Jiailu cmocvat. riihiiahml ererr d I. ' T" ' " ITH aw ntrr-d Uli I'M.t () at AIhn T "'""""I ' mail miutr. (777 opriciAi. FAPiii JfOOD -B3"VBij-iSrG. A H.HUNTIC IJlKK. MiHH 1 II JaiiL'littT of l'rof J'o-ell. t ,... " bllllU prw.l.'iit of the Alhanv coll..,,,., lllld aNo .7.lni r, .,,11,. V '""V"' "?8 "V"0" then hj-iiiK l.re8.(!l!,.t.( the Seattle col-lep.Mi-H IWcll, who had nlroa.lv ob tained a Itooil reputation in Alhanv for elocutionary nttaininentH, ilelwered an aMrexs ol welcome to the famous Vil Urd party. Siihsciueiit events in tl, yonnt! lady career form a fitting 8e.mel .. tlllH ll'CC'tiril Willi Mr VMI....I .. i . ' ,.rty to the cant l'rof 1'owell died, and Mrs lowell with her Hon and two rauKii..-.n neiii 10 .c.w York city to re dds. Himo months after this Mm Vil lard wroto to reporter ot tho l'ont-Iu-telliKoncer, calling attention to the younii lady who nad delivered thegpeech u welcome and aaked for her name and .lid. At that time tho paper was tant; sent hoth to the home of Henry ol Mm IWcll Reference to the nub icrinlion irt disclosed the fact that the WO lillll l H WPrA ll.Mn.. I.. . i8:'.nin two blor-lm r,...rtT wrote Mrs Villard Kivimt her e iweu iiiiormation. She at once itlLMlt tlin Vllimtr jTlKrchaperonaKe. A Mronir friend jiiip ,rniiK tip between Miss IWcll and i illar.l, and together they pursued heir studies in music and German. luuui ti.reo years airo Mixs l'nunll re. liriied to tho 1'acifit! const, nn.l al.nrtlv Inward hecaiiio the wife of Mr Drum i'r,a i prominent hanker of Spokane Her sister is now the wife of l)r UJ.ihnsoa, of thatcitv. Miss I'owell now ahout 'M years of nKB. I'kohatk MATTK.ns.In the matter of i- .Male of Win I'eehler, report of sale of , "I'pmveu. riniil account "t-"'liy. December Slh iSoi, at i " clock p m, fixed as the dale for hear I lie ha me. In the matter of the application of Wm ....... u hi ine .... .,....,. ,,c nilK ml tt,nme(i 'n ' oe nmtier of Hie estate of Maria .., acceptance of ijmr.lian ad litem l. AnsutTnliinnrill.ni:i..j i . h , -- ... K man mru jim oruer f sale as prave.l for. lnlhe matter of the nom.. ,.i . Nellie I nnm -linn In. anil appraisement lil.-.l ' ne mnttfr .f ..... tii. i "."mc in miian rsn. a nn iu.....i ii . t. ' - '"""in i tiui ii.ujie l'ec. Hon ( I Ul..i i citv ' """' '" "'"'. in he lhedty!orr,,aWl,'''-d'a" " ..-!hef-rl,,''',l'", okXZJW!. ".I"'','u "d Mr earl, , I' ,tlm'.rt" iimuiunv. I'ollfiU'llti acn ll. -v . lb. n. Mil" l"";' !"',' Mis-.; iV .. if '".rr,H' KM Kiner N.! o 'm '"hi :8H.A ,'-."'th, Mis, MissKKeVn- d-M-l, ni; Miss K Irvine, Mrs (;w Sears Mrs K &rii:.t'i". fiM Mr. 1 w in ,.Vravv '"-J w a n. Akin M i v" ' .Mi I" Mrs K l,1.O.',,!r80'. -KUrimore. Oil Ia t Kied''T";.'-'-''"''', Knrliin.i V, -cariann, u Mc- 111 A ,r ,,1.k,",B' Ll M,'-er, W Camp t.' A J,.9"rotlle". M J iJcnny. J C Lit ir m V. ,, ' ,lnK .-0 W Sears I) Newport, '"""i " strgng, N M opp with A Darkey. Three o-ct-ks nt;o Lillian Youne aucd about 11. fU I iik rtt. u-l. ,u . .. , v. n,1B 'HI niTOUtlt of htr rntl,. s- ...tl.l -kipped out with George White a . """iu, n uric dm a Whtfl mnn u-t.n ..-.s, j , . ' , ,".. nuBCIIdlllUrCU ie IAir 1,1 Din lin I i l. . keen lir l-'mm th,. k ' - nicy wcni lotitiK mother, now a resident nf ills, hrith ti.-rrtt.-c u-a- . .. j .Smith, and will be taken in iv.. for trial. TUu lt.,i... .... .1..,. i ruicr rested. TKUAKY SfM'lli'TV Tl"pim.i A !. "-r.ii.iu. .It HIC try sot'iotvol the nublmnr.mnl- Pill iii.' t.fin nupfliinn mvi,:,.i. :.. evil, UltLMllDernilfA or wnr " ao 1. Ami nn infurti.!.. l... W MilN.nil IM :..l ft . 7 Hi to wiftl ln,n-lfn,l nMnn:.... ""v itHumiiii. ne presented some fantu that. alinnU Nearly Drownkd. This noon on quitting worVou t!1e pile driver Mr A S Miller the aHsintant Rupeiintendant, Doc Love, C Vf McDonnell, Ed Stone, Frank Mauh and Mr Aiken Maned acoss the river to their dinner In a boat; with four oars tJn account of a miiin.in-,ii the oarsman thev run auain-t a pile driven; In Ihm Eutift " . i ' . I ... .... . ,, were oveiturne-J.l Imo of the men rlnm tn ii.A n .....I swam to the shore at once. Mr Miller over 70 year, of ane, had a struifijle; but beinu cool headed swam ashore. Mr Love was swept into deep water ond towards the Aljanv shore Hm .....1 . .1 struile; but beKan stranuling, and was sinklni; the third time when a man in a boat reached him just in time to save his life. All the men were given dry clothing, toa -ted at wirin fires, and are iloin; well- Stolen from a Leiih.von Mas. 1V1 account was idi-cn a lew davs n,o nf men being arresjed by Sh. riff Croisan, of ....., iw sieaung n team of litrses In I-ane county. When arrested thev had two nKs. On Friday night Mr William , v,. i,cm,OI1 precinct, nan a hack, harness nml hn r..l. .1 .1 . i' ""icii.u c uescrinuon of which was that of the outfit found, and i,,c ume wnen ,ne thieves would have passed that viav, Mr Royce went to Salem this noon' to claim his property. n:iis WIIKAT. 8'.CKT. this full !.' .". v "'r-w tour tunes account of 1 , l'a l" el0P " ' ' HIM H. A .frinilti.il i..n . will, or. - ""Weil n Salem rms T . : . . , I",wlpr in tils ' " ieji lor a lecturer. IWOIllV- Vn ..... . . . ..,, , i" ' " "i increase in total iliout that the mo hihVi, r.: r.: ore,M, ; ,,ie ti,e " r. v.. :ieu. journal. Tlic mi. t . I r. s,,uth,: ' ? l "y ahout 1.10. hhVV r, .V'".1"'?" .. , ' ''v''l""""lrlHImfl V. 'I-lip 1.. r.TK 1.!? .'"'. .Francisco ra tV , A 'SI" "'" . "eaveraKe the ,, i " "Aliuny over hi.nii;,:. 1 ruwu scents per The Yakima I),,.,.. 11:.. ., GervaiJ v i; . . ." 1 ? 'e?r els or noUtoeT " ,.) ."" or Irri . n. i.. , 'tuoui rain 1.r i,V f I"'tat''e8 were eo to the r, : M,""8 ,ait?n Tl.o '"oBi(tiien 111 pounds. 1116 notatmia u'nra ... .11 1 .. i7.j,. .n 1 i per ton, HUflK 4V AHHO.iO Akkestkii fob Fokgikv. Last evening a man giving hid name na rim Sinno and claiming to have just come from a ""p 0,1 inu r-antinni, appeared at the hxchange hotel and eliecktojas Murray lor $27, Baying he bad gotten in too late (or the hanks. It was rill Mm (li-i.it.Mt l.n..L f r ..... . -'h",i i.ini". i'.i murray, iiiniKiiiH n was ail right, gave him f.i .....vi, iciupcii uiiyiuing iur- tlier, as lie began to Biisneel. ..).. r-iouu was watcneu, and on theebeek lieinv r..fn.l n, i... 1 1. nriesien lor lorgeiv. and. wo nrn ill. n iini-ii, aiimuie.i ins guilt. He was Placed 111 1:111 nit. I, ,1.1 n,,i 1,,..... ..... , ...... ..v.. uttll men at press time. Th.. W llnr..tt., .hi. four fect alinve hiw waturm.rk. waa juet Hivn U noticed that Allen Rrn. r eery store is always lull of fruits, vege tames, eic, 1 te very Intest in the mar ket. If there is anything to ha had the J Applet, liranes. Cranberries. Oranges, Lemons, l'igs Feet, Cabbages, Turnips, Cauliflower. Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Celery, CTI0N Rl.Mcriiiv Th. :!. ....... in, ,i.i..i;iia lien elected at the Junction election jws : Mayor.F A Sayl.ir, iieihneii. S I' (lillimri.. II Hin.,1.. I'll'Jlllll T I '. - . 'iiiiti , .p j ii'i'ii'r; ... iiiTiii-; iiiarsnaij v imik. Km tiiu ll.... t. t. 11 1 - "1.31. 11 is a wen Known "ii. n Biviii.il run oi 'lade to ntrlrr nn kIi.ln..ni Iain's n;int.. .1 . . . . " my iicparuneni, unner ' h A Schlfller. He has fine ....in mm ulnars incm mannsr to give general aatisfac- Chnrlra li T i.:j - en st i.:i. l.i..- r7. . . . " "iTOOBiin are ine uest in tne Call t A HVfnIl.i.. . a them l.i fnro ....!.-. : Sauor Kraut, Beet's! Rsaii ! Who ! F. K. Alls. Whv U.'B l,..nJ w ...... 1. L .. ..j " emu ..no know, uas you should nut just give him a call. opposite the Ma'nnic Tetnule, and von will find it tho luwuti 1..1 niiy 'ikiu iresii groaerios enflnp. NoTI.'K. The liexl Inretilicrnf tlin T inn county alliance meets on Friday, before Tile An.'nnil arnn nv 111 nv at Knm n. 10 o'clock a in. All unions are requested to be represented ns matter., nf imnnri. ance are to he transacted. Hv order of me 1'iirnnn'iii. 1 J1 IUINKER8. HAKKIKI). CHAMBERS DAVIS X.w. ih 1S91, at the Presbvtcrian Manse, by Rev b K I'r chard. Mr KHur.ird Phnmkar. ..j Miss Millie Davis. The happy couple de parted on the noon train for Portland. Buckwheat Cakes. The old way of settine to raise over niVht bv the SC Of VAlol ..t- T I . . ' -...w ,u w uiscg wu 11111. jvl tticic was tuways ell founded susnirinn fhaf biil-mtinot ot-ao mA ; at mnn . . . s10 luuijjesiiDte ana unwnoiesome, Decause tIle clemical actioa that takes olace. so alters the flour m its . iS.um cnaracier. tnat tne sounntr or decornoosmtr eSS Continues in the stom.ipri.- fnllnmpA hv OdUn,!.-., . ' ,r-r "uwuica, Th ne -ew Way does nwav mi'tri All frmnt.iti'nn snnrinrr C. an J . ' ' " places upon the table smolrinrr hot bnrtwheat cakes theminUtS r leSS" Dr- Pricc's Cream Bakin- pwder 0 element that Sllnnrcoli1 thn mrf hnrlo Rllr-lr. 'eat an,1 i, . . uu jrnaaic Cn,.., mo, ,vl-tT, r)r Price's Pnwrlrr only CXCCCdinp-lv liVlir nnrl r1rHpinns but c.in be , . voi,uPiics anci invalids with impunity, ur. f rices s tho only baking powder cautainin,' the whites of 3. The vrrrna i..ili,n ..r . . ... . t .iMc ui iiroiieriy in wasti ineton enmity ,'..'. .. .. ... , f,.n,mo in lsyi a line alow. ing. In Orant and Malheur tho ment wh, iWuiiun 'ri. 1 . -. iiie gross vaiue 01 property in Marion county is U ,670.820 irdehte. ness 3 ten n' IBSR ni7 Ti.. .'1' ?""P""n, imuu ui real estate mort- sufin i mat county is fl,4tia,2io. There crated in tho Albany public school, which il much tha lii., mt ..-.i i 1 ..w...,.uva ever naa at thu season r,f the year. Owine to the fact "" re out on acvnniit . f sickness and inasaii tne seata huvn i..,r t.u l.unn .i 'he-e is still rnntn f..i. .tn.., 1 1 j more pupils. There ar- many childrea who are noi onen m.i 1..... ... .., w.Miii, uci i,e in school. l,ood sehnnlinu h..lti. ;nn.b:nn. unmrciuzensnip, by improving the social, uterarv and mnml f..-.t ,1 j ,.f ....;.,. n.... niinds make the bst nun nd womeD; therefore it is a wise iihi to ko p the child ren at work or in ach.K I. In view nf flu. rn.nlu..,:..n r -.... r.. sell, m Mas..achusettH.the following from ... .u.m 1.,ius, 01 .-sew York City, a purely society journal, is o'. interest: I think young Governor Kussell must be re-elected over in Massachusetts. He lias been a brilliant success in the nd nmiistration just ended, and even the black republicans .if Yc,.. v...,i 1 .i. . ., , , " ..iiHiauu, woo are the blackest republicans on earth can aay nothing worse of him than that tie IB A fpiiimrfil 1 ..1 . 7 iiti jiieuHure in congratulating Massachusetts, and more '"'""""f iostnn, on inu clearheaded ness and eleun nnil.li;.. II. .i: 1 . " iimb iiie.overeo and .imported a bright, honest and in- .iimciii young lenow nae Kussell. For bargains in nionntiienf., heaiii-tones etc. .goto E W Acliis.iriv,,rt!iany,0regoii The bestrnaM coffee in tie citv iiloyrr a. at Coma Duh't go to the trouble nf rnnninn oil over the city, but go directly to Conn 4 Ilendrieson's and (jet what you want in tllA CltlU'KkV lino ..!. - ..... . . ."..v. J.IICI, aiuea IS large and well-selected. Fresh produce and fruits can always bo secured at their stands at tbn lnu-ttut v. .. . good goods and prompt attention. In crockery, glaBsware, lamps, etc., they are ,,s a ul)s ru. 0 ueUer place Fresh crisp onlery at Allen Bros, A IllH ilia nf 1 .... ..! ...I .. u r. ... , x.a. n .an, lUlMIXUI, T Et All I hula of choice eatiujj and cooking Tho Tostal Telrgra.ih otiice will dow be fouod in th wtrahaD Block. .unnhed wHh' ilZlZtZ""10" VXJrh J !. "e. r. K ' Juur y against iiieae lactB i-Mu wnen you want orac- thin ftiVAet If i u-jf, ui-piQ ivrup. ..to. ceivedoneverv at;:: ;., .""u. "- ow.-W HcPherson ha. r.- r. .....'. ...ii. moved h a limn .nj !n. is... .. item w H.i . .1 ., . . ------ ....u.i-iw vuii, ,n Tk.-i . preaen ino annul opposite the Mason c temnle wbara So" ?:r ;rrr ,n tho Ba","t & " I on Albany real estate. ". , win prracn ,n ine lOD- grogational church of this city next Sab lb mnrnina .... : uu oiomuj, It Lf nhftrmtin aa-K. .1 .. .v.uuuv u. uuiy vuuiiiv nlartr ha. k 1 . T . , ' e'Rea county clerk, toauo , The funeral erviootof Capt F J Babcock tit fwaA at aL. 11 . s ..,.. bile onureuoDai otturch in Salem lhia ftomn .f o 'i i. o i -v-uuuu irom Albany. -Ur Thompgon, of Sa i Franciico. C Secretary V r the 'Pacific Coast of the w . r0Dw Uuion.wiU preach in the M K Church nat - . 1. - a L. -a. tl . . i "u oauuam aii j i a m, inn address a grand mass meeting in the M E church at. 7 l n . I ne Inffram mitr- w r morro., at 9 o'clock, but it is nrobalile noth ing will be done before 1 o'nlock. The east i DAuiLiiiir nil Aral i n fvu . .- . l rj n . utiggii, RUU IttlUB Bll tlience will undoubtedly be present. The wrni i an imtmrtn .;- i a it I .7. nuuvu w reacu Aioany frnm rVIifnc-i.. ' Will & Stark, t jewelern, Freah roasted coleet at F K AHen'a. KeD Tour eves onen for h.r.In. P F Allen's. I v-iii Bitvars IUU IClSBOrS. Ladies Oxford tie at (jreatly reduced rates at Klein Broi. Must be Bold. A larivA lino f .-i - n- -- -a mit i KUM WSUS 1U """J vrays si win tXOtarHS. All kinds of farmers produce taken in ex mi-UK- iur Krocenea as P . Allen . Uh! Ladien. look hp! Jt f.i f c p a 1 1 ' r nt r si fi.cu iur cents. ' " . ..... too U. U8 UU '' "'cmii, uuyiog eisewncre. bilk umbrellas in natural wool hanHUa cicap a: trench s Jewelry store. Vou O Pit vnnr m innu). wArlh O ... ..... . u r,.., nuou JfVU buy Bilk umbrellas at Kiench's, The finest linn of picture frames ever in A !..... a. C a. B. T i -iu--jr uriuHjier ex irviug s E W Achifinn A-rV ... lir,,. " -...B u.uumuiuil ni (Ufiiuua prices The verv Infont ntulna nr1 :.. i-U. millirery line juat received atlthe Misses U.ll'o ('..!! .1 l an 0. vitiittUU BfO ilieill. W W DflVIR ia nnm in s.Vi. . tl T 1 w . .- au Viltsi Ml liih IIHI ntonlco rpFtfturant. Mcn.a --4ii - oysters, freh. Even thine first-lflR . TWirlei-llu tlm Umotr ... At.: j. j .... .(kuuv u viiu.v:7Bii variety nf foa irt tnnm ia . r t' D 111 r. unu ,a bi v ii urtHVDein. nun dried, haskefc fir.rl nrn liln r,.i;ru "IWI.U91 V. filtrtOf. Tr.17a.lA-J I Jl 1. v ...i.iiDuii mr Biiie,y, nni' uesa. whins, robe, all Uinils of hnri i..,k. For firat.elasa mnli nil rst tanrant. tveivthine daintv and m.t iMeala, 25 centa. Bnatd and lodging J4.50 IC luc,, Cases op DasTiTUTios ahould be re ported to Mr Walter Montelth In the Flrat Ward, Mrs Ur Kelley In the Second and MreC W Seart in the Third, and hey will be promptly attended. Any clothing left with them will he put to good use. LARGEST -:- ASSORTMENT or HEATING STOVES. AT MATTHEWS k WASHBURN'S With hia nw 1..1. ..... n j Li ir ij V -r aieyer ableto ofTeroldaBdnew cnatomer. every thiol firate ua in k.k.a J. ' " vu kwiiui. "That is th first READY MADE suit I have worn for Twelve Years," sa'd a Dromin.ut bnni . nfss man the otlter daj, as lie walked out of the tore of T. L. "Wallapa ,t Or. n r.r -. w. -A vx tiiviSy handsome patterns and richly tailored garments. under hisjarm. A Perfect Fit is Guaranteed. CLOTHING tSBBX No matter what shape the man, bo he long and slim or enni'f onI c-r..-.f .... l . . . -, . . ANY and ALL. 4 A Larce and Beautifn1 T.i'n f OvercDats, Macintosh and Rubber Goods. Men's, Young Men's and Boys Clothing, Furnish ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. A Complete Line of BOOTS and SHOES. Fine Umbrellas, New and Novel Neckwear, Latest Stylos in Hats. I, . , .,. " 6 anu uiunieie anu se- Jeeted with a view to please those who wffer with cold in I " . , X V T 1 II Mill I I I I V II. MB VAfrriXHa -... 1 1 Sav that OUr d.-lll-r lnorcno- J,-. aol. . 1. ...i.r i.i . v. -tw , cairs Biiajuiv voiunjes.aitno2n wo make no nretpnuirt-n ir. cr,n i.,. , ' , tlian any other. " w ,0pi cneaPer We heliere in strict!- ONtt pt?tpt n -.i iu an aim marlce til our goods in Plain Figures. have When the ballots are counted, The public will find That our great store isn't Running behind; It is always a winner, We want you to note. No matter what ticket Or system you vote. ifciM4i4A. You won't want to go behind the returns tliot r,; for your mouey, We know what the people want and know where-to get the CLOTHING to supply them. In clothing we keep in front; we are away out of view. L. E. BLAIN, -h- T. L. WALLACE & CO. Leading Clothien and Furnishia F I mama Subscription agent for all tl the leading Dfl Cirillnn i . B.-&UllflUlll nkWS & MAGAZINES ing periodiclcs received at the ..ublior. ! T ad' except theWineator" and reS r X" Youth's' Companion" winch are 10 nnnto i.'. . . - UU1 8 the grocery store noar the poston Aibanyn:"0' " ALBANY, OREGON.