11 VOL. IV- iLBANY. OREGON, Fit) DAY. OCTOBER 23, 1891. NO 143 For Boils, Pirep'es carbuncles, ccrofulous aoroti, cciemn, and all othor blood diseases, take Aycr's SarsapariHr: It will relieve and euro dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feeling. Has Cured Others will cure you. mr tkgmtm for W. t,. Dnatias nfcnna. t tor an it in four imc umu yonr r lo tuid for rwtnliiKuut sucura tba :y, hiiiI iittl them fmr you. fjrTAKK Nil ri:iINTlTL'TB. .Jtt why IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE r.rHfPERMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Ih a M'nmleM iliof, with no tst-ka or wax llir a1 t'Hturl tliu fut-t; made of th lieal Ans fair, Rlvllah arm iitny. unit bmiiu ir truilr mar of this 'rtule thnn tint other mnnufnrturar. It eyuiili hmiJ- uM.nl U noatltiir frr.in tU DO 1st (lit. jjC 00 (.enulue Ilnrt-wc1, thi flncit calf yo aii(x evir on reel lur ik.um, cquaia rreueu Iiiiim jrtlil ntnff which eoet from SS.unto OUOt. GJi 00 Iltmfl-wri1 Writ Hhnf. fins flf. 34. tll.h comf.irtMt.lo nd illiriiblf. 1 ho U-t.4 shoe cvrr orTrrud at ttili price ; ain urwl u sus tains-ni contlns from $ti.m to ffujO. ffiO 50 I'flllrt Hhofit Farm it. Kallroa4 Man 90t ami lttttrCarrlenall wfartbftn; (lueculf, MiimliM, iinrMith lnal1r. Iiar hrs aolea, xluu- Bl-m cdite. 0110 fimr win r n ywr. .Mt fin fit if i un tittrr a hoe mm nflrta at 0i thU jirlco; tmfi trial wilt totiTluua Ibua vrn want a alioe for corufurt ond wrrlw. CCO 'A nntl 8J.00 WorUlnannin'a ihoM nru very aimiif and durable. Thnae who iiav BlTen thorn n trial will war no other make. tAVC hi.Mt nnd SI. 71 wlionl sh'ws ara QOlb worn by tho boyt everywhere; theyatll vrt IhcTr merlti, n th .nrrraalng aale ahnw. a a fc'i.im iLitud.aawoil alio, best LJclQ ICS DimiiolA. very atylUh; iuali'rcuil ffudlra 11.50, 94. OU and 91.75 thoa for .T.-..U tlH Lost firm I intmnliL HtvilKh and iluramu. 'fnniinB.-Niiii that W. 1.. Doualan' name uad rix aro atntupcd on the iHittom of earh alum. V. L. DOUULaB, llrosktoa, Mft L. E. BLA1 N. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!!! Vhile trying to Crowd then fiEYOlE & FROMAN BROS Store, where they alwR have on hand lie largest Stock eouih of Vortland, of tVn latest Imnroved Rifles and Shot 'inn.- an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every iescrlntlon; Tents, Hammocks, Cam p Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Reuair Shop In connection with the Store, and one of : ie best workmen in the State to do any ind ail kinds of work. r.. r..m( al. No rouble to show coods "Small profit and quick si;" is out jfiotto. J. A. Camming. Wall Paper, rsr, l?aintB, Oil Gla, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON fu.t.iiwirnr!rn(i 4r 'noni lii the Va ey, anrl tbn not reaaf mie prloea, both d b 'nellinc. I have on band ll k'... FaUMlTUIt, ST07S, TINWARE TRUNKS, COOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKF.RY, ETC., ETC. dor wsl of S E "VouBg'a on wn L. COTTLIfcB "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." 1 M ll.I.TTsTRATRD H ORTICUIl' lira! inon'hly jrm rval. illifrl by Prof f.. K l.HUx. no ritrmer or inm "roww can afl'ird In bn without 1. It PAYS whopvi.r uko It, fi er year. 1 six iontli. onrti a xlnele number. AddrAj... . I). IT. 8TKAKMS, M Store. W. F. SIHLIiimiHIh Call and see what a sloel: jof . Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, TJress Goods, Ifosicry, Wo hava to select from. O but the cheapest ever We have just placed on sale cloaks and jackets, in goods, plain and W want your trade and we you money. Albany, for Infants ' 'C aa t ori a is so well adapted to children that I recommend Itaa superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Aacnca, M. D., UI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Thf use of 'Cnatoria Is so universal and lid merits so well known that it tennis a work of suppperoeation toendorae it. Tow arc t lie intHlitfont famllleawbo do not keep Cofitoria within easy reoii." Cuuvoa lUtiTTW, D. D., New York City. Tjvto Pastor BloomiragdoJo Kefonuod Church. Tnn Ccktaub ALLEN Wholesale CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN .LARGE: OR IN THEIR Flinn Block , THOMAS OIIlilTlIRP READ, tshown in Albanj. a complete assortment f both cloth and plush fur trimmed. feel confident we ean sav W. F. BEAD. -s- -:- Oregon CUBESl ANY HEADACHE "While You Wait," BUT CURES ' NOTHING ELSE. and Children. Castorla cures Colie, OonstlpatJon, Sour titoraoch, Diarrhopa. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl- TVitiiout injurious medkatioa. ' For wveral yenra I have recommended your Cantoria, ' and shall alwaj-s continue to do so as it boa invariably produced beneficial rveuits.1' . Edwijt F. Pardw. H. Dn MThe Winthrop," i JStb Street and 7th Ave., Kew Tork City. Cohvant, 77 Slim rat EraBBT, Kew York. BROTHERS, retail Grocers OHOICE FRUITS OF ALL !SM ALL OJJANTITIES, SEASON. ALBANY, OREGON It you want the best and most durable furni' tnre that is manufacture eJ in the city go to BRINK'S Iiett of dl in iMtrening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE WU Til C11IEIG- F, M. French koeps railroad time, Fluy yourirocerias of Parker Bros New cream cheese just received at Coiirad .Meyers. Smcke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent eifiar at Julius Joseph's, A tock of waU paper, with latede nnt t.t Fortmiller t IrvingjiiBt received. Have you soen those parlor suits that T Brink has just received? They are nice. J W Bentley, best hoot and shoe maker in 3ity, rhree doors north of Democrat office. K W Achison & Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Dr M H Eilia, physician snd Biirpeon, Albany, Oregon , Calls made la cit or country. Ladies oan do their shoppins in San Fran cisco witbout visiting tbe city, and without extra commission. MimKJ Barmtvi rg r chia: aeut, Xdo1) Grove St, Oakland, Patrnn;z3 he rne indutt-y and buy hani m.1e iities warranted fton O C Mo Fat I. ud, at DubruP'e s c'd stind. i dlog Photographers A ''any Oregon. Ws have bought all them gativi t made by L V Clark and W H Green ood up to Kov loth. 18S9. Dunlicates can be had from hem only of us at redueed lates. We have also about 18,000 negatives mads by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like rates. Wo carry the only full line of v.ewi of this state and do enlarge d work at loweit rates for first class work. W e shall be pleased to see yon at our Stndio in Froman's bleuk.neztdoorto Ed anon 10 temple. Whe Baby was sick, xrm (rave her Castori. When she was a Cfclld. she cried for Castocia. When she became Miss, she slung to Casroria. When she had Children, she gave tfaem Castorla. rl trvatu lachMce cr,0'"'i on al way e securd of AUeu Bros,, r linn B.ock See W Fj Read's hoe of dreBs gorda and ill before buying elsewhere. Fortmiller & Irving have some Kenis sauce lace curtains for $18 a pair, as fine as anything ever seen in the ity. They ran s down to $7 pair. Other lie ear tains dewu to (1 oi less a pair. The Democrat will orahange a ewins machine of aiy make desired, except one or wo, for wiri'i oak ifrub wood and part Cfsh; or will eouHidwr other propnsitions A sny ne desirint: a nsw saachiaw - r -r Pi ih. ftrtrin. Ir.flunnxs. Branch Ills. iCii llorti-ixncv&, V'.'fMK.rlnti Counh, Croup, Sore Throcl. Avrt. ot.c ewxy iLcclin o( tli Throat, U-" t i Icz'. :cit "ftrmimntlon. k Road to Wealth Csnnet at tacMSsfallf Imtle4 wlla out goad hiallh. To rsich wsalth sr air cc:.d poiltlo la III. requires tht full potnscloa and eporallon of all lh fso Bill., kind niluro hat ntmni ut with. Thon cditl.nt cannot .ilet anion Iho tttriloal btlng Is In period working jrJv, aad this la Impooslbl. wh.a the lir and iplttnaro torpid, thuiobltpuct. Ing tho tocrtlloni, caoilng Indlgesllon and eyspeptla, villi all el their accent Denying horror. DR. HENLEY'S EriKliN' Dandelion Tonic dtrle a ts . IDo Influtnco ever the liver. excltoe It hoelthy aollon, reiolvte Its chronic en,wrgomonte. end promotet the accretions : cures Indigestion end constl patlon, eherpons the appetite, tones a? j the entire spteat, aad nakes Ills orth , living. IOHT. A (tj!d rliiK, ban 1, wllh flovr i era out In band In eereral lirs Keiiirn to DuMOCBiT oflito, IT. S. Oor't Report, Aug. 17, 1085. . Powder AIJKTIIEV TOOLS? McKinlur, from day to day, continues to repeat In bis speeches the sillv state ment that "there are but two ways of fay ing the cxepnses of tbe government namely, by taxing ourselves, or, by taxing the foreigners who t-eek a market In onr coiintrj-." Now, this Is too transparent for serious thought. McKlnley's Idea is that the foreigner pays the cfuty instead of tbe American consumer. Wecannotun der6tand wiiy it is necessary to enlighten such men as he by telling him that near ly all the importers of foreign goods into this country are Americans. Those who inport live mostly In Iioston, New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, New Orleans and San Francisco, and are, as before stated citizens of the United States. Take a fam iliar example to show whether it is possl blc to tax the foreigner instead of the American consumer by means of a pro tective duty. A Boston merchant orders from a Welch tin manufacturer $1000 worth of tin plate. Now the duty on this s 75 per ctnt or $750 on the $1000 worth. The importer has this $750 to pay, and not the foreign manufacturer. Now does one with a modicum of common sense . , ,mt thai IM. Imnratw u, - does not ana mis $750 to tne $ 1000 wncn he sells his tin to the American consumer? And is it not plain that he alone pays the tax.- mch-iniey must oe soreij prceu when driven to resort to such means of defense as that the duty Is a tax upon the ,and a number of persons drowned. Ter foreigner instead of an American con- ' "ble d,stresi xi" amon6 the '"habitants. sumer. It would be just as reasonable to .ay tnat the foreigner pays the freight across the Atlantic ocean as that he pays the tax or duty at the New York cuitom house. If this great apostle of protection really believes that the foreigner is taxed, why did he not repeal the internal revenue taxes and put the entire support of the government on the foreigners? Why did ills congress 6top after appropriating a billion dollars? Why not have made it two billions if "the foreigner pays" the tariff taxes? Mr McKinley Is not a skil ful bamboozler, or eke the people of Ohio are great foots. The last resting places of two famous Indiaa chiefs Black Hawk and Pontias have be come a topic of interest in the western news papers. Pontiac's bones are believed to lie very nearly t eneath the site of the Southern Hotel ill St Louis, having been interred there in 1769, just after hi assassination by an In dian spy an.l five years alter the founding of St Louis l y Lacl-de. The skeleton of Black Hank, it is thought, lies in an unmarked grave in the Po-.tet's field of Aspen Grove la. Black Haw k was originally buried in Davis county but lii grove was ribbed and Ins bones boiled and varni.hfd, after swhieh they became the nronerlv Kuccessrvelv of a governor a doctur and later ol the doctors survivir g paMrrer, Kernel. Mrjl-lulrus Gradwohl .nforn.s th Dsu.i'dAT that hio JGnMen Rule Baainr wrll bft kriorvu her.afcers JubusGi-nH wool's R.aiftr. I);ert Albany, Sept. 2th. Whereto GstThkm. When wanting n organ or piara call on G L Blnckman h -e you can sebrt from a first class toi.&. Not only lire Rntlonal Disease but Many others. It is id that dyspepsia is our uational malvly. Well. Brndreth' Puis will sure the natior.nl malady. It is sl that constipation is Iho curse nf our sodenl. rv life. Well, Brnnilreth'r Wlls will cerianry cure tonstipatio.. It is item-rally conoededthrt rheumatism Cnmea f rein. a-id stomach and ku ld-n changes of tenpor.uro Brandreth'. Pills hay. corrected r.ll this and will do ic again. Chronio ilueaseo ire cured by Uking two to four of llrandroth's Villa ev.ry night for a mr-.th. Br.tidreth's Pillsaro .old in every drag and medicine toro, either pi .in or sngar 0- atxd . Do mil l.ti v our hoots and sines antil yon see the uiarroat Kieru Bro., and well Sit. .siri.ineil their Uru. stnol. ol prods. Tlis Albany Mnrkol. Wheat, S2 errts pnr bubol, Out". Sf ' " " Butter, 15 cents per ft. Ksrr?'. 2 cots rr 'lx, "irtatons, Sfloont per bushol, Ijrrd. II a 12 c- nta pur ft. Bsoin .Harm, li conto; aids', 11 cents; shnjldara, II rnt. Boar on foot, S Q 2H rent' per Pork, dressed, Scants per Ik, Flour, 5 psr barrel. TELEOHAPHIC NEWS A Honied Fliiht, Salem, Mass Oct 22. It is now definitely known that all cflorts to effect a compromise between the litigants in the Searlcs will case have been withdrawn anil that the matter w ill not be settled outside of tiic courts, It is known also that the amount offered lo 'I imothv Hopkins to withdraw his claim unon the ei.it . of Mrs Searls was more than 85.000,000: also that the amount at stake in the contest, in stead of being from $Jo,ooo,ooo to $40,000, 000, as Ins beea reported, is more than $60, 000,000. Mr Searles is determined to sus tain his part of the battle with all the power that a practically unlimited amount of mjney and the skill it can furnish him will give. A Fearlf hs Tramp. Portland. Oct 22. Passengers who came m on the Koieburg local Wednesaay night report quite an excilinc incident iust above the car shops. To young tramps were dis covered riding the blind barrage, and the conuueror essayed 10 put them oft, One of them was peaceable enough, but the other drew a revolver on the conductor. The official did not scare worth a cent, and son bad the young scapegrace on the run and he was glad enough to throw his revolver away and give himself up. He was Brought down to Port land. A Venlleman ow. New Orleans, Oct 22. Eugene E Gracia the paying teller of the Louisiana National bank, was tonight declared a defiulter in the sum of $190,000. The knowledge of Grucia's shortage began developing the 6th inst. The bank will publish a statement in the morning, showing that the capital stock of $503,000 is unimpaired. They state that Gracia's pecu lations coer a period of fifteen years, but do not give tne details, A Valuable Indignity, San Salvador, Oct 22. Dr Harmon Prowe a well-known and highly esteemed German physician, who has resided in this city for the last six years, and who was pre sented by the German government with a n:dal for his distinguished services during the) late war, has put in a claim against Salvador fnr Cnn.nn ncns nr A.? run fn. ..L!.,r. ' -V. . . ",u,& nu, lD wiucn ne was publicly subjected Big Floods. Madrid, Oct 22, Vast tracts i f land to the sou.h of the Sierra Nevada are submerged bv flood. xh. r.du, r ri..ri. nv.T is nnd crops in three districts have been destroy- Very Imporlenti Berlin, Oct 22. The 32d anniversiry o the birth ol Empress Augi'sta Victoria was celebrated here today. The emperor, to the delight of the empress, presented himself clean-shaven, except for his mustache. Where to Go. Go to Parkei Bros for fresh fruiteand vegetables. Go to Parker Bros fnr the beet teas an codecs. Go to Parker Bros for eood bakine powder. Go to Parker Bros for fine baked coods. The best bread, cakes, pies, etc in tbe target. 60 to Parker Bros for votir irroceriea generally, and be assured of good goods and first-class treatment. T Tea Drinkers Probably three fourths of tho teas consumed are "Green Teas " Vnpleasant an the face may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar tn us all Is not'the natural color, but is due t. the facing or glazing of the tea with Prussian blue, Indigo and other mineral colors. That coloring bides the effects of poor teas is undoubted; but is it healthful, and does It not call loudly for the Importation of a branu of pure, uncolored, unman ipulated tea? It was this condition of affairs that prompted the placing of Beech's Tea before the public Being the absolutely pure, un colored leaf It is different in color from any you ever used, li draws a canary color of a delightful fragrance that is a revelation to teA drinkers, and its purity makes it more economical than the arti ficial leas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only in packages, io cents per pnui d. Axk for Beech's Tea, pure as childhood, foi sale by Allen Bros., Flinn block, Albnnv. Hate V noticed that Allen Bros' gro ssry store is always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, t'se very Intent in tire mar ket. II there is anything to lie bad they have it. Peaches, Borrics, 1 ubliHges, Turnips, Niw Poti Parker Bros, grouer., Ladies Oxford tit at Klein Bin. ( l.-.p- ost in tins cit. W ill .e tnl.l at pri'st'-- re duced ratei. For brsrsin ir r.,i.ro-.ir. rV. In 1 m fto.,gnt'- K W Ai-hisi'i A 1 V t it-ro-r .On ; on Ail KxAvri-K. 'I',- !n tor in. n consumption art 1 ..;tjIi: ii CiicK l v F poan expc r-ti. v I o si--r. I1-it 'l.-. r - ' The encjeli't:.'i'r ."r-i-r-M f-r r (:t tht in ifiw ?-- -h. '!" to . p their Incrati - pi 'r'- iwi n stitntions. The m l . '.-li li. eof.l. al teration, an.t nii-o r ! nul ...7 ma.T 0 u not be moM nrrm ilv In I'feth'ii 'IVa is pur as chrl liM'tuj. ''or r V All, u llrcs t 1 i' '.!; I ; t'i Ml!; '. Mi Vi:' rortland. Orgo