r; tol. in ilBlKT, OJlEGOff, THURSMT, .NOVEMBER 5, 1891. KO 154 FOR SCROFULA scrofulous humor in the blood, ulcors, catarrh, and consumption, uso Ayer's Sarsaparilla The most economical, safe, speedy, and effective of all blood-purlflers. Has Cured Others will cure you. ui RiT nganr. Sbr W. i Dfinirfii rlSwtes, pla.c ustt Tour wit for .nle tu vonr ilttr lu eeuil for relnlnsue, avaurw Ilia ncj , anu vol intn for '' iriAHE SHI HI llHTITlTTK.Jrt 18 WHY THE W. F. RE;AD, S!IILIlimMB! Call and see what a stock of ' Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, tfosierj, Wo have to select from. Our stock is not onlv iha lariat j o- but the cheapest ever shown in Albany. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? QUA Bt-nmli'Hi th'ta, with no tarki r wax thriul uniurt th f'i-t; mail of ilia bent Hum rulf. itvlHh ;.W I'twy. an-t brtwtws u-tt trvtfcf rtuw- hof or fHi iftM-i (Ann uny ofhr man wlrr, It uquulB Iiuiiti- pv. il HhiiM no-ting lYnia .UMo Bfl in. (HI Osuuliift llrnu-cwrl, inr nncxi rr.n ) cvt-r (.ffpn-.l for i!V'5: qiiuU Ircm-ii i.rllfl Htiovs which . rrnrn bliiiui su ui. m no II 11 nH-Sirf-l Wall NhH'. fttlO rait. ) eUt-tUh ftiimfiiPtiihlf aiil dnrabrV 1 ti bent i ?vtr ofTervtl at tali prlrw j ssme trreac M cus Vni(Ml nh'H't enntlns from $4 1j to iv. 3U I'ullre lho ltnnn Muiii-nati utn unit lltvrc:arrlrsU WfsrkbfMri; nflstrulf. knlfita, smooth liiuM. lira 97 fhrao tultm, xtciv iiun. m pair win wsur a rar. OU flue n.fi na bm.-r .h vw affsran nt thl urlt: oni trial will rn1n Uiow wnt hIhiii fur mmfmi itfiil a1 r If. li.l 11 nd '.!.. 10 Workliiffiaan-a aik aro t-r stroim ami rtnramt. 1 hmwi who . Kln ttn-iii a trial will wrar do nllim make. lOJfb woru by Uia boys Tir"wlitro; Wit mU tUelr mvrlU, at ttm lt)urr4n mr rtiow, I nliAr "J.dU lfcaa(I-snwa n1, bDU ICO lioiiKola, cTTrTlUli; ifiauup i,r.1 ,,flrij from 4. til t .. Xii.th s' l.-VI, 74. nl 1.7 rtrna fnr Off 1 r Ui bent llns I xwigola. Htyilrti tuirt rturahle. TSiiilloB.-rW that v.'. J. DnnKia.' name and uro lUnibWI on Hi tjoiutrn or cafii srn. J. A. Camming. Wall Pawn Jru!i, JL'aintw, Olla We have just placed on sale a eomplete assortment' cloaks and jackets, in both cloth and plush goods, plain and fur trimmed. of Highest of all in 7ereninf Power IT. & GoVt Report, Aug. 17, ittp, Pomler ABSOLUTELY PURE We want your trade and we feel confiden4. we you money. can save W. F. READ. WORTH 0SI2EUIKU. F , M. French keeps railroad time. Buy yourJroceris ofParker Bros Now croarn cheese juat received at Conrad Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. A largo stock of wall Daner. with late de- sixnH. at Fortmiller St Irving's.just received. Have yoa soen those parlor euits that T Brink has just received ? They are nice. J V Bent ley, best boot and shoe maker in oity, three doors north of Democrat oilice. W Acbison & Co handle the celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Dr M H Ellis, physician and snrgeon. Albany, Oregon. Calls male la cit or I country. j Ladies oan do their ah op pins in San Fran cisco without visit in t? the city, and without extra commission, Misa 15 J Barrows ? ir chasinj aeut, 1)33 Grove St, Oakland. ( Patronize heme industry and buy hand made harness, warranted, from O C Mo Farli nd,at Dubruilie a old utmul. Go to 0 W Cobb, successor to Paisley & Smile, Fliaa Block, fur your j b printing of ail kinds. C W Cobb, job printer, (lieu Blck, does nrst ciats work. See that e'egant pia'-o at lvlfiu Bros Boot and Shoe store. E W Achison &Co are selling moi cm n'a at Portland pneer. See W F Read's line Vusi g cda and iikf before buying elsewheit. Stewart & Sox s-ll tha vrry best patent tempered shears and r cissoro. Albany 9 Oregon Julius Gradwohl's Bazaar 'T1IE HU K HF.N'S CHICKENS." Everybody knows that natives of Dela ware are called the "Blue Hen'n Chickens," hut not one In a hundred can tell you why they are so called. The epithet Is said to have hal Its origin In the following: One of Delaware's most gallant fighters In the War of the Revolution was a Captain Caldwell, who was notorious for his fondness for cock-fighting. He drilled his men admirably, they being known throughot the army as "Caldwell's game-cocks." This same Caldwell held to th peculiar theory that no cock was really game unless its mother was a blue hen. As the months wore away Caldwell's men became known as the "Blue Hen's Chick ens," a title which only increased their re spect for the old game-cock captain. The nickname became famous, and after the close of the war was applied indiscrimi nately to all natives of the "Diamond State." ALBANY, QRECOft Star Bakery CorKroadnlbln and First SI. The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS GRADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: 16 lhs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 19 lbs. Extra C Sugar 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 5 Gallons Good Pickles 1.00 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholesale price of sugsr-100 lbs extra C, (5; 100 ibs gianulated, ft. I will conduct a strict cash .lore, and nil good, will be Bold Tor net oash from 10 to 25 per cent lew than r.gular price. Ky slock of Cbinaware, fiinoy Koodft, and all tbe d.alrabl. ayles of diehei, s well as a eoneral as'urtment of grooeriss , crook ery, lamps od fixture in complete. 1 make specialty of floe teu, coffees and biklne powaer, ana aiway. wiw my uuaiuiuoin, My dlaplay of new toys and novoltleu for tae Holiday imx year will be the flneat over Drotigni to Aiuaiiy. nuus mm BEYER, Proprietor. li t dlngPhotogrnphera A .-any Oregon. We have bought-all thenegativi smade by L W Clark and W H Greenwood up to Nov 15th. 1SS9. Duplicates oan be had from hem only of ub at reduced latcs. We have also about 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like laces. We carry the on ly ful I line of v.ewc of this state and do enlarged work at lowett rates for first class work. W e shall be pleased to see yon at our Stndio in Froman's block, nextdoorto Masonic Temple. Cure or Spinal Weakae). K F Woolston, Yates, Oe.ns C-v N. , rites: "Mv wife, five years aci, was con fined to her bed with inflammatory rhuma- ti m oi tne muscles 01 tne hack ine doc tors thought her case hopeless, and doomed ner to be a bedridden invalid. Ihe violent pain kept her awake almost everv niiiht. She lost oyer thirty pounds in weight. To ease her pain I thoaunt I would put on Allcock's Porous Plasters. I covered her back with thun. T mv rrreat de'iht she began to sleep well. The pain very much abated in one week. 1 then t ok tbe i Jp"- ters off. ashed her back, and pot ou fresh ones. At the end of the second week, she insisted on getting up, and by the third week was entirely well and a We to attend to her household duties. The election of Governor Russell to a 6tcond term In Massachusetts signifies that that state If not placed In the demo cratic column, will fall to the doubtful one when making estimations of probable results in the presidential election. The tariff Issue was made the leading and al most only one In that state. The results shows that that state, whose people are the most intelligent as well as unbiased, are ripe for rebellion against the scheme that taxes many people to benefit the few. The result In New York and New Jersey point to the fact that New York, New Jerse, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampihlre are fit grounds in which to sow Mir seeds of democracy. I'tinneii Frail. UlaHirnrs Dried Frnl?' Tobacet Nacnr, ('otter. DH1LBK CllCm o. l, ictc ln(irtnT.rylh...( that Is kept in a "rl vanely and nunnery .wirn. market prico paid fr ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! Vhile trying to Crowd then WAY INTO uEYOlE & FR02Wi BROS itore, where they alwaja have on hand he larceRt Stock south of Portland, of tfce latest Improved Rifle and Shot 3un; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands t other things too numerous to mention -R.epa.ir Shop "1 connection with the Store, and one ol eet workmen In the State to do any d ail kinds of work. Coie one Come al. Na rouble to a goods. "Small prcfit and .ulck i fok lvk aoifjHta for !nfants and Chi!drers. CotorlRtasoTdlttdar'ltehII,,reIllhat I rocominrnd It M niperior to any prescription known to me." It. A. Aacnia, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Th use of 'Castorla' te so universal and u ineriU so well known tlt it swnis a work or iunereroj-.-ition toendonte It Fnw anllie latelllKent familius who do not keep Ostonn wiUnn euy reaoh " Carlos mUnTrx, P. T . New York City. Mte Pajtor Dloomlngdale Ihstornied Cuuroh. CaxtoHa cures Colic, Constipation, fSonr btouiach, Plan-nora, Knictation, Kills Wonua, givea sleep, and pro notes dl- rejrtion, Without Iniurions medication. For several years I have recommended your Castoris, ' and shall always continue to do so oh it has invariably producjd beneficial results." r.Dwi r. PiDs. m. c, "Tbe WlnUirop," UDU Blreet and Tih Ave., Hew Tork Olty. XNotlce the extra holloa- LTi-utid razorp used by barbers are sold by Stnvurt S Ibe LteatoeKAT wilt exch:ioi!3 a sewing machine of any make d eV.r.-?, excupt one or wo. forsoin.toak urub wood vul p.-.rt c.ah; or will consider other pro)-os :n tn A rny lie dedirin:; a new machina A lino lino of crockery wars jtc Com' Hendricuu's. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Returns. TORTLAND, Nov 4 The eleectlon returns received yesterday, so tor t the state tickets are concerned, make no change except to In crease tl.e pluralities. McKinley polled iu the neighborhood of 18,688 more votes than Cam bell, Flower 45,000 more than Fassett, lioies 9000 more than wheeler, and Russell at least 6000 more than Allen, Two legisla tures are in doubt those of lows and New York. Both parties claim those bodies. The definite standing of the two is not known at .his writing. 4 Fearful Accident, Butte, Mont Nov 4. Those killed In the terrible accident, which occurred at the Ana conda mine a few minutes after midnight this muming, were james (j uonnei, Charles M ".vans. John Ritchie, Jamei G Sullivan, P Mulligan, Michael McAvery. James Roach, William Martin and Dennis Shaughnessy. Jerry Harrington is injured, but not fatally. At tne 900 toot level, a large r.umber of men were waiting to be raised to the surface for their lunch. In this case it is believed that not less that twenty started on ihe terrible ride to death. When between the 300 and 400 foot levels, James O'Donnell, who was on the upper, lost his self porsession and fell over the side of the cage. He fell between the cage and the wall of the shaft, down to the lower deck of the cage, where he struck the men crowned there in such way as to knock almost all of them off. Altogether eight men were knocked off Ihe cage down to the dump which is 1200 feet below the surface. Two others were brought to the surface badly in jured, and one of these died in a short time. The bodies brought to the surface were s o mangled as to be scarcely recognizable, except by their clothing. A Diss ttobtiery. La Gramje, Or Nov 4. A robbery which exceeded the recent Enterprise affair in the amount taken was perpetrated upon the Farme.'s Mortgage and Savinosbank of Sum- merville, this county, last night. As tl.e cashier was leaving the bank about 9 o'clock last evening lie was met at Hie door by two men with sacks over their heads, who present- cu t'lBkvi. 10 ins ueau ana ornerea rim 10 go back and open the sale. He stepped back into the room and they followed him, pulling down Ihe blinds and lighting .he lamp. They displayed great coolness, net only taking all ine money in tne sate, but examining the papcis as well. They secured 848,000. The X v Leglklnlnre! New Yi'RK, Nov 4 At midnight the As sociated Prcs returns for New York state show 15 democrats elected to the senate and 17 republicans Theieis some doubt about two republicans and one democrat. In the assembly there is a tie. On these figures the republicans have a majority on joint ballot. Grease spots map be removed from linen by putting a good quaniity of soda into the water in which it is washed, rrom silk or woolen good 1 there is no more effectual method than the old oue, of placing a sheet of thick, soft, brown pspet over the spot. passing a hot iron ever it, and quickly lift ing the paper. Littler 4. Ball, dentists. wiM make arti li . oial plates of aluminum. The healthiest. most durable and light-st weight of any other plate. Wo want to introduce this kind of work in this vicinity . There's an islond of Gibraltar up intake Erie, not so famous as the one by tbe Pillars of Hercules, but claiming some recognition as the summer home of the once great fiuan- cier J y Cooke. The genial old man loves his family sup bis table comforts. Me hi ever found "too many" Cookes "spoil the broth.'' If rfflicteil wilh ical;. d'seascs, hair failing oat, and pifctiaiure baldueas, do not use grease or alcoholic pieparatii i.s, but apply Hall's H-ir Kenewer runts u (irucerics and Provision". We dial in the above mentioned goods, and make a specialty of miyplyiug larjie consumer, at lowest jobhinu ratea. A we are large buyeis. aud as this Is our specialty, we md make yon good tigures lc is now fill aud tiJie to lay in the wiuler supplies. Write to uj giving us a list ol what you need in the grooery and proveion line, and the quantity and quality of the same, and we will give you our beat cash figure. Wc refer you in ur.y Portland Bank or business hoUEO. liVFKll-Sli & Fa 11 11 ELL The Albany Mat'lict. Wheat, 82 oents pir bushel, ots, 31 ' ' Butter, 15 cents ppr ft, Kgg. 2 cuti per dz, Potatoes, 31 mm par bushel. Lard, 11 fj) 12 0 nts pr tt, Bacin -Hain. I'J Cinlx; snip- nho.ililor4, 1 1 CHMtH, Beef on t'oi.t. 2 to 2' cent' psr Pork, dressed, 6 cents per lb, Flour, ." pur harrol. l!j eon!?; Di not buy your boots and sb"e until you see the piauo at KleinJIros, and as well have examined their large stock of goods. Ladien Oxford tit at Klein Bios. Cheap et in the ity. Will be sold at greatly re duced rate WfiERf to GetTiikm. When wanting vi organ r nlana call on G L Ulackman h-e you can select from a firs! clan toi. Tus Ccktaur CoM-wurr, H Murray street, Nsw Tore. ESS riinMmiDt: ruilltil.un I li you want the best I and most durable furui yture inai is mauuiauiui cd in the city go to THOMAS BRINK'S ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale I Retail Grocers CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF A LI KINDS, IN .LARGS: OR SMALL "-UANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON. To Tea Drinkers Probably three fourths ot the teas consumed are "Green Teas " Unpleasant as the fact may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar to us all is not the natural color, but isdue to tbe facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and other mineral colors. That coloring hides the effects of poor teas is undoubted; but Is it healthful, and does it not call loudly for the importation of a brano of pure, uncolored, unman ipulated tea? It was this condition of affairs that prompted the placing of Beech's Tea before the public. Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf it is different in color from any you ever used. It draws a canary color of a delightful fragrance that Is a revelation to te.. drinkers, and Its purity makes it more economical than the arti ficial leas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only in packages. 60 cents per pouid. Ask for Beech's Tea, pure as childhood, foi sale by Allen Bros , Flinn block, Albany. Teachers' Examination. Notice I hareby given tb.nt tha regular public .ix.uninution of tifhnrs. for I.inu county, will take p'a(M io: Albtny, co:n- tnenctinr on Wednesdiy. N v. l!Vh. at 1 o'clock, p m and continue until Friday noon. Nov. 13 li All teal'rs must positively be present at tin li ni "f 00m- mencpment, as no 000 wl 1 b i admitted to tho examiiintlnu win Is not a 1 nrosent. O F. HUSSKLf,, Conntv School 8npt Kei.i.oso Si'Hool. TlieKelloggschoo ef dreis cutting at corner of Klrstand Baker in the Ralston house u now open. Lessons not limited. Ladies are invited to call and examine the svs'em. When Baby was siefc, we cave her Caetorla. Wins ska wse a Child, she cried tor Castoria, When aha bteaass Hies, she clung to Castoria. she ka OhDdrcn, she gave them Castoria. Fli?3ii Block, ALBANY, OREQOW i KxauPs.1. Tt.t ?- fur American o"Dsun.ptiou & it, foiiiln in Citi-i iy Euro pn expert-, l-o .rt lt rl "tt'i tnfter, Th ercjcl'.iio-tiAit r. nu h.-trv for tha fact thtt in a ffw jfr th-v Iiath tu iiye up their laorttivA rtiit,u n with MltAtte'fd oort ttitntioLH, The ui-heAirMu'us. oi he id al teration .M mim r oui iriiw Tik,r eti not b mora Mfrxrglv vat. Beech' -t T ore m ehiUkeoJ. KornU SjrAlUn ? () 1 . 1 1 i f ; ill I!, :i i is oui jnotto. rarnrA"3rjr;