Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 12, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    riil.l.sliB.I .r.ry a.iy InThTfr
rapt Niimlny. ' Mk i
cur OFPicTAiTFi
llw lr was n,micA .,
tralnW , , .".. . "r? In c'"'"t
three horses, "j'l e owl ' "lv
iron, , kinder. .r ,:'J:. 'U! ,,,e" range
Arlonand P.lT.:S..!,'"rlJ' ""'.
of. system .rWd ,r. ,S ITT
Stanford of hre-rli.,.. :., "? ? Mr
the best run .T . B.. " "oc" ."
down lo trotier. The result I T I 8
I.Kvon.1 ii,. . . .. . e. rcsuU ,ia Ifen
the' Krcat nlnii:arreKU,,,e "!"
T., Real MuMB.Sereni A
sic Iff .Vai . , '""ruercr of Willis
" evidence. I s hodv
n. T.?T '0l,,,, A M"ntana man who
passed through Union lately avm U. a
Tli.iu... i . "" mat lie was IJr
iine Killed hk ffand sunk
lie Eft L"! ''""il'I r'VCr- ' ' 8ad helid
Innocen, lM""d W'KBln. belnj
U . . .
Mr , 11. .. ..
ll-ny, fr""' N vLrk ita,;! ' A '"'" lM
nirh .New).. .
Mr Newherr., i ",..,' M A ''-hr.
Iiencerlllie.,,. l"a"""td
rlpona '.T "T1?1 m.kln the
(. inrle I i-.. ... . ..
' iur.i,.r..i . ""!. "rM""r
l.iihhnr.l M ..i ... . "ca 'r"'n
reside, a, , ' " ? ' " "-'rc M- Pc"ll
oniel,.veln .. " """n""n Parts, ttB
fIIKi..,l.,.. .1 . .
tomorrow eve ' " r "e ' C "lr, h
K Ail.. .it i lilven liy Hie c
Kine. will ,e ". '. " '"'re-,tinK
t.lvii... ! .'"' "'" el''t.v will
the wtcr er, ,ew week, during
Tilt Nun iI r...i:. .
tr portrait irtL . ? ,, JU-
!- " that siaVe and ll,0"u"s of I ln:V I1" "e "as P ?
anA ii -uicimiri. i -orttT, Ijrav
.Portrait r "w'.0." ",OUl!h h " lo "e
a portrait of Jt Whllcoml. Riley, ihe poet
one" C t,,e P "" ftT-'
rope. I tiPKf uii nnL . .
oneo A. i of.Mr ?N Steele,
3 " ,""', wormy citizens
H M.inleilli to V V Kt, ...
Nuwtnau (inn.l.n.'n'.V'i '.'.'
''Vf. 25 IP M S
Win C-lyinerto E E Hammock';
tu " ''t- ofJasTallmane-
1 N w"rH'uiber,,''to'.Seua'l'lk'rk;'r
, 4 cies In sec 6tp u S R iW
Richard L ..,. u, 5,4.SR3;
I'.verett 1 Miller etu i t... T.
Scanland lot 8 blk J J M R's
JLllilletux to IV II BaruJes', lots
I'eter Sehlosser etux ' i.V c'has ' A
No8 '9 '8 "CreS L C
Geo ArehearVetui't'o Fr'ed'sciiul'ii
ihj acres in tp 13SR1 w
Mary IP,,,. , Gco w ni,,T
ndSWVblk .M.S.dto
A I nan v
John M Koumiin etuxto jiiKoun-
"' Jiy acres tn 15 S R
I I- Hill etu'xVo'irE'Mobie'yViotV.
2.1 hlbAUIIii..... . .
p p II T v ana 10 Lebanon
t-t Hawkins and wife tr. r; w
Younir lot ir IM . i. . ....
VnAllen naVkln's'ldu to
45 Il; SuiT.-Many remember
of a bridal couple being on board the
l.t : " wht-n " w wrecked at
dlM I 1 yr Bl!0- The '!lowlnK
dispatch from Johnstown, l'a speaks of
them- .;nr ,, V.' J Hammond and wile
vZfr C"'i,rt'1 aain,,t ,1C -Southern
1 acil c railroad asking that $65,000 dam-
ai!Cl for IllliiriHt. r....ul....i i .1.- ..
n.. 11 . - in me uisarier
on I hat line November u, 1S.10. The
couple wericaiiKht in the wreck while on
their wcddlnL. trip and have never fully
recovered from their Injuries."
Evanuklistic Skrvicks at the M E
church South by Henry Morgan, and
.ospel in ,y Mrs 1. 1' Hutchinson.
Morgan and her two boys. Jack ami
frJrZk"J All welcome.
Vri 1 , lonignt anu tomorrow,
rnuay. :i,c sluly th5 ,...,.. ...Second
r'h,'"i i',' (i,,ris'-" tomorrow evening
Notices of nlirci.....ual I ..
, u.v.ut 11... UlCh UII-
pear In our exchanges all over the North
west, J ,c eountri is being overrun with
them. I liey evidently think this is a land
. ..v,. 1 ne 1 nrcnoiogist is the man
who sells taffy" fur i and Si n h,.i, .,.i
jet there Is something It, phrenology
ItKflf. ninr. tk... il I . I . . . .
, . ' - "" mere i! in most pnreno
loglsts. '
Kink Suitings. Mr W R Giabm has
just received n fine line of suitings from
the hast, which are as fine as anything
every brmmht here, embracing the latest
patterns He h anxious lo have the pub
lic Inspect them and get prices. His long
experience will enable him to suit the
most fastidious.
Gradwohl sells code cheap also. See
the Haptist church have a fine new organ, just pi rchased.
!.':. Aille" ,,nR entered Into paitnershln
wth S A llulin in the drug business.
Just received new and npeoed for retail a
l K lirnwnRll'a the foMirving
(.'how Chow,
Conkinir Mol,se,,
l'ieklin in vinagar.
Salt Hmrinif,
Silt whits j, ,
Salt i,uln:.,n.
wheat.pbj ci:nts.
Wednesday evening v
Present Ma VOr. U lrrA f 1
direct I oinin si - i ,
ivench. HL ; Vounc, m"
and UaVreVt. ' """""".A"
The frill... 1.... kin. ...
If cri .7. V.S "i. ."Z Z""1 rM:
Ii Larv. .n. 11 it
t 'i nuusp. l.7c: las
t Johnson, $6 ; l A M u rob " t , , &
rieti is.., f itti
, uiil won . SI3 in. I.' l
1'urdom, !)i3.5o. J '
Bill of Oit
found ror
was ordered pcid.
Report of V I? r.a-, surveyo , showed
that liavs. MrUr. i.-.i
r.n .1 l- uuuuunewoiK
-. ... , cr-y anu itiapie sfee. sewers -o
the amount of $ ;;oo under coni-nct Re
poit ordeied received and filed.
Ihe s'dewilks of Frank Wood, I 1
W hnney ar.d M,s O we, e ordered
rennt'eil. and -i....t .
resolutions. J
liidfi Ol tiered nK-i ....
....t. iui ui'icr waiKS
The rio der wattdticcUd VoKveitie
usual noi'ce of election, be held a; -he
usual place. The follow jud...-fiand
clerks of elec-oa heie c'msen:
lo the a.noniit ,.,1,1..'.
T-"l " 'ttv.. I
Albany .
P Conevetal tn "u 'n iM
Lam a Farrow to R N Wright, lots
9. 10, blk 1 In Shedd
Total sales....
A b Mrii.i ojr,,, Molne Battom rrla.t
He makes the followln r.H,.,.i 1-
sugar for cash:
17 bs dry granulated for i.oo
so lbs extra C white for $100
J2 lbs extra C golden for $1.00.
Here are some wholesale prices:
100 lbs extra golden 0 Ayt ct8,
too bs extra J white ft 4 14 els.
too lbs dry granulated f$ .
Pickle, far jTcTl " "V" g!,"n kCg
new mror system cost
with his chariot of songs
Don't go to the trouble of running all
v.,v- ,ny, Ulll K0 ,urectiy to Conn A
I lam-and well-Belecteil. Freeh produce
and fruits can always l.o secured at their at the lowest prices. You get
K00.I goo.1., and prompt attention. In
1 07?,,r '"'"r". P"--., iney are
also , ..,,, . b.g run. No U-t'ter place
tC Y '"' ,,arl"inin this'line.
Hon t close our eyes against these facts.
K,,,. ... .
I'hiliu l liili
next week.
lSeol A Hd line n.a; .u:i.i 1
"er..tth,l..,ie,Tai"r. ""M"
Wstoh for interesting w York letter
tomonow from the p-n of Ja, J Charlton.
Corvalh, t0 ru the WIlllnett(1 I$ wi
.uunu Mini 11 u young.
All memhni. of Or...... .
requested to be pre.ent at n.eotfng tomor- Mn f-" '' lrge and choice stock
Chw'K:i?',L7o sl00 Vord.rf the -hoe, for ,t rJZuM
iJJ a"'. llinou' od turning gray,
u , . ' rmeuy ana stimu
lant is Hall'. Hair Renewer.
A Marion oeunty boy was committed to
the ,.v!UIn yesterday, who is . rare mon-
....., ,,,, z; year,,,,,, fnut (eet h h
His head is forl. inl... : 1
j "i. f.i viruuiiiiereooe,
reomriiK .honf. . v. 10 l. - .
are beataud weak, and hecaooet walk.
itisan ill n.;ni .1... 11 -.-.j.
K"oa nd the late rain, are no exception.
e are all getting eary of so much wet
Reatner. hnt it mti.t i .l.
-, - ........ uvm.iiiiiii.qu in ,ne
ralu, ara hprinfin .1 M l .
. w (u ulula i, man ont.
the river is at a good boat'.ne staire ami
wneat in the upper Willamette is being
. .mol. y poac, at least a month
earlier than usual (Jorvailis Times.
.rico, un nok d.i i . . .7
n!-lar.h,Vr.,.",t'"'ir 'tno lml tt"le"ant
piano at their stors.
Caiesop Dhstitution should be it
ported to Mrs Walter Monteilh In the First
Ward, Mrs Dr Kelley In the Second ana
Mrs C W Sears in Ihe Third, and hej
wIM be promptly attended. Any clothing
left with them will he put to good use.
Littler Al Hll 1an:.t.. ;ii .i a.i
ial plate of aluminum. The heIthil
IliOHt dUTAhlA anrl :ii
other plate. We want to introduce thi?
kind cf wcrk id thia vicinity.
Tp L. Wallace & CoiS
F M Reillield,
A J A nth 11.
Havk U noticed iiint Allen Ilros' gro
- ysioie m always full of fruits, vege
wwles, etc, t'ni verv l.ttext In (I,.. ...n..
hav liere IH tt,,i-tliin to be hud they
Flist Waul ) F'omap
f.I Prvn
Sec. Ward-SFroman, J R Wvatl
L senders, o r Wj man,
h L, rwxox.
Third Ward R A Irvine. I" n t,. .1,-11
L't0""8 " ' VVm R ichards!
WE Kelley.
(!lnrf Hnirliic ff I a- i.
is-"" wnticu 10 relieve Ma
60,1 V ira'ifi of .altera! .euer contract and
vLi.'..u a Bunromractor.
Mr VnkrfirM n(ti,u n n . .
CO. addressed lht rnnnr-il ! t .
additional Mim of $5000 to $10,000 on
Ui HlellCriai
change and in provement of plans. Mr
Miller, superintendent, also spoke,rhowlne
of ..laj H indbury and giving estimates
showing increased value to be $14,000 or
i,uuui..iiiimi rrencn ottered
rcsoiuuon providing (or an ordinance ap
propriating $5000 additional for improved
change in bridi-e. with snnnl..mnt.,
contract and approved by bondsmen
Mr Hllrkh.lrr mmr.1 - I i
. , , . "'tier oe
drawn In favor of Bavs. I. .0
?45oo or. contract.
Dill of Havne. Buck & To for .-Sj.e, r -n
on sewer contract nlnu-r.. aUnimUr
Uavne .t lliielc Win i .1
and li.ivs. Jeffries A Co, ' seue;,
$44-,..'i. riid Ttik-i e.jrj, nork : Siirnh I, kivjiiug. pauper, $5
Who Is
F. E. Allh.-,.
Why we supposed every one knew bat
you should not just give him a call.opposite
the Masonic Temple, and you will find it the
place t.i buy good fresh groceries cheap.
dav eveninir. Knv 1 r ..
i .1,. ! .uy.,L uie res hence
of the troom. in Alhanv k
Humphrey, esq., Mr Henrv Williams
and Mis Williams have the best wishes of
many friends sr.. ,i. . .
. , tviniams left
on the morning train on a trip to the
Will & Stark, tht it
Kreah crisp celery at Allen Broii.
KeOD Villi r Rl.l fn. I : -A P TJ
Allen "i'" urgaiuB it r a
A full lintl nf tlnara .n1 aIi.oa .1 V 0
A I leu V
AM Linda nf ohfil'na a.rium .nJ
PP." at Allen Bros.
Ladled CivfnrA (ioa ..J J
rates at Klein Brol. Must be sold.
A larva linn nf lA...t- 1.1 4-1
tMty n,w tray, at Will & Stark's.
All kinds of farmers produce taken in ex-
.w. k' "scries at r r. Alien s.
.,hi, LdiM- lou h'rel t packages soda
K Allen's for 25 cents.
You get your mmey's worth when you
buy silk umbrellas at Fiench'a.
Fresh Mocha. .Tuva nnA RU,l,'J rr
, , ,".u'im ujuoii ri
ceived oq every sceamer at Allen Bros.
Allfln llpn Atn-.... I
. , . , ""f vneir customers
supplied with fresh butter and egg,.
Go to F E Alleri when vnn ..
thini; sweet. Honey, maple svruD. etc
W V Davis i now in .f .1.. t.i
.u wi bl)e .e,.
T.erdco restaurant. Msls nunf. f...
oysters, fresh. Ever thing first-class.
Decidedly the largest and choicest variety
of ta in town is at C E firownell's. Sun
dried, basket fired, g-een, black, English
breakfast, Sic.
For first-class meals call at the City Res
tanrant. Everything mnA ....
Meals. 25 cents. Hoard n!ll,t.;.n n
per week.
Ju5t reoeived at t.hA ? c
elegant hue of fancy colds, fringes and
r.r.01101,3 suitable for all kinds of farcy work,
a. M trio jew shade, in zephyrs.
T OST-On Sund y afternoon, the
Hi neoni, or the Christian nhr.i, r
You must come HSRE and InnL- tW,vi .i... .
.... , . . ."ivu6u um voiosai
lock before buying your new fall suit or!
Beginning November 1H1. w. j..
- - ..-io guiiii; 10 oner a ey-
clone of bargains in every department.
We're going to offer fronrls at nri.ioc, x , . ,
- o i"'"' mini uaimui oe au-
plicated any place in the state.
$1.00 buys a world-beating boys' suit, sizes 5 to 13
bofom00 WiU hU' " fiKe WhUe dreSS 6hirt in or fancy
U nn Wi.I! tbUJ a niCe rU8h drtSS hat for gtlemen.
1.00 will buy a good suit of underwear
wSunrwSKaBUit f An- MeHno and iamb's
. $12.50 buys a man's all-wool Albany Woolen Mills nit
in heavy weight, in good staple colors
ror sio.w or 20.00 you can buy a nice dress suit suit
3 lo Lie worn on fiti
reedb-tSgLM '-worn ontreetrany dccSion6
li ii, .V'r"""1 corner lol In
H 'i -s 01 will. I0U; ADD TtOl w n.i.
Men's, Young Men's and Boys Clothing, Fnrnisli-
log (ioons, Boots, snoes, Hats
and Tailoring.
Urn pes,
l'ign Feet,
.Sweet Potatoes
l nrrota,
Snucr Kraut, JSeet's.
Makks the Hkst. It Is a well known
doll... 1 . -vou w"t 8 stli!'h ,lit of
I E 111 11 order you have to go to
line ni 1 . miller, ne na, a nne
up I ' , "u,l'ngs on nand and makes them
iIob, ma"nsr to give general satlsfac-
tchr.. i- . !olJ nl1" silver
rp T.: """noni nnd other rings, jew
"vervfnre.Ae, in tht city.
f7"G?--Goto I,nrke' nros for
oto t8?n1 vPKetnl.leB.
" cd,..arker Jlro8 '" the best teas
Powde" I'urker 1,ros 'or 'gooI baking
t V " U 0 T ,!ron for lne bakeil
market. n'a,l cki'H, pies, etc in the
Rnemii.. p.r."r' 'or your trruceries
'"llirai-Ai" u" ''onisttrcdof goml goods
Need a
I have all kinds, at all nri.ioc
and every watch fits H.
price. JJut irir.f i not
everytlnng in watch-buying
liUAHANrFHI (l a TY i tl,
first thing.
I guarantee waches accord
llltT IO tlieir nimlifw and
I ''v I . WIIU
quality make' the price
All kinds all nualitiofi
all prices.
The Corner Jewelry Store
P Sht ir 'f.... :
"t nil I --j-iwui litre iraci 01
rcl,rd cnt'llIvat,'. "it.nble for nrune
.14 5 Per nrr. 1 1 L
Our Office is OppoKite U. S. P-'utit Office,
nnd x' r:m ncruro jtatciit inlrs.-i IaUi'j Chan thou
iv.wn iripni vwiniTiu'U'ii. .
sSt'nd niddi'l. rirnwiti!' nr ttV' ?n
Hon. We ndvfnf Jf naicmMy;,-! or'V. (nr we not iwfv'
A DnnM fil.,.,- f,, lil.t.
Ttriinp ofn-tni.1 ciitTiV- iTiyof i:&tc, c.n:uty,or
-'l (Ir-.rrln.
. .( fr.n i.l
firif j a.irTirnif
I J'Jitl'ntrl.1' with
i j 'fr
Here is where we can show you an sssortment that will
dazzle you; you've never lfn - , ""at win
an assortment in this town V W rtUjrwnCT0 near such
n i .i ronn. We have more overcoats than
an tne other stores in Albanv
I " : f bn a we never fail to
in come attracted by our ads. to see our mag
nificent line, and to find out whether what we say SS
or no : often go away smiling with a fine value
tteie mere is so much smoke there must be fire and
we cordially invito nil Mmi n , . ' ana
. , "'ivra an I'JvAllV
Wlien the ballots are counted,
The public will find
That our great store isn't
Running behind;
It is always a winner,
We want you to note,
No matter what ticket
Or system you vote.
You won't want o rro Imliinrl tlm vof,., .... .
for vnnr mnnav a l.-... , o1"
: j vii' ivn iu me neon n want.
know where to get the CLOTHING to supply them. In
. ...b in Hum, wo are away out ot view
L. E. BLA1N,
I Leading Clothiers and Furnishers.
Strahan Block. ...
- -aiDany, Oregon
Extra Choice.
. J
: t
imt. ,,n 2)1 John, 4 miles wc.t of Tan
ALBANY: nnrr-ns.
o-nii ii Pa:rr.: c.'.'itc.Vi'cc.'!. 3.0.
Near the I. O
albany, Ort?goB.
tv'Tir.1!' ; i'i.TT',-T'!".,.M'J,'