Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 04, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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KO 153
scrofulous humor
in tho blood,
ulcers, catarrh, and
Aycr's Sarsaparilla
The most
safe, speedy, and
effective of all
Has Cured Others
will euro you.
..u air ngntn Utr XV. I. DmiBlntt i
lor mle In your plum nmU
A nlrr t Mml l"r rtiliiloBiii'f uwu
b rmr
r (be
i i a m iuiil'-HM U wllh mi ItickB ur win thmul
lo-Lurl tvfl: i.in1 r lr. iMt line air. sly
't ... i. .m Mnlr Mir iliial nf till
IfatU tl.nn -my . r manttu--fwrer, H ,uaJ tanl
ibi. hIkw fwr olT.nd for V"; uqimM i-roni
ii;U'-irt 1 Hli'K-i which ml ii.u'in .
'JiH - .... i iw.irrf Kbm. II hp calf.
2 Btyllsh. ruirirortKhlf nml duralirV. Tin- tn't
aim- ever olTt-rVil lit thin pflrf ; nunir (frailo at CUB-
O roiici 1711 -. .." '..:. V,T1 "T.ii
tli itirfM, lit uTy tliffe nulM, uxtv
Aa ii.... 1,... If r.rU.'i- HhH ATpr AfTornrl at
Call and see what a stock of
Fancy Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
IDrcss Goods,
We have to select from. Our stock is not only the largest
but the cheapest ever shown in Albany.
loaning Powtr.- P. f. Oor't Report, Aug. ij,
Chicago, Nor 3. WUh the exception of
two candidates, the complete return, show the
republican! made a clean iweep today in tne
city and county. The two exceptions are L
M Cooler, the democratic candidate lor drain
age trustee, and Bibcock, the democratic
candidate for county superintendent of schools
For the first time in many years the lepuDIi
cans secured absolute control of the county.
board, not a single democratic candidat pull -
ing through. 1 he republican majorities range
from 3000 to, against 897 in the last
county election.
Democrat Ahead.
have just placed on sale a complete assortment of
cloaks ana jackets, in both cloth and plush
goods, plain and fur trimmed.
F. M. French keeps railroad time.
Buy youiiroceries of Parker Bros
New cream cheese just received at Conrad
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled'5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's,
A l.vr:re stock of wall naner. with late de
signs, at Fortmiller t Irvin's,just received.
Have you seon those parlor suits that T
Brink has just received? They are nice.
J W Bentley, best boot and shoe maker in
city, three doors north of Democrat office.
E W Aehison & Co handle the celebrated
Portland cement walls for -semetery lots.
These walls can be furnished at half the cost
of any other and are far superior.
Dr M II E'llis, physician and surgeon, ' publican. Ohio legislature stronglv retrnb-
Albanv. Oregon. Calls made In city or I lion. A'asaacbunetts, Iowa ana new lor
country. I legislatures iu doubt,
Ladies ean do their shopping in San Iran- New YoltK, Nov 4 Democrats ehim
ciseo without visiting tbo city, and without J um. , . miritv.'the senate is
extra commission. M ss h J narrows y r , ... ';'.!,;.,. 'i' , . Mfc
, p.VUMU.J .
maioritv on Joint ballots, iteiurns nw
Boston, Nov 3 Cov Russell, dem, esti
mates his majority at 5000. Corcoran, dem, for
lieutenant governor, is confident of his own
election. The Journal and Advertiser, both
republican, concede Russell's election.
Lincoln. Neb Nov 3 Meager returni
indicate that Post, Kep, will go out of the
:ounly with nearly 20,000 piuraii'y over
Kdgarton, Ind. Returns from all over the
state indicate that Post is running slightly
ahead of his ticket.
Poktlaxd, Nov 4. Results o far show
that Flower of N.Y. , McKinley of Ohio,
Biiies of Iowa and Russell, of Mass., are
elected. The majorities are: Flower, 40.000
McKinlev, 20,000; Russell, (,000; Boies,
6 000. Pennsylvania goes republican, New
Toik legislature is in doubt,
Poutlanu, Nov 4 NewJersoy is dem
ocratic by a largo majority . Pennsylvania
epubhean bv 50.000.
Republican congressman elected in South
Dakota by a larse majority. Colorado
chasing aieut, 1053 Grove St, Oakland,
Pattonize home industry aud buy haud
mide haucs, warranted, fom 0 C .Mo
t' Dubrullles old Hand.
Go lo 3 V Co'nb. successor to Paisley Si
Smii, Fliim Block, for y iurj .b printing
?f ad kinds.
Trenton, N J, Nov 3. New Jersey
complete gives the following results:
Kep uem.
Senate 5 16
Assembly 21 41
Joint ballot 26 56
Boston, Nov 3. The ri turns are slow
in coming in. The returns up to midnight
show democratic gains which will elect RusseU
by 3000 to 5000.
Richmond, Va, Nov 3 Scattering returns
indicate the election of democrats to the
house from Brunswick and Dinwiddle counties
which were republican in the last legislature.
The democrats have elected II out of 19 state
senators and 70 out of 100 members of the
We want your trade and we feel confidim' we can sav
you money.
?nJ 1I1U uiln: i.IH. Irlnl will rnnvlni
nliu watil atOn"" f'T ronifnrl lUlrt wrlr.
-.1- . . 1 .. nil tl'.rlilnirmnil'H
S.iri' vi rr lr,,iiK 111.. I ilurul.V. Tliixe wild
iTlM- lv,.n tin-ill 11 trlitl will wt'or nc, olhi-r nutlip.
KOyS wu'ru l,yllii-boyi v. r)l"-"". th.- I.ll
. MitU.Tr nurlK, III'1 IncrfiKlim rnilw show.
Q I e S 1 1. .in;. il. .-ri Mi luh ; .iiiala t rencli
f,,rt.-,t Hlim-HCMHtlmifrom $4. tSr.,t.
H..IO. i.ll nml .l
iffi.-. nri, the lnl lln lloliilnla. Myll jn II"" "" ""JJ;
lln. t niu """'""
re stampeil on the lotu,m nt -arb
pi in
rlc ui
J. A. Cummin?.
Wall Paper,
Cilaws, lite.,
Julius Gradwolil's Bazaar
The very latest news is that you can buy at JULIUS
GB ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows:
. 1.00
Star Bakery
CorBrorsilalbln Flint SfH,
16 lbs. Granulated Sugar
1Q lKa Pvtra fl RllfVflr
No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon -25
5 Gallons Good Pickles n
20 lbs. No. Savon Soap
A Complete Hanging Lamp
Wholesalo price of sugar -100 lbs extr C, 5; 100 ibs gianulated, $.
T will mnduot a strict cash store, and all goods will b sold for net oash from li)
I will eonnuoi a '-'-" Z,.- ohinawarn. fanov sroods. and
to J5 par cent less tnan reKu r V-- "J - rooerl(8 , crook.
iking powder, ana always pi-iwo mjr vv,...
My display of new toys ana noven.. j
stiver brought to Albany. , I
Hii dinp rhotograiihersa any Oregon.
We have bouiht all thenegativi smade by
L V Clark and W H Greerood up to Nov
lrlili 1SS). Dunlicati-s can be had from
hem only of ns at reduced lates. vve nave
also about 1S.O0O negatives made by our
selves, from which duplicates can be had at
llketas. We carry the omy full line of
v.ewi 01 this aiate auu uueuiAigiu r
lnro:f. r&tflR for first class work. W e shall be
pleased to see yon at our arnuio 10
block, nextdoorto Masonic femple.
t ure r Spinal WeakneKS.
E F Woolstoo, Yater, OrlensJCo., N. Y
writes: "Mv wife, five years ago, was con
fined to her bed with intUmmatoiy rheuma-ti-m
of tho muscles of the back. The doc
tors thojghther case hcpelets, and doomed
her to be a bedridden invalid. The violent
int h awake almost every night.
She lost oyer thirty peuads in weight. To
ease her pain I thought I would put ou
A'.lcock's Porous Plasters. 1 covert a ner
k,,ii with tlnm. Tnmv creat deliirht she
becan to sleep well. The pam very uiucn
.v,t. ;n .nr weak. I then took the u'as
(T uti.j hor hack, and Dot on f ieh
, - . , -
ones. At the end 01 ine aecoa wa, o
insiated on getfrg np, and by tne iniro
week was entirely well and able to attend
to her bonsehoid duties.
Iowa and MafsachllFetts legislatures to be
in doubt.
Baltimore. M I Nov 4. Brown for gov
ernor and the entire democratic state ticket
is elected by about 33,000. The senate will
be: democrals, 19, republicans, 7. The
bouse will be democratic by not less than
thirty majority. One hundred and twenty
lour out of the 128 election districts in Bnl
timore citv give Lalrobe for major 99,846,
and warhel l (1,159. LatroDe ami ine ennre
democratic ticket willhave about 6000 majority
Richmond, Va Nov 4. At 1:40 a m the
the democrats claim every senatorial district
in the state. The democrats will have at
least four fifths of the house. The nlliance
have two candidates, and one "stra'ght ont'
republican has been elected.
Canned rrtU
Or led Fruitx,
CaonM itlit
l,it.,.-loorytl....K that Is k.Mit h. a teneral
v.iriely ami itsieery mr, lliclioiv
market price iiU
to Crowd then
this rear will be the
us sjirnuwoiu.
r .,ti. Ovfnrd ties at Klein Bros. Cheap
est io the eity. Will be sold at greatly re-
auced rates.
The Dsmoctcat will exenauge a sewin,
Biscbiu of any make deairJ, except one or
we. for some oak erub wood ana pari easn;
or will consider other propositions x any
ae deelring a new saachiae
A fine line oflcrockery ware at Conn &
I Qendncsju s.
V,,H -tha extra hollo Krnuid rijorr
used by barbers are sold by Stawart it Snx.
New York. Nov 3. Complete relurns
Elmira City. Fasteti's home, show a plurality
for Flower of 504.
An Associated press bulletin ni 11 o ciock
tonight says: Election returns from all parts
f Ihe state show that rassett s maiomy in
the fifty-five couties north of the Harlem
river will not exceed that ol Davenport in 1885
hich was 49,271. Flower s majority soum
of the Harlem river will be about 72,000,
Returns indicate a republican gain otwo
in the senate, and four in the assembly.
It is estimated that r lower will pass nariem
river with over 70,000 plurality. It is not
thought Fassetl will have more than 40,000
bove Harlem river wnicn win mane r ioe.
majority about 30,000,
Cincinnati, Nov 3. At midnight Camp-
V..1I ronredes McKinlev's election by 15,000.
The chairman of the republican state cenirai
comn.iltee a. 1:45 a m claims the state by
Irom 19,000 to, anil the general as
semblv from ti to on joint ballot. The
republicans have carried an me ciose cuun.ra
far th lmclature.
" . 1 I-
Thj. .lmnrr,tir rommillCC conccucs in.-
Kinley's by lo.oon , and a republican legis
i,t, f,.Kin!n's r.lurali'.v will "e mater-
i-,llv inrm.neri. and will no doubt exceed
Des moines, Nov 3. Returni throughout
the state indicate that Boies Is c'.e:ted by a
reduce) pluralilv. The vote however will
be verv and the dem-icialic 1 lurahty
will not likely be more than aooo.
Philadelphia, Nov 3 Philadelphia
complete l ives G-egg (Rep) for auditor gen-1
-ml 18 t-6 nluralitv. Two thirds of the'
ntc. out: i ie cf Philadelphia, gives Gregg
A slilnvvrerk
Astoria, Or Nov 3 Twenty days ago
the splcnded iron ship Strathblane set sail
fiom llsnlula for Portland with a rrew of
thirty, all tohl, and two passengers. Tonight,
all that remains of Ihe ship is a battered and
broked hull, pounding to pieces ir. a leanu
surf on North Beach, about midway between
Loomis and Eas'erbiook, nine miles north of
Cape Disappointment. At Ilwaco, bruised
and i.loody by the terrible action of the waves,
are the dead bodies of Captain Thomas Cut
hill, L JIcLeod, carpenter; Kicnara Mugnes,
seaman, and Thomas Hunter, cook. The
body ol the passenger, Mr Lewis, ha9 not yet
been recovered. All the rest of the crew are
safe, althcugh severjl of them received pret
ty roush treatment, and sustained a great
many "ruises bef 'to they reached tne shore.
Two of the apprentices being seriously ill at
Mr Loomis house. The rescued memiwrs
of the crew were taken to Ilwaco, and wilt
be brought to the city tomorrow.
h ml lX
first class
Whereto Get Them. When wanting
n nriran or plana call on G L Blackma n
rh -e you can 6eler.t from
Parker Urns,
r.,,.. n.Viiv not hem as 01111 p
it,, wfir n tnev are now. can ana e
bargains Rd h is.
for infants and Childresv
liile trying
store, where they nlwai have on nanu
h,. ue.,nei rk.nuihol Portland, ot
Kitles ana onui
l t . 1 in nrnveil
.,n.. n l...ninnsa atom Ol I
jMcrlntion : Tents,
Hntr,tr,.cks, Camp Chairs and thousands
"I Cher things too numerous to mention
rt.f' Shop
in n. m-ction with the Store, and one of
? e l.-t workmen In the Stale lo do any
mi! a:! hinds ot work.
Cnv one Prime al. No rouble to
'how l ocds "Small prtfit and nuick
I recoram.'nd It a. superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Aacnxa, M. B.,
Ill So. Oxiord St., Brooklyn, H. T.
Th use of ' CiwtorlA is so universal and
1. , nSriuso well known tht it soenia a work
within easy reach MiTTK p.!)..
Ijite Pastor Bloomlugdale Eotormed Church.
Cutorla cores Colic. Constlpatlm,
pour Bioinocn, yiiu', ' .,
KJlla Wornia, gives Bleep, and promotes dl.
WlUiuut iajurlous medioatioa.
. v 1 r V.ATA recommended
jour Caatoria, aad shall always continue to
5oso as it has inTariably produced beneficial
Eowik T. Paanas, M. v.,
Th Wintkron." ISStk BSreet and Tth Ave.,
TUe Albany Market.
Wheat, 82 twits per buahe!,
oata, 81 " " "
Butter, 5 cents pur in.
i "otaioes. .vi wnv f - '
1 1 1 A 19 n.nil Dir
Bacin-Hams. 12 cents; alia', 11 ov-.t.;
ehoJldr, 11 BBiiii,
Ref on its.. 2 W .
Pork, dressau, o iwhu, r
Flaur, o por narrei.
To Tea Drinkers. Probably
three fourths of the teas consumed
are "Green Teas " Unpleasant
as the face may be, the bright,
shiny green so familiar tn us all
Is not the natural color, but is due
to the facing or glazing of the tea
. with Prussian blue. Indigo and
other mineral colors.
That coloring hides the effects
of poor teas is undoubted ; but is
it healthful, and does It not call
loudly for the importation of a
brano of pure, uncolored, unman
lpulated tea?
It was this condition of affairs
that prompted the placing of
Beech's Tea before the public
Being the absolutely pure, un
colored leaf it Is different in color
from any you ever used. It draws
a canary color of a delightful
fragrance that is a revelation to
e drinkers, nnd its purity makes
it more economical than the arti
ficial teas, less of it being required
per cup. Sold only in packages.
60 cents per pout d. Ask for
Beech's Tea, pure as childhood,
foi sale by Allen Bros., Flinn
block, Albanv.
ii ,1 urn 1 v. Morrison in pi ""
'rer.'.U'i.T "AS about ine same, wni.c ;.-,vM.j
for el'y iivafurcr. has over 20,000 majority,
Ten'. . Kan Nov 3 It is eviden' at this
iTisr ill p m) that that there has been repuh
.-..,., in rve-v countv in the stale. Th
,'.-,iV : -.-.I the farmer's allian.-e p-irty has
I,'-. , 1 r, ,,.',. is verified. T..e retmblicans
Vwcnui.-.. a majority of the counties
IT.'ll .1'J'
Ntice to Ladiku. My cloaks have
now arrived and I am enabled togive the
ladies of Albany bargains in fall and
winter cloaks for n few days only. I wi'.l
have at mv store a sample of every stylo
of sealetta" and cloth cloaks or jackets
made by one of the largest Eastern
manufacturers. Tlicy comprife all the
novelties nt the season. These goods
will be in the store for a few days onl v
and will be sold at wholesale prices. Call
early and secure the best selection.
G W Smpkon.
N;.ti-i i
public .:x
mU'H-;. w
! iWi''
(.IV,'..', '
. Hcliera' Kxamlnalloa.
mroby given that lbs r'iruiar
.tina'ion of taanher-i. for t.lnn
r uke p aoa la Aibmy,
- n Wodnesdsy. N v. 1-V.h. at
. an I nnntin je until Friday
IS h All tea. hers must
v ,s i.risent at tho li ui nf e ira-
' . : no one will b admitted
v.t.n niitioa wb) Is not r-resont.
Countv School Mnpt
For Sale. Twenty-four acre tract of
land, n'l In cultivation, suitable for prune
orchard, $45 per acre. Inquire 011 prem
ises ol V. m bt John, 4 m.les west ot ian
gent. School. TheKelloggscrrao
of dres-. cutting at corner of Virstand
Baker In the Ralston house u now open.
Lessons not limited. Ladles are invited
to call and examine the sys-em.
TBI CrxTium Coin-iitr,
, n Kisuf 8raaCT, Ka Toaa.
w . 1
A ! L
VTbeo Baby was licit, we gave her Castorla,
Wkta ska ra a Child, she cried for Oaatoria.
When aha baeame Was, she elung to Castorla.
Warn she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
It you want the best
-a 11 e
and most duraoie iurui
ture that is manufactur
ed in the city go to
'Flinn Block
. -.: :.:.. JANTITIES,
tin Exaupi.B Ttic i'l'rt American
ennsnmption ar hoaifh; i" Ch'ni hv Giro-
pean expprtu, hn pm v. Urn 'r t-.tBri,
, Th eDCjr-putli! r. iuK i.'.t firtKfct
ithtin ftfeir ifir tliy h t e've np
their ncrali p.i" nwib htt-I oon
1 utitutiotiB, The in.htntlthfiilnRM nf h adil1.-
terafion tK m;i-r. col. cm r marr cu
not b wore utr-'tiirlr pn. Il-ch Te
par abiMhl.uro Sy AIJa
i I
t : .
it '
is 011. .notto.