlitir lives. A esse l:i I i"l: Mrs. Itt'liteii im rstinint'li" elderly Iftily ol SlOMnMH SI..S. V. v.' f " ei" tli .ioeil .in; 1.0 mpiil'.r as to ai'ii' ""' ' ' lmll.- et ,0 bail tiiat she was i'.uu.ty r. jil ted wtla lliitlii Mils. Shu wiltes: While In tbnt ilnawnmi conditio I mkv -onv . I Hie testimonials vou ecniliiJ.V.S. ami ":! foraliofdi'. That marked tbe turimii: l"lt. I rejaineil my o"t fh J straiirth and have not felt w well In years. That was two years K: and M.S. Held Is well and hearty to day, and still taking 1. V-. II yon arc old or feeble and want to be built up. Ask (or Vegetable Sarsaparilla Most mo.lern, most etTeetlrc, Urgcat botU Ranie priec. U. six for I5.M. FOR SALE IIY STANAR3 & GUSIGK ALGAfiY ......... .... ".....- ...., ol nirnuure are elegant lieu room Bets, IK-Ing tho hrst steam whistle that was pror lurniturc in beautiful and latest ever-ounded in I'rineville, or as a lady I designs.music cabinets and stands.Reed's naively remarked it was the first wins- rfttlan roclters, many novelties too num t e that was ever "hooted" in I'rineville. ; erou8 to mention, and fully two hundred iiutu-n t iiu m: titur ni 1 1 in limit m nrmn if i e e . . nvwna iuiil iicxl vt-ur intj peuuic in BKAL ISTATf. KUM, iV C I'asscll to F.lisabcth llouse weart , K '.. lots 17, 18, of Wav rlyFruil farm f 1000 C A l'',Uon to.) (irishain.lots 11, 12, l.'l, K's2ndA, Lebanon 232 0 II McKarliuidetux to W Wolf, 2 acres in D 1, C of J lllakely. . 2')0 W W Kteiwer et ux to J F Steiwer, 212 acres in tp 10, K 113 w (V.m J H Crooks et ux to F.li::a Warren, all of lots 2, 3, li.ti's A, Craw fonleville (JOO I'.li J Keeney to F.lins Keenev, all interest in K '.j of I) LC of F.lias Keeney ... 4K) C Ci liiirkhart et ux K F Sox.bl .12, (i's l'ark A, Albany 2000 Uriah Terhume et ux to W I, .laek son, ' ( in t in lots 4, 5, hi 2, Sodaville 280 Statu ol Oregon to J II (ieildes, S S K 'H sec 111, tp lll.H li !1 K 100 Mrs Margaret Morlcv to Rebecca Smith. lots 1. 2. bl 4. 1 Istlwv (;"(! jHCayleetux to K Haner, 10 a'res in sec. :!4, ti 12 K II 2 V . JO (i,:o W VVarinoth elux to F.lias KeiMiey, K I) I, C of Klias Kec nev 400(1 John Haley to D H Cew, N K H, sec in, tp li K It 4 K 0000 K Haner to J II Ware, 83 acres in tp III, SRI K 1500 UN llardman toFCAIdrich, lot S,blk4,JMR'a4thaddtoLeb- anon KOO John F Handelman toj M Ware. 5a' acres in sec o-, ipidOKl . . aou United Sta'.es to Isaac R Froman 318.54 acres in tp 11 S R3 W. TaUnt Total sales. 237'.l2 TWO I AU LOtllH Of I be Flues! Iiiriiituro Fvcr Itruuulit lo Atbnny, Furnitttro cars are bigger than other cars, and hold an immense quantity of "knocked down" furniture. One car load will fill some furniture stores. Fortnuller A Irving have just received two of these cars full of the finest stock of goods in their line ever brought to the central Willamette Valley,their increas ing trade demanding extra goods. They already had a big stoek on hand. Among the new goods are many tine things for tho holiday trade. (Jive your relatives and friends something substantial as well asornamental. Among these new pieces vcry arti8tic in uiakcup. Thev wer 1jout,llt in eaBtern factories and 'will be marked so low n In itmtifv noii niMnrc marked so low as to justify new picture frames for everybody. Holiday Gcods. A fine line of holi day eooda mav be been at G L Black- man 6. I lit plush goods particularly are fine, embracing a variety of handsome articles, which should be Keen by all buy ing holiday gonJs. Af'.i-r a prosperous season the citizens of Linn county will desie to present their fi iends with the best to be obtained. Mr IVackman can accom modate them with as fine a line of holiday goods as jsto be seen anywhere. Is ringing out the old year with some fine bargains in Men's, Young Men's and Boys Clothing, Furnish ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. Ho lias very desirable ami suitable presents for men and boys in tho following lines : Neekties ot many designs, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Fancy White Shirts and Night ohirtsGold and Silver I loaded Silk Umbrellas, Slippers, Kid Gloves, Jewelry Smoking Jackets, Overcoats, Hats, Etc. HOHK AND AStUUAU 3110 b&Uota were out iu the AihUnd election. Don't foiK'it to call at th Ladieti Bazaar for your ustful holtday pre'onta. Thsy have A Ure uniectiou at low pricen. Cooper BroM. tcM SOOObuhhelgof wheat to tho Hen ton county fiouring mills a few dayi ago for 00 cents. At t ie Building & Loan AsRociatin lat ni-ht $1200 was loaned to 0 H Uart at 02 months iutereat in advance. C'awfordnvilie is to have a soda sprint;. $100 hat. 1 een raised fr-r developing the spriug on tha farm of A A H'll. Prof C K Millard is teaching Binginif schoo) ut (jo-vniw. Ho v ill be remembered as hav iiiK lind a elans at Harriaburg in this county. On account of the prc.aentatioo of Bel Bhu.,ir at the Optra House tooiit Mr ifopk'iiw duncintr school has been postponed until Tueitday night. Our coutemporary publishes a call for a you tig men' republican cluh in this city, to j he organized at the Court House on next Tuesday eveuiug at 7 och clc. An ordinance has been introduced in the Lebanon Council prauting J L Cowan, L Foley aud Frank O'Keil a 15 years franchise for au electric light system. In our item yesterday concerning mort gage inuebtedDeua the types made ussav that the amount of mortgages in the state was Sl.107.0G9. But this is the amount of Utortgages in Linn county. The business meeting of the looal unions of the YPSCE which was announced for Saturday, Deo 10th, has been postponed un til further notice. Anna Altuouhk. Hettib Miller, Secretary. Pi evident, One of the esses in the circuit court of Polk county 1 .st week was the State of Ore gon agt Hale Backenvto. it was continued. Another case theie was headed State awt Cassius Cagp, who also had a case in the last Linn county circuit court. It waa continued. Prof J D Letcher went to Portland last Friday to be treated by physicians. A tel egram from him to this city announces that be will not soon return to his post at tbe college. Corvallis Gazette. Uncle Tom's Cabin at the Opera House on Monday night. The members of the comp any, a line looking lot of men passed through Albany this noon for Lebanon. Not being able to get the Opera House in Albany to night the' concluded to give onr live sister city a benefit. Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros. Ask for Crescent tea at F E Allen's. Fresh roasted cofl-e at F Allen's. The best roast coffee in the city At Com ad mcyer a. Repairing neatly done at the large gilt boot store. See the big French doll at the Ladies Bazaar. Save money by buying Christmas gifts at tiuiin oc AKin s drug store. Allen Bros always keep their customers applied with tresh butter and eggs. All Mnds of choice eating and cooking Apples at Allen tiros. In the line of spectacles and oy e-glaeaon, rrench, the jeweler, leadt. Look out for a big display of Christmas goods at r rencn a jewelry store. Lid tea Oxford ties at greatly reduced rates at Klein Broa. Uuat be sold A large hue of elegant gold watohoa in tasty new trays at Will & Stars. . Magnolia syrup, the fine in the market in quantities to suit at f K Alien s. BLAIN Will & Stnrk, tin jewelers. Ladiea Oxford tie at Klein Bros, Cheap et in the city. Will he sold at greatly re duced rate. Hulin ft Afcin, druia-i-ts at Fr nch'a corner, have a lare line f choice holiday good, which they are belling very low. Whatever may he thf canne of hlanchint, the hair may he motored to iti original cnl'r by the ue nf that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable IMcilMu tiair Kenewer. Now. what are you waiting for? Why not get right in and go Klein Bros, and t uy goods from them for those tiolcets an nearly none. JtemeinheJ that is A Tory booutiful piano and who knows who will gut it. K'oin Bros h-tvo a Urge and choice t oo of b i'.V audsh ws for sl reosouah priotw Di a r invnit in f i t wear unt y? n ivi ti iir, st s c l tht ele n au piano at their store. You can get the worth of your monev rv buying vour watches and clocks at F M French's, the corner jewelry store. With his new bakery Conrad Mevor hie to offer old sod new oustomeit every thing fimtclaas iu baked goodj. Decidedly the largest and choicest variety of tea in town is at C K Brcwnell's. Sun dried, hatket fired. C"een. b ack. Engli&h breakfast, &o Conn & Underwood, successors to Wilcox. are prepared to do first-class photographic wins at their gallery at Second and Ferry streets. Givethnma trial. What a tasty appearance thut piano at Klein Bros, would give yonr parlor. That young daughter of yours would be too proud of it. Go and ask Klein Bros, about it. Hea'.Iv it will cask vou hot a. fw dollars. l uis is no joke, uo and see them. I mill al ilii1 Uoiidav Windows T. L. Wallace & Co. Ami sec what "The White Owl have to say each and every day. Then step inside and we will be pleased to show you a Magnificent line of Holiday Goods in our line. T. L WALLACE & CO.. ' leading Clothiers and Furnishers. The Birthplace of Great and Honest Bargains Strahan Block, .... - F. L, Subscription Agent for the ewspapers and Magazine, Kf.ir the I. O., FEED B BB9 BBBBI EflHV' AND CUSTOM CHOPPER. We hare hay, oata, chop aiiaw, chicken feed, etc., constantly en hand. Wholesale and retail agents for H. F. Fiacher. OorvHlIU fl.. .1.,-. 1 FuH,rr.w BaU flour-tu8tom choppin -rtorh1;-! Need a Watch? I have all kinds, at all prices aud every watch fits the price. But price is not everything in watch-buying; GUARANTEED QUALITY is the first thing. I guarantee waches accord ing to their quality; and quality makes the price. All kinds all qualities all prices. F. M. FRENCH, The Corner Jewelry Store Hr..tP HICAK. k n Hrllwaln unr. Home Rollom Prlcea. 11k make, trie following reduction! in augar lor cash: 17 Ib dry granulated for (t.oo, 20 lbs extra C white for $1.00. la Ibfc extra C golden for $1 00. Here are some nholetalt prices: 100 lbs extra golden (' (f'AcXi. 100 lbs extra (J white t$ 4 if els. 100 lbs dry granulated (0 5. He will also seii a five gallon keg o pickles for 90 cts. "Amkhicas AoKict LTLKinT." The re gular price of the American Agricultur i.t is f 1.50 per year. For a short time I am autiiorized to receive eubfcription. t f 1.00, aleo to furnieh the December number free to all who aubscribe now for 18'2. F L Kestox, sub agent. 5 ? f . A ver appetizlofi T, A very surprising T, A aavirrn, not waiting Ileautifui tastina Very fine flavored T, And a large and choice atock of aroceried, fruita and baked goods, at Parker Bros . A good resolution is never to buy without first giving them a call. Remember F M French oau show you a 6 no line of holiday goods, including gold and silver watches, silverware, jewelry, gold spectacles, canes and umbrellas, opera gUsses, knivea forks and spoons, et. AlDauv. Oregon Kenton, -:- 41bany, Oregon STORE MORRIS 8r, BLOUNT, Corner Flrnt anil BakerStc Star Baker CorBroudalbin and Fimt Sin, COXRAD MEYER, 1'roprictor. DSILIK .X funned Frntts, Cnnnril Veafs, (ilawwaw, liui-enaware, Orled Frnim. VeKefnlilea). ToUkcco. Cigars, Mugnr, Sjiirpa, C'oflee. Ten, Et Etc., In hot Tfrtl.. tlmt la kcjit In a itneml variety, and irxiCTrj- atorf, Hieli... imrket filvtf p.id for ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE I: V : -77. mm t-::.f.!.'M r-