Itotra VOL. TV ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1891 NO 190 1"i m l . 5.' -i Ji i I W. F, Oalljjand sen what a stock of Fancy Goods, Fui'iiishinif Goods, jh'oss Goods, Wo have to seloct from. Our stock i.s iiotJonly the largest hut tlio cheapest ever shown in Alhany. Wo have jii.t placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and Wo want your trade and you money. .A.1 Viixny , Julius Gradwolil's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS GBADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25e. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 20 lbs. Extra C Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 5 Gallons Good Pickles 90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholesale prii-oof sugar -100 lbs extra C, ?4.75; 100 ibs granulated, $5.75. I will rondiint a strict cash store, an 1 All goods will 1)9 Hold fur net oash from 10 to 25 per emit loss tnan rnKiiiar prloe. My stoijk of Cliinaware, fanny goods, and all tlio licNlrabln .ylos of dishes, at well at a icanoral asrtmsnt of grocerlns , crook ory, lamps p-nd fixture is complete. 1 m-iko a spaoiilty of lino t4i, coffees and biking powdor, and always plaso my customer, My display of new toys and novelties for fie holiday thin year will be the finest over brought to Albany. JllliDH Uritdwohl. Wit EE for infants "CnatorEnlssottcll mTspted to children that I Rvonimotul ?.nsm:ycriortoa!irprcscrlptioa "inown to mo." II. A. Axcuxn, M. D., Ill So, Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Thi uw of Caslnria in so universal and ItA itiMi-htj o well known that It scents a work of piijkMvrnt'ntion tn endorse it. Yew are the ImIc1Ii'-:tt unities who do not keep C&storia within tusy lewch." CAitLOt SIaitth, P.O.. New York City. 'jUi Pastor Blooroirgdalo Kefonucd Church. Thk Centaur L &J'ks 2k J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE USD RETAIL Only White Labor Employee", READ, a complete assortment Jof both cloth and plush fur trimmed. wo feel confident we can save W. F. READ. Oregon 13 v; ;.7 n r.;l -i -i i-i and Children. Caatorf n cures Colic, Const Irwt Ion, Sour KtouMieti, Dlarrirn'O. Eructation, Kills Worms, give sloep, aud promotes tH- epstion, Without injurious medication. " For nevprnl yenrs I have recommended your Castoria, ' and Khali always continue to do ho oh it baa invariably produced beneficial results.11 Edwin F. Pardkb, M, D.t "Tho Winthrop," lOth Street and 7th Ave.. New York City. Cohi akt, 77 Murray Strkbt, Naw York. Koyai linking Has no The United States Official Report Of tlic GovcrnmctU Unking Powder tests recently made, under authority of Cotv.jres;, by the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative infor mation as to which powder is the best. The Official Report shows the ROYAL superior to all others in leavening power j a cream of tartar powder of highest quality. The Canadian Tests: "The strength of the Royal is shown to be 23 per cent, greater than any other. "As a result of my investigations I find the Royal Baking Powder far superior to the others. It is pure, contains none but whole some ingredients, and is of greatest strength. " F. X. Valade, " Public Analyst, Ontario. c: Dominion of Canada." I have this day sold to R fi Watson 4 Co. the grocery and commit'i'-n business hereto fore carried on by me at the corner of Ells worth and 2nd streets, consisting of stock of groceries, provisions, Hxtures. etc. I will pay all bills incured by me while conduct ing said business on presentation. 1 re tain tbe book accounts and parties indebted to me can call and pay at the store until Dee 1st. 1S91. R G Watson Si Co receipting for me. After that date all unpaid accounts will be placed in the hands of my attorney for collection . Nov. 2. 1891. E J Lamhin. Monet to Loan. I have money in Bums of $500 to 120,000 to loan on im proved farm lands in Linn and Benton counties, at lowest current rates. No delay in furnishing the money. C (t Bl'KKHABT, Real estate agent, Albany, Oregon It is actually economy to drink Beech's Tea. Being absolutely pure, it is m uch stronger tnan the artificial tea., about one third less of ic, or about twenty grains, he inif equirsd per cup. As there are 7,680 grains to a pound, there will be seen to be between three and four hundred cups to the pound. As it is but 60 cents per pound, this is at the rate of about one tilth of a cent per cup. For sale at Allen Bros. CONSTIPATION and other bowel complaints cured and prevented by the prompt use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills They regulate the liver, cleanse the stomach, rnd greatly assist tfigestion. Dr. J!. C. Ayes &. Co. Lowell, Mass. THIS FROG WAS AGHT AT F. E. LLEN'S, BY A TEMPTING C:. . - IT That t wny we citoh our urtUji.w n byfurnfohing thm GROCERIES ANi) FRUITS ntht? ttiftrki t OiHfiJ mie IV: pie owder Equal HEE HEBE A piano ' At Klein Bros Boot and Shoe store, Parker Bros, grocers. New cloaks at W F Read's. Latest styles cf hats at W F Rcur. Iteduotiou in'summer goods' at W FJ Read's Apple parcrs fi-r sale at Stewart & Sox s. S A Hulin, dmggist, French's corner. Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendricson'a, Latest sheet music at Will & Link's. Parasols and sun umbrellas at leas than ooBt at W F Read's. Gold spectacles a-rt eye glasses, all styles and price, at F M French's. The finest line of pocket knives in the ity at Stewart & Sox's. Bargains in gold watches at French's, "The Corner Jewelry Store." A full line of Warner's corsets, best in the world for the money, at W F Read's. J. W. Bentley, leidin b.iot and shoe maker, just vast of Revere House. Siik umbrellas in natural wood handles cheap at French's Jewelry store. Go to Klein Bros and have your shoes repaired while you wait. Cotton g.odhive not been a. cheap since tie as tnny are now. Call and see what birgiiosW Hsvl has. GotoOC McFarUnd for sidlery, h nes, whip-, rob?, all kinds o! horse cloth ing etc., etc. The Dsn ckat wiil otchinze a sewia mahlu) of my mi'ce dind, etcapt ont a tj, 'o f i n ik it--.n witt ii t orr. ctsn or will onid'ir othr u i j.tijji y tny lie ds. i iru a nev ,n .ahiii W W IiaviOis nil" in cnarge or the Dtl- monlcr."Tiurant. Meals 25 cents. Kssttra oysteri-, frMi. Everything nrst-class. W hereto Get Them. When wanting n or plana call on G L Blackman Ah -c you can Eelrt from a hrst class tOL. .Li t j;:.:i'!iotoicmpliers A 'any Oregon. W" li we l ouuht-ai-' henegativc smadc by L VY ttrkri"1 W H reeovrood up to Nov ISt'.i, KSi. Duplicates can be had from hciii oniv of il '.t reduced lates. Wo have aldo ht:-;;i.t. i-i- io negatives mode by our sel from " t i c W duplicates can be had at lik.i T..,'ii. V. c crry the only full lino of v.t vc t tf.ii and do enlarged work at lov. ,.it r-itcn fr- I. .tit claes work. V e shall be i It ?:-:e.I ! 1 t1 v o;t at. our Studio in Froman's I'....;., t fitter to Mnsonio fpmple. r M;- wns sI'.'K. wt? garc hor Castorla. f.f wtw a Ch'.l .1, she cried for Cnatoria. piio b -cum-? Mi, she clung to Castoria. .; ,!;;: c LtW she gave them Castoria. 1 Jt t'i himlle tue celebrated tt 'v i-la for ierpetry lot. 1 l. turuishttil nt half tho cost ,1 v ir superior. . '... p'T Itl, pt i ru-:' ui'Z, 1: n ns i)rr Ih, P : Vf.:.:'i. jt , H.f.u V .f --, !t m I", v.mii; hUgwJQ c3uIb; i..t. ! 1 ) li i rent- per lb The ministers ofTacouia would not open their doors to Francis Murphy be cause he does not talk political prohibi tion, gospel temperance beinj; Ins una. Ministers should be broader than that. Yon talk about vour statesmen and financiers, but the printer who keeps truck of the multitudinous correct posi tions for iiakiiift powder and patent med icine aus is greater than all these. According to the votes oast in munici pal elections last week, Astoria is the second citv in the state, Nilem third. Albany fourth and Pendleton fifth. Astoria polled 12-15 vote, Saluin 810, Al bany G.Si, and Pendleton (i'l. Scio Press. Notwithstanding the aeneral nrefer- ence for coin on this coast, it can easily he proven that paper tnnnev is the better. The Man About Town will give one reason one that settles the whole matter. The reason paper money is better than coin is that you double it when yon put it in your pocket and find it increases when you take it out. We prefer Wehfoot to the following condition of affairs reported by the Pendleton K O. "Snow-drifts six feet deep appear in the lane between Weston and Athena, which is said to be almost impassable. Snow lia? drifted also in the roads north of Pendleton, making travel difficult." I The Baker Citv Reveillfi has thn fol lowing to say concerninrr the late actions of M S Hellman, who, oii'y a few weeks ago, took his departure from Grant county for parts unknown: "At the recent term of circuit court held in Can yon City, D I Isburv, editor of the rews, recovered damages for J20.000 against a villain by the name of. M S Hellmnn for invading the sanctity of the filainliffs home. Hanging is too good or a man like Hellman. Speaking of the fam'lv trouble of Mrs Fred Wnittier, (nee Allie Scott) the Salem Journal says : "She expected to take the train in the evening but learned that parties were lying in wait for her. So she took a carriage Friday morning for Turner where she will board the train for Kugene. She showed great determination in getting her child, and gained a good deal of sympathy for her sharp tactics in securing possession of the child- She says she will tie Vivian to herself until he is secured to her by the courts. Have U noticed ihat Allen Bros' gro cery store is always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, t'.ie very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be had they have it. Apples, Grapes, Cabbages, Turnips, Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries. Oranges, Lemons, Pigs Feet, Carrots, Celery, Sauer Kraut, Beets. T.tose Fine Christmas slippers at Klein Rros. are so tasty and neat that Jay Gould wou'd he proud to wear then). But remember abont that j.iano. When after Christmas you lind out that some one has reallv become the possessor of that piano for nnlv a fw dollars yoti will never forgive yourself. But nsk Klein Bros about it. Don't wait now. WORTH eOMIEKIN(- F. M.French keeps railroad time. Bay yo'i"" urocerUs of Parker New cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. C W C tV i. b printer, Flion ftb-cU. does first claB u. rk. Rec e -.'tni,i,iinr t K'im "-i" 15 nt and Shoe stt h. K W Ach'-nn t&Co !r i.m n "Mini nts at Portland nnct. Pre W K Kflp. Vfl lint of dr.)- gird- and silk before lttivina eUewher. tcmpevd shpirit and Clrtr8. Sninke the celebrated Miviti tilled 5 ut cigar at Julttu .Tue)ih'!. A larae ato-.ik of wail p iper, with 'at-cile- Sikhs, at porTiniiier t Irving s,ii!r. iUfived. Have you cen those parlor h'P'k thnfc T Brink has ju-r received? They h- nic . T)r M H KllU idivstcun nd Diiruenn, Albany, Ore. i. (J.Hi made li citv 'or country . Lad i en oan I their shopping i' "in Kran oioi without . isitioL' the ci-y. id wifltotit extra cm-ni i. Mm- : I Bi-r.w . ch :n t, 4dU' Ifi V He tv St, ikl;n I, pAtrnniz t' !' i'lddtcy and h v tund trade hiriif vir--i'ii"e l f'o-n ') C Mo h'urh nl,at 1 iln til'l.; s oid tm l. Gj to J V C d!i. MicoetMor to Prti-lfv Sunl, F.i'i t Bloik, f r y-Hir i pniiHiiH rf f.U Lirjda St A tine li't- "f crockery w'o 1 'fi - lIerdnfl.o s. tTnzgtracaflttwajjiw liinmsi1 mm 1 iim tJsed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard TEt.KflHAPHIC NEWS nnt Trust Jones. Nkw York, Dec il. A story current abont the city hall this morning was that Lieutent Gevernor Jones called on Gov Hill the other day and becged him lo resign. Jones, it is said, pleaded that it had been bis ambition Irom liovhood to be governor, and he would be satisfied with one week in office. Hill (ranlqr said: "I cannot trust you because I believe you would set with the republicans." Jones said he would make an affidavit, Hill inti mated that if a man's word could not be taken an affidavit could hardly make the matter more sure. Inline MRnlnlt. Washincton. Dec l8. Hon Joseph H Manlcy. of Augusta, Me, was in Washington early in the week and spent considerable time with Secretary Blaine. Certain cf the Dis trict republicans, who escorted Manley to the station Tuesday evening, pressed him for an expiession of Secretary Blaine's intentions as to the piesiden:y. Mraley replied that while Blaine was not a candidate in the sense he was in 1S76, and was not asking and would not ask any one to support him, he would not refuse the nomination. A Fatal Acrldeni. The Dalles, Dec 18. Word has just reached here Irom Prineville, of the death Of Alexander Finlayson near that place, Monday last. Mr Finlayson was one of the oldest ane best-knewn sheepman in Easiern Oregon He was retnrning Irom Prineville, afier complet ing the purchase of a band of sheep, when his horses were frighteoed and srarted to run away, Mr Finlayson was thrown between the wago-bed and the hind wheel, so firmly weJcing him In thai whea he was found he was dead and the wheel locked. Mr Finlay son was of Scotch birth, and about 50 years of age. A Careless Man. Chicago, Dec iS, R F Roy, secretary of the Boston iron works, last Thursday took two boxe from the company's vaults one containing diamonds worth $3000, the other papers woith $16,000. He deposited the boxes in the waste-paper basket, intending to put ihem back in the vault in a few minutes, but forgot them, a-"d left his offiee. The janilcr, a man named Dahl, dumped them in a room vhere the waste paper is kept, and the police, who were notified of the loss, found them, A Cattle King 4rr-3ltd. Spokane, Wash Dec 18 Abe Willis, the alleged king of the gang of cattle theives who have been p'ying their vocation in 'he Palouse country and selling the stolen cattle at Bon ner's Ferry, Idaho, was captured ysterday morning by Deputy Sheriff Fred Moreley, of Kootenai county, about twenty miles from Oakesdale. Mr Mooreley arrived in Spokane with his prisoner on the Palous freight at II:3o lost night, and took the I o'cl:ck pass enger for Kootenai station. Irwin Brsl-rna. Salem, Dec 18. Rev G M Irwin has ten dtred his resignation as superintendent of the government Indian training school at Chemtwa neai Ihiscity. He resigned to re-enter the ministry. Irwin was appointed und;r Presi dent Harrison in August, 1SS9. The Key to Success. That Is what we all want. It l'nt luck, for there Is no such thing. It in principally being care tul about smalt things, for instance, the buying of the best quality of groceries, fruits and produce for family use, at the smaller cost. This counts in the long run. Those who deal with Conn A Hend ricson report bargains both in quality and price. They also have a fine line of crock ery ware, toys, etc, suitable for the holiday trade, 'which it will pay the public to cull and set before buying. Fist: Si'irixcs.-Mr W R Graham has just rcreived n fine line of suitings from thf Ea-t, wt.i.-li are as fine as anything every hnri here, embracing the latest pattern- II.- i. anxious to have the pub He inspret tin-in and get prices. His long experience will enable him to suit the mot fastidious. A S'loi-; Ir-:i. 5? i; V.u:u bits just re ceived a large stock of Hhues, for men, women and children, including partinu larly a (itie lint, ol school slioep Tho be?t rnakcd in the market can be found in his shoe department. For Salic Twenty-tour acre tract of land, all in cultivation, suitable for prune orchard, $45 per acre. Inquire on pre in Ihes of Win St John, 4 mdes west of Tan Kent. Klein llr ort tit k- you any f.t 1-i of a 'nn .it mi 1 o 1 whi, 4 i 1 vil l ia-i-.ea rrfeyt 'IV w tli-tn 1 t ;nif. fiill hue ( ei it y fid tub.. 0.0 it F E Al! Tor la!rtMM in nionuim'htM, headrvtonta itc.KO t F. W Auliifoni Co. Albany, Oregon Ai y iid Hii'itMi; ttol,ta::h Roaster and (i.ker h-t Chtistiins s!M ul-1 order at Ad 1 Mr T;dt P () Box CO Atcnts w n t ! .