Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 19, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    iitilit gemocrai
In tli wk i
flEsi .10TFHd. Kditrtn Prtji'ri
L.,1attha Ho "rniwi Aliiiy, ur-
tki naTKniiKB ik.invi
C A I., ..4 ....
jtk lli i m lornl in INI I' Haiti win. who
nin Clic'ht.'r'k edilition, anil la janitor
ihf (jfiti'V P"Mlc Kchool. wan nilsbed
ill,(caiL-il Unit he him com mil l ceil
;ide, ys tlie Kunrne (i nun). 1 lu liiul
lI.UIll'll"K " .v. ...... i
. hfililt aim l1"1 "IH'H 'C WW UL-lll
tol Hie tln'i?, ami hail taken ncveral
. .- !..!.... IJ.. I
fy (lones UI iiiliiiili:, i.c null ut-cn
'r.ponJcnt for a week or more. Search
rjrtie "'" s-'nt 'ml wa"
jnJ ahotit iiic iniaiuu 01 me r.u(jene
!,nn hrlilff . ami the dirt around the
Lie near where the hat was found, Deemed
hive been Drusiieu away, ineretore
lupponed that he jumped Into the
tl. (jrappling Ircns have been secured
J mtn were ilniKuliii; the rirer at the
;ro( KolllK to presH. lie was a mcm-
,lhe v A K t'Obt ot this city.
..e Boise once remarked that the (act
,i: t man read iiic newspapers uiu not
Hi him an a mryirmn. in tact ne very
ilblv stated that a mnn was not fit for
itirvman unless ne uiu rcau wic iaiers,
dilthe last term of court very prompt-
ricuscd a man because he had not read
tout the case: from all over Iheu. s.
ne reports ol an awakening in tins re
set, mil It ts now Demi; reanzeu mat tne
iJoi iiirvmcn wanted are men who
id the newspapers and'know all about
hlk matters: hut notwithstanding can
lr a case and uiv.c an unpreiudlcrd
Jlct. The dav of iunoramusea lor
ymen is past.
Il l T KOR CUTTINIi 1 IMBKR. llson
Hie, the man who taken to l'orlland
;.ibv, on the charge of cutting timber
government land, In Chesher precinct,
pareu in tne u a wircun luuu m
ii citv vesterdar. plead cullty to the
irie. and was sentenced to pay a line o,
. or to be lmprisoneu in mc i,ane
mtv iall for the term of thirty davs
bavin? any money he was compelled
choose the latter penalty, jie was
ut here last evening by a Deputy
iVil Stales Marshal, turned over to
trlff Nuland.and Is now serving out the
:j'.ence Ciuard .
XM lL AMI P:itrlML
Mack S MonlL'ilh. of Ai.ii.ri:, I. ;.. h .
W 1) .Smith, of Hulsev. was In li.wn
I)r I M Kitchen, of Stntiim U In .
city neeing old f i lends.
Z T llryant and wife, of Lebanon pre-
have been in the cily.
Samuel (iarlaml. Lebanon's riistllnir al.
torney at luw, was In the city to:!ny.
I M Wllllains, the KtiL'ene washliiir
inai hlne man, is in tlie city today ,
A Wheeler, the .Slirinulklil lumber iiier-
chant was lu Albany this forenoon.
Mr Jonathan Wassoin, one ol Lebnncn's
most prosMciotiK citizens, was in Alhanv
Mrs Martha Simmons, i f (,'oburg, is in
be citv the euesL of her sister. Mrs les
Klein. . '
Bert Van (,'leve lelt Inst nliflit for San
Francisco, where he i slid to have a no-
itlon In the Alcazar.
Lawyers Wolverlon anil Wv.ilt went to
Corvallis and Salem respectively, this
noon, on legal business.
Mr O W Wright went to Salem today
to argue a rase in the supreme court for
Mrjoiin YV Oalnesrtal.of this county
Licenses have heen Issued for the mar
riage of Hans P Rasnussoii and Mattie M
Dahl, and Chan IJ Comnton and Itcbccca
J Arnold.
Deputy Sheriff Phirman, of Wasco
county, was in the city today, on business.
A ukmockat man met him exchanging
cipciiences villi l.lnn county a sherin
Mrs Frank Albro, who has been visiting
in this city several months with her par
ents, Mr and Mrs Wait Mead, will leave
tomorrow for her home in Iowa.
The Vlneyaid Laborers Society of the
Ilaptist church will give a social tonight
at the parsonage. An interesting program
and an enjoyable time generpllv may be
expected. Come and spend a pleasant
Ft Miller, bridge superintendent, is in
the city, and will leave with Mrs Miller
in a day or two for California, for the lat-
ter's health. Mr Miller, St., will continue
to keep a vigilant eye on ths bridge.
Mr Lynch, of Eiwcne, the man who
handles electricity barehanded with im
punity, passed down the road '.his neon
Mr Lynch Is a geniUB and has a great
invention with a fortune in it if ' rightly
handled. We are informed though that
Lvnch once lost a fortune on
patent and that he Is better at inventing
than al managing afterward?, which has
been the history of the world.
On last evening a large number of the
frlendsof Mr and Mrs WT Hearst, who
live at the corner of Fourth and Vash.
ington streets, gathered together and went
in a body to their residence and gave them
one of those surprises that are always more
pleasant than surprising, being the seven
teenth anniversary of the marriage of
these worthy people. The usual means
of pastime were brought Into requisition
and a general good time was had.
Hlv4l' KU.AK.
A R Mrllniiiii oilers Hume nullum I'rlres.
He makes the following reductions In
sugar for cash:
17 lbs dry granulated for $1.00.
10 Ibsexlra I', white for $1.00.
21 lbs extra C golden for $100.
Here are some wholesale prices:
100 lbs extra golden (.! Hi, 4 cts.
100 lbs extra (J white Hi 4,1 els.
100 lbs dry granulated
He will also seil a five iallon k
pickles for ijo els.
1 have this day suld to It (i Watson k Co.
thi) grocery and commission bilsiuesa hereto-
fur carried on by mo at the corner of KHs
wurtb and 2-nl triiits,cioaiting of stuck of
groceries, provisions, lixtilrus. eto. I will
pay all lulls incured by me while conduct
ing saiu umineai on presentation. 1 re
tain tlia book accounts and parties indebted
to ine can call and pay at the store until
Ueo 1st, IHUI, It i Watson & Co receipting
for me. After that date all unnaid accounts
will be nlautd in the hands of niv attorney
mr collection.
Nov. 2. 1SU1.
K J Lanmnii
The tlly Restaurant.
The "City Restaurant" la the place to eat,
You will always find it clean and neat:
No restaurant In town with it can compare.
1 ne nest meat in Ainany you lan get there.
fish and game you II always hnd,
liest meats and delicacies of every kind.
The proprietor will always try
Tour every want to satisfy,
So don't forget at the "City" to call,
Meals they serve 10 suit you all.
Now bring your friends and to them show,
1 he best restaurant in town 10 go;
Remember when the best you want
Call at "The Citf Restaurant."
Sir. lirannln will treat you right.
The "City" Is open '.ill 10 at night.
Hoard and lodging $4.50 per week.
jNotice the extra hollo ground razor!
used by barbers are told by Stewart it- Sox
The Delsarte corset affords a support both
light and strong, trepdom in all motion an
elegance of shape. The Delsarte waists for
ladies tnd children are recommended by all
who have tiled them. Mis Talt, exclusive
agent. Samplea may be seen at Mrs Gil
bert's dressmaking pallors, over Golden
Hulo Bazaar.
BiwiKST Cmkkk. The following from
e Idaho World surpaHscs all cases ol
:it-k vet reported, and In that line is
lual to the Idaho Mar who tcld about the
irn of pop corn burning: "Frank Per-
who has been a resident 01 rquaw
reek ten years eloped three weeks ngo
iiih a girl adopted about two years ago
the Perkins family, deserting nit wnc
ml seven little children. A short time
!, 1. i.l ll.n fi.lfttnaMlin rbci'k. hraCll
ndacitv. undiluted, unadulterated gall, or
ihmver you please to term It, to wine 10
mwile, asking nor to lorwaru 111c gin
trunk to Weiscr."
Tim First Car Load of casing for the
Mbanv bridge arrived today and another
me It exneclcd tomorrow. II. esc two
111 make about twenty feet ot pier on
uch of the live structures, rive or six
rare car loads will follow. It is the in-
ttntlon to put these in position as soon ns
?)vible in order to be prepared for any
win water should it occur ouring the
coming few weeks.
Tust received new and opened for retail a
O'K lirownell'a the following
Chow Chow,
Cooking Mollies,
Pirklct in vinegar,
Salt Herring,
Halt whit tish,
Salt salmon.
Liciit Enough. The Dalles Moun
taineer says: lhc rape nend, i,awson,
was brought before Judge Iiradshaw Mfis
morning, anJ was snntenceu 10 iwcniy
year imprisonment in the penitentiary.
As the defendant tneaciea gumy. anu no
evidence was adduced of the crime, the
iudire cillfd upon the physician who
waited on airs i-oorman ar.u me oiu lauy
herself, and from 'his testimony he came
to the conclusion that the full ex'ent of
the punishment in the statute was sufli
cicntlv lenient.
Wnnnii to Go. Go to Parkei Bros for
frenh frmtsand vegetable.
do to Parker Uros for the best teas
1 coffees.
Go to Farker Eros for good baking
lio to rarker liros lor line baked Koods
The best bread, cakes, pies, eto in the
tio to Parker tiros lor your groceries
generally, and be assured of good goods
and nrst-class treatment,
Fine Scitincjs. .Mr W R Giaham has
iust received a fine line of suitings from
the East,' which are as fine as anything
everv brouiiht here, embracing the latest
patterns He I, anxious to have the pub
lic inspect t'rem and get prices. His long
experience will enable mm to suit th
most fastidious.
Passed all but Albany's. The fol-
ini from the Eugene Register Is a
hood illustration of how a live marshal
in make a few extra dol'ars occasionally
? keeping his eyes open: "Last week
iirhal Eastland arrested a. couple of
umps who proved to be deserters from
neuharmy. They were released ami
rat to Albany where they were picked
Jpoy the niar .hnl of that city. A here
s a reward of $60 offered for one of the
and he was taken to Vancouver."
For the euro of headache, constipation
.tmh nml liver troubles, and all derange
mnia nf the digestive and assimilative
nrnans. Aver's Pills ore invaluable. Being
siigar-coBtcil, they are pleasant to tke,
always reliable.snd ictaia their virtues lr
any climate.
"One touch of Nature makes the whole
world I in." Disesses common to the raoe
f earch for a e nnmon remedy. It
I. fn,t in Avnr's S irtannlU. the reputa
tinn of which is world -wide, having largely
superseded every other Mood mediciuo
Stahiiri) with a Filk. The West tells
I m nffray at Acme las'. Wednesday be
Mween Ceo K.imiili nml Thos llarflev.
They got into a quarrel over the posses
ion of some saw logs, and Hartley plunged
(w file twice Into Saunders' side, once
I "lr the hip and once near the heart,
blunders was at first supposed to have
"wived fatal Injuries, but at last accounts
MORRIS BAKER.-At the residence
of the bride's parents in function Cily, by
Rev G M Whitnev. on Wednesday, xov
18. iSoi. Mr Ilarlcy E Morris, of II irris-
burg, and Miss Mollie Baker, of Junction
Mr and Mrs Morris were In Albany on
their wedding trip, going from here to
Poitland this noon.
V 4: Another youtii committed to
J"e state rcUnn school entered that Instl
'Kon yesterday. He was from Pendle-m-
His name Is Win Wallace and he Is
'5 jears of aue. The bov it a large fellow.
lghing nearly 200 pounds. He is cneof
nose youths who was arrested for the
I'CenV nf rallL Utalman AnVHtlC
n enough tosicl cattle ought to be sud
'"or me pen.
WANTKD. Woman over 2S Tor po
liinn rnnnirlnir tact and into 1 1 1
irnnnA. Oond lmv and uromotion Call
V . . r i. f I IT ......
at onco. mrs 0 m noau, nuvom wiunp
A. to A Astoria will have a railroad
,trT seon now. The Southern Pacific
'nauld build It F.. This remark Is a
Pi example of railroad Items of the prts-
uay. Anyway we second the motion
,.? "'ggest that work be beeun on the
iioany end of the road as soon at possible,
Nf CoMiNo.The Spanish Students,
-"""sen to be In Albanv tonight, are
" coming. Mnnager Wurnei being
!;!lBed today 1 y dispatch to cancel the
May oe wen the
finest Block of
irii . ,ko'" "in mii"
tZ . """""ii'l anil other rings, jew
f '"eniy the largest and choicest variety
lii.i . 1 "wn i t C K Browned a. fun
W'f ket lil:lli K"ccn, black, Kuplish
4 for
Crerocnt tea at F K Allen's.
"m m T ANTFD. Illirhest price paid n
f at the chair factory, Albany,
Need a
I have all kinds, at all price
and every watch fits the
But nrite is not
evervtliins in watch-buying
CIIAftAMTPPn nilillTY is the
first thing.
I guarantee waches accord
inir in thpir nu.ihtv; ana
quality make? the price.
All kinds all qualities
all prices.
F. M. FliENX'II,
The Corner JeAvelry Store.
Our markets ate well stocked with wild
Wheat is All cents, in Portland's declining
market. But. tlm truth is, wo no luiinr get
our marks, from Portland; but from 81111
Evervbodv tistronizdS The. Noss Jollitim,
bocatise their pirfnrmauces are clean and full
of wit and humor, and are the theme of
praise everywhere.
The young man wh.i got seven whacks
over the head last night with a hickory cane
is said to have come to the sensible conclu
sion that he attacked the wrong mm.
Ssvoral farmers formed a 24,0(10 bushel
wheat pool at Lexington reoAitly. The
wheat was sold to the highest bidder, bring
ing 83 cents per bushel.
Dandruff forms when the glandi of the
skin sre weakcued. aod, if neglectod, bald
ness is sure to follow. "Jill's Hair Kenewcr
is the host preventive.
Mr J W Cusick is making ananccments
to open a new hank la Albany m his block,
at the location now occupied by H T Jonos'
book store, ine hrm nau.e will bo J W
Cusick Si Co.
W H Greenwood, formerly of Albany,
has been arrested in Baker City on the charge
ol robbing bed fellow of $35. Albany men
who go to Baker oity seem to be fated
The turkeys will disappear in immense
nusntities one week from today. Many of
our people are thankful, and the gobbler will
have to sutler lor it.
Base ball admirers in Portland are raising
a onrse of 810.000 to back the Portland
team, winners ol tne racina rtortnwest
League pennant, against the winnera of the
California League pennant, which will be
Ban Jose.
The Noss Jollities' farcial comedy,
Quick Match," suits everybody. Has plot
enough to make it verv interesting; comedy
tnoagh to mske it very funny; sentiment
ana music enough to make it an evening long
to be remembered.
Fresh crisp celery at Allen Bros.
Repairing nsatly done at the large giV
bo-it store.
Fresh mince meat In qaaatities to suit at
f Allen s.
A tine line nf ladies and chil Iran's gossa-
mers at the Ladies Boazir.
Go to Klein Bros and haye your ahocs
repaired while you wait.
All kinds of farmers produce taken in ex
change for groceries st F b Allen a.
Klein Bras can make you any style of
boot or shoe yoa wuih, and will guaiantee
perfect fit, lry them on a pair.
Great reduction in sucar. Julius Grad-
wohl is selling sugar at Portland wholesal
cash net prices, rjee bis advertisement.
A full line of clears and tobacco at F E
AU 1 inds of choice eating and cooking
apples at Allen Bros.
Ladies Oxford ties at greatly reduced
rates at Klein Brot. Must be sold.
A large line of elegant gold watches in
tasty n?w trays al Will & Stark's. '
You get yonr minevi worth when you
buy silk umbrellas at French's.
Fresh Mocha, Java and Blendid coffee re
ceived on every steamer st Allen Bros.
Allen Bros always keep their customers
supplied with fresh butter and eggs.
Go to F E eVUen when yon want some
thing sweet. Honey, mailt) syrup, etc.
W W Davis is now in charge ef the Del
monico restaurant. Meals 25 cents. Eastern
oysters, fresh. Everything first-class
Don't go to the trouble of running all
over the city, but go directly to Conn &
Klein Bros have a large and choice stock
of boots! and shoes fur sale at reasouable
ricos On not invest in foot wear until
yo'ihave seen tneir stocs and the elegant
piano at their atore.
Icnilrirfon'a and get w hat you want in
h (IKOCF.KY line. Their stock is
argo ami well-selected. Frenh produce
ml frmtH can always lie necured at thir
amis at the lowest prices. You get
toil goods and prompt attention. In
rockery, glassware, lamps, etc., they are
Iho having a big run. No better place
the city for bargains in this line.
lon't close jour eyes agaiiiBt these facts.
Who Is
F. E. Allien.
AVhy we supposed every one knew, but
you should not just give him a catl.cpposite
the Masonic Temple, and you will fiud it the
place tj buy good fresh groceries cheap.
Littler & Ball, dentists, vill makeortifi
eial platea of aluminum. The heilthi&sl
niost durable sod lightest weiuht of 005
other plate. Wa want to introduce this
kind of work in this vicinity.
L L Wallace & Cos
Men's, Young Men's and Boys Clothing, Furnish
ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats
and Tailoring.
i'l' ' l"'r"
You must come HERE and look through our Colossal
tock before buying your new fall suit or overcoat!
Beginning November lltL we're going to offer a cy
clone of bargains in every department.
We're going to offer goods at prices that cannot be du
plicated any place in the state.
$1.00 buys a world-beating boys' suit, sizes 5 to 13.
$1.00 will buy a fine white dress shirt in plain or fancy
$1.00 will buy a nice crush dress hat for gentlemen.
$1.00 will buj' a good suit of underwear.
$3.00 will buy a suit of All-wool, Merino and Lamb's
Wool underwear.
$12.50 buys a man's all-wool Albanv Woolen Mills suit
in heavy weight, in good staple colors.
For $15.00 or $20.00 you can buy a nice dress suit, suita
ble to be worn on street or any dress occasion.)
Here is where Ave can show you an assortment that will
dazzle you; you've never before seen anywhere near such
an assortment in this town. We have more overcoats than,
all the other stores in Albany combined. Wo have not yet
missed a sale on an overcoat this season. People who come
with an intention of buying an overcoat we never fail to
sell; people who come attracted by our ads. to see our mag
nificent line, and to find out whether what we say "IS SO"
or not, often go away smiling with a fine value.
"Where there is so much smoke there must be fire," and
we cordially invite all people to call and examine our mag
nificent line of goods in every department. We are at any
time pleased to show you through our departments and .'ive
prices, which, by the way, are marked in PLAIN
When the ballots are counted,
The public will find
That our great store isn't
Running behind;
It is always a winner,
We want you to note,
No matter what ticket
Or system you vote.J
You won't want to go behind the returns that we give
We know what the peoplo want and
r-,,r iilinrn in cot. tba CLOTHING to supply them. In
clothing we keep in front; we are away out of view.
Leading Clothiers and Furnishers.-
Strahan Block,
Albany, Oregon.
F. -:- L. -:- Kenton,
Near tlio I. O.,
for the LEADING NlWfi
MAGAZINES, and dealer
A I In iiy, Oregoc