4ta I I S S3 I B M H H H B YOL. IVi iLlUNT, OREGON, TIIlTIlSDiY, 0CT0I5EH ','2, 18U1. For BoHs. -1'..: cci'orr.a, anci o!! Mood cls.'ioaaee, tako Ayer's Sari It will relieve and euro dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feeling. Has Cured Others will cure you. nru my nernt. fer W ...ili-r in ! :ri'iu-v. Hliil liel Ihom fr yi)ti. t. . Ill, num. fiiinna our iilnm nib your iiuitwii", uriir m. rnil Inr SiTTAHk NO ft IIMTl'I 'm. jtl W. F. READ, Highest cf E in LesTemng Power. IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 7.M9, 11 . Powder Call and see what a s(oc-kof Fancy Goods, Furnishing Goods, f)rcss Goods, hosiery, We havo to select from. Our stock is notjonly the largest but the cheapest ever shown in Albany. WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE centTeWn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It 1 u n.-miilf !), with n tiit-kn or wax lliri-ml fMurt tltffi-W; mtvlo i.f Hi lit fin i-alf. MIUli nM i-nsv, uix) lrrtiu uti mutt mitr hta of this itrulr ttiitn any ttthrr uuittufarlut fr, It fijuuU bauii rvrl Mli-H-H cnvtllix from 4.n ti (MM.i'iitihii' Ilmid-wftwitrt, thr flrtMt rnlf JW- tiHj t vor olTtirrd ror 'tJ; niiuaU frviicn huix-riirt nlnM' which t-oit from Sl.tiito T IM llntil-fnwpl Writ Mints tin olf, 4)r ntylUb. i'oinrirt.t(l- mini -lurnM. Tti ;Ut- ivt oflrrt-.! At I hi irk ; Mint rl u t-u-:.iii mu'W Mio4-i costltiK from to CO 50 Follrv Wiori Fiu-nier. Itallrot'l Mn PUi unrt lttrrtrrlfrBall frrarlh-!!!; nnt(iir, M-iunl'-HH, Binrxith Innlilo. harj tlire mil, trxtfU ilti i-iIkm. mm in!r will wrayi'r. C0 50 flu1 "nlf no ltlr hr rTrr ofTwcl nt 3tlA thin prlcu; un trlHl will roiivlnc tbuM iu4.r. u nut MtilKM roroimifort nit wrvlw. ffirt ninl Si. 00 Worklni(iiinn nru very Btrf.tiK nnJ lurbli. Inm liM KlVfll litem irifti will Wfr iiu.nin-i -. EtOlO wont hyllio hoyn rfery whrra; tbrjrtall vtltlnTr int-rltB, n tin luerHftlnn 1" nhow. 1 94iac :.00 lUmd-Hwrd lio, litnt lojQICO liuiiKola, Trrfntj llih; W(Ulirt;u:li lifrt(M tauwi roMiiiK from 4;.iVi tn t4.ii. . f iidlrB' tt. AO, Mi.OO anil 11, .5 ho for I urn the Im-rI flit' Uougiilu. StyllMi t!l iluralil. Tiuullnii. hi'o that W. I.. Dtmla" nma una rice uro fltainuwl on tltc hoiiom ut f iih iln. - V. . DUUULAH, ilrocktttu, Ham- -"SVL- L. E. BLAI N. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD.!! ve liave just placed on sale a complete assortment of cioans ana jackets, in both cloth and plush goods, plain and fur trimmed. "V want you money. ABS01UTE13f PURE troiim o'iii,ki(; l F. M. French keups railroad timo. j Uuy yojr'pwrws of Parktr Bros New cream chesse iust received at Conrad fye. Smoke th cnlehrat-d Havana fil'ed 5 cent oi;ar at Julius Joseph', A hrvrnck of wall paper, with late dc- inn, at Furtiniller !t Irviiig'B,juat received. Have you aeeu those parlor suha that T Brink has just received ? Tboy are nice, j W Boutley, best boot and shoe maker in city, three doors north of Democrat ofiice. W Achison h Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for lemctery lots. TheBe walls can be furnished at half the coat of any other and are far superior. I)r M H KHU, rhy3ician and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. C;i!ls made In cit) or oonntry. Ladies oan do their shopping in San Fran cisco without viuititii? the city, and without extra commission. Miss K J Brrnw ? r chisin aeut, Groya St, Oakland, Tatronize heme inliit y and buy hand made harue, warranto 1, from O C Me Karli nd, at Dubruille s old tnd. I ap.-r has bern tuccefcsfully made from the huhks of Indian corn. The process in- yoke boiling the husks in a tolution of caut)t:c to u. The result of the boilinz is a ghitu ou past, which, when pressed, yields u excellent fibre. yourtraJe and we feel confident we can save W. F. EEAD. gin Vhile trying to Crowd theit DEYOE & FR0SV1AN BRQS Store, where-thejr alwa have on hand he largest Stock south ol Vortland, of the lutet Improved Rifles and Shot 3uns; n Immense Mock of FUliIng Tackle of everv iescrlption; TenU, Uammnck, CatnpChnlrB and thousand of ether tilings too numerous to mention rteimir Shop in connection with the Store, and one of :ie best workmen In the State to do any ml ail kinds of work. Come one Come al. No rouble to ihow goods "Small profit and nulck lls" ih OUl rflOtlO. J. A. Camming. hoot I who i I Albany, -:- -:- -:- Oi onoMiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiHaaiiiiiiKiiiKiMHBnBHm Wal Paw l rtig: PaintH. Oils Gins, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON hi Store. n..ui utn.if i.ft.ri wit rooda III thft Vft .y, and the most reasf .ie prices, both h unllinir. 1 have on hand all ki..u. FUSHITU1E, ST3YE3, TIHWASE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PIUTU3ES CLOCKS, CRQCKF.RY, ETC., ETC. door want of S K Young's oi( atnr L. COTTULB for Infants and Children. 1 C sit or I a Jr. so well adapted to children that I roeommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archib, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Th ime of 'Coatoria Is so universal and Iia iiinrite bo well known that It seemB a work of mipererojraUon in endorse it. Few antlie intWlitreiit fatnilifs who du not keep Cabtoria within eusy reach. M Carlos MiTimt. T).D.. Now York City. I Ate Pastor Dloomlngilale Kefonuod Church, Caitorln cumt Colio, Constipation, Bmir Stomach, Dlarrhn'a. Jtructation, Kills Wortna, glvui uleup, and promotes di gestion, nthout injurious medication. Two hUf;e ledwood trees, growing side by side, fupport tho timbers and rails of a rail road in Souotna county, Calif. T.ie limbB hare heeu sawed otrsevonty five feet above tho furfano of acreek, and at this height the railroad crosses a ravine. Poppy seed hB no sedative property.. Id the enat the oil is pressed out and used as a Eubatiiuto 'for salad ol ia cookery. The refuse of the seed is then ucd for fattening poultry, AtWill & Stark's May be seen tli finest stock i Hold and silver watches, diamond and other rings, jew' elry, silverware, Ac, m the city. Removkd. W E McPhcison lias r mored liis loan and insurance office to opposite the Masonic temple, where at present lie lias plenty ot money to loan on Albany real estate. J.i idiBgl'Iiotugrapher A -any irpm We have bouiiht all theucu-tivi i- made by L W Clark and W H Green otid up to Not 15th, 1SS9. Duplicatea csn be had from hem ouly of ns at redueed latcs. We have also about 18,000 ueaativcj mad by our selres, from whica duplicates cud be had at like raies. We carry the on .y ful i line of vlewt f this state and do enlargt d work at lowett rates for tirat cUsb work. A e shall be pleased to see yoo at mr Studio in Fromaa'a Meek, next door to Masonic fVmplo. When Baay was slot, we gave her Castoria. When sh. was a CblUi, slie cried for Castoria. When sh. beuam. Miss, sh. .lung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave thein Castoria, R vraii; iie-lHie Kfier: c(i al way a seeded of AHn IJrus., FHdo H.oek. Bee W F.Road'a line cf dress gocds tins before buying elsewhere. aud Fortmillcr k IrTiriiz hur. aom. Renais sance lace curtains fur $15 a pair, as fine as aayrhiog eyer seen in the aity. 1'bey range down to $7 a pair. Other Uea oor tains dawn t. $1 loss a pair. The DsuoenAT will riehinyn a apwina: machine of any mal deiri, nxcept onetr wo. for hoin-orti iirub woodsnd part cssh; or will eHimdr othitr prop, a'tioud 4 my no doeiriut; a new uiMchiu. Tai Tka Urixkers. PrebahW three fourths uf the teas consumed are "Green Teas " Wnpleasant as the face may be, the bright, shiny green so familiar to us all is not Hie natural color, but is due to the facing cr glazing of the tea with Prussian blue. Indigo and ether mineral colors. That coloring hides the effect, of poor teas is undoubted; but is it healthful, and does It not call loudly for the Importation of a brand of pure, uncolored, unman ipulated tea? It was this condition of affairs that prompted the placing of Beech's Tea before the public Being the absolutely pure, un colorcd leaf it Is different in color frpm any ycu ever used. It draws a canary' color of a delightful fragrance that is a revelation t te drinkers, and Its purity makes It more economical than the arti ficial teas, less of it being required per cup. Sold only In packages. io cents per poui.d. Ask for Beech's Tea, pur, at childhood, foi. tale by Allen fires., Flinn black, Albany. TKI.EGKAPHIC NEWS Ci)U(unllniile t'aiiturrd. Chicago, Oct n. A special from New York to the livening Journal says: The fol lowing cablfRram lias been receiveJ, which, rots without sayinc, will not be eenerallv credited until confirmed by subsequent ad- ' Ices: "News was leceived in thit citv from London today that Russia has nracticallv captured Conslanlisople by the greatest coup nc main ui me ceniury, jn Alonday, a larce flee t of barges and vessels appeared on the Turkish coast of the Black sea near Tier koi, a town about seventy miles northwest of Constantinople, and landed 12,000 Cossacks and 22,000 intantry, I ticy seized the railroad along the coast from Constantinople to Iniada, immeuiaieiy crosseu me coast range ana seized another railway from Constantinople to .-noiun, a lown anoui sixty miles we&t 01 Con stantinople. This commands the two roaJs to Constantinople, and give the Russians con trol of the narrow wedge between the Black sea and the sea of Marmosa. At the point of this wedge lies Constantinople. Wouderrul Uurses; Stockton, Cal Oct 21. Two mere world records were broken on the Stockton tratk to day: The Palo Alto yearling Bell Bird, driven by Charles Marvin, went against her record of 2:27)4" and made the mile in 2:26. The filly did not make a skip in the mile. Marvin then drove Aricn, the 2 year old by Electioneer. lie went against his record of 2:15?, and made the mile without a skip, finishing wonderfully strong in 2:14. All trie timers agreeii, and veteran horsemen said the record would never be beaten by any other horse. Orrin Ilickok said he never taw such a game finish. He added: "That is the horse that will make the two minute mark, if any horse ever does." What C'ar!enes Did. Union. Or Oct 21. A fire broke out in the Cornucopia mining camp in the eastern part ol Union county at 5:30 o'cl'ck yesterday morning. A man had been sleeping in the office of Dr Wood, and, on going out in the morning, left a candle burning, from which, it issupposed, the hre onginated. Ibis build ing is situated in the southern portion of the town on the cast side of Main street. Before assistance could arrive the flames were be yond control. The office of Dr Wood, the barber shop and residence of TtiOTrcs Bab- bington, the Gallagher sallon building and the Babbington blacksmith shop, were des troyed. No one was injured. A FoollNb null. XoTtei MtJuliua Gradwohl lafnrn 1 the DKBmviAT that his 'Golden Rule Bazaar will be known hnr.afteiJ.s.liiliasWradivnhra Bazatr. Dated Al' inj, Spt. Skill. " For several years I have recommended your 1 Cartoria, ' and sh:ill always continue to do so a it has invuriaMy produced benelluial results." Edwin F. Pardbi. V. D., ' The Wintfcrop," 1 th Su-oet and 7th Ave., Kew York City. vasmiBiAwwia Tim Cbktacr Couvaky, 77 Murray Ptkkbt, New York. ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE S REM GROCERS "FRUITS AND FLOWERS." k it i in a T P.r HORTICUIX A nral uion'hly journal. edited by Prof r.. It. l.akn. rto larmnT or inm run afford to b with. nit 1. It PAYS whoever tak it, S- per Year. $1 i month, iO rer.tR a a!ii!e number. Addrews S I'. II KTKAKNS, unUnil. Oreoa CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE-OK IN THEIR Flinn Block, CIIDMITIIOf. rumviiiu.Bkv CHOICE FRUITS OF ALU :SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. -:- ALBANY, OREGON It vou vf it I lie best and most durnMe furni hire that i )ii;.mifactur 3 1 in tho city 0 to THOMAS BRINK'S 7 Sore Th:yat, ; Throei.tii-. t. 0.'.i(.i., ilutra. BroncMHi, ",iis, V.'&(jpirti Cousih, Croup, r.r'4, ft 1 f v.-y i-iVct'on of the -. '. ttf. j " linnifnr.tion. t-.it Plymouth, Pa Oct ai, Jacob Mastetman nn aged wealthy farmer, residing in Fairmont township, sixteen miles from here, committed suicide ye'terdty morning because his young wife eloped with William Iielas, one of his farm hanos, lie tracked ihemto the railroad station, where he learned they had tough: tickets to Philadelphia. Seven hundred dol lars in money and his best team and carriage disappeared at the same time. He returned home and shot himself. 4 Tralu Wreck. Monmouth, 111, Oct 21. Fiv peronns were killed and fifty rr sixty injured in a rail way wreck here at I o'clock this morning on the Burlington railway. The Omaha & Den ver fast exoress, which left Chicago last night ran into an open switch and ihe entire train was thrown from the track. Engineer Emery, and traveling engineer Courtney, whi had gone into tbt cab before the wreck, were killed outright. ot Only Ihe Xiilloaal DlitrftMe Iiul Muay Olhrr. It i aiid that dypepni is our national maladv. W'Al Bnuidreih'a Piili will cure the hatiotinl Ttiludv. ltinflMil hat conn tip it inn is t ho cur-e of iiur Bedeutat v .lfi1. We'.l. lirautl.vtti'b I'll will crtui y euro ennstiputio. It is enm-illy couceded that rhrumatib'n Ctind from a -id stumach and tuddu chalices of tem pern ur Krandrct.h's Pills haye cor roc ted al. this and wilt do it aukin. (.'hrrtaic dimae r re cured by taking two to four uf Hrtodreth's VilU every iiiyht for i:ioth. IirndrethN PiildAre noM in ovory drug and ntediciuA "e'-or, either pUin r snar coated . Wukrito Go. Go to Parkei Bros for fresh fruiteand vegetables. Go to Parker Bros for the best teas aii coffees. Go to Parker Bros for good baking powder. Go to Parker Bros for fine baked goods. The bst bread, cakes, pies, etc in the market. io to Parker Bros for your groceries generally, aud be assured of good goods and tirst-claBB treatuicb. .lust rect'itffd now and opened fir retail at CJE" ltrowm-'Ti tin fo'.lu.vin ("how Chow. Cooking MniMve, Ptclden iii vinegar. Salt HnrriiiL, Shit whiu tifch, Suit talnii'D. 1. not hirv your boo aud sine i until you 1 ee the 1 iatjo at Kleiu Bros, and as well hi vo xAiiiinft their lary atouk uf gnotU. T:t A 1 bun y Harknt. The Boad to Wealth Cannot be tucceisfully Imtlel nlta cut jooJ health. Ta reach wialth or any co8tcd Dosltlon In Ills requires the full possession and operation ot all the fao- ultlo. kind nature has endowed us witn. These conditions eannot exist unless tho r.rslcsl being ll In psrloct working .-;r-ir, and this la Impossible when tho liver and spleen are torpid, thusobolrucN In; the secretions, causing Indigestion and ir-pnol, with all ot their accom panying horrors. P?. HENLEY'S Enetii Dandelion Tonic exerts a t ITio Influence over the liver, exoltet It healthy action, resolves lit chronic enywrgemente, and promotes the secretions; euree Indigestion end contti nation, tharoeni tho appetite, tone! aa i the entire system, and oiakea Ufa worth , living. Wheat, 82 e- a per bushel, Oata, St Butter, 55 ceim por lb, Rirg. 2 ont. ?,er dua, Potatoes, St nta per busliol, Ird. II a 12 a ma Dr lb, Baom-.Hin 12 cents; aide . 11 e.Lle; ahojlders, 1 1 oenta, Beef on foot, 2 2K reoU per lb. Pork, dresae l. 6 cents per , fiour, fo por Oarrel. TOST. A (t.i'd rhiK, band, with flovr i era out In band In aereral ooioro hoiurn ti Dkmocrat cfTiee, favcats. and TTndi-Mrts obtained, and all Tat eat btiKlnrs coniinctpd for Modsrte Fe.s. n.i, nsir. i. nnnn.lt. u. s. Pni.nt Office. and wernnVernrc nati-nt la Il-ss tiuiothun Lhuse bt-iid nKKlcl. drawing or phniu.. Tl.ldr-.crlp. tlon. Vic atlvle, if iati-maito fir iot. free i;l i-h.rf. hir ft., nut ii.it. till inili'iit in secured. A Pamnhlet. "lluw In Olitaln Patents," with name, i.factu'd ciitnl Inyotirtitato, t'ounty.or uiM n, sent free. Ancru!.?, C.A.SWOW&COa Crposlt Patent OSIce. W::hLnon. D. C. Verker Rws, procer.. Hayk V noticed that Allen Bros' gro rv store in always full of fruits, vege tables, etc, tee very latest in the mar ket. If there is anything to be bad they have it. Peaches, Ferries, Cabbaees, Turnips, X tw Potatoes. Where to Get Them. When w&nttne n organ or nlar.a rail on G L Hlackman fvtico vau ran etler.t trow a riral class i.e.. Notice the extra hnllo vronrd razor osmI by bathers are sold by Stewart it- Sox. Lailins Oxfnrd tiea at Klein Uros. Cheap est in the city. Will he sold at gnxtly re duced rate. For barfsin. in nvornnniit., hear"t'rr eta.,irntclC V' Achirot& fVi.AII'sny.OreitoD All ExAurut The te for Aireiican ennsnmiition are 'iohuM- I" Dtin l.y Kurn . pean exerts, . ho aie '.ll-d Ml--t..ir-r.." Theencyeliipedin.fr .nl"-ti-v f"r f b. f.ct tint in a few years thev bsve t fim up their lucrative poeiti, rewiiii rhat'erel con stUutintia. Themihfaliptu'netsof he adul teratii'n. srd min.r: l colo'iov matt.r oiu not be more atrftrfilv pn. IWeeh. Tea is pure aa childhwd. For iy Allen flrro ! 1 U t i t i . t i v ; r :