VOL.JV ALBANY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1891. NO 159 RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always bo successfully treated with Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will euro you. W. F. READ, , I.. I) mm in niini If iMii fur mm l lii you r pliit-u imli j iur ililiT iu Mi'itu nr rui in ou in-, ni'curu iuu iiffctH'Vi mill KVt llirm tr ou. SIT TAKE NO M -IISTITUTK. -JJ WHY 13 THE W. L. DOUGLAS r r pr" for DMUL GENTLEMEN TH BEST SHOE IN THE WOnLD FOR THE MONEY? Uli a m-MMl'-M J, with no tucks or win thrcat t tiiirt lit f --t; tutvU of lii Ixft flno cnlf, tf 111. tkt'iO ffi-', aihI he came wuim more uwr of iuJ thnn titty otktr numnftuilurer. It imjuuIm ha M'iwl nhofi cottltitf from iW.wi v aa.m, ti E (Ml Uniiul llud-firr1. finest calf inMt r k(Tfru.l for fin.!: t-uualt rrettcn m a (ijt Walt Kkni. line cnlf. 9jVa HtrlUIi. eumlWtfthl tuud durabb. The In-rt htw ,-t (ifffrei! at ttiU irtc; sunm urn tJrt7..nB.1. h.a oomtfiu frrn X ill lo ftfl AO lnll"'e Hboei Karmrs. rinllroad Mn ami I,fttirirrlnall MMiilrm. smooth InH-Io, Ijwit; (Oiui edtfo. ti pair will war ay A m. An n.. ,ir, nhMril 3Ja till iirlr; cn trial will rouvluoe QQ '2.1 nml S-J.UIt WorUlugmnii; shoes 9tfa nrn very mrnntf and dural.lr. Tlifwu who IMm ulon tl.ni trial will WAr til) nttltl IIIOKe. aWe 'J.M nn4 school ihiHM aro OJS worn hyllia hysaprywhfre; tl.etfB.ll 4 alio for lClUIC9 Touitola, TsrTityltsbt ' irtcd nhori roiling f rota Onutlon. Swe tlia( W. L. iVnKift nami und r foe are stamped oirme noivira or t-arn nnim. F V. L. DOUliLAH, ItrocfcUw. UaM. L. E. 15LAJP. TWO MEN AND ON K DOY FOUND DEAD! ht of aO h towainj Powtr- IT.' & Co't Rqwrt, Aug. 17, S3o, TELEGKAPHIO NEWS Powder Call and ace Avhat a stock of - Fancy Goods, Furnish ina Goods, Dross Goods, ljosiery, Wo liavo to select from. Our stock is not onlv tlin lni-wat. , J O buUlio cheapest ever shown in Albany. BSOWTEiy PURE We have iust ilaced on sale a cloaks and jackets, in Loth cloth and plush goods, plain and fur trimmed. of W want your trade and we feel confident we can save you mone'. W. F. EEAD. WOKTEI rONSlDKXI.VG. I P. M. French keeps railroad time. Buy your groceries of Parker Bros Now cream chense just tecnivod at Courad Meyers. Smokft the celebrated FJavnna filled 5 cent ciarat Julius Joseph's, A lirL'fi stock of wall paper, with late de air., it Furttnillcr fe Irving'e, jat received. Have you scon those parlor suits that T urinK nas just received? They are nice. J W Bentloy, best hoot and Bhoe maker in city, three doors north of Pemocrat office. W Acbiiou & Co handle toe celebrated Portland cement walls for ien;eterv lots. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Dr M H El lis, physician and surgeon, Aioany, ureon. Calls made In citv or con d try. Ladies can do their ahoppina in San Fran oisco without visiting the city, and without extra com mission. Miss h J Barrowi . r chising aent, IGoO Grove St, Oakland, Patroniza heme industry and buy haud tmde harness, warraoted, from 0 C Ma Farlind,at Dubrullles old eWnd. to 0 W Cobb, sucreisnrto Paisley 8l 2mile( Hinn Kioclc, for yutirj -b printing an Kinds. C W Cobb, jib printer, Hiun Bl )ck,does nrst class work. See that elegant "piano at Klein Bros Boot and Shoe Btore, E W Achison &Co aie sslhue mouoracuts at Portland prices. See W F Read's line f dts ends and lilfcp before buying elsewheru. Stewart & Soz sell tha very best patent temptred shears and iclssors. A.flany 9 Oregon November 1 1, 1891 . Mr J 15 Trunk went to Albanv this morn Intf on bubiness. W F Read, of Albany, will open a Hrv good store here on the 13th In the Van tjracr were. W E Potior returned last Saturday from Albany. Having been thereon the Jury and was one on tne famous Ingram case There will be an entertainment given at the rox aliev school house on the even Ing of the 20th. if the weather will permit. to raise money for their bunday school, There aie 17 families in town now. The mill Intends to start up as soon ae the weather wtil mode) ate so logs can oe hauled to the mill. Awhile trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO 0EY0E & FROMAN BROS at.re, where they alws hare on hand he largest Slock south of Portland, ot tke latest Improved RitU-s and Shot stock of Fishing Tar'klr of every description ; Tents, Hammocks, Cam? Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention rteinnui." SU1 in connection with the Store, and one oi -.he hest workmen in the Stale to do any ind all kinds of work. Conc one Come al. No rouble to diow goods "Small ptclil und sv.l k a!" Is ou: .notto. Julius Gradwolil's Bazaar The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS GR ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25o 16 lbs. Granulated Sugar , nn 19 lbs. Extra C Sugar 100 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon -25 5 Gallons Good Pickles 100 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap -90 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholesale price of sugar -100 lbs extr C, ?f; 100 .bs gianulaUd. I. T will conduot a Btrict caih alore, n1 all Roods will lie sold for net cash from lu f ir cent less than regular price. D4y stocK or w""".""?" " . 1 - . 1 ma wall fld A VAflHrftl ASHtirLUigQb 111 UrUCtJWfO, ViWH Li t dlnp Photograpbera A Pny Oregon. I have this day sold to K G Watson k Co. the grocery ar.d commission business hereto fore carried on by me at the corner of Ells worth and 2nd stredts-Consistine of stock of groceries, provisions, fixtures, etc. I will pay all bills incured by me while conduct ing said busines" on presentation. 1 re tain the book accounts and parties indebted tome can call and pay at the store until Dec 1st, 1891, K U Watson & Co receipting for me. After that date all unpaid accounts will be placed in the bands of my attorney tor collection. Nov. 2. 1891. E J Law ninq yavinc nought the grocery and commiss ion busineu heretofore carried on at the :r.ner ot Second and Ellsworth streets by Capt E J Lanuing, and laid in a full and complete stock ot choice lamily groceries and supplies, we reipt cttully solicit the patroo age of former CMstomeie, and the people generally ot Albany and vicinity. R G WATSON & Co. "Referring to above I take pleasure la rec ommending my successors, RG Vton & Co to former cuf comers and the people o' Al bany and vicinity. E J LAyxiNO. N'ol Dammy. Butte, Mont Nov io. For a couple of days past the train bands on the Montana Union railroad, passing through Silver Bow canyon, about ten miles west of hero, have noticed what they took for a dummy dangling from a tree in plain view up the mountain side. A rancher living near this morning discovered il to be a human body. He noti fied the authorities, and the acting coroner and a party went down by the 8:30 train, The body was lound to be suspended by a barbed wire strung around his neck, A saloon keeper at Silver Bow Junction, about three miles east or where the body hung, identified the man as Charles Lundnuist, a Swede, who had been m in saloon a few days before. The man wore a dark tweed suit of good make, and had the appearance of being well-to-do. Another ttcbrlllon Promised. London", Nov 10. 7 p m. A dispatch just received from Pernambuco brings further alarming intelligence regarding the situation of affairs in JJrazil. 1 here is no doubt Ihs situation of alTairs in Brazil, arising out of the assumption of dictatorial powers by the late president of the republic, Marsha Ueodoraida I'onseca, ts rapidly approaching a point where a resort to arms will be necessary to establish the position of the distator. I he dispatct.es of yesterday showod there wss a feeling of discontent prevailing everywhere throughout Brazil. 1 he republicans see in this last move of Da Fonseca an attempt to override the authority vested in him by the consutution. A Batuiacedl!. London, Nov 10. A great deal of interest is attached to the recent return of Maurice Hervey from Chili. He was sent by the Times to tnat country early in the struggle, and the le.ters he sent home were filled with eulogies of Balmaceda. It was evident that Balmaceda bad captured Hervey, and there fore the Times suppressed his letters. Mr Hervey has in press a book of hi J experiences which will shortly be published. A reporter called on him today, when he said. ies I am a strong Balmacedist. because Balmaceda was a patiiot and a gentleman. Mean Business. Albany -MHinifAfitii.-eni am engines cnisr wit; mLLMACHINERY !KGM E .iD ALL Yim CF !!! m LIGHT jVGSXi W IRON BflAS? CASTAS. '?? r:?rjM I m.C a vU ot A coffees and biking powder, ami alwaya pla my ctistomor, ulK 1 p . . 1 wt- tnv fm hiti.iAVM khi.a TMr will be the Mv disnlav or new iov3 hu '""Ull,l'a - ... Mv itisnlav fl.iest over brought to Albany. "We have bought all thenegativiamade by L W Clark and W H Greenwood up to Nov 15th, 1S89. Duplicates can be had from hem only of us at reduced latea. We have also about 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like iajes. We carry the only full line of vlewi of this state and do enlarged work at lowett rates for first class work. W e shall be pleased to see yon at our Studio in Freman's black, next door to Mason 10 Temple Byinptonis of Ce a sumption. William J Sbarplea, Port Oram, Morris Co , N J, writes. My business is that of sharpening nine drill sad I much exposed to smoke and gas. About three years ago I began to have a bad couh,with considerable indigestion and pains in my chest. My physician told me J had symptoms ot con sumption. By the advice of my father, ai old friend of Brat-drethVi Pill. I commenced ntirg that valuable lemeiiv. tiy tbe time I had got throu jIi theatcond box I begu to pass a ve-y disagreeable humor or pus. 1 began to ii:ipr've verv rapidly af:er this.and gtew Htroiicer and better nvery day. My cuuuh Is now wtll. I sleep well at niht bnd hi.-e bo more indirection. it. f -1. --y- i7 . Do not buv jour boots and shoei until ou see the mauo at KleiuIBrna, and an well hdvo exHtniued their la rye stock of gods tit VJ VU L a The Dem ickat will exchine a dewing machine or aiv make dind, ex v )t :ie or w . f ir hoti 1 -ms. ijrub wo )d an. l u .ru cusU: or wilt considf r other propinitioiw A any diiriu : De v miuhiu for Envants and ChUCru jcirtl artoutinn ds o mnohiiinn KaUxms Kado on 2nd Coatorla la n wcU adaptix! tochUdron that I rf-eonuieud ltiKiK:rlortoanyrrcxI?tlon tno u to me." H. A. Arcfis, IS. S., JU So. Oltord Ct., Brootlj a, N. Y. nio lire of Tantorla'h to unlnr!nl and i. u lriu K w! known that it w u work law Paiitor Dloomlnjrdalo lteformod church. Tna CcsTAra ratorl enrw! Colic, Crmst!!!'1. Fr.nr blom!h, Diiurh.TNk. Kni.tatlon, KiUn Wonia, give. sUu, and promotos dl- ration. ., TVItf.cut injurious medioatioa. For M-rrraJ mm 1 have recommcniM ywir Costoria, and .hall alwayn "Jnt,""iK' 3o un u it has iavoriaDly producsl lxjnclkl reaalls." Erwix V. Tuam, M. D., "Tha Wtalhrop," fcth Street and Tlh Are., New Tork City. Comurc. n Mranav Eireit, Ka Tonx. Bc.lMtork of 'Ji.'l : oy, and tl- 'uiiHt ' b n..nit(. I Ci.-.rr. 10(1' ''i ti'.V.T 10 Vll l,.ih ..bud ""C'i v FUUNITUSt. TRUNKS, SO;: 11 vou want the best and most durable furni ture that is manufactur cd in the city go to A tine liuj of crojkiry llVudricsoa'?. wire ar Cnv Si Tim Aklinnr M ila l Butter, i5 cents per ft. rgg, 2) nonui per doz, "otHtwB, m per bimuoi. T-ard, 11 fe) 12 c- n;s pr R, liaon ntii. Vi cents; nine', ,iio?i.(-i aho.ilder. 1 1 centn. Benf on foot, 2 to 2li eent per IV Pork, nit'dwii, fl cents por B , Flour, ft per brrni. A Shoe Item. S IVoung has just re ceived a large stock of shoes, for men, women and children, including particu larly a fine line of school slioeB. The est mnlcea in the mantel can oe iouna in kis shoe department. Keli.ooo School. TheKelloggschoo ef dress cutting at corner of Kirstand Baker in the Ralston house i now open. Lessons not limited. Ladies are Invited to call and examine the system. To Tka Drinkers. Probably three fourths of the teas consumed are "Green Teas " Unpleasant as the face may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar to us all Is not the -natural color, but Is due to the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and ther mineral colors. That coloring hides the effects of poor teas is undoubted; but is it healthful, and does it not call loudly for the importation of a brano of pure, uncolored, unman ipulated tea? , It was this condition of affairs that prompted th placing of Beech's Tea before the public Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf it is different in color from any you ever used. It draws a cair.ry color of a delightful fragrnnce that is a revelation to te.. drinkers, aiid its purity makes it more economical than the nr;l ficial lea, less of it being required per cup. Sold only in pickaxes. 6o cen'H per pout d. Ask for Beech's Tea, pure as childhood, fm ttale by Alljn Bros., Fiinn block, Albanv, Chicago, Nov io. The News Washing ton correspondent says the government hue determined, in case Chili does not proffer an explanatioa of the Baltimore affair soon, to make another and a peremptory demand. If Chili still fails to, all the availsble vessels in the United States navy will be concentrated in Valparaiso harbor. To this end, a number of vessels will be withdrawn from the foreign squandrons. If this demonstration has no effect, it will be for crngress to act. Tbe Seventh This Honlh. San Francisco, Nov io. The seventh murder in this city since the first of the month occurred this morning. About 4:30 kho s were heard in Chinatown, and Ling bue was fcund lying dead in the middle of an alley, having teen shot twice He was identified by a bank book which showed $750 to his credit in the San Francisco Savings Union. No clue to the murderer yet. The murder is undoubt edly the continuation of the highbinder war. The Bight Way. Washington Nov 10J The public was taken into the confidence of the diplomatic branch r-f the government tnie afternoon in the continuation of the hearing in the Say -wsrd case, and the firnt announcement was made that the prolonged dip'omtic corres pondence between Secretary B.aiue and Lord Salisbury had resulted in au agreement by w hich, with the couseut uf the a nate. the pending dispute over the teal tiheries in retiring at wculd be definitely settled. For bargains m uinnnment, headftonea etc.co 10 K V AehiKonft Co.Aihftnv. Oregon G to O C McFarliud for udivry, har ns, whip-, rohott, all ktndu of horse cloth-iu-etc., etc. I' rt;..i:it & living have fme Kanais ' JCr-ciiiti.ii. s for $18 a pair, a.s tineaa ti.ir-t: .ev seen iu bo ity. They r. d.iwn to $7 a pair. Otbr ce cur-U:i.- 'iaxi ii to SI 01 lets a pur. Ovf.ird tim at Klein B.nt Cheap 1 oitj. Will br sold at aiT.uly re- extra bollotv grou'id rzor" .vrb.?r are aold by Stewart Je Sox. Ififfl'ictfd withicalp d:seA0os, bairfallinii ont, nd 1' fntature i-a!dnes", do not n?e greite or 'nholio preparation, but vipply tlali's Hir Renewer. IOUNI-A sliver wrttoh Owner en n and chargP', a pp'y to Lincoln StJliuf hree uii. wet of Tangent. ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE ! RETaIL GROCERS' CIGARS. TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ACL KINDS, IN ?LARGEZOR SMALL fnJANTIT.ES. IN THEIR SEASON. Ui or k A".b:tr t rop.st coffte in cttv st ( :-n t,-- line of picturu frames ever in 1 F-TtuiilltT & Irving'. IViirltera' F.xnmlnalfon. otic i h'rby given thit the regular public ejc.oa'.nii'i'jii of t.tmra for Linn county, ill ta'rtft p'ao H iVny. ion menr'n,; on Wednel y. N v. lT.ti. at 1 o'cIotH-, p in an I omfi'i ia nntt' Friday noon, Nov. 13' h All toK'hrs must poeiuvM'y ln prsHnt. at tin ll rr of o.m rprni:mniiit, sis no one wi I b ndmiUed to thl ftX;lTri?:i,i'.ion whi '1 nt nrnsont. ' U F. KUWLL, Countr School Snpt Flinn Block, ALBANY, nUa Bnl'7 r:a iklt. w ear. hr Castorla. Whin tht wa u Child, lie crtcd for Ctwtoria. When he lwain" M1 ho clunR to Cnrtoria. Vbca sLe Uai Cbildivu. gava them Owlorl I W hsu it T GjtThmi. V hen wanting n orc;.in or iwia ra'l on G L Blackma n wht-e tou i;n rt (n-m a fir! data t to.. I KrwlofS V, 'oarg'a '' L. c-siTtit:;; THOMAS BRINK'S