II I -I f-.-fl r r av i ik m i iailj gem o nut vol. jtj AllUNr, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1891. NO 152 - v i .11. , FOR SCROFULA scrofulous humor in tho blood, ulcers, catarrh, and consumption, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla The most economical, safe, speedy, and effective of all blood-purifiers. Has Cured Others will cure you. . W. F. READ, IH I VI III hbm mT mniM for W. n.Aw In your ilu ur tlllici nail C7ifl I d"nitr io NfuU fur rm itluirue, nm-uro tue I utffijry, iiiiu it ci iiM-m tnr you. 10" TA H K Ml srilSTITUTK. . WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS ss shoe: cePeVn It ) it Ki-nnili'MM HhM', with no tai t'iliurt tlit fi'1!; mntjit uf the Inn will easy, aixl iWdiMe va mnktt i TH BEST SHOE IN THE WORtQ FOR THE MONEY? tackflor win ttm-uil I nut flnu pair, stilish itkti ttitirr miuH'K iif tttix I p-ltW ttntn any nthrr mnnujiwturer. It eqaulu uuiid ki'Wfil Kliot-H iMtliiii from Sl.ii) Ut AS.rfl. fin OO (Quinine HaiHl-MCwtd, iho finest enlf Hii'tc rvrr (.iTemi ritr stud: eipiaiH r ix-mii j tut iiuuti-iTivi'u wuii rnor, liim mu, r hiviih 1. ci.nir..r(iti)H' ruiu iirarm. 1 no unm iiW vwr olTf-rt'il at (his nricu ; mmiir grado OA cu- tiim ntu'ti' hh'M-H rorttlnic from $,M to DO HI I'ulicw hhui'i aVurmcra, Knllrnmt Men tjiAliile-ta. Minutii IUhM heavy mreo wit, txtt-u- iiui- (mi imir win wt-ikr b vt'tir. 50 flue rnlf n hettr hIioo wr offeriM at till nrlre: ou trial will miivlucu those t want m mIum- for punirort and nerviro. rj 25 11 nil VJ.IMI Workliiainnn'H ihnea arc very Mimn aii'l iliirudlo. Ihuno wba Klvt-ti tin-in n IrlaJ will wror no other nmki'. M-2.IM mill 91.?-? M-htxil shM-i aro UT 9 worn liy Hi1 ljnyHi;vtryvLrt; LhifM-U ruftlii-Tr im-rlta h llix Incrntllii mi I (-it KtlOW. LaOU ICS liotiKola, LTynt)'lUh;i'aabFrtjm;u iiVnirtt il ahix-i niatliir from klf lo (tfi.itV X,ikII'm' V., Ill, K'J.IHf and S1.V "hno for Ul;-jiro (ho iH-it llnuUonola. Ktyllnh and -lurftiilo. lTaiillon.-hH that V. I- Donul iiaiuc uutl n ico uru liiAmpwi on the ikjimuti 01 i-ncn nnoo. w. I ImiIHJLJLH. UruL-bbm. MaM J. A. Camming. Call and see what a stock of Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, lr(osi cry, Wo have to select from. Our stock is not onlv the latest 07 but the cheapest evershown irrAlbany. We have just ulaced 011 sale a ftonmlete nsnv(mnt.': rf cloaks and jackets, in both cloth and plush goods, plain and fur trimmed. (2Mt of aH in Tuning Poww. V. & or't Report, Aug. 17, tt. Bering Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE F. M. French keups railroad time. Buy yourfroceriaa of Parker Bros New cream cheese just received at Conrad Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, A Ur2oc' of wall paper, with late de sipjns, at Fortiniller k Irving s,just received. Have you seen those parlor suits that T Brink has just received? They are nice. J W Bentley, best boot and shoe maker in city, three doors north of Democrat olKce E W Achiaon & Co handle the celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lota. Iheae walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Dr M H Ellis, physician and surgeon. Albany, Oregon, Culls made In ctt or country . Ladies can do their shopping in San Fran cisco without v 131 tin tbe city, and without extra commission. Miss E J B.irrowi 1? r ch-iain? aeut, Grove St, OaklanJ, . Patronize heme industry and buy hand made hnrnesi, warrante-1, from O C Mo l'arl. nd, at DubruUle s old stand. Go lo o W Cobh. successor to Paisley & Smilev, Ftinn Blnplc, for ymrj b printing ?f ail kindb. We want you rnone 3'our trade and we feel eonfiden we can save W. F. EEAD. -5- -:- Oregon Wall Paper Jrtxgr, Paints, Oil Glass, Iiltc, ALBAKY, ORECON Star Bakery I'orRroadalblii and First HIh, Julius GradwoBIs Bazaar The very latest news Is that you can buy at JULIUS GR ADWOHL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: 16 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00 19 lbs. Extra C Sugar 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon 25 5 Gallons Good Pickles 1.00 20 lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 A Complete Hanging Lamp 2.00 Wholesale price of sugar -100 lbs extra C, t; 130 ibs giauulntedi $d. I will conduct a strict cash store, ani all goods will bo sold for net cash from 10 t s ,tit loan than reeular nrioe. Ur stock of Cbinaware, tanoy iroods. ana all the deslrabl, syles of dishes, as well as a general assortment of grocerins, crock ery, lamps and fixtures is complete. 1 make a specUltj of riae tea', coffees and b iking powder, and always pmase my customers, Mv display of new toys and novelties lor the holidays this year will be the finsH over brought to Albany. 1 Julias Gradwobl. I'KOTKCTIO.N PAItADOXES. The protectionists of tins country are just now endeavoring through diplomacy to per sua!e the protection countries of Germany and Francs to lower their duties on certain Amer ican product. The logic of this request is that high duties are ve-y good for this country but very bad fur foreign nations. Our administration boasts of reciprocity treaties which have secred free admission or greatiy reduced duties on many American products going into foreign lands, without abating in return any tax upon imports into this country. The logic of this policy is tiiat it is highly praiswortliy to untax necessaries for foreign peoples. but that it is a patriotic duty to heap still higher the taxes on the necessaries of our own people. The republican stumpers point with pride to cheaper sugar as the result of untaxing it and then claim that soo other articles have been or will be made cheaper by taxing them The logic of this claim is that increasing a burden generally makes the load lighter, Great are the paractoxesof pro'ection. .u i.ding Photographers A any Uregoa. f havebonttht-all thencgatiTC s made by L W Clark and W 11 Greenwood np to Not lath, 18S9. Duplicates can be had from hem onlv of ns at reduced lates. We have also about 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like las. Ve carry the on iy full tine oi vewt of this state aud do enlarge d work at lower trtes for first class work. W e shall be pleaned to see yon at our Studio in Froman's block, nextdoorto Masnnio lempie. IIatb TJ noticed that Allen Bros' gr, eery store is always full of fruits, yeg, tables, etc, fje very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to b bad they have it. reaches, Berries, CabkaRea, turnips, Vim rtat,es. The Dsuovkat will exchanu. a a.wint nisehiritt of any make desir'd, except one or wo, for some nak jfrub wood and part cash; or will consider other propositions A sny e desiring a new snachia The quartets of Irifh leaders are not the argument against ihc right of that people fcr self government that many suppose them to be. Political capacity grows by political ac tivity, lksldes, the votes of a divided people cast ngainst each other are far netter than shillalahs anj. brickbats, which in the era betore voting are the only means of expressing the popolar w ill. Politics really induces po liteness in the long run. In the heat of a political canvass this may not seem so, but we may take comfort in the thought tint ihis strain, if it hid no escape valve, might be far more dangerous than it is. COXRXD MEYER, Proprietor. UKALKK !K 1'aaneU FruilH. :nuw UlushYfiirp. tneeuswr., Dried Frui. VpffelnWe". Tnbacco, fJunrn, Nilgai-, Sph-en. toller, Tea, Ei Etc., lntativorvtl,i; tint In kc;.t In eincnl variuty and e-oc-T7 store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Eh ADAGHE While You Wait," BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. A rlne line ofcrojkery wars at Conn & Hendricsou's. Notice -the extra hollo grouad rasor' used by barbers sr. sold by SUwarl 6: acv. Whereto GbtThem. When wanting mi orean or plana call on O L. Blackman A-he-e you can select from a first class toe. Parker Bros, groocrs. Cottou g'tods have not been a cheap idc. the war as tncy are now. Call and se what bariius V Keadhs, ALLEN WHOLESALE TWO MEN AND ONE BOX FOUND DEAD!! 8S Vhile trying to Crowd theii HFYns: FRilMAN BROS Store, where they alwajs have on hand JPlillll BlOCk. he larcest Stock south of Portland, ot the latest Improved RIHes and Shot Suns: an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every descriptions Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Jteintir Shop In connection with the Store, and one ol ?e best workmen In the State to do any n ad kinds of work. Come one Come al. No rouble to diow coeds "Small prcfit and quick retail grocers iaq TOSACCO. AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, INXARGS OR SMALL "QUANTITIES, IN Tt-i&iK sbASura. ALBANY, OREGON If you want the best and most durable furni ture that is manufactur cd in the city go to THOMAS BRINK'S The Altmiiy Market. Wheat, 82 outs per bushel, Oat, 81 - " " Butter, 25 cents per lb, Egg cants per doz, potatoes, 8) csntt per bushel, lard. II at 12 cents DOT lb. Baem -Hams, 12 cents; side', ahojldert. 11 cants. Beef on foot. 2 0 2! cents p,r P.irk, dresse l, 0 cents per a. Flour, ib per barrel. uii.ta; TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Fatal Eleclrls Wire. Spokane, Nov 2 About 3 o'clock this afternoon a telephone wire broke and fel1 acioss the trolley wire of the Spokane Street Railway Company on Riverside avenue, near the postoffice. For nearly half an hour the trolley wire burned, when suddenly an ex plosion occurred, like the report of a pistol, and the wi.e broke, one of the ends hanging down on the track, the other remaining su- ociiucu in me air. j usi ai tnis lime, a large beer wagon belonging to Fitzgerald & Green drawn by two horses and driven by a man named Mason, came rapidly down the avenue anc one oi me horses, striking the wire lying in uic street, was inrown violent y to the ground. He made an eflbit to rise, but fell back across the live wire and was lns'antly killed. A large black dog, wisning to inves tigate the cause of the commotion, came in contact with the live wire and was also killed. BakJr City's Election. Baker d ry, Or Nov 2. The Baker City municipal election occurred today and not withstanding the downpour of rain and the chilly atmosphere, the entire voting popula tion was drawn out. Tbe election was con ducted under the new state law, the Austra lian ballot system, and its workings giving entire satisfaction. C A Johns was elected mayor over the present incumbent. S B Mc Cord, who has held the reins of city govern ment foi four successive years, by a inajcrity of 151 voles- The other successful candidates were: Treasurer, S L Murphy: councilmen, J U Parker, Frank Clarke, C M Miller. Joseph Goddes, J P Faulk, George W Bor man, William McMurrcn and B A Levens jr. Clever Forgeries. London, Nov 2 The London police, after a Icrg search, have unearthed the clever est check forgers operating in recent years. The members of this gang have succeeded in doing what was believed by experts !o be impossible, namely, temoving from chemically treated bank gaper the figures written theieon and replacing them by others entirely different, without leaving o trace of the nl.eration. Theie is reason to believe that the s-calings 01 the combine have amounted to 20,000 a week for some time past A Forger Cuntured. Ashland, Or Nov 2. A man who answers very closely the description of Charles B Hogg, alias Burton, and who is wanted at San Bernardino, Cal, for forging bank checks, was arrested at Ashland this afternoon for committing a like forgery upon a bank here. lie nas every appearance of being a shrewd and skillful worker in the forgery line and on Us person were found blank checks on varios banks, from Texas to California. The present German duties on agricul tural products and live stock are as fol lows: Horses $4 76, oxen $7.14, sheep 24 cents each; on cereals as follows: Wheat and rye $1.19, oats 95 cent6, wheat flour and corn meal $2.50, buckwheat 4S cents, barley 54 cents, maize 48 cents, malt 95 cents, butter and cheese $4.76, meat.fresh and prepared, $4.76, fowl and game $7.10 per 224 pounds each. Cure el spinal Weakness, E F Woolston, Yate, Orleans Co,, N Y., writes: "Mv wife, five years ago, was con fined to her bed with inflammatoiy rheuma ti m of tho musoles of the hack. The doc tors thought her case honelees, and doomed her to he a bedridden in .ilid. The violent pain kep' her awake almost everv night. She lost oyer thirty pounds in weight To ease her pain I thnui;nt I would put on A'.lcock'a Porous Plasters. I covered ber back withthim. Ti-my great delight she heirsn to sleep well. The pain very much abated in one week . I then took the plas ters off, washed her back, and p 0 1 on fresh ones. Attheend of the secd wek,he inftietcd on pettir-g up, and by " the third week w:ir entirely well and utile to attend i her h( iiseho.d duties. A Fulul Tumble. Pendleton, Nov 2. The remains of a till, powerful Irishman, about 40 years old: were picked up by the Union Pacific trsin in charge of Conductor Carnine, near Gibbon station, on the mountain enst of here, Sunday morning. He had been dead eight or ten hours; and had evidently been killed by being thrown from a railroad train. He was lying oh hi face on a rock pile, ond the conductor '.bisks he was hurled (rem the train coming toward Pendleton. Over a Bunk. Eugene, Or Nov 2. Henry Bolen r.d wife met with quite a serinus accident while coming to town this mornirg from their place ' on the Mohawk. They were on the narrow nradt arcund Judkins' point, when the train train came along and scared the team. The horses jumped down an embankment of about fifteen feet, drawing the carriage after them. Mrs Boled was quite seiiously injured, and was unconscious when brought to town For Sale Twenty-four acre tract of land, all in cultivation, suitable fur prune orchard, $45. per acre. Inquire 011 prem ises of Wm St John, 4 miles west of Tan gent. Kellc:; Si hool. TheKe'.Ioggschoo of dress rutting at corner of Virstand Baker in the Ralston house L now open. Lessons not limited. Lad:e are invited 10 call and examine the system. 3H3iaEB Ju;3 5 J--'?. VI. for infants and Children. "CQAtorlalsRO well adapted to children that I rvcommeiid Itoamiperiortoany prescription Icuown to mo," II. A. Archeb, H. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Th uno of ' OMtorla ' In so unWerwvl and lu m-Tits so well known that it stfinis a wnrk or Buptrerotratlon to endorse it. Few are the i'lteMifcent families who do not keep Castoria within etuiy rwuoh " Carlos Mirttj, D.D.. New York City, fjite Pastor PloomlngJalo Reformed Church. Cant or! a cures Colic, Constlpfttlon, Rour 8toinnJi, llarrbrpa. Eructation, Kills Wornis, gives sleep, and promotes di- reation, Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommended your Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results. 11 Edwin F. Pardsi, M. D., Tbe Winthrop," l&Ui Street and 7th Are.. New York City. Ntk:b to Ladieb. My cloaks have now arrWed and I am enabled to give the ladii-8 of Albany baricains in fall and winter cloaka for a few days only. I will bare at my store a sample of every style of sealetts and cloth cloaks or jackets made by one of the largest Kietern manufacturers. They comprise all the novelties of the season. These goods will be in the store for a few days only and will be sold at wholesale pricep. Call early and secure the best selection. i vv feiMPeeN. Kltin ftros have a largo jintl choice &tock tf I'rotof and frhcea fnrsuln ht reaoniial. le prices D.i not invest info.it wrtlr until Tonhave peeu their stocit and Uu elegant piano at thur store. Trartirrs Kxamliiiitlon. Notice is hereby given that the reirular publieoximiDnion ort iu'lioM. for I inn county, will take p'ac l.i A.ibtny. o;n- mencimr on WedneMdriy. N v. IVJi.at 1 o'olock. p m and c mti,i:ie until Fri lay noon, Nov. IS b AM lev horn must positively be present at the tbi of mm tveneement, as no one will In wdmiim,! to the examination wh i not srj nrHonL. U F. KUHSKLIi, Count" School Nnpt Indies Oxf.ird ties at Klo-n IVns. Cheap est in the cit. Will lie oil at firualJy re duced r-te. Tbn Baby was siek, we five her Castoria. When she was a Child, site- cried for Cantoris. Whn aha baeame Kiss, she ailing to Cnatorisv When she had Children, she i;ave thum Castoria, Tea Ckxtauk Comvakt, T7 Ucaaar Stxbt, Kbw Yobx. 1 lH KXAUPM 1 cn8iimptio'i a-e hf.nv pean experts, who , The eticclopeHiiifl ur r thit in a few earft th their lacratire nositi-w h uliat'e-fd cm stttutioos. The nithAUl'fii'icyf of he adu! teratinus n4 min-ril col rinj martyr eu not be snore sir rjt'y Iech' Tea pore a k-iUhoe I. For s ile Hy'MUri cau ' A'ntr- l I'V K-'tl r. tsu'iin,'' ftr Th, f.;t t i e np i t. ; ! If! i'ii I p.. 1' '." Is ou, .motto.