I'UBSUaY'8 I'RriSIDBXTIAIi rOINTHK. The election Tuesday did much to clear up me doubts which hung over pretlden tial possibilities for '02. One man itiMr ently burled (without the hope of redir ection, u president Harrison. II0 lost New Vork by the defeat of the republican j.njr m inai state, ana he lost l'ennsyl vanla by the success of the same party and the decisive victory of Quay. New York was organised entirely In t!le Interest of j.-rnson, ana solely with reference to hit domination, and he lost. Pennsylvania was organized under Quay, with the Blaine banner floating over the party, and Quay won by an overwhelming majority against the most fearful odds he ever encountered There was no need for any fresh Im- vJ'us to the Blajne movement, for the ' Allied knight has had the nomination clearly at his optic n ever since the Nor- emoer elections of lSyo. The elections of Tuesday did not weaken him In any section, and greatly strengthened him In both Kew York and Pennsylvania. He will be the nominee of the party If he shall have vigor enough to accept the train ot a national contest, and it will be substantially unanimous. Until Tuesday last, It teemed settled that If Blaine should ie unable to accent the csndldarv. ih nomination would go to Harrison without a contest. Things are different now, and the legatee of Blaine's political estate it Governor McKlnley, of Ohio. It Is now next to certain that the republican candl date for president next year will be either jamet li Blaine or William McKlnley. Tuesday's elections have cleared awy what seemed to be a tangled thicket ot underbrush In the preddential field on the democratic tide. Had Pennsylvania and Ohio voted democratic, it would have cre ated two presidential possibilities In Gov ernor Campbell and Governor Paulson, and if the Farmers' Alliance had main talncd its power In the west, It would have made the nomination of Cleveland impos sible. As it Is, the west will .have no lormldable candidate to 1 old the western states from republicanism, and the Farm ers Alliance has pr.tctlcally.perlshed as a political factor. On the other hand, ths doubtful battle In New York was turned to a positive and sweeping democratic victory chiefly by the heroic efforts of'Grover Cleveland. He made but one speech outside of his state, and that was in Massachusetts, where, for the first time in the history of that common--wealth, the democrats have elected a governor two consecutive terms. So tu as the democrats have won on Tuesday, tney have won on a conservative financial policv. and there is now anDarentlv h.. one hopeful candidate for the democratic iumin?uon uext year ijrover Cleveland, Such appear tj be the presidential pointers 01 juesuays election. Philadelphia TV j lines. Bnker City has a reform council. It be gan business hv voting t)....,,t.,i..... c-.n Piece fOr Servirea rinllr.1l 111.-. - ....... . like U 1C iiiuiinrrs. The Tournal nf K.il..,,. .m...i ..... 1.- contemporary in the follow im; pointed manner: The cheek v, cgreyioim publish, ert of a certain sssinlne sheet In Oregon are so sure that A-hni-Lp- ,ii.....a... ...i.u - . ... w Willi them Is wronp that thv fn by ignoring a controversy which they themselves originated. Her U nm cun ll..l. t'l.-. n .. .. .. "c ai'lClll Bulldlnf & l.nnn A .cs..,l,.n I.... 1.. . I j . wv-Muii lias jum closed Its second year. The value of each ...ure, costing i4, so far, is SJi.io, a fine ihOWinp Tn naunz-lntl,,.. 1.. ' . o- ....... ,u urreon nas assoclatlon"hasdone a fine business. The bldd nir. thonoh in ih. c.i. , . . . . : f ' ""'iii association has been the highest of any in Oregon. mica. I have this tUy sold to R (i Watson Co. the grocery and commission basiuesa htreto fore carried on by me at the corner of Kls worth and 2nd ttreeti, consisting of stock of groceries, provisions, fixtures, eto. I will pay all bills incured by me while conduct ing tsid business on presentation. 1 re tain tb book accounts and parties indebted to tna can call and nav .t k. . ... Dto 1st. 1811, R Q W.tson & Co receiptino. fH IDs A fa. ik.t Jt ll ' i r Will D tilled in th ., for collection. " Nor. 2. llfl, R J T Kitin . . . nvry iuu com m tig - ion DuiiDoa Aeretofow c-rried on at the T wonana Klliworth streots by , i iu iuu AQu complete itock of choice familv groceries and rr..t -.HCitiui.y Boiioit the patron- ftfftt Of tOrmi-F Pnmtnmatm . 1 Referring tn tnv T Hi om men din a mv nin..ian i r w ... to former cMiomert aDd tha peopU 0f AI- ..v.uivj. PlIOTOttKAnid OK Tim Vniimi worn oy tins title is jiint out. It con umy Known ohiirts in .o.iT u .1 "'" luiltiioral ....,. ... r-imiiu, r-imKenpearc's houne i iiu sur r.imU i . i .. , . ' tnglaml. City ()f Mn,,. iu.i:,. ... rvevifw ,.f 'I...!. V.:.. ..V"."'."""' 11....... . .. '"'"'w iiuire i.i... "'I'll', iiiriiienon in nilll-IlN. IK). I'll f'..ll... ... .. . .... '.-iiwvuiii, I'tftera .. tamwi, iu itome, etc. A 1 these of the art mid incclinnically the bdok thing of bentity, n joy forover " Nr. more lioitiit i fi. I un.i ..... 0 hiiAi re isicd coiees at V Allen's. The PorvnllU Ti.nMi i . ., .. . , , .....vo .uiiic. in imnu tins week without a single hit at the O 1'. We I'mise in astonishment. The fcnimoii ailllof Jonnf . -i-i. j "".ni.uics,n-UfO(j. IC.IC3, Indict'Stio:! a:l norvnn. fM..i.i.. n i. triie larsel.r from .toinach diioriicra. Ai Joy'i f ege:ii9 taraUipuril!. t, the only bowel rein U: lnfr nrc:i(irjitloa. vmt .. Hn t ... - ' ' - huj is i mors effUv. than ai,r e-tbor Brspnri;i. lit rhos. 1 .MT rviievma hundreds. Tht actoa f,!d, i:rcr, aniJ cff.tlv(li Wo h4T vi mwn irom grateiol women. W refer a Icir! Kervous d.bnlt,, Mn. J. Barron, 11 T.h & r. kerrous debility, Mrs. ITed. LoT, 827 Ellis St. B F. General aebilltr. Mm h.m.- , . 1 hervou, debility, Un. J. Ufflphere. 796 Tark St, 1st R. Roaeoblura, 282 17th A plsno At Klein Bros Hoot aud Shoe store. Parker Bras, grocers. New oloakt at W F Head's. latest styles of Lata at W P 1)... - Reduction ln'summorgood'at W KjRead't mppie.p.rers f..r tale at Stewart A Sox a S A iluiln. druggist, French't corner. FlaebrooMies at Conn 1 1.ndrieson's. Latest sheet musio at Will Paraanla an,l inn Mn,l.ll .1 I si n r itead t. Gold Snootaclna .n.l ..... ...... .11 ..i... , . - . H..ac, an styles and prices, at t H French's. M(Th.1'""till,aOO,.p0Ct0, Lnll! ''' oity at Stewart & Sox s. Rarg.ios in gold watches at;French s, 'The Corner Jewolry Store." A full Knn f W. . . . , - -- .......... cnriota, oesr in the world for the money, at W F Ksad's. J. W. Beutley, leadinj boot and shot msker, jntt east of K.vere House. Silk umhrallaa In .,..... I i it i . , , , , . ' wluu naudies uoaii at rrenen a Jewelry ttore. Cotton rooda hav nnt ... .1 .... ...HB. VIIHUIIBOI the wr they are new. Call id e wht v turn lioaaoas. aji f ii ill fx 1 1 r i ASK THE PEOPLE OF LINN oOUMT Wlior t got 1 1 i 9 3estI3argaisi, Wliert to get tht Best Talua for';f our lioMJ Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Ad they will. Amswer with One Voice, at GiSTO w. SIMPSON'S rilTT DRFG STORE.I ATe are the People Kerroas Mobility, Ml St. 8. F. oich rroablcs, Hn. B. U Wheaton. rot Port M. B. Price, M Praspact NEW A DTB RTISEM EXl S. ALBANY OPERA HO HSR WARNER CRA NOR Lessses and Man.ger MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Nov. 16th, 17th and. 18th. Philip Phillips, (The Singing Pilgrim.) Around the Wolrd In a Chariot of Sos 81ck hmdachea, Mat. Place. 8. r. Sick bfadachoa. Mrs. M. Fowler.lCT EUJs St.aF Indkovtioa. Mrs. 0. D. Stuart, 131 Mission Bt. Coii,tI,,atlon, Mrs. C. Melvus, 1 Kearuy st,S.r. Inil'c Veetable wuy Osarsaparilla ilost modoru. mnt rrn. i a. ..... Bamo price, $1 . 00 or 0 for $5.00. STANARD & CUSICK ALBANY Albany Stanard & Cusick tsauma it 0 Drug.. VadialBss, Cfcensieala. .ir... ad Toilrt ArttrtM,8pong.s.Ht.he i '"'uawj, ooaool Hooka, and Ailltt.' Buppliea. Th sxsrrj the most complete line of Hard ware, Stovee, Kangee, eto., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. Physicians' nreserlDii.,... lly osnpsaud est. TI LADIES BAZAAR. Il tbt Leading Millinery and Fancy Goods Store of Albany. Th.y tarry all the l.atett Stylet aad Noreltlet In the Millinery II.. a c.mplete ttock .1 Ladltt aad Children 't Furnishing g.ods.and r.ndv-nisd, sarmentt. Goods the best, and prices la. l.west. Call and be conWi,,," am now receiving my Fall stock of Dry Goods a. x aw j i t j ii i i i i iiri'A r y v t -v i r i - ,r civ -n-ii ijliio ui hs( r nn p A TJnnninon r;i: r. UUUUb in tile TO OWinrr H n rociicw rilgllllittge . ' v-jcAi tiiiciub, viz,. Ini-neCtO.- H P Thrall, of .San rnnrim has been examiniv the nostnfflri at (inmh Bend, Ind. lie finds a shortage of $1550. ine oeiaicauon is principally to the bus!, ness incapacity of the postmaster, Sam - nel A Round,, who has shuffled the ac counts of hi store and the office till they are in inextricable confusion. The in spector has turned the office over to the bondsmen. Cooper, Eklund and Foster, who win also take possession ot the small stock of merchandise, consisting of d.'ugs, 11 auors and notions, somewhat lncumhpriH They have placed G W Olney temporarily in charge of the office. Now, if this had happened under Cleveland's administra tion what a howl of righteous indignation would have been heard all over the land from the columns of republican organs de ploring the Incapacity and dishonesty of ucmocraucomcir.is. But somenow its the other ox new thnt has hern .'or.d nnfl these elf-s.iine journals are aij mute as the grave, seeming to look upon the South Bend affair as coming as a matter of course. dUPHiCALlY ILLUSTRATED WITH 1,500 COLOSSAL VIEWS Tal- from Nature and Colored by Eminent Artists, Magnified and Illuminated bj itac ROYAL PHOTO-OPHCON, lllusf Uimr accurate' the most mai-nidcent Cities, Edifices,! Scenery, Por- waiwai uo-uayircniiecture. Ox J -- ouaiuary-.tjostumes and C J 1 - oociai iiie, Prom the twenty different countries vUite-. with being InimitVi;', Sung. 5 ""'. Seats on 'b at Will Link's Music Slorn. SO unit 7 n(.. .uu . . Con, il .is. ' cent.. 1S92. Harper's Maffazir.fi. ILLUSTEATED. A dispatch from Hutchinson, Kansas says : wuiii'ii.iv iiu'iis riiun 11, c ClllirC 1 e publican ticket in this county elected by pluralities ranging from 150 to 400, a re- Martin, republican, forjudge of the Ninth II!.-!,.. 1...... . : tj from every county in this congressional district (Jerry Simpson's) show republican majorities In all but two, where the alli- Bn cin.iru luumy iiiKcis oy very close i"c ngrcgaie repuoiican ma- juruica 111 me uisinci are over 20,000 The iloutlttiinerr is in a trmihleH ftta' rt mind about Tammany. Let the Mountain- ttr turn Itt optics upon that beautiful trio Jaar, Jiardsley and Livesy in Penntyl vania where these men, one of whom is In the penitentiary, have been indorsed bv a repuDiican majority ot over 50,000, The United States supreme court has post poned nntil Nov. 30 the argument in the snree oisos lovotving the oanstitutionality of the MuKiuley tarilfact, and also the casct in winch the act which provides for the classificitiou of worsteds it attacked, nn the ground that the spi akor had no rijjlit to count a quorum i-i pat'ln; thin hill. Of thirty-two nicnibern of tlio state scaate iu New Yurk tlio rcp.ihlicais have seven teen, th. democrats fourteen, aud there is one independent remibiiuin. The dem-.-crats have six ui.ijority in the house. In Iowa tliedeiiiocnts have one majority in the senate and the republicans hitve six majority in tlit hon e Orroimn, Tho Mnrazlne will celihrate th Inr.nh r, ,,.. wnne iiirroveiv of Amt . !..- ...... throurhsr Iclrs glvinsra more .horough txposi-.loa' ...... ..- , ,Crio Dee.i ni 01 Uie HrcssT U.s.- itt- DKXT5D IlRVELOPMK.S-T OK ora Rnr.nv , .uu .siiei .ai-j la the Gp.sat Wrst. rictii.,iur .....tA- . . nuiaso ue Cl-.n to Erjm.tic Erisonnsor AanRicAS li s.oer. TheFuLD ornn xkxt Evaormx a w.ll be trrllK;! Iia Beries o( Paiwrs on Ihn t).,.K lie U r .1.1 st o the 111.1. k Sea," ro,:TM-T liu ,-ovi and F. I). Milut, lllwtr.ted bv Ma 1 r.Llr ana A intra. P'Knoxa. An!e!etalai ui i. ..1.- tut Gfrinan.Aun Ijn.nu Lilian Aim;., ill... . .-. 1111 wruiF. Mr W 1) ll" Ei.i,s will contribul. . n. ..... . . Wn.ld of Chance "cha'uncristii'iillv Am ' .- p::iil piomlucnco nil! ba k:vfn to -iokt Sn:r.s, w.iich will bo cjni.ibutcd l,v T a. ....... J I'avis, aCosaj Dorm, .Mari'iabft Vkhid Vs. ooi.ho and o.hor nupulur writem. " A!l:':!'B Ijieiarr tcalii'e- will bo Peisomas rik Cl...at.,,d lito.-nn, f,i,J, Horaho Rr 'loV s. "kikh"';' ' h" Urow'"'"-- A Taaci: Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Gonrls Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear Qloves Notions Ribbons Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns Corsets Hosiery HandkemWp ov. t?.-u.., . pmh Boots and Shoes ci1 aanes rmts Woolens Oloakingfs Tailors' Trimmings Bag-s, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades Blankets Domestics Ginghams Samuel E. Young. nmn pmiomuls Thtic is to d jiiot IV E W ...w 00 ... 00 4 00 . ! 00 ilAHl'LUS MARAZ XB. Far 'Year IIAIIP1K S WKtKI.Y, DARI'F.lfJ BAZAH HARPER'S YOBNO PEOPLK ' Postage Fret t all .uhmriber, i the United otatet, Canada and it'xieo. Tht Volumetof tho Hiiiim h..l. -..k .w. . bort tor June aad Deocmber ,l each year. When "To 'nl.'inh.:'1."'!; !".',,1P,,". wl h B.,.,,.r v.:.,;:. ars buck in not t utt. t,i-j:..- ...:u 1 ' . 1 "rr nl .. ..... hv,,,-. iiinii, pos.-paid. Kemltl-.nces Phoutd be made 1. 1a.i r.m. n r. . : " . .'mil, ,0 arom cnance or losr, Nowaiianors are not to e,m Ihl. ........ i' --'VI .tocillCIlt ""oaiirest oruer 01 iiarikr Iirotiirrs. Audrcn: HAltl'KK IIUOTIIKIIS, Nrw Yorr. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Vri'TlC IS HEltKltY (1IVKV TO ALL PHR. bor, IS 1, I IIU-.l 10 IheCouiitvCnirtof l.inn coiiatr j.Lb;" "r' "r"'"" i" ,ho """" JerlisliA SI. Mire, deeeiced. nm 1I1.1 i.l .,,,..ited.l,,rd,,, , the 12th day ..f DemoWr, , : . 1, :t; a,c- ' ii'iV "I KHMlliVS 11I tilt r..riif ir 1 1.. t . . . . -fJei.rt. , llalid this 1:1th ihy ot Snreiiilwr. 'iii,,., A.iV nM. , rr' . Atloniey. " " St.ok .f MiTTHRWARH. eoneiatln, . ... .. -. . .ra., iron nianea, to, gold and stiver waler.es. J,wel y. etc, is the iarest nd heal in theeity, and hy far tho bent evr brought IO AU1KT, PRICES the Most Reasonable Call and See the G000S Branch SeWu'-STSf: .Sv'cATEff'ffi J?-,. f MU,"" t "ludj.. .sine lali'or luitloa S' Jilt si now S h n ft I, n .. .1 Tttm rit,?, i'nmantl. and K.-H.I I,.. . 1 Woa U1n.11mY.ut the r-a?. ,.' ,, at an, uiue. L; ,? JC uim ..P IVil' ALBANY OR. TO3MAN & HCLBERT BROS, Rea! Estate Agents Farm and Ranches for sale. AIco city brocrty in Allvanr and Coryallit. NOTICE fiF nissni UTinu NJ 's P'5R,E,By oivkn'tiut i.B loal ('Stair,. wi,nca sn.lfol'aMi,,', :i :0,?::0"'i!'. ir Lymutua"! enntinii.fi h I'n r. '"'"""H Will he , ' ,J Aurnnarc, orna hi firm r ".Ut,U 'viz?' 10 "lect'a'l ouisun": Tij.. .1 V 7Z V -y n lK":''Of firm Dated thik ffith day of October Im ,'. G. BDKKHART, GKO. H. KKKNEv; rAJf:Drny ,the1''n'''.fi(cnd, inn , ciiair uniunv. Cill near rarmsis Warehonse, y, Oregon. K. VEAL, KOK. fu" oAi.KH.lf dfzn Piymonih A. STRANEY, PROPRIETOR OF THE Ciljf Livery, Feed and Sale - STABLE.- iHh flrt.n H turnouts at call, .-ineolrl attentv n aiven to transient slock jfMo, boarded by the day or month. Cheapest Kate in ii10 aty. flhaVi.. . ' , "p" w".n 'be HI nro, nt a.tmT ,lM",o,'uon0 0rUers Fourth Nri-Mtur l s:irr . ' wiswonn and fuL sixth sire;;,.1" ""UDr and TraM.-M-w-i,. don, can obtain prompt allenfloli by -"...a, siid SSHTS flUOS Jl lAHlltti I r 01 . ', little forry kousa, 1t8 ord." thSre, w ANTEr), fsur or five acres orKood Brden l.nd. Dear Alh.n. . h liar n va net U. City KestatiruEit. Havine heen nlinl.H-..i.i., ... -n V " .0.1CIBI1, ini 0(l ind popular restaurant ttiil bt made fir.t - asa n evnrv r..t,.. I1..- , 1 ' ... . "0 put'iic wilt ht given (jood meal,.. .11 hourt foroi.lv"-, j-nts. Evcr,thinK neat and attractive Pnyate boxer. Oyelere In er-rv ttvl.. PLANTS FOR SALE At Irillt f:irm nra ,...- . AILmny. Knspberrles, 50 t-ti pw r? Wit H TVabskr, FORTMILLER & IRVING, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Ailerlal Kmbalming done Seleotifioally, .aioniiy, rtKOU "FRUITS AND FLDWiRS." N IM.USTRA T B n ir..i-. JuruI. editsil Vy Prof ran ,ir..rH i i..,,"r."r " . w.lQIllll IT. it PAYS inoiittit, 20 eetits a tnita niimt.., p U Addrs, U. M S1EAKNS, I'lirtiantl. OrKtm n second ward. Leave Word i nS . lvery stable. Arne j HERDHGHE Ann -UVEH fURU. rua,Hsl OLOOO AGUK AaJh 0U0USNE5J DaraiDFh . BhT!aME)ICIMEMj wo nctMatainrrtS J BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, ELCCD AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. 20 YEARS' Prscllre of Medi cine Itai'a me to recommend IheM n Headache and Liver Cure as Sale .nd 8ure. Dr. L. VAIf DERFOOL, Dufur, Orefoa, J. A. Camming, . Wall Paper, JriTgrs, la.int. Oils ALBANY, :- ORECON N ZtDJ5?0 .I,KI.-HTlnfc pone mc and settfe at onSo. 1 " " a" " J. J. DUBKUILLE