Mmttig fa till inn oral. v 1 VOL. TV ALBANY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1891 NO 187 CONSTIPATSOii and other bowel complaints cured and provented by tho prompt use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills They regulate tho liver, cleanse tho stomach, and greatly assist digestion. Dr. J. C. Aycr i Co. Lowell, Mass. ahk my tiKt'iiin fr W. I. UniirliiH niiOf, ff imiI Itir Hiilt kit your iinr iimm oiir s-iiltr In wml fur iniiihuiitf, Mcurc ihti grTAKE NO M HSTITI'TK. J S3 SHOE CENTUM EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It In it wumli-n hIiiic, wllli no lucliK or wax llircml to hurt the Trot; mailt of tin ltt fliia rulf. HtvINU and xwy, untl brraiuitt ti'n imA- Miorv ihm this yrd ffWn oht mnnnfwturmr, ltc-Uuln Ilium- mu'tM r h rosllnit fnun Ht.K) P ft.V'W. fiK (HM.i'iniliir lliiiirf-nrwi'd, tho flw-st calf t4W hlii4i i vi r nfTYnrt for $:.); '(imU t-reucb lmiirt:i1 Hlmi'it wlilnh rout from $. to $r.'. bl (HI HtiiKl-Scnrtl With !hor, lino cnlr, JJ)Ti MtvllHli. roinfortiitilfi mid .turi.tilV. 'Hie lii'ht nIuk- t-vcr r.lTrrt'd nt thin price ; name Kriidi) uh curt-toni-m.ul' hIioi'h coMtltifi from 5'!.ui tu i'J.''. . CO I'ollcfi iShtHM Fftnrnw, Itnllrond Men POa and U-tttTC'arrUTHiill wHir tbem: riliei'Hlr, K.aiiileKN, Minooth hiKldn. ln-iivy thn-u aoles, vxteu Mn -df. onn pair will inr iiyi-ur. CO AO lino rnlfi no better nhoo pvor ofrerra fit Ofei thlit price ; one trial will i-mivlucu thotte iv Uo wnnl n Din m for rnnifort ftiid service, ffisft ii nd WJ.OU VorklnitiiiiinH "hops 4ttf nro vTy utronn Add durable. Tlmxo who luiv (riven them n trial will wrur nooftiermnko. nAiA) tfKt.OO nnd HI. 71 nehonl hfH nro 3Uj 9 worn by Llirt rVy every whi-ri; they Hull tui their miTltrt, n-i tlu InereailtiK wileH hIiow. I IIUiul-pfWiMl itho.., brut imCi CI I C S lionRoln, very inylhili; eUa.U L ruiicu Iniportrd kIhm-h tvMtliiK from to tent. ICuillW a ud Sl.7.1 ''' llhOoarr the brat flnr l)tnt(o. Stylish anddnrnldo. Ciiutluu.-'f thut W. 1.. IioiiKlnV immo anil i"lco uro utttinpel on'the tottoin of raeh kImhj. W. L. DUUU1A.H, llrockiou, Masi. Ij. E. BF.AJ PJ. ALBANY OR. WWISMAH & HULBEB.T EROS, Real Estate Agents Farnif and Rancbea for sale. Also city rotiorty in AlbaDr aad Coryallis. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! Awhile trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO ftlYQE & FROMAN BROS Store, where tliey alwajs have on hand he largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot 3uns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of evcrv description! Tents, Mammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Sliop In connection with the Store, and one of ie best workmen In the State to do any Mid ail kinds of work. CoHie o:ie Come al. No rouble to how gocds. "Small prcfit and quick is out .notto. Portland, orepmi. A. P. Armstronir. Prtn. itriUH-l) ''flionl: ( Al'll AL r.t rt. OI,LHlK, SiLlell' ori'ijon pJ.uiic cuiirw of study, :un ratw of luilioa. business, Shorthand, ''In iNiwidii throuehout the v.r. Stulnit H-lttiif-nt tniy tliiiu. Cawl-iK K frum ritht-r schutil IE HOUSE, (LDANY, - 0REG0?l ntio npriPl.'n'tj DO.'.i'r'TTrTAV' iHA.?. iri'jirriin i'.ri an Fitted ur In cljlf.. ThIjIoh lupplletl with the liet in tiio mariol Nice HlooplnBn.ittrtiiiflnta. Kir.iplo n.n; iv coiiniinreiftl travolorH. City ilesiivaid IftvuiK been eutirely rr "'1 .!im!. ih." .'il mil popular rcr,t:iunnit v. til !;' ti: it. Jans u every rnapect. T1, o pul -lie nil! bf Ktvou good meals a. all (or ..;.'.y 3ents. Kverthiur nep.', :md ;i;or.:.jtivc Privato hoxe. Oystcis I.; cvry nVyU-. foshay & rt'Muror; TULRLAIU AMU KH:1I- Druggists and BooLtf-Sjers As'ii.ta for John B, Alden'n iiul'! !i'".tiOi-., wiiloh wt Boll at publlahcr'. wi;; 'OaUKOaildar ALBANY, UH.:. WHY IS THE W, L. DOUGLAS W. F, Calljaml see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, Ifosiery, Wo have to select from. Our hut the cheapest ever We have just placed on sale ciouks ana jacKeis, in goods, plain and ITT i l we wain your iraue ana we you money. Julius Gradwotil's Bazaar y The very latest news is GR ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25e. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 SO lbs. Extra C Sugar White 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 5 Gallons Good Pickles 90 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholesale prlcoof sugar -100 lbs extra I will comluot a strict oash store, and nil to 25 per cent less tnan regular prioa. My stock of Chlnaware, fanoy goods, and all the desirable ayles of dishes, as well as a Keneral assortment of groceries , crock ery, lamps nd fixtures Is complete. 1 make a spacUlty o( fiao ten, coffees and btKing powaer, anu always pisase my customers, Mr disnlav of new lovs and novelties finest over brought to Albany, for Infants ":.-rrriaIs bo well adapted tochlWren that ? '(vcin.imd ltasmiicricr to any prescription ' u me." II. A. Ancnr.n, !I. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "Th" of 'Catnrla Is ro tinlreriial and ii!Tis yo well known that it etvms a work I MiHrero?niin toendorKO it. Tew an the ivf!'ii.vtit fan i ilka who do not keep Cobtoria v itU'ii osy ruiach." Carlos Mahtyk P.D., New York City. I jilo riiC-x Bloom U'sdalo Itefonucd Church. Tn Centacb JS. JOSEPH, Proprietor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Only White Labor Employee', READ, slock is not 'only the largest shown in Albany. a complete assortment !of ootn ciotn ana piusn fur trimmed. i r -i leei cennaenT we caij save W. F. READ. Oregon that you can buy at JULIUS C, $4.75; 100 ibs giauulated, $3.75. eonili will be sold for net oash from 10 for the holidays thia rear will be the Jiilinw Grudwolil. n w A and Chiidren. Caatorfa cures Colic, Constipation, Botir Btoniach, Diarrhoea. Kruetation, Kills Woruiii, givuu tlip, and promotes S pestiou, Without injurious medication. 11 For several years I hare recommended yotir Castoria, ai.d Khali always continue to do 80 as It has livuriaUy produced boocflcial results.1' Edwik F. Pardki, M. D,, "Tho Winthrop," 105th Stroet and 7th Ave., New York City. Coiii'AXY, 77 Murrat Strkbt, Kbw York. NO Impurities in Royal Baking Powder. It is the only baking powder yet found by chemical analysis to be free from all impurities and absolutely pure. This perfect purity results from the exclusive use of cream of tartar specially refined and prepared by patent processes which totally remove all the tar trate of lime. The cost of this chemically pure cream of tartar is much greater than any other, and it is used in no baking powder except the "Royal." Dr. Edward G. Love, formerly analytical chemist for iho U. S. Government, who made the analyses for the Xcw York State lioard of Health in their investigation of baking pow ders, says of the purity and wholcsomeness of the " Royal " : " I find .the Royal Baking Powder composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substance. (Late U.S. Gov' Chemist) "E. G. LOVE, Ph. D." Prof. Love's tests, and the recent official tests by the United Slates and Canadian Governments, show the Royal Baking Powder to be superior to all others in strength and leavening power. VroltTIl I'ONSIDF.ItINU, F. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy yourgrocerHS of Parker Bros New cream cheose iuat received at Co&rad Meyers. C W Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block, does first class work. i See that elegant'piano at K'etn Brus Boot and Shoe store. h W Achison &Co are selltne monuments at Portland prices. See W F Read's Hoe of dress eocdai and siiks before buying elsewhere. Stewart Sc Sox sell the very best patent tempo-red shears and scissors. . Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller t Irving's.just received. Have yon seen those parlor snits that T Brink has just received 7 they are nice. Go to O C McFarla id for sadlery, har ness, whip?, robe, all kinds of horse cloth' ing etc, etc. Dr M H E'.lia, ' physician and surgeon, AiDany, uregoa. Ualis male Jtn city 'or country. Ladies can do their shopping in San Fran cisco without visiting the city, and without extra com-nission. Miss E J Barrows P :t Chasing agsut, 1689;Grove St, Oakland, Patronize heme industry ' and buy hand made harness, warranto!, from O C Mc Karlind, at Dubruilles old stand. Go to 0 W Cobb, successor to Paisley & Smile, Flinn Block, for ynurjib printing of all kinds Premature baldpaas may be prevented and the hair made to grow on heads already hald, by the use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rencwer. When Baby was slc, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became lli&s, she clung to Castoria. When ahe had Children, she gave them Castoria. It is actually c-C3nomy to drink Beechs Tea. B;ing absolutely pure, it is much stronger thai the artiticlal teas, about one third less of it, or about twenty g -ains. he i r eqttirsd per cup. As there are 7,630 grains to a pound, there will he seen to he between three and four hundred cups to the pound. As it is hut CO cents per pound, this is at the rate of ahmit one fifth of a cent per cup. For sale at Allen Bros. E W Achison ft Co ha-.dle tne celebrated Portland cement walla for lemutory lots. These walls can he furnished at half the cost of any other and are far nupnrior. l r.dingPhotogrophcrs A any Oregon. We hava bonght-t" ' honecative smade by I. W Claik and W h Jfrreenwood up to Nov 15th, 1S89. Duplicates can be had from hem only of us at reduced lates. We have also about 1S,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like lates. We carry the on iy full lino of viewt of this state and do enlarge d work at lowett rates for first class work. e shall be pleased to ace yon at our Studio in Frouinn's nleuk, nextdoorto Masonic Temple. For bargains in monuments, headstones etc, go to E W Achison&Co,Albany,OregoD OnU.SOK " ' " flutter, s5 eents per lb, Kgg. 3 eents por riois, Potatoes, 80 snti por bushel, I yard, ll (St 12 centB por lb, Baa vi .flams, 12 eents; sldo?,"l) nU; boulders, 11 cants, Bef on foot, 2 fa) 2'4 cents per IV Pnrk, drnssed. 0 eents per lb, Flour, f9 per barrel, nitow WSVILLE. Erownsville, Dec 15, 1891. At the city election on the eouth side yesterday Mr W P Elmore was elected president of the council; councilmen, Lon winuom. J i." Irvine. Jas btanuiBii and Newt Warmouth. A light vote was polled. Mr Henry Meyers and Miss Ollie Chandler are to be married this evening, so Dame rcmor has said. We wish them success. Brownsville lodge No 36. A F & A M, held their annual election on Friday evening of la9t week, when the following omcerB were elected: J p (Jooley, w jvi R M Brandley, 6 W ; O P Coshow, J W R K Thompson, treasurer: C E Stanard secretary ; J W Swank, SD;WI Coch ran, J D ; F M, Powell Tyler. All were installed on Saturday evening. Mrs Chas Elswick is quite sick at this writing. Master Wayne Stanard has the scarlet fever. We see by the session laws of 1891, an act commonly known as the Australian ballot system. Sec. 2. of this act reads thns : It shall be the dutv of the county court in the several counties of the state at the regular term in January proceed ing the general election to set off and establish election precincts within the county, etc. No we rise and say, may it please the court, the proper place to divide B'ownsville precinct is with the meandering of the Calapooia River, this would give near 200 votes on either side of said river. Will you do it, gentle men. A vey appetizing T, A vjry f n-priing T. A, uot waiting Beaut"ul tasl'nr Very hue tlsvo-ed 'J', And a Ipge and choice stock of Erocrits. freiih ami bnt ed goods, at Parker bros. A gn-d resoltilir u i.i uever to buy W'thout first them a call. Cured of Seumlgla. Lottie L 1'erean, East View. Woito 'ester Co., N V, w ites: I have bt-en a great sufferer with prins in the hack of my head, worse than any head ache. I could not reach it with irternal medicnesat di nnd during the ct.ld weather I have u(fjred excrutiatinalv. 1 finally thnilKlit I would try an Ailcock's P. aster applied to the npe of rny neok. In less than half a d-y the paio entirely ceisa.l." There were 19 votes cast iu the Lslunon election . A Shoe Irnw. S E Young has just re ceived a laiy" stock of Bhoes, for men, women and hildren, including partieu larly a fine 1 ne of school shoes The best makes i-i the market can bo found in his shoe ilepartment. AV W Davi- ts now 111 cnarge or the P -1 moulcojrestiiuuint. Meals 23 cen. Eisttru oyster, fresh. Every thiug first-class. Whereto '-etThem. When wanting mi organ or piana call on G L Mkckman 1 wlit -is vou can se ect trom a i:rst clan U)c. . A full line ..f cUars end tol..,..,.at V E A fine li-e -f cr.vkery ware at Cono & Allen's. 11 ' ",rl" rmilltinllisi 11 iwisiailll isillllli III wvrKTrmmxMMmannmarrmmacmm n m ml I m 4 m x t)sd iu MilUons of Homes 40 Years the Standari TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Three Mlsnlng People Seattle, Dec 15. Bernard Noble, t prominent young man ofTolt, has disappeared and the whole community is greatly excited. He is about 24 years old and a prosperous rancher. About a year ago. he sold his farm to C W Webster, his wife's father, and Dec. I he started from his home to go through the woods to his fathsr-in-lavt(s place, to collect interest due on the mortgage or. the farm. He has not been seen since. Webster says his sonin-law never came tD place, and parties are out searching ths woods for him. this made the more exciting ccause 01 tne strange disappearance of Jack Belshay, alco 1 Tolt rancher. He came to Seottlethree weeks ago, sold a lot for Sicoo and collectep $400 insurance on Good Tem plars' hall, which had recently been burned. lie has a ealuahle farm at 1 olt, and it is not thought he has absconded. It is also reported that a Mrs Pingiee, a wife of a hop raiser living seven miles south of Tolt, is among the misting, having been gone several dayr. The Hlsftlas C'resv. Marshi ield, Or Dec 15. From the time the dismantled wreck of the Maggie Ross was towed into Yaquinna Bay the only :o;ic has been, what has become of the crew of four een men, five of whom have alteady been ac counted for in previous dispatcher Nine days have passed since she crossed out over the Coos Bay bar for San Francisco. The story ol her experience already related in thele dispatches is substantially corroborated by Captain George Marshall, who has just arrived from the Lmpqua accompanied by four of his crew, the other five having re mained at Gardiner. An Electric strike. Sln Francisco, Dec 15. I he strike of the telegraph operators on the Southern Pa cific division of Southern Pacific Company began a 10 o'clock this morning, but it is not yet known how many men are actually out. There are from 600 to 800 operators on the Southern Pacific system, but it is not known what pioportion of that number are members of the Telegraphic Brotherhood. The Southern Pacific claims that but a small percentage of the number on their system are members. A New Brigadier telteial. ' Salem, Or Dec 15 Governor Pennoyer today appointed General II B Compson, of Linkville, Klamath county, brigadier general of the Oregon National Guard to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of General J C Schoffner, He is to hold office until bis successor is appointed and qualified. Nearlv five years ago, Governor Pennoyer appointed General Compson major general under the old law, and this was then the highest office in the state militia. Brigadier general is now tha highest office. General Compson is covn'y judge of Klamath county, aV Peculiar Itailrond accident. London, Cec 15. There was a serious r.iilroad accident at Accrington, Lancashire ninetetn miles from Manchester, on tfce Yorkshire & Lancashire railway, today. A freight train overjan the stops and burst into the wall of the freight depot. Tte building collapsed burying several people in the rains. One dead body has been recovered from the ruins, snd many persons rescued who were injui ed by the accident. The seareh of the ruins continues. Hate TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gro cery store is always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, tbe very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be had they have it. Apples, Cabbagest Grapes. Turnips, Cranberries. Cauliflower, Oranges, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Carrots, Pigs Feet, Celery, Sauer Kraut, Beet's. Any rmo wautiiu the L&ach R-iajter and Buker Cb'istmas ghoula order at onee AiHiKsa Mrs Talt, t' O B UJ Akeiits w nit'.1-! . s 1 irt a 1 1 u'l ice stuc i s it a rdisojab 1 1 " uht! wur uo5 n 1 1 1; 1 1 1 sU gai of t 1 1 . . 1 cm.. r y 1 1 iv piaivt at 1m Kr.i.r. io-; of dres-. c : i- ; :;Vhoil. Tne Kellogg schoo .it corner of Klrstand e R.iU'.'jii house U now open, t li'nlted. Ladles are invited ex.tiiiii e the nvs'cm. Baker it. t! Lcskoi n to call ;uul For Sai.k.- Tv.cnty-tour acre tract of land, all ti cultivation, suitable fur prune orchard, !?i; p..T acre. Inquire on prem ises ot Wtu .Si Ji.-hii, 4 miles west of Tan (.cut. 1-CIcin T.r- w chu nr.lie yru any stla of a yot.t- sh.' vrt and wil1 guaiantee a erfeei ,;, fry thvu on a piir. T.ia Vi in v.:h'u 'i' 4 THi.r exiisus a owiu 1 ? 'Ti 1 1 -lnir 1, -ft jip me 0 1 1 '7 "ii vnt nl mrt oss'i i sttio'i, j i any '1 ' drill aicin- dene. 1 n