"-" fftirn .H1T -? IL'IllULLllI . 1LI C. T " - ' - - - - , V I:"V. n.iv n tiie nml; a : .;si Mil'NVIi, Hd'tuM mill I'riin j ,i.,IriiIim "iv oiim-h Ht Ailmny, o - ir '-:t i: kl X. W. Million i'ti;. Jim W liri-vn, n ,vrlltT m J"' h.i.-mv.. iti-i , Kivrn ii nii ui .nr In I'.irlli.iiil ami U....II1.. I. -...mil .i'.i ill ..nitiiii linn ; mi 1 1 n t 111!" -J ' if un.iiKU nllTI'Hti !(.'. W S I.II'M'h Wl'illlll jH plural .. j. 'ii urn Ml : nriiii viiiiiiii'h ill tin nun il W I'nrlii'll'unt illl llllil nun- II.,... r riii'm. r".,,",')i" , ii litrwih , i4 (M,0U ; D I' TImiiiiiki)h'b, $:i,(KKI,(M)() ; tr'nl Ih-kuiii, :l,mi(l,iMK). W M l.iulil, II Marklu, J 14 Miiittfniinry,J W Cuok, Don Mucli'iiv ami KliKevil are pach rated lit ROUO.IHIO. J Luuvvi'iil.tirtr, 1! Wtiiiliniil, (ill Aiimwurtli, Tyli-r Wooil anl, Wliitlic-r A Co, nml Slaver A Walker an; pliu'iM at l,.r(IO,(KK),aml Hiimi roine tl' iiiiliiiiii dollar men. In Sinttlu A A anil liTIhinny are each given ?2,- i1UU,mi", " v riuitr, ? ,ijiio,mni j u it Venter ainl 'ieo Kinnenr, $ 1 ,5t)l,00 ; J M ('iili'inan, Dexter Morton, etc., arc the f,mi,M men. MX 111 ,,i i-sos u, i linn Til Kuril, of s.,1 in, i,, ,,,,. Mr Wa,t Moiiieiili, o( 1'oitlainl, in in I'.e rily. Tom ciiii in 'hink of i, he di.ini'. dehei ve a iktmiii ', J N Dlllie-.ll hill, r.'luniril from n Ii trip to I riiie.ille vV II llni inn nl, hpeeial tu'i'iit ami ail- jiiBter of Din huti I- .nn l i o Iiihiiiiiih". c i-iany,in here - -ilviii Journal. W hut ci .n nuiv in that. F It Kelwiy ami family, ol French Si t-lli-nii'iit, It-It yi'Htcrilav for Alhany to re tiiile. Tl'ev h ive lenleil iheir farm ami wo trust tlieir ..Inenee will he hut tem porary. Rusclmri' Iteview. The twci;tynixUi lieeiiHe for the month of Octoher wan irrnnlnl toilav liy the county clerk lo Win F. haviiison anu MarKiireu A Kan I, iil'i il III ami IS re pectively. 'I I. e foriner not Iwinz of aye the coiiHent of hiti iatlu-r appeam on the aiiiiiavil. The anini'il .neeii: of the ranl com nianilery of Kiiifhts Templani of Oregon in in Hi'Hvion in I'orlhiml, convenini' there toilav. Hon ei F, ( 'hamherlain anil I) 1' Mason are inesi iit from thin eitv aw ilelejraten. Owing to the Circuit (Jonrt heiiiK in HeKion otlierileleutes were un able to uttenil. E P Uouers, (i 1 & I' A of the S I' ! R, of 1'ortlunil, Is in Mie cl'v. to answer llie chariie of iliiicriinitintioii, on which the jury failed to aioee at the last term of court. He i aci'oinpanivd hy the rflail'n attorney, lion W 1 Kenton, ihc well known predecessor to Hon Jeff Mvem and neveral othei well known Oregomans. Wfli-at CI V '.' lie w he:!) iphi !.. ,. valley into i h n -i'ih preHclit prieen sl,mv markelH in liill'm r i"ts 'i!olal:oii" on h, Hi-lvea: Haleni.7!)1 ; ; Alhany, KJ cen'.-. I in the iml the of tin n; foMow- H.ii :ik for t.hein-raiii-,SJ centH ; m-I'Ii i.iji-l, V.Jne . '1 h: HOME AU illl.'tltH What 1'.yh.- A MINISTHIIMl. llhCKITION. I,aHt eve ll iu at the IT I' chui-cli an in foal receplio'i was tendered the inein 1 lierH of tne n'CHOvier1, recently in tjciwion he-e, re-pa n n in the city. The eats """ t were n nuiveil i inn the noodle ot the Ti i ,, . I -ooili aim Old a id vonnu Bpent two or -The outside world ul- , V . , K, ,-, wayn unowH ino'e ai.imt llie iimide work-1 ,,,.B;C wuh fnr i Hheii hv meinbei-H of ilie inirs f iiiHtitntioin than the proprietors college o-ciiesira w ho a'e iHho' iiie iilwo themselvea. The fo!lowiin from the of the IT I' Saohal M scliool ; a hl.i'Tn.ly le oi.ned duet on ihe pia-io tiy .M ms l.aua ate, oi llrnj i-.i . , and Jliw flor ence (i.hsiui, m r-an. r anciBco. was heiiid with lunch p't'imire a id iiea lily encored ; MIhb Si 'uttoii -ende'ed n couple H-"no hoIuh wiili non,l eifect, a-id soo hy Mikh (i.ijHon and Mine Tate we'e 2 -eatly an-uccaled. Ai eleahl It'nci; It ih learned frnui purlieu wlio teside at Mitchell that .ilcl.ii:ul.l w ho cut off Sle ;uierHon neural unit piac recently wan to mime extent jiisttlialile in i,,ina w hat we inn. r-icpiii-iisoii iinviiitt assau lli-d liini aid Mclliinald lifter! in n-lf iWIetiHn. Oehoeo Iteview. ( 'iiltini; ..' a umii'd ear in a very peculh'.i- hv to act in self de fciine. Recently we e:;ve the rate of taxeH in aeveraleitien, which v. ere evidently incor rect. Aecor -liii V, a S. cltle p:ni,-r llie city tax there is only -I '.; tiiilln, ami conrty tr.x ID liiilln, on vuluation of Hfi.OUO.OOO for the cuy, and fUKX),0rt lor the county. In 1'nrtland the city. ntate and county tax footn nil 21 1 iuHIh. rho hKliPHt priced lot in Seattle is tiven only XI 1(1(1 per front font, while in rortianil fmn is uhottt the jiriee. We pause in adminiiiun for the Hose- hnrK man, Charley IIaiiperett.hy name, who is about to issue a volume of prose and poetry and an invention, a switch. which can only be kept open by a man with a crow bar or by blocking it with a stick of wood. The combination is an enormous one. Walla Walla Statesman will lie of inter est, particularity the part almut creamery ituck, which Albany has frequently agitated somewhat: There, is impression abroad that the Walla WullaUas & Ulcc tric l.ittht Co piy enormous dividends, but such is not the fact. There are jus' lOOoutof S.'OO shares held in eitv and on every share there is onlv 2! cents . of ice crea n a.ul ca'.e ih se- vi; re' iir mouth dividend paid. There would be just ' the. same kick if the creamery stock paid, hut as it is worthless and a failure nothing; is said. A t.iiAN v 's PmisrKcTs were never bright er than today. Now- it hu a permanent color to It. The new residences built this year are of a high order, built for the lu tuie, and all dedr ilile property it rented There are as few vacant hecbes ns at anv time for years. The Oregon Pacific is putting itself inlo shape and there is a con fluent feeling, based on good grounds, thai next year will see the road go ahead. Al bany is having built the only cantalever bridge, the best mad'-, in the Northwest. Our sewer system is a go..d one, and bus inest is pushing. 'Keep your option on Albany. ivi'irs we-e called fo' T'-oui seveal o- iW' le's a-nl i be 'ecent'O-i was closed at 10:;.0 a ier n- ru-ei- by Ur Cibson 'lesides tne la.ae miiiiber fro.n the clinch and school them wee present Dr (til'soi i.nd dai";hte , o: Si'n F imcisco Rev ('.Riiiie. oT l.os . meles P.ev Snaalu ine, of Spot.me, Key KirkpAi' ci-, of Taconia, Rev Snee., of Waom Su'inns, lr IT'acU and woe. i.i su'eiu, oi tne u r chiii-c'i.a ui Rev UonOi is, o! lie-kelev, Cal i., Rev Coni'it and wi'e, Rev "rich am anu Rev Stcua l inno ig oitiers. 'I he ci' cnuneil ine'. . t-uiiglit. Cueiiit Court is altio in msHiun at Keene, pAtroidzi the old Btand, ine Pineer htr I er slmii, now I nown ai the Alliauv liath tjeo Lauilreth, p-oprietnr. WTin Uhroi-der of Junction City has a in.sliir that tipiid tlu beam t exactly one I'lH.diert ami twunty pi.uaiU uiid ii only a year old at that. The Oregon Pacilio It. U. will bo sold dec. 9th, mud on that day special bargain n ToUQaund'a addition will n withibasD irom tha market. See Towiiaeud's ad. W II Fl Grant has uommeuccd cauvasing for subscription to mako a suitable exhibit the Chicago World a Colunibian I.npri - hon. Geo M Miller auhacribed jO and A IIoyov$2U0. If J'.'S.CMKJ cue be raised in :he country Portland will eome to th Iront with at least $75,000 more. Kugene Guard. When strangers come to Aatoria they are strongly impremed with the feeling tint it will O'ioome a great city. One gentleman recently remarked ho would fuel much : ver n luvestmg $100,01)0 in Astoria than tie. He is wi;ll aware of the resources and growth of Washington's V tneipal citios.and notwi'.hstaniliog their immense stri.-'es he (iriife-s the prospecta of Astoria. Tuik, But facts aro better than prospects. A dhpatuh received from Lewiston,! daho, ntmnuci-s thedeath of AIod'q Leland, who --line to Oregon in 1850 with A Kush,ai,d in 1854 hegau the publicat'.on of the St imlard tt Portland. He waa afterward editor of 'he O.-econ Artvertiaer and the Portland Times. He waa also a. member of tho tirjt school board of this 't Fiesh ried colTtej at F E Allen's. Fiesh hams, lard and bicon just reonvtd at F E Alltu's. Uos't i;o to the trouble of running all over the city, but go diieclly to Conn A Ilendricson's and get what you want in the til'.OCF.RY line. Their stock 's la-ge and well-selecied. Fresh prodece and fruits can always be secured at thei Bisinls at the lowest mires. You get good goods and p ompt nuenlion. In crocleiy, glasswa e, lamps, tic, they a also l:aviug n big "tin. rso octler piece in tne cdy lor !,anis 'ii tn.s I ne. Ion't close )our eyes nt.i'nst these facie. i ti Smio v, - t'l I.i D V CM.. Km hiB: sue ies-iiir to Paisley & t, ' i' y j .1 p"nui.( M;m-iejr. I w ish to sny to my friends and cus- tome's that 1 lmve mv fall and winter styles in millinery eady for trade. W . il bt pleased to show goods at pny t.me. IDA IU lilUBU. LKGE5T -: ASSOill'MilST OK :a -.m S10S. AT MATTHEWS t?7ASrIBliPS'8 E W Acmon &f'o are selling monaments at I'o I'an.l p icea. John Wink has coinmenced a damage suit in the circut court at Pendleton against the Union 1'nciJic railroad com pany, for 50,000. Wink, while in the employ of the company last July, was Dauiy Hurt nv being thrown troin a nana car near ililgard station. He was for some time in the hospital at Portland and besides other injuries received haE neen rendered deal Irom ttio accident. Walla Walla Stntesman. Who Is F. E. Al.' 'N. Why we siiiipos' d eye-v r.'. I tiiiv yon should nm in''- g've rrn h r -I!.- t.-t A Tki k Bii i. In the case of the Nta'e against Orrn lieam, orrtsted several months ago on the charge of burning sev eral barns in Alhanv'fthf grand jury brought in a ' true bid " The defendant will plead tomorrow morning on the opening of court. Mr Ceo W Davis, secretary of the s;atc board of land commissioners, is the principal witness for the state, young lieam having made the confession to hhn while on the cars from Portland. Three indictments were found by the erand jury during the da, one against Oren Heain, l he others secret,the defend ants being absent. The case of Mary A Wood ogt Frank Wood was in progless at press time I K Weal her ford appearing for the phiint.fl and J J Whitney for the defendant. The grand jury wa at work on the Peoria ca-e. he Mas(..ie ''V . p' e to Imiv I-.- ' Just lere've 1 ..-v ; l"'E .e'i's ii'- I how Clui'V. Cool-'ng ftle. VI. . PlCS Vs In ;: . Hill bi"i'ii.i S:'t vi t-ii . i..i, kjrt't rslrpen. For Salk ', l.iid, n" I t (.el o :hr'i, j.r a ' r.s of IVi.i ii J m g! n. , rn'i von ill I'-v.l : 1 at ar e lift c of fm' f noe ' e on ii -e l of Tti No' tj To I.a M- cWn lm.-c nor' ft -iyrd'a'ii; Ian ei'abieti iot'ci- e An Inhchn-cb TM at ''Kit. M Oraclwohl informs the Dicmockat that under a rule of the insurance compact parties having gasoline stoves in their houses are obliged fo notify llie insurance rompany, in case they carry insurance, In case of lire on a failure to' do so they could not collect tiie insurance. Such stoves, lie says, raise the price ot insur ance some. hiti oh o' Alb."iy !.i ! ';''s in - it ! ft 'o n' i.'..' Co.'' s 'o- ft lew dayst-i'.'' I -' ic.vent ipy aio e ft a i';''e of eve y s'.te , " se.iiei.e p io c-ot'i c'oal a o- iat'i'e.s ! ,n"!e by one .o l" ':' cest Ksr te 0 i .lftnit V. il i"c-s. '''iie-cO'i" :se i i is Julius ,n.eeii'i's t in e.'So'i. T"ese goe s ; vV'i' .ie "l i he s.o e in-' a e'.v ir.s u"" Dim vvill iiesoio et a ho'i si' e p-ices. I'a'l I ea.L a.ul seen e ine bf-t seie.-l.or. V (-.M'ON. Rr:vov'. i. W f. A' moved his ' f ' ouposil" Ire Ma; Pot Uitntino. China pheasants are plentiful below Coburg. We are informed that two Harrislmrg pot hunttrs recently killed tlfi of the pheasants in that vicini ty in n couple of days and shipped then; ; .. ,, Saturday in Nov. at Scio, at to i ortiiind, dressed where they received , ...ln-k . , Alj uions are reouested hr-son has le- .mii' -m e ofRct to i-.isiie, at esnt I'd I'"" I'1'-'1 v or ii'i.- y lo loan o.v Alba 'y real es.-v." Noi ii'K. The next meeting of the Linn countv allitnce meets on Friday, befo li.M per (iuard. dozen for them Eugene Poi.'-k Court. To-day the oft heard of John Doe and Richard Roe w ere in the calab:iose for vaeancv; vesterdny even ing a plain case of ilrin'ik and dii .irder ly conduct was the only business (,f the recoider. ik be reoresented as matters of import ance are to be transacted. I?y order of Ihe president. T M Mi nkeks, t Coai. Saleni clniii'.f-- the lin.ling of a live font vein of co il. There is no dosibl the valley is full of it. There certainly is a mass of it aroiind Albany. The vjiii at Spring Hill, across the river, is a good one and hIiouM be developed. It may be made a big industry. A S. oit 1"m. S E Young has just re ceive :1 a large stock of shoe". Tor men, women nnd children, including particu larly a lino Mne of scliool shoes. The beBc nvil.es in the market can be found in his shew 'learlnient. I'V.lh- ill tl i' On."" these h thi-v "i Letter b'si. .vir c . the list ' !-.'ti remaicinji :-..r. r,di,! at Albany, L'on county, (). t. U'T, l:':M. I'.'r'enS crllintr i" (.r eiusi. fiive the d.ite on wind ,-e Huve-ri'-Jib .Mjco i - iiv.vji.. of e.s c- i-'ij it r i up 1 e 'o ;ne R's.ri i iionse i L:"CTllOl Mmli"!. I .'v''r llrl'o;;gsC'10u! io ?'! aid ' : i o .v f s i in e . s e-n. JfsHicf-I .-.. .'i' . Ii, s id itiei.-anre h: Maviv or si. o''.' pin is i Hsi- . haii- fai'i.if. , (I'l I'O. IVI.K is b.il s;i 'fe'V ' Keep your eves open for bjtraSi,a at F E riiieus. Mave ru heard bow lots are ae'li'w :u Tuweaeud'a addition. Wanted, at FE Allen's, 500 du7.tn egga H'ghestm:rket price paid. Stwait Jc Sox sell tha very beat latent tem a-tfil aheara and tcirsorfl. I.'.diei Oxford t'es at a-rat'y reduced vlciat Klein Bro'.. Must be sold. A large line of elsua-it gold wAtches v i jsty iiw trays at Will feStark's. All kinds of farmers produce t.vkeu in e uhnuvte for ro.;encs at F r. A lien V Oh! Ladies, look here! 5 piclajel soda .t F E Al'en 6 for "j cents silk nmhre'laait nadvjl wood hao'llet ?I'h.p at French's Jewe(ry atore. ' Yon vet yon-n r.ev:a worth wnr.a you iv e.lk umh ol as at J''enon s. I hell rust hue picture :ri lies er in Albany at ForLoiiller & Irviog'a. The very latest styles and uove'ls in the milliuery line just received atthe M-'-.aes l::.ll s. '..all anu tee them. With his new lukery Conrad 'eeris ublelo ofterold aid new ccscome3 eve.y' :r.'r.g histclars pi haLed gcodj. W W IMm is oner in cha'ge f ti D' irou'co reMaannt. fiieaie 2i ceuts. nasi oysters, fresh. Evewtt'""x f','.l.-c'ai.s. Decidedly the latest i' cho'ce-1 ta-: o' tr-a in town is at C E Jjvonoell s Sn iried. h.sl.et fired, g rei, b'jclt, F.nv1' b.'eakfut, Sec. Co'uOC MFar)?')d to- rirtlew, ha "e s, whin, rob' j. alt l.i'jd" of ho.se c" .-I iv, tc, eie. i.'uier A, ISili dentiitv. viil maVet : -1 plates of ahiflduem. Tiie bealt'r.rs 'i-o-t dinable evu rblr't weisht of anv it u'a:e. We want To iutroduce ! I. : rt r.i . , k p ih' vii uit y . ;;That is ihe first READY MADE suit I have -worn for Twelve Years," sa5d a prominent busi ness man the other day, as he walked out of the store of T. L. "Wallace & Co. with one of those handsome pa-terns and riehly. tailored garments under his arm. A Perfect Fit is Guaranteed. LAIN'S )5 Villi ii sailing - House IN Men's, Young Men's and Boys CloiLiag, Furnish ing Goods, Eoois, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. i.i Arehsii'b' B.iker. Fr.d Dnxle. Win Kas'.er, (i W Oeiirke. Fncdiifh Huh, Kin Hers, ''red ll ., W C J.eksi.li, t'hss M..rri, Gir(ie Thsrher, ( ori'e Williams, H M Webster, B.n May be see.i the linest stock ol iro'd and dive.' watches, c'IbtotI nnd olner rings, jew elry, hi Iverware, t-e :-itincity m Tut Lvrii.T D.iH- '.'ti, Mn.i a DifTer ence in the Mn.-iiliin," and "flush. Ibe Rog.e Man." j: vu' doi.'t believe itfto nd ask Will & Li ik, who have tbete newest pit cts oi mnmi fo.- na'e. Aden, .Ts ilea l):iis, l.ydia i-ieelesten. E-lvvsrd I-iri;, V'rickrich linen, 11 tliiumri". Auoit IIhvs, Ross Ha ciinan, Criss M .rtin, W W Srewart, Jss M Williams, M L Wise, T & Co T. M ONTEITH, P. M. MAItltllMI. DYER I1UBER. On Sunday, Oct iSth, at the residence of the brldes's mirents. in Linn county, near Stayton, Wm. Dver, of Bay City, and Miss Lizile M Huhcr. of L'-n.i county. I'.nltN. All ...nude., I,' ,,h Api".- t''"i heehy ine,t ... mret at l' "e;i nl ere . D,a rfi.h, i g n'o'i.e' . .1 IT I iiti I '.-'; is'.'C 4 K'1' O-i Mo (. '.Oi. I i-i A to .'"eo.'C. J- Sum i a son srtnmAm Damns No matter what s.hape ihe man. be he long andsliai or' short aad sotif, we selected our fetoek to fit ANY and ALL. A Large and Eeautifu1 Line ef Overcoats, Macintosh nnd Rubber Goods. A Complete Line of BOOTS and SHOES. Fine Umbrellas, New and Novel Neckwear, Latest Siyles in Hats. For Many Ypars He !.?". Been in l.io Le-'U and why? Ctciuce !ie give; FTJTIjP.sT vat.ctk, BEST MAKES, I, AKO EST ASSOIiTM E N T, LOWEST PK1C1.S. (VI e n s or on i lis THE THE THE THE No m?i!.er v.iiar you wonc m Suiis, he can fil! your demands r,t a pii. f ;ipio'al. Give i.irii a coll. Overcca'.". n ill mee:; your ceilai t-i'ilT!l'H : !i powaent, Used in MilUons of Homes-40 Years the Staaiajd L. E. B LA I N, ALBANY, OriCON. And we would UNDEIIWEAK e'jpaeiRlly cn' ftttdiiioa to our lino of wli'c'li is L; -e pnd Co.Tiultte and se lected with a view io please thoe who kx 'in: will, co'd m w n:3r. to see 1 1 you wil l ov y it. as rea. us Trice& sf.v tiiat our daily inc. ease in tales SDetk volumes,plthough we make no pretensioi.-s to sell cue class of people cheaper than any other. We believe in fci-ici)y marktd f.11 ocr ONE PEJCE to all and poods in Plain Figures, . have T. L. WALLACE & CO.. lw'"Vi u.oibiai 3 aid Fa;iiisli5.,!i. 5 trnhftn B'oo OBEGO F. L. KENTON, 1K V F.R IN Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices, !": X 1" 3. -A. C T ! -A nl a jteneial p.tiortmeiit of C5- SS. O CS 3ES Near the Post Office, A It any, regoi