Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 22, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    In lb nrk i
Rilitiiri anil rrop'ri
if I I i; t vii i mi
jtotrriul nitlm t'mtom at Allmny, Or-
Till !!
Hvail li'nHAH 4 Hi pane.
C'osvu-i'Kii ok Lki'Kosy. Dr. U. A,
paint1 arrivi'd It evening (nun McKen
zic pro iict( ntM-int 55 miles cast of Ku-jft-ne.
wIhtu he liail bron (or the purpose
of ev:itiiiiiiir Into this cotillion ol one )
I Hatirock, vlm wa charged by his
rtciiiW'Ot Vt l bvlg " niutcd with the ln
Curflhle (Hvi'.Vc, ii-pi y . Ife was ushihted
by Dr I II Hair, of Foley spring. After
a thorough examination, it wan determined
bevomi a doubt that he was afflicted with
the ditea n1. The kovcr have broken out
and are now running. Or I' made
arraniit'iiH-ntK for IiIk complete Uolalion,
Babrwk agreeing to stay on IiIk own
pretiii-ii's, permitting no one to enter his
hout-e, which k located about one-half
mile north of the McKenzie bridge.
twyme ouarii.
TKnl Itl.K AT I.OWKR Soiia. Wednc
Jay evening a Mr Atkinson came to Al
bany for aurgleal treatment, which he
stcur d of I )r Davis. Atkinson reported
thai he had been shot hv the well known
Wiili'iti McKtnnon. The trouble arose
over MeKlnrtun aL'cuilii'' him of threaten
ing to whip Ids boy. which Atkinson de
nied. Hot blood followed. I he men
fought with clubs, when McK'nnon drew
a revolver and mod, bluing Atkinson In
his kg near the ankle, when the latter
who as In a huckhoard drove off and
immediately came to Albany. He had fa
warrant issued for Mc Kinnon's arrest.
through Albany thit
"nan u-e expected
A Vonikkfi;i, Ciiii.i. A big house
greeted Little Lord Kauntleray last even
ing, and were awardrd with a great dra
matic treat. lieorgie Cooper as Little
Lord Fauntlerov is a marvel, probably
without a superior. How owe little head
can carry so much and so well is truly an
enigma 1 be support Is all strong.
The story, as dramatized, is an Interesting
one, with plenty of exciting scenes.
Georgie Woodth rpe a- Minna, the ad
venturess, is at her best, and Mr Cottrell
ii great as tho Ivirl of l)?f incourt. The
audience was delighted with the whole
tff air.
C W A ver n.iwd tli
M and Mrs T I ()vt.
In Alhmv next S-ind;i
Mr Wakefield, the bridge man. was in
Albany todav on Ids wt.s to Sum hern Or
fgou. - J Webber. Kr ,1s reported dangerously
ill at his home Ir. Portland, with paralysis
of the bladder, n fact Ids many friends In
Albany will unlvoi sally regret.
Hector Lund took the morning train
for Albany to attend a missionary convo
cation of the bishop and ctergy, uhlch
wilt continue for several dai-k Kulfm
MrafiW Slat fn lias cornplete'iv re
covered from her attack of diphtheria and
has taken a motion In tli(. public school,
vice MM Kuva Dudson, resigned
the Christian hndeavnr nciet v of the
Congregational rhnrrh has chosen the
following delegates to the Stale Kndcavor
meeting to lv held at Alhanv lli l.ia of
this month: Rev II L Hat-s.lUrry Hp
kli.s, Misses Kdna Keeter. Mable McX'nnn
and Kitmile Cond)n. Kugene Register.
Tb 1 11 1 If l t're1j terl44
At the fes-Iou yesterday evening the
general theme wa young peopled work
Rev S Deil Johnston, o( Seattle, r reached
a sermon from the tex, "Run, Speak to
mis 1 ouug 3In." Mr Johnston is
forcible and interesting speaker. HU
theme was the encouragment of young
men to Christian woik On the close of
the sermon remarks ver made by several
I'resbvterv met eain this morning at
90 clock. Kev V Spaulding, of .Spo
kane, the moderator having arrived last
evening assumed the clwor.
The subject of the appointment of a
Tresbyterial missionary was the first sub
ject for consideration . The board ol
home missions was aked for a grant of
$1200 and the appointment of such a
Rev Fisher of the Evangelical church
of Alhanv, Rev I'richardof the Presbyter
ian church of Albany, Rev Dr Gibson of
San Francisco, and Rev Crabbe of Los
Angeles were invited to enjoy the cour
tesies of the Jlor.
At noon lunch was served bv the ladles
f the Albany congregation, at the resi
dence of Mrs Waiter Monticth. It is
needless to say that it was a bountiful one
and that the members of the presbytery
did ample justice to u.
1 his a Iter nor, n the principal bustress
before the presbvtery was the consideia-
iljn of the interests of the Waitsburg
academy. A new bonrJIng hall Is an im
perative need for that institution.
A conference is l. etui; he'd on '"the state
of religion" in the bounds of the presbytery.
inesynouot the raciuc coasi Deems
Its sessions this evening. The opening
sermon will be preached by the retiring
moderator, Kev v i,ogan, ot f ortland.
Toi.k'kj 6 rvi.K. Tuere was a dance at
Toledo last Saturday nigh and some of
Annual Mkf.tino. The annual meet
ing of the V C T U was held last evening
at the hall, and was well attended. The
znenovs grew so mianous along lowaru associal!on is in a flourishing condition
morning that the olbcers of Ihe law- had f0H0Wini nfficera were elected
President, Mrs L F Sox; Recording
to interfere and thev hul a regular Itish
wake of a time. Knives and shilluleys
were In the air ami Me courts of justice
have been asked to right the wrangle.
The boys have sobered up now and are
sorry the disturbance occurred and we
'.rust their better judgment will prevent a
similar scene. Times.
Ax- i) bv Carhoi.ic Acid. Mr Chas
Cusick, the druggi- wears considerable
of a patch Cif burnt flesh above his left eye
caused by a dropper containing carbolic
acid falling, elastic end downward, on a
showcase, resu ting in-the hot liquid flv
ing into his face, narrowly escaping his
CiiASOif. ok Timk. Beginning on No
vember 1st the North hound overland will
pass Alhanv at 3 o'clock a. m.. a fact that
uill generally be appreciated bv bus driv
ers and hotel men. as well s by the depot
employes. The South bound train will
arrive Here at u o' clock, about 2i minutes
A Hir; Incorporation. Frank J
Crouch, of Eugene,(J P Houston and Win
L Houston, ot Junction City, have incor
porated The 'Crouch-Houston Electric
and Manufacturing company, formanu.
fact ure and sale of the Crouch patent
improved safety dvnn:m. Place of bui
ncss, Eugene, stock, $i,ovooo
A Siiok Itkm. S E Voimg has just re
ceived a l:ugn ntoek of nIioch, for men,
woim-n and children, including particu
larly a (in lino of school shoes. The
bent tnakeH in the market can he found
in 1.;. i. .1
ins ruuu viutui uncut.
Secretary. Mrs S A McAllister; Corres
ponding Secretary, Mis M J Townsend;
Treasurer, Mrs J Althouse; Vice Presi
dents are: Mrs Sears, Fiist Presbyterian
church; Mrs M M Hlain, United Presby
terian church; Mrs Hearst.Congregatlonal
church; Mrs Cundiff, M E church South;
Mm (trimmer. Evangelical church; Mrs
.1 L Hill, Baptist church.
1 10 nit AiituiAik
Resideiivn loiiar- bfim &..! V .1
Have ym heird how luts are aelllmf u:
TnwoMod'a iddithm.
Ktfiwart&Sox sll tha ycry belt f stent
tempered shears and sciHora.
Udim Oxford ties at greatly reduced
rates at Klein Krot. Must he Bold.
A Urge line of elf Kant gold watches in
tasty nw trays at Will & Stark 'a.
Mr If J Hnpkins'dancim; school will open
st the Cpo'a Ifouse Friilv nvetiinif t A
o'clock. He sure aod attend.
The very latest styles and noveltUa in the
millinery line just received atjthe Misses
Ball's. 'Jail and see them.
With his new bakery Conrad Meyer it
able to offer old and new customers every
thing firstclass in baked gondj.
It is now aiHerttd that Balmaceda ig a't
dead, 'i'hat ho if alive and noon expects tt
bo in Nujr Jfork ua his way to Europe.
W W Davis is now in charge af the De.U
moiilco restaurant, kloals !3 onts. Eastern
oysters, fresb. Ever) thing firat-dlasa.
Decidedly the largest and choicest variety
of tea iu town is at V E BrnwnelJ's. Hun
dried, basket tired, g-etp, black, English
break fastt Sic,
Cottou fti(U Kavs not been a chpnp sinct
the war as they ara now. Oall ana sea what
bar gum DAS,
GotnOC McFarland for sadlery, har
ness, whips, robe, all kinds of hor. e c'oth
iug etc., etc.
Rev H H Oubbius, of Berkley.California,
will preach at the Congregational church
next Sabbath nvrniug at 11 o'clock and iu
the evtning at 7 .30 p in.
If -fflicted with tcalp (Pseases, hair falling
out, nd premature baldness, do not ue
Kreane or alcoholic preparations, but apidy
Hal! a U&ir Kenawer.
GS cases on the Circuit Court docket of
f.ane. Court convenes there on the 26th.
The last number put on the docket for the
couit here was 1(J0.
Preuching at the Willamette UP church
next Sabbath at 11 o'clock, and at the Shedd
chapel at4 p m by Rev A F Kirkpatrick, of
lacoma, Wash.
A large number of diummers are passing
through .he valley, and generally report
uood business prosuects. It takes as much
tact to buy well as to sell well.
At the County Convention of the WOT
U held at Halsey the following officers were
elected. Mrs L K Hlain, ot Albany, rreai
dent: Mrs Grover. of Brownsville, Vice-
President; Mrs Archie Hammer, of Albany,
The Toledo Coal company expects to make
its first shipment of coal to the f alley In a
few days, perhaps on Saturday. About
twenty tons will be sent out. The ooal is
of a good quality and a big thing is antiot
pited, as the Vein is a larpe one.
Of the 47 cases on the docket of the Cir
cuit Court of Crook county. Lawyer M I
Brink, formerly of this city, appears aa At
torney in 23, being associated with J N
Duncan in 17 of tbem, and J K Wyatt, of
this city, in one.
Out on the Fabritus Smith place can be
seen a peculiar freak of nature a rara avis
which is exciting much infferest just at
present. It is a common wild pheasant that
is cutting up these peculiar antics, one of
the slyest and. most exclusive buds knwp
to the hunter. Every day as young Hamlin
Smith is hauling wood, tnis bird JJwill sit
either on bis wagon or the woodpile cooing
ind playfully following him about in sucn a
manner as to surprise everybody. Salem
Christian Esueavcr Df.legates.
Chairman Cusick, of the committee on
reception of the local union of Christian
Endeavor Societies, has received a list of
ov.-r a hundred delegates already elected
who will be present at the State meeting of
t tie societies to convene here cn the 30th,
The delegates from the Alhanv societies
are: Christian: J F S"ewart,M Laughlin,
P B Marshall, Epa Stewart and Fred
Bloom. Presbyterian: Tiny Monteith,
Sadie Nelson, Abbie Wright, Flora Mason,
Dr F J Ball. Congregational: II M
Young, Annie Althouse, E E LaHmore,
Mrs E Vassalo, Claud Vunk. United
Presbueiian: Frank Breckenridge, Ed
Crohsen, Khoda Hail, Mildred Btrmester,
Elizabeth Irvine.
To-morrow the O V
come up at Corvalli
A CAXtm.
The Nfw York Pre as Expose that
Inul Rill" Ilulnefts.
The article credited to the New York
Press going the rounds of the papers, in
which it Is alleged lhat unfavorable action
has been taken in the New Yor Legisla
ture against the Royal Baking Powder,
proves to have been a canard, gotten up
nd circulated by opposition baking pow
der makers for purposes quite apparent to
ery one.
The New York Press, In exposing the
"aua, says: "No such legislation as that
stated In this article has ever been had in
tais state or in any legislature, to o r
knowledge," The He Is made from whole
Ooth, The Press, disclaims any responsi
bility for the publication, and objects to
wing made a partv to such methods
tdopted by some baking powder mar.u
lacturers In their efforts to substitute their
goods for others now In use.
case will again
The result will
probably be the final order for the sale of
lite road. The pnb.ic generally will he
ulnd to see the case at a climax. It means
in any event the payment of '.he hands,ard
jroiniiV more, it is to be hoped the Per-
nent organization of the road and the
pu-hing of it e;ist ward, something that
will redound to Albany's prosperity. It
will pay to keep cool, there is a silver lin
ii.g byond ihe present unpleasantness.
( mcriT Court The following new-
cases have been begun in the circuit court
SjPaulard Alice I Paul agt Katie
and Laura Paul; for appointment of
I R Dawson as of Don A Smith
agt J W Brown tV Son; to recover money
Albany Iron Works agt J W Brown &
Son; to recover money.
AmiKTiojr. The very In test news ia that
joo can buy of Julius Gradwohl'i
Bsesar, for net cash. 1A pounds granula
ted sugar for Sl.00 and IS pound Extra 0
autrar. All good sold for ret cash from 10
to 25 per cent leas the regular price, as I
intend to run a strict cash store. He will
sell No 1 kernel) oil for twentv-bve cents
a grliou, a od tivt galloas of pickles , for $1
all at uet cash, at J u lies Wndwohl s bazaar,
He also keens a geneial assortment of
groceries for sale as above at net cash.
We in t restate t ttampt
TswNrn k Wit, pen,
Used ia Millions of Homes 40 Years the St&
Now Is the ti'asotl whc i men are men.
Iloned for Cungretr, many of lliein.
An Iron mine has been illKcovereil In
Polk counly. Who fcavs Orcion Is not
In It.
We have reed red a bundle of circular.
from Dr Aborn.of Portland. If the Doctor
U as 6low about curing as he is about pav
ing for advenl-ina, his patients will be
sick a long time. Silverton Appeal.
A' the rre.ent time just about $100,000
worth of improvements are going on at
Albany. That of itself is not a bad record,
and It doesn't include switches, and new
telgraph wireB and poles.
An exchange up the road Is trj Ing to
work up a libel suit with some Portland
politicians as plaintiffs; but It Is safe to
reir.ark that thev w ill not succeed. Poli
ticians are genera'ly tod shrewd for that.
They know you can prove anything.
A late statement shows deposits in about
half of this city's banks of nearly $3,500,
000. This is somewhat more than the
assessor found short time ago. Other
cities could show similar increase. Times
are evidently Improving, Seattle Tele
graph- "
A reheartal of Belahazzar will be held at
the Cotlega tomorrow evening at 7:30.
Notich to LiDiEK. My cloaka liave
now arrived and I am enabled to give the
ladies of Alhanv bargains in fall and
winter cloaks for a few days only. I wi'.l
have at my store a sample of every style
of Bealette and cloth cloaks or jackets
made br one of the largest hnstern
manufacturers. They comprise all the
novelties of the season. These goods
will be in the store for a few days only
and will be sold at wholesale prices. Call
early and secure the best selection.
u vv MMFSOM.
IJon't go to the trouble of running all
over the city, but go directly to Conn A
llcndrirwui's and get what vou want in
the (iKOCKUY line. Their stock is
large unil well-selected. Fresh produce
uid IriutH can alwava bo secured t their
stands at the lowest prices. Vou get
good goods ami prompt attention. In
rockery, glassware, laiiios. etc.. thev are
also having I'ig run. No better place
111 tno city lor bargains 111 tins line.
Don't close jour eyes against these facts.
Gt to 2 W C'"hb. tticetHsur to Psisler 3c
Smilej, Klinn Blofk, for ymrj b printing
M all kinds.
Trarbers Exanilnulloo.
Notice is hereby given that the regular
public examine ion of teachers, for Lion
county, will take p'.aea in Albany, com
mencing on Wednesday, Nov. 13th. at
1 o'clock, p in and continue until Friday
noon, Nov. 13'h. All teachers must
positively be present at the time of com
mencement, as no one will be admitted
to the examination who is not so present
County School Snpt
The Char es b Zxim kid gloves manu
factured at Phil&delphia are the best iu the
market. Call at Ad Mcilwaio 3 and
amiDe them before purchasing.
The Latest Hits. Oh, What a Differ
ence in the Morning," and "Hush, the
Uogie Man." If you don't believe it go
and ask Will & Link, who have these
newest pieces of music for sale.
For Sale. Twenty-four acre tract of
land, nil in cultivation, suitable for prune
orchard, $45 per acre. Inquire 011 prem
tses ot Wm St John, 4 miles we
gent . st of Tan
Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Mn AVI10 Meet
Upon The Street,
Diseusi the wonderful induements that we are offering in
Clothing, Etc., of every grade and description. They are
surprised at the quantity, quality and prices of the goods
we ars displaying and wonder how we can afford to make
such offer.
Well, we have the goods to sell, they are paid for and we
have tried to do the public a favor by dividing profits with
them. Come in and let us call your attention to a few
points which you hav doubtless overlooked.
The Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailo
I wish to say to my friends and cus
tomers that I have my fall and winter
styles in millinery ready for trade. Will
ne pieuseu to snow gooua at any lime.
Ida M llm'sii.
I W Ac bison &Co are telling monumsnta
at Portland pneea.
"That is the first READY MADE suit'. I have
worn for Twelve Years," sa'd a prominent busi
ness man the other day, as he walked out of the
store of T. L. Wallace it Co. with on of those
handsome patterns and richly tailoredgarments
under his arm.
A Perfect Fit is Guaranteed..
No matter what shape the man, bf belong and slim or
short and stout, we selected owr stock' to fit
ANY and ALL.
A Large and Beautifu1 Line of
Overci)ats,JMacintosh and Rubber Goods.
A Complete Line of
Fine Umbrellas,
New and Novel Neekwcar,
Latest Styles in Hats.
And we would especially call attention to our line of
UNDERWEAR, which is Large and Complete and se
lected with a view to please tliotc who Mifl'er with cold in
winter. To see it you will buy it. As regards prises would
say that our daily increase in sales speak volumes,although
we make no pretensions to sell cn class of people cheaper
than any other.
believe in strictly ONE PRICE to all and have
marked til our goods in Plain Figures,
leading Clothiers and Furnishers.
Strahan Block,
Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices,
And a ttcneral assortment of
Near the Post Office, : Albany, Oregor