Saila Democrat A (iUEAT CONSPIRACY. A Washington correspondent of the Chicago Timet send. he following to tha paper: The United State treasury department has a job before It that has not been equal cd except by the liristow administration In 1876, when It attempted to put down the great hlsky ling, which had its agents In the White Ilou.e while Gen Grant was president. For six months the ablest detectives in the government's employ have been hunt. lng out the facts In relation to the great opium-smuggling, which lias Its head and center In the l'uget sound district. They have made a report which is appalling. The evljeiice now in possession of the treasury covers a thousand pages of fools cap. It is of so startling a character, In cluding such statements about men of r.a tlonal reputation, that it is almoH incredible. It extends through Portland, Ore., through all the cities along Puget sound, down the line of the Canadian Pacific to the metropolis. It is so enormous in ex tent that the treasury does net know where to begin ist prosecution' and includes so many men of high standing. At least two United States senators are involved and five congressmen. It is the most enor mous combination to cheat the govern ment In its extent and power that was ever known In the country's history. For six months the United States treas Ury has been aware that an opium-smiig-gling was in successful operation on the Pacific coast, It made its details for in vestigation with the utmost care, for it was difficult to find men who could be trusted. Nobody from the section where the work had to be done could be employed, be cause the concern was all-powerful, and if bribery was not sufficient darker means might be employed. Though it is difficult to get any positive information from the government officials enough has been given out to show that jthe full details are tn the treasury's pos session. "We nave full information as to the methods employed," said an officer of the treasury today, "but the difficulty will be in procuring testimony that will convict. The conspirators are American and Chi nese, and though we know who nearly all of them are, our information U not in a form that can be produced in a court. 1 here Is the trouble." "Why is this opium smuggling so profit able?" "Because there is a duty of fi: per pound on the stuff " "Didn't the McKinley bill put this dulv o n opium?" "Yes, it did, and that ! why the busl hess has grown to such colossal dimen sions.'' "Can't the collectors stop it or catch fiome of the smugglers?" "Sometimes a lot of the stuff is captured, but we never can make a case against the smugglers that will hold. All we hare ever h:cn able to do is to confiscate the con traband opium when it is found. When Daniel Manning was secretary cf the treas ury, Col Beecrer.a son of tne great Brook lyn preacher, was appointed collector for the Puget sound district. He had been a Captain in the aitillery of the regular army during war and was breveted colonel for distinguished gallantry. He was a new man, and came out from Biooklyn and t03k hold with vigor. "Before he had been in office three months he got on the track of the ring. He found one lot of opium, about 2,500 pounds, that was in Alaska waiting v chance to be smuggled into the United States. It was in a big batch of canned salmon, put up In two-pound cans, marked "Alaska Salmon." There were nearly When a custom officer proves too efficient and makes too rrany seiurrs or keep too bright a look-out, the all-powerful ring has him removed. This is especially the case with the Puget sound district. This district has given the treasuiy departmcn more trouble than any other in the United Statet. When the removal .1 month ago was made a senator from the Hate of Wasl ington said to the Timet correspondent that he had not asked or accomplished this re moval and that It was not made for any political reasons. The correspondent thought then there was something curious ly mysterious about the matter. He knows what it was now. 1 he government is at a loss just now how to proceed, but it will have to push the case, no matter who is hurt. If the re port the treasury has In its vaults ever omes to light It will be a wonderful nar- lai'vc ui now men nign la tne nation s re spect have been for years In league with the breakers of the nation's laws. NEW ADTBRTISRUKNIB. TOST Near Masonic enmeterv, a gold J Bean" pin with Karnet sot Leave a. this otliee and receive reward. SATCHEL LOST -Monday, Oct. 19th, between Albanv and Marlon. Finder please deliver same to this otllco. rtOW LOST-On Wednesday. Oct 14, a S years old, with strap and ring attached, strayed from the subscribers near Calapooia bridge. The finder, on return to toe, will be paid all xpenss. JOHN liKIGGS. .IOR RENT One rooms, sunny and pleasant W 1 J: W. Bentley, aixiu streets. two furnished Call on Calapooia and C K REWRD-For 0.1 name turn to P Lindgreu. Albany iron works, Gorilan setter pun, black nnd inn. Antwers to name of Carlo AbovA reward for its rn- ! K UK Hit A piauo At Klein Hnj lit ami Nluw nttrt. Now cloak at W K Head's. I..U'.t t U't of Imts at V K Rena l. It diutuu iu umine-r xo t V F Hum.'! Aj'p! p trorn f r mtU at Stewart 4- SoX. N A Hull n, luii;it, French's corner. Ki.K jt-rocMrioiti at Conn & llendriciou'i. Latest sheet niuaio at Will & Link's, I'ar.isoU ami sun umbrellas at leas than oot at W F Read's. Gold Rpcctat'lfsj ami eve itlatea U stylus and price, at F M French'. The! finest lino of pocket k aires in the oity at Mewat t A 8x s. Bargains in auld watches at French's, Mlhe Corner Jewelry More. A full line of Warner's corsets, bestl in Hie worm ior me money, at w r Kead a I. W. Beutlev. b'adin? baot and shoe maker just east of Kovore House. C V Cobb, job printer, Flinn Block, does nrst class work. See that elegant pivto at K'eiu Bros Boot ana Mioe store, FOR - SALE BLOCKS AND-ILOTS IN TOWNSEND'S ADDITION Si AT Thanksgiving next. Several turkeva ic in me tiiy geiung reauy ior uie tea.t CON STIPATION. T) EADY TO WORK. Parties desiring a , wwu pui m ur s;iy Kiiiu or isuor done, can obtain prompt attention bv se curing the services ot Daniel Low, a"t t'ae little lorry bouse, Leave orders there, ."iOUND" On the street todav, a lady's el. A.. 41I...AI J IOUXD A silver watch. Owner can have the same bv oavinir advertising and charges, Apply to Lincoln St John, three miles west of Tangent. UND-Near the bupcv whip. Owner tuis ad and get hu whip, Revere bouse, a cal, pay for M Kock cockerells. Thomp'ou. Albany: dozen Plymouth Inquire of Kul'us "117"AN"TED, four or fl ve acres of totd T T Harden land, near Albany. to ren . at Charles M. pply to Peter Downs urku art's. VTOTICETO DEB"oP.S,-Havinn gone IU out of business I desire to cWa nn all ei- ;siidiuc accounts. All persons udebted to me are renuested to call on nie aud settle at ouce. J. J. DUBRDILLE. lo,ooo cansof opium and tih toyi ilier,:uui it wrs an awful job to te!t one from the oilier. Heecher liad foun i near1- 150,000 worth of opium w hen he was stopped. In two months mere he would have ruined the ring and had its ringleader in the peni tentiary, "Ue was offered $30,000 by a man high in a great political party's ranks to stop hunting for opium. He refused the bribe Tnen another tack was tried. Beecher had been appointed during the vacation of congress. The senate was not in session and he had not been confirmed. The big politicians sent their agents to Washington and charges were made against Beecher of some sort. Just what they were I don't know. But the senate committee on com merce would not make a favorable report on his nomination and he was never con firmed." "Were the facts you have stated made public then?" "No. The treasury hoped to catch the smuggleis and everything was kept secret. When Col Beecher was beaten a new man was appointed, but he did nothing." "Do you know who beat Beecher's con firmation?" "No, because the executive sessions of the senate arc ecret, but we know w ho the senators were that caused his rejectnicnt." "And where were they from?'' was asked. "The man who really did the work was from the I'acitic slope. About a month ai;o the collector for the Port Towncn J di-l.ict, a man who was appointed bv President Harrison at the beginning of the aJ::.inl-itra'i'n,vas r.'movcd v. i'.iioir. warn lug or explanation, lie was seizing too many Chinamen and too much opium V-on-i.i'j; to "-' r::i RedCrownMills SOU. L,.NVIN'3& ::.. i'?0PR'S KW raOUBM ITLOUR SF?ER10R WOK. PAMII.1I AND BAKERS ?9B. KEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Afflict 1 half the American peoplo rot there la only one preparation of Sanaparflla that acta on tho bowels and reaches this Important trouble, and that Is Joy's Vegctablo 6a rso par lit a. It re lieves it in 21 hours, and au occasional dew prevents return. Wo refer by permission toC.K. ikington, 12& Locust Arenne, Ban Francisco; II. Urown, rvtaluma; II. 8. Wian, Ocary Court, iu Francisco, and hundreds of others who have used it iu constipation. One letter is a sample ol hundn-d. El kin cum, writes: ! have been for years subject to bilious headaches and constipa tion. Have been fo bad for a year back hare hud to take a physic every other night or else I would have a lK-aduehe, After ULin- one bottle of J. V. S.( I urn i:i spk'iulitl khapo. It has done wonderful t'-iins for me. People similarly troubled tdiouM try it unl U- ..ilvinted.,, Vegetable Joy s iirsaparilla Most modern, most ifrt'ective, luiueil bottle same price, JI.Q0, six fur V'-0o. FOR SALE BT STANARD & CUSICK ALBANY Prices and Terms jcvei' Thouulit o" fk:'oi'o ir- THESE PRICES ARE ONLY FOR 60 DAYS Townsend's Addition is one of tho best to the City of Albany, and parties who want a home in a good location will never have a better offer than this. FREE CONVEYANCE TO PKOPEllTY TFOR TERMS SEH J. H. TOWNSEND, eOLDlWATCIIES GOLD FILLED WATCHES, COIN SILVER WATCHES, NICKEL WATCHES, It . CHE-A-F FOE C-A.S3 AT We are the People Wh carry the most complete line of llard- Steveg, Range, ete., in tho market. ware, F, M. FRENCH'S The Comer Jewelry Store. WASTED t pentlf lYinn rf biiBlnei eity o represent (in 'Oreern esrporation in Linn county. Must be well known and bsjeira'll capilal. Ad ress, BnBinees, Bevere H mine. Alban MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. TI LADIES BAZAAR. ' la tka Leaclinu Millinery and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, Ttkcy oarrjr all tha Latest Stales and NovclUes In tho Millliii-ry lint, sr., a complete stock of Ladies and Children's Furnishing goods, and read.v-madr garments. Uoods the best, and prices tha lowest. Call and b convinced. :- :- FROM AN HL.OUK FIRST STREET. I am now receiving my Fall stock of Dry Goods, and am showing full lines of seasonable goods in the following departments, viz: 7 r Carwi in .1 M JTlTo& rtliikranlMrl nnt to II Bl O is acknowledged the lendtnir remedy for GODorrhtrs A (.ltft. The only naie remeiy tot JLncorrho?orWhitcg. I t resort be it and feel fi in rpri-immKniifniT it TheEwhsChem"" C-t. to all sufferers. OHCINNSTI.O U 9U A. J blUrtK. m. U.t IfErATI'R. ILL, Sold by UrainrUtsS. Stanard & Cusick.AgeDts. lOusuoWd not to 1 Birlowe. lira eoir ir ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. VOTIl'E IS HKRERY CIVKN THAT THE TN iJers'cued has tltn day bwn aiiititrl tuimin istrator vt theetatenf Atniruw lUIetwo, late ( I.;nn countv, Orfifon, deevawd, hy the count v court of L iiii count v, Ortvoti. All ncrsonn having claims arainn Kiiii ertate are hereby notified to prcitt the Mine pmpcrly v.rifltd to the undfrsu'ned at thcofnes of J a Weathcrford, AH anv, I.ini untT, f'ret;ii, within m. iiLitiili fr.n. thu d;itc vt thi IP! ltfd at AiSanj.thi l. th tUv of ( 1. v p CSUoff, Jr. J K WitVrf.,r l, Adminittrator, Atr; f-r Aiimitiiurator. (10:) SHERIFFS NOTICE OF TAX SALE NOTICE is hereby giren that bv virtue ora warrant for tie collection of delin fUpnl taxes on the a.wiiiient of 1890 fur tne county of Linn and state of Oregon, duly issued by tlieC.uinty Clerk of said count j, w lik h warrAiit is now in iny hands attached 1 1 the liit of unpftld and dniin quent taxes for the year 1M0, In said Linn county, and not having been able after di'iirent search to lind any personal prop erty within said county out of which to make th? taxes hereinafter mentioned I have It vied upon the lauds des cribed in Ihe list hereinafter set forth as the proi erty of the person whose name is set opposite each tract as the same appeara .ssessed cn said delinauant tax roll, ana will on KalurUar, be iOlh ilaj of Xoveuiber, 1891, at the door of the county court house. In Albany. Man comtv. Oreiron. at tha hour of 1 o'clock pm of said day. sell at public auction to the highest bid'der for casn in band on the day of sale, all the herein alter described lands or so much of each tract as may be necessary to pay and Kntisfv the tax assessed auainstthe owner of such tract, in said Linn cotin'v, for the year J81X). touetber with accruirir costs and expenses, which list is as follows. AM'T. OF TAX ES. Iirntiinn A Sunitnerville.part of the I) L C of Jacob Nje, tp 13, S K 1 vv I'm .......... o nrt i . n.trn 9 y jy William Held, tho l L C of John M-l.-l . . I. ' (. 1 1 . .... ime; uiu i' i.L in rt ieisier, Hi iu, o nnnti, 1 v. ,u il HITHS . 118 McKiuire, 8 K a sec 24 tp lis H I W", liiO acres .7 5 70 Al! in Linn county, Orc.oi). Nnr.cK.-Taxpaybrs please take notice that coils ate mm to be added to the above amouiits before settlement. Dated Oct. 'JUt, 1W1. M.MXiir, Sker-ft of Linn tout, or. Silks and Velvets Foreign Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Domestic Dress Goods Shawls Cloaks Skirts Underwear f Hoves Hosiery Handkerchiefs Boots and Shoes Notions Ribbons Laces White Goods Linens Carpets Upholstery Yarns Corsets and Embroideries Groceries Woolens Cloakings Tailors' Trimmings Bags, Warps and Batts Flannels Jeans and Cottonades Blankets Domestics Ginghams Prints Samuel E. Young. HOW DO YOU D0?c ITY DRUG STORE There is no don'ot (hat k lint s NEW Stock f 81LVERWARH. consi.llag apeona, knives, forks, fruit dishes, He. (old and silver fratofaea, (ewel y, ete, is the largest and best in the aity, and hy far In beat ever brought t Auakt. PRICES the Most Reasonable Call and See the GOODS tOyC PHOT OCRAPHER, flor Second andKeny M, Albany, Ol yUI'KUIOK work, guaranteed in ever; O branch ofliie ail. irKulargiug c li kinds a specialty. ITANTKDliy the tindersienod, 1(6 f I cords of maple chair liin her. Cill at our shop near rariuers Aarehnue, Albany, Oipgon. K. VliAL A .SON. Pfeiffer Block, Albany Stanard k Cusick ' aorwaroas: -IUUIIII- Druga, Medioines, theanitala, ,Fanc and Toilet Artloles, Sponges. Brushes) Perfumery, Sehool Books, and Artiata' Suppllea. Pbyalelana' preseriptlent eavre nllj ttni ti)Dde5. City Uestaurant. Hiviup been entirely remodeled, tbii o'd ind popular restaurant u iil be mue fir.i .las n every respect. Tho public will bi en good meals at all hoars iot only 23 ;eata. Kveryttung neat and attraciive I'nvate boxes. Oysters in ev ry tuyle. I) B. U. J IULL 'livsicun anJ Sunre-in. Soii'.il ,i:t hit ion vjv, 1'ipiujH.f "I mhki anJ ee, Ot'UCK;- Kut Intr t'uinmiii(f' dnu- t.rc. ki-i.itiuc 7th l-vn1'. OHicc Ikuiy, 9 lu 11 m to 4 p m. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! X ASK THE PEOPLE OF LINN COUNTY Wher t get th Best Bargains, ' Whtrt to get th Best Talue for Your Money, Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc., Ad th7 will Amwer with One Voice, at 33" G. W. SIMPSON'S. NOTICE TO FARMERS. rilHERB MAS BEEN TWO J. dred and .evenly eiKbt or on HWN- a-an tlemen in our establiahmeut aaj lug that you were Koing to order fence from ua ill is fall and winter. Each ol yon require! irom M rooa to 2t mies. io you no ee tha.. it will require some time to niauufacture that ainonnt of fouee? We wovld sucKont that more of you rrder NOW, tberehy giving ai tune toacoomo data you all. ALBANY FENCE WORKS. Albany -:- Nurseries. Won ilD( t. pin ten th. flnal l.t Jot trull Ire, la .11 dnirabl. vari.tici, la tb. .tai.. narWI ad Kit lii.uaud kHa (jrltiii.a bod, uaue. IKSPI.TION ISVITBD, TIbFiCTIOX OUARANTEICIl. l -OR SALE OR TRA DE Will sel 1 ! - .j-s.n J lur c.i.louf.r .n u. t iho ..1 .1 chosp for cash or trade for wood, four Cll lu'--e., ene-batl ail. iothtt cf Altai y orses, varyiiiu in price from fr,o to f all at onso at the marblt, shop next door! .,,., . ,..,,.,.,,. ..atoc.AT.thee. I H MAN & CROW 2y ELL.