Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 10, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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    VOL. JT
IfO 158
Bcrofulous humor
in tho blood,
ulcers, catarrh, and
consumption, .
Aycr's Sarsaparilla
Tho most
safe, speedy, and
effoctlvo of all
Has Cured Others
will oure you.
.-.a mr namls for V. I.. Ilnuulnn nhu.
it'olrr In Mrnil fiir riiliiliiii m. hrcuru the
armr. mill ui'l llirm lir m.
If iuii fiir aiilt. 111 tiiur nln.... umlt .T...
in linb nif ri ii-.titi:tk. gj
B lia fti'itm:-- s1km, with no Ucknor whx thread
fcurt tin- reel; nituUt of the Ih-hI fine calf, Mtrllsli
Si rUV. ailtl fVi.(l ij if, tciil... munt tfiiva nf thLt
0J rhan any nfhrr manuftu tmrer, It t'iutUN iiuiwl-f(-l
Hhort coitlng from 1.00 In $VJU.
' rip (rnnit iifMitj-atwrd, ln nnl eaix
iikm ffdr offerinl for txjuali Kreuch
rU 1 nliooi which coat from M.d) to til in.
WOO llnnit-Htvr(rH'll Hhne, fins rn If.
tjllil), euinfururil uil durl.fc. Tim lii-nt
er ofTerol at thla jirle i ftanit icra-le u cua-mailt-
RhofH eon 1 1 ii k from $ndi .oaJ.Ofl,
AO 1'ollre Hhnr jrarmnrs, IUillmd Mon
m and It'ttf rl.'nrrlMriall warOin: On t calf,
.Imb. mouth Innlitf, harv Citmj tulrA uxttn-
ldHn. On pair will wnwtKir.
9 Ann rnlfi ne lttr ah" ever iffort at
pm tt.U prim; on trial will muTiuoe tliuao
ft want a nivm for comfort and Brlr.
n ml i.OI Worhlavnnti'N -hnri
J nr wry utronir nnrl durablo. Thowt who
flr lfii trim., a trial will war nunthn .nuke.
auc' -S-l.ttO nun 91.74 arhool iIiowb arn
Owl 0 worn by tha lHjBTi7wlirrf; ttiey wll
their niKrltn, nn tri InrryairliiB; milM utiow.
aClU lo DoiiKota, tcft tyllh: (MiualBFruiioti
mina mion roiiinn rroia to aA.ii,.
Xtdlpa' 'J. SO, 8'i.OO tint. Si. 7.1 bo for
(is are- thti bent flun uotiftolo. KtyllKhaud dtiralile.
Caution. so that W. I.. Lfoutflus numi itml
v IM are lUmued on 'the Imttom of arti nhoo-
W. L. UUUULAU, llruuktoo, Mas.
L. E. JJTiAJ (V.
iVhile trying to Crowd theli
Store, where they alwajs have on Imnd
hi; larrjest Stock south ol Portland, ol
thp Ifltckt tmnrnvpil Rltlex and Shot
jum; an Immense stock of Fishing
xatKie oi every nescniHiun , hmi
"immnckK, am p nairs anu muunuuu.
wi utiier tilings 100 numcrum m mcnw
Tt,fsin.ii Slioi
i-uuiirciion wmi iiic oiuii, uw nv
.i 1. 1. .i... f. i i
eocsi workmen In the .state to uo any
'Dd ail kinds ol work.
Come one Come al. 'No rouble to
how (.owls "Small prcltt and quick
's" is ou. .nntto.
-ManufHcturcrH .r
wl tliiti(iii ihI i . pairing U
" oi iiiachinen
'nrns Made on Short Notice
hi i Store.
rI1 j"ock r 2l,d' ''oods the v
t i " "no't reas iai prices, hoib
CI selling, i have ou band
mssiofS B Yonng'a olr tore
w. f.
Call and see what a stock of
Fancy Goods,
Furnish ins Goods,
Kress Goods,
We have to select from. Our
online cheapest ever
We have just placed on sale
cloaks and jackets, in
goods, plain and
We want your trade and we
you money.
Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar
The very latest news is
16 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
19 lbs. Extra C Sugar 1.00
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25
5 Gallons Good Pickles 1.00
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90
A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00
Wholesale price of sugar -100 lbs extra C, $5; 100 iba gianulated. (1.
t will conduct a strict cash store, and an goods will be sold for net cash from in
to 25 per cent less than regular price. stock of Cbinaware, fanoy goods, and
all the drairable nyles of dishes, as well as a general assortment of groceries , crock
ery, lamps and fixtures is complete. 1 make a spscitlt; of liae tei, ojfToes and
b iking powder, and always plae my customers,
My display of new toys and novelties for t':e holidavs this year will be the
finent over brought to Albany. Julius Ciradwohl.
for Irrijrtta
"CftstorlalBSOwell adapts to chi! V 3i that
I rocommond toaruperiortf..iy pritLi-i.Uwn
known to me." II. A. lavn:.i: TT. I").,
Ill So. Oiford St.,, N. Y.
"The use of 'CMloria1 lr w univenwl and
Im ni.Titu so Wf II known Hi u it a
c.r siimTerogaUontoeudirwiit tvv f tlij
!nl 'JlUnt Amillo. who Jo uol k p Cartoria
witliiii easy rcuci." .,
N.'W V i k t'.f.
Ijlto Paator Bioomlngdate IUiformo.1 Cliurch.
Tb CnNTitia
stock is not only the largest
shown in Albany.
a complete assortment of
both cloth and plush '
fur trimmed.
feel confiden4. we can save
that you can buy at JULIUS
cash, goods as follows:
rM I.'
and Childrsn.
Cantnrla cnr Colic, Omllpfttloa,
Sour tiuiiuacu, Ularrhrpa. Eru.uition,
Kills Worm, givea sleep, and promotes dl.
Wiuioufr injurious modiootioa.
u For several yours I have recommendM
yoiir Cantoria, ' and sliall always continue to
do so as It has lnvoriatily produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pinois, H. D.,
m Tbe Wtnthrop," lUi Sliest and Tlh Ave.,
Kew Tork City.
Cowunr, 77 McaaiT Stbist, Krw Voaa.
It you want the bet
and most durable furni
ture that is manufactur
I ed in the city go to
of n fa Miriibg Powers U. & ttcVt Report, Aug. 7,
IX &&&&
Wontll t'O.VSIDESl.VU
F. M. French keeps railroad time.
Buy your groceris of Parker Bros
Nhw nrnim .I..... : . l . . .
wllooao JUB(( njxvga al i;oDraa
Smokfl thfi Ma.rmaA A1I..VI A
b.c.. x.mvaub uucu a cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
A IrL' slock of wall paper, with late de
signs, at F.irtinillor t Irving 's.just received.
' yon seen those parlor suits that T
Brink has just received? They are nice.
1 W Bentlev K..f V., I .1 1
. ..u... null .HUB IIIIKOr 111
city, three doors north of Democrat office.
R W Afh;.f.n a. rA 1 .11. xt 1 . . .
t .1 3 u-miie ine ceieoratea
Portland cement walls for temetory lots
These walls can be furnished at half the cost
of any other and are far superior.
Dr M II Ellis, physician and surgeon,
Albany, Orejon. Calls made In citv or
Ladies can do their shoppinn in San Fran
cisco without visitine tbe oity. and without
extra commia.inn fi r
ch.M-ns; aiiut, lfiGD Grove St, Oakland,
Patronizs heme indnstfy and buy hand
made harness, warrante.l, from O C Me
" .111, at uuDruiiies old stand.
(in to 7i W fiikk o 1
bmilo, Flinti Block, for yonrj .b printing
ji i niuiis.
C W Cohh. inh nrinfp Trl;nn
- . : . r '1,aiii;e
nrat class work.
See that elenant'iiiann of Kain n. Jt .
and Shoe store,
E W Achison &Co are selling monumtnta
at Portland prices.
See W F Read's line f d'-nns g,cds and
silks before buying elsewhere.
Stowart&Sox sell the very best pstini
tmpe-ed shears and tcissors.
Li 1 ding Photographers A oany Oregon.
We have boughtiall thonegativt smade oy
L W Uark and W H Ureeowood up to Nov
15th. 1RSQ. n..i,... u. ulj i
, ' ' -iM.vBreo Mil uo iau 1IUI11
hum nnlti nf n. .1 J .-.- ti i
" j louuuou vre naye
also about 18,000 negatives made by our-
'"""i "ouj wnica aupucaies can be had at
ItlcA Ift.a XVm. xl ... . .
..waiiiji huQuuiy lull line OI
v.ewi of this state and do enlargi d work at.
.....o. v ivan ,ur iiro6 ciasa worK. w e Shalt be
pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman's
hlmiLr. n.Ttiui.1. u n
l uvw. m lu.BliuiU Xruipje.
Symptoms of ronsnmptlea.
William J Sharpies, Port Oram, Morris
o , .1 j, writes, itiy Business is that of
sharpening nine drills add I much exposed
to smoke and gas. About three years ago I
began to have a bad cough, with considerable
iudigeetion and pains in my chest. My
physician told me 1 had symptoms of con
sumption. By the advicn of my father, an
old friend of Bra-.dreth'a PiPs, I commenced
osing that valuable remedy. By the time 1
had got through the second box I began to
pass a very diragreeable humor or pus.
tegau to improve very rapidly afl?r tbis.and
giew stronger and better every day. My
cmiirh Is now well. I sleep well at night
bed list eiio more indigestion.
Do not buy your boots and s'ni-e until
you see the piano at Klein. Bros, and as well
nave examined, tneir large stock of goods.
The T)KMCk IT will h,n., .
machine of any make desired, exoivi. one or
w'i. inr anine OIK gruo WO lit anil (iiri cash;
or will coDSldur other propositions a i,r.y
tie du.iriu a new machine
A line lino nf orockery Jware at Conn &
Hendiicsju's. '
The Albnny Market.
ftats.Sfl ii
Butler, J5 cenls per lb,
Kgg. 2 cnts por doz,
Poiates, 31 ..nt per bushel,
Ijird, II (3) 12 c-nis per ,
Pamnllams, 2 cents; side,BllJ,e8Ul;
ho.ililur", 11 cents,
Beofon foot, 2(ii 2'4 cents per lb'
Pork, dressed, 15 cents pr ) ,
Flour, $6 per barrel.
Flinn Block,
A dispatch fiom riltsbure Pennsylvania
November 6:h says:
The great iron firm of Jones & Laughlin to
day reduced the v, ages of the 500 laborers
employed Dy it from S1.50 to Si. 35.
1 here was much grumbling among the men
at the reduction, but they say they are power
less to resist, having no organization and be
ing unskilled hand'.
This is the way the blesssd tariff secures good
ages ust alter the el clion.
It is .he usual occupat cn of an exiled Polish
count to keep a small tobacco shop, wherefore
it will be seen that a new depaiture has leen
made by Count Grabowski, of Poland, who
some time ago Fought employment as a loco
motive fire-nan on the Pan Handle railroad.
The count is a manly and well educated young
fellow, with an excellent record of service in
the German army, but he is thoroughly ccn
tent with his humble situation and intends to
stick to it.
The fiist ship's doctor on rernr.l Is hliv..H
10 have been St Luke, who 1. clinum Kn
research to have been a physxian in the Troad
when he first met St Paul. Vmm t l..
vivid description of the shipwreck 03 the coast
.( ir.i.. -j .t ... ... . . .
wi walla ana oiner evidence IE is thnitcrht h
, , "j
some critical scholars that he was surgeon to
a vessel plying from Troas a ong the Medi
terranean coas.s.
The Boies were out in full force in Iowa.
Their victory was brilliant and d eeisiv
Democracy will soon roost on all the perches
of this country, and the party won't "come
O.T' while '"we folkt." are Dermitted to inhaU
the pure ozone of glorious Oregon. It is
cumDing upstairs rapidly, and is getting there
10 stay. n eicomt.
Gen Palmer, Commander in-chief of the
Grand Army is indignant. He says he has
been informed :hat comrades wearig the
bade and uniform of the Grand Atmy of the
Republic participated in a recent demonstra
tion where the confederate flag was displayed
which he says is a Yinlatior. of his obligation
and brings disgrace upon the order.
Er-GoT David Meriwether, of Ken'uclcy,
recen ly celebrated his ninety-second birth
day, and from all reports he was the most
active man present at the gathering. He was
blithe and gay and sat down to dinner equip
ptd with an appetite that would have done
credit to. a boy.
.The report from Washing'onjlhat t! e' women
in charge of country post-offices are creatlr
pleased wth the rule requiring them to visit
neighboring post-offices for purposes of in
spection is not inciedible. Was there ever a
woman who disliked to make a visii?.
No man comes out of the late campaign so
much strengthened as G rover Cleveland. His
chancts for the presidency have been largely
increased. If New York gets the candidate
H will be Cleveland with Gray of Indiana for
vice rresi-Jint.
The elecions have left the democrat in a
very serene state Of" mnd so far as the presi
dential contest is concerned. The gr at con
test will be made in Iowar Michinn, Wiscon
sin Indiana. Massachusetts, Rhode Island.
New Hump-shire, Connecticut and New York.
It bcems from the returns that the prohibi
tion and farmers' alliance parties cut but a
small figure in the late elec ions.
Oh how beautifully the executive mtnsion
In the great R'ate of New York will hereafter
be decorated with 'owers.,
If rfflicted withicitlp d'sease. hair falling
out. and p'-trature halduean, do not ue
grease or n eohohc pieparatimis, but i-ply
Hnl.'fr Ilkir Iienewer
The First Proclamation.
Salem, Or Nov 9. Having waited more
than the allotted time for President Harrison
issue his Thankspivino nmi.lam.imn rr.
ernor Pennoyei today issued the following:
Inasmuch as the pratitude for favors re
ceived should find due expression, I do hereby
appoint Thursday, the 36th day of November
aS a JSV Of nuhlic tnnnltcaivinnr tn Atml.!.,..
God, lo be observed by the whole people of
i,cKuu in me usual appropuate manner In
return for the blessings of peace and plenty
which have been bestowed upon them during
the past year.
When asked if 1 1 ur-r- llnl a n ...... . I . 1 '
- uuuauni mine
or the governor to issue a Thanksgiving proc
lamation before the president of the nation
issues his. the governor said, jokingly, that
Lncle lien hiH K -..i-j . .. .
events of last Tuesday, and was waiting to
hear from New York.
The K, ori :
Toledo, O Nov o Delenatea m ih
fifteenth general assembly of the Knights of
Labor are ariivincr 1,r in -..i
Irom all partsjof the United States, Canada
..u m ui .mice ciues in Mexico. The dele
gates SaV this Will h nnm f 1. : .
..... w WI(V VI. UIVSI IlllJiUll-.
ent assemblies ever held. The finance com
mittee has about completed its work, and so
lar finds all the finnni-c nf ii.- : a
. ........... u. WIUVI
condition. The secretary's reports will show.
i'suihi uai incrcasea in meaabershit f
Over SonO Hnrincr tot. nef : .u:. .
alone, and all the local assemblies are :n a
aouMsiung condition.
WUat Whlkkey Dili.
PORTjERVIP, N Y Nov O A fearfu.
' . - L
araeedv was enacted at the hnm nl r. V n,M
an aged resident ol Pike county, Penn, last
-.jruUiiS iarm laoorer,, Simon
Field. entiri.n TinviV Vn..a- i: i -
.. u iiuui, miu hicu a bllUl-
gun full in his face, fatally injuring him. He
then shot and nainfnltv wniimUil n.
The assasnin lt-n AaA In..,-. . i j
...... ...v, uwnii ,ic imu, aim
meeting a son of David's, shot at him, inflict-
intra clinV. ...... J I7:u l .
f. - b". "wwiu, ririu, who WB1 no.
arrested until SunH.iv. .-va ha w.. j.Hni.
when he did the shooting.
An Deed.
Kugene, Or Nov 9. R J Mcdonald was
taken to Salem this morninc to serve out a
sentence ol one year iu the penitentiary, he
ms .inciitca uy juage ripes on convictioi ol
the crime of obtaining money under false pre
tenses. He collected eubscripticn money for
the Oregonian without authority and aupro
priated it to his on a use.
Big Winnings.
London, Nov 9. The 50th birthday of
the Prince of Wales is being celebrated with
loyal enthusiasm. It is said that ever since
early morning messages have been pouring
into Sandrinpham with nirt .l.nB- .u .
-n ..,, mum; until IUC
(jerman kaiser and Prince Henrv alnne
amounting in value to 100,000 marks.
No or w ar.
Washington. Nov 0. The ral,Vpr.-m
received by Secretary Tracv Irom
Schley, dated Valparaiso, Chili, yesterday.
7 .7. " uiuiwiiuu ui any leeiing 01
hostility toward the Ballimoie's officers and
sailors at Valparaiso, .
A SnoK Itbu. S X Young liaeTjuBt re
ceived a large stock of shoes, for men ,
women and children, including particu
larly a fin. line of echool shoes. The
est mates in the market can be found
in his shoe department.
Keli.ogo School TheKclloggschoo
f dress cutting at corner of Flrstand
Baker in the Ralsto.i house i. now open
Lessons not limited. Ladles are Invii.H
to call and examine the system.
For terrains in monuments, htaoVtones
etc., go to E W Achii nfcC:,Albany,Oregon
GoloOC McFarland for sidlery, har
ness, whip, lubta, all kinds of hnne cloth
ing etc., I:tc,
Fnr'niilfr & Irvine have soma Keo.ip
none lucecuitaius fur $18 a pair, as tineas
any thine iver seen in the ity. They
" down to t7 a pair. Other nee c:r
baius dowo to f 1 01 lens a pair.
Ladies Orfnr.l fin. nf k'tai-. T3 rit.
eit in the rifcr Wi))k..nll . , . !
dured riite.
Notice -the extra hr.lU rr,..i1 r-..-.
u:d by barbers are sold by Stewart rf- Sox.
The bent roast coll.. in the'eity at V ni n
The finent line of picture fram. rvor in
Albany at Fortmiller Sc Irvion's.
Teachers' I'xmiilnatloa.
Notice is hereby given that the r.-Ku'ar
public examination of t-rvher. for Linn
county, will take p'ii In AHvsny, cotn-
menctng on Wedne'lv. N v.
1 o'clock, n rn and cntiiiuo until nViilutr
noon. Nov. 18 b. All tev hir must
positively be prowin: a! the M iu of 00m
mni!emont. as no ono wi:l h- nliiMai
to tho examination who 's int si nresont.
County Kcbonl Srpt
Wbea Baby waa sick, wo gaTa caatorli.
When aba waa a OliJW, 3lu eKwl for Cnstoria.
Whi ah. breams Miss, rtw cliini: to Castoria.
Warn she ha4 adldros. sl.o irnre them Oaf torla.
n organ or plana call on G L Blnckman
srln-e you can select .mm a first class