s r ' t '3 5 An extraordinary result hat been obtained j rone experiroenti made in England in yignalling with electric lights turned vertically to the sky. The light of the Eddystone lighthouse can be aeon only 47 miles, and then on a clear night; but a vertical beam o( light of far leaa power ia viaiblo just twice aa far, with a atrong chance of ita surmounting n ordinary fog. Lancaster County, l'u., lias a peculiar custom, "Settling Day" in that country falls upon April i, and on that day thous ands of country folks gather at Lancaster, the county seat. Bargains are made, con tracts are entered Into, debt6 are paid and new ones contracted. If a man contracts a debt at any time during the year, the understanding 1, In the absence of a spe cific agreement, that payment shall be made on settling day. A similar custom prevails in parts of China, but the Lancas ter countians probably took their settling day from German ancestors. A queer old man and his granddaughter subsist by a queer business in New York. They supply the missing buttons from coats, cloaks, Rown', etc. and it ii said he is seldom unable to match any button shown h'm. lie has them of all shapes, sizes, styles and colors and knows where to find them in his collection Any one who ever tried to supply a missing buttel knows how hard it is to match those remaining, but he will find it and she will sew it on, all forten cents, unless it chances to be of a very rare sort, when he ill charge round ly for it. He is always ready to buy odd buttons, and has regular sources of supply among tailors, dressmakers and dealers in r'J clothes, but does not pay iiigii prices fur them until they are entirely out of the mirkct. W HAT IT MEANS. The appointment of Stephen B Elkinsby President Harrison to the war portfolio significant In more than one wav. For years Elklns has been lilaine's right hand man. At the last three or four nationa republican conventions he has been on hand urging the nomination of lllaine. So strong and influential as he with Blaine's forces in iSSS at Chicago, that he led them, in the final move, to Harrison, Many will regard the appointment as in dicating that Blaine has definitely re tired from all hopes of ever being presi dent, and, that he has turned his forces over to Harrison. Others will, with equal reason, regard this more on the part of Harrison as a shrewd one to capture Blaine's principal lieutenant. Another conclusion, the most Important of all, Is that Harrison has decided to run the next presidential campaign on the most ap proved plan of republican practical politics as represented by Elkins, Quay, Dudley and Clarkon. "Blocks of Five" and the pious Wanamaker's $400,000 corru, ilon fund schemes will be the principal n.;2ns used to secuie the election of the next re publican candidate. There can scarcely be a doubt that the administration will boldly challenge the virtue and manliness of the voters of the country at the ballot box. Will the voters of the couatry be able to stand the test? It Is as if tlio per petulty of the government Itself was being put to the test. There can be no question as to what the result would be were the people left free to express an unbiased choice. The party In power would be quickly voted out. But the means of the party in power are potential and the re-1 ult uncertain. GO TO Foshay & Mason FOB TOUR HOLIDAYS The appointment of Woods of Indiana for one of the circuit judgeships should be rejected, Democrats in the senate should make the fur fly when his name comes up for confirmation. It was nis decision that saved Dud ley, the Blocks ol five man, from the penitentiary. He is a mere groveling politician, no more fit for the bench than Quay would be. Republicans threaten thit in case the democrats oppose Woods they will oppose Putnam and Dallas, the two democrats named for judges. Very well, let them defeat these two men and let Harrison appoint two republicans for the places, but by all means keep the pot house politicians oft the bench. The president is not entitled to the credit of being fair and nun partisan in naming two democrats, any way. More than one half the people of the union are democrats and to be fair he should have ap pointed five democrats and four repuolicans. The proposition for an amendment to the constitution of the United Slates pro ving for the election of United Stales Sen ators by the direct vote of the people wll1 attract considerable attention this session. Turpie, senator of Indiana, has already made the question a prominent one by making a speech in Its favsr. We trust th proposition will pass through congress an and that three fourths of the state may adopt it. The people can safely be trusted 10 elect senators, lhe people are more aecure in thtir rights bv keeping such power in their own hands. It has come pass that scarcely no one but a millionaire like Brice, or a spokesman of monopoly like Sherman.can be elected to the United States senate. Let us have the amend ment by all means. Let every friend of constitutional liberty, who lovea his coun try and hopes for its perpetuity, raise his yoice long and loud for the amendment ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WARNER 4 CtUNOR L.-'Ocj t'ld Manti Monday, December 21st, The Original New Orleans Ilnr.lfl Tom's flahin f!n WUV1U 1V1U U VUU1U UUij W'll give the Grandest Presenla'.ion cf that Popular Old Drama ever witnessed in this city. New Orleans Quartet ! Special Scenery ! Grand Operatic Orchestra No Advance lu prices. Roservotl seats, at Will & Link's Music Store. No man in Washington has so fertile a brain as the correspondent of the Ottgonian lie says: It is probable that two more stars will he added to the American flag within a shoi time. It has been agreed that Arizona and Oklahoma are to depart fiom tenitorial and have stste governments. This is the renvh v a verba! undtratandir, reached between : leading republican and democratic inemher.-' u ne two houses, who have been interest i ig Iliemselves directly in statehood matters since the present congress convened. Just before the democratic senators held their caucus, to agree upon minority representation on the senate coinmiitees the Utah and New Mexico boomers attempted to pack the senate com mittee on territories with men who would favor statehood. About! that moment the matter was mentioned to President Harrison and it was learned he would not favor it. He Delieved thit Utah had not suflicien'ly long cnjujru ireeuom irom polygamy, and that New Mexico had not a sufficiently large Amer ican mizensiup, so a csmtunation was made tetween Arizona and Oklahoma, and it is stated that not only nulte all the le a dirf re publicans and democrats in congress have ex pressed approval, but also President Harrison. As 10 this verbal understanding," it has no existence except in the "brain" aforesaid. Democrats have no such agreement verbal or olherwiie. They are not to be caught napp in that way. New Mexico will come in when Arizona does and before Oklahoma. NEW ADVKRTISUMENTS. S N.STEELE it Co., Albany, Ore. . Loan money on good real estate security in Linn mid adjoining counties. IOR SALE. House and lot fir sale or ; rent, on coiner of 5t'i and EllsAoiiii air ts. i'or particulars inquire of store of CONN fc IlfcNDlUUSUI!. 1rANTED.-Hiuliei.t T hiuos at the chaJr factory. price Oregon. paid for Albany, J? H'lSiiadd JOR SALS Hon se anil coriior lot In !). Apply to I W Ilavis, MONEY TO LOAN -Homo ropUal to loan, in Biiinito uuit.oii Albiny an, I Linu eounty ru:il oiU;e or xooil .ler-riiia' security V K Mcfliurwin. Eir,i Seel opp Mrsouic Hull, Albany, Or ' C'1 rV DKCG STORE Pfeiffer Block, Albany Stanard & Cusick They have on hand a large and elogant itoelc, consisting of Hash Goods, Toilet Cases, Albums, Fancy rerfumeries, hntm. Supplies, Family and Teachers' Bibles, Illustrated Books, Gold Pens. Ete. They will give prices that will make it an object for all to buy of them. H. EWERT Is Prepared to Show the 1'uhlic as Finest Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, In his Lino, as oan ho found in tho Vally, coiiB;Bl?ng of Gold and Silver Watches of Other Leading Kinds, Diamonds, Gold Headed Canes, Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas, and Many Novelties too Numerous to Mention. We are the People Vfh9i ware, rry th moit oniplete StTM, ftagei, et., in lin f Ilard the market. Ti LADIES BAZAAR. la the Leading Millinery and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, Iney dairy all th Latent Styles and Novelties In the Mllllaery Hie, am a complete mock of Ladle and Children' KurnUliIng goods, aad ready-mad garment. Goodt the bett, and prices the lonett. Call and be coiviaced, 1BST STKEET -:- -:- I ROMAN BLOCK am now receiving my Winter Dry Goods, 1 and am showing full lines of seasonable goods in the following departments, viz: BBALBRB IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, (Fancy and Toilet Artioles, Sponges. Brushes Perfumer;, Sobool Books, and Artists' Supplies. 1'lijKiciann' prcNcriptions ears I'll I y (.empouuded. V "Mpi TT POULTRY, Ci A M IC - h Ud I H flol l'o'tl.'.ud rnl o'lu-r I I I 1 M P!aces' nl':,ys on hand at JL our market, near corner of Second and Ellsworth street. GeoROK Slavohter. Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear fUoves Notions Ribbons Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns Corsets Hosieryi Handkerchiefs and Embroideries Prints Boots and Shoes Groceries Woolens Cloakings Tailors' Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades Blankets Domestics Ginghams Samuel E. Young. SUMMONS. In tkr.Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for A. C. HILL, Plaintiff, vs. BODEDGE UILL.Defendant To Rnderlgo Hill, the above nainml iIp. fendaut : N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby renuired to l'l'er ami answer mo comprint tiled agaln-a you in the above entitled suit on or sniore me lirst clay or the above en ti'led court next following the expiration wi me uuuiiuaiion 01 mis Hit aiuions town the Htb day of March, 1SD2. And if you inn u, nunnur. lor want uireni t iia r n r. tin will apply to the court forthe relief prtveu lor in noricomn a nt.v irmri inHi. solution of the bonds of matrimony now existing between theplalntlii'and defend ant.and the custody of tho three young or iiiiuiii viinureu, hiiu mr sum otiier and further reliel as may be equitable This service is mucin hv iinhlliHr.n l.. order of Hon R V Holsn. Judue nt id uuili u V llindfl nt I imilhnm n K. ... Or3(,on, Dec. Hth. 18IU, ' L. H. MONTANYE, (1-18) Atl'y for Plaintiff. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ATOTHK i.1 uiiiliTHiirniil wai. bv 1S HEltniV (IIVI'.N- THAT Till- TlIlT llf tlw (H.iinl.. ... illlltv.orit.tiii tu.l. ....I -...i..'-.. . ( Nu.tulH.T.Isi,.lulyni..ii,u,l . x.-t utttr t.f ' w'lS ill ami l.'.tiiinorH and cJfialc i.f K. I uriu r. il. tvi...! Hire ..I hum i-tilintv: Or. L...ii All i laiinina.iiiM MitfrtiiiWi! ri! Ii.-r. 1 . . i.-ni.l nl Aliuny, orti(c,i.. illiin ', 11 lint... 1.iUiI at Alt'inv, Or.. Dec. 1-t'i. il II II lli.virr, V . A. klm .Ivr 'nth imiii AY, lAviulor. YOU WILL AflSSIT If you do not purchase your HOLIDAY Jeweliy,cons:tingof Watches and C In the b(tt makes, an elegant line of Silver Ware, and many attractive novelties, just the things for Christmas presents, of Will & Start Their Prices are VFRY REASONABLE J. A. dimming, Wall Paper Jriigs, la.intw. Oils Cirlntsrs, JTiZtc, YOU WILL MAKE MONEY by buying your llllk) lilK ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR I G. L. BLACKMAN'S. lie has an elecant stoak of plush goods, of all kinds, toilet cases for gentle men,many novelties, perfumeries, pic ture books, etc. IT IS JUST THE PLACE OR BARGAINS. ask The people of linn county Wher U get th Best Bargains, flTher to get th. Best Valua for Tor Monoy, IN Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., they will Auwer with Oi Toie, at 23" G. W. SIMPSON'S. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale s Retail grocers CIQARS TOBACCO, AND OHOIOH FRUITS OF, ALL KINDS IN LARGE: OR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON. ALBANY, OflECOfJ Flinn Block ALBANY, OREGON